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The principal chemical element composition and inferred mineralogy of the powdered lunar surface material at seven mare and one terra sites on the Moon are compared. The mare compositions are all similar to one another and comparable to those of terrestrial ocean ridge basalts except in having higher titanium and much lower sodium contents than the latter. These analyses suggest that most, if not all, lunar maria have this chemical composition and are derived from rocks with an average density of 3.19 g cm–3. Mare Tranquillitatis differs from the other maria in having twice the titanium content of the others.The chemical composition of the single highland site studied (Surveyor 7) is distinctly different from that of any of the maria in having much lower amounts of titanium and iron and larger amounts of aluminium and calcium. Confirmation of these general characteristics of lunar highland material has come from recent observations by the Apollo 15 Orbiter. The inferred mineralogy is 45 mole percent high anorthite plagioclase and the parent rocks have an estimated density of 2.94 g cm–3. The Surveyor 7 chemical composition is the principal contributor to present estimates of the overall chemical composition of the lunar surface.Presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Lunar Studies, Patras, Greece, September 14–25, 1971. This paper is an expanded and updated version of a paper presented at the Apollo 12 Lunar Science Conference, Houston, Texas, January 11–14, 1971, and published in the Proceedings of this Conference (Turkevich, 1971).  相似文献   

It is shown that endogenic lava flow processes can be identified by their characteristic effects on lunar crater size distributions without necessarily being able to recognise individual flows on the photographs studied. The thickness of lava flows or a series of flows can be estimated from these crater size distribution characteristics. The lava flow histories of the Apollo landing sites 11, 12 and 15 are discussed in detail. The thicknesses of the most recent (3–3.4 × 109 years ago) flows there and of the youngest flows in an area in south-west Mare Imbrium (3 × 109 years) are found to range between 30 and 60 m. The subsequent flow episodes at the landing sites showing up in the crater size distributions can be related to differences in the radiometric ages of the respective lunar rocks.  相似文献   

Abstract— A report is presented for a possible revised classification of lunar igneous rocks that still uses the division of Moon rocks into mare and highland types. It subdivides the mare rocks into basalts depending on TiO2 content and glasses depending on colour, and subdivides the highland rocks principally into KREEP basalts and into coarse‐grained igneous rocks comparable to and using terrestrial igneous rock terminology.  相似文献   

Making use of Orbiter and Apollo photographs, frequency counts of craters down to 2 km diam as indicators of the relative ages of lunar features, have been made on 264 areas, including 15 terrae, 27 recognized maria, 174 flat-floored craters and 48 lava-covered areas with indefinite boundaries designated as ‘marets’. Analysis of frequency counts on flat-floored craters on the basis of this data and re-assessment of former results, combined with the relatively restricted age range of lunar samples, make it unlikely that the present observations are able to reach back in time to impacts on an assumed primordial floating crust. The range of crater frequencies on the marets, together with their wide distribution over the lunar surface, suggest lava migrations to the surface within autonomous domains each with its own chronology, covering an extensive period of lunar history. The close association of marets with flat-floored craters provides a reasonable origin for the floor material of these latter objects. The lava migrations associated with the marets suggest that internal heating may be a more important factor in the origin of lunar surface features than had formerly been supposed. Kopal's views on the origin of the moon's multiple moments of intertia (1972) are considered to support the concept of autonomous domains. It is considered that the time sequence of separate lava flows represented by the marets may be a reflection of physical processes within the moon responsible for the successive lava flows associated with the larger maria.  相似文献   

Crystallization from the molten state has been an important process for the formation of rocks on the Moon; the phenomenon of fractional crystallization is therefore discussed. The principal chemical and mineralogical features of the Apollo 11, 12 and 14 basaltic crystalline rocks are described, and an account is given of other rock types and minerals which are represented among the coarser particles in the lunar soils. A comparison is made between the chemical compositions (major, minor and trace element concentrations) of rocks and soils.Based upon the above data, one possible model for the outer shell of the Moon is presented, which consists of an outer layer of Al-rich rocks underlain by a layer which is more ferromagnesian in character. Partial melting of the latter was probably responsible for the extrusion of lavas at the surface which spread to form the basalts (Apollo 11 and 12) of the non-circular maria. The Apollo 14 (Fra Mauro) basalts are relatively enriched in potassium, rare earth elements, zirconium, phosphorus and certain other elements and may derive from partial melting of the more aluminous upper layer.The separation of the outer Moon into two layers could have occurred through gravity-aided fractional crystallization at an early stage (first few hundred m yr) in lunar history.Paper presented to the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Lunar Studies, Patras, Greece, September 1971.  相似文献   


