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目前,地球物理探测岩石圈的热潮正方兴未艾,很多国家都制定了深部地球物理勘查计划。如美国的COCORP,CALCRUST,USGS,英国的BIRPS,法国的ECORS,西德的DEKORPS,澳大利亚的ACOCORP,加拿大的Lithoprobe等,都已取得了重要的成果。  相似文献   

陈丽群 《城市地质》2000,12(2):35-35
在社会主义市场经济条件下 ,企业流动资金的管理、运用 ,是整个企业生产经营的关键 ,是提高企业经济效益 ,增加职工收入 ,加速资金周转的龙头。为此 ,企业必须实行以资金管理为中心 ,树立资金管理的新观念 ,拓宽资金渠道 ,压缩资金占用 ,加强监督检查 ,完善考核办法 ,实行集约管理。通过采取这些措施 ,才能提高资金的使用效果 ,促进资金的良性循环。企业流动资金的多少与运用的好坏 ,直接反映企业的经营和竞争能力 ,是一个企业生产经营好坏的关键 ,是企业能否正常运转 ,能否提高效益的基础。如果企业的流动资金充足 ,则企业就能购买其生产经…  相似文献   

几年来的实践表明,发展多种经营是一项相当艰巨的工作,困难很多.既有外精环境的限制,又受本身条件的制约;既有客观不利条件的影响,又有主观经验少,素质低的原因.但是,我们已经有了这几年来打下的较好基础,只要我们善于总结经验,充分利用有利条件,上下一齐想办法,把握机遇,我相信是可以克服暂时的困难,渡过目前的难关,使我  相似文献   

尊敬的领导,广大的读者: 大家好!《中国勘察设计》杂志在改革开放的康庄大道上风雨兼程的走过了二十个年头了,2005年5月,我们将迎来她20岁的华诞!二十年来,在建设部和中国勘察设计协会的领导下,她坚守既定的办刊宗旨,始终立足于勘察设计行业,宣传改革开放的大好形势,坚持政策导向,发布专业资讯,传播新观念,介绍新经验,开阔新视野,她现已成为行业的“窗口”,学者的论坛,设计师的良师益友,广大读者的知心朋友。二十年来,她紧紧围绕中国勘察设计咨询行业的改企建制、企业发展、经营管理、学术交流等一系列热点和焦点问题,大力反映行业的新进…  相似文献   

如果把大洋钻探比作人生,那么50岁的国际大洋钻探,历经沧桑,砥砺前行,波澜壮阔,功成名就,但也正面临重整旗鼓,再次出发;而20岁的中国大洋钻探,风华正茂,后来居上,年富力强,踌躅满志,但在新世纪地球系统科学的号角声中,能否站在巨人的肩膀上,整装出发,打造全球视野,引领地球科学的前沿?  相似文献   

无数事实证明,坑道中最严重的问题是,岩石的坍方。严重坍方,直接或间接影响着坑道的使用要求,工程的质量,工程的造价,作业的安全,器材的消耗,施工的进度等。坑道为什么坍方,什么石质最容易产生坍方,坍方有没有规律可循,坍方形式如何,这类问题,发表些粗浅意见,供探讨。一、坑道为什么坍方 1.坑道中岩石坍方的原因是:由于坑道开掘,对岩体内部应力平衡的破坏,是坑道坍方的最首要的原因,它使坑道两侧岩体的压应力激烈增长,还使坑道拱顶岩体的张应力有所增长,其结果产生了坑道的变形,如出现裂缝,剥落及崩溃,一般岩石坚硬整体均一的变形小,反之,岩石松散非均质的变形则大。  相似文献   

王曰伦 《地质论评》1951,16(1):71-71
一、五台系,变质岩内铁矿,因变质甚深,与其围岩俱变片岩状,原来产状及成因住往不易追求,变质岩系地层既然很厚,代表的地质时代也很长,铁矿的种类似很多,无论是水成的,火成的,热液等成的矿,恐都有代表,现时非有很精确和深刻的研究,恐不能分辨清楚。根据现时的了解,有两个不同的铁矿产状,即:  相似文献   

在历史的长河里,35年只是转瞬即逝的一朵浪花,然而,对于武汉地质学院来说,却显得如此曲折而漫长。她在祖国经济复苏的年代,勃起生命的新绿,到60年代中期巳成为地质学科门类齐全的重点学院。而后风云突变,历尽劫难,几经迁徙,几经易名。但她终究带着历史的深情瞩望,迎着历史的春风秋雨,成长了,壮大了,桃李满天下了!在校庆35周年之际,遍布祖国天南地北的毕业生儿女,都会向辛勤培育他们的母亲致以崇高的敬礼!  相似文献   

