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A variety of sediment types were identified in sediment cores taken at the dredged material dumpsite in the New York Bight. Black sandy mud is characteristic of dumped dredged material while glauconitic and quartzose sands are typical of the naturally deposited sediments underlying the deposit. The sedimentological investigation indicates that largescale differentiation of dumped material occurs at the dumpsite. Laminated sediments and discrete beds are typical of the central part of the deposit, the area that receives the bulk of direct dumping. Relatively homogeneous, fine-grained sediments, presumably derived from the area of direct dumping, are characteristic of the material present at the periphery of the deposit. Preferential transport of fine-grained material to the fringes of the deposit may be an important contaminant transport mechanism in the area. Incursion of glauconitic sand, derived from surrounding areas, onto the edges of the deposit is also believed to occur. Based on bathymetric surveys of the area conducted in 1936, 1973, and 1978, rates of dredged material accumulation at the dumpsite have been estimated for the period 1936–1978. The calculated rates range from 50 cm/yr at the apex of the deposit to 6 cm/yr at the periphery. Contribution 294 of the Marine Sciences Research Center (MSRC) of the State University of New York at Stony Brook.  相似文献   

We present new evidence for a grounded ice sheet and subsequent erosion by large fields of coherent icebergs for the central and northern Yermak Plateau (80.6°N to 82.2°N). Sediment echosounder and swath bathymetry data were combined with seismic reflection profiles and reveal at least three different glacial events marked by erosional unconformities: (i) An erosional unconformity was observed at ~70–90 m below seafloor down to depths of more than 850 m present water depth, extending to ~82°N. The erosional unconformity is overlain by an acoustically chaotic layer of ~50 m thickness interpreted as a diamicton originating from a grounded ice sheet. The erosional unconformity and the overlying diamicton can be correlated to the overconsolidated sediments found at ODP Site 910 at a sediment depth between ~19 and 70–95 m. The oldest sediments just above the overconsolidated sediments are of late Early Pleistocene age (MIS19/20) and provide a minimum age for the grounding event. (ii) Parallel to sub-parallel mega-scale lineations are observed on large parts of the plateau west and northeast of the Sverdrup Bank at water depths between 725 and 850 m. These lineations are mainly oriented NNE-SSW and were quite likely formed by the keels of deep-draft, mega-scale tabular icebergs entrapped in a coherent mass of icebergs and sea ice. The lineations are of late Middle Pleistocene age. (iii) Smaller-scale curvilinear plow marks were found in the southernmost part of our study area at water depths between 640 and 775 m. These were possibly caused by single icebergs and are of Late Pleistocene age. Iceberg scours are also found on three basement heights on the Yermak Plateau. These, however, cannot be assigned to specific events; they might as well originate from additional glacial phases.The western (at >850 m water depth) and eastern (at >1000–1200 m water depth) flanks of the Yermak Plateau are relatively featureless, and indicate the maximum depth of a grounded ice sheet and of iceberg armadas probably entrapped in sea ice.  相似文献   

The deposits of Glacial Lake Quincy overlie a diamicton associated with the classically defined Illinoian limit in central Indiana. This lake covered at least 180 km2 with a depth of > 20 m and developed when the Illinoian ice sheet retreated 15 km from the maximum limit, causing lake impoundment against Devore Ridge. Overflow from Glacial Lake Quincy eroded across the ridge forming a number of steeped-walled outlets. A section along Mill Creek exposes a sedimentologic sequence associated with Glacial Lake Quincy from a subglacial diamicton to ice-proximal to ice-distal glacial lacustrine sediments. We report new optical ages by multiple aliquot regenerative dose procedure for the fine-grained rhythmically bedded sediments presumed to represent the lowest energy depositional facies, dominated by suspension settling, which maximized sunlight exposure. In turn, optical ages were determined on the fine-grained (4-11 μm) polymineral and quartz fractions under infrared and blue excitation, which yielded statistically similar ages. Optical ages span from ca. 170 to 108 ka, with the average of 16 optical ages indicating deglaciation at ca. 135 ka, generally coincident with Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 6-to-5 transition and rise in global sea level.  相似文献   

