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Acoustic Doppler current profiles and current meter data are combined with wind observations to describe the transport of water leaving Florida Bay and moving onto the inner shelf on the Atlantic side of the Florida Keys. A 275-day study in the Long Key Channel reveals strong tidal exchanges, but the average ebb tide volume leaving Florida Bay is 19% greater than the average flood tide volume entering the bay. The long-term net outflow averages 472 m3 s−1. Two studies in shelf waters describe the response to wind forcing during spring and summer months in 2004 and during fall and winter months in 2004–2005. During the spring–summer study, southeasterly winds have a distinct shoreward component, and a two-layer pattern appears. Surface layers move shoreward while near-bottom layers move seaward. During the winter study, the resultant wind direction is parallel to the Keys and to the local isobaths. The entire water column moves in a nearly downwind direction, and across-shelf transport is relatively small. During the summer wet season, Florida Bay water should be warmer, fresher, and thus less dense than Atlantic shelf waters. Ebbing bay water should move onto the shelf as a buoyant plume and be held close to the Keys by southeasterly winds. During the winter dry season, colder and saltier Florida Bay water should leave the tidal channels with relatively high density and be concentrated in the near-bottom layers. But little across-shelf flow occurs with northeasterly winds. The study suggests that seasonally changing wind forcing and hydrographic conditions serve to insulate the reef tract from the impact of low-quality bay water.  相似文献   

Two 24-h surveys were conducted in St. Andrew Bay, Florida, during spring and neap tides to describe the tidal and non-tidal circulation patterns and to determine the factors that affect these patterns. In particular, the effect of tidal forcing in modulating such circulation patterns was explored. Observed velocities were fitted to diurnal and semidiurnal harmonics separating tidal motions from sub-tidal motions. Residual flows were compared with an analytic model that allowed variations in the relative contributions from Coriolis acceleration and friction using the Ekman number. A solution with an Ekman number of 0.04 resembled the observations best and indicated that the hydrodynamics were governed by pressure gradient, Coriolis and friction. Locally, advective accelerations became important around headlands in sub-estuaries in the system. The consistency of the mean pattern from October to March suggests that tides play a minor role in modulating the exchange flow. Deviations from the long-term mean are mainly caused by wind-driven coastal setup and setdown.  相似文献   

The Hangzhou Bay is a macro-tidal bay located to the south of the Changjiang estuary in China. Along its northern shore, a large-scale tidal channel system has developed, which includes a main northern tidal channel, with a length of more than 50 km and a width up to 10 km, and a secondary southern tidal channel. A process-based morphodynamic model, incorporating the cohesive sediment transport module of Delft3D, is used to analyze the physical processes and mechanisms underlying the formation and evolution of this tidal channel system. The results show that spatial gradients of flood dominance, caused by boundary enhancement via current convergences, is responsible for the formation of the channel system, due to a combination of the various factors such as funnel-shaped geometry hindering associated with the presence of islands, and flow deviation by the southern tidal flat and so on. The model results agree well with the real morphological features. This study also indicates that the reclamation of the southern tidal flat imposes a profound influence on the morphological evolution of the tidal channel system in the Hangzhou Bay. It is feasible to use the model to simulate long-term estuarine morphological changes with cohesive sediment settings.  相似文献   

An objective classification analysis was performed on a water quality data set from 25 sites collected monthly during 1994-2003. The water quality parameters measured included: TN, TON, DIN, NH4+, NO3-, NO2-, TP, SRP, TN:TP ratio, TOC, DO, CHL A, turbidity, salinity and temperature. Based on this spatial analysis, Biscayne Bay was divided into five zones having similar water quality characteristics. A robust nutrient gradient, driven mostly by dissolved inorganic nitrogen, from alongshore to offshore in the main Bay, was a large determinant in the spatial clustering. Two of these zones (Alongshore and Inshore) were heavily influenced by freshwater input from four canals which drain the South Dade agricultural area, Black Point Landfill, and sewage treatment plant. The North Bay zone, with high turbidity, phytoplankton biomass, total phosphorus, and low DO, was affected by runoff from five canals, the Munisport Landfill, and the urban landscape. The South Bay zone, an embayment surrounded by mangrove wetlands with little urban development, was high in dissolved organic constituents but low in inorganic nutrients. The Main Bay was the area most influenced by water exchange with the Atlantic Ocean and showed the lowest nutrient concentrations. The water quality in Biscayne Bay is therefore highly dependent of the land use and influence from the watershed.  相似文献   

