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Moraine sequences in front of seven relatively low‐altitude glaciers in the Breheimen region of central southern Norway are described and dated using a ‘multi‐proxy’ approach to moraine stratigraphy. Lichenometric dating, based on the Rhizocarpon subgenus, is used to construct a composite moraine chronology, which indicates eight phases of synchronous moraine formation: AD 1793–1799, 1807–1813, 1845–1852, 1859–1862, 1879–1885, 1897–1898, 1906–1908 and 1931–1933. Although the existence of a few cases of older moraines, possibly dating from earlier in the eighteenth or late in the seventeenth centuries cannot be ruled out by lichenometry, Schmidt hammer R‐values from boulders on outermost moraine ridges suggest an absence of Holocene moraines older than the Little Ice Age. Twenty‐three radiocarbon dates from buried soils and peat associated with outermost moraines at three glaciers—Tverreggibreen, Storegrovbreen and Greinbreen—also indicate that the ‘Little Ice Age’ glacier maximum was the Neoglacial maximum at most if not all glaciers. Several maximum age estimates for the Little Ice Age glacier maximum range between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries, with the youngest from a buried soil being AD 1693. A pre‐Little Ice Age maximum cannot be ruled out at Greinbreen, however, where the age of buried peat suggests the outermost moraine dates from AD 981–1399 (at variance with the lichenometric evidence). Glaciofluvial stratigraphy at Tverreggibreen provides evidence for minor glacier advances about AD 655–963 and AD 1277–1396, respectively. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Clast fabric and morphological data have been used to determine the origin of fluted subglacial tills exposed by recent retreat of the Slettmarkbreen glacier, Norway. A new method for the interpretation of clast fabric data allows aspects of the strain and depositional history of the till to be reconstructed. The till formed by a combination of lodgement and subsole deformation by slip along discrete shear planes. Lodgement was dominant for the larger size fractions (>125 mm), while the smaller material was more susceptible to deformation. The fluted till surface reflects the tendency for the till matrix to deform into regions of low confining pressure in the lee of lodged boulders. Downglacier components of till flow are thought to have resulted in significant sediment transfer towards the margin.  相似文献   

A difference in the size of Neoglacial lateral moraines on either side of a valley axis (within-valley asymmetry of lateral moraine development) is described. Analysis of clast roundness has revealed subangular material in latero-terminal and terminal moraines; lateral moraines, however, exhibit a compositional gradient of increasing angularity with distance from the former glacier snout. Comparisons with clasts of known origin suggest that this 'roundness gradient' may be explained with reference to either or both of two hypotheses: (1) a variable proportion of supraglacial (or englacial) to subglacial transported material; and (2) the variable composition of regolith incorporated by a push mechanism from the valley sides. Within-valley asymmetry is inferred to result where the supply of debris to lateral moraines from these sources is unequal either side of a valley axis. Both interpretations are also consistent with the relatively large size of latero-terminal sections of end moraines. In order to account for the discrepancy between moraine size and apparent debris supply rates, it is suggested that the largest lateral moraines may have been formed over a longer time scale than the 'Little Ice Age', and that reworking of deposits may have occurred. The supply of debris to the north-facing lateral moraine at Nordre Illåbreen has been so great that it has developed into a rock glacier; this suggests the possibility that subglacial material and valley-side regolith, as well as supraglacial material, contributes to the formation of ice-cored rock glaciers.  相似文献   

In this paper the development of a large-scale gravitational deformation involving the eastern lateral moraine of the Athabasca Glacier in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada, is described. Interpretation and analysis of sequential aerial photographs indicates that a 540-m-wide segment of the eastern lateral moraine began to deform in the early 1950s; however, significant movement only began in the late 1960s. Since then, the moraine has undergone progressive gravitational deformation leading to a network of fractures, bulging, and the development of a large gap in the moraine crest. Geographic information system analysis of topographic changes between 1967 and 2006 indicates that the displaced volume of the moraine is approximately 9.0 × 105 m3. In the last 39 years, the moraine crest has displaced 55 m (1.4 m yr−1) down towards the glacier. The development of slope instability is linked to a combination of debuttressing from recent glacier recession, deformation of the moraine, as well as the movement of a large, mobile, debris-mantled slope impinging the upslope margin of the lateral moraine. This case study illustrates the importance of glacial conditioning and local geomorphological factors in creating conditions for large-scale moraine instability in recently deglacierized alpine basins.  相似文献   

