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报道了吉林省公主岭早白垩世泉头组发现的一窝恐龙蛋化石。蛋化石近圆形,蛋壳厚度1.4~1.7mm,蛋壳外表面均匀分布椭圆形或圆形大小不一的凹坑;蛋壳层由2、3个呈分树枝状的基本结构单元叠加而成,蛋壳基本单元之间气孔道阔大而不规则,靠近蛋壳外表面的基本结构单元相互连姑、融合形成一层相对致密的薄层。据以上特征将其归为网形蛋科(Dictyoolithidae),网形蛋属(Dictyoolithus),定为一新种:公主岭网形蛋(Dictyoolithus gongzhulingensis oosp.nov)。公主岭网形蛋是网形蛋类化石在中国东北地区的首次发现,同时也是早白垩世地层中网形蛋化石新的发现。  相似文献   

汝阳盆地是豫西地区的一个中—新生代断陷盆地,自2006年以来发现了一个以巨型蜥脚类恐龙为代表的恐龙动物群。本文描述了近期发现于汝阳盆地下白垩统郝岭组中的若干恐龙蛋蛋壳碎片。基于以下对蛋壳宏观形态和显微特征的分析,这些蛋壳碎片可以归入长形蛋科(Elongatoolithidae)的长形蛋属(Elongatoolithus):蛋壳外表面具分散瘤点状或线性脊状的纹饰;蛋壳自内而外分为锥体层和柱状层,二层之间的界线不清晰;锥体层中锥体排列紧密;柱状层中具波浪状的平行生长纹。这一发现代表了长形蛋属在早白垩世地层中的首次记录,进一步拓展了该蛋属的地史和古地理分布。由以往已知的化石关联推测,这些蛋壳可能与该层位中的窃蛋龙类如刘店洛阳龙(Luoyanggia liudianensis)等具有相关性,表明汝阳盆地在早白垩世晚期具有适宜该类恐龙生存与繁殖的环境。  相似文献   

