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The differences between physical conditions in solar faculae and those in sunspots and quiet photosphere (increased temperature and different magnetic field topology) suggest that oscillation characteristics in facula areas may also have different properties. The analysis of 28 time series of simultaneous spectropolarimetric observations in facula photosphere (Fe?i 6569 Å, 8538 Å) and chromosphere (Hα, Ca?ii 8542 Å) yields the following results. The amplitude of five-minute oscillations of line-of-sight (LOS) velocity decreases by 20?–?40% in facula photosphere. There are only some cases revealing the inverse effect. The amplitude of four- to five-minute LOS velocity oscillations increases significantly in the chromosphere above faculae, and power spectra fairly often show pronounced peaks in a frequency range of 1.3?–?2.5 mHz. Evidence of propagating oscillations can be seen from space?–?time diagrams. We have found oscillations of the longitudinal magnetic field (1.5?–?2 mHz and 5.2 mHz) inside faculae.  相似文献   

We describe the application of a multi-scale Laplacian-of-Gaussian (LoG) operator and of an iterative version of Medial Axis Transform (i-MAT) as tools for the segmentation of both photospheric and chromospheric solar features. We introduce the multi-scale LoG operator in order to extract compact structures in photospheric intensity or Doppler images. The second method, based on a i-MAT algorithm applied to gray level images, is introduced to recognize reticulated structures like chromospheric network or intergranular lanes. The developed numerical procedures allow a non-subjective segmentation of solar images in order to investigate morphological and topological properties of identified features. We discuss the output of the segmentation procedures when applied to real images.  相似文献   

An analysis of line-of-sight velocity oscillation in nine solar faculae was undertaken with the aim of studying phase relations between chromospheric (He?i 10830?Å line) and photospheric (Si?i 10827 Å line) five-minute oscillations. We found that the time lag of the chromospheric signal relative to photospheric one varies from ?12 to 100 seconds and is about 50 seconds on average. We assume that the small observed lag can have three possible explanations: i) convergence of formation levels of He?i 10830?Å and Si?i 10827?Å in faculae; ii) significant increase of five-minute oscillation propagation velocity above faculae; iii) simultaneous presence of standing and travelling waves.  相似文献   

We have made a narrow band tunable filter for solar observations using a Lithium Niobate Fabry-Perot etalon. The 60 mm aperture etalon with a free spectral range of 4.22 Å and finesse of 26 at = 6122 Å has been procured from CSIRO, Australia. The wavelength tuning is achieved by applying high voltage to the etalon substrate at the rate of 0.45 Å per 1000 Volts. The filter is being used for imaging the sun in H line and obtaining Doppler- and Magnetogram in CaI 6122 Å line. In this paper, we present some initial observations carried out with this filter at Udaipur Solar Observatory.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the H filtergrams and vector magnetograms of the active region NOAA 7070, in which a 3B/X3.3 flare occurred on February 27, 1992. The average area per sunspot of this active region was in declining phase at the time of the flare. The vector magnetograms indicate that the magnetic field was non-potential at the flaring site. Besides non-potentiality, the longitudinal field gradient was found to be the highest at the region showing initial H brightening. Further, in H filtergrams no appreciable change in the morphology of the filament tracing the magnetic neutral line was noticed in the post-flare stage. Also, the photospheric vector magnetograms show considerable shear in post-flare magnetic field of the active region. In this paper we present the observations and discuss the possible mechanism responsible for the 3B/X3.3 flare.  相似文献   

Ryutova  M.  Tarbell  T.D.  Shine  R. 《Solar physics》2003,213(2):231-256
Small-scale magnetic elements in the quiet photospheric network are believed to play a key role in the energy flow from the solar surface to upper layers of atmosphere. Their intense hydro-magnetic activity includes merging and fragmentation of same polarity fluxes, `total' or partial cancellation of neighboring flux elements of opposite polarity, dynamic appearance and disappearance of compact bipoles, etc. We study the general features of these processes, and show that non-collinearity of flux tubes, sharp stratification of low atmosphere and finite plasma beta lead to several specific effects in the interacting flux tubes that may explain the morphological properties of network magnetic field and also provide a mechanism for the energy build up and release in the nearby chromosphere and transition region. We show that during the collision of flux tubes in the photosphere reconnection occurs regardless of whether the flux tubes are of opposite or of the same polarity. But the dynamics of reconnection products are significantly different and lead to different macroscopic effects that can be observed.  相似文献   

