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By adopting the same approach outlined by De Santis & Cassisi, we evaluate the absolute bolometric magnitude of the zero-age horizontal branch (ZAHB) at the level of the RR Lyrae variable instability strip in selected Galactic globular clusters. This allows us to estimate the ZAHB absolute visual magnitude for these clusters and to investigate its dependence on the cluster metallicity. The derived M V (ZAHB)–[Fe/H] relation, corrected in order to account for the luminosity difference between the ZAHB and the mean RR Lyrae magnitude, has been compared with some of the most recent empirical determinations in this field, such as the one provided by Baade–Wesselink analyses, RR Lyrae periods, Hipparcos data for field variables and main-sequence fitting based on Hipparcos parallaxes for field subdwarfs. As a result, our relation provides a clear support to the 'long' distance scale. We discuss also another method for measuring the distance to Galactic globular clusters. This method is quite similar to the one adopted for estimating the absolute bolometric magnitude of the ZAHB but it relies only on the pulsational properties of the Lyrae variables in each cluster. The reliability and accuracy of this method have been tested by applying it to a sample of globular clusters for which, owing to the morphology of their horizontal branch (HB), the use of the commonly adopted ZAHB fitting is a risky procedure. We notice that the two approaches for deriving the cluster distance modulus provide consistent results when applied to globular clusters, the RR Lyrae instability strip is well populated. As the adopted method relies on theoretical predictions on both the fundamental pulsational equation and the allowed mass range for fundamental pulsators, we give an estimate of the error affecting present results, owing to systematic uncertainties in the adopted theoretical framework.  相似文献   

For the first time we propose a real physical mechanism for 'extra mixing' in red giants that can quantitatively interpret all the known star-to-star abundance variations in globular clusters. This is Zahn's mechanism. It considers extra mixing in a radiative zone of a rotating star as a result of the joint operation of meridional circulation and turbulent diffusion. It is shown that the only free parameter, the angular velocity at the base of the convective envelope, can be so adjusted as to fit the observed abundance correlations without leading to a conflict with available data on rotation velocities of blue horizontal branch stars in the same cluster. There are two critical assumptions in our model, that the top of the radiative zone is not in synchronous rotation with the stellar surface but rotates significantly faster and that the criterion for shear instability takes a particular form. These will eventually be tested by three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations.  相似文献   

We investigate the conditions by which neutron star retention in globular clusters is favoured. We find that neutron stars formed in massive binaries are far more likely to be retained. Such binaries are likely to then evolve into contact before encountering other stars, possibly producing a single neutron star after a common envelope phase. A large fraction of the single neutron stars in globular clusters are then likely to exchange into binaries containing moderate-mass main-sequence stars, replacing the lower-mass components of the original systems. These binaries will become intermediate-mass X-ray binaries (IMXBs), once the moderate-mass star evolves off the main sequence, as mass is transferred on to the neutron star, possibly spinning it up in the process. Such systems may be responsible for the population of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) that has been observed in globular clusters. Additionally, the period of mass-transfer (and thus X-ray visibility) in the vast majority of such systems will have occurred 5–10 Gyr ago, thus explaining the observed relative paucity of X-ray binaries today, given the MSP population.  相似文献   

We performed high-resolution simulations of two stellar collisions relevant for stars in globular clusters. We considered one head-on collision and one off-axis collision between two 0.6-M main-sequence stars. We show that a resolution of about 100 000 particles is sufficient for most studies of the structure and evolution of blue stragglers. We demonstrate conclusively that collision products between main-sequence stars in globular clusters do not have surface convection zones larger than 0.004 M after the collision, nor do they develop convection zones during the 'pre-main-sequence' thermal relaxation phase of their post-collision evolution. Therefore, any mechanism which requires a surface convection zone (i.e. chemical mixing or angular momentum loss via a magnetic wind) cannot operate in these stars. We show that no disc of material surrounding the collision product is produced in off-axis collisions. The lack of both a convection zone and a disc proves a continuing problem for the angular momentum evolution of blue stragglers in globular clusters.  相似文献   

We argue that all transient searches for planets in globular clusters have a very low detection probability. Planets of low-metallicity stars typically do not reside at small orbital separations. The dependence of planetary system properties on metallicity is clearly seen when the quantity   I e ≡ M p[ a (1 − e )]2  is considered;   M p, a   and e are the planet mass, semimajor axis and eccentricity, respectively. In high-metallicity systems, there is a concentration of systems at high and low values of I e , with a low-populated gap near   I e ∼ 0.3 M J au2  , where M J is Jupiter's mass. In low-metallicity systems, the concentration is only at the higher range of I e , with a tail to low values of I e . Therefore, it is still possible that planets exist around main-sequence stars in globular clusters, although at small numbers because of the low metallicity, and at orbital periods of ≳10 d. We discuss the implications of our conclusions on the role that companions can play in the evolution of their parent stars in globular clusters, for example, influencing the distribution of horizontal branch stars on the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram of some globular clusters, and in forming low-mass white dwarfs.  相似文献   

In this paper, by assuming the equilibrium temperatures of RRab Lyrae variables defined by Carney, Storm & Jones as correct we show that temperatures derived from ( B − V ) colour (mean colour over the pulsational cycle calculated on the magnitude scale) transformations by Bessel, Castelli & Plez are consistent with the Carney et al. equilibrium temperatures within a probable error of δ  log  T e =±0.003 . As a consequence, it is shown that the pulsational temperature scale temperature–period–blue amplitude [ T eff= f ( P , A B )] relation provided by De Santis, who studied the ( B − V ) colour of about 70 stars of Lub's sample, is a suitable relation, being reddening- and metallicity-free, to calculate equilibrium temperatures for RRab variables. This relation is independent of variable mass and luminosity within a large range of period-shift from the mean period–amplitude relation valid for Lub's sample of variables. On the contrary, it is also shown that a temperature–amplitude–metallicity relation is strictly dependent on the period–amplitude relation of the sample used for calibrating it: we prove that this means it is dependent on both the mass and luminosity variations of variables.  相似文献   

