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We evaluate the stress field in and around the southern Korean Peninsula with focal mechanism solutions, using the data collected from 71 earthquakes ( ML = 1.9–5.2) between 1999 and 2004. For this, the hypocentres were relocated and well-constrained fault plane solutions were obtained from the data set of 1270 clear P -wave polarities and 46 SH / P amplitude ratios. The focal mechanism solutions indicate that the prevailing faulting types in South Korea are strike-slip-dominant-oblique-slip faultings with minor reverse-slip component. The maximum principal stresses (σ1) estimated from fault-slip inversion analysis of the focal mechanism solutions show a similar orientation with E–W trend (269°–275°) and low-angle plunge (10°–25°) for all tectonic provinces in South Korea, consistent with the E–W trending maximum horizontal stress (σHmax) of the Amurian microplate reported from in situ stress measurements and earthquake focal mechanisms. The directions of the intermediate (σ2) and minimum (σ3) principal stresses of the Gyeongsang Basin are, however, about 90 deg off from those of the other tectonic provinces on a common σ2–σ3 plane, suggesting a permutation of σ2 and σ3. Our results incorporated with those from the kinematic studies of the Quaternary faults imply that NNW- to NE-striking faults (dextral strike-slip or oblique-slip with a reverse-slip component) are highly likely to generate earthquakes in South Korea.  相似文献   

Following the 1996 February 18 M L = 5.2 earthquake in the Agly massif in the eastern French Pyrenees, we installed a temporary network of seismometers around the epicentre. In this paper, we analyse 336 well-located aftershocks recorded from February 19 to February 23 by 18 temporary stations and two permanent stations located less than 35  km from the epicentre. Most aftershocks have been located with an accuracy better than 1.5  km in both horizontal and vertical positions. Their spatial distribution suggests the reactivation of a known fault system. We determined 39 fault-plane solutions using P -wave first motions. Despite their diversity, the focal mechanisms yield an E–W subhorizontal T-axis. We also determined fault-plane solutions and principal stress axes using the method developed by Rivera & Cisternas (1990 ) for the 15 best-recorded events. We obtain a pure-shear-rupture tectonic regime under N–S subhorizontal compression and E–W subhorizontal extension. These principal stress axes, which explain the focal mechanisms for at least 75 per cent of the 39 aftershocks, are different from the axes deduced from the main shock. The post-earthquake stress field caused by the main-shock rupture, modelled as sinistral strike slip on three vertical fault segments, is computed for various orientations and magnitudes of the regional stress field, assumed to be horizontal. The aftershock distribution is best explained for a compressive stress field oriented N30°E. Most aftershocks concentrate where the Coulomb failure stress change increases by more than 0.2  MPa. The diversity of aftershock focal mechanisms, poorly explained by this model, may reflect the great diversity in the orientations of pre-existing fractures in the Agly massif.  相似文献   

Earthquake populations have recently been shown to have many similarities with critical-point phenomena, with fractal scaling of source sizes (energy or seismic moment) corresponding to the observed Gutenberg–Richter (G–R) frequency–magnitude law holding at low magnitudes. At high magnitudes, the form of the distribution depends on the seismic moment release rate M˙ and the maximum magnitude m max . The G–R law requires a sharp truncation at an absolute maximum magnitude for finite M˙ . In contrast, the gamma distribution has an exponential tail which allows a soft or 'credible' maximum to be determined by negligible contribution to the total seismic moment release. Here we apply both distributions to seismic hazard in the mainland UK and its immediate continental shelf, constrained by a mixture of instrumental, historical and neotectonic data. Tectonic moment release rates for the seismogenic part of the lithosphere are calculated from a flexural-plate model for glacio-isostatic recovery, constrained by vertical deformation rates from tide-gauge and geomorphological data. Earthquake focal mechanisms in the UK show near-vertical strike-slip faulting, with implied directions of maximum compressive stress approximately in the NNW–SSE direction, consistent with the tectonic model. Maximum magnitudes are found to be in the range 6.3–7.5 for the G–R law, or 7.0–8.2 m L for the gamma distribution, which compare with a maximum observed in the time period of interest of 6.1 m L . The upper bounds are conservative estimates, based on 100 per cent seismic release of the observed vertical neotectonic deformation. Glacio-isostatic recovery is predominantly an elastic rather than a seismic process, so the true value of m max is likely to be nearer the lower end of the quoted range.  相似文献   