From a large number of SOHO/MDI longitudinal magnetograms, three physical measures including the maximum horizontal gradient, the length of the neutral line, and the number of singular points are computed. These measures are used to describe photospheric magnetic field properties including nonpotentiality and complexity, which is believed to be closely related to solar flares. Our statistical results demonstrate that solar flare productivity increases with nonpotentiality and complexity. Furthermore, the relationship between the flare productivity and these measures can be well fitted with a sigmoid function. These results can be beneficial to future operational flare forecast models.  相似文献   

Dynamic spectra of low-frequency modulation of microwave emission from solar flares are obtained. Data of 15 bursts observed in 1989–2000 with Metsähovi radio telescope at 37 GHz have been used. During 13 bursts a 5-min modulation of the microwave emission intensity was detected with the frequency of ν I = 3.2± 0.24 (1σ) mHz. Five bursts revealed a 5-min wave superimposed on a ~1 Hz, linear frequency modulated signal generated, presumably, by coronal magnetic loop, this wave frequency is νfm = 3.38± 0.37 (1σ) mHz. Both intensity and frequency modulations detected are in good agreement with the data on 5-min global oscillations of photosphere and with the data on the umbral velocity oscillations observed in the vicinity of sunspots. Possible role of p-mode photospheric oscillations in modulation of microwave burst emission is discussed.  相似文献   

Oliviero  M.  Moretti  P.F.  Severino  G.  Straus  Th.  Magrì  M.  Tripicchio  A. 《Solar physics》2002,209(1):21-35
The intensity and velocity fluctuations, observed simultaneously, are a powerful diagnostic tool of the dynamics of the solar atmosphere. The phase relation between the fluctuations can improve our knowledge of the solar background, its relation with the acoustic sources, and its interaction with the solar acoustic oscillations. Furthermore, the opposite asymmetries observed along the p-mode line profiles in the intensity and velocity power spectra contain information about the source of the solar acoustic oscillations. For these reasons, it is relevant to study the height dependence of the asymmetries and phases in the solar atmosphere. In this paper, we present the results from the analysis of observations performed by the VAMOS instrument in the potassium 769.9 nm line and Na i D lines, and compare the measured phases with those obtained at different layers in the solar atmosphere by different instruments, spanning from the base of the photosphere to the low chromosphere.  相似文献   

We compare a variety of nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) extrapolation algorithms, including optimization, magneto-frictional, and Grad – Rubin-like codes, applied to a solar-like reference model. The model used to test the algorithms includes realistic photospheric Lorentz forces and a complex field including a weakly twisted, right helical flux bundle. The codes were applied to both forced “photospheric” and more force-free “chromospheric” vector magnetic field boundary data derived from the model. When applied to the chromospheric boundary data, the codes are able to recover the presence of the flux bundle and the field’s free energy, though some details of the field connectivity are lost. When the codes are applied to the forced photospheric boundary data, the reference model field is not well recovered, indicating that the combination of Lorentz forces and small spatial scale structure at the photosphere severely impact the extrapolation of the field. Preprocessing of the forced photospheric boundary does improve the extrapolations considerably for the layers above the chromosphere, but the extrapolations are sensitive to the details of the numerical codes and neither the field connectivity nor the free magnetic energy in the full volume are well recovered. The magnetic virial theorem gives a rapid measure of the total magnetic energy without extrapolation though, like the NLFFF codes, it is sensitive to the Lorentz forces in the coronal volume. Both the magnetic virial theorem and the Wiegelmann extrapolation, when applied to the preprocessed photospheric boundary, give a magnetic energy which is nearly equivalent to the value derived from the chromospheric boundary, but both underestimate the free energy above the photosphere by at least a factor of two. We discuss the interpretation of the preprocessed field in this context. When applying the NLFFF codes to solar data, the problems associated with Lorentz forces present in the low solar atmosphere must be recognized: the various codes will not necessarily converge to the correct, or even the same, solution. On 07/07/2007, the NLFFF team was saddened by the news that Tom Metcalf had died as the result of an accident. We remain grateful for having had the opportunity to benefit from his unwavering dedication to the problems encountered in attempting to understand the Sun’s magnetic field; Tom had completed this paper several months before his death, leading the team through the many steps described above.  相似文献   

