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坑道直流电阻率法超前探测的快速反演   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
在坑道电阻率超前探测工作中,视电阻率异常极值位置与异常体位置、厚度、电性以及产状相关.设计有效的反演方法对异常体的各种参数综合反演是非常必要的.首先利用有限元数值模拟技术分析并消除坑道空腔对视电阻率的影响,并将坑道超前探测视电阻率曲线转化为全空间视电阻率曲线.然后采用最小二乘法对超前探测视电阻率曲线进行快速反演.反演结果可准确反映围岩电阻率、异常体的电性、位置和产状;而由于同层等值现象,反演结果只能确定异常体的厚度和电阻率的组合值.  相似文献   

直流电阻率法在岩溶探测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
直流电法勘探在灰岩地区探查溶洞或断裂是一种有效的方法,特别是在圈定洞穴或破碎带的延伸以及其中的地下水流向等方面。国内物探工作者作过不少诸如此类的工作,但由于受使用的装置及工作方法和解释方法的限制,探测效果并不显著。本文特介绍印度中央地下水管理局P.C.CHANDRA等人在岩溶探测方面进行现场试验所取得的成果,供国内同行参考借鉴。  相似文献   

电阻率成像法,是在普通电法装置的基础上,进行高密度的数据采集,形成一个高密度的、内容丰富的视电阻率剖面。通过地电数据分析、处理,可以客观、真实地反映地质体的一些基本特征。本文对地电成像的原理、方法以及溶洞的形成机理作了简单阐述。卢氏县西虎岭风景区溶洞的探测与发现,对风景区的开发具有重要价值和意义。以电阻率成像法的运用,使得解释工作更加方便与直观,并具有较好的实用性、有效性和可操作性。  相似文献   

高密度电阻率法在隐伏断层探测中的应用   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
以实例说明高密度电阻率法在隐伏断层探测中的成功应用;讨论了用高密度电阻率法反演结果的地质解译方法;提出用高密度电阻率法探测隐伏断层的野外工作设想,对“十五”重大项目——城市活断层探测极具参考意义。  相似文献   

过套管电阻率测井是通过测量套管壁电势实现测量地层的视电阻率,基于传输线方程理论,针对层状地层,给出了套管壁电势、电流对地层横向电阻导数的微分方程(称Jacobi矩阵微分方程)及边界条件;利用Jacobi矩阵微分方程边值问题导出了过套管电阻率测井反演地层参数的Jacobi矩阵系数的解析表示, 利用Marquardt方法实现了过套管测井的地层电阻率反演;通过计算对Jacobi矩阵的特性进行了探讨,并获得了较快的计算速度(因为Jacobi矩阵是用解析解表示的),反演结果与地层模型取得了较好的逼近.本文实现了过套管电阻率测井地层参数的Jacobi系数矩阵的快速计算及地层电阻率反演,为进一步开展电阻率测井数据处理提供了理论依据和快速反演算法.  相似文献   

高密度电阻率法在水库堤坝隐患探测中的应用效果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了高密度电阻率法的原理、野外采集数据的方法以及资料解释等基本理论。通过对某水库大坝探测成果的分析,说明了高密度电阻率法在堤坝隐患探测中的可行性和有效性;提出用高密度电阻率法探测构造地裂缝的设想。  相似文献   

近年来,水库渗漏问题一直困扰着我们,虽然目前已开展应用的渗漏探测技术较多,但是当渗漏条件较复杂的情况下,探测效果往往不尽如意,且鲜有渗漏三维探测技术.本文,笔者介绍了一种新型的水库渗漏探测技术——磁电阻率法,该技术能够快速、无损、有效地探测渗漏通道.首先,介绍了该方法的技术原理、工作模式与技术优势;然后,结合实际工程,依托具有典型渗漏特点的平原水库开展了现场试验研究,介绍包括了现场工作布置、数据处理、成果分析、现场验证等内容;最后,对该方法进行了总结与展望.  相似文献   

坑道直流电阻率法超前探测研究   总被引:44,自引:7,他引:37       下载免费PDF全文
坑道空腔的存在使其周围电场分布不同于全空间的电场分布.以无限大板状体为例求解全空间电场分布,提出探厚比概念以讨论超前探测极限问题.通过对比全空间与坑道内超前探测异常形态可知,坑道空腔只会影响极距较小时的视电阻率幅值,不会掩盖迎头前方地质体的异常响应.大量模型计算结果表明,电阻率异常极值位置与板状体位置之间的差异在5~10倍之间,且同时受到异常体厚度、电性以及板状体倾角的影响.仅利用电阻率极值位置准确解释超前探测异常的难度较大.  相似文献   

