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Eclogite, orthogneiss and, by association, metapelite from an island at 78°N in North‐East Greenland experienced ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphism at approximately 970 °C and 3.6 GPa, at the end of the Caledonian collision, 360–350 Ma. Hydrous metapelites contain abundant leucocratic layers and lenses composed of medium‐grained, anhedral, equigranular quartz, antiperthitic plagioclase and K‐feldspar with minor small garnet and kyanite crystals. Leucosomes are generally parallel to the matrix foliation, are interlayered with residual quartz bands, anastomose around residual garnet and commonly cross‐cut micaceous segregations. Textures suggest that the leucosomes crystallized from a syntectonic melt, but crystallized at the end of local high‐grade deformation. The metapelite outcrop is < 1.5 km from kyanite eclogites with confirmed coesite, but the metapelites lack coesite and palisade textures diagnostic of coesite pseudomorphs. They do contain highly fractured garnet megacrysts with polycrystalline quartz inclusions (some surrounded by radial fractures) and Ti‐rich phengite inclusions that suggest the former presence of coesite. Polyphase inclusions in garnet contain reactants and products of the inferred dehydration melting reaction: Phe + Qtz = Ky + Kfs + Rt + melt. The reactants are thought to have been early inclusions of hydrous phases within garnet that melted and then crystallized new phases. Garnet surrounding these inclusions has patchy zoning with elevated Ca, consistent with experiments that produced similar patchy microstructures in garnet around inclusions with an unequivocal melt origin. The peak UHP metamorphic assemblage in these rocks is inferred to have been phengite, coesite, garnet, kyanite, rutile, fluid ± omphacite ± epidote. Phase diagrams indicate that dehydration melting of phengite in this assemblage would have occurred after decompression from peak pressure, but still above the coesite to quartz transition. Unusual crown‐ and moat‐like textures in garnet around some polycrystalline quartz inclusions are also consistent with the inference that melting took place at UHP conditions.  相似文献   

Caledonian orogenesis in NE Greenland resulted from the collision of Laurentia and Baltica during the Ordovician–Silurian. Anatectic pelites within the metasedimentary Smallefjord Sequence record a clockwise P – T  path, the result of early crustal thickening at c . 445–440 Ma and subsequent exhumation of the high-grade metamorphic core by a combination of ductile extension and tectonic denudation. The early prograde segment of the path followed a shallow, near-isothermal trajectory and attained a metamorphic peak of c . 9.0–10.0 kbar at >790 and <850 °C. Prograde metamorphism initiated anatexis of pelites in the kyanite stability field and continued with sillimanite stable. Inclusion trails in the garnet cores are textural remnants of early deformation, which occurred either before or during prograde metamorphism. The peak metamorphic conditions are anomalously high in the context of thermal models and P – T  paths for continental collision zones. The additional heat input required to promote migmatization may have been provided by advection as lower crustal high-pressure rocks and the uppermost mantle were uplifted following lithospheric thinning at an early stage in the orogeny. The prograde path was interrupted by the development of retrograde extensional shear fabrics defined by biotite+sillimanite and associated with garnet breakdown. Field observations indicate that ductile extension was accompanied by melt extraction, transport and emplacement of intracrustal granites dated at c . 430 Ma. Regional ductile extension and exhumation probably resulted from the development of gravitational instabilities within the overthickened crust during continental collision.  相似文献   

