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The Seafloor Borehole Array Seismic System (SEABASS) has been developed to measure the pressure and threedimensional particle velocity of the VLF sound field (2–50 Hz) below the seafloor in the deep ocean. The system consists of four three-component borehole seismometers (with an optional hydrophone). a borehole digitizing unit, and a seafloor control and recording package. The system can be deployed using a wireline re-entry capability from a conventional research vessel in Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and Ocean Drilling Project (ODP) boreholes. Data from below the seafloor are acquired either onboard the research vessel via coaxial tether or remotely on the seafloor in a self-contained package. If necessary the data module from the seafloor package can be released independently and recovered on the surface. This paper describes the engineering specifications of SEABASS, the tests that were carried out, and preliminary results from an actual deep sea deployment. VLF ambient noise levels beneath the seafloor acquired on the Low Frequency Acoustic-Seismic Experiment (LFASE) are within 20 dB of levels from previous seafloor borehole seismic experiments and from land borehole measurements. The ambient noise observed on LFASE decreases by up to 12 dB in the upper 100 m of the seafloor in a sedimentary environment.  相似文献   

Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene pelagic sediments sampled from the Northern Kerguelen Plateau during cruise MD35 of theMarion Dufresne are described and correlated with the Late Paleogene sequence drilled at site ODP 737 (Leg 119). Taking into account geophysical data obtained by the cruise MD26, a Lower Cretaceous age is computed for the unsampled acoustic basement. A major tectonic/volcanic event in the Late Paleogene, related to rifting, gave rise to a marked unconformity and hiatus termed the “Acoustic Discordance.” Tertiary sediment facies changes were strongly influenced by the evolution of the Antarctic environment.  相似文献   

The Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) initiated drilling at Site 1256D in the Guatemala Basin, about 1,000 km off the East Pacific Rise to penetrate plutonic rocks, anticipated to be relatively shallow in this region, formed at an ultra-fast spreading rate. IODP Expedition E312 successfully drilled into gabbros at ~1,150 m in basement. Multi-channel seismic traces show weak laterally coherent sub-basement reflections at borehole depths. Synthetic reflectivity seismograms were computed using a Ricker wavelet and impedance profiles from borehole sonic logs. These seismograms show significant sub-basement amplitude peaks. A zero-offset vertical seismic profile, shot on E312, was processed to investigate the authenticity of these reflections and their relationship to borehole geology. A dual scheme of the median filtering and F–K dip filtering was used. Tests with synthetic seismograms indicate the approach is effective at reasonable SNR levels. Downgoing energy is clearly identified but negligible upgoing energy is visible over random noise. These results indicate that lava flows and igneous contacts in upper ocean crust have significant topography on lateral scales less than the Fresnel Zone (~300 m) due to igneous and tectonic processes.  相似文献   

The 85°E Ridge, located in the Bay of Bengal of the northeastern Indian Ocean is an enigmatic geological feature as it possesses unusual geophysical signatures. The ridge's internal structure and mode of eruptions are unknown due to lack of deep seismic reflection and borehole data control. Here, we analyze 10 km of long-streamer seismic reflection data to unravel the ridge's internal structure, and thereby to enhance the understanding of how the ridge was originated and grew over a geologic time. Seismic facies analysis reveals the ridge structure consisting of volcanic vent and several stratigraphic units including packs of prograding clinoforms. The clinoform sequences are interpreted as volcanic successions, and led to the formation of lava-delta fronts. Interpreted features of lava-fed deltas and intervening erosional surfaces, and mass flows along ridge flanks suggest that the 85°E Ridge is a volcanic construct, and was built by both subaqueous and multiphase sub-marine volcanism during the Late Cretaceous (approximately from 85 to 80 Ma). At later time, from Oligocene-Miocene (∼23 Ma) onwards the ridge was buried under the thick sediments of the Bengal Fan system.  相似文献   

