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A scenario-based water conservation planning support system (SB-WCPSS)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
In this study a water consumption model is built into a scenario-based planning support system (SB-WCPSS). The SB-WCPSS consists of four components—(1) a model input graphic user interface, (2) a community spatial database, (3) a set of drinking water consumption models, and (4) output display. The SB-WCPSS is implemented with a commercial planning support system software package—CommunityViz. The model is applied using data in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA to demonstrate the scenario development. In the application, water consumption consists of land use based indoor, turf, and pool water usages. Climate change is reflected in monthly temperature and precipitation. By specifying anticipated future land uses and associated water consumption rates, temperature, and precipitation, SB-WCPSS users can analyze and compare water consumptions under various scenarios, using maps, graphs, and tables. Parcel-based daily water consumptions were computed and summarized spatially by neighborhood, block group, or land use type. The results demonstrate that water conservation strategies, such as xeriscape, can reduce turf water usage. Indoor water consumption depends on the number of people who use water and how they use water. The study shows that the SB-WCPSS structure is sound and user friendly. Future improvement will be on enhancing various components, such as using parcel-based data and more robust water consumption models. The system may be used by water resource managers and decision makers to adapt water resources (e.g., watersheds and infrastructure) to climate change and demographic and economic development.  相似文献   

Water agreements between Mexico and the United States have been crucial to preserving and restoring the Colorado River Delta's wetlands. Nowadays, increased water demand and climate change in the Colorado River Basin could threaten the conservation of the Ciénega de Santa Clara, a 4709 ha coastal wetland at the Sonoran Desert's edge. The international Ramsar convention recognizes the Ciénega de Santa Clara ecosystem for providing vital ecological services, including habitat for endemic, endangered, and migratory species. The hydrology of this wetland has not been completely understood since the 2010–2011 trial run of the Yuma Desalting Plant. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify and quantify the hydrological elements essential for the conservation of this wetland, under three scenarios: (a) normal inflow conditions of the water source – the Wellton-Mohawk canal; (b) inflow reductions, and; (c) an increase of temperature due to global warming. Water and mass balances estimates were conducted every month during 2014–2015; in situ measurements of inflows were carried out on Southern International Boundary in Wellton-Mohawk canal, the Riíto Drain, groundwater, and precipitation: evapotranspiration outputs were estimated using local weather stations and Penman-Monteith formulations. Temperature increases were based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change projections for the next 100 years. Results showed disconnection in the surface flow of water from the wetland to the adjacent Gulf of California. This behaviour was observed mainly in the summer months in the three scenarios. The disconnections reduced the wetland area and water storage. The hydrological functionality of the Ciénega de Santa Clara wetland depends on the water supply from the Wellton-Mohawk canal, with a minimum continuous discharge of 5.10 m3 s−1 during the summer months.  相似文献   

Hydrological connectivity between floodplain wetlands and rivers is one of the principal driving mechanisms for the diversity, productivity and interactions of the major biota in river–floodplain systems. This article describes a method of quantifying flood‐induced overbank connectivity using a hydrodynamic model (MIKE 21) to calculate the timing, the duration and the spatial extent of the connections between several floodplain wetlands and rivers in the Tully–Murray catchment, north Queensland, Australia. Areal photogrammetry and field surveyed stream cross data were used to reproduce floodplain topography and rivers in the model. Laser altimetry (LiDAR)–derived fine resolution elevation data, for the central floodplain, were added to the topography model to improve the resolution of key features including wetlands, flow pathways and natural and artificial flow barriers. The hydrodynamic model was calibrated using a combination of in‐stream and floodplain gauge records. A range of off‐stream wetlands including natural and artificial, small and large were investigated for their connectivity with two main rivers (Tully and Murray) flowing over the floodplain for flood events of 1‐, 20‐ and 50‐year recurrence intervals. The duration of the connection of individual wetlands varied from 1 to 12 days, depending on flood magnitude and location in the floodplain, with some wetlands only connected during large floods. All of the wetlands studied were connected to the Tully River for shorter periods than they were to the Murray River because of the higher bank heights and levees on the Tully River and wetland proximity to the Murray River. Other than hydrology, land relief, riverbank elevation and levee banks along the river were found key factors controlling the degree of connectivity. These variations in wetland connectivity could have important implications for aquatic biota that move between rivers and off‐stream habitats during floods. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary This paper supplements and extends previous discussions of galaxies in the light of meteorological theory by including explicitly the effect of random motions in a star gas. The conservation integrals for momentum and kinetic energy are formulated and the kinetic energy is further partitioned into kinetic energy of the large scale flows and kinetic energy of the random star motions. The kinetic energy of the random star motions is analogous to the internal energy in an ordinary gas and is transformed into kinetic energy of the fluid flow according to a law which is a generalization of the first law of thermodynamics as applied to fluids. It is possible to make more detailed division of the kinds of energy and their laws of transformation.  相似文献   