Tidal bores may appear in some estuaries when the tides quickly reach a high level. This phenomenon is rare but has a strong impact during its short duration: i.e. the river bed is significantly eroded and sediments are then transported. In this paper, the trajectories of suspended particles induced by this flow are numerically studied. Four undular bores with Froude numbers between 1.1 and 1.2 are studied. Despite similar Froude numbers, various initial flow conditions were selected to produce or not an inversion of the flow direction during the bore passage. The particle trajectories associated with each distinct flow configuration are presented and analyzed. These trajectories, estimated by solving the Maxey-Riley equation, appear to be very different even though the Froude numbers of flows are similar. These observations are important because the Froude number is often used to characterize a tidal bore as it describes well the free surface, however, it cannot describe the sediment transport. Finally, Chen's model of wave-current interactions is adapted to fit the cases studied and is applied to the four bores simulated. The results highlight that this latter model can reproduce the observed trajectories and dissociate their different components. From this model, it is shown that the inertial and Basset history effects can be neglected compared to the gravity and flow entrainment effects due to the viscous drag when one wants to determine the long-term trajectories of suspended particles.  相似文献   

Bastos  A.  Collins  M.  Kenyon  N. 《Ocean Dynamics》2003,53(3):309-321
Numerical simulations of tidal flow and sand transport around a coastal headland (Portland Bill, southern UK) were undertaken to investigate patterns of sand transport during the development of tidally induced transient eddies. Results obtained from a 2-D finite-element hydrodynamic model (TELEMAC-2D) were combined with a sediment transport model (SEDTRANS), to simulate the sand transport processes around the headland. Simulation of the tidal flow around Portland Bill has shown the formation and evolution of tidally induced transient eddies, around the headland. During the evolution of these transient eddies, no current-induced bedload (transport) eddy is formed for either side of the headland. Net bedload sand transport direction, around a coastal headland, is the result of instantaneous gradients in bedload transport rates, during flood and ebb flows, rather than the average (residual) flow. Thus, the use of residual (water) circulation to describe patterns of sediment movement as bedload is not an appropriatedapproach. In the case study presented here, the distinct characteristics of the coastal and seabed morphology around the Isle of Portland (i.e. headland shape and the bathymetry) indicate that these parameters can be influencing tidal (flow) and sediment dispersion around the headland. Such an interpretation has broader implications and applications to headland-associated sandbanks elsewhere.Responsible Editor: Hans Burchard  相似文献   

T. Neta  Q. Cheng  R. L. Bello  B. Hu 《水文研究》2010,24(18):2617-2628
Assessing moisture contents of lichens and mosses using ground‐based high‐spectral resolution spectrometers offers immense opportunities for a comprehensive monitoring of peatland moisture status by satellite/airborne imagery. This study investigates the impact of various moisture conditions of common subarctic lichen and moss species upon the spectral signatures obtained. The lichens are Cladina stellaris and Cladina rangiferina, and the mosses are Dicranum elongatum and Tomenthypnum nitens. Reflectance and moisture content measurements of these species were made in a laboratory setting, while maintaining the natural moisture conditions of the samples; once the moisture and spectral measurements were complete, the samples were returned to the field and placed in their natural setting, continuously receiving moisture from precipitation and groundwater and losing water through evaporation and drainage. Changes in reflectance of the visible to shortwave infrared (SWIR) range (400–2500 nm) at various moisture contents were examined, as well as the potential of current spectral reflectance indices to evaluate the plants' moisture contents was examined. Results indicate that the SWIR region is useful in identifying variations in plants moisture conditions, while the unique spectral signatures of the lichens and mosses in the visible and near‐infrared range suggest that these species may be detected by satellite and airborne imagery. Of current spectral indices, the normalized difference infrared index (NDII) was most successful in identifying the above plants' moisture content (details are discussed in the paper). Future study should focus on the development of improved moisture content spectral indices, as well as upscaling reflectance data and spectral indices. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We apply geospatial analysis to borehole imagery in an effort to develop new techniques to evaluate the spatial distribution and internal structure of karst conduits. Remote sensing software is used to classify a high resolution, digital borehole image of limestone bedrock from the Biscayne aquifer (South Florida, USA) into a binary image divided into cells of rock matrix and pores. Within a GIS, 2D porosity is calculated for a series of rectangular sampling windows placed over the binary image and then plotted as a function of depth. Potential conduits that intersect the borehole are identified as peaks of high porosity. A second GIS technique identifies a conduit as a continuous object that spans the entire borehole width. According to these criteria, geospatial analysis reveals ∼10 discrete conduits along the ∼15 m borehole image. Continuous sampling of the geologic medium intersected by the borehole provides insight into the internal structure of karst aquifers and the evolution of karst features. Most importantly, this pilot study demonstrates that GIS-based techniques are capable of quantifying the depths, dimensions, shapes, apertures and connectivity of potential conduits, physical attributes that impact flow in karst aquifers.  相似文献   