The results presented in this paper are the first published estimates of the complete stress tensor in the Cuu Long and Nam Con Son basins, offshore Vietnam. We analysed in situ stress and pore pressure fields in the sedimentary formations using data from petroleum exploration and production wells to evaluate the stress state in these basins. The data were obtained from the seafloor to 4300 m burial depth and include both hydrostatic and overpressured sections. Minimum horizontal stresses were obtained from extended leak-off tests and mini-fracture tests. Maximum horizontal stresses were estimated from drilling-induced fracture parameters and borehole breakout widths in twelve wells using rock properties measured in the laboratory or estimated empirically from wireline logs. Seven data points are located in sediments, and seventeen data points in igneous basement rocks at depths greater than 3000 m.The estimated magnitudes of σH are 70-110% of the σv magnitudes. Considering the errors in the stress magnitude estimates, their relative magnitudes suggest that a borderline normal/strike-slip stress regime presently exists in normally pressured sequences of the Nam Con Son and Cuu Long basins. Of the twenty-four data points, twenty have effective stress ratios at a critical stress state for faulting on the assumption that there are faults present that are optimally oriented for failure with friction coefficients of ∼0.5. The results suggest that the stress state in these basins is generally critical.  相似文献   

A mound related to a cold vent in a columnar seismic blanking zone (CSBZ) was formed around site UBGH1-10 in the central Ulleung Basin (2077 m water depth), East Sea, Korea. The mound is 300–400 m wide and 2–3 m high according to multi-beam bathymetry, 2–7 kHz sub-bottom profiler data, and multi-channel reflection seismic data. Seafloor topography and characteristics were investigated using a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) around site UBGH1-10, which is located near the northern part of the mound. The origin of the mound was investigated through lithology, mineralogy, hydrate occurrence, and sedimentary features using dive cores, piston cores, and a deep-drilling core. The CSBZ extends to ∼265 ms two-way traveltime (TWT) below the seafloor within a mass-transport deposit (MTD) unit. Gas hydrate was entirely contained 6–141 m below the seafloor (mbsf) within hemipelagic deposits intercalated with a fine-grained turbidite (HTD) unit, characteristically associated with high resistivity values at site UBGH1-10. The hydrate is commonly characterized by veins, nodules, and massive types, and is found within muddy sediments as a fracture-filling type. Methane has been produced by microbial reduction of CO2, as indicated by C1/C2+, δ13CCH4, and δD4CH analyses. The bowl-shaped hydrate cap revealed at 20–45 ms TWT below the seafloor has very high resistivity and high salinity, suggesting rapid and recent gas hydrate formation. The origin of the sediment mound is interpreted as a topographic high formed by the expansion associated with the formation of the gas hydrate cap above the CSBZ. The lower sedimentation rate of the mound sediments may be due to local enhancement of bottom currents by topographic effects. In addition, no evidence of gas bubbles, chemosynthetic communities, or bacterial mats was observed in the mound, suggesting an inactive cold vent.  相似文献   

Mapping geological details and interpreting three-dimensional geometries in a highly heterogeneous outcrop such as the exposure at Big Rock Quarry has been a continuous challenge especially because high vertical cliffs make access to most of the rocks difficult for direct geological observations. Previous interpretations of facies architecture were derived from gamma-ray profiles, a core and measurements made on two-dimensional photomosaics. This paper represents the first attempt of three-dimensional interpretation of the geometry and facies pattern of the Jackfork nested channel complex deposited at the base-of-slope.Examination of the photo real model of the outcrop with assigned lithologies allowed extraction of accurate 3-D qualitative, as well as quantitative (channel dimensions) geometric information. This facilitated interpretation and reconstruction of the submarine channel complex architecture making possible correlations of strata exposed on the two sides of the quarry.Most of the exposed vertically and laterally stacked channels are large, aggradational with well-defined axial regions overlain by matrix-supported breccia which grades upward into amalgamated sandstones. The thickness of the sandstone decreases toward the southeastern end of the quarry where more shale is present. The channel infill consists of thin-bedded sandstones interlayered with shale which overlain the breccia. The upper part of the quarry is made up of smaller, lateral migrating channels.Significant channel width and thickness variation can be recognized at outcrop scale. Thirty-eight identified channels are characterized by a relatively low aspect ratio (4:1 to 32:1) with channel dimensions ranging from 25 m to 314 m wide and 2 m-24 m deep. Bed thickness distributions of various facies show that the sandstone comprises a significant proportion (83%) of the total channel thickness, while shale and breccia represent about 8%, and 17% respectively. This yields a high net-to gross ratio of more than 80%.Compared to previous reconstructions our 3-D photo real model is more accurate and it can be used to calibrate simulation of processes in deep-water environments.  相似文献   

