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雪崩灾害严重地威胁着山地旅游滑雪以及山区公路安全。因此,开展雪崩的预测预警研究很有必要,尤其是北京张家口联合申办2022年冬奥会成功,滑雪场雪层的安全性必将成为举办者必须考虑的问题。雪崩的预测预警与地形、气象因子和积雪关系密切。雪崩形成区的坡度大多在30~45°,坡形态、地面粗糙度和下垫面也会对雪崩产生影响。气象因子中与雪崩有关的主要因子包括:新雪、风和气温,高的新雪降雪量和降雪密度可诱发新雪雪崩,风向风速决定了积雪的再分配,而气温对积雪的力学性质发挥着决定性作用。积雪中的连续性雪晶能形成软弱层,是雪崩发生的必要条件。雪崩形成的步骤为三步:软弱层破裂的产生、传播以及断裂的出现。其中软弱层中雪体低强度带对破裂的产生和传播发挥了关键性的作用。  相似文献   

中国西北地区季节性积雪的性质与结构   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
中国内陆地区积雪分布十分广泛。根据西北地区大陆性气候条件下形成的“干寒型”积雪的特征 ,对中国天山和阿尔泰山山区的季节性积雪进行了观测与分析。结果表明 ,该区最大积雪深度达 15 2cm(1997) ,积雪层一般由新雪 (或表层凝结霜 )、细粒雪、中粒雪、粗粒雪、松散深霜、聚合深霜层和薄融冻冰层组成。与“湿暖型”积雪相比 ,“干寒型”积雪的性质具有密度小 (新雪的最小密度为 0 .0 4 g/cm3 )、含水率少 (隆冬期 <1% )、温度梯度大(最大可达 - 0 .5 2℃ /cm)、深霜发育层厚等特点 ,并且变质作用以热量交换和雪层压力变质作用为主。据中国科学院天山积雪与雪崩研究站 (43°2 0N ,84°2 9E ,海拔 1776m)的观测资料 ,中国内陆干旱区冬季积雪期雪面太阳辐射通量以负平衡为主 ,新雪雪面反射率达 96 % ,短波辐射在干寒型积雪中的穿透厚度达 2 8cm。春季积雪消融期 ,深霜层厚度可占整个积雪层厚度的 80 %。随着气温的升高 ,雪粒间的键链首先融化 ,使积雪变得松散 ,内聚力、抗压、抗拉和抗剪强度降低 ,积雪含水率也随之增大 ,整个积雪层趋于接近 0℃的等温现象 ,因此 ,春季天山、阿尔泰山等山地全层性湿雪崩频繁发生  相似文献   

一山坡积雪在重力作用下产生不同形式的块体运动,其中包括蠕变和雪崩。雪崩是山坡上的不稳定积雪断裂后发生的快速崩坍。它危及人们的生命财产安全,是山地自然灾害之一。山坡和山坡上的积雪是雪崩的两个条件。后者是雪崩运动的物质,而前者为雪崩运动提供能量。同时,山坡不但是雪崩的下垫面,而且它和气候条件共同影响山区降水、积雪  相似文献   

中国天山积雪雪崩站区的地理环境   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
中国天山积雪雪崩站站区自然地理垂直地带完整。降水丰富,最大达1140.8mm。冬半年降雪量占年降水量的30%左右。积雪深度多年平均80cm。深厚的积雪使站区每年冬季都发生雪崩和风吹雪灾害,成为天山大陆性雪崩研究的天然场所。同时,站区生态与环境良好,植被、土壤种类集天山之大成。站区旅游资源引人入胜。北有“东方阿尔卑斯”之称的乔尔马;南有巴音布鲁克天鹅湖,均由天山公路与本站相连通。  相似文献   

利用MODIS和Landsat TM/ETM+遥感数据,得出研究区的积雪面积,同时结合精伊公路规划图及地形图,分析了公路沿线可能存在风吹雪和雪崩的危险区,并提出相应的防治措施。结果表明:研究区近5年来11月到次年3月是积雪最丰富时期,9月、10月、4月和5月积雪较少。近5年来积雪呈增加趋势,最大积雪时间集中在2009—2010年积雪季。MODIS积雪数据精度在积雪面积越大时,精度越高;积雪面积越小时,精度越低。精伊公路东线走廊K60以上路段和西线走廊K100以上路段风吹雪对公路影响较大;精伊公路北段的雪崩的可能性很小;东线走廊K60~K77段和西线走廊K90~K110段有一定的雪崩灾害;西线走廊K58~K90段有较大的雪崩危害。并提出防治措施。  相似文献   