Coronitic textures are common in partially eclogitized igneous bodies, such as gabbros, leucogabbros, and anorthosites, east of the Germania Land Deformation Zone in North-East Greenland. Coronas formed by prograde metamorphic processes that transformed the gabbroic bodies to eclogite facies, and record frozen stages of the prograde metamorphic evolution of these rocks. A metaleucogabbro-norite body on Bourbon Island in Jøkelbugt is characterized by three concentric areas: a coronitic core, a mottled inner rim with areas of completely eclogitized material surrounded by a matrix of coronitic metaleucogabbro, and an outer rim of strongly foliated and completely retrogressed amphibolite. The Bourbon body preserves four stages of the prograde metamorphic history: Stage I, Stage II, Stage III, and Eclogite Stage. Stage I coronas are found only in the core of the body, which is the least reacted part of the leucogabbro-norite and the closest to the protolith, and is characterized by the corona sequence Plrim/Grt + Kfs + Amp/Grt + Amp/Cpxrim. The typical corona sequence for Stage II is Plrim/Grt + Pl + Zo/Cpxrim/Amprim. Stage III samples show a Plrim + Ky + Scp/Grt + Pl + Qtz/Qtz + Pl sequence, with the relict clinopyroxene being replaced in part by microcrystalline aggregates of Cpx + Amp + Pl. The Eclogite Stage shows relict Pl completely replaced by Grt, and the relict Cpx completely replaced by aggregates of Omp + Pl + Kfs + Amp. We tested open-system grain boundary diffusion (OSGBD) theories to model the prograde Stage I symplectitic coronas. The observed ratio of the thickness of the different layers is Plrim:Grt + Kfs + Amp:Grt + Amp:Cpxrim equal to 3:1.3:0.95:0.5. These ratios are very close to the modeled ones of 2.7:1.1:1:0.5. Furthermore, subtle textural changes within the Grt + Kfs + Amp corona were also reproduced by the model. The model gave us insight into the conditions of the metamorphic system in which the coronas formed. The sequence Plrim/Grt + Kfs + Amp/Grt + Amp/Cpxrim formed by diffusion driven reactions in an open system involving gain of Fe, K, and Na, and loss of Ca and Mg at the original clinopyroxene–plagioclase boundary. Relative mobilities of the different components within the corona layers were LMgMg > LAlAl > LSiSi > LCaCa > LKK > LFeFe > LNaNa. Fluid circulation was active to some degree during the transformation to eclogite. The differences between core, inner rim, and the two domains within the inner rim of the metaleucogabbro-norite can be explained by different degrees of fluid circulation in different portions of the rock. The presence of phases containing Cl and P, such as scapolite, in completely eclogitized samples supports the presence of fluid circulation in the system. Another possible explanation for the mottled appearance of the inner rim is protolith heterogeneity.  相似文献   

In the North‐East Greenland Caledonides, P–T conditions and textures are consistent with partial melting of ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) eclogite during exhumation. The eclogite contains a peak assemblage of garnet, omphacite, kyanite, coesite, rutile, and clinozoisite; in addition, phengite is inferred to have been present at peak conditions. An isochemical phase equilibrium diagram, along with garnet isopleths, constrains peak P–T conditions to be subsolidus at 3.4 GPa and 940°C. Zr‐in‐rutile thermometry on inclusions in garnet yields values of ~820°C at 3.4 GPa. In the eclogite, plagioclase may exhibit cuspate textures against surrounding omphacite and has low dihedral angles in plagioclase–clinopyroxene–garnet aggregates, features that are consistent with former melt–solid–solid boundaries and crystallized melt pockets. Graphic intergrowths of plagioclase and amphibole are present in the matrix. Small euhedral neoblasts of garnet against plagioclase are interpreted as formed from a peritectic reaction during partial melting. Polymineralic inclusions of albite+K‐feldspar and clinopyroxene+quartz±kyanite±plagioclase in large anhedral garnet display plagioclase cusps pointing into the host, which are interpreted as crystallized melt pockets. These textures, along with the mineral composition, suggest partial melting of the eclogite by reactions involving phengite and, to a large extent, an epidote‐group mineral. Calculated and experimentally determined phase relations from the literature reveal that partial melting occurred on the exhumation path, at pressures below the coesite to quartz transition. A calculated P–T phase diagram for a former melt‐bearing domain shows that the formation of the peritectic garnet rim occurred at 1.4 GPa and 900°C, with an assemblage of clinopyroxene, amphibole, and plagioclase equilibrated at 1.3 GPa and 720°C. Isochemical phase equilibrium modelling of a symplectite of clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and amphibole after omphacite, combined with the mineral composition, yields a P–T range at 1.0–1. 6 GPa, 680–1,000°C. The assemblage of amphibole and plagioclase is estimated to reach equilibrium at 717–732°C, calculated by amphibole–plagioclase thermometry for the former melt‐bearing domain and symplectite respectively. The results of this study demonstrate that partial melt formed in the UHP eclogite through breakdown of an epidote‐group mineral with minor involvement of phengite during exhumation from peak pressure; melt was subsequently crystallized on the cooling path.  相似文献   