Deglacial and Holocene relative sea level (RSL) in the Canadian Beaufort Sea was influenced by the timing and extent of glacial ice in the Mackenzie River corridor and adjacent coastal plains. Considerable evidence indicates extensive ice cover in this region of northwestern Canada during the Late Wisconsinan. However, no absolute ages exist to constrain maximum RSL lowering before the late Holocene (4.2–0 ka). In 1984, the Geological Survey of Canada drilled an 81.5‐m‐deep borehole in the western Mackenzie Trough at 45 m water depth (MTW01). The lower 52.5 m of the borehole was interpreted as a deltaic progradational sequence deposited during a period of rising sea level. The upper 29 m was described as foraminifer‐bearing marine sediments deposited after transgression of the site, when RSL rose above ~−74 m. Here, we present radiocarbon measurements from MTW01, acquired from benthic foraminifera, mollusc fragments and particulate organic carbon in the >63 μm fraction (POC>63 μm) in an attempt to constrain the chronology of sediments within this borehole and date the timing of transgression. The deepest carbonate macrofossil was acquired from 8 m above the transgressive surface (equivalent to 21 m b.s.l.), where mollusc fragments returned a date of 9400 +180–260 cal. a BP (2σ). This provides the oldest constraint on Holocene sea‐level lowering in the region, and implies that transgression at this site occurred prior to the early Holocene. Ages obtained from the lower 52.5 m of the borehole are limited to POC>63 μm samples. These indicate that progradational sediments were deposited rapidly after 24 820 +390–380 cal. a BP (2σ). Due to the incorporation of older reworked organic matter, the actual age of progradation is likely to be younger, occurring after Late Wisconsinan glacial ice retreated from the coast.  相似文献   

At least two episodes of glacial erosion of the Chukchi margin at water depths to ∼ 450 m and 750 m have been indicated by geophysical seafloor data. We examine sediment stratigraphy in these areas to verify the inferred erosion and to understand its nature and timing. Our data within the eroded areas show the presence of glaciogenic diamictons composed mostly of reworked local bedrock. The diamictons are estimated to form during the last glacial maximum (LGM) and an earlier glacial event, possibly between OIS 4 to 5d. Both erosional events were presumably caused by the grounding of ice shelves originating from the Laurentide ice sheet. Broader glaciological settings differed between these events as indicated by different orientations of flutes on eroded seafloor. Postglacial sedimentation evolved from iceberg-dominated environments to those controlled by sea-ice rafting and marine processes in the Holocene. A prominent minimum in planktonic foraminiferal δ18O is identified in deglacial sediments at an estimated age near 13,000 cal yr BP. This δ18O minimum, also reported elsewhere in the Amerasia Basin, is probably related to a major Laurentide meltwater pulse at the Younger Dryas onset. The Bering Strait opening is also marked in the composition of late deglacial Chukchi sediments.  相似文献   

Ground‐penetrating radar surveys across the southern end of the Boco Plain, western Tasmania, revealed a complex sequence of Quaternary glacial and non‐glacial sediments. The subsurface imaging supported previous suggestions of a complex Boco Plain palaeotopography that incorporates a range of depositional environments and multiple constructional events. The ground‐penetrating radar technique enabled imaging of the sediments to 20 m depth, and permitted identification of different sedimentary facies and constructional events due to the significant contrast in dielectric constant within and between the sediments and bedrock. The bedrock and sediment stratigraphy are in broad agreement with drillcore records from the southern end of the Boco Plain and indicate the utility of the method in the initial stages in the investigation of Pleistocene sedimentary sequences of this type.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(5-7):581-593
During Pleistocene mountain glaciation of the Bavarian Forest, south Germany, the Wurmian Kleiner Arbersee glacier left behind glacial landforms and sediments which are described, classified and interpreted using a combination of geomorphological, sedimentological, pedological, surveying and absolute dating methods. The latest Kleiner Arbersee glacier with a maximum length of 2600 m, a minimum width of 800 m and a thickness of 115 m formed an elongated cirque, four lateral moraines, one divided end moraine, one recessional moraine, a proglacial lake and a basin in which lake Kleiner Arbersee was established after deglaciation. Beyond the glacial limit the landscape is denuded by periglacial slope deposits which are differentiated from the glacigenic sediments based upon clast fabrics, clast shapes and sediment consolidation. Within the glacial limit sandy–gravelly to silty–gravelly tills are widely distributed, whereas glaciolacustrine sediments are restricted to a small area north of the lake. Small variations in the sand and silt fraction of the tills are explained by melt-out processes. Quartz, mica and chlorite derived from gneiss bedrock are dominant in the clay mineral spectrum of tills, but also gibbsite as a product of pre-Pleistocene weathering is present giving evidence of glacially entrained saprolites. An IRSL-date of glaciolacustrine sediments (32.4±9.4 ka BP) confirms the Wurmian age for the glaciation and radiocarbon ages of the basal sediments (12.3±0.4 and 12.5±0.2 ka BP uncalibrated) in the lake Kleiner Arbersee prove that the basin was ice-free before the Younger Dryas.  相似文献   