Terminal-moraine ridges up to 6 m high have been forming at the snout of Styggedalsbreen for two decades. Based on intermittent observations during this period, combined with a detailed study of ridge morphology, sedimentary structures and composition during the 1993 field season, a model of terminal-moraine formation that involves the interaction of glacial and glacio-fluvial processes at a seasonally oscillating ice margin is presented. In winter, subglacial debris is frozen-on to the glacier sole; in summer, ice-marginal and supraglacial streams deposit sediments on the wasting ice tongue. The ice tongue overrides an embryonic moraine ridge during a late-winter advance and a double layer of sediment (diamicton overlain by sorted sands and gravels) is added to the moraine ridge during the subsequent ablation season. Particular ridges grow incrementally over many years and exert positive feedback by enhancing snout up-arching during the winter advance and constraining the course of summer meltwater streams close to the ice margin. The double-layer annual-meltout model is related to moraine formation by the stacking of subglacial frozen-on sediment slabs (Krüger 1993). Moraine ridges of this type have a complex origin. are not push moraines, and may be characteristic of dynamic high-latitude and high-altitude temperate glaciers.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first detailed sedimentological study of annual moraines formed by an alpine valley glacier. The moraines have been forming since at least AD 1980 by a subsidiary lobe of Gornergletscher, Switzerland that advances up a reverse bedrock slope. They reach heights of 0.5–1.5 m, widths of up to 6 m and lengths of up to several hundreds of metres. Sediments in these moraines are composed of proglacial outwash and debris flow units; subglacial traction till is absent entirely. Based on four representative sections, three genetic process combinations have been identified: (i) inefficient bulldozing of a gently sloping ice margin transfers proglacial sediments onto the ice, causing differential ablation and dead‐ice incorporation upon retreat; (ii) terrestrial ice‐contact fans are formed by the dumping of englacial and supraglacial material from point sources such as englacial conduit fills; debris flows and associated fluvial sediments are stacked against a temporarily stationary margin at the start, and deformed during glacier advance in the remainder, of the accumulation season; (iii) a steep ice margin without supraglacial input leads to efficient bulldozing and deformation of pre‐existing foreland sediments by wholesale folding. Ice‐surface slope appears to be a key control on the type of process responsible for moraine formation in any given place and year. The second and third modes result in stable and higher moraines that have a higher preservation potential than those containing dead ice. Analysis of the spacing and climatic records at Gornergletscher reveals that winter temperature controls marginal retreat and hence moraine formation. However, any climatic signal is complicated by other factors, most notably the presence of a reverse bedrock slope, so that the extraction of a clear climatic signal is not straightforward. This study highlights the complexity of annual moraine formation in high‐mountain environments and suggests avenues for further research.  相似文献   

A Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) tree-growth series from near the tree-line in upper Gud- brandsdalen, southern Norway (Slistad 1957) is analysed, and possible relationships to glacier and climatic fluctuations are explored. The series is smoothed by harmonic analysis, and calibrated using a variety of independently derived glaciological, geomorphological, and climatological data from Storbreen (Jotunheimen), the Storbreen gktschervorfeld, and Dombås meteorological station. The curves are then used to make inferences about the number, date, magnitude, and duration of glacier fluctuations and summer temperature fluctuations from 1700 A.D. to 1950 A.D. At least 10 major oscillations in the tree-growth data, reflecting fluctuations in summer temperatures of amplitude 1.0°C to 3.0°C, are believed to be indicative of glacier fluctuations. Periods of reduced tree-growth are a response to cool phases and indicate glacier advances after a lag of about 4 years. These short-term oscillations are superimposed on a general trend of glacier retreat and a long-term warming of 1.0°C indicated by a glacier equilibrium-line displacement of 140 m to 145 m since 1750 A.D. Problems and prospects for development of dendroglaciological and dendro-climatological techniques are discussed.  相似文献   

