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Nearby examples of the antimatter chunks postulated by Sofia and Van Horn to explain the cosmic gamma ray bursts may produce detectable gamma ray events when struck by solar system meteoroids. These events would have a much shorter time scale and higher energy spectrum than the bursts already observed. In order to have a reasonably high event rate, the local meteoroid population must extend to a distance from the Sun of the order of 0.1 pc, but the required distance could become much lower if the instrumental threshold is improved. We also examine the expected gamma ray flux for interaction of the antimatter bodies with the solar wind, and find it far below present instrumental capabilities.  相似文献   

A common mechanism for both X-ray and-ray bursters is proposed on the basis that a window can be created transiently in the polar cap of a degenerate star, a white dwarf for X-ray bursts and a neutron star for-ray bursts. The window exposes transiently a hot degenerate sub-layer of the star at shallow depth, from which escapes blackbody flux for a source at temperature 3 kev with window radius 10 km in the case of X-ray bursts and for a source at temperature 300 kev with window radius 0.5 km in the case of-ray bursts.  相似文献   

We present a multifractal analysis of GRB time series used to quantify the variability of the light curve. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of multifractal analysis, including sensitivity to noise, and burst intensity, and present results for a few sample bursts.  相似文献   

There are indications now that globular clusters contain a large number of low magnetic field millisecond pulsars. Since millisecond pulsars are expected to emit γ-rays due to curvature radiation, it is likely that globular clusters will themselves be sources of γ-rays bright enough to be detectable by present day instruments. Using the expression derived by Scharlemann, Arons & Fawley (1978) of the energy acquired by the electrons moving along the open magnetic field lines of the pulsars we have calculated the likely luminosity of γ-rays from globular clusters. We discuss our results in the light of the calculations reported in the literature based on some of the other models.  相似文献   

An analytical solution of the GRB arrival time analysis is presented. The errors in the position of the GRB resulting from timing and position errors of different satellites are calculated. A simple method of cross-correlating gamma ray burst time-histories is discussed.  相似文献   

We are investigating the COBE DMR data at instances of known -ray bursts (GRBs) when any of the six DMR horn directions was coincident with the direction of a burst. The BATSE instrument on board GRO has detected 207 bursts during the eight-month period of overlap corresponding to the current release of COBE data. The odds of a GRB occurring within the DMR field of view are near one coincidence per year. Here we report on one such serendipitous observation in 1991, GRB 911226, for which a detailed analysis is currently in progress.  相似文献   

Due to its sensitivity and speed, the detector still widely used in Cerenkov astrophysics experiments remains the PhotoMultiplier Tube (PMT). For instance, recent pathbreaking experiments in Very High Energy astrophysics (VHE), such as MAGIC and HESS, have used mainstream PMT technology [Aharonian, F. et al Astron. Astrophys. 492(1):L25–L28 (2008)]. Moreover the Cerenkov Telescope Array (CTA) which is now in its design phase, is also planed to be based on PMT’s. However, there are some disadvantages to the PMT technology: the rather poor quantum efficiency, the use of high voltages, the high cost when used in large number in a matrix arrangement and the large weight. Hence, we have investigated the possibility to design future Cerenkov telescopes based on solid state technology, specifically Geiger avalanche photodiodes. In a preliminary development test, we placed HAMAMATSU avalanche photodiodes at the focal plane of a 60 cm diameter telescope at the Pic du Midi in the French Pyrénées, in order to record incident cosmic rays. In this paper, we describe not only the experimental setup but we also put special emphasis to the reduction of the semi-conductor noise. We also show first data that were recorded during two runs in the fall of 2006, and conclude by the presentation of the design of an “integrated, low-cost solid state photodiode arrangement” which might be an alternative to PMT’s for future VHE telescopes.  相似文献   

Looking for repetitive signals within a γ burst may provide evidence for a massive KeV pseudo-scalar coupled to electromagnetism. We study the possible signatures that may occur for pseudo-scalar electromagnetic propagation and outline possible probes to the pseudo-scalar mass as well as its coupling to electromagnetism.  相似文献   