The high grade rocks (metapelites and metabasites) of Clavering Ø represent the easternmost exposures of granulites in the Palaeozoic Caledonian Orogen of East Greenland. Mafic granulites which occur as sheet‐like bodies and lenses within metapelitic migmatites and orthogneiss complexes have experienced migmatisation and mineral equilibria which define a clockwise P–T path incorporating a near‐isothermal decompression segment. Textures demonstrate the existence of early garnet‐clinopyroxene‐melt assemblages which equilibrated at >8–11 kbar and 850915 °C. Subsequently, decompression melting led to formation of orthopyroxene‐plagioclase‐melt assemblages at conditions below >8–11 kbar. Continued syn‐deformational decompression is indicated by a combination of both static and syn‐deformational recrystallization textures which generated finer grained orthopyroxene‐plagioclase assemblages. P–T constraints indicate these assemblages equilibrated at c. 5.0–6.5 kbar at 850–915 °C. These data are consistent with the rocks undergoing a stage of rapid tectonic‐induced exhumation involving some 3.0–4.5 kbar (c.1012 km) uplift as part of a clockwise P–T path in a collisional setting.  相似文献   

Abstract. A method for the quantitative analysis of the spatial relations of minerals is described. Dispersed distributions are formed by annealing and destroyed in post-tectonic migmatization. Aggregate distributions characterize solid-state differentiation, whereas leucosomes formed in systems of high fluid:rock ratio (in the examples studied, anatectic melts) show random distributions.
Quantitative textural analysis can be used to indicate whether migmatization was post-tectonic or earlier, though caution is necessary if post-migmatite cooling is slow or if there is some minor deformation. More importantly, it can be used to discriminate melt-present from melt-absent leucosomes; this is exemplified by a suite of metamorphic and anatectic migmatites from the Scottish Caledonides.
The textural evolution of anatexites with increasing melt percentage is traced. Initial feldspar porphyroblastesis occurs by Ostwald ripening via grain boundary melts; subsequently ophthalmites develop with fabrics and chemistry inherited from the palaeosome. At greater than 30% melt these inherited fabrics are wholly destroyed. Deformation prompts segregation into melanosome and leucosome; resultant leucosomes contain no inherited crystals. The scale of anatectic systems is fixed at the point at which segregation begins; ophthalmites provide evidence for melt and crystal transfer beyond original palaeosome boundaries. In contrast, metamorphic migmatites are necessarily small-scale systems because of diffusive constraints, and melanosomes are invariably produced.  相似文献   

A high‐P granulite facies gneiss complex occurs in north‐west Payer Land (74°28′?74°47′N) in the central part of the East Greenland Caledonian (Ordovician–Devonian) orogen. High‐P metamorphism of the Payer Land gneiss complex resulted in formation of the assemblages Grt + Cpx + Amp + Qtz + Ru ± Pl in mafic rocks, and Grt + Ol + Cpx + Opx + Spl in rare ultramafic pods. Associated metapelites experienced anatexis in the kyanite stability field. Peak metamorphic assemblages formed around 800–850 °C at pressures of c. 1.4–1.7 GPa, corresponding to crustal depths of c. 50 km. Mafic granulites contain abundant reaction textures, including the replacement of garnet by symplectites of Opx + Spl + Pl, indicating that the high‐P event was followed by decompression while the granulites remained at elevated temperatures. Charnockitic gneisses from Payer Land show evidence of late Archean (c. 2.8–2.4 Ga) crustal growth and subsequent Palaeoproterozoic (c. 1.85 Ga) metamorphism. The gneiss complex experienced intense reworking during the Caledonian continental collision. On the basis of Caledonian monazite ages recorded from the high‐P anatectic metapelites, the clockwise P–T evolution and formation of the high‐P granulite facies assemblages is related to Caledonian crustal thickening, which resulted in formation of eclogites approximately 300 km north of Payer Land. The Payer Land granulites comprise a metamorphic core complex, which is separated from the overlying low‐grade supracrustal rocks (the Neoproterozoic Eleonore Bay Supergroup) by a late Caledonian extensional fault zone, the Payer Land Detachment. The steep, nearly isothermal, unloading P–T path recorded by the granulites can be explained by erosional and tectonic unroofing along the Payer Land Detachment.  相似文献   