Evidence for very recent emission of volatiles on the Moon is primarily of four types: (1) transient lunar optical events observed by Earth-based astronomers; (2) excursions on Apollo SIDE and mass spectrometer instruments; (3) localized Rn222/Po210 enhancements on the lunar surface detected by Apollo 15 and 16 orbital alpha spectrometers; (4) presence in lunar fines of retrapped Ar40 and other volatiles. Available evidence indicates that the release rate of volatile substances into the lunar atmosphere is not steady, but instead sporadic and episodic. Rn222/Po210 anomalies are at locations that are among those from which transient events have most often been reported (edges of maria, certain specific craters), and are probably related to them. Volatiles emitted at maria rims may originate in the Moon's fluid core, reaching the surface through deep cylindrical fault systems that ring the maria borders. The sources of volatiles emitted at craters such as Aristarchus or Tsiolkovsky, which possess floors which are cracked or filled with dark lava and possess central peaks, are more likely to be local pockets of magma or trapped gas at shallower depths. The volatiles are produced directly by radioactive decay (He4, Ar40, Rn) and by heating (other volatiles). The release by heating can occur either during melting or by ‘bakeout’ of unmelted materials. Release of gas into the lunar atmosphere is probably triggered by buildup of its own pressure. This may be assisted by tidal forces exerted on the Moon by the Earth. In addition to independent release, volatile emission is also expected to accompany other lunar activity, such as ash flows, if any lunar volcanism is presently active.


The composition of the silicate portion of Martian regolith fines indicates derivation of the fines from mafic to ultramafic igneous rocks, probably rich in pyroxene. Rock types similar in chemical and mineralogical composition include terrestrial Archean basalts and certain achondrite meteorites. If these igneous rocks weathered nearly isochemically, the nontronitic clays proposed earlier as an analog to Martian fines could be formed. Flood basalts of pyroxenitic lavas may be widespread and characteristic of early volcanism on Mars, analogous to maria flood basalts on the Moon and early Precambrian basaltic komatiites on Earth. Compositional differences between lunar, terrestrial, and Martian flood basalts may be related to differences in planetary sizes and mantle compositions of the respective planetary objects.  相似文献   

Abstract— Three major periods of basaltic activity characterize the infill of the basins. Each of these periods was itself punctuated by discrete phases of widespread magma eruptions: three during both the Late Imbrian Epoch and the early Eratosthenian Period and then two in the late Eratosthenian Period. We found the youngest lavas off the eastern border of the Fra Mauro peninsula and, mantling a much larger area, over most of the central western Nubium basin. Our results place the Nubium/Cognitum basalts in the low‐Ti category (1–5 wt% TiO2). The data indicate that the majority (?90%) of the mare terrain has iron content between 18 and 22 wt%. In particular, FeO contents tend to concentrate toward two compositional poles, each of ?20 wt%, and a much smaller one of ?15 wt%. These values are typical of nearside lunar maria. To complement our compositional data, we present a census of craters larger than 500 m using Orbiter IV images. The result was a crater count average with frequency 5.6 × 10?2 km?2, translating into an inferred mean age of 3300 Ma for the exposed lava flows. By combining lava chemistry with age, we find a possible correlation between the ages of the most prominent flow units and their estimated titanium content, with younger basalts becoming progressively Ti‐richer with time (from 2–3 to 4–5 wt% TiO2).  相似文献   

Magnetic observations yield information about the amount and nature of the magnetic phases present in a sample. They reveal that the predominant magnetic phase in the lunar samples is metallic iron which is sometimes alloyed with nickel and cobalt. In the mare basalts less than 0.1% of metallic iron is present, whereas in the non-mare crystalline rocks several percent of iron has been found in some samples. The soils have approximately 0.5% of iron, which is fine grain, rather pure iron occurring in impact glass. In the recrystallized breccias and the igneous rocks the iron is coarser. Systematic minor variations in metallic iron content in the soils reveal soil maturity trends. Mixing between highland and mare soils can be traced with the Fe2+ content. Mare soils differ from highland soils in having a higher value of reduced remanence. The magnetic characteristics of the Apollo 14 breccias are not consistent with the progressive metamorphism of a common starting material. Shock welding in the range of tens of kbs can account for the characteristics of some of the ‘unmetamorphosed’ breccias. Greater shock accompanied by recovery can account for the magnetic characteristics of the ‘recrystallized’ breccias.  相似文献   