Processes of floodplain development and the record of Princess Point cultural occupation (A.D. 500–1000) were examined at the Grand Banks site in the lower Grand River of southern Ontario. The Princess Point Complex of the early Late Woodland is significant because it represents the first shift to horticulture in this region in which inhabitants made significant use of floodplains. The floodplain of the lower Grand River has been constructed primarily via vertical accretion of sediment in a low energy environment conducive to limited erosion and slow burial of middle and late Holocene sediments. At this site, cultural materials are preferentially preserved in two buried soils each corresponding to relatively stable periods of valley infilling at or before 3200 B.P. and 1500 B.P. (14C years). Initial formation of the floodplain and subsequent stability of the floodplain surface can be tied to middle Holocene, and later, base-level fluctuations in Lake Erie. Understanding floodplain development is crucial in determining the linkages between settlement pattern and chronology, and, conversely, the archaeological record in floodplain settings provides important contemporary data for modeling floodplain geomorphological processes. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Arrested charnockite formation at Kottavattam, southern India   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract At Kottavattam, southern Kerala (India), late Proterozoic homogeneous leptynitic garnet–biotite gneisses of granitic composition have been transformed on a decimetric scale into coarse-grained massive charnockite sensu stricto along a set of conjugate fractures transecting the gneissic foliation. Charnockitization post-dates the polyphase deformation, regional high-grade metamorphism and anatexis, and evidently occurred at a late stage of the Pan-African tectonothermal history. Geothermobarometric and fluid inclusion data document textural and chemical equilibration of the gneiss and charnockite assemblages at similar PlithT conditions (650–700°C, 5–6 kbar) in the presence of carbonic fluids internally buffered by reaction with graphite and opaque mineral phases (XCO2= 0.7–0.6; XH2O= 0.2–0.3; XN2= 0.1; log fO2= -17.5). Mineralogical zonation indicates that charnockitization of the leptynitic gneiss involved first the breakdown of biotite and oxidation of graphite in narrow, outward-migrating transition zones adjacent to the gneiss, followed by the breakdown of garnet and the neoblastesis of hypersthene in the central charnockite zone. Compared to the host gneiss, the charnockite shows higher concentrations of K, Na, Sr, Ba and Zn and lower concentrations of Mg, Fe, Ti, V, Y, Zr and the HREE, with a complementary pattern in the narrow transition zones of biotite breakdown. The PlithT–XH2O data and chemical zonation patterns indicate charnockitization through subsolidus-dehydration reaction in an open system. Subsequent residence of the carbonic fluids in the charnockite resulted in low-grade alteration causing modification of the syn-charnockitic elemental distribution patterns and the properties of entrapped fluids. We favour an internally controlled process of arrested charnockitization in which, during near-isothermal uplift, the release of carbonic fluids from decrepitating inclusions in the host gneiss into simultaneously developing fracture zones led to a change in the fluid regime from ‘fluid-absent’in the gneiss to ‘fluid-present’in the fracture zones and to the development of an initial fluid-pressure gradient, triggering the dehydration reaction.  相似文献   

14C dating and pollen analysis of the surface organic (LFH) horizons of several humo-ferric podzol profiles forming a soil catena close to the 'Little Ice Agc' outer moraine ridge of Haugabreen, southern Norway, are used to examine the timing and nature of podzol development at the low-/sub-alpine margin of the Jostedalsbreen area. Comparison with results from a palaeosol buried beneath the outer moraine shows that FH horizon development began as early as 5,265 ± 65 B.P., but that it was not synehronous across the profiles, the latest profile having a date of 3,590 ± 65 B.P. It is argued that surface organic horizons developed as a response to a deterioration of climate and possibly the recrudescence of the Myklebustbreen ice cap at c . 5,000 B.P., and that the dates for horizon initiation vary according to local topographic and soil-hydrologic conditions. It is still uncertain whether the hump-ferric podzols were preceded by brown earths or weakly podzolised sub-alpine podzolic soils, but at all sites where pollen evidence is available it appears that FH initiation took place beneath Betula woodland.  相似文献   

JANE K. HART 《Sedimentology》2006,53(1):125-146
The subglacial processes at Briksdalsbreen, Norway, are examined by a combination of sedimentology, thin section and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis of till samples from an exposed subglacial surface and from beneath the glacier. Studies of a fluted surface indicate that subglacial deformation is occurring on a field scale with flutes forming behind most clasts 0·6 m high. At the thin section scale (0·014–2·0 mm) it is seen that deformation is by rotation and attenuation and is dependent on till texture. At the SEM scale (0·1–0·4 mm) it is seen that erosion is controlled by abrasion and percussion which produces distinct grain ‘styles’ as part of an erosional continuum. Overall it is shown that rotation and attenuation is a dominant process at all scales and that the clast interactions associated with different scale perturbations within the shear zone control erosion and deposition, as well as landform and fabric production.  相似文献   

The two ice caps of Svartisen,at the latitude of the Arctic Circle in Norway,supply 60 glaciers,ranging in size from >50 to <1 km2.Until the last two decades of the 19th century,the glaciers remained close to their maximum recent(Little Ice Age) size.In response to the prevailing 20th century climate,they have become smaller,but the changes have varied between glaciers.Climatic factors have not been the sole control of the variations.The response times of small,steep glaciers are shorter than those of the l...  相似文献   