Eclogite-grade metamorphism of the Seve Nappe Complex (SNC) in Norrbotten, Sweden, records the attempted subduction of the Baltic continental margin during the early Palaeozoic evolution of the Iapetus Ocean. Metamorphic titanite sampled from several calcsilicate gneisses of the SNC in Norrbotten occurs as part of a prograde, eclogite facies metamorphic mineral assemblage and yields concordant to nearly concordant U/Pb ages of 500–475  Ma. Later structural disruption of these rocks occurred during the Siluro-Devonian Scandian phase of the Caledonide orogeny, but the U/Pb systematics show no evidence of a second generation (metamorphic or recrystallized) of titanite, or of post-Early Ordovician disturbance through Pb loss. Hence the U/Pb ages are believed to record the time of prograde mineral growth during eclogite facies metamorphism of the SNC.
These results support earlier Sm/Nd and 40Ar/39Ar studies indicating an Early Ordovician metamorphic age for the eclogitic Norrbotten SNC, and confirm the Early Ordovician destruction of at least this segment of the Palaeozoic passive margin of Baltica. These results indicate that the SNC in the northern Scandinavian Caledonides was subducted and metamorphosed to high grade some 50–70  Myr prior to the high-grade metamorphism of the SNC in the central Scandinavian Caledonides. This result requires significantly different early Palaeozoic tectonic histories for rocks mapped as SNC in the northern Caledonides and those in the central Caledonides, despite a seemingly similar tectonostratigraphic position and broadly similar high-grade metamorphism.  相似文献   

Eclogites and eclogites in the Western Gneiss Region, Norwegian Caledonides   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The Western Gneiss Region (WGR) marks the outcrop of a composite terrane consisting of variably re-worked Proterozoic basement and parautochthonous or autochthonous cover units. The WGR exhibits a gross structural, petrographic and thermobarometric zonation from southeast to northwest, reflecting an increasing intensity of Scandian (late Palaeozoic) metamorphic and structural imprint. Scandian-aged eclogites have been widely (though for kinetic reasons not invariably) stabilised in metabasic rocks but have suffered varying degrees of retrogression during exhumation. In the region between the Jostedal mountains and Nordfjord, eclogites commonly have distinctively prograde-zoned garnets with amphibolite or epidote–amphibolite facies solid inclusion suites and lack any evidence for stability of coesite (high pressure [HP] eclogites). In the south of this area, in Sunnfjord, eclogites locally contain glaucophane as an inclusion or matrix phase. North of Nordfjord, eclogites mostly lack prograde zoning and evidence for coesite, either as relics or replacive polycrystalline quartz, is present in both eclogites (ultrahigh pressure [UHP] eclogites) and, rarely, gneisses. Coesite or polycrystalline quartz after coesite has now been found in eight new localities, including one close to a microdiamond-bearing gneiss. These new discoveries suggest that, by a conservative estimate, the UHP terrane in the WGR covers a coastal strip of about 5000 km2 between outer Nordfjord and Moldefjord. A “mixed HP/UHP zone” containing both HP and UHP eclogites is confirmed by our observations, and is extended a further 40 km east along Nordfjord. Thermobarometry on phengite-bearing eclogites has been used to quantify the regional distribution of pressure (P) and temperature (T) across the WGR. Overall, a scenario emerges where P and T progressively increase from 500°C and 16 kbar in Sunnfjord to >800°C and 32 kbar in outer Moldefjord, respectively, in line with the distribution of eclogite petrographic features. Results are usually consistent with the silica polymorph present or inferred. The PT conditions define a linear array in the PT plane with a slope of roughly 5°C/km, with averages for petrographic groups lying along the trend according to their geographic distribution from SE to NW, hence defining a clear field gradient. This PT gradient might be used to support the frequently postulated model for northwesterly subduction of the WGC as a coherent body. However, the WGC is clearly a composite edifice built from several tectonic units. Furthermore, the mixed HP/UHP zone seems to mark a step in the regional P gradient, indicating a possible tectonic break and tectonic juxtaposition of the HP and UHP units. Lack of other clear evidence for a tectonic break in the mixed zone dictates caution in this interpretation, and we cannot discount the possibility that the mixed zone is, at least, partly a result of kinetic factors operating near the HP–UHP transition. Overall, if the WGC has been subducted during the Scandian orogeny, it has retained its general down-slab pattern of P and T in spite of any disruption during exhumation. Garnetiferous peridotites derived from subcontinental lithospheric mantle may be restricted to the UHP terrane and appear to decorate basement-cover contacts in many cases. PT conditions calculated from previously published data for both relict (Proterozoic lithospheric mantle?) porphyroclast assemblages and Scandian (subduction-related?) neoblastic assemblages do not define such a clear field gradient, but probably record a combination of their pre-orogenic PT record with Scandian re-working during and after subduction entrainment. A crude linear array in the PT plane defined by peridotite samples may be, in part, an artifact of errors in the geobarometric methods. A spatial association of mantle-derived peridotites with the UHP terrane and with basement-cover contacts is consistent with a hypothesis for entrainment of at least some of them as “foreign” fragments into a crustal UHP terrane during subduction of the Baltic continental margin to depths of >100 km, and encourages a more mobilistic view of the assembly of the WGC from its component lithotectonic elements.  相似文献   