中国天山是我国积雪丰富、雪崩频繁、灾害性雪崩又具明显周期性的山地。作者以雪崩制图的非变化因素(地形形态)为主,提出了中国天山积雪站区雪崩路径分布图与雪崩分带(区划)图,并作了概略说明。这为当地的土地合理利用、山区道路与矿山建设、雪崩治理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

天山巩乃斯河谷融雪期积雪物质平衡初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文利用1994年3月中,下旬在中间科学院天山积雪雪崩研究站(以下简称积雪站)野外观测到的部分资料,对融雪期季节性积雪的物质平衡进行初步分析,同时利用物质平衡方程对积雪日融出量进行计算。  相似文献   

本文利用天山积雪雪崩研究站的历史资料分析了影响稳定积雪形成的初始气候条件,对降雪量的月间分布、降雪及气温与地温对稳定积雪的影响进行了阐述。  相似文献   

中日合作雪崩动力学研究在我国天山西部进行。结果表明,雪崩前锋速度7.1m/s,雪崩冲和是雪崩雪高度的函数,其最大冲击力为88.7kPa,出现在雪崩雪1.45m高度,雪崩雪分为两层:上层为雪云,下层为密雪流。密雪流表现呈现下倾形态向下运动。  相似文献   

本文利用天山积雪雪崩研究站的历史资料分析了影响稳定积雪形成的初始气候条件,对降雪量的月间分布、降雪及气温与地温对稳定积雪的影响进行了阐述。  相似文献   

Hazardous snow avalanches in Glacier National Park, Montana, are associated with a variety of meteorologic conditions: heavy snow; heavy snows followed by a rise in air temperature to above freezing; a rise in air temperature to above freezing, without precipitation; and rain in association with above-freezing air temperatures. Years of major, widespread avalanching may be recognized by examination of historical information and tree-ring data. Avalanche types include slab avalanches, wet snow avalanches, and dry loose snow avalanches. February is the peak avalanche month. Intraannual seasonalities of avalanche trigger mechanisms and type of avalanche are related. The presence of sun crusts in some cases provides unstable stratigraphic planes in the snowpack over which freshly deposited snow may glide. Destructive windblasts also occur in association with some avalanches. Insufficient data from east of the Continental Divide precluded a comparison of avalanche type and trigger mechanisms from the western and eastern portions of Glacier National Park. The general avalanche climate is more similar to that reported from the southern Canadian cordillera than to continental locations such as the mountains of Colorado. [Key words: Snow avalanches; avalanche trigger mechanisms; avalanche types; avalanche seasonality; Glacier National Park, Montana; northern Rocky Mountains; hazard planning.]  相似文献   

中尼公路雪害及防灾对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在大量野外实地调查基础上,通过对中尼公路沿线吹雪、积雪和雪崩成因背景的分析,揭示了中尼公路雪灾的分布规律和形成机制,并提出各类雪灾的防治对策。对康山桥特大雪崩灾害进行了深入研究,提出了可供实施的整治方案及进一步工作的建议,对中尼公路整治必建工程具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Avalanche prediction in Scotland: II. Development of a predictive model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents a method for predicting avalanche activity from meteorological data which is suitable for Scottish snow conditions. Two main types of avalanche are distinguished. Direct-action avalanches are the result of fresh snow accumulation and may release after approximately 200 mm of fresh snow has fallen over a period of a few days. They become extremely likely if a further 100 mm falls in a single day. Climax avalanches are the result of strength loss in the snow cover, due either to thawing or persistent cold. Thaws may produce an avalanche after only three or four days with maximum temperatures around 2°C. Alternatively, if maximum temperatures remain below ?4°C for over a week, and especially if cold weather persists for two weeks, slab avalanches of dry snow are likely to occur. Between these two types are several possible avalanche situations in which fresh snow accumulation is combined with high or low temperatures. Topography plays a passive role, and determines where avalanche activity is most likely. Free faces, smooth surfaces and slopes in the lee of major storms respond most rapidly to the onset of avalanche conditions.  相似文献   