Summary. The paper gives the results of a study of the anisotropy of seismic wave velocities within the Ashkhabad test field in Central Asia. The anisotropy was studied by analysing variations in the values of apparent velocities of first arrivals for epicentral distances ranging from 30 to 130 km and by analysing the delays (Δ ts1-s2 ) between the arrival times of shear waves with different polarizations.
The velocities of P -waves vary with azimuth from 5.3 to 6.27 km s-1 and the velocities of S -waves vary from 3.15 to 3.5 km s-1.
The delay times Δ tS1 - S2 depend on the direction of the propagation. The character of the variation of the propagation velocity of the longitudinal wave, the presence of two differently polarized shear waves S 1 and S 2 propagating at different velocities, and the character of the distribution of Δ tS1 - S2 on the stereogram suggest that the symmetry of the anisotropic medium is close to hexagonal with a nearly horizontal symmetry axis coinciding with the direction of maximal velocity. The azimuth of the symmetry axis of the medium is 140° and coincides with the direction of geological faults.  相似文献   

Estimate of the stress field in Kilauea's South Flank, Hawaii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We estimated stress and seismic strain tensors for the Kilauea volcano's south flank. the stress orientation inversion and the seismic strain calculation were performed using fault-plane solutions. the principal stress and seismic strain directions are approximately uniformly distributed in space and time during the interval covered by the data. However, the σ1, σ3 plane is approximately orthogonal to the 1, 3 plane. Therefore, a weak layer may exist beneath the south flank. σ1 has a plunge of 59° and an azimuth of 152°, with a 10° 95 per cent confidence range. We also developed a stress magnitude inversion to estimate magnitudes of boundary and interior stresses. In this inversion, the principal stress directions were taken as constraints in the seismic volume, and surface geodetic observations were used as data. the maximum magmatic pressure in Kilauea's rift zone is about 160 MPa. the direction of σ1 can be interpreted as the superposition of hydrostatic stress ( pgh ) and magmatic pressure. Without the constraint imposed by the direction of σ1, the estimated pressure is only 60MPa, the distribution of magmatic pressure may be similar to that of pgh . In contrast, the upper rift zone may be in tension. the shear stress in the rift zone is about one order of magnitude smaller than the maximum compressive stress, supporting the interpretation of magmatic flow as fluid in dikes or channels. the combination of stress orientation inversion, seismic strain calculation, and stress magnitude inversion performed in this study provides a means by which to estimate the stress state in seismic areas.  相似文献   

Origin of the in situ stress field in south-eastern Australia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The in situ stress field of south‐eastern Australia inferred from earthquake focal mechanisms and bore‐hole breakouts is unusual in that it is characterised by large obliquity between the maximum horizontal compressive stress orientation (SHmax) and the absolute plate motion azimuth. The evolution of the neotectonic strain field deduced from historical seismicity and both onshore and offshore faulting records is used to address the origin of this unusual stress field. Strain rates derived from estimates of the seismic moment release rate (up to ~10?16 s?1) are compatible with Quaternary fault–slip rates. The record of more or less continuous tectonic activity extends back to the terminal Miocene or early Pliocene (10–5 Ma). Terminal Miocene tectonic activity was characterised by regional‐scale tilting and local uplift and erosion, now best preserved by unconformities in offshore basins. Plate‐scale stress modelling suggests the in situ stress field reflects increased coupling of the Australian and Pacific Plate boundary in the late Miocene, associated with the formation of the Southern Alps in New Zealand.  相似文献   

A Bayesian approach to estimating tectonic stress from seismological data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Earthquakes are conspicuous manifestations of tectonic stress, but the non-linear relationships between the stresses acting on a fault plane, its frictional slip, and the ensuing seismic radiation are such that a single earthquake by itself provides little information about the ambient state of stress. Moreover, observational uncertainties and inherent ambiguities in the nodal planes of earthquake focal mechanisms preclude straightforward inferences about stress being drawn on the basis of individual focal mechanism observations. However, by assuming that each earthquake in a small volume of the crust represents a single, uniform state of stress, the combined constraints imposed on that stress by a suite of focal mechanism observations can be estimated. Here, we outline a probabilistic (Bayesian) technique for estimating tectonic stress directions from primary seismological observations. The Bayesian formulation combines a geologically motivated prior model of the state of stress with an observation model that implements the physical relationship between the stresses acting on a fault and the resultant seismological observation. We show our Bayesian formulation to be equivalent to a well-known analytical solution for a single, errorless focal mechanism observation. The new approach has the distinct advantage, however, of including (1) multiple earthquakes, (2) fault plane ambiguities, (3) observational errors and (4) any prior knowledge of the stress field. Our approach, while computationally demanding in some cases, is intended to yield reliable tectonic stress estimates that can be confidently compared with other tectonic parameters, such as seismic anisotropy and geodetic strain rate observations, and used to investigate spatial and temporal variations in stress associated with major faults and coseismic stress perturbations.  相似文献   