Via the three physical quantities (i.e., the maximal horizontal gradient of longitudinal magnetic field |ΔhBz|m, the length of neutral line with a large gradient L, and the number of isolated singular points η), which are used to represent the characteristics of the complexity and non-potentiality of the photospheric magnetic fields in solar active regions, a model of the shortterm forecast of proton events is built. The effectivity of the short-term forecast of proton events by means of the characteristic physical quantities of magnetic fields is verified. In the nowadays commonly used models of short-term forecast of solar proton events, until present the characteristic physical quantituieas of magnetic fields are not formally taken to be the factors of forecast. Because the solar proton events are low probability events, the physical mechanism of their occurrence is still not well understood. In the models of their prediction, the problems of high rates of false alarm or low rates of right alarm often exist. In this paper the traditional factors used in the existing models of forecast of proton events and the characteristic physical quantities of magnetic fields are combined together. By using the method of neural network, a more effective method of the short-term prediction of proton events is established. With the 1871 sample data in 1997-2001, we have set up Model A with the traditional forecast factors as the input layer, and also Model B with the traditional forecast factors plus the characteristic physical quantities of magnetic fields as the input layer. Via the set of 973 sample data of the years 2002 and 2003, we have carried out a simulative forecast, and found that under the condition that these two models possess the same rate of accuracy in the forecast of proton events, the rate of false alarm of Model B becomes evidently lower. This has further verified the effectiveness of the characteristic physical quantities of magnetic fields in shortterm prediction. Furthermore, this may improve the actual ability of forecast of solar proton events.  相似文献   

The results of the analysis of the full Stokes profiles of the photospheric lines Fe I λ 630.15 nm and Fe I λ 630.25 nm in a region of chromospheric dual flows appearance in the vicinity of a small pore are presented. The analysis is based on the spectropolarimetric observations of the active region NOAA 11024 with the THEMIS French–Italian telescope (Tenerife Island, Spain). The temporal variations in the high-resolution Stokes parameters I, Q, U, and V were considered for each pixel. It was found that the dual chromospheric flows appeared in the region of the abnormal Stokes profiles of the photospheric lines. Most of the Stokes profiles Q, U, and V have a complex shape and vary greatly from pixel to pixel, which indicates strong inhomogeneities in the structure of the magnetic field in that region. The amplitude and shape of the Stokes profiles were rapidly changing during the observations. A change in the polarity of the photospheric magnetic field took place during the observations in the region of a bright chromospheric point. The evidence of the emergence of a new small-scale magnetic flux of the opposite polarity is obtained; this could lead to magnetic reconnections, appearance of dual chromospheric flows, and occurrence of a microflare.  相似文献   

We have used the results of a realistic simulation of convection to estimate the power input to coronal loops from the twisting of photospheric magnetic field in intergranular vortices. In this simulation, the vorticity is large (a mean of 0.03 s–1) nearly everywhere in the intergranular lanes, not merely at the corners of three granules. We found the autocorrelation time of vorticity images to be 45 s, but individual vortices last as long as 144 s. Our estimate suggests that field line twisting could supply a substantial fraction, if not all, of the required power to the quiet corona.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA) under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The locations of barbs of quiescent solar filaments are compared with the photospheric/chromospheric network, which thereby serves as a proxy of regions with enhanced concentrations of magnetic flux. The study covers quiet regions, where also the photospheric network as represented by flow converging regions, i.e., supergranular cell boundaries, contain largely weak magnetic fields. It is shown that close to 65% of the observed end points of barbs falls within the network boundaries. The remaining fraction points into the inner areas of the network cells. This confirms earlier findings (Lin et al., Solar Physics, 2004) that quiescent filaments are basically connected with weaker magnetic fields in the photosphere below.  相似文献   