燕树檀同志是河北省定县太平庄人,自幼勤奋好学,渴求上进,记忆力强,富正义感。一九三五年考入北京大学地质系,毕业后,一直从事地质工作。在五十年的地质生涯中,将近三十年是在贵州渡过的。贵州的山山水水,都留下了他的足迹,许许多多的地质工地,遍洒着他的颗颗汗珠。早在解放前的四十年代,他就不畏艰险,深入我省边远地区的水城、威宁等县,进行铁、煤等矿产资源的调查;一九五八年,地质部调任他为贵州省地质局总工程师后,二十六年来,尽管局级领导多次更替,他始终兢兢业业,勤勤恳恳,任劳任怨当好参  相似文献   

层序地层学的研究现状   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
本文介绍了层序地层的发展历史,总结了各阶段的主要理论和概念,以及各阶段所取得的成就,指出各阶段的理论发及存在的不足,由此而追索到现代序地层学的基本概念及理论的由来,总的来说,层序地层不它历了初期阶段,地震地层学阶段和现代层序地层学三个发展阶段,其中主要涉及层序控制的因素,海平面变化,可容纳空间变化和体系域类型等概念,笔者认为层序地层不发展主要原因是地震勘技术的发展及石油工业的发展,作为边缘学科,它与诸多的学科都有较深的渊源,笔者认为,正是在这些结合点上,层序地层学才得到了极大的应用,笔者认为陆相层离地层学在中国有了较大的发展,在国际上属邻先地位,本文总结了层序地层学的发展历史,现状及可能的发展方向,这将有利人们进一步了解本学科的进展。  相似文献   

环境介质中高氯酸盐污染及微生物修复技术研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王蕊  刘菲  张苑  陈鸿汉  秦莉红 《岩矿测试》2012,31(4):689-698
高氯酸盐(ClO4-)是一种有毒的无机阴离子,其环境污染问题引起了广泛关注,控制与修复高氯酸盐污染环境成为新的研究热点,其中微生物修复技术最具应用前景。国外已开展环境中高氯酸盐污染现状的调查工作,利用微生物修复技术去除高氯酸盐取得了一定的成果,但我国的相关研究较少。文章综述了近年来国内外高氯酸盐的污染现状及微生物修复高氯酸盐的最新研究进展。由于高氯酸盐的高水溶性和低吸附性,当前研究最多的是高氯酸盐水体污染,这些水体通过饮用水(源水)或食物链直接或间接地对人类健康造成影响。在微生物修复方面,从有机电子供体,无机电子供体(H2、Fe0等),电子受体(O2、NO3-、SO24-)及微生物的生长环境因素(pH值、温度、氧化还原电位、盐度)等方面总结了各因素对微生物修复技术去除高氯酸盐效果的影响,以期为我国开展微生物处理技术在高氯酸盐污染修复领域的实践应用提供参考。  相似文献   

This study reports the influence of a 20th century pollution signal recorded in the δ13C and δ18O of absolutely dated tree rings from Quercus robur and Pinus sylvestris from southern England. We identify a correspondence between the inter-relationship and climate sensitivity of stable isotope series that appears to be linked to recent trends in local SO2 emissions. This effect is most clearly exhibited in the broadleaved trees studied but is also observed in the δ13C values of the (less polluted) pine site at Windsor. The SO2 induced stomatal closure leads to a maximum increase of 2.5‰ in the isotope values (δ13C). The combined physiological response to high pollution levels is less in δ18O than δ13C. The SO2 signal also seems to be present as a period of reduced growth in the two ring-width chronologies. Direct, quantitative correction for the SO2 effect represents a significant challenge owing to the nature of the records and likely local plant response to environmental pollution. Whilst it appears that this signal is both limited to the late industrial period and demonstrates a recovery in line with improvements in air quality, the role of atmospheric pollution during the calibration period should not be underestimated and adequate consideration needs to be taken when calibrating biological environmental proxies in order to avoid development of biased reconstructions.  相似文献   

Air pollution has been considered one of the most important environmental challenges because of its direct effect on ecosystems and human health. Temporal changes in the composition of 20 samples of rainwater in the arid region of Karachi, Pakistan during the southwest monsoon of 2009 have been monitored to carry out the indirect assessment of air quality. The study has been fulfilled with the aim of identifying the level of air pollution, and the relative contribution of possible anthropogenic activities. Metal ions were analyzed to predict health risks. Rain samples were found to be alkaline (pH 5.55-7.55) due to the influence of calcium and magnesium rich particles. Continuous rains in consecutive days showed a remarkable decline in air pollution while the dry season boosted up the level of pollution. Strong correlations of total dissolved solids with K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and Cl were observed. A relatively weak correlation of total suspended particles with metals showed the possibility of some other particulate matters being suspended in the air. Principal component analysis and analysis of means were used to predict the anthropogenic source of pollution. This study will be helpful to formulate strategic planning and policies for controlling the level of air pollution in the city.  相似文献   