Summary. Following the classic work of Eshelby, the slip and stress distributions due to an elliptical plane shear crack are evaluated. The relation between average (or maximum) slip on the crack and the (constant) static stress drop, for faults of different aspect ratios, is found. The slip vector is not parallel to the applied stress but makes a small angle to it, except when the stress is applied along the major or minor axis of the ellipse. The stress -distribution around the crack shows that in addition to the expected stress concentration along the crack edge, there are broad regions of stress increase off the crack plane for circular and elliptical cracks, similar to those known to exist for in-plane but not for antiplane shear cracks. Whether the stress- intensity factor at the end of one axis is greater or less than that at the end of the other axis ( ka ≶ kb ), depends on the condition: √ b/a ≶ (1 − v ) where a and b are the semi-axes of the ellipse, ka and kb are the stress-intensity factors at the end of the a- and b -axes and v is Poisson's ratio. The total stress-intensity factor varies smoothly along the edge of the ellipse from one axis to the other and it is found that this variation is rather small.  相似文献   

The effects of stress on the 2-D permeability tensor of natural fracture networks were studied using a numerical method (Universal Distinct Element Code). On the basis of three natural fracture networks sampled around Dounreay, Scotland, numerical modelling was carried out to examine the fluid flow in relation to the variations in burial depth, differential stress and loading direction. It was demonstrated that the permeability of all the networks decreased with depth due to the closure of aperture. The permeability approached the minimum value at some depth below which little further variation occurred. Also, differential stress had a significant effect on both the magnitude and direction of permeability. The permeability generally decreased with increasing major horizontal stress for a fixed minor horizontal stress, but the various networks considered showed different behaviours. A factor, termed the average deviation angle of maximum permeability ( A m), was defined to describe quantitatively the deviation degree of the direction of the major permeability component from the applied major stress direction. For networks whose behaviour is controlled by set(s) of systematic fractures, A m is significantly greater than zero, whereas those comprised of non-systematic fractures have A m close to zero. In general, fractured rock masses, especially those with one or more sets of systematic fractures, cannot be treated as equivalent porous media. Specification of the geometry of the network is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for models of fluid flow. Knowledge of the in situ stress, and the deformation it induces, is necessary to predict the behaviour of the rock mass.  相似文献   

All conventional stress inversion methods, when applied to earthquake focal mechanism data, suffer from uncertainty as to which plane is the true fault plane. This paper deals with several problems in stress inversion brought about by this uncertainty. Our analysis shows that the direction of shear stress on the auxiliary plane does not coincide with the hypothetical slip direction unless the B -axis is parallel to one of the three principal stress directions. Based on this simple fact, we propose a new algorithm dealing with the ambiguity in fault/auxiliary plane identification. We also propose a method to handle the inhomogeneity problem of data quality, which is common and unique for focal mechanism data. Different inversion methods and algorithms are applied to two sets of 'focal mechanism' data simulated from field fault-slip measurement data. The inversion results show that, among the four stress parameters inverted, the stress ratio suffers the most from the ambiguity in fault/auxiliary plane identity, whereas the solutions for the principal stress directions are surprisingly good. The errors in inversion solutions resulting from the fault/auxiliary plane ambiguity can be significantly reduced by controlling subjectively the sample variance of the measurement errors. Our results also suggest that the fault plane cannot be distinguished correctly from the auxiliary plane with a high probability on the basis of the stress inversion alone.  相似文献   

Source models such as the k -squared stochastic source model with k -dependent rise time are able to reproduce source complexity commonly observed in earthquake slip inversions. An analysis of the dynamic stress field associated with the slip history prescribed in these kinematic models can indicate possible inconsistencies with physics of faulting. The static stress drop, the strength excess, the breakdown stress drop and critical slip weakening distance D c distributions are determined in this study for the kinematic k -squared source model with k -dependent rise time. Several studied k -squared models are found to be consistent with the slip weakening friction law along a substantial part of the fault. A new quantity, the stress delay, is introduced to map areas where the yielding criterion of the slip weakening friction is violated. Hisada's slip velocity function is found to be more consistent with the source dynamics than Boxcar, Brune's and Dirac's slip velocity functions. Constant rupture velocities close to the Rayleigh velocity are inconsistent with the k -squared model, because they break the yielding criterion of the slip weakening friction law. The bimodal character of D c / D tot frequency–magnitude distribution was found. D c approaches the final slip D tot near the edge of both the fault and asperity. We emphasize that both filtering and smoothing routinely applied in slip inversions may have a strong effect on the space–time pattern of the inferred stress field, leading potentially to an oversimplified view of earthquake source dynamics.  相似文献   