This study examines the abundance of trace elements in surface sediments of a former acid sulfate soil (ASS) wetland subjected to marine tidal inundation. Sediment properties of this highly modified study site are compared with those of an adjacent unmodified, intertidal mangrove forest. Whilst some trace elements (Al, Cd, Mn, Ni and Zn) were clearly depleted due to mobilisation and leaching in the previous oxic-acidic phase, other trace elements (As and Cr) displayed significant enrichment in the tidally inundated ASS. Many trace elements were strongly associated with the reactive Fe and acid volatile sulfide (AVS) fractions, suggesting that trace elements may be adsorbed to abundant reactive Fe phases or sequestered as sulfide minerals. These findings provide an important understanding of the fate and mobility of reactive iron, AVS and trace elements during tidal remediation of a formerly acidified Great Barrier Reef (GBR) catchment.  相似文献   

Studies on environmental dispersion are essential for applications as water management. The two-scale perturbation analysis is applied in this paper to deduce the environmental dispersion model for the typical case of contaminant transport in two-layer wetland flows. The analysis follows the established theoretical framework on the basis of phase average and the concept of Taylor dispersion. By the obtained flow velocity distribution for the two-layer flow, the analytical expression for the environmental dispersivity is deduced and shown to be consistent with previous results by the concentration moment method, while with much simplifications on the expression for ignoring the less concerned time-dependent stage of the dispersivity.  相似文献   

In wetlands constructed for treating municipal and industrial wastewater, including mangroves, the effect of wastewater discharged on the substrate has often been neglected. Ciliates, an important group of protozoa, are sensitive to pollutants and any changes in ciliate diversity and community structure reflects the habitat quality. The ciliate communities at six sections along a constructed mangrove belt (33 m in length) planted with Aegicerascorniculatum were investigated in Shenzhen, South China. In all samples collected in both rainy and dry seasons, 183 ciliate species were observed. Most species (56%) were free-swimming forms, while only 10.8% were sessile ciliates. The abundance and species number of ciliates were both found to decrease from the anterior (the wastewater inlet) to the posterior (the outlet) parts of the wetland belt, indicating that organic matter and bacteria in wastewater, which served as food for most ciliates, were gradually removed by the constructed wetland. The r/K (number of r- and K-selected species) ratios at the six sections were relatively small, between 0.2 and 0.4, whereas the C/P (abundance of colpodids and polyhymenophorans) quotient at some sections was higher than 1. These results indicate that although most of the environments along the constructed wetland belt were not stressful for ciliate communities, there were habitats that favored colpodids in high abundances.  相似文献   

湿地种子库及其植被恢复研究进展   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
近年来,受损湿地生态系统的植被恢复与重建掀起了湿地植被恢复的热潮.种子库是过去植物的"记忆库",是湿地植被自然恢复的重要潜力.本文从湿地种子库的形成、湿地种子库的规模及空间分布格局、湿地种子库的物种组成及种子库与地表植被的关系等几个方面总结了湿地种子库主要研究内容的国内外研究进展,并重点介绍了湿地种子库在湿地植被恢复中的应用研究,尤其是湿地种子库幼苗萌发主要影响因素、湿地种子库种苗建群适宜生境及湿地种子库植被恢复潜力等内容的研究现状.在此基础上,对目前湿地种子库及植被恢复研究存在的问题以及将来可能的研究方向进行分析,以期对湿地种子库植被恢复理论及实践技术的发展提供参考.  相似文献   

