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J. U. Abot Dr. 《GeoJournal》1984,9(4):369-376
The indispensability of good water supply in the development of a healthy citizenry and consequently its economy is very well known. In Nigeria the last drought that affected areas north of 12oN has awakened some awareness on the need for good water resource management. Most of the scarce food items in the market are caused by lack of irrigation and total relying on the rhythm of the rain for their cultivation.In this paper the government is reminded of its obligation in the inauguration of a national water resource management (control and usage) policy that will result in integrated development. Water supply in the rural areas will not attract industries, improve agricultural output, but reduce the incidence of water-borne diseases and the rate of rural-urban migration. Improvement in living standards due to good water supply means the development of human capital that can be mobilized for economic development in the country.  相似文献   

In Nigeria, increasing evidence indicates a deteriorating man-land relationship. Negative changes in landscape quality, lowering both the productivity and aesthetic quality of the natural environment, may have serious effects on the nation's economy. In rural areas, declining soil fertility and soil erosion threaten the ability to produce sufficient food. In urban areas, competition for productive agricultural land has led to its conversion to urban uses. Earth materials required for urban development have been obtained by widespread landscape destruction. Expansion of urban areas into sensitive valley, marsh, and lagoon environments has led to an increased frequency of urban floods and flood damage. A developing conservation ethic must be accompanied by a practicable framework for land use control.  相似文献   

C. N. Caviedes 《GeoJournal》1985,11(1):111-119
The exploitation of natural resources in Latin American countries has become one of the most controversial issues of contemporary development. Three positions arise: 1) a position that opens the development of natural resources to foreign priorities and capitals; 2) a position that opposes any kind of development if it is not conducted by the state, even if the state lacks the financial resources to do so; and 3) a position that sees advantages in negotiating the development of resources with external partnership but reserves for the state the determination of priorities and the leading role in the exploitation. The third position assumes the existence of a responsible government commited to safeguarding national interests. Unfortunately, this last assumption is not very operative with Latin American governments which seldom have standing policies concerning natural resources, which leaves them open to assaults from private national and international interests.Contrary to opposite views, it has been demonstrated that the development of natural resources brings about stimulation of regional economies and relocation of populations toward resource frontiers. Opposing the development of such areas of resources is to negate the concept of progress and to deepen chronic poverty.  相似文献   

三江源地区是长江、黄河、澜沧江三大河流的发源地,其生态环境质量的好坏直接关系到中下游地区的可持续发展及生态安全.本文以直根尕卡地区为研究对象,从可持续发展的观点出发,在1:25万区域环境地质调查的基础上,综合分析了该区水资源、土壤资源及生物资源状况,揭示了该区生态环境存在的3个问题,提出了三江源地区可持续发展的几点建议及对策.  相似文献   

铀资源信息管理与分析系统的研制和开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了采用GIS技术、计算机技术及数据库技术研制开发的铀资源信息管理与分析系统。该系统具有铀资源信息数据的输入、输出,信息的查询、检索,铀资源特征的应用分析等功能。  相似文献   

Conclusions The coastal zone in Nigeria has some problems and if both the Federal and the State Governments continue their movements away from viewing the coastal zone as an important and ecologically unique and fragile environment, the problem will retard the resources of the area. Developing countries like Nigeria lag behind the developed world in the provision of legislations to protect their citizens, coastal environment, and companies and firms. Presently, the development of Nigeria strictly comes from the coastal zone, therefore Government at all levels must be brought to see the coastal zones as a district and important region, and to provide a CZMP network capable of successfully resolving the issues particular to it.  相似文献   

Water and land-use tension are growing with the growing population of the world especially in arid region. To develop an efficient, sustainable, and integrated water and land-use resource management policy, accurate and complex information about available resources and demand centers is required. Geographical information system (GIS) provides a means of representing the real world through integrated layers of constituent spatial information using overlaying and indexing operations. In Abu Dhabi, Water Resources Information System (AWRIS) was developed. AWRIS is a centralized, GIS-based, Web-enabled integrated information management system that allows storage and management of all water resource information. The system integrates a comprehensive set of tools and applications that facilitate the efficient management of the water resources of the Emirate. All historical water resource information from more than ten existing databases and 10,000 Excel workbooks have now been compiled, quality controlled, and migrated into the central database. AWRIS is built as an Integrated Information Management System and hence designed to improve productivity by linking all relevant applications for data handling to a centralized data repository and management system. This paper outlines the main features of AWRIS which are three-folds. First, it provides full support for the Arabic language. Second, it is the first of its kind in bringing unrestricted data types into a centralized information management system, and third, it provides a wide range of tools to effectively manage information on water resources.  相似文献   

贾大成 《吉林地质》2000,19(2):23-26
矿产资源可持续发展是一项基本国策,如何保持矿产资源可持续性发展是众所关注的问题。制定有利于矿产资源稳定、均衡发展的政策法规和加强矿产勘查是保持矿产资源可持纽发展的行之有效的两个方面。  相似文献   

Food, energy and mineral resources appeared to be available in limitless quantities. The accelerated growth in global population during recent centuries brought about a new situation. We reached the resource limits of Spaceship Earth. This, along with the dawning awareness of the extent of environmental damage to date, have made it necessary to turn to new attitudes as to the use of renewable and non-renewable resources.IRM (Integrated Resource Management) is proposed as a way to rationally balance the use and conservation of natural resources. A databank based on the Geographic Information System (GIS) concept, bringing together all relevant resources of a nation, is the centerpiece of IRM and will make it possible to establish strategies to optimize the long term use of resources, including all relevant environmental factors.  相似文献   