The concentrations of major and trace elements have been determined in igneous rocks from Apollo 15. All materials analyzed have typical depletions of Eu except for minerals separated from sample 15085. Four samples have concentrations of trace elements that are similar to those of KREEP. The samples of mare basalt from Apollo 15 have higher concentrations of FeO, MgO, Mn, and Cr and lower concentrations of CaO, Na2O, K2O, and rare-earth elements (REE) as compared to the samples of mare basalt from Apollos 11, 12, and 14. The samples can be divided into two groups on the basis of their normative compositions. One group is quartz normative and has low concentrations of FeO while the other is olivine normative and has high concentrations of FeO. The trace element data indicate that the samples of olivine normative basalt could be from different portions of a single lava flow. At least two and possible three parent magmas can be identified from the samples of the quartz normative group on the basis of their concentration ratios of Sm to Eu. Within each group, the compositions of the samples appear to be related by crystallization of olivine or pyroxene. Significant variations of the ratio of concentration of Sm to Eu cannot be produced without plagioclase-liquid equilibrium. The source material of mare basalt may be depleted in Eu. Alternatively, the magmas may have assimilated a small volume of material similar to KREEP.Paper dedicated to Prof. Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April 1973.  相似文献   

Spectra of asteroid 4 Vesta obtained in October 1990 with the International Ultraviolet Explorer are reanalyzed and reinterpreted. A large portion of the eastern hemisphere (based on the prime meridian definition of Thomas et al., 1997a) is darker at UV wavelengths than much of the western hemisphere. The UV lightcurve is in contrast with the visible lightcurve, which shows that the eastern hemisphere is brighter than the western. These IUE spectra of Vesta thus may be evidence for the “spectral reversal,” first seen on the Moon by Apollo 17, where the visibly brighter lunar highlands are darker than the maria at far-UV wavelengths. This effect was linked to space weathering when it was noted (Wagner et al., 1987) that the spectral reversal appears in the laboratory spectra of lunar soils but not powdered lunar rocks.We investigate Vesta’s UV lightcurve and spectral reversal, and its possible connection with space weathering. The addition to grain coatings of small amounts of submicroscopic iron (SMFe) through vapor deposition causes drastic spectral changes at UV-visible wavelengths (Hapke, 2001), while the longer wavelength spectrum remains largely unaffected. Other laboratory results (e.g., Hiroi and Pieters, 1998) indicate that the UV-visible wavelength range is affected by simulated weathering processes in a manner similar to what is seen on Vesta. It is likely that Vesta has experienced relatively minor amounts of space weathering, as indicated by the spectral reversal, along with the subtle visible-near infrared weathering effects (e.g., Binzel et al., 1997).  相似文献   

Lunar rilles and Hawaiian volcanic features: Possible analogues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we consider the origin of rilles on the lunar maria, both sinuous and those having straight line segments, from the point of view of lava tubes formed in surface lava flows, and also in terms of collapses along active fissures. Terrestrial examples of tube formation and collapse, as well as the large-scale collapse of a chain of craters built over an active fissure were observed on the Island of Hawaii by the writers and serve as the basis of comparison with lunar topography shown on Orbiter photographs of the Moon. We also consider the origin of apparent flow channels on steep slopes on the Moon, and conclude that these are often related to early stages in the formation of covered lava tubes.Paper presented to the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Lunar Studies, Patras, Greece, September, 1971.  相似文献   

The satellite impact interpretation of the surface distribution of lunar maria is presented according to Barricelli and Metcalfe (1969). It is emphasized that the formation of molten rock (lava) which, according to the Apollo 11 findings, seems to have been the origin of the material of which maria are composed, can be the result of heat developed by the impacts which created the respective maria (Gilbert 1893) and does not necessarily imply a volcanic or internal origin of this material.The distribution of mascons and some of its possible interpretations are discussed.Present address: Oslo Universitet, Dept. of Mathematics, Blindern, Norway.  相似文献   

