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-Nonlinear tidal waves in a kind of estuary are studied in the paper using one-dimensional nonlinear hydrody-namic equations with friction. The estuary has exponentially varying width B=B0 e-bx and uniform depth h. The one-dimensional hydrodynamic equations are solved by perturbation method. It was found that our solution included two special cases, Pelisenpeki's solution and Airy's solution. The former can be got by letting b=0 in our solutions, and the latter by setting 6 = 0 and f= 0 (f is linear frictional coefficient). In terms of the second-order solution, the physical mechanism of nonlinear tidal waves in estuaries with gradually varying cross-section is explored. It is shown that, under the assumption of linear friction coefficient, shallow water constituent waves consist of two parts, one is produced by shallow water nonlinear effect outside the estuary, the other is generated by shallow water nonlinear effect inside estuary. In addition, the physical mechanism of the residual tidal current and  相似文献   

Water works during the 1960s and 1970s changed the northern part of the Rhine–Meuse estuary in the south-west of the Netherlands into a freshwater lake, from west to east divided into three basins called the Haringvliet, the Hollands Diep and the Biesbosch. Concurrently water quality parameters (e.g. nutrients and pollutants) changed drastically during the last 50 years. This study combines macrozoobenthic monitoring data from the region from 1960 to 2001 with trends in abiotic parameters to evaluate historic developments of the communities, including densities, species numbers and diversity, and assess future developments as a first step to a rehabilitation of the estuary as planned for January 01, 2008. During the 1960s, the macrozoobenthic densities of Oligochaeta and/or Polychaeta dominated communities increased with a gradual decrease of saltwater intrusion and salinity variability. The first years after the basins became stagnant, the species numbers per sample and the Shannon diversity were high due to the coexistence of salt and freshwater species. An increase in nutrient and pollutant loads led to a decrease in the macrozoobenthos densities. As water and sediment quality gradually improved, nowadays the former estuary contains high diversity and high density macrozoobenthic communities, whereas Oligochaeta and/or Polychaeta were dominant in the 1960s, and Bivalvia and Gastropoda were more abundant during the 1970s. Macrozoobenthic communities moved from the east to west with a time-lag, which may primarily be attributed to changing salinities, salinity variances and oxygen levels. Therefore, the current communities of the Haringvliet show similarities with the communities that occurred already during the 1960s in the Biesbosch. This study shows the value of macrozoobenthos monitoring data over longer periods. The possible impact of a new saltwater inlet in the west of the Haringvliet, allowing in the near future saltwater to enter 11.5 km eastward, yet alternated by frequent flushing with freshwater to ascertain that the salt intrusion does not reach further, on the development of the macrozoobentic communities is discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Sea Research》1999,41(1-2):141-148
Particulate amino acids (THAA) were measured in the East Frisian Wadden Sea at monthly intervals from February to December 1995. Each time two tidal cycles were sampled at hourly intervals. THAA made up between 3 and 50% (mean 15±7%) of the particulate organic carbon and between 9.3 and 104% (mean 49±20%) of the total nitrogen pools. Seasonal variations of THAA followed the development of phytoplankton in the water column while tidal variability was controlled largely by physical forcing such as tidal current velocities and wave action. The overall molar composition of the THAA pool appears to be dominated by a detrital signal originating from erosion of surface sediments.  相似文献   

The dynamic feature of the Modaomen Estuary (ME) in the Pearl River Delta in southern China has been the subject of extensive research. In previous studies, wave–current interaction (WCI) was often neglected due to its complexity. This study uses a coupled hydrodynamic module TELEMAC-2D and wave propagation module TOMAWAC in the TELEMAC-Mascaret modeling system to quantify the effects of WCI on the hydrodynamics in the ME. The coupled wave and current modeling system was well validated against the field measurements at selected locations. The model results show that WCI varies with the seasonal change in runoff in the ME. The effect of waves on the currents is insignificant during the wet season with a current change of no more than 0.07 m/s; but, in contrast, the currents have a noticeable effect on waves. However, during the dry season, the interactions of waves and currents on each other are found to be equally significant. When wave model and current model are coupled, the velocity could increase up to a maximum of 0.30 m/s and decrease up to a maximum of 0.17 m/s. WCI is greatly affected by the propagation directions of wave and current in both seasons. Generally, wave height decreases and current increases for a following wave and current; wave height increases and current decreases for an opposing wave and current. The effects of waves on currents change with the tide. Changes are larger during neap tide than during spring tide, and stronger during ebb tide than during flood tide.  相似文献   