Shixi Bulge of the central Junggar Basin in western China is a unique region that provides insight into the geological and geochemical characteristics of large-scale petroleum reservoirs in volcanic rocks of the western Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Carboniferous volcanic rocks in the Shixi Bulge mainly consist of striped lava and agglomerate, as well as breccia lava and tight tuff. Volcanic rocks differ in porosity and permeability. Striped lava exhibits the highest porosity (average: 14.2%) but the lowest permeability (average: 0.67 × 10−15 m) among the rock types. Primary gas pores are widely developed and mostly filled. Secondary dissolution pores and fractures are two major reservoir storage spaces. Capillary pressure curves suggest the existence of four pore structure types of reservoir rocks. Several factors, namely, lithology, pore structure, and various diagenesis, govern the physical properties of volcanic rocks. The oil is characterized by a high concentration of tricyclic terpane, a terpane distribution of C23 < C21 > C20, and sterane distributions of C27 < C28 < C29 and C27 > C28 < C29. Oil and gas geochemistry revealed that the oil is a mixture derived primarily from P2w source rock and secondarily from P1j source rock in the sag west of Pen-1 Well. The gases are likely gas mixtures of humic and sapropelic organic origins, with the sapropelic gas type dominant in the mixture. The gas mixture is most likely cracked from kerogen rather than oils. The Carboniferous volcanic reservoirs in Shixi Bulge share some unique characteristics that may provide useful insights into the various roles of different volcanic reservoir types in old volcanic provinces. The presence of these reservoirs will undoubtedly encourage future petroleum exploration in volcanic rocks up to the deep parts of sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

A brief review of the published evidence of current deposits around Italy is the occasion to test the robustness of matching bottom current velocity models and seafloor morphologies to identify contourite drifts not yet documented. We present the result of the regional hydrodynamic model MARS3D in the Northern Tyrrhenian and Ligurian Sea with horizontal resolution of 1.2 km and 60 levels with focus on bottom current: data are integrated over summer and winter 2013 as representative of low and high intensity current conditions.The Eastern Ligurian margin is impacted by the Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) with modeled mean velocity of bottom current up to 20 cm s−1 in winter 2013 and calculated bottom shear stress exceeding 0.2 N m−2 in water depth of 400–800 m. By crossing this information with seafloor morphology and geometry of seismic reflections, we identify a sediment drift formerly overlooked at ca 1000 m water depth. The Portofino separated mounded drift has a maximum thickness of at least 150 m and occurs in an area of mean current velocity minimum. Independent evidence to support the interpretation include bottom current modelling, seafloor morphology, seismic reflection geometry and sediment core facies. The adjacent areas impacted by stronger bottom currents present features likely resulted from bottom current erosion such as a marine terrace and elongated pockmarks.Compared to former interpretation of seafloor morphology in the study area, our results have an impact on the assessment of marine geohazards: submarine landslides offshore Portofino are small in size and coexist with sediment erosion and preferential accumulation features (sediment drifts) originated by current-dominated sedimentary processes. Furthermore, our results propel a more general discussion about contourite identification in the Italian seas and possible implications.  相似文献   