The Greenland Caledonides (GC) formed in the overriding Laurentian plate during the closure of the Iapetus Ocean and the subduction of Baltica, and offer a unique opportunity to study metamorphic patterns, regional structures and the kinematic evolution of the overriding plate of a continental collision. We present new metamorphic petrology and coupled zircon geochronology and geochemistry data from the Jættedal complex in southern Liverpool Land to document the thermal evolution of the orogenic core of the southern GC. Pelitic migmatite gneisses from the Jættedal complex document metamorphic conditions of 850–730 °C at pressures of 11–9.5 kbar. Zircon from these samples yields Archean–Mesoproterozoic detrital cores with positive heavy rare earth element (HREE) slopes, and 440–425 Ma rims with flat HREE slopes are interpreted to date the timing of prograde pelite anatexis. Intercalated mafic assemblages record metamorphic conditions of 860–820 °C at 12–10 kbar. Zircon from mafic gneisses contains cores with ages of c. 458 Ma with positive HREE slopes and 413–411 Ma rims with flat HREE slopes that are interpreted to record the timing of original mafic dyke intrusion and subsequent partial melting respectively. When placed in the context of correlative rocks from the southern GC, these results suggest the development of a thermally weakened lower to middle crust in the Caledonian overriding plate that spanned >200 km perpendicular to orogenic strike during the Silurian. The existing data further suggest Silurian syn‐orogenic channel flow and exhumation occurred at the thrust front, while protracted high‐T metamorphism continued in the orogenic core. These patterns highlight variations in the thermal and rheologic structure of the Caledonian overriding plate along orogenic strike, and have implications for the development and exhumation of high‐ and ultrahigh‐pressure terranes.  相似文献   

Garnet-bearing peridotitic rocks closely associated with eclogite within the Tromsø Nappe of the northern Scandinavian Caledonides show good evidence for prograde metamorphism. Early stages are recognized as inclusions of hornblende and chlorite in the cores of large garnet poikiloblasts. Closer to the garnet rim, clinopyroxene and Cr-poor spinel appear as additional inclusion phases. Four suites of spinel inclusions can be distinguished based on optical properties and chemical composition. The innermost suite (suite 1) has the lowest Cr# and highest Mg#. Further rimward, the spinel inclusions gradually change in composition, with increasing Cr# and decreasing Mg#. Spinel is rare in the matrix, but locally chromitic spinel occurs as larger grains. Garnet poikiloblasts are rimmed by a kelyphite zone consisting of Hbl + Cr-poor Spl or Opx ± Cpx + Cr-poor Spl, and locally an inner zone of Na-rich Hbl + Chl. Matrix assemblage in the garnet-bearing peridotitic rocks is Hbl + Chl + Cpx + Ol ± Cr-rich spinel, defining a strong foliation wrapping around garnets and associated kelyphites. Thin layers of garnet-orthopyroxenite and garnet–hornblende–zoisite–chlorite rocks are presumably coeval with the matrix foliation of the peridotitic rocks.