Through densified surface sampling of foraminifera and accurate elevation measurement a-long three transect lines in open-coast tidal salt-marsh of Jianchuan, particular salt-marsh foraminifera assemblages were found. The salt-marsh foraminifera assemblages are distributed in well-defined vertical zonations with respect to elevation and closely parallel marsh floral zonations. At the top of the vertical zonation all foraminifera disappear abruptly which are accurately located at the highest high water datum. This distribution pattern can be used to relocate former sea levels accurately (to an accuracy of within± 5 cm). A modern regional criterion of foraminifera for relocating the former sea levels in high resolution in our country is provided, and deficiencies of studying the vertical zonation only in sheltered coast salt-marsh abroad are filled up.  相似文献   

New data on the Onega River estuary’s hydrological and morpholithodynamic regimes are presented. The river’s bottom structure and soil lithology are described on the basis of field sonar survey materials. Proceeding from the analysis of the hydrographic maps, the dynamics of the Onega River’s mouth bar is tracked over the period of 1830–2000.  相似文献   

The standing crop and primary production of benthic microalgae on tidal flats have seasonally been observed in the Sanggou and Jiaozhou Bays of the northern China coast during 1999 - 2000. The results show that the annual primary productions of benthic microalgae on tidal flats in the two bays are 2 532 and 7 542 tons carbon, which would be able to support 3.1 x 103 and 9.2 x 103 tons shellfish meat, respectively. The nature of sediment is essential for governing the biomass and primary production of benthic microalgae on tidal flats. The biomass and primary production of benthic microalgae on tidal flats with muddy sediments are higher than those with sandy sediments, which resulted from higher nutrient concentration and lower grazing pressure. That is the reason why in comparison with Xiangshan Bay the standing crop and production of benthic microalgae on tidal flats of the Sanggou and Jiaozhou Bays are low. Light was a key factor controlling vertical distribution of biomass and production of benthic  相似文献   

The present study aimed to assess the sediment quality in a tropical estuary located in the northeast of Brazil under semi-arid conditions and multiple sources of contamination, using both toxicity bioassays and metal distribution. The metal distribution followed a concentration gradient decreasing one order of magnitude from the inner station toward the outer estuary, with amounts in the following order: Fe > Al > Zn > Cr > Pb > Cu. The index of geoaccumulation indicated a metal enrichment in the Ceará river sediment, mainly at inner sites, considered from moderately to strongly contaminated by Al, Cu, Cr and Zn. Sediment samples were considered toxic by means of whole sediment tests with copepods (reproduction) and amphipods (survival), and also elutriate fraction and sediment–water interface with sea urchin embryos (development). Acute and chronic toxicity did not exhibit a significant correlation with metals, emphasizing the influence of other contaminants mainly related to the pollution sources installed in the mid-estuary.  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotope ratios have been used to study the sources of particulate organic carbon(POC) in the Amazon River and its tributaries, and to examine the transport of the riverine POC intothe oceanic environment. POC in the upper reaches of the Amazon River has more positive δ ~(13)C values(--24.5‰ to -- 28.0‰) than that in the middle and lower reaches (--27.9‰ to -- 30.1‰). Theδ ~(13)C of POC from the tributaries is generally more negative than that observed in the Amazon mainchannel. This δ ~(13)C datum shows that the POC in the Amazon main channel is predominantly of terres-trial origin rather than a result of in situ production. A large range of δ ~(13)C values (--17.5‰ to -28.4‰) is observed in the Amazon Estuary and plume. and is considered as the result of the mixing  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONInearly 1 96 0’s,thetideandtidalcurrentintheBeibuGulfwereobservedandanalysedbyChinaincooperationwithVietnam1) .ThesystematicstudiesoftideandtidalcurrentintheBeibuGulfwerefirstcarriedoutbyFang (1 986 ) .Thehistoryofnumericalstudyoftideandtidalcurrent…  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》1999,37(1):37-56
The seasonal closure of tidal inlets is a common and important coastal phenomena. However, studies which have been specifically geared to identify processes governing seasonal inlet closure are almost non-existent. Hence, this study was undertaken to gain insight into processes governing seasonal inlet closure. To determine the processes governing this phenomenon, Wilson Inlet, Western Australia, a typical seasonally open tidal inlet is taken as a case study. The study comprised of a field experiment over the summer of 1995, and a numerical modeling exercise employing a morphodynamic model. Results of the field study imply that longshore processes may not be the cause of inlet closure, but that onshore sediment transport due to persistent swell wave conditions in summer may govern seasonal closure of the inlet. Application of a morphodynamic model, which includes both cross-shore and longshore processes, to Wilson Inlet conclusively shows that seasonal closure of the inlet is due to onshore sediment transport under typical summer conditions. The effects of summer streamflow and storm events, which are not uncommon, are also examined using the morphodynamic model. The effect of both streamflow and storm events on the `open duration' of the inlet is shown to be dependent on the intensity and timing of the event.  相似文献   