The deep ocean floor between the Clarion and Clipperton fracture zones (NE equatorial Pacific) has the highest known manganese nodule abundance in the world oceans. A detailed analysis of MR1 (Mapping Researcher 1, 11-12 kHz) sonar images and free-fall grab data in the Korean manganese nodule field areas reveals a close relationship between side-scan sonar characteristics of the seafloor and manganese nodule abundance. Eight sonar facies are identified based on back-scattering intensity and distribution patterns. These sonar facies can be interpreted as (1) volcanic seamounts (facies I-1), (2) bounding faults of abyssal hills (facies I-2 and II-1), (3) lava flows or volcanoclastic mass-flow deposits around the volcanic seamounts (facies I-3 and II-2), (4) crests of abyssal hills (facies II-1), (5) abyssal troughs between abyssal hills (facies III-1), (6) relatively flat areas (facies II-3 and III-2). In the areas where facies II-1 (abyssal hill crests with thin sediment cover) and II-3 (relatively flat areas draped by thin sediments) are dominant, manganese nodules occur abundantly. In contrast, zones comprising facies III-1 (abyssal troughs with thick sediment cover) and III-2 (relatively flat areas covered by thick sediments) are characterized by low abundance of manganese nodules. This relationship between distribution of sonar facies and manganese nodule abundance implies that (1) the qualitative difference in acoustic reflectivity of long-range side-scan sonar with some ground truth data is useful for regional assessment of manganese nodule occurrence over wide areas in a reasonable time, and (2) seafloor topography and sediment thickness are important controlling factors for regional occurrences of manganese nodules.  相似文献   

Seismic coherency measures, such as similarity and dip of maximum similarity, were used to characterize mass transport deposits (MTDs) in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, offshore Korea. Using 2-D and 3-D seismic data several slope failure masses have been identified near drill site UBGH1-4. The MTDs have a distinct seismic character and exhibit physical properties similar to gas hydrate bearing sediment: elevated electrical resistivity and P-wave velocity. Sediments recovered from within the MTDs show a reworked nature with chaotic assemblage of mud-clasts. Additionally, the reflection at the base of MTDs is polarity reversed relative to the seafloor, similarly to the bottom-simulating reflector commonly used to infer the presence of gas hydrates. The MTDs further show regional seismic blanking (absence of internal reflectivity), which is yet another signature often attributed to gas hydrate bearing sediments. At the drill site UBGH1-4, no gas hydrate was recovered in sediment-cores from inside a prominent MTD unit. Instead, pore-filling gas hydrate was recovered only within thin turbidite sand layers near the base of the gas hydrate stability zone. With the analysis of seismic attributes, the seismic character of the prominent MTD (Unit 3) was investigated. The base of the MTD unit exhibits deep grooves interpreted as gliding tracks from either outrunner blocks or large clasts that were dragged along the paleo-seafloor. Similar seismic features were identified on the seafloor although the length of the gliding tracks on the seafloor is much shorter (a few hundred meters to ∼1 km), compared to over 10 km long tracks at the base of the MTD. The seismic coherency attributes allowed to estimate the volume of the failed sediment as well as the direction of the flow of sediment. Tracking the MTD and extrapolating its spatial extent from the 3-D seismic volume to adjacent 2-D seismic profiles, a possible source region of this mass failure was defined ∼50 km upslope of Site UBGH1-4.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of mud extrusion on the Mediterranean Ridge Accretionary Complex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Drilling two mud domes on the Mediterranean Ridge during ODP Leg 160 has demonstrated that the eruption of mud breccia began at least 1.5 Ma ago. An evolution through extrusive building of a cone, followed by successive eruptions of clast-bearing mud debris flows and subsequent subsidence can be deduced for both domes. Results from permeability and shear strength tests, grain size analyses, sedimentary textures, and clast provenance provide clues concerning the mechanism of mud volcanism. The collision of Africa with Eurasia resulted in backthrusting of the evaporite-dominated accretionary wedge against a rigid backstop. This allowed egress of overpressured fluid-rich mud of presumed Messinian age from the décollement, although many of the clasts may have originated from the overlying accretionary wedge.  相似文献   