中国的恐龙蛋化石埋藏丰富,分布广泛。迄今为止,已报道有14个省(区)发现恐龙蛋化石。尤其在浙江天台盆地、山东莱阳盆地、广东南雄盆地以及河南西峡和淅川盆地等晚白垩世陆相红层中发现大量的恐龙蛋化石,同时也发现大量共生的恐龙等脊椎动物化石。中国恐龙蛋化石具有数量大、种类多、保存好、分布广、时代跨度大等特点,因此恐龙蛋可以作为中国白垩纪陆相地层划分与对比的重要化石之一。本文在建立天台盆地赖家组和赤城山组的岩石地层、年代地层和恐龙蛋生物地层层序框架的基础上,重点对比讨论了我国几个主要含恐龙蛋沉积盆地的恐龙蛋类群组合序列及其对应的地层关系。同时,对我国周边相邻地区如蒙古、韩国和印度以及其他各个大陆发现的恐龙蛋化石进行了初步对比讨论。天台恐龙蛋化石群与我国其他几个主要的恐龙蛋化石群之间存在一定的差距。相比较而言,天台恐龙蛋化石群和南雄恐龙蛋化石群组合特征鲜明,前者主要以网形蛋类和蜂窝蛋类为主,后者以长形蛋类为优势类群,结合天台盆地陆相红层中多个凝灰岩夹层获得的98~91Ma和南雄盆地67Ma的同位素年龄,据此,天台恐龙蛋化石群代表了晚白垩世早期的恐龙蛋组合,而南雄恐龙蛋化石群则代表了晚白垩世晚期的恐龙蛋组合。天台恐龙蛋化石群与莱阳恐龙蛋化石群明显不同,莱阳盆地的主要蛋化石类型——圆形蛋类和椭圆形蛋类在天台盆地至今没有被发现。但莱阳恐龙蛋化石群与南雄恐龙蛋化石群比较相似,如莱阳盆地金刚口组以椭圆形蛋类为主,含有少量的长形蛋类,而南雄盆地以长形蛋类为主,含有少量的椭圆形蛋类,其中金刚口椭圆形蛋、薄皮椭圆形蛋、长形长形蛋和安氏长形蛋等2属4种蛋化石在两个盆地均有发现。此外,在莱阳盆地王氏群中下部的将军顶组还发现了相对原始的网形蛋类。综合以上分析,莱阳恐龙蛋化石群大致介于晚白垩世早期的天台恐龙蛋化石群和晚白垩世晚期的南雄恐龙蛋化石群之间,更接近于南雄恐龙蛋化石群,时代应为晚白垩世中晚期。天台恐龙蛋化石群与西峡恐龙蛋化石群非常相似,在科一级分类单元中,至少有巨型长形蛋类、蜂窝蛋类和棱柱形蛋类等6个蛋科在两个盆地中均有发现,尤其是巨型长形蛋科仅在天台和西峡两个盆地中有化石记录,其中西峡巨型长形蛋这一蛋种同时产于西峡盆地走马岗组、赵营组和天台盆地的赤城山组。西峡盆地发现的其他一些蛋化石也可以归入到天台盆地新建立的一些蛋化石类型中。据此推断,走马岗组和赵营组与赤城山组的层位可能大致相当。虽然我们对西峡盆地已报道的部分恐龙蛋化石进行了初步厘定,但鉴于西峡盆地大量恐龙蛋化石的形态学和分类学尚存在较多的问题,两盆地的详细对比还有待于进一步的研究。天台恐龙蛋化石群与淅川盆地的恐龙蛋化石组合差别很大,相应的淅川盆地的恐龙蛋类群与相邻的西峡盆地的差别也较大,此外,在淅川盆地高沟组发现有树枝蛋类,这一类蛋化石在天台盆地未发现,据此推测淅川盆地的时代应晚于天台盆地和西峡盆地。相比较而言,淅川盆地的蛋化石组合与莱阳和南雄恐龙蛋化石群有一定的相似性,都含有长形蛋类、圆形蛋类和椭圆形蛋类等,因而,淅川盆地的马家村组和寺沟组的层位被认为可能与莱阳盆地的金刚口组和南雄盆地的坪岭组相当。综上分析,我们可以初步建立我国晚白垩世恐龙蛋化石群的组合序列及其对应的地层层序和时代框架,从下至上至少包含了4个恐龙蛋化石群:1)天台恐龙蛋化石群,赋存层位为天台群中上部的赖家组和赤城山组,时代约为晚白垩世早期(塞诺曼期土伦期);2)西峡恐龙蛋化石群,赋存层位为走马岗组、赵营组和六爷庙组,晚白垩世早中期(土伦期桑顿期);3)莱阳恐龙蛋化石群,赋存层位为王氏群中上部的将军顶组和金刚口组,晚白垩世中晚期(科尼亚克期坎潘期);4)南雄恐龙蛋化石群,赋存层位为南雄群园圃组和坪岭组,晚白垩世晚期(坎潘期马斯特里赫特期)。此外,随着研究工作的继续和深入,有望建立起包括早白垩世恐龙蛋化石群在内的白垩纪恐龙蛋化石群的组合特征序列,为进一步划分与对比我国白垩纪地层提供更多的基础资料。  相似文献   

河南恐龙蛋化石组合类型及其地层时代意义   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据恐龙蛋化石在河南省 10余个盆地中纵向上的分布特点 ,结合孢粉、轮藻、介形类、岩石同位素年龄及产蛋盆地的大地构造发展演化特征 ,研究认为其代表的地层时代为晚白垩世 ,并提出了 3种不同的蛋化石组合类型 ,进一步“三分”上白垩统 :即下部组合为长圆柱形蛋、蜂窝蛋、树枝蛋、网格蛋 ;中部组合为椭圆形蛋、副圆形蛋、树枝蛋 ;上部组合为长形蛋、巨形蛋 ,分别代表晚白垩世早、中、晚 3个时期  相似文献   

广东恐龙蛋层位及其分布   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
广东已知产恐龙蛋地点除南雄外,已遍及粤东—粤西的白渡、河源、惠州、三水、茂名等大小晚白垩世红层盆地,含恐龙蛋地层大致可划分为:早期含圆形蛋层,仅见于三水盆地;中期圆形蛋—长形蛋层,见于三水、河源、惠州、白渡等盆地;晚期含巨形蛋—椭圆形蛋—长形蛋层,见于南雄、茂名盆地  相似文献   