Decreasing fish resources in estuaries is a subject of anthropogenic activities. Studies of the spatiotemporal distribution of fish eggs and larvae can help identify the status and processes underlying recruitment in a fishery. As the fifth largest river estuary in the world, the Huanghe (Yellow) River estuary (HRE) is a typical estuary that has been seriously aff ected by human activities. Annual surveys on ichthyoplankton and environmental factors were conducted in the months of May of 2005 and 2009-2016 in the HRE to investigate the spatiotemporal distribution of fish eggs and larvae and the associated infl uencing factors. A total of 23 and 20 species of eggs and larvae, respectively, were collected. The dominant orders were Perciformes (51.2%) and Clupeiformes (25.6%). The average number of fish species eggs and larvae were 6.0 and 4.1 in average abundance of 0.91 and 0.13 ind./m^3 , respectively. The dominant species were mainly low-commercial-value small-sized fishes, such as Clupanodon punctatus , Harengula zunasi, and Acanthogobius, whereas certain traditional commercial fishes, such as Trichiurus lepturus , and Clupea pallasii, were not seen. Analysis of the fish egg and larval community revealed four temporal assemblages and two spatial assemblages. Salinity was the main factor on the spatial distribution of ichthyoplankton communities, the species number and Shannon-Weiner diversity index (H′) of the fish egg and larval community near the river mouth with lower salinity were signifi cantly lower than the community far away from the river mouth with higher salinity. In addition, increases of water temperature promoted the number and abundance of fish species eggs, and the areas of abundant prey tended to have a more diversified and abundant of ichthyoplankton species. In overall, overfishing, dam construction, and other human activities were the main drivers that led to the substantial decline in fishery resources in the HRE.  相似文献   

A study of tracer transport and retention in a small tidal creek and marsh system located in the southeastern US was conducted using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model and data from a dye tracer release. The model simulated tidally driven flow, including inundation and drying out of the marshes and the dispersal of the dye tracer. Flow measurements in the tidal creek showed that the simulations appeared to generally duplicate the tidally driven flow into and out of the tidal creeks and marshes. The dye tracer experiment was conducted to test the hydrodynamic model's ability to simulate dispersal of a point release of pollutants into the creek during an incoming tide. The simulations reproduced much of the experimental measurements, but bathymetric errors and lack of resolution of the smallest arms of the tidal creeks affected the ability to faithfully reproduce the initial peak in measured dye tracer concentrations at a sampling location far from the boundary. The lack of the smallest tidal creeks led to some trapping of water and dye in the marshes. Two independent estimates of flushing time yielded values between 1.6 and 2.4 days. An uncertainty analysis indicates that model simulations are sensitive to variations in parameters such as water depth and marsh grass density. On the other hand, omission of the smallest tidal creeks in simulations may be partially offset by decreasing marsh grass density. Further improvements must rely on more accurate and detailed bathymetric data that resolves the smaller arms of the tidal creeks and includes quantitative information about the density and distribution of marsh grass.  相似文献   

The influence of the trace metals, copper, aluminum and iron, and of the strong complexing agents, EDTA and NTA, on phytoplankton growth in water from a brackish water bay was investigated through bioassay experiments. A diatom (Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cleve) and a dinoflagellate (Prorocentrum minimum (Pav.) J. Schiller) were used as test organisms. The growth of both phytoplankton species was strongly inhibited by copper. This inhibition was generally eliminated by EDTA and NTA. Both phytoplankton species were considerably less inhibited by aluminum than by copper at the same total metal concentration. While S. costatum responded to copper and chelator additions in the same way in sea water samples from different seasons, the growth of P. minimum exhibited pronounced seasonal variation. Other parameters than the values of pCu must be considered in order to account for the experimental results. This work supports the theory that alterations in contents of trace metals and natural chelators in sea water are important factors behind shifts in phytoplankton species composition.  相似文献   