The deep ocean floor between the Clarion and Clipperton fracture zones (NE equatorial Pacific) has the highest known manganese nodule abundance in the world oceans. A detailed analysis of MR1 (Mapping Researcher 1, 11–12?kHz) sonar images and free-fall grab data in the Korean manganese nodule field areas reveals a close relationship between side-scan sonar characteristics of the seafloor and manganese nodule abundance. Eight sonar facies are identified based on back-scattering intensity and distribution patterns. These sonar facies can be interpreted as (1) volcanic seamounts (facies I-1), (2) bounding faults of abyssal hills (facies I-2 and II-1), (3) lava flows or volcanoclastic mass-flow deposits around the volcanic seamounts (facies I-3 and II-2), (4) crests of abyssal hills (facies II-1), (5) abyssal troughs between abyssal hills (facies III-1), (6) relatively flat areas (facies II-3 and III-2). In the areas where facies II-1 (abyssal hill crests with thin sediment cover) and II-3 (relatively flat areas draped by thin sediments) are dominant, manganese nodules occur abundantly. In contrast, zones comprising facies III-1 (abyssal troughs with thick sediment cover) and III-2 (relatively flat areas covered by thick sediments) are characterized by low abundance of manganese nodules. This relationship between distribution of sonar facies and manganese nodule abundance implies that (1) the qualitative difference in acoustic reflectivity of long-range side-scan sonar with some ground truth data is useful for regional assessment of manganese nodule occurrence over wide areas in a reasonable time, and (2) seafloor topography and sediment thickness are important controlling factors for regional occurrences of manganese nodules.  相似文献   

A new hydrothermal vent site in the Southern Mariana Trough has been discovered using acoustic and magnetic surveys conducted by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology's (JAMSTEC) autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), Urashima. The high-resolution magnetic survey, part of a near-bottom geophysical mapping around a previously known hydrothermal vent site, the Pika site, during the YK09-08 cruise in June–July 2009, found that a clear magnetization low extends ∼500 m north from the Pika site. Acoustic signals, suggesting hydrothermal plumes, and 10 m-scale chimney-like topographic highs were detected within this low magnetization zone by a 120 kHz side-scan sonar and a 400 kHz multibeam echo sounder. In order to confirm the seafloor sources of the geophysical signals, seafloor observations were carried out using the deep-sea manned submersible Shinkai 6500 during the YK 10-10 cruise in August 2010. This discovered a new hydrothermal vent site (12°55.30′N, 143°38.89′E; at a depth of 2922 m), which we have named the Urashima site. This hydrothermal vent site covers an area of approximately 300 m×300 m and consists of black and clear smoker chimneys, brownish-colored shimmering chimneys, and inactive chimneys. All of the fluids sampled from the Urashima and Pika sites have chlorinity greater than local ambient seawater, suggesting subseafloor phase separation or leaching from rocks in the hydrothermal reaction zone. End-member compositions of the Urashima and Pika fluids suggest that fluids from two different sources feed the two sites, even though they are located on the same knoll and separated by only ∼500 m. We demonstrate that investigations on hydrothermal vent sites located in close proximity to one another can provide important insights into subseafloor hydrothermal fluid flow, and also that, while such hydrothermal sites are difficult to detect by conventional plume survey methods, high-resolution underwater geophysical surveys provide an effective means.  相似文献   