The selection of landfill sites for municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal involves consideration of geological, hydrological and environmental parameters which exhibit large spatial variability. Therefore, it is necessary to define, to what extent the chosen sites are reliable such that the probability of environmental pollution and health risks to population is minimal. In the present study, groundwater vulnerability to contamination has been assessed using the standard DRASTIC method. The results showed that the study region has 9.45% of very less, 32.94% of less, 25.47% of moderate, 22.79% of high and 9.35% of very high vulnerable zones. The study also revealed that none of the landfills are located in safe zones. This suggests that it requires proper remedial measures to avoid environmental pollution. A landfill site selection process has been carried out using the Analytical Hierarchy Process integrated with Geographical Information System tools. The obtained results showed that only 3.59?km2 (0.08%) of the total area is suitable for landfills. The reliability analysis of the site suitability revealed that landfills are located at unreliable locations where the probability of risk to environmental pollution is high. The presented approach assists decision-makers in selecting reliable locations for the safe disposal of MSW.  相似文献   

杭州市土壤铅污染的铅同位素示踪研究   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
根据杭州市40个土壤全铅和38个可溶相铅的统计分析,土壤中全铅平均含量为49.6×10-6,可溶相铅平均为21.4×10-6,城区表土的全铅高达76.1×10-6,显著高于全国土壤平均值。分析结果还显示,从农村→远郊→近郊→公路旁,土壤可溶相铅含量逐渐增加,且土壤的可溶相铅含量与深度具明显的负相关关系。表明杭州市土壤受到了不同程度的铅污染,污染程度由农村→远郊→近郊→公路旁→城区有明显的增高趋势。通过对茶园土壤中可溶相铅、残渣态铅及城区表土全铅的同位素组成对比分析发现,从土壤残渣态(代表土壤背景)→土壤可溶相→城区表层土壤全铅206Pb/207Pb比值有明显的降低。208Pb/(206Pb+207Pb)也有类似的变化趋势。将土壤与杭州市的汽车尾气、大气等环境样品进行对比发现,随着土壤受污染程度的增加,铅同位素组成逐渐向汽车尾气铅漂移,表明汽车尾气排放的铅为其主要污染源。  相似文献   

This paper dealt with the Pb contents and Pb isotopic composition of the West Lake Longjing tea. The results showed that in the tea leaves, from young leaf →old leaf →tea limb, the Pb contents tend to increase gradu-ally from 1.63 →4.84 →6.07×10-6, wich revealed that the Pb was accumulated gradually in the tea. After cleaned, the Pb contents of tea leaves were significantly reduced. This indicated that the deposits on the surface of tea leaves made a great contributuion to Pb contents. The survey results for soils in the relevant tea gardens showed that soil from the Longjing tea garden has higher Pb contents, with an average level of 49.6×10-6, two times those of common soils (24×10-6) in China. Results of the systematic analysis for tea, tea garden soil and the samples with the relevant background of the Pb isotopic composition displayed that the Pb isotopic ratio of tea is 206Pb/207Pb=1.164±0.005 (2σ). The ratio of 206Pb/207Pb for the soil gradually decreased from residue phase, soil dilute acid extract phase, and then to urban topsoil, i.e., 1.175 →1.171 →1.170. The 208Pb/(206Pb+207Pb) ratios also show a similar variation trend. 206Pb/207Pb ratios in the samples with the relevant background were: vehicle exhaust, 1.124; coal-combustion, 1.156; atmosphere, 1.168; and water, 1.166. Comparative studies have shown that Pb pollution is popular in the environ-mental media (soil, atmosphere, water) in Hangzhou. With the aggravation of Pb pollution, the Pb isotopic composi-tion gradually changed from the natural background (soil residues) to the direction of automobile exhaust. This phe-nomenon could illustrate that the pollution source was the vehicle exhaust, while the coal-combustion contributed little to environmental pollution in Hangzhou. The Pb of the Longjing tea came mostly from soluble phase Pb in the polluted soil. Moreover, secondary pollution was caused by vehicle exhaust.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2019,2(4):501-511
With the adjustment of industrial structure, many high pollution enterprises will gradually shut down. This process will produce a large number of high-risk pollution plots and cause a series of environmental problems. In this study, geophysical detection and direct push technology were applied to investigate soil and groundwater pollution in a typical brownfield in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu province, China. The results showed that Chlorotoluene and its ramification were the main pollutants for the brownfield. Pollution decreased with depth and was quite uneven in the brownfield. Production and wastewater treatment areas were heavily polluted, where volatile organic compounds contaminated and semi-volatile organic compounds were found 12 m and 15 m below the land surface, respectively. About 18880 m3 groundwater was contaminated. This study is significant to develop a geological survey work mode for the postindustrial era.  相似文献   