The effects of a tanker accident releasing 34000 tons of diesel fuel and a blowout releasing 3000 t/day of crude oil on adult sockeye salmon returning through Bristol Bay, Alaska, were simulated. Parameters in the simulation were chosen to maximize possible effects of the oil. Mortalities from the tanker accident were predicted to range from 2% to 18% of the adults passing through the spill area or 1% to 5% of the total returning population. From 3% to 7% of the adults surviving migration through the spill area, or 1% to 2% of the total population, could be tainted at or above 0·6 ppm of hydrocarbons in the flesh. As many as 30% of the adults returning to fishing grounds closest to the spill area could be tainted. Effects of the blowout on returning salmon were less severe than those of the tanker accident, with mortalities reaching a maximum of 0·2% of the adults passing through the area of the blowout, and no tainting predicted above 0·6 ppm.  相似文献   


Tidal flow patterns computed at various stages of the tide (high tide, falling tide, ebb tide, low tide, and flooding tide) and at different chronological stages (9000, 6000, 4500, 3000, and 2300 years B.P. and the present) using tidal numerical models were presented and interpreted in relation to sedimentary processes and the growth of the Fraser River delta during the past 9000 years. The overall tidal flows are least affected by the deltaic growth at high tide than at any other state of the tide. The net tidal flow with the overall northerly component has a sedimentary effect, in that there is an asymmetry in the transportation of silt and clay with more of these fine materials moved to the north of the delta than to the south. There is also independent seismic evidence for the existence of a tidal channel some 2000 B.P. between Point Roberts and the Fraser delta. This study attempted to link closely the sedimentary structure of the deltaic growth of the Fraser River with the physical oceanographic processes.  相似文献   

-Based on a two-dimensional numerical M2 tidal model of the Huanghai and Bohai Seas, sediment transport of particles with different sizes in the computational area is given. It is concluded that tidal currents play an important role in sediment transport and deposition in the Huanghai and Bohai Seas.  相似文献   

Preservation of organic matter in estuarine and coastal areas is an important process in the global carbon cycle. This paper presents bulk δ13C and C/N of organic matter from source to sink in the Pearl River catchment, delta and estuary, and discusses the applicability of δ13C and C/N as indicators for sources of organic matter in deltaic and estuarine sediments. In addition to the 91 surface sediment samples, other materials collected in this study cover the main sources of organic material to estuarine sediment. These are: terrestrial organic matter (TOM), including plants and soil samples from the catchment; estuarine and marine suspended particulate organic carbon (POC) from both summer and winter. Results show that the average δ13C of estuarine surface sediment increases from −25.0 ± 1.3‰ in the freshwater environment to −21.0 ± 0.2‰ in the marine environment, with C/N decreasing from 15.2 ± 3.3 to 6.8 ± 0.2. In the source areas, C3 plants have lower δ13C than C4 plants (−29.0 ± 1.8‰ and −13.1 ± 0.5‰ respectively). δ13C increases from −28.3 ± 0.8‰ in the forest soil to around −24.1‰ in both riverbank soil and mangrove soil due to increasing proportion of C4 grasses. The δ13CPOC increases from −27.6 ± 0.8‰ in the freshwater areas to −22.4 ± 0.5‰ in the marine-brackish-water areas in winter, and ranges between −24.0‰ in freshwater areas and −25.4‰ in brackish-water areas in summer. Comparison of the δ13C and C/N between the sources and sink indicates a weakening TOM and freshwater POC input in the surface sedimentary organic matter seawards, and a strengthening contribution from the marine organic matter. Thus we suggest that bulk organic δ13C and C/N analysis can be used to indicate sources of sedimentary organic matter in estuarine environments. Organic carbon in surface sediments derived from anthropogenic sources such as human waste and organic pollutants from industrial and agricultural activities accounts for less than 10% of the total organic carbon (TOC). Although results also indicate elevated δ13C of sedimentary organic matter due to some agricultural products such as sugarcane, C3 plants are still the dominant vegetation type in this area, and the bulk organic δ13C and C/N is still an effective indicator for sources of organic matter in estuarine sediments.  相似文献   

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