The eddy covariance (EC) method was used in a 30‐month study to quantify evapotranspiration (ET) and vegetation coefficient (KCW) for a wetland on a ranch in subtropical south Florida. To evaluate the errors in ET estimates, the EC‐based ET (ETC‐EC) and the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Penman–Monteith (PM) based ET (ETC‐PM) estimates (with literature crop coefficient, KC) were compared with each other. The ETC‐EC and FAO‐PM reference ET were used to develop KCW. Regression models were developed to estimate KCW using climatic and hydrologic variables. Annual and daily ETC‐EC values were 1152 and 3.27 mm, respectively. The FAO‐PM model underestimated ET by 25% with ETC‐EC being statistically higher than ETC‐PM. The KCW varied from 0.79 (December) to 1.06 (November). The mean KCW for the dry (November–April) season (0.95) was much higher than values reported for wetlands in literature; whereas for the wet (May–October) season, KCW (0.97) was closer to literature values. Higher than expected KCW values during the dry season were due to higher temperature, lower humidity and perennial wetland vegetation. Regression analyses showed that factors affecting the KCW were different during the dry (soil moisture, temperature and relative humidity) and wet (net radiation, inundation and wind speed) seasons. Separate regression models for the dry and wet seasons were developed. Evapotranspiration and KCW from this study, one of the first for the agricultural wetlands in subtropical environment, will help improve the ET estimates for similar wetlands. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present paper focuses on the governing equations for the sensitivity of the variables to the parameters in flow models that can be described by one-dimensional scalar, hyperbolic conservation laws. The sensitivity is shown to obey a hyperbolic, scalar conservation law. The sensitivity is a conserved scalar except in the case of discontinuous flow solutions, where an extra, point source term must be added to the equations in order to enforce conservation. The propagation speed of the sensitivity waves being identical to that of the conserved variable in the original conservation law, the system of conservation laws formed by the original hyperbolic equation and the equation satisfied by the sensitivity is linearly degenerate. A consequence on the solution of the Riemann problem is that rarefaction waves for the variable of the original equation result in vacuum regions for the sensitivity. The numerical solution of the hyperbolic conservation law for the sensitivity by finite volume methods requires the implementation of a specific shock detection procedure. A set of necessary conditions is defined for the discretisation of the source term in the sensitivity equation. An application to the one-dimensional kinematic wave equation shows that the proposed numerical technique allows analytical solutions to be reproduced correctly. The computational examples show that first-order numerical schemes do not yield satisfactory numerical solutions in the neighbourhood of moving shocks and that higher-order schemes, such as the MUSCL scheme, should be used for sharp transients.  相似文献   

Economic valuation for the conservation of marine biodiversity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Policy makers are increasingly recognising the role of environmental valuation to guide and support the management and conservation of biodiversity. This paper presents a goods and services approach to determine the economic value of marine biodiversity in the UK, with the aim of clarifying the role of valuation in the management of marine biodiversity. The goods and services resulting from UK marine biodiversity are detailed, and 8 of the 13 services are valued in monetary terms. It is found that a decline in UK marine biodiversity could result in a varying, and at present unpredictable, change in the provision of goods and services, including reduced resilience and resistance to change, declining marine environmental health, reduced fisheries potential, and loss of recreational opportunities. The results suggest that this approach can facilitate biodiversity management by enabling the optimal allocation of limited management resources and through raising awareness of the importance of marine biodiversity.  相似文献   

The advantage of an irrigation system is that experiments of varying precipitation duration and intensity can be performed in a controlled situation. An effective portable irrigation system is described for use in experimental plot hillslope and wetland runoff studies. The system consists of four parts:(1) a water pump; (2) a tracer reservoir; (3) a chemical feed pump; and (4) distribution hoses. Relatively uniform water application is achieved by a series of manual valves controlling water flow from the main carrier hose to the distribution hoses. The irrigation system materials are inexpensive and installation and operation costs are minor. The system was used to study runoff generation from a small‐saturated area in a spring‐fed swamp for a range of precipitation intensities and durations. The irrigation system applied a maximum intensity of 14·0mm h?1, for a maximum duration of 180 min, to a 190m2 area. This range of application incorporated all storms up to a one in three year event. The variance of the tracer load was almost three times greater for natural (60%) than with the irrigation system (22%). The irrigation system reduced the uncertainty in the pre‐event water fraction (using a two‐component hydrograph separation) from 3·4% in natural events to only 0·7%. The irrigation system design, operation, calibration and cost are presented. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