In dunitic to harzburgitic compositions large undulatory grains of Ol + Opx ± Chl + Spl apparently define the maximum-P conditions. This assemblage is succeeded by a recrystallized assemblage of Ol ± Tlc ± Mgs, which in turn is overgrown by strain-free poikiloblasts of orthopyroxene, indicating a temperature increase. This is postdated by Tlc + Ath ± Mgs, and finally serpentine.

PT estimates for the inclusion suites of clinopyroxene and spinel in garnet clearly indicate garnet growth and spinel consumption in a regime of increasing P. The inner suite (suite 1) apparently was in equilibrium with garnet, clinopyroxene and olivine at 1.40 GPa, 675 °C, whereas included spinel with maximum Cr# (suite 4) indicate 2.40 GPa at 740 °C. Grt + Opx from garnet-orthopyroxenite give 1.5–1.9 GPa at 740–770 °C, and Grt + Hbl + Zo + Chl from a zoisite-rich rock give 1.75 ± 0.25 GPa at 740 ± 30 °C, interpreted to represent recrystallization during uplift. In dunitic to harzburgitic compositions, early Ol + Opx ± Chl + Spl is succeeded by Ol ± Tlc ± Mgs, which in turn is overgrown by neoblasts of strain-free orthopyroxene, indicating temperature increase. This is postdated by Tlc + Ath ± Mgs, and finally serpentine.

The ultramafic rocks in the Tromsø Nappe were locally strongly hydrated before subduction along with associated eclogites and metasedimentary rocks during the early (Ordovician) stages of the Caledonian orogeny.  相似文献   

Collision of the oceanic Lough Nafooey Island Arc with the passive margin of Laurentia after 480 Ma in western Ireland resulted in the deformation, magmatism and metamorphism of the Grampian Orogeny, analogous to the modern Taiwan and Miocene New Guinea Orogens. After 470 Ma, the metamorphosed Laurentian margin sediments (Dalradian Supergroup) now exposed in Connemara and North Mayo were cooled rapidly (>35 °C/m.y.) and exhumed to the surface. We propose that this exhumation occurred mainly as a result of an oceanward collapse of the colliding arc southwards, probably aided by subduction rollback, into the new trench formed after subduction polarity reversal following collision. The Achill Beg Fault, in particular, along the southern edge of the North Mayo Dalradian Terrane, separates very low-grade sedimentary rocks of the South Mayo Trough (Lough Nafooey forearc) and accreted sedimentary rocks of the Clew Bay Complex from high-grade Dalradian meta-sedimentary rocks, suggesting that this was a major detachment structure. In northern Connemara, the unconformity between the Dalradian and the Silurian cover probably represents an eroded major detachment surface, with the Renvyle–Bofin Slide as a related but subordinate structure. Blocks of sheared mafic and ultramafic rocks in the Dalradian immediately below this unconformity surface probably represent arc lower crustal and mantle rocks or fragments of a high level ophiolite sheet entrained along the detachment during exhumation.Orogenic collapse was accompanied in the South Mayo Trough by coarse clastic sedimentation derived mostly from the exhuming Dalradian to the north and, to a lesser extent, from the Lough Nafooey Arc to the south. Sediment flow in the South Mayo Trough was dominantly axial, deepening toward the west. Volcanism associated with orogenic collapse (Rosroe and Mweelrea Formations) is variably enriched in high field strength elements, suggesting a heterogeneous enriched mantle wedge under the new post-collisional continental arc.  相似文献   