Detailed magnetic measurements and geochemical analyses were performed on 114 sediment samples collected from the East Lake, Wuhan city, China, to establish a possible link between the enhanced concentration of anthropogenic magnetic particles and heavy metals with known sources. Relatively higher magnetic susceptibility values (mass-specific, χ, >150 × 10−8 m3 kg−1) were observed for samples near the pollution sources: e.g. the Wuhan Iron and Steel Company (WISC), the Qingshan Thermal Power Plant (QTPP), the banks (driveways) of the lake and near the sightseeing route of yachts on the lake. Moreover, χ is positively correlated to the concentration of Pb (correlation coefficient r = 0.682), but negatively or weakly correlated with both Zn and Cu. In contrast, anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) is significantly correlated with these major heavy metals (r = 0.645 for Zn–ARM, 0.699 for Pb–ARM and 0.841 for Cu–ARM, respectively), which indicate that ARM serves a better indicator for the pollution of heavy metals in this lake. Thermomagnetic analysis combined with magnetic hysteresis measurements revealed that magnetites in the pseudo-single-domain/multidomain grain-size regions are dominant. Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray examinations of the magnetic extracts showed that these Fe-rich particles have different morphologies: orange-peel structure, hollow structure with adhered smaller particles, Zr-rich melted-like irregular particles, pear-shaped spherules and spherules with slick surfaces. These features are typical for particles produced by anthropogenic activities. Because of the genetic relationship between the environmental setting of the East Lake and the nearby pollution sources, this study suggests that in situ magnetic surveys are sensitive to evaluate the environmental pollution on the lake bottom.  相似文献   

研究目的】白洋淀为雄安新区核心生态功能区,为支撑白洋淀湿地生态修复与保护,系统开展了全淀区表层沉积物环境质量调查。【研究方法】在白洋淀湿地采集表层沉积物样品484组,查明了白洋淀表层沉积物重金属地球化学特征,并采用地累积指数法、潜在生态风险指数法等多种方法开展了重金属生态风险评价。【研究结果】白洋淀表层沉积物重金属含量普遍偏高于河北省表层土壤重金属含量背景值,府河入淀口及白沟引河入淀口为重金属元素主要富集区,入淀河流输入为白洋淀重金属主要来源;环境地球化学综合评价结果为清洁无污染等级分布面积144.54 km2,占表层沉积物分布总面积的96.68%;各重金属污染程度由重到轻排序为Cd>Cu>Hg>Pb>Zn>Ni>Cr>As,Cd元素污染程度等级以中度和偏中度为主,Cu元素以轻度和清洁为主,其他元素以清洁无污染为主;重金属潜在生态风险以轻度和中度为主,河流入淀口所在淀区重金属潜在生态风险高于其他淀区,潜在生态风险由高到低排序为南刘庄>烧车淀>小白洋淀>王家寨>藻苲淀>捞王淀>池鱼淀>泛鱼淀。【结论】白洋淀表层沉积物环境质量总体较好,南刘庄等局部淀区存在重金属污染潜在生态风险,以Cd元素污染最为突出。创新点:采用地累积指数法、潜在生态风险指数法等多种方法,系统评价白洋淀湿地表层沉积物重金属污染程度和生态风险;重金属地球化学特征分析与主成分分析法相结合,揭示表层沉积物重金属污染主要来源为河流输入。  相似文献   

超灵敏加速器质谱技术进展及应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
姜山  董克君  何明 《岩矿测试》2012,31(1):7-23
加速器质谱(AMS)是一门发展非常迅速的核分析技术,诞生于20世纪70年代末,是基于加速器和离子探测器的一种高能质谱,它克服了传统质谱存在的分子本底和同量异位素本底干扰的限制,对同位素丰度灵敏度的测量可以达到10-16。经过的30多年发展,AMS以其多方的优势,日益受到人们的重视与青睐。在地学领域,通过测26Al、10Be等核素,可以实现地表暴露年龄、侵蚀速率测定和地貌演变研究;在海洋学领域,通过测量129I、10Be等核素,可以研究海洋沉积物、锰结核、锰结壳等生长速率和沉积速率;在考古学领域,通过测量14C、10Be等核素,可以实现珍贵样品的年代测定和第四纪人类进化的年代学研究;在环境科学领域,通过测量129I、14C等核素,可以对核污染、城市环境污染、全球气候变化进行监测与研究。目前,AMS从技术和应用研究两个方面都在迅速发展。文章对AMS的工作原理、设备和技术发展,以及在地学、海洋科学、考古学、环境科学等领域的应用进行详细阐述。  相似文献   

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