Although loess–paleosol sequences are among the most important records of Quaternary climate change and past dust deposition cycles, few modern examples of such sedimentation systems have been studied. Stratigraphic studies and 22 new accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon ages from the Matanuska Valley in southern Alaska show that loess deposition there began sometime after 6500 14C yr B.P. and has continued to the present. The silts are produced through grinding by the Matanuska and Knik glaciers, deposited as outwash, entrained by strong winds, and redeposited as loess. Over a downwind distance of 40 km, loess thickness, sand content, and sand-plus-coarse-silt content decrease, whereas fine-silt content increases. Loess deposition was episodic, as shown by the presence of paleosols, at distances >10 km from the outwash plain loess source. Stratigraphic complexity is at a maximum (i.e., the greatest number of loesses and paleosols) at intermediate (10–25 km) distances from the loess source. Surface soils increase in degree of development with distance downwind from the source, where sedimentation rates are lower. Proximal soils are Entisols or Inceptisols, whereas distal soils are Spodosols. Ratios of mobile CaO, K2O, and Fe2O3 to immobile TiO2 show decreases in surface horizons with distance from the source. Thus, as in China, where loess deposition also takes place today, eolian sedimentation and soil formation are competing processes. Study of loess and paleosols in southern Alaska shows that particle size can vary over short distances, loess deposition can be episodic over limited time intervals, and soils developed in stabilized loess can show considerable variability under the same vegetation.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the size variation of thalli of the lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum agg. on intermoraine surfaces in the proglacial valley of Austerdalen, southern Norway, and with the use of thallus dimensions for both relative and absolute dating of intermoraine deposits. Measurements of the five largest lichens in 200 m2 search areas at 255 sites show significant cross-valley and down-valley variations, with the smallest thalli located towards the centre of the valley and at up-valley sites. This variation has been examined in greater detail by dividing the intermoraine areas into twelve morphological zones, for which geomorphological and stratigraphical relations enable the construction of a relative time sequence of formation. This relative time sequence was then found to he confirmed by mean values of measurements of the largest lichen thalli in 100 m square quadrats within each morphological zone. This approach has allowed not only the relative age of morainic and intermorainic deposits to he established from geomorphological evidence but also, using tentative dates for the moraines, the construction of a chronology of moraine and intermoraine depositional events.  相似文献   

G. R. Ravindra Kumar   《Lithos》2004,75(3-4):331-358
The formation of arrested charnockite is an excellent example of structurally controlled channellised fluid flow along specific sites accompanied by selective elemental mobility and mineralogical changes. The present paper recognises and focuses study on three types of arrested charnockite formation from Palghat region, namely, shear-controlled, foliation parallel and boudin-neck types, and address their spatio-temporal relations to regional-scale charnoenderbite. The shear-controlled and foliation parallel types post-date deformation and migmatisation. The boudin-neck type, on the contrary, is coeval with partial melting and followed the path of cooling and decreasing water activity in the gneiss. K-feldspar veining around plagioclase and quartz, symplectitic intergrowth of biotite+quartz after orthopyroxene and K-feldspar, and fluid inclusion data suggests the presence of alkalic supercritical brine and low-density CO2-rich fluid during charnockite formation. Charnockite domains developed following the breakdown of hornblende, biotite and quartz are characterised by a more or less pronounced depletion of Fe, Ca, Mg and Ti and trace elements Y and Zr, compared to their counterpart gneiss. REE spectra indicate a subtle depletion in the HREE near the centre of the charnockite domain. Although close-pair samples of gneiss–charnockite are isochemical, on a scale of a few millimetres, bi-directional element movement, related to the formation of new mineral was noted. It is postulated that arrested charnockite formation developed in situ on local scale within the granitic domains of the hornblende-biotite gneiss, in the presence of CO2-rich fluids and alkalic supercritical saline brine. This process post-dated the time of regional granulite (charnoenderbite) and large regional scale retrogression and migmatisation.  相似文献   