广东已知产恐龙蛋地点除南雄外,已遍及粤东-粤西的白渡、河源、惠州、三水、茂名等大小晚白垩世红层盆地,含恐龙蛋地层大致可划分为:早期含圆形蛋层,仅见于三水盆地;中期圆形蛋-长形蛋层,见于三水、河源、惠州、白渡等盆地;晚期含巨形蛋-椭圆形蛋-长形蛋层,见于南雄、茂名盆地.  相似文献   

尽管在世界各地发现大量的恐龙蛋及成窝的蛋化石,但是胚胎化石相对稀少。就目前所知,恐龙胚胎与蛋壳化石相连在一起的约有20例,它们中的大多数来自于破的或者被压碎的蛋化石。报道产自中国江西南部赣州晚白垩世南雄组的具有胚胎的一窝不完整的恐龙蛋化石。根据恐龙蛋和蛋壳的宏观及微观特征,这些蛋化石被鉴定为长形蛋未定种。CT扫描结果显示,所有蛋均具有胚胎骨骼聚集,包括可能的股骨和胫骨。研究结果表明,因为完好无损的蛋可能具有胚胎残骸,所以恐龙胚胎的保存可能超过所能辨别出的。  相似文献   

浙江天台盆地蛋化石与恐龙的绝灭   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
综合报道了浙江天台盆地产出的蛋化石,其中包括新建立的龟鳖化石蛋科(新科)Tesmdoolithidae ram. nov.和天台蛋属(新属)Tiantaioolithus gen. nov.,以及5个新种:Dendroolithus shuangtangensis sp. nov.,Elongatoolithus chichengshanensis sp. nov,Elongatoolithus laijiaensis sp. nov,Spheroolithus jincunensis sp. nov,Tiantaioolithus jiangi sp. nov。这批蛋化石以赤城山组出现的类型最为丰富,有长形蛋、树枝蛋、圆形蛋、龟鳖类化石蛋等;赖家组蛋化石数量少,仅见长形蛋和圆形蛋类,其时代均为晚白垩世。推测天台蛋化石消失的原因是由于气候变冷,受精卵不能正常孵化所致。孵化率降低,生殖链打断,可能是引起恐龙绝灭的原因之一。  相似文献   

江西恐龙蛋的分类及层位   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
恐龙蛋是晚白垩世地层中一类特殊而又珍贵的化石。江西晚白垩世地层分布广泛,发育良好,散见于大小不一,形态各异的近30个盆地中。其中多个盆地发现恐龙蛋,某些盆地不仅数量丰富,且类型多种多样。本文根据其形态特征,以前人分类定名为依据,交江西境内所产经蛋分别归于长形蛋科、圆形蛋科和大圆蛋科,并对其分布,产出层位等作了介绍。  相似文献   

广东河源盆地蛋化石   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
河源盆地沉积了白垩系-古近系,笔者将这套地层划分为3个岩石地层单位,新建仙塘组和东源组,沿用格岭组。在河源除发现恐龙骨骼、恐龙脚印、龟鳖化石外,于白垩系东源组中还产有大量蛋化石。该组蛋化石的分布,下部以圆形蛋为主,中-上部多见长形蛋。报道了三王坝村副圆形蛋(新种)Paraspheroolithus sanwangbacunensis Fang sp.nov.、风光村树枝蛋(新种)Dendroolithus fengguangcunensis Fang sp.nov.和瑶屯巨形蛋Macroolithus yaotunensis、长形长形蛋Elongatoolithus elongates。  相似文献   

A new ootype collected from the Upper Cretaceous Lijiacun Formation in the Shangdan Basin, Shaanxi Province is described in this paper. Based on general external shape, size, eggshell thickness and honeycomb‐like eggshell microstructure, eggs are referable to the oofamily Faveoloolithidae. Compared with other members of Faveoloolithidae, specimens described in this paper show special characteristics: adjacent pores are usually separated by two eggshell units between which often develop interspaces; columnar eggshell units are relatively closely arranged in radial view. According to these characteristics, we erect a new oogenus and a new oospecies: Duovallumoolithus shangdanensis oogen. et oosp. nov. The new discovery expands the diversity of Faveoloolithidae.  相似文献   