J.C. Bailey   《Lithos》2006,91(1-4):319-330
The distribution of boron has been studied in rocks and minerals of the Ilímaussaq complex, South Greenland, using optical emission spectrometry. In the silica-undersaturated rocks of intrusive phases 1 and 3, average B contents increased from 5.6 ppm in augite syenite to a maximum of 8.9 ppm in sodalite-rich agpaitic nepheline syenite (naujaite roof cumulate) and then decreased to 5.4 ppm in the final lujavrites. Boron only behaved as an incompatible element during certain stages of the fractionation history. Starting at the naujaite stage, sodalite crystals (60–45 ppm B) were fractionated by flotation and were also trapped among the heavy cumulus phases of the bottom cumulates. This prevented the significant build-up of B in late derivatives as seen in other nepheline syenites. Nevertheless, in late pegmatites and veins associated with the agpaitic rocks, B was locally concentrated in certain Be minerals and metamict/reworked minerals. In the silica-oversaturated rocks of intrusive phase 2, average B contents increased from 8.6 ppm in quartz syenite to 13 ppm in alkali granite.  相似文献   

Tholeiitic pillow basalt from the South Andaman island, an integral part of the outer sedimentary arc of the Sunda-Burmese double chain arc system in the Bay of Bengal, is characterized by the occurrence of several morphologies of quenched crystals of plagioclase and pyroxene. Plagioclase shows a swallow tail, belt-buckle, rosette and closely spaced fan-spherulites pattern while pyroxene has elongate parallel chain, dendritic, spherulitic and finely ornamented feathery spherulitic habit. Most of these textures are identical to those reported from submarine basalts, lunar basalts, spinifex textured rocks and experimentally produced textures. The occurrence of these quench textures in the Andaman basalt suggests that they were formed by rapid cooling at 30–70°C/h in a submarine environment.  相似文献   

Eclogite facies carbonate rocks have been discovered associated with the granulite–eclogite transitional rocks within Bergen Arc system, Caledonian Orogen of western Norway. The local occurrences of marbles and calc‐silicates are found subparallel to the mafic eclogite facies shear zones on Holsnøy Island. Marbles contain the assemblage calcite (Ca0.99Sr0.01CO3), calcian strontianite (Ca0.18?0.44Sr0.53?0.84CO3), clinopyroxene (Jd7?32), epidote/allanite (Ps0?33), titanite, garnet (Alm52?56Grs28?33Pyp11?16), barite (Ba0.90?0.99Sr0.01?0.10SO4), celestine (Sr0.67?0.98Ba0.01?0.23Ca0.01?0.11SO4), and one apparently homogeneous grain of intermediate composition (Ba0.49Ca0.01Sr0.50SO4). Adjacent eclogites have clinopyroxene with similar jadeite contents (Jd14?34) and similar garnet (Alm51?60Grs26?36Pyp8?14) compositions. The marbles have high contents of Sr (9500–11000 p.p.m) and Y (115–130 p.p.m). However, low concentrations of some key trace elements (110–160 p.p.m. Ba and <5 p.p.m. Nb) appear to indicate that the marble is not a metamorphosed carbonatite. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios range from 0.7051 to 0.7059. Field and petrological relationships suggest that metasomatic reactions and fluids played a significant role in producing and/or modifying the marbles. The breakdown of scapolite in the granulite into carbonates and sulphates during eclogite facies metamorphism may have contributed to the metasomatic formation of the marbles along shear zones. Fluids involved during subduction are an important catalyst for metamorphism and are recognized to have played a critical role in the localized transformation from granulite to eclogite in the Holsnøy Island area. Thermobarometry indicates 640–690 °C and 18–20 kbar for adjacent eclogites and temperatures of 580–650 °C for the calc‐silicates. The marble assemblages are consistent with fluid that is dominantly comprised of H2O (XCO2 < 0.03) under high‐pressure conditions. Phase equilibria of the marbles constrain the fO2 of the fluids and imply oxidizing conditions of the deep crustal fluids. At present the source of the fluids remains unresolved. The results provide additional insights into the variable and evolving nature of fluids related to subduction and high‐pressure metamorphism.  相似文献   