Geochemical characteristics of marine sediment from the southern Drake Passage were analyzed to reconstruct variations in sediment provenance and transport paths during the late Quaternary. The 5.95 m gravity core used in this study records paleoenvironmental changes during the last approximately 600 ka. Down-core variations in trace element, rare earth element, and Nd and Sr isotopic compositions reveal that sediment provenance varied according to glacial cycles. During glacial periods, detrital sediments in the southern Drake Passage were mostly derived from the nearby South Shetland Islands and shelf sediments. In contrast, interglacial sediments are composed of mixed sediments, derived from both West Antarctica and East Antarctica. The East Antarctic provenance of the interglacial sediments was inferred to be the Weddell Sea region. Sediment input from the Weddell Sea was reduced during glacial periods by extensive ice sheets and weakened current from the Weddell Sea. Sediment supply from the Weddell Sea increased during interglacial periods, especially those with higher warmth such as MIS 5, 9, and 11. This suggests that the influence of deep water from the Weddell Sea increases during interglacial periods and decreases during glacial periods, with the degree of influence increasing as interglacial intensity increases.  相似文献   

In this study we reconstruct the evolution of the northern New England passive margin whose development has been influenced by Pleistocene glaciations. The morphology of the northern New England shelf is rather unique consisting of a inner lowland, the Gulf of Maine, with an average depth of 150 m and an area of 90,700 km2 and Georges Bank, a high whose crest is less than 40 m deep and has an area of 27,000 km2. The bank's northern slope, facing the Gulf of Maine, has a maximum relief of 377 m. On the seaward side of Georges Bank is the 2000 m high continental slope deeply cut by canyons. Two channels, Northeast and Great South Channels, east and west of Georges Bank, provide passageways from the Gulf of Maine to the open sea. This morphology was acquired by a combination of Tertiary fluvial erosion, Pleistocene glacial erosion/deposition and Pleistocene/Holocene marine processes. Fluvial/glacial erosion in the Gulf of Maine was so extensive as to expose basement, thus making it possible to map the various terranes making up this foundation. These terranes include the pre-Carboniferous Avalon and Meguma units, a Carboniferous–Permian rift basin formed by the oblique continental collision during the closure of the Paleozoic proto-Atlantic and a Late Triassic–Early Jurassic rift system created during the opening of the present Atlantic. Basement in the Gulf of Maine remained above sea level from the opening of the Atlantic 190 Ma (Early Jurassic) to the Eocene 55 Ma. That the Gulf of Maine remained a high for so long may have been due to igneous activity along the northwest-trending Boston–Ottawa Lineation extending from the vicinity of the St. Lawrence River, Canada to Gulf of Maine from Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous. The northwest-trending New England Seamounts south of Georges Bank may represent a seaward extension of this lineation. On Georges Bank, rising hundreds of meters above the Gulf of Maine, the basement exposed in the gulf is mantled by sediments thousands of meters thick. Included in these sediments are Early Jurassic- to earliest Cretaceous reefs along the continental slope and carbonates north of the reefs grading landward into continental sediments, Cretaceous–Cenozoic continental/marine terrigenous sediments and Pleistocene glacial deposits. The continental slope on the seaward flank of Georges Bank has a complex history of early to mid Mesozoic carbonate accretion, mid to late Mesozoic and Cenozoic calcareous/terrigenous sediments and canyon erosion, burial and exhumation going back to Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Six closely spaced sediment cores taken below the carbonate compensation depth penetrated fine silty muds and entered sandy sediment at 10–12 m below the seafloor. Foraminiferal assemblages and δ8O analyses on planktonic foraminifera indicated that the surface muds down to 2 m are Holocene and derived from local promontories above the CCD. Below these sediments are about 6 m of clays deposited during the late Wisconsin. These are unfossiliferous and have a possible northern source suggested by the higher chlorite content. Sandy sediments below 9 m in the cores contain well preserved benthic foraminifera from the Scotian Shelf. Glacial δ18O values on planktonic tests indicate the sandy sediments are most likely of latest Wisconsin age. Thus during the recent interglacial, the sand fraction of the southern Sohm Abyssal Plain sediments is mostly locally derived, but during glacial periods the sediments have a distant northern source containing quartz sand that was initially deposited on the Scotian Shelf 1,500 km to the north.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(10-13):1191-1199
Pleistocene and Holocene transgressions advancing over the shelf that was exposed during glacial maxima drowned any continental and shallow marine sediments deposited during low sea level stands. To complement records from sequences exposed on land, core material from the shallow continental shelf is needed to reconstruct climatic and sea level fluctuations. Two cores drilled offshore Ashqelon off the southern Mediterranean coast of Israel, in a water depth of 10 and 25 m, were analyzed. Sedimentary facies and faunal analyses indicate that most of the sediments were deposited in nearshore environments, with only short intervals of continental episodes. Luminescence dating of alkali feldspar and quartz, as well as 14C ages of mollusks, date the cores to marine oxygen isotopic stages 6–1, between ∼140 and 5 ka. Comparison between the dating methods shows that most alkali feldspar ages agree with independent sea level and sedimentological constraints while quartz ages are overestimated.  相似文献   