Summary. Spectral attenuation of coda waves has been studied in the range 2–40 Hz from local events recorded in the western Pyrenean range from 1980 to 1982. Q c was obtained using a single scattering model of S -waves for different segments of the coda. An increase of Q c with lapse time was found and attributed to a rapid increase of Q β with depth.
Three groups of events were selected from distinct focal areas. Two data sets are mainly composed of aftershocks of moderate earthquakes of magnitude 5.1 and 4.8, respectively. No moderate earthquake occurred in the third area in the few years preceding or following the selected events. Use of stations close to epicentres allowed sampling of the coda at very short lapse times and then study of small, distinct scattering volumes. Noticeable differences were found between the three studied areas and attributed to spatial rather than temporal variations.
The Q c frequency dependence was studied according to Q c= qf α. α is found to range from 0.7 to 1.1 and q from 30 to 140. These values are in agreement with those found in other tectonic areas. It is shown that scattering is the dominant attenuation process below 10Hz.  相似文献   

3-D images of P velocity and P - to S -velocity ratio have been produced for the upper crust of the Friuli area (northeastern Italy) using local earthquake tomography. The data consist of 2565 P and 930 S arrival times of high quality. The best-fitting V P and V P / V S 1-D models were computed before the 3-D inversion. V P was measured on two rock samples representative of the investigated upper layers of the Friuli crust. The tomographic V P model was used for modelling the gravity anomalies, by converting the velocity values into densities along three vertical cross-sections. The computed gravity anomalies were optimized with respect to the observed gravity anomalies. The crust investigated is characterized by sharp lateral and deep V P and V P / V S anomalies that are associated with the complex geological structure. High V P / V S values are associated with highly fractured zones related to the main faulting pattern. The relocated seismicity is generally associated with sharp variations in the V P / V S anomalies. The V P images show a high-velocity body below 6 km depth in the central part of the Friuli area, marked also by strong V P / V S heterogeneities, and this is interpreted as a tectonic wedge. Comparison with the distribution of earthquakes supports the hypothesis that the tectonic wedge controls most of the seismicity and can be considered to be the main seismogenic zone in the Friuli area.  相似文献   

Summary. A new asymptotic formula is obtained for the spectrum of an isolated normal mode multiplet nSl or nTl , with n ≪ l , on a laterally heterogeneous Earth. The principal feature of this formula is that it is uniformly valid on the Earth's surface, including near the epicentre and its antipode. The formal conditions for its validity are that | δm / m 0|≪ 1 and s max≪ l ≪ s min| δm / m 0|–1, where | δm / m 0| is the relative magnitude of the lateral heterogeneity, and s min and s max are the minimum and maximum significant degrees in its spherical harmonic expansion. As well as providing a basis for the geographical interpretation of near-epicentral or near-antipodal long-period recordings, the new formula also unifies the asymptotic theory and adds insight into the phenomena which govern the details of multiplet spectra in general.  相似文献   

We present a 3-D radially anisotropic S velocity model of the whole mantle (SAW642AN), obtained using a large three component surface and body waveform data set and an iterative inversion for structure and source parameters based on Non-linear Asymptotic Coupling Theory (NACT). The model is parametrized in level 4 spherical splines, which have a spacing of ∼ 8°. The model shows a link between mantle flow and anisotropy in a variety of depth ranges. In the uppermost mantle, we confirm observations of regions with   VSH > VSV   starting at ∼80 km under oceanic regions and ∼200 km under stable continental lithosphere, suggesting horizontal flow beneath the lithosphere. We also observe a   VSV > VSH   signature at ∼150–300 km depth beneath major ridge systems with amplitude correlated with spreading rate for fast-spreading segments. In the transition zone (400–700 km depth), regions of subducted slab material are associated with   VSV > VSH   , while the ridge signal decreases. While the mid-mantle has lower amplitude anisotropy (<1 per cent), we also confirm the observation of radially symmetric   VSH > VSV   in the lowermost 300 km, which appears to be a robust conclusion, despite an error in our previous paper which has been corrected here. The 3-D deviations from this signature are associated with the large-scale low-velocity superplumes under the central Pacific and Africa, suggesting that   VSH > VSV   is generated in the predominant horizontal flow of a mechanical boundary layer, with a change in signature related to transition to upwelling at the superplumes.  相似文献   