福州地热资源是有限的,过量开采必然会加剧地热资源的衰减。尤其是处于市中心的地热水资源更要慎重地、合理地开发利用。本文介绍福州地热资源概况,重点介绍了福州地热资源实行集中开采、统一供热、统一调配、统一使用的管理方法。亦是有效保护地热资源的好方法。  相似文献   

A survey was conducted in 21 rural settlements to assess wildlife conservation under a common utilization. Wildlife was managed through traditional regulations to meet subsistence requirements for food, income, recreation and health care. However, the conditions under which common property resource utilization thrived: traditional beliefs, communal land tenure system and uncertain income streams were almost disintegrated by changes in land use and social attitudes.The resource base for rural economies, the natural vegetation, was in crisis of depletion and degradation due to modern techniques of agricultural and forestry production. A conservative strategy is suggested. Rural land use should be based on planned agroforestry practices: smallholder tree planting, protection and regeneration of indigenous plants with potential social and economic value, domestication of wild animals and ranching of game with livestock.  相似文献   

David Pearce 《GeoJournal》1988,17(3):349-355
The philosophy of sustainable development argues that environmental conservation and economic development are complementary objectives in national economic planning. This contrasts with the more traditional view that development leads to inevitable sacrifies in envitronmental quality. This case study investigates a clear example of complementary in the Sahel-Sudan zone through an analysis of the economics of planting Acacia senegal to produce gum hashab (gum arabic). A. senegal has many environmentally benign functions besides producing gum as a cash crop. It is leguminous, stabilises soils, provides fodder and firewood and effevtively provides a buffer against desertification. Nonetheless, the gum arabic belt is suffering increased degradation due to drought, population movement and, in the past, wrong economic incentives to farmers. Economic incentives have recently improved and the paper offers a partial cost-benefit analysis of A. senegal production to show that planting can achieve high economic rates of return.This paper was presented to the International Task Force on Human Investment and Resource Use, UNESCO, Paris, March 1988, under the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme.  相似文献   

Dr. D. Turnock 《GeoJournal》1979,3(6):609-622
Water supply is an important contextual theme in programme of planned economic development. Using the Romanian example it is shown how increasingly heavy demands for water call for a more sophisticated approach to planning in each drainage basin, with measures to increase water storages and reduce pollution. Such activity can also bring important benefits for navigation, flood control and hydroelectricity output. Substantial investment in multi-purpose projects is now required by the economy which is, nevertheless, hardpressed to generate the financial and technical resources that are required. At the same time it is shown how the theme of water resource management, taken in historical perspective, can act as a theme for analytical regional geography. River navigation (backed up with schemes for flood control and hydroelectricity generation) constituted a powerful stimulus in the nineteenth century. Hydroelectricity became a more significant factor after the First World War but construction of major projects has been accelerated by a multi-purpose approach, strenghthened recently by the psychological impact of the 1970 and 1975 floods. Finally, with major rivers forming long sections of Romania's international frontiers', relations with neighbouring countries must be considered a critical factor in the development programme.  相似文献   

通过对数据库管理系统开发研究,将其应用到XX 地区浅层地温能资源数据库管理系统开发实际工程。根据浅层地温能资源数据库管理系统功能需求的分析,以Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 作为系统界面可视化的开发平台,以C#为开发语言,引用开源的SharpMap 作为地图编辑操作的GIS 工具,实现系统的各个功能。该系统为全面了解XX 地区浅层地热能资源赋存情况提供了工具,对合理规划、开发、利用和管理该地区浅层地热能有极大帮助。  相似文献   

Francis C. Okafor   《Geoforum》1985,16(4):413-421
River Basin Development is one of the key agricultural programmes embarked upon by Nigeria to meet the challenges of escalating import bills on food. This paper takes a critical look at the various efforts made by the management of the River Basin Authorities in responding to the current food crisis. The rationale for the huge financial allocation made to the Authorities is questioned, and the management lapses in their key areas of operation, such as irrigation, mechanization and extension services, are discussed. It is found that despite the huge financial investments made in the river basins, their impact is hardly felt, not only in terms of food production capacity but also in the production performance of the peasant farmers. The paper argues that the problem of food crisis in Nigeria could be solved by strengthening the ability of the peasant farmers and farmers co-operatives through financial aid and extension services, and not by huge financial investments on high technology agricultural projects, characterized by centralized administration and expatriáte management.  相似文献   

The gap between water need and supply has widened steadily in Nigeria's urban centres despite continuous efforts made to develop the nation's vast surface and groundwater resources. Less than 0.5% of the total water resource potential has been developed for consumption, and the per capita water supply for all uses is only 61 litres per day. Acute water shortages afflict the inhabitants of the towns and cities. The bulk of available water supplies is unmetered; where metered, ridiculously low rates are changed. Thus, there is a great need for management policy that aims at financial viability and economic efficiency. More realistic water rates should be charged in order to raise the much-needed revenue to meet increasing production and distribution costs.  相似文献   

郑贵华 《新疆地质》2002,20(1):98-99
MIS(Management Information System),管理信息系统)是一个正常中文Windows工作环境下,能进行信息的收集、传递、存储、加工、维护和使用的计算机人机对话系统.主要功能是:利用过去的数据预测未来、利用信息和模型辅助企业进行决策.根据MIS和计算机辅助管理的基本原理和功能.笔者利用Visual foxpro 5.0等计算机编程语言开发出一套适用于水资源管理部门的《水资源管理信息系统》计算机应用软件,解决了水资源管理部门在水资源管理工作中运用MIS实现计算机辅助决策和信息管理的问题. 1 系统组成 由水资源管理和取水许可管理两大子系统组…  相似文献   

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