河南淅川盆地的恐龙蛋发现与研究始于1974年,淅川盆地恐龙蛋具有非常高的多样性,共计发现4个蛋科、6个蛋属、6个蛋种,尤其以树枝蛋类最为丰富。近年来,河南地质博物馆对全省地质遗迹调查过程中,在淅川盆地再次有新的恐龙蛋类型的发现,本文对其中的部分标本进行记述,根据壳单元呈多分叉的不规则树枝状,蛋壳厚度为1. 62~1. 74 mm,锥体间隙明显,壳单元自锥体上部开始出现分枝,蛋壳中部大多具有3~4个分枝,近蛋壳外表面形成融合层,蛋壳具有复杂的气孔系统等特征区别于其他类型的树枝蛋类,建立一新蛋种:大石桥树枝蛋(Dendroolithus dashiqiaoensis oosp. nov. )。通过对淅川盆地恐龙蛋分类与对比、不同类型恐龙蛋在地层中的分布研究,将有助于盆地内白垩纪红层的划分,也将为秦岭东段各盆地中同一时期红层的划分与对比、古地理、古环境和古气候等研究提供更加翔实的古生物学证据。  相似文献   

Here, we examine 145 dinosaur eggshells from a new fossil locality in the Qiupa Formation (Upper Cretaceous) of the Luanchuan area in western Henan Province, China. The eggshells display elongatoolithid macro- and microstructures, including ridges and nodes on the outer surface, two ultrastructural layers, and an undulatory boundary between the mammillary and continuous layers. A phylogenic analysis shows that the Luanchuan eggshells belong to the ooclade Elongatoolithidae. Within Elongatoolithidae, the thickness ratio of the mammillary layer to the entire eggshell, and the porosity of the Luanchuan eggshells are comparable to the oogenera Macroolithus and Elongatoolithus. There is no direct evidence for the taxonomic identity of the Luanchuan eggshells; however, they were likely laid by oviraptorids based on their phylogenetic position and their similarities with known oviraptorid eggs.  相似文献   

《Cretaceous Research》2008,29(1):27-39
In fossil vertebrate eggs, the most commonly reported abnormality consists of an unusually thick shell with one or more superimposed eggshell layers. Although rare, taxonomically referable abnormal specimens provide a more reliable basis for inferences regarding reproductive biology of extinct taxa. Eggshell abnormalities recognized in a Cretaceous turtle and three dinosaurs (hadrosaur, sauropod, theropod) are assigned to these taxa base on: 1) normal eggs containing embryos within the same clutch, 2) identical eggshell microstructure as eggs containing embryonic remains from the same stratum; and 3) inclusion of normal eggs of the same oospecies in a cladistic analysis of egg characters. Distinguishing multiple eggshell layers of biological origin from those produced by taphonomic processes is a critical component in the study of fossil specimens. Features useful for distinguishing a pathological condition in fossil eggs include: 1) multiple eggshell layers separated by permineralized membrane, 2) close conformation of the base of the outer eggshell to the unweathered surface of the underlying egg, and 3) structural relationships of eggshell features (e.g. pore truncation, intercalated membrane and shell fragments, optical continuity of superimposed fragments). Documentation of microstructural features of abnormal eggshell provides important information on the timing and magnitude of stress and facilitates recognition of phylogenetically significant patterns of egg abnormality in the fossil record.  相似文献   