The effect of gas ejection on the structure and binding energy of newly formed stellar clusters is investigated. The star formation efficiency (SFE), necessary for forming a gravitationally bound stellar cluster, is determined.
Two sets of numerical N -body simulations are presented. As a first simplified approach we treat the residual gas as an external potential. The gas expulsion is approximated by reducing the gas mass to zero on a given time-scale, which is treated as a free parameter. In a second set of simulations we use smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) to follow the dynamics of the outflowing residual gas self-consistently. We investigate cases where gas outflow is induced by an outwards propagating shock front and where the whole gas cloud is heated homogeneously, leading to ejection.
If the stars are in virial equilibrium with the gaseous environment initially, bound clusters only form in regions where the local SFE is larger than 50 per cent or where the gas expulsion time-scale is long compared with the dynamical time-scale. A small initial velocity dispersion of the stars leads to a compaction of the cluster during the expulsion phase and reduces the SFE needed to form bound clusters to less than 10 per cent.  相似文献   

N -body simulations are made with a variety of initial conditions, in particular clumpy and flattened distributions, to attempt to constrain the possible initial conditions of globular clusters, using the observations that young LMC globular clusters appear relaxed after only 20 to 40 Myr. It is found that violent relaxation is able to erase most of the initial substructure in only ≈ 6 crossing times. However, initially very clumpy distributions (≲ 100 clumps) form clusters that are too concentrated to resemble real globular clusters. Such clusters also often have large clumps in long-lasting (≳ 30 crossing times) orbits which do not appear in observed cluster profiles. It is also found that even modest amounts of initial flattening produce clusters that are too elliptical to resemble real globular clusters. In such a scenario, cloud–cloud collisions and similar energetic processes would be unlikely to produce sufficiently spherical globular clusters. It is suggested that globular clusters form from roughly spherical initial conditions with star formation occurring either smoothly or in many small clumps.  相似文献   

Broadband colours are often used as metallicity proxies in the study of extragalactic globular clusters. A common concern is the effect of variations in horizontal branch (HB) morphology – the second‐parameter effect – on such colours. We have used UBVI, Washington, and DDO photometry for a compilation of over 80 Milky Way globular clusters to address this question. Our method is to fit linear relations between colour and [Fe/H], and study the correlations between the residuals about these fits and two quantitative measures of HB morphology. While there is a significant HB effect seen in UB, for the commonly used colours BV, VI, and CT1, the deviations from the baseline colour‐[Fe/H] relations are less strongly related to HB morphology. There may be weak signatures in BV and CT1, but these are at the limit of observational uncertainties. The results may favour the use of BI in studies of extragalactic globular clusters, especially when its high [Fe/H]‐sensitivity is considered. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We report the result of our near-infrared observations ( JHK s) for type II Cepheids (including possible RV Tau stars) in galactic globular clusters. We detected variations of 46 variables in 26 clusters (10 new discoveries in seven clusters) and present their light curves. Their periods range from 1.2 d to over 80 d. They show a well-defined period–luminosity relation at each wavelength. Two type II Cepheids in NGC 6441 also obey the relation if we assume the horizontal branch stars in NGC 6441 are as bright as those in metal-poor globular clusters in spite of the high metallicity of the cluster. This result supports the high luminosity which has been suggested for the RR Lyr variables in this cluster. The period–luminosity relation can be reproduced using the pulsation equation     assuming that all the stars have the same mass. Cluster RR Lyr variables were found to lie on an extrapolation of the period–luminosity relation. These results provide important constraints on the parameters of the variable stars.
Using Two Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) data, we show that the type II Cepheids in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) fit our period–luminosity relation within the expected scatter at the shorter periods. However, at long periods (   P > 40  d, i.e. in the RV Tau star range) the LMC field variables are brighter by about one magnitude than those of similar periods in galactic globular clusters. The long-period cluster stars also differ from both these LMC stars and galactic field RV Tau stars in a colour–colour diagram. The reasons for these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

We study the evolution of globular clusters with mass spectra under the influence of the steady Galactic tidal field, including the effects of velocity anisotropy. Similarly to single-mass models, velocity anisotropy develops as the cluster evolves, but the degree of anisotropy is much smaller than in isolated clusters. Except for very early epochs of the cluster evolution, the velocity distributions of nearly all mass components become tangentially anisotropic at the outer parts. We examine how the mass function (MF) changes in time. Specifically, we find that the power-law index of the MF decreases monotonically with the total mass of the cluster, in agreement with previous findings based on isotropic models or N -body studies. This is also consistent with the behaviour of the observed slopes of MFs for a limited number of clusters. We attempt to compare our results with multimass King models, although it is almost impossible to fit the entire density profiles for all mass components. When the MF is fixed, the central densities of individual components show significant differences between Fokker–Planck and King models. We obtain 'best-fitting' multimass King models, for which the central density of individual components as well as the total density distribution agrees with the Fokker–Planck models by adjusting the MF. The MFs obtained in this way closely resemble the MF within the half-mass radius of the Fokker–Planck result. Also, we find that the local MFs predicted by Fokker–Planck calculations vary more rapidly with radius than best-fitting multimass King models. The projected velocity profiles for anisotropic models show significant flattening toward the tidal radius compared with the isotropic model. This is caused by the fact that the tangential velocity dispersion becomes dominant at the outer parts. Such a behaviour of velocity profile appears to be consistent with the observed profiles of the collapsed cluster M15.  相似文献   

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