利用共轭梯度(CG)迭代技术,实现了直流电阻率测量数据的三维最小构造反演。 首先,运用共轭梯度迭代算法解反问题的线性方程组,只需求Jacobian矩阵G与任一向量x的 乘积Gx及GT与任何一向量y的乘积GTy,再引入G的Rodi算法,则Gx及GTy均可在每次反 演迭代中的一次正演计算后一并求得.因此,每次反演迭代仅需一次正演计算,大大加快了 计算速度;而且避免了直接求 G以及 GTG的逆矩阵,也避免了存储 G和 GTG所需庞大的存储 量。另外,由于反演参数太多,求模型光滑约束的最小构造反演能够有效地消除多余构造信 息,得到可靠的反演结果。将这3种方法和技术融合于三维反演中,取得了好的反演效果.为 改进传统最小构造反演收敛慢的问题,还提出了一种新的反演迭代技术,仅需10次左右甚至 更少迭代即可收敛。  相似文献   

Waveform inversion can lead to faint images for later times due to geometrical spreading. The proper scaling of the steepest-descent direction can enhance faint images in waveform inversion results. We compare the effects of different scaling techniques in waveform inversion algorithms using the steepest-descent method. For the scaling method we use the diagonal of the pseudo-Hessian matrix, which can be applied in two different ways. One is to scale the steepest-descent direction at each frequency independently. The other is to scale the steepest-descent direction summed over the entire frequency band. The first method equalizes the steepest-descent directions at different frequencies and minimizes the effects of the band-limited source spectrum in waveform inversion. In the second method, since the steepest-descent direction summed over the entire frequency band is divided by the diagonal of the pseudo-Hessian matrix summed over the entire frequency band, the band-limited property of the source wavelet spectrum still remains in the scaled steepest-descent directions. The two scaling methods were applied to both standard and logarithmic waveform inversion. For standard waveform inversion, the method that scales the steepest-descent direction at every frequency step gives better results than the second method. On the other hand, logarithmic waveform inversion is not sensitive to the scaling method, because taking the logarithm of wavefields automatically means that results for the steepest-descent direction at each frequency are commensurate with each other. If once the steepest-descent directions are equalized by taking the logarithm of wavefields in logarithmic waveform inversion, the additional equalizing effects by the scaling method are not as great as in conventional waveform inversion.  相似文献   

We describe a least-squares inversion approach to estimating the subsurface resistivity structure from cross-hole or borehole-to-surface electromagnetic data. It is assumed that the resistivity distribution is symmetric about the axis of a borehole and that vertical magnetic dipoles are located on the borehole axis. The receivers are placed either in another borehole or on the earth's surface. The inversion scheme uses the finite-element and smoothness-constrained least-squares methods. The computational effort required to obtain partial derivatives is reduced considerably by using the reciprocity principle. Numerical simulations show that the reconstructions are generally in good agreement with the true structures when the assumption of an axisymmetric earth structure holds. An example involving the breakdown of this assumption, which can be obtained by interchanging the source and receiver boreholes, suggests that the inversion result may also be useful for locating a general 3D anomaly although artifacts are present.  相似文献   

Resistivity techniques have been used successfully to identify and delineate geothermal resources in Iceland. The most frequently used techniques include Schlumberger, central loop TEM and head-on profiling. Geothermal systems in Iceland are located both within and outsite the active volcanic regions. Outsite the active volcanic regions the temperature in the upper most kilometer of the geothermal systems is below 150° C whereas the temperature in the geothermal fields within the active volcanic regions exceeds 200° C. The resistivity of the rock in geothermal fields located outside the active volcanic regions ranges from about 10 m to some hundreds of m, and are characterized by considerably lower resistivity than of the surrounding rocks. Most of the geothermal systems within the active volcanic regions, show common resistivity structure with low resistivity of 1–5 m surrounding an inner core of higher resistivity. This increasing resistivity with depth is associated with a change in the conduction mechanism, from interface conduction to electrolyte conduction due to a change in alteration minerals at about 240° C. Examples of resistivity surveys of geothermal fields from both outsite and within the active volcanic regions are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes application of a fast inversion method to recover a 3D susceptibility model from magnetic anomalies. For this purpose, the survey area is divided into a large number of rectangular prisms in a mesh with unknown susceptibilities. Solving the full set of equations is substantially time consuming, and applying an algorithm to solve it approximately can reduce the time significantly. It is shown that the Lanczos bidiagonalization method can be an appropriate algorithm to solve a Tikhonov cost function for this purpose. Running time of the inverse modeling significantly decreases by replacing the forward operator matrix with a matrix of lower dimension. A weighted generalized cross validation method is implemented to choose an optimum value of a regularization parameter. To avoid the natural tendency of magnetic structures to concentrate at shallow depth, a depth weighting is applied. This study assumes that there is no remanent magnetization. The method is applied on a noise-corrupted synthetic data to demonstrate its suitability for 3D inversion. A case study including ground based measurement of magnetic anomalies over a porphyry-Cu deposit located in Kerman providence of Iran, Now Chun deposit, is provided to show the performance of the new algorithm on real data. 3D distribution of Cu concentration is used to evaluate the obtained results. The intermediate susceptibility values in the constructed model coincide with the known location of copper mineralization.  相似文献   

