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一、全面推进依法行政工作国务院《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》出台后,我厅高度重视,成立了由建设厅厅长任组长,各分管副厅长任副组长,相关处室一把手为成员的建设厅依法行政领导小组,负责推进《纲要》的贯彻落实和我厅的依法行政工作。及时制定《福建省建设厅关于贯彻实施〈全面推进依法行政实施纲要〉若干意见。召开全省建设系统法制工作会议,总结回顾“十五”期间建设系统法制工作,  相似文献   

张永强 《河南地质》2011,(4):F0003-F0003
本刊讯3月22日,全省找矿突破战略行动工作部署会议在郑州召开.会议主要任务是深入学习贯彻部找矿突破战略行动座谈会和全省国土资源工作会议精神,总结“十一五”,展望“十二五”,并安排部署河南省找矿突破战略行动工作。厅党组书记、厅长张启生出席会议并讲话。  相似文献   

各省辖市国土资源局党组(党委),各省直管试点县(市)国土资源局、地质矿产局党组(党委),厅属各单位党支部(党委、总支),厅机关各处室党支部:2011年,在厅党组的坚强领导下,全系统各级党组织坚决贯彻落实党中央和部党组决策部署和要求,以“两整治一改革”专项行动、廉政文化建设达标活动为平台,深入开展以完善惩防体系为重点的反腐倡廉建设,集中解决了一批群众反映强烈的突出问题,形成了一批工作成果、制度成果、理论成果,全系统反腐倡廉建设科学化、制度化、规范化水平有了新提升,为全省国土资源事业改革与发展提供了有力保障。  相似文献   

作风建设,是党政机关提高社会公信度的基本要求,是为社会服务的自身评价标尺,关系着国家政府的形象和机关个人的素质。辽宁省国土资源厅领导班子深谙作风建设在工作中的影Ⅱ向力和重要性,经厅党组多次研究决定,将2010年定为辽宁省国土资源系统“作风建设年”,制定和下发了《全省国土资源系统开展“作风建设年”活动实施方案》(以下简称《方案》。  相似文献   

一、要盯着差距谋发展,切实增强加快国土资源信息化建设的时代紧迫感 近几年来,厅党组把加快国土资源信息化建设摆上重要日程,从2010年开始启动了“一网覆盖全省、一图数据共享、一站服务到位、一台综合监管、一班人马督办”的“五个一”信息化工程,为落实部信息化工作会议精神提供了具体抓手,也为加快全省国土资源系统信息化建设注入了强劲动力。通过一年多的建设和运转,越来越被更多的人所认识,越来越发挥出重要作用。  相似文献   

本刊讯 全省国土资源依法行政工作会议1月22日在郑州召开。会议回顾总结了实施“六五”规划i年来我省国土资源依法行政工作,表彰了全省依法行政和“六五”普法中期工作先进单位和先进个人,安排部署了下一步依法行政工作。河南省国土资源厅党组成员、执法监察总队总队长石昆山代表厅党组作了工作报告。厅党组书记、厅长盛国民作总结讲话。  相似文献   

福建省防震减灾长远规划编制 ,是紧紧围绕全省国民经济和社会发展战略目标的要求 ,突出防震减灾三个工作体系建设 ,以保证防震减灾与国民经济建设和社会可持续发展基本上相适应为根本目标 ,从省情、震情、灾情和防震减灾事业发展的客观实际出发 ,研究提出 2 1世纪 2 0年全省防震减灾发展战略、目标、任务和保障措施。  相似文献   

全省国土资源系统团员青年朋友们: 为深入贯彻落实省委、省政府开展“进村入企”大走访活动,积极投身厅党组关于开展创先争优“联创齐争”活动,充分发挥团员青年在国土资源事业改革发展中的生力军和突击队作用,推动广大团员青年向基层学习、向实践学习、向群众学习,省国土资源厅机关团员青年向全省国土资源系统团员青年发出如下倡议:  相似文献   

厅机关各处室,厅属各单位: 近年来,信访工作处认真践行科学发展观,牢固树立执政为民的思想,坚持依法从政、廉洁奉公、勤政为民、爱岗敬业,扎实做好全省国土资源平安建设暨信访稳定工作,为创建平安河南、构建和谐社会作出了突出贡献,我厅平安建设暨信访稳定工作连续两年被省委、省政府表彰为先进单位。  相似文献   