Isla de los Estados is a mountainous island southeast of Tierra del Fuego, in southernmost South America. Its central and eastern parts have an alpine topography, transected by U-shaped valleys, small, partly over-deepened fjords, and a multitude of abandoned cirques, all associated with extensive former local glaciations. Traces of glacial erosion generally reach 400–450 m a.s.l., and above that trimline a distinct sharp-edged nunatak derived landscape is present. The westernmost part of the island has a lower, more subdued topography, reflecting its “softer” geology but possibly also over-running and erosion by mainland-derived ice streams. The present study concentrated on glacigenic sediment sequences exposed along coastal erosional cliffs. A combination of OSL and 14C datings show that these sediments mostly date from the latest (Wisconsinan/Weichselian) glacial cycle, i.e. from the last ca. 100 ka with the oldest (glaciolacustrine) deposits possibly as old as 90–80 ka. The upper parts of overlying tills, with associated lateral and terminal moraines from glaciers that expanded onto an eustatically exposed dry shelf north of the island, date from the last global glacial maximum (LGM). Radiocarbon ages of peat and lake sediments indicate that deglaciation began 17–16 cal ka BP.  相似文献   

Buried palaeo‐valley systems have been identified widely beneath lowland parts of the UK including eastern England, central England, south Wales and the North Sea. In the Midland Valley of Scotland palaeo‐valleys have been identified yet the age and genesis of these enigmatic features remain poorly understood. This study utilizes a digital data set of over 100 000 boreholes that penetrate the full thickness of deposits in the Midland Valley of Scotland. It identified 18 buried palaeo‐valleys, which range from 4 to 36 km in length and 24 to 162 m in depth. Geometric analysis has revealed four distinct valley morphologies, which were formed by different subglacial and subaerial processes. Some palaeo‐valleys cross‐cut each other with the deepest features aligning east–west. These east–west features align with the reconstructed ice‐flow direction under maximum conditions of the Main Late Devensian glaciation. The shallower features appear more aligned to ice‐flow direction during ice‐sheet retreat, and were therefore probably incised under more restricted ice‐sheet configurations. The bedrock lithology influences and enhances the position and depth of palaeo‐valleys in this lowland glacial terrain. Faults have juxtaposed Palaeozoic sedimentary and igneous rocks and the deepest palaeo‐valleys occur immediately down‐ice of knick‐points in the more resistant igneous bedrock. The features are regularly reused and the fills are dominated by glacial fluvial and glacial marine deposits. This suggests that the majority of infilling of the features happened during deglaciation and may be unrelated to the processes that cut them.  相似文献   