H. Srensen  H. Bohse  J.C. Bailey 《Lithos》2006,91(1-4):286-300
Lujavrites are rare meso- to melanocratic agpaitic nepheline syenites that are characterized by elevated contents of elements such as Li, Be, Zr, REE, Nb, Th and U. They are the most evolved members of the three large composite agpaitic complexes – Lovozero, Kola Peninsula, Russia; Pilansberg, South Africa; and Ilímaussaq, South Greenland – and are inferred to stem from the same deep fractionating magma sources that fed the earlier members of the complexes. The composition of the melts that evolved into lujavrites is, however, not well known. The agpaitic part of the Ilímaussaq complex is divided into a roof series, a floor series of cumulates and an intermediate series of lujavrites sandwiched between the two. In the traditional view, the lujavrites formed from residual melts left between the downward crystallizing roof series and the floor cumulates. New field observations and geochemical data suggest that the floor cumulates and the main mass of lujavrites constituted a separate intrusive phase which was emplaced into the already consolidated roof series rocks largely by piecemeal stoping. Studies of the contact facies of the floor cumulates indicate that the initial magma of the floor cumulate–lujavrite sequence was peralkaline nepheline syenitic with enhanced contents of Zr, Hf, HREE, Y, Nb, Ta, F, Ba and Sr. Subsequent crystallization in a closed system resulted in the formation of the floor cumulates and lujavrites. Chemical analyses of dykes within and outside the complex represent stages in the magmatic evolution of the agpaitic rocks.  相似文献   

Regional metamorphism in the Sulitjelma area of the arctic Scandinavian Caledonides has produced a series of Barrovian zones, from chlorite through to kyanite in more aluminous pelites, which transect the major lithological boundaries in a large nappe unit of the Köli Nappe Complex. The metamorphic zones are inverted, and metamorphic grade increases westwards from the foreland to the hinterland. The Furulund Group comprises a mixed sequence of originally flysch-like sediments which crop out over the whole range of the observed Barrovian zones, but are usually too calcareous to develop the characteristic Barrovian aluminous phases staurolite and kyanite. Instead, above the garnet isograd, the Furulund Group pelites and semi-pelites have widely developed hornblende porphyroblasts in the common assemblage Grt + Pl + Bt + Ms + Qtz ± Hbl ± Ep ± Czo ± Chl ± Cal ± Dol. Thermobarometric estimates of metamorphic peak P–T conditions (i.e. at maximum recorded temperatures) from this assemblage, using three different methods, indicate a westward increase of both pressure and temperature over a distance of 14 km away from the garnet isograd towards the hinterland of the orogen, independent of topographic level and without change in the common mineral assemblage. The increased peak pressure in the west indicates greater initial burial and subsequent exhumation in the hinterland than towards the foreland. Restoration indicates that the Furulund Group has been subjected to substantial eastward bulk tilting after peak metamorphic conditions. Whilst this enhances the overturning of the metamorphic zones, the amount of tilting was not sufficient to cause the overturning.  相似文献   

阿尔金山地区巴什考供以北、阿尔金山北缘断裂以南为一套变质程度达角闪岩相的片岩、大理岩夹少量斜长角闪岩。地球化学研究表明 ,这些斜长角闪岩原岩为玄武质成分 ,具有拉班玄武岩的特点。斜长角闪岩全岩Sm -Nd同位素等时线年龄为 1185± 130 (2σ)Ma ,其INd=0 .5 114 0 ,εNd(t) =+5 .8± 0 .6 ,表明原岩形成于中元古代晚期 ,源自亏损地幔。斜长角闪岩中角闪石4 0 Ar - 39Ar同位素分析显示变质作用发生在 6 12± 5 .8Ma之前 ,进一步表明其原岩应该形成于前寒武纪。这些年龄的确定 ,为探讨阿尔金山地区中晚元古代的古构造格局提供了重要的证据  相似文献   

李斌  陈井胜  刘淼  李伟  吴振  杨帆 《西北地质》2017,50(1):227-238
内蒙古赤峰市敖汉旗出露一套岩性为斜长角闪岩、大理岩、变粒岩等为主的中级变质岩系,笔者对斜长角闪岩进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年和岩石地球化学测试。根据岩石学及地球化学特征,可知该变质岩系原岩为一套钙碱性系列基性火山岩及沉积岩组合;斜长角闪岩原岩是伸展构造背景下形成的受到地壳或岩石圈混染的板内玄武岩。在斜长角闪岩中获得4组年龄,其中(498±13)Ma、(434±16)Ma、(390.4±6.8)Ma为捕获锆石年龄;(351.2±5.2)Ma应代表了该基性火山岩的形成年龄,为早石炭世早期。  相似文献   

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