Egesen moraines throughout the Alps mark a glacial advance that has been correlated with the Younger Dryas cold period. Using the surface exposure dating method, in particular the measurement of the cosmogenic nuclide 10Be in rock surfaces, we attained four ages for boulders on a prominent Egesen moraine of Great Aletsch Glacier, in the western Swiss Alps. The 10Be dates range from 10 460±1100 to 9040±1020 yr ago. Three 10Be dates between 9630±810 and 9040±1020 yr ago are based upon samples from the surfaces of granite boulders. Two 10Be dates, 10 460±1100 and 9910±970 yr ago, are based upon a sample from a quartz vein at the surface of a schist boulder. In consideration of the numerous factors that can influence apparently young 10Be dates and the scatter within the data, we interpret the weighted mean of four boulder ages, 9640±430 yr (including the weighted mean of two 10Be dates of the quartz vein), as a minimum age of deposition of the moraine. All 10Be dates from the Great Aletsch Glacier Egesen moraine are consistent with radiocarbon dates of nearby bog‐bottom organic sediments, which provide minimum ages of deglaciation from the moraine. The 10Be dates from boulders on the Great Aletsch Glacier Egesen moraine also are similar to 10Be dates from Egesen moraines of Vadret Lagrev Glacier on Julier Pass, in the eastern Swiss Alps. Both the morphology of the Great Aletsch Glacier Egesen moraine and the comparison with 10Be dates from the inner Vadret Lagrev Egesen moraine support the hypothesis that the climatic cooling that occurred during the Younger Dryas cold episode influenced the glacial advance that deposited the Great Aletsch Glacier Egesen moraine. Because of the large size and slow response time of Great Aletsch Glacier, we suggest that the Great Aletsch Glacier Egesen moraine was formed during the last glacial advance of the multiphased Egesen cold period, the Kromer stage, during the Preboreal chron. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A supraglacial lake was surveyed on the Koxkar Glacier in southwest Tianshan from July to September 2007 and July to September 2008, and the temperature variation characteristics of the lake, debris and debris-free ice were analyzed at different depths to determine the thermal regimes. In addition, the discrepancies of temperature variation characteristics were investigated for different geomorphic units of the ablation zone of the Koxkar Glacier. It was found that daily temperature variation curves for deep water are V-shaped because meltwater from the glacier surface at temperatures of around 0°C feeds the lake and mixes with the relatively high-temperature surface water during the day. As the water temperature rises to approximately 4°C, the mixed water sinks and forms a low-temperature trough in the deep water of the lake in the middle of the day. The vertical lapse rate of the lake water temperature against depth (?0.33°C/m) has a magnitude lower than that of the debris (?4.29°C/m) and that of the debris-free ice (?0.38°C/m) in the Koxkar Glacier??s ablation zone. The temperature curve for the surface water largely varied between the temperature curves for the debris at depths of 0.2 and 0.5?m. The surface thermal condition of the ablation zone is significantly affected by the daily weather, and there is a limited influence in debris at a depth of 1?m and in the lake at a depth of 5?m.  相似文献   

Pollen analysis of the organic surface (FH) horizon of a radiocarbon-dated palaeopodzol buried beneath the 'Little Ice Age' outer moraine of Haugabreen west of the Jostedalsbrecn ice-cap, southern Norway, provided evidence for environmental change in the area between ca. 4,000 B. P. and the 13th century A. D. Radiocarbon dating of the profile, apart from providing a chronology for the changes interpreted, also allowed estimation of pollen incorporation rates into the soil which can be compared with pollen influx rates established elsewhere. Two periods of local woodland recession were identified, the first between ca. 3,300 B. P. and ca. 3,600 B. P., after the initiation of the FH horizon, and the second in the 13th century A. D. at the onset of the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

Stratigraphical studies, pollen analyses and radiocarbon dating of peat cores from two blanket mire areas, Mannen and Hestevollane, on the central mountain plateau of the hat-shaped island of Haramsøy in the Nordøyane archipelago indicate that blanket mire formation here dates back about 3,000 years and was primarily caused by human activity, namely regular burning to provide or improve grazing areas. Corresponding investigations of peat cores from two strandfiat sites on either side of the island demonstrate that a population existed on the strandfiat at least 6,800 years ago and gradually converted the original vegetation of the strandfiat into pastures and fields. The human influence increased further about 3,000 years ago when the activity was extended to the mountain plateau where grazing and regular burning, in addition to deteriorating climatic conditions, resulted in blanket mire formation.  相似文献   

The concentration profiles of the trace elements, S, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sr, and Y have been determined across a metasomatic vein in peridotite. The introduced elements Ti, V, Sr, and Y show specific enrichment in particular silicate phases in accordance with the availability of suitable lattice sites. In contrast, the other introduced trace elements (Cu and S) behave more like the redistributed elements, Cr, Ni, Mn, and Co which do not show concentration ‘fronts’ that can be simply related to the silicate minerals. Concentration of pentlandite, chalcopyrite, and Cr-magnetite near the boundary between the enstatite and anthophyllite zones gives rise to maxima in the Ni, Cu, S, and Cr distributions, while in the chlorite zone significant concentrations of Cr and Ni occur in the chlorite itself. Control of the distribution of Ni, Cu, and Cr is ascribed to the oxidation/reduction reactions involved in the formation of pentlandite, chalcopyrite and Cr-magnetite, together with the critical role of Al in limiting chlorite formation during metasomatism.  相似文献   

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