Bathymetric and sub-bottom acoustic data were collected in Laguna San Rafael, Chile, to determine sediment yields during the Little Ice Age advance and subsequent retreat of San Rafael Glacier. The sediment volumes and subaqueous landforms imaged are used to interpret the proglacial dynamics and estimate erosion rates from a temperate tidewater glacier over a complete advance-retreat cycle. Sediment yields from San Rafael Glacier averaged 2.7 × 107 m3/a since the end of the Little Ice Age, circa AD 1898, corresponding to average basin-wide erosion rates of 23 ± 9 mm/a; the highest erosion rates, 68 ± 23 mm/a, occurred at the start of the retreat phase, and have since been steadily decreasing. Erosion rates were much lower during glacial advance, averaging at most 7 mm/a, than during retreat. Such large glacial sediment yields over two centuries of advance and retreat suggest that the contribution of sediments stored subglacially cannot account for much of the sediment being delivered to the terminus today. The detailed sub-bottom information of a proglacial lagoon yields important clues as to the timing of erosion, deposition and transfer of glacigenic sediments from orogens to the continental shelves, and the influence of glacier dynamics on this process.  相似文献   

Detailed research of superficial deposits below the northern peak of Huascaran (Cordillera Blanca) provides new information on the limits of a paleo-avalanche originating from this mountain. Geomorphological mapping of the sediments identified glacial deposits, deposits from historical rock-debris avalanches and huge boulders from a paleo-avalanche. Schmidt Hammer rock-hardness tests were used to distinguish between the several generations of rock-debris avalanches, but largely failed to distinguish between the much older moraine and the paleo-avalanche sediments. Thus, only the field geomorphological mapping proved to be reliable for identifying the limits of the paleo-avalanche. The limits identified as granite boulders deposited over volcanic rocks were found to extend 30 m further up the opposite valley slope than previously had been mapped. This larger extent implies a greater volume and/or greater mobility for the prehistoric event.  相似文献   

Seismostratigraphical studies of the 11.8‐km2‐large and ~140‐m‐deep Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye, Polar Ural Mountains, reveal up to 160‐m‐thick acoustically laminated sediments in the lake basin. Using a dense grid of seismic lines, the spatial and temporal distributions of the sedimentary history have been reconstructed. Three regional seismic horizons have been identified and correlated with the well‐dated 24‐m‐long sediment core retrieved from the lake. Isopach maps constructed from the seismic data show four phases of sedimentation. A contour map of the deepest regional seismic reflector represents the earliest hemipelagic sedimentation in the lake. Three contour maps represent time intervals covering the last 23 cal. ka based on the well‐dated core stratigraphy from the lake. The detailed time constraints on the upper stratigraphical units in the lake allow calculation of the lake's development in terms of sediment fluxes and the denudation rates from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to the present. The sedimentation in Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye has been dominated by hemipelagic processes during at least the last 24 cal. ka BP only locally interrupted by delta progradation and slope processes. A major shift in the sediment accumulation at c. 18.7 cal. ka BP is interpreted to mark the end of the local glacial maximum, greatly reduced denudation and the onset of the deglaciation period; this also demonstrates how fast the glaciers melted and possibly disappeared at the end of the LGM. The denudation rate during the Holocene is only a fifth of the LGM rate. The age of the oldest stratified sediments in Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye is not well constrained, but estimated as c. 50–60 ka.  相似文献   

Accurate knowledge of pore pressure is fundamental to any safe and economic well construction. Here, we present results that are indicative of over pressure zones (OPZ) for five wells drilled under the Krishna–Godavari offshore basin (KGOB) at the Eastern Continental Margin of India (ECMI). OPZ in areas of crustal flexuring can act as potential geohazard while drilling. These wells locate at water depths of 515–1,265 m, where their penetrated-vertical-depth reaches up to 3,960 m in clastic sediments. pore pressure gradient (PPG) and fracture pressure gradient (FPG) are estimated from acoustic log for all five wells, while the Normal Compaction Trend (NCT) and pore pressure are calculated from Miller’s sonic equation. Top of OPZ is indicated by values that are higher than the NCT; departure from NCT is observed at depth intervals of 1,320–2,180 m, 1,700–3,960 m, 1,600–1,880 m, 1,420–2,609 m and 2,080–2,200 m for the respective Wells 1 through 5. The pressure data from Modular Dynamic Tester (MDT) agree well with the pore pressure values obtained from the logs. The Overburden Gradient (OBG), PPG and FPG values increase rather slowly with total depth in deeper-water of KGOB when compared to the wells located in shallow water depth. Consequently, the operating safety margin between PPG and FPG decreases as the water depth increases, and this clearly leads to an increase in the number of casing strings to reach the target depth. Certain basic conclusions on the potentiality of natural hazard for drilling operations are drawn on the basis of these results, but evidently, further studies are warranted to present a more composite picture of OPZ under KGOB.  相似文献   