The Palongzangbu River Basin contains the highest number of maritime province glaciers in China.There are 130 glacial lakes,64 snow avalanche sites and 28 glacial debris flow gullies distributed within the basin.Snow disasters play a controlling role in the Sichuan-Tibet Highway construction,due to the terrain's special characteristics of high altitude and large height differential.Segmentation mitigation countermeasures for the Sichuan-Tibet Highway are presented based on snow disaster severity level and damage mode of the road.In the Ranwu to Midui section,snow avalanches are regional disasters, so the line should be placed in sunny slopes.In the Midui Gully to Yupu section,the line should be placed in shady slopes and at higher elevations to reduce the risk of glacial lake outburst.In the Yupu to Guxiang section,all three snow disasters are minimal.In the Guxiang to Tongmai section,glacier debris flows are the major threat,thus the road should be placed in shady slopes.  相似文献   

Avalanches are a common occurrence throughout the Scottish Highlands and have been responsible for several injuries and deaths amongst climbers and ramblers. The paper describes approximately 1000 avalanches which have been recorded over the last 200 years, the majority being observed in the Cairngorms between the winters of 1977–1978 and 1979–1980. Many different types of avalanche have been recorded, including slab avalanches and loose snow avalanches. Although the majority are comparatively small, a small proportion are extremely large. These may travel over a mile and involve a snow layer up to two or three metres thick and 200–300 m wide. Excluding small-scale sluffing from free faces, most avalanches release from slopes between 35° and 45°. Avalanche activity occurs during many different types of weather conditions, including thaws, cold snaps, storms and calm conditions.  相似文献   

新疆天山山地自然灾害垂直带谱及其特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
熊黑钢  刘耕年 《地理科学》1998,18(3):227-233
分析天山山地由气候原因引起的自然灾害分布的垂直带谱,主要灾害类型有12种,可分为3个带:(1)基带(暴雨-塌方带):主要是由中、低山突发性的降雨引起的各种灾害。此带灾害频发时期与最大降水期是同步的。(2)中带(融水-冰冻带):其灾害大多同温度的变化有密切的关系。(3)上带(风吹雪-雪崩带):由积雪运动造成的灾害多集中在这里。山地坡向和高度对自然灾害垂直带谱的组成和灾害出现的频率影响很大。由于温度和  相似文献   


Statistical relationships between weather conditions and the release of snow avalanches in the low-elevation coastal valleys of the northern Gaspé Peninsula are still poorly validated. As such, we explored climate–avalanche relationships through classification tree algorithms applied to tree-ring reconstructions of avalanche events. In order to assess the contribution of local factors on avalanche activity, avalanche regimes on east- and west-facing slopes were analyzed and compared. The results showed that avalanches on east-facing slopes appear to be primarily related to large cumulative snowfall in January, February, and March. On west-facing slopes, avalanches are mainly due to episodic snowfall and warming temperatures. However, both sides of the valleys showed the potential for the release of large avalanches in November and December, which is earlier than expected by the literature. Indeed, the weather variability at that time of the year (temperature oscillation around 0ºC) appears to favor the formation of an early, unstable snowpack and subsequent triggering of avalanches, such as the wet slab avalanche recorded by a time-lapse camera in November 2014. This camera provided a useful insight on the capacities of classification-tree models to link the yearly resolution of tree-ring data with weather triggers at different timescales.  相似文献   

本段是川藏公路有名的严重山地灾害段。近半个世纪来,十几年一遇的特大崩塌、泥石流、雪崩造成的生命、财产损失惨重,该段在雅鲁藏布江大拐弯峡谷顶端范围内,以上升为主的强烈构造活动,以大峡谷水汽通道进入水分、热量,是发生高频率高强度特大山地灾害的基础。结合当地实情,加强调查研究,划分各类灾害危险区段,提出防治措施。  相似文献   

F.A. de Scally  I.F. Owens   《Geomorphology》2005,69(1-4):46-56
Characteristics of surface particles on four fans dominated by different depositional processes are investigated in the sedimentary ranges of the Aoraki–Mount Cook area, Southern Alps, New Zealand. Statistical testing shows that on three of the fans all indices of particle size and roundness differ significantly according to the depositional process: snow avalanches produce the largest and most angular particles, streamflows the smallest and most rounded, with debris flows in between. On the fourth fan affected by all of these depositional processes, particle size and roundness indicate that snow avalanches are presently dominant with streamflow playing a secondary role. The results also show that all indices of particle size are strongly correlated with each other and suggest that the principal (a-) or intermediate (b-) axis length may provide a satisfactory substitute for more complex indices of size. Indices of particle shape generally do not differ significantly between the fans, reflecting both the strong control exerted on particle shape by source area lithology and structure and the geologic similarity of the four basins. Changes in particle size and roundness occur with down-fan distance on the snow avalanche, debris flow, and hybrid fans but not on the streamflow fan.  相似文献   

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