按照省委学习实践活动领导小组的统一部署,厅党组研究决定,今天在这里召开深入学习实践科学发展观活动总结大会。主要任务是全面总结我厅深入学习实践科学发展观活动的开展情况,研究部署巩固和扩大深入学习实践科学发展观活动成果的主要措施。自2008年9月以来,作为全省第一批开展深入学习实践科学发展观活动的单位,通过近半年的努力,我厅圆满完成了学习实践活动三个阶段11个环节的工作任务。受到了省委学习实践活动领导小组和省委第十一指导检查组的肯定,得到了广大党员群众的认可。2月下旬进行的群众满意度测评结果中,“满意”的占93.9%,“比较满意”的占6.1%。  相似文献   

明沟排水与竖井排灌   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高长远 《地下水》2001,23(4):194-194,197
本文在分析干旱细土平原区水文地质条件的基础上 ,论述了盐渍化地区在不同排水条件下水中盐份的运移和积聚的过程 ,比较了明沟排水和竖井排灌的优劣 ,从而提出竖井排灌是改良土壤盐渍化 ,防止土壤返盐的有效措施  相似文献   

Rates of aqueous, abiotic pyrite oxidation were measured in oxygen-saturated and anaerobic Fe(III)-saturated solutions with initial pH from 2 to 9. These studies included analyses of sulfite, thiosulfate, polythionates and sulfate and procedures for cleaning oxidation products from pyrite surfaces were evaluated. Pyrite oxidation in oxygen-saturated solutions produced (1) rates that were only slightly dependent on initial pH, (2) linear increases in sulfoxy anions and (3) thiosulfate and polythionates at pH > 3.9. Intermediate sulfoxy anions were observed only at high stirring rates. In anaerobic Fe(III)-saturated solutions, no intermediates were observed except traces of sulfite at pH 9. The faster rate of oxidation in Fe(III)-saturated solutions supports a reaction mechanism in which Fe(III) is the direct oxidant of pyrite in both aerobic and anaerobic systems. The proposal of this mechanism is also supported by theoretical considerations regarding the low probability of a direct reaction between paramagnetic molecular oxygen and diamagnetic pyrite. Results from a study of sphalerite oxidation support the hypothesis that thiosulfate is a key intermediate in sulfate production, regardless of the bonding structure of the sulfide mineral.  相似文献   

Algeria is a semi-arid country where water resources are not sufficient to cope with the important socio-economic development demands. Any sustainable development strategy is basically dependent on a rigorous management of water resources potential, which presents a true challenge to be tackled for such countries. Classic mathematical models based on time invariability and ignorance of the stochastic and non-linear nature of hydrological variables are not sufficient for simulation and prediction studies. The present study subscribes to the stochastic hydrological processes modeling and prediction in case of time-varying linear systems through adaptive Kalman filter (KF) methodology. It focuses upon stream flows as a water resources component, which is directly related to the socio-economic development meanwhile it opts for Kalman filter as principal tool of work. The main objective is the application of (KF) technique to model and predict annual streamflow volumes in Northern Algeria and the obtained results are satisfactory.  相似文献   

Clinoenstatite (CE) was produced by deforming single-crystal specimens of ortho-enstatite (OE) in several different sorta of experiments. Examination with light and trans-mission electron microscopes shows that the transformation is coherent and involves a macroscopic shear on (100) [001] through an angle of 12.8±1.3 °, in good agreement with the theoretically expected value of 13.3 °, and that the transformation is accomplished by glide on (100) of partial dislocations with b= 0.83[001]. Structural analysis provides further insight into the transformation mechanism. Reversion occurs in specimens annealed under a variety of conditions, and thin lamellae of CE in unconstrained, low-strain specimens recover their original shape during transformation back to OE. Our experiments and thermodynamic estimates both suggest that the equilibrium transition temperature is raised roughly 300 ° C per kilobar of shear stress on (100) [001]. This provides the basis of a method by which it may be possible to determine the magnitude as well as the orientation of the principal stresses that produce CE in nature during deformation of enstatite-bearing rocks.  相似文献   