The attenuation mechanism of seismic waves in northwestern Himalayas   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We analysed local earthquake waveforms recorded on a broad-band seismic network in northwestern Himalayas to compute the intrinsic and scattered attenuation parameters from coda waves. Similar to other tectonically active and heterogeneous regions, attenuation-frequency relation for western Himalaya is   Q −1 c = (113 ± 7)  f (1.01±0.05)  where   Qc   is the coda Q parameter. Intrinsic  ( Q −1 i )  and scattering  ( Q −1 s )  attenuations was separated using   Qc   and direct S -wave Q data  ( Qd )  . It is observed that estimated   Q −1 c   is close to   Q −1 i   and both of them are much larger than   Q −1 s   suggesting that coda decay is predominantly caused by intrinsic attenuation. At higher frequencies, both the attenuation parameters   Qc   and,   Qd   are similar indicating that coda is predominantly composed of back-scattered S waves at these frequencies.  相似文献   

A large nearly vertical, normal faulting earthquake ( M w = 7.1) took place in 1997 in the Cocos plate, just beneath the ruptured fault zone of the great 1985 Michoacan thrust event ( M w = 8.1). Dynamic rupture and resultant stress change during the 1997 earthquake have been investigated on the basis of near-source strong-motion records together with a 3-D dynamic model.
Dynamically consistent waveform inversion reveals a highly heterogeneous distribution of stress drop, including patch-like asperities and negative stress-drop zones. Zones of high stress drop are mainly confined to the deeper, southeastern section of the vertical fault, where the maximum dynamic stress drop reaches 280 bars (28 MPa). The dynamically generated source time function varies with location on the fault, and yields a short slip duration, which is caused by a short scalelength of stress-drop heterogeneities. The synthetic seismograms calculated from the dynamic model are generally consistent with the strong-motion velocity records in the frequency range lower than 0.5 Hz.
The pattern of stress-drop distribution appears, in some sense, to be consistent with that of coseismic changes in shear stress resulting from the 1985 thrust event. This consistency suggests that the stress transfer from the 1985 event to the subducting plate could be one of the possible mechanisms that increased the chance of the occurrence of the 1997 earthquake.  相似文献   

Effects of sphericity are commonly ignored in the lithospheric bending problem. In order to examine its effects, I solve a simple axisymmetric spherical-shell model. The full solution and the asymptotic solution are derived from the basic equations, and their relationship to the flat-plate solution is examined. For displacement, effects of sphericity are small, and use of the flat-plate solution produces results that are numerically indistinguishable from those of the spherical solution. The most significant effect of sphericity appears in the stress, in particular the normal stress along the strike direction of the trench. This stress is approximately given by Eur/R , where E is Young's modulus, ur is the vertical deformation of the shell and R is its radius of curvature. If the shell (lithosphere) is bent downwards and reaches 30 km, this stress can become about 5 kbar in the Earth. While plastic behaviour may set in under such high pressure conditions and analysis beyond elasticity theory may be required, sphericity may be a cause of large compressive stress in the trench strike direction. This stress may play an important role in forming the overall shape of the Earth's subduction zones.  相似文献   

The investigation of L g attenuation characteristics in the region bounding the western branch of the East African rift system using digital recordings from a seismic network located along the rift between Lake Rukwa and Lake Malawi is reported. A set of 24 recordings of L g waves from 12 regional earthquakes has been used for the determination of anelastic attenuation, Q Lg , and regional body-wave magnitude, m b Lg , scale. The events used have body-wave magnitudes, m b , between 4.6 and 5.5, which have been determined teleseismically and listed in ISC bulletins. The data were time-domain displacement amplitudes measured at 10 different frequencies (0.7–5.0  Hz). Q Lg and its frequency dependence, η , in the region can be represented in the form Q Lg = (186.2 ± 6.5)  f  (0.78±0.05). This model is in agreement with models established in other active tectonic regions. The L g -wave-based magnitude formula for the region is given by m b Lg = log   A + (3.76 ± 0.38)  log   D − (5.72 ± 1.06), where A is a half-peak-to-peak maximum amplitude of the 1  s L g wave amplitude in microns and D is the epicentral distance in kilometres. Magnitude results for the 12 regional earthquakes tested are in good agreement with the ISC body-wave magnitude scale.  相似文献   

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