Abstract— Here we report the petrography, mineralogy, and trace element geochemistry of the Dhofar 1180 lunar meteorite. Dhofar 1180 is predominantly composed of fine‐grained matrix with abundant mineral fragments and a few lithic and glassy clasts. Lithic clasts show a variety of textures including cataclastic, gabbroic, granulitic, ophitic/subophitic, and microporphyritic. Both feldspathic and mafic lithic clasts are present. Most feldspathic lithic clasts have a strong affinity to ferroan anorthositic suite rocks and one to magnesian suite rocks. Mafic lithic clasts are moderately to extremely Fe‐rich. The Ti/[Ti+Cr]‐Fe/[Fe+Mg] compositional trend of pyroxenes in mafic lithic clasts is consistent with that of low‐Ti mare basalts. Glasses display a wide chemical variation from mafic to feldspathic. Some glasses are very similar to those from Apollo 16 soils. KREEP components are essentially absent in Dhofar 1180. One glassy clast is rich in K, REE and P, but its Mg/[Mg+Fe] is very low (0.25). It is probably a last‐stage differentiation product of mare basalt. Molar Fe/Mn ratios of both olivine and pyroxene are essentially consistent with a lunar origin. Dhofar 1180 has a LREE‐enriched (La 18 × CI, Sm 14 × CI) pattern with a small positive Eu anomaly (Eu 15 × CI). Th concentration is 0.7 ppm in Dhofar 1180. Petrography, mineralogy, and trace element geochemistry of Dhofar 1180 are different from those of other lunar meteorites, indicating that Dhofar 1180 represents a unique mingled lunar breccia derived from an area on the lunar nearside but far away from the center of the Imbrium Basin.  相似文献   

This paper presents an updated stratigraphical and compositional study of the exposed maria within the Imbrium basin on the Moon. Clementine multispectral data were employed to derive TiO2 and FeO wt% abundance estimates of potentially distinct basaltic flows. Additionally, NASA Lunar Orbiter images were used to estimate flow ages using crater count statistics. Mare Imbrium shows evidence of a complex suite of low to high-Ti basaltic lava units infilling the basin over an 800 million year timescale. More than a third (37%) of identified mare basalts were found to contain 1-3 wt% TiO2. Two other major mare lithological units (representing about 25% of the surface each) show TiO2 values between 3-5 and 7-9 wt%. The dominant fraction (55%) of the sampled maria contain FeO between 16 and 18 wt%, followed by 27% of maria having 18-20 wt% and the remaining 18%, 14-16 wt% FeO. A crater frequency count (for diameters >500 m) shows that in three quarters of the sampled mare crater counts range between 3.5 and 5.5×10−2 per km2, which translates, according to a lunar cratering model chronology, into estimated emplacement ages between ∼3.3 and 2.5 Ga. A compositional convergence trend between the variations of iron and titanium oxides was identified, in particular for materials with TiO2 and FeO content broadly above 5 and 17 wt%, respectively, suggesting a related petrogenesis and evolution. According to these findings, three major periods of mare infill are exposed in the Imbrium basin; despite each period showing a range of basaltic compositions (classified according to their TiO2 content), it is apparent that, at least within these local geological settings, the igneous petrogenesis generally evolved through time towards more TiO2- and FeO-rich melts.  相似文献   

The circular maria - Orientale, Imbrium, Serenitatis, Crisium, Smythii, and Tsiolkovsky -lie nearly on a lunar great circle. This pattern can be considered the result of a very close, non-capture encounter between Moon and Earth early in solar-system history. Of critical importance in analyzing the effects of such an encounter is the position of the weightlessness limit of the Earth-Moon System which is located at about 1.63R e, measured from the center of Earth to center of Moon. Within this weightlessness limit, material can be pulled from the lunar surface and interior by Earth's gravity and either escape from the Moon or be redistributed onto the lunar surface. In the case of an encounter with a non-spinning Moon, backfalling materials would be distributed along a lunar great circle. However, if the Moon is rotating during the encounter, the backfall pattern will deviate from the great circle, the amount depending on the rate and direction of spin. Such a close encounter model may be related to the pattern of circular maria if materials departing from the source region are visualized as spheroids of molten lunar upper mantle basalt. These spheroids, then, would impact onto the lunar surface to form a pattern of lava lakes. Radiometric dates from mare rocks are consistent with this model of mare formation if the older mare rock dates are considered to date the encounter and younger dates are considered to date subsequent volcanic eruptions on a structurally weakened Moon.  相似文献   