The photoluminescence and possible cathodoluminescence of cosmic dust is considered. It is shown that the dust of planetary nebulae can luminesce under the action of fluxes of charged particles. The results of a comparative analysis of unidentified emission features in the optical spectrum of the nebula NGC 7027 and the luminescence emission of a number of minerals is presented. It is shown that the dust in this nebula includes diamond grains.  相似文献   

Smoothing and interpolation by kriging and with splines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Let scalar measurements at distinct points x1, , xn be y1, , yn.We may look for a smooth function f(x)that goes through or near the points (xi, yi).Kriging assumes f(x)is a random function with known (possibly estimable) covariance function (in the simplest case). Splines assume a definition of the smoothness of a nonrandom function f(x).An elementary explanation is given of the fact that spline approximations are special cases of the solution of a kriging problem.  相似文献   

介绍了利用锚杆静压桩加固基础与沉井掏土纠偏方法纠治某厂房的施工过程,先用锚杆静压桩加固厂房基础,然后再用沉井掏土法纠治厂房,使偏斜率由32‰纠到了3‰的安全界限。  相似文献   

The effect of phosphate and glutamic acid on adsorption of aluminium onto a latosol was investigated as a function of pH and ligand concentrations through batch equilibrium experiments. The results showed that adsorption of aluminium by the soil was enhanced after addition of phosphate at low pH, and this promotive effect was gradually eliminated with the increase in pH. The positive effect of phosphate on aluminium adsorption onto latosol was attributed to phosphate-induced surface negative charge and formation of ternary surface complexes involving aluminium and phosphate. While using silica as adsorbent, the inactive surfaces for phosphate, promotion of adsorption of aluminium by phosphate was also found. Then it was proposed that additional aluminium might bind to the phosphate adsorbed onto the silica in the form of surface complexes silica–aluminium–phosphate again, and the mechanism might operate in the soil systems as well. Glutamic acid exhibited no influence on the adsorption of aluminium by the soil at low pH. After increasing the pH, adsorption of aluminium was inhibited especially with the highest addition of glutamic acid, probably owing to weak affinity of complexes between glutamic acid and aluminium to the soil.  相似文献   

This work describes a laboratory study concerning the adsorption of isopropylxanthate ions onto modified zeolites particles. The separation of the loaded carrier and their removal, from aqueous solutions, was conducted by flocculation followed by dissolved air flotation, DAF. The zeolite employed was a natural sample (approximately 48% clinoptilolite and 30% mordenite) which was previously treated with sodium ions (activation) and modified with copper ions (Cu–Z) before the xanthate ions uptake. Adsorption capacities (qm) for Cu–Z were 0.34 meq g− 1 for the powdered form, and 1.12 meq g− 1 for the floc form. The adsorption capacity for the floc form appears to involve an enhanced electrostatic adsorption due to the positive sites on the floc surface. In all cases, the isopropylxanthate concentration in the treated water was found to be negligible (< 0.04 mg L− 1). The flotation technique showed to be a fast process, requires a low recycle ratio (20%) in air saturated water, and the treated water ended up with a very low residual turbidity (6.8 NTU). It is believed that this adsorption–flotation technique, here named adsorptive particulate flotation, using activated and modified natural zeolite has a high potential as an alternative for pollutants removal (copper and isopropylxanthate ions) from waste mining effluents.  相似文献   

A novel particle based Bluff Morphology Model (BMM) developed by the authors is extended in this paper to investigate the effect of two dimensional seepage on the stability and collapse of soil slopes and levees. To incorporate the seepage in the model, Darcy’s law is applied to the interactions among neighbouring soil particles and ghost particles are introduced along the enclosed soil boundary so that no fluid crosses the boundary. The contribution of partially saturated soils and matric suction, as well as the change in hydraulic conductivity due to seepage, are predicted well by the present model. The predicted time evolution of slope stability and seepage induced collapse are in reasonable agreement with the experimental results for homogeneous non-cohesive sand and multiple layered cohesive soils. Rapid drawdown over a sand soil is also investigated, and the location and time of the levee collapse occurrence are well captured. A toe erosion model is incorporated in the BMM model, and the location and quantity of erosion from lateral seepage flow is well predicted. The interplay of erosion, seepage and slope instability is examined.  相似文献   

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