微曝气垂直流湿地处理城郊低浓度生活污水模拟实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出微曝气垂直流湿地的概念,并通过柱状模型实验模拟研究了其对云南滇池流域城郊低浓度生活污水的处理效果.测定了模型的氧利用效率,最高为14.04%.在高水力负荷15.29m3/(m2·d)、气水比1:2的条件下,BOD5和NI4-N去除率分别为74.4%和63.5%,出水平均含量分别为4.96mg/L和272mg/L.结果说明,微曝气垂直流湿地工艺能满足低浓度生活污水高水力负荷的处理要求,微曝气耗能折价O.04-0.05元/m3.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖是我国最大淡水湖和长江中游仅存的两个通江湖泊之一,重建其近百年自然通江的湖泊湿地演变过程,对于鄱阳湖湿地生态修复与保护具有重要意义.本研究基于两期历史时期地形图和遥感产品,构建了 1930s、1970s、1990s、2000s和2010s鄱阳湖湿地格局变化数据集,探究了土地利用方式改变和水文连通变化对鄱阳湖湿地变...  相似文献   

Alaa Ali   《Journal of Hydrology》2009,374(3-4):338-350
Wetland restoration is often measured by how close the spatial and temporal water level (stage) patterns are to the pre-drainage conditions. Driven by rainfall, such multivariate conditions are governed by nonstationary, nonlinear, and nonGaussian processes and are often simulated by physically based distributed models which are difficult to run in real time due to extensive data requirements. The objective of this study is to provide the wetland restorationists with a real time rainfall–stage modeling tool of simpler input structure and capability to recognize the wetland system complexity. A dynamic multivariate Nonlinear AutoRegressive network with eXogenous inputs (NARX) combined with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was developed. An implementation procedure was proposed and an application to Florida Everglade’s wetland systems was presented. Inputs to the model are time lagged rainfall, evapotranspiration and previously simulated stages. Data locations, preliminary time lag selection, spatial and temporal nonstationarity are identified through exploratory data analysis. PCA was used to eliminate input variable interdependence and to reduce the problem dimensions by more than 90% while retaining more than 80% of the process variance. A structured approach to select optimal time lags and network parameters was provided. NARX model results were compared to those of the linear Multivariate AutoRegressive model with eXogenous inputs. While one step ahead prediction shows comparable results, recursive prediction by NARX is far more superior to that of the linear model. Also, NARX testing under drastically different climatic conditions from those used in the development demonstrates a very good and robust performance. Driven by net rainfall, NARX exhibited robust stage prediction with an overall Efficiency Coefficient of 88%, Mean Square Error less than 0.004 m2, a standard error less than 0.06 m, a bias close to zero and normal probability plots show that the errors are close to normal distributions.  相似文献   

Phragmites australis invasion is altering plant communities and therefore, soil properties have been changed significantly. This study compared the diversity among three communities in a wetland to assess the impact of invasion by Phragmites and the associated impact on soil properties. Three diversity indices, species richness (S), evenness (E) and Shanon-Weiner index (H) had significantly higher values in uninvaded plots compared to invaded in all the communities. Invaded plots had the lowest diversity, with H = 0 and Simpson’s index (D) = 1, (i.e. they were monospecific). These results support the idea that a reduction in diversity can be expected in wetlands colonized by Phragmites. Phragmites invasion significantly increased soil moisture, EC, phenolics, organic carbon, dehydrogenase activity and microbial biomass (C, N, P) with reduction of pH and arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi spore density compared with uninvaded zones. In addition, the study of antifungal phytochemistry of Phragmites elucidated the decrease of the competitive abilities of native plant Melaleuca ericifolia by interfering with formation of mycorrhizal associations and biomass. Our results suggest that Phragmites invasion has caused significant ecological alterations in communities by demonstrating a combined effect to plant diversity and soil variables.  相似文献   

A Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment for Western Australia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The occurrence of the Indian Ocean Tsunami on 26 December, 2004 has raised concern about the difficulty in determining appropriate tsunami mitigation measures in Australia, due to the lack of information on the tsunami threat. A first step in the development of such measures is a tsunami hazard assessment, which gives an indication of which areas of coastline are most likely to experience tsunamis, and how likely such events are. Here we present the results of a probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment for Western Australia (WA). Compared to other parts of Australia, the WA coastline experiences a relatively high frequency of tsunami occurrence. This hazard is due to earthquakes along the Sunda Arc, south of Indonesia. Our work shows that large earthquakes offshore of Java and Sumba are likely to be a greater threat to WA than those offshore of Sumatra or elsewhere in Indonesia. A magnitude 9 earthquake offshore of the Indonesian islands of Java or Sumba has the potential to significantly impact a large part of the West Australian coastline. The level of hazard varies along the coast, but is highest along the coast from Carnarvon to Dampier. Tsunamis generated by other sources (e.g., large intra-plate events, volcanoes, landslides and asteroids) were not considered in this study.  相似文献   

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