Colliding comets in the Solar System may be an important source of gamma ray bursts. The spherical gamma ray comet cloud required by the results of the Venera Satellites (Mazets and Golenetskii, 1987) and the BATSE detector on the Compton Satellite (Meeganet al., 1992a, b) is neither the Oort Cloud nor the Kuiper Belt. To satisfy observations ofN(>P max) vsP max for the maximum gamma ray fluxes,P max > 10–5 erg cm–2 s–1 (about 30 bursts yr–1), the comet density,n, should increase asn a 1 from about 40 to 100 AU wherea is the comet heliocentric distance. The turnover above 100 AU requiresn a –1/2 to 200 AU to fit the Venera results andn a 1/4 to 400 AU to fit the BATSE data. Then the masses of comets in the 3 regions are from: 40–100 AU, about 9 earth masses,m E; 100–200 AU about 25m E; and 100–400 AU, about 900m E. The flux of 10–5 erg cm–2 s–1 corresponds to a luminosity at 100 AU of 3 × 1026 erg s–1. Two colliding spherical comets at a distance of 100 AU, each with nucleus of radiusR of 5 km, density of 0.5 g cm–3 and Keplerian velocity 3 km s–1 have a combined kinetic energy of 3 × 1028 erg, a factor of about 100 greater than required by the burst maximum fluxes that last for one second. Betatron acceleration in the compressed magnetic fields between the colliding comets could accelerate electrons to energies sufficient to produce the observed high energy gamma rays. Many of the additional observed features of gamma ray bursts can be explained by the solar comet collision source.  相似文献   

We calculate the reverse shock (RS) synchrotron emission in the optical and the radio wavelength bands from electron–positron pair-enriched gamma-ray burst ejecta with the goal of determining the pair content of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) using early-time observations. We take into account an extensive number of physical effects that influence radiation from the RS-heated GRB ejecta. We find that optical/infrared flux depends very weakly on the number of pairs in the ejecta, and there is no unique signature of ejecta pair enrichment if observations are confined to a single wavelength band. It may be possible to determine if the number of pairs per proton in the ejecta is ≳100 by using observations in optical and radio bands; the ratio of flux in the optical and radio at the peak of each respective RS light curve is dependent on the number of pairs per proton. We also find that over a large parameter space, RS emission is expected to be very weak; GRB 990123 seems to have been an exceptional burst in that only a very small fraction of the parameter space produces optical flashes this bright. Also, it is often the case that the optical flux from the forward shock is brighter than the RS flux at deceleration. This could be another possible reason for the paucity of prompt optical flashes with a rapidly declining light curve at early times as was seen in GRBs 990123 and 021211. Some of these results are a generalization of similar results reported in Nakar & Piran.  相似文献   

The properties of cylindrical and spherical dust acoustic (DA) solitary and shock waves in an unmagnetized electron depleted dusty plasma consisting of inertial dust fluid and ions featuring Tsallis statistics are investigated by employing the reductive perturbation technique. A Korteweg-de Vries Burgers (KdVB) equation is derived and its numerical solution is obtained. The effects of ion nonextensivity and dust kinematic viscosity on the basic features of DA solitary and shock waves are discussed in nonplanar geometry. It is found that nonextensive nonplanar DA waves behave quite differently from their one-dimensional planar counterpart.  相似文献   

We analyse in detail the two-dimensional Kolmogorov–Smirnov test as a tool to learn about the distribution of the sources of the ultra-high energy cosmic rays. We confront, in particular, models based on active galactic nuclei observed in X-rays, galaxies observed in H  i and isotropic distributions, discussing how this method can be used not only to reject isotropy but also to support or reject specific source models, extending results obtained recently in the literature.  相似文献   

It is shown that a precursor type IIIb burst is really associated with a type III burst. The broad longitude distribution of occurrence of type IIIb bursts also suggests that these bursts are emitted at a large angle to the open magnetic field in the corona.  相似文献   

Takeo Kosugi 《Solar physics》1982,75(1-2):293-304
A proton-event-associated microwave burst occurred on November 10, 1978 and was observed with the 17 GHz interferometer at Nobeyama. The burst had a very broad extent of about 4.5 arc and consisted of at least four separate sources. The time evolutions of the individual sources were almost independent of each other. We suggest that the sources are fallen into two distinct types as follows: (i) The two-ribbon-associated sources are characterized by the source expansion in size and the relatively flat microwave spectrum, both of which can be explained by thermal emission from hot condensed plasma in the magnetic arcades whose legs are seen as the two-ribbon H flare, and (ii) the spot-related sources are characterized by the high polarization degree with a compact unipolar structure, the rapid time variation, and the inverted-U shape microwave spectrum. The intimate relation of the latter sources to the evolution of the associated type IVm-dm burst with spectral fine features is also discussed.  相似文献   

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