The spherical harmonic expansion up to order n = 1440 of the oceanic tidal heights is derived for the waves of the CSR3.0 model. On the basis of the load Love numbers for the PREM model, the oceanic load effect in gravity is calculated. It is shown that the results provided by the spherical expansion technique and the method utilizing the Green’s function satisfactorily agree even at the order of the expansion n = 720. The obtained model predictions are compared to the oceanic load effect measured by the Global Geodynamics Project (GGP) network of superconducting gravimeters.  相似文献   

According to earthquake catalog records of Fujian Seismic Network, the T now method and the four-station continuous location method put forward by Jin Xing are inspected by using P-wave arrival information of the first four stations in each earthquake. It shows that the four-station continuous location method can locate more seismic events than the T now method. By analyzing the results, it is concluded that the reason for this is that the T now method makes use of information from stations without being triggered, while some stations failed to be reflected in earthquake catalog because of discontinuous records or unclear records of seismic phases. For seismic events whose location results can be given, there is no obvious difference in location results of the two methods and positioning deviation of most seismic events is also not significant. For earthquakes outside the network, the positioning deviation may amplify as the epicentral distance enlarges, which may relate to the situation that the seismic stations are centered on one side of epicenter and the opening angle between seismic stations used for location and epicenter is small.  相似文献   

根据福建地震台网的地震目录,利用各个地震事件前4台的P波到时对Tnow定位方法和4台连续定位方法进行检验,结果表明,两种方法的定位结果相差不大,大部分地震事件的定位偏差也都较小;随震中距的增大,两种方法对网外地震的定位偏差可能增大,这可能和台站集中在震中的一侧、参与定位的台站与地震之间的张角较小有关。波速结构对4台连续定位方法的定位结果存在一定的影响,选择合适的速度模型将有助于改善地震预警定位结果。采用Tnow定位方法不能定位的地震事件相对于4台连续定位方法要多,这可能是由于Tnow定位方法应用了未触发台站的信息,而部分P波到时信息因台站断记或震相记录不清晰等原因而未在地震目录中体现导致的;综合考虑两种定位方法的局限性有助于提高地震预警系统的稳定性和可靠性。  相似文献   

电阻率二维神经网络反演   总被引:28,自引:4,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
由于非线性特性地球物理反演一直以来都是一个比较困难的问题. 近十年来,非线性反演方法如人工神经网络、遗传算法在地球物理数据解释中得到越来越多的应用,但目前基本仍限于一维反演问题. 对于二维反问题,反演参数较多,神经网络反演运用较少. 本文利用BP神经网络优化方法,实现了电阻率二维非线性反演. 与传统线性化的迭代反演比较,神经网络反演能够克服传统方法的不足、获得更好的反演结果.  相似文献   

大地电磁三维数据空间反演并行算法研究   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
目前大地电磁三维反演实际应用的主要问题是计算效率低.在对大地电磁三维数据空间反演算法进行深入分析的基础上,本文提出了基于频点和矩阵划分的大粒度并行反演方案和具体实现步骤,并在曙光TC5000A高性能计算平台上实现了基于MPI的大地电磁三维数据空间反演并行算法.该算法实现了包括三维正演、灵敏度矩阵、叉积矩阵以及模型改正量的并行执行,不仅计算效率高,而且每个节点机上灵敏度矩阵的存储空间只需原来微机上的2/N(N是参加并行计算的节点机个数),大大地减少了内存开销.通过两个理论模型合成的数据对实现的三维数据空间反演并行算法进行试算,对比分析了多个节点机下程序的执行效率.测试结果表明,所实现的三维数据空间反演并行算法是可行的、高效的,与单机相比,不仅可以提高运行速度,缩短计算时间,而且还可以扩大计算规模,极大地推动了大地电磁三维反演的实用化.  相似文献   

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