Early Cretaceous spheroolithid eggshells have always been extremely scarce, unlike their putative egg layers, ornithopod dinosaurs, which are ubiquitous in Early Cretaceous ecosystems. In this paper, we re-evaluate eggshells previously assigned to the oofamily Elongatoolithidae, an oofamily related to derived theropod dinosaurs (including maniraptorans and oviraptorids), and reassign them to the oofamily Spheroolithidae, on the basis of the lack of a squamatic ultrastructure, and the presence of a prolatocanaliculate pore system and undulating extinction, typical of spheroolithid eggshells. We erect a new oogenus, Guegoolithus to include material previously reported as Macroolithus turolensis Amo-Sanjuan, Canudo and Cuenca-Bescós 2000, and new material from several lower Barremian localities of the Maestrazgo Basin in Spain. Guegoolithus eggshells exhibit an acicular radial ultrastructure in the lower part of the shell units, which develops into a tabular radial ultrastructure in the upper part, giving an appearance of a two-layered eggshell in thin sections that is not seen in SEM pictures. These features fill the gap between the two-layered prismatic eggshell of ceratopsians and the prolatospherulitic ornithopod eggshell of derived hadrosaurs.  相似文献   

New data from abundant vegetative shoots and cuticular analysis are provided for the Cretaceous cheirolepidiaceous conifer Pseudofrenelopsis gansuensis Deng, Yang et Lu. The material was found from a new locality of the Lower Cretaceous strata in the Luozigou Basin, Wangqing, Jilin Province, northeastern China. Pseudofrenelopsis is a common plant in the Dalazi Formation of the Yanji Basin about 150 km from Wangqing, but there exists different species, Pseudofrenelopsis dalatzensis only. Both P. dalatzensis and P. gansuensis have been recorded from the Lower Cretaceous of Jiuquan, Gansu Province, but they are in different stratigraphic horizons. The Lower Cretaceous plant-bearing strata in Luozigou have used to correlate with the Dalazi Formation of the Yanji Basin. The discovery of P. gansuensis, which is lower in horizon than P. dalatzensis in Jiuquan, may indicate that they are also different in horizon in Jilin. Cheirolepidiaceous conifers are among the few fossils of red beds of the Early Cretaceous in China. The present discovery of Pseudofrenelopsis gansuensis provides important evidence for classification, correlation and determination of geological ages of the Early Cretaceous non-marine red deposits of the two separate basins in remote areas of North China.  相似文献   

The Zhutian and Dafeng formations (Upper Cretaceous) of the Heyuan Basin in northeastern Guangdong Province, China, have produced thousands of dinosaur eggs. Macromorphological features (egg diameter, egg shape, outer surface texture, and shell thickness) of 461 eggs were analyzed using non-destructive techniques and subjected to statistical analyses in order to assess their diversity and taxonomic affinities. Three types (1, 2 and 3) of eggs were discerned based on shape and outer surface morphology. Type 1 eggs are spherical to ellipsoidal in shape and have a rough surface. Three subtypes (Type 1-A-1, 1-A-2, and 1-B) are apparent from scatter plots and cluster analyses of egg diameters and shell thickness. Type 2 eggs are elongate with linear ornamentation on the surface, and are comparable to eggs that belong to the oofamily Elongatoolithidae. Type 3 eggs are elongate with a smooth surface, and are assigned to the oofamily Prismatoolithidae. Macromorphological features of the various egg types suggest that Type 1 could have been laid by ornithischian, sauropod or therizinosaur dinosaurs, Type 2 by oviraptorids, and Type 3 by troodontids. This study represents the first comprehensive statistical analysis of macrofeatures of dinosaur eggs, and reveals taxonomic diversity in the dinosaurs that were laying eggs in the Upper Cretaceous Heyuan area heretofore unrecognized in skeletal remains.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2018,1(1):28-35
An alvarezsaurid dinosaur skeleton was discovered from the Late Cretaceous Qiupa Formation of Luanchuan, Henan Province of central China. It represents a new alvarezsaurid dinosaur Qiupanykus zhangi gen. et sp. nov. A phylogenetic analysis recovers Qiupanykus nested within the unresolved clade, which includes Asian and north American taxa. The skeleton of the new specimen is preserved in association with eggshells. The eggshell morphologies show that these eggs belong to oviraptorid eggs, skeletal remains of which were discovered from the same area. The alvarezsaurid skeleton associated with eggshell fragments may indicate that these eggs were broken by the strong thumb-claws of the former and that alvarezsaurid dinosaurs may be egg-eaters.  相似文献   

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