During RV SONNE cruise SO-79 to the eastern Pacific Ocean, two areas of about 65×80 km in the northern Peru Basin were surveyed with the acoustic mapping systems HYDROSWEEP (bathymetry), PARASOUND (3.5 kHz high-resolution seismic system), and a deep-towed side-scan sonar system. In addition, we sampled sediments using piston and box corers. The data show an unexpected variability of seafloor features: The bathymetry is characterized by an abyssal hill topography with predominately N-S ridges up to 300 m high, and scattered volcanic hills. Moreover, one 2000-m-high seamount was mapped. PARASOUND shows several distinct reflectors within the sediment cover, all of which are attributed to carbonate-rich strata. In the northern area, the uppermost prominent reflector is related to the Mid-Brunhes Event (0.45 Ma) in the sediment cores, while the lowermost represents acoustic basement. In the southern area, the seismic pattern reveals an upper opaque zone and a lower transparent zone. The base of the opaque zone is marked by a distinct reflector which corresponds to a huge carbonate peak (6–7 Ma) in the sediment cores. However, despite this general pattern, the PARASOUND records show a highly variable situation, with the distribution of sediment echo types strongly influenced by the seafloor topography. The side-scan sonar revealed the existence of numerous small volcanic cones up to 25 m high and nearly free of sediment. Additionally, the sonar records show a patchy (up to 800 m across) seafloor reflectiviti. We interpret this patchiness as a local lack of manganese nodule coverage. Volcanic cones and the most distinct nodule-free patches are usually on ridges. We interpret this variability as caused by winnowing and erosion, an interpretation that is supported by the occurrence of outcrops of Tertiary strata. This regional small-scale variability argues for a highly dynamic depositional history of the Peru Basin.  相似文献   

Previous studies of gas hydrate in the Dongsha area mainly focused on the deep-seated gas hydrates that have a high energy potential, but cared little about the shallow gas hydrates occurrences. Shallow gas hydrates have been confirmed by drill cores at three sites(GMGS2 08, GMGS2 09 and GMGS2 16) during the GMGS2 cruise, which occur as veins, blocky nodules or massive layers, at 8–30 m below the seafloor. Gas chimneys and faults observed on the seismic sections are the two main fluid migration ...  相似文献   

近23年的调查研究,使我们认识到分布于洋中脊、弧后盆地、岛弧和热点等环境的海底热液活动发育在多种围岩类型之上,包括超基性岩石、基性岩石、中性岩石、酸性岩石和沉积物。海底热液活动经历了岩浆去气作用、流体-岩石/沉积物相互作用和流体-海水混合,获取了岩浆、岩石、海水和沉积物的物质,构成了热液循环,产生了高温、低氧、高或低pH值、富含Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn、Pb、Hg、As等元素以及气体组分(甲烷、氢等)的喷口流体,影响了海水、沉积、岩石和生物环境,形成了热液柱、硫化物、含金属沉积物和蚀变岩石等热液产物,组成了海底热液系统。未来,促进海底热液活动探测技术和热液产物测试方法的发展,对海底热液区的岩石、喷口流体、热液柱、硫化物、含金属沉积物以及热液循环、生物活动的持续观测与研究,无疑将为人类探知海底地质过程及生命活动、保护海底热液环境和合理开发利用海底资源提供有力的工作支撑。  相似文献   

The integration of seismic data with core data should provide ground-truth to a structural interpretation of seismic data. The main difficulty in such an integration effort is the correct translation of physical property measurements on cores to a form which can be used in seismostratigraphic interpretation. In the absence of down-hole well data and check-shots, required knowledge of the velocity structure at the drilling locations can be obtained directly from measurements of the physical properties of core samples. This involves upscaling of the data from physical properties of cores to the sample interval used in the seismic data. In the present study, three of the seven drill-sites of ODP (Ocean Drilling Program) Leg 177 in 1997/1998, located on the Agulhas Ridge in the south-eastern Atlantic (sites 1088–1090), were connected with eight seismic profiles. Physical properties data measured on the cores from the various holes at each site were combined to create a single continuous log and used to construct synthetic seismograms. The synthetics generally show a good agreement with real seismic data in terms of amplitude and waveform. Some reflections in these generated traces may have a time-shift due to sections with incomplete or spurious P-wave velocity measurements in the ODP datasets. The main reflectors identified in the real seismic data correspond to hiatuses or periods of reduced sedimentation rates, and correlate well with density variations. One particular hiatus, clearly observable in the real seismic data, was not unequivocally identifiable in the various types of core data, and tying core data to seismic data can confirm its existence in the core data, showing the benefit of including seismic data in an interpretation of core log data. On the other hand, core data provide a calibration tool for the geological timescale of seismic data and information about the lithology, needed in the interpretation of seismic data.  相似文献   

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