The characterization of model errors is an essential step for effective data assimilation into open-ocean and shelf-seas models. In this paper, we propose an experimental protocol to properly estimate the error statistics generated by imperfect atmospheric forcings in a regional model of the Bay of Biscay, nested in a basin-scale North Atlantic configuration. The model used is the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM), and the experimental protocol involves Monte Carlo (or ensemble) simulations. The spatial structure of the model error is analyzed using the representer technique, which allows us to anticipate the subsequent impact in data assimilation systems. The results show that the error is essentially anisotropic and inhomogeneous, affecting mainly the model layers close to the surface. Even when the forcings errors are centered around zero, a divergence is observed between the central forecast and the mean forecast of the Monte Carlo simulations as a result of nonlinearities. The 3D structure of the representers characterizes the capacity of different types of measurement (sea level, sea surface temperature, surface velocities, subsurface temperature, and salinity) to control the circulation. Finally, data assimilation experiments demonstrate the superiority of the proposed methodology for the implementation of reduced-order Kalman filters.  相似文献   

The dynamics of sediment transport capacity in gravel‐bed rivers is critical to understanding the formation and preservation of fluvial landforms and formulating sediment‐routing models in drainage systems. We examine transport‐storage relations during cycles of aggradation and degradation by augmenting observations of three events of channel aggradation and degradation in Cuneo Creek, a steep (3%) gravel‐bed channel in northern California, with measurements from a series of flume runs modeling those events. An armored, single‐thread channel was formed before feed rates were increased in each aggradation run. Output rates increased as the channel became finer and later widened, steepened, and braided. After feed rates were cut, output rates remained high or increased in early stages of degradation as the incising channel remained fine‐grained, and later decreased as armoring intensified. If equilibrium was not reached before sediment feed rate was cut, then a rapid transition from a braided channel to a single‐thread channel caused output rates for a given storage volume to be higher during degradation than during aggradation. Variations in channel morphology, and surface bed texture during runs that modeled the three cycles of aggradation and degradation were similar to those observed in Cuneo Creek and provide confidence in interpretations of the history of change: Cuneo Creek aggraded rapidly as it widened, shallowed, and braided, then degraded rapidly before armoring stabilized the channel. Such morphology‐driven changes in transport capacity may explain the formation of flood terraces in proximal channels. Transport‐storage relations can be expected to vary between aggradation and degradation and be influenced by channel conditions at the onset of changes in sediment supply. Published in 2011. This article is a US Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Two discordant dunite channels in a polished slab were collected from a harzburgite layer in the Horoman orogenic lherzolite massif, Hokkaido, Japan. The dunite channels show extreme grain‐size variations, and include very large olivine megacrysts up to 1.6 m long. Spinel‐rich pyroxenite veins or veinlets occasionally cross‐cut the olivine megacrysts. Mineral compositions differ between channels, and the mineral compositions and textures of the dunite channels and the host harzburgite suggest a replacive origin for the dunites. The Sr and Nd isotopic ratios of clinopyroxene separates from the pyroxenite veins in two dunite channels are different, but these ratios are generally similar to those of mid‐ocean ridge basalts. Assuming the channels formed by the through‐flow of melts, then the trace element compositions of the melts estimated from the clinopyroxenes are broadly similar. The melts have similar features such as enriched in incompatible elements and depleted in heavy rare earth elements, but there are differences in the depletions in Ti and Ba, indicating melts that were different but of similar origins. A Rb–Sr crystallization age (~ 52 Ma) was obtained for clinopyroxene–orthopyroxene pairs in a dunite channel and its host harzburgite. The distinctive dunite channels with megacrysts formed as a result of the through‐flow of mafic magma(s), and those magmas had trace and minor element contents that are indicative of contributions of a melt derived from subducted oceanic lithosphere.  相似文献   

Condensation water is a major factor in the conservation of heritage caves. It can cause dissolution of the rock substrate (and the pigments of rock art drawn on it) or covering thereof with mineral components, depending on the chemical saturation degree of the condensation water. In show caves, visitors act as a source of CO2 and thus modify the microclimate, favouring negative processes that affect the conservation of the caves. In spite of their interest, studies of the chemical composition of this type of water are scarce and not very detailed. In this work we present research on the condensation water in the Nerja Cave, one of the main heritage and tourist caves in Europe. The joint analysis of isotopic, hydrochemical, mineralogical and microbiological data and the use of image analysis have allowed us to advance in the knowledge of this risk factor for the conservation of heritage caves, and to demonstrate the usefulness of image analysis to quantify the scope of the possible corrosion condensation process that the condensation water could be producing on the bedrock, speleothem and rock art. To our knowledge, this application of image analysis (relative to the condensation water in caves) is the first one of this type that has been documented.  相似文献   

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