Diamictons which have characteristics of both basal tills and lacustrine sedimenis have been called by various authors waterlaid tills, lacuatrotills, subaqueous tills, aqualills, underwater tills, and other terms with the word till replaced by moraine. It is proposed that a more restrictive definition of these terms be applied based on criteria indicative of the environment of deposition.
The term lacustrotill is proposed for the till-like sediments deposited in the lacustrine environment by flow mechanisms. Their clasts are often striated and may exhibit preferred orientation unrelated to glacier movement. Deformation structures suggestive of slumping or flowage during deposition are usually present.
The term waterlaid till is proposed for sediments deposited beneath a floating glacier, where the water depth does not allow appreciable size separation during settling: glacial drift dumped in standing water at the snout of a glacier grounded on a lake bottom: or till deposited during re advances (perhaps annually) into a lake basin and subsequently slightly reworked by lacustrine processes.
These sediments contain glacially abraded clasts which may even show a weak preferred orientation related to glacial movement; deformation and flow structures will not normally be present: and they may he massive, or exhibit crude stratification.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(10-13):999-1010
The loess/palaeosol sequence of Kurtak, situated at the western bank of the upper Yenisei in Middle Siberia, represents one of the best developed Middle and Upper Pleistocene sediment records in Yenisei Siberia. More than 40 m thick loess and loess-like sediments intercalated by at least four pedocomplexes are exposed at a steep erosional slope at the bank of the Krasnoyarsk Water Reservoir. Infrared optically stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and thermoluminescence (TL) dating techniques have been applied on 38 fine grain samples from the upper 23 m of the profile, representing the penultimate and last interglacial–glacial cycle. The IRSL and TL age estimates are in good agreement with the geological estimates up to the last interglacial soil horizon (oxygen isotope substage (OIS) 5e). The luminescence ages show that the lowermost truncated palaeosol of kastanosjem-type is likely to have formed during the penultimate interglacial upon subaerial deposits. Three weak reddish brown palaeosols intercalated by reworked loess-like sediments correlate with early Upper Pleistocene interstadials (OIS5dion of -a), and a succession of humic horizons alternated by cryoturbation processes (Kurtak pedocomplex) is linked with OIS 3. Thick loess deposits between the pedocomplexes show now significant age increase with depth, indicating high accumulation rates at around 23 ka (OIS 2) and 60 ka (OIS 4).  相似文献   

Palynological and sedimentological studies of a series of slimes collected from a 284 m-long drill-well from the Kathmandu Basin reveal paleoclimatic records and environmental changes within the Kathmandu Valley during the last 2.5 myr. The slimes are composed of fluvio-deltaic and lacustrine sediments comprising sand beds of 66.3 m and mud beds of 218 m in length. Pollen analyses show Quercus and Cyclobalanopsis are predominant, with frequencies exceeding 70%. Pinus, Alnus and Gramineae are the next dominant taxa. Three fossil pollen zones were discriminated; each zone reflects major climatic change: Zone I, the oldest stage, indicates a cool and rather wet climate during 400 kyr from ca. 2.5 to 2.1 Ma; Zone II, the middle stage, reflects a warm and relatively dry climate without remarkable fluctuation; Zone III is characterized by seven cycles of warm-and-wet and cold-and-dry climate, which reflect the alternation of glacial and interglacial periods. The last cold maximum, 11 m deep, corresponds to the last glacial age around 20 kyr bp, judging from the 14C dating of the uppermost part of the lacustrine sediments.The Paleo-Kathmandu Lake is likely to have been initiated at around 2.1 Ma and to have been filled with black organic mud, the Kalimati Clay. The top of the Kalimati Clay is eroded and was overlain by fluvial sand after the last glacial age. The abrupt appearance of a 4 m-thick fossiliferous sand bed at the top of the middle member suggests a lowering of water level at around 1 Ma.  相似文献   

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