Reflectance Spectral Characteristics of Lunar Surface Materials   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Based on a comprehensive analysis of the mineral composition of major lunar rocks (highland anorthosite, lunar mare basalt and KREEP rock), we investigate the reflectance spectral characteristics of the lunar rock-forming minerals, including feldspar, pyroxene and olivine. The affecting factors, the variation of the intensity of solar radiation with wavelength and the reflectance spectra of the lunar rocks are studied. We also calculate the reflectivity of lunar mare basalt and highland anorthosite at 300 nm, 415 nm, 750 nm, 900 nm, 950 nm and 1000 nm. It is considered that the difference in composition between lunar mare basalt and highland anorthosite is so large that separate analyses are needed in the study of the reflectivity of lunar surface materials in the two regions covered by mare basalt and highland anorthosite, and especially in the region with high Th contents, which may be the KREEP-distributed region.  相似文献   

David H. Scott 《Icarus》1978,34(3):479-485
Stratigraphic relations between lowland plains and highlands, two major types of Martian geologic-terrain units, were not directly distinguishable on Mariner-9 images. Morphologic characteristics and crater densities suggested that the lava plains beneath their eolian cover were younger than adjacent highland rocks, which form a plateau bounded in many places by highly dissected escarpments. Alternatively, the lowland plains could be the older unit and represent a broad erosional surface exhumed by southward retreat of the highlands along their frontal scarp. Viking photos across five areas of the highland-lowland boundary, however, tend to confirm the younger age of the plains-forming lava flows. A time interval of several hundred million years probably occurred between the retreat of the highland scarp and its latest embayment by lava extrusions in the lowlands.  相似文献   

Data on thermophysical properties measured on lunar material returned by Apollo missions are reviewed. In particular, the effects of temperature and interstitial gaseous pressure on thermal conductivity and diffusivity have been studied. For crystalline rocks, breccias and fines, the thermal conductivity and diffusivity decrease as the interstitial gaseous pressure decreases from 1 atm to 10–4T. Below 10–4T, these properties become insensitive to the pressure. At a pressure of 10–4T or below, the thermal conductivity of fines is more temperature dependent than that of crystalline rocks and breccias. The bulk density also affects the thermal conductivity of the fines. An empirical relationship between thermal conductivity, bulk density and temperature derived from the study of terrestrial material is shown to be consistent with the data on lunar samples. Measurement of specific heat shows that, regardless of the differences in mineral composition, crystalline rocks and fines have almost identical specific heat in the temperature range between 100 and 340K. The thermal parameter calculated from thermal conductivity, density and specific heat shows that the thermal properties estimated by earth-based observations are those characteristic only of lunar fines and not of crystalline rocks and breccias. The rate of radioactive heat generation calculated from the content of K, Th and U in lunar samples indicates that the surface layer of the lunar highland is more heat-producing than the lunar maria. This may suggest fundamental differences between the two regions.Now at Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades, New York, U.S.A.  相似文献   

It is essential that accurate modal (i.e., volume) percentages of the various mineral and glass phases in lunar soils be used for addressing and resolving the effects of space weathering upon reflectance spectra, as well as for their calibration such data are also required for evaluating the resource potential of lunar minerals for use at a lunar base. However, these data are largely lacking. Particle-counting information for lunar soils, originally obtained to study formational processes, does not provide these necessary data, including the percentages of minerals locked in multi-phase lithic fragments and fused-soil particles, such as agglutinates. We have developed a technique for modal analyses, sensu stricto, of lunar soils, using digital imaging of X-ray maps obtained with an energy-dispersive spectrometer mounted on an electron microprobe. A suite of nine soils (90 to 150 micrometers size fraction) from the Apollo 11, 12, 15, and 17 mare sites was used for this study. This is the first collection of such modal data on soils from all Apollo mare sites. The abundances of free-mineral fragments in the mare soils are greater for immature and submature soils than for mature soils, largely because of the formation of agglutinitic glass as maturity progresses. In considerations of resource utilization at a lunar base, the best lunar soils to use for mineral beneficiation (i.e., most free-mineral fragments) have maturities near the immature/submature boundary (Is/FeO approximately or = 30), not the mature soils with their complications due to extensive agglutination. The particle data obtained from the nine mare soils confirm the generalizations for lunar soils predicted by L.A. Taylor and D.S. McKay (1992, Lunar Planet Sci. Conf. 23rd, pp. 1411-1412 [Abstract]).  相似文献   

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