Photospheric and heliospheric magnetic fields   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Schrijver  Carolus J.  DeRosa  Marc L. 《Solar physics》2003,212(1):165-200

The magnetic field in the heliosphere evolves in response to the photospheric field at its base. This evolution, together with the rotation of the Sun, drives space weather through the continually changing conditions of the solar wind and the magnetic field embedded within it. We combine observations and simulations to investigate the sources of the heliospheric field from 1996 to 2001. Our algorithms assimilate SOHO/MDI magnetograms into a flux-dispersal model, showing the evolving field on the full sphere with an unprecedented duration of 5.5 yr and temporal resolution of 6 hr. We demonstrate that acoustic far-side imaging can be successfully used to estimate the location and magnitude of large active regions well before they become visible on the solar disk. The results from our assimilation model, complemented with a potential-field source-surface model for the coronal and inner-heliospheric magnetic fields, match Yohkoh/SXT and KPNO/He?10830 Å coronal hole boundaries quite well. Even subject to the simplification of a uniform, steady solar wind from the source surface outward, our model matches the polarity of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) at Earth ~3% of the time during the period 1997–2001 (independent of whether far-side acoustic data are incorporated into the simulation). We find that around cycle maximum, the IMF originates typically in a dozen disjoint regions. Whereas active regions are often ignored as a source for the IMF, the fraction of the IMF that connects to magnetic plage with absolute flux densities exceeding 50 Mx cm?2 increases from ?10% at cycle minimum up to 30–50% at cycle maximum, with even direct connections between sunspots and the heliosphere. For the overall heliospheric field, these fractions are ?1% to 20–30%, respectively. Two case studies based on high-resolution TRACE observations support the direct connection of the IMF to magnetic plage, and even to sunspots. Parallel to the data assimilation, we run a pure simulation in which active regions are injected based on random selection from parent distribution functions derived from solar data. The global properties inferred for the photospheric and heliospheric fields for these two models are in remarkable agreement, confirming earlier studies that no subtle flux-emergence patterns or field-dispersal properties are required of the solar dynamo beyond those that are included in the model in order to understand the large-scale solar and heliospheric fields.


Marsch  E.  Tu  C.-Y. 《Solar physics》1997,176(1):87-106
A physical model of the transition region, including upflow of the plasma in magnetic field funnels that are open to the overlying corona, is presented. A numerical study of the effects of Alfvén waves on the heating and acceleration of the nascent solar wind originating in the chromospheric network is carried out within the framework of a two-fluid model for the plasma. It is shown that waves with reasonable amplitudes can, through their pressure gradient together with the thermal pressure gradient, cause a substantial initial acceleration of the wind (on scales of a few Mm) to locally supersonic flows in the rapidly expanding magnetic field trunks of the transition region network. The concurrent proton heating is due to the energy supplied by cyclotron damping of the high-frequency Alfvén waves, which are assumed to be created through small-scale magnetic activity. The wave energy flux of the model is given as a condition at the upper chromosphere boundary, located above the thin layer where the first ionization of hydrogen takes place.Among the new numerical results are the following: Alfvén waves with an assumed f -1 power spectrum in the frequency range from 1 to 4 Hz, and with an integrated mean amplitude ranging between 25 and 75 km s4, can produce very fast acceleration and also heating through wave dissipation. This can heat the lower corona to a temperature of 5× 105 K at a height of h=12,000 km, starting from 5× 104 K at h=3000 km. The resulting thermal and wave pressure gradients can accelerate the wind to speeds of up to 150 km s-1 at h=12,000 km, starting from 20 km s-1 at h=3000 km in a rapidly diverging flux tube. Thus the nascent solar wind becomes supersonic at heights well below the classical Parker-Type sonic point. This is a consequence of the fact that any large wave-energy flux, if it is to be conducted through the expanding funnel to the corona, implies the building-up of an associated wave-pressure gradient. Because of the diverging field geometry, this might lead to a strong initial acceleration of the flow. There is a multiplicity of solutions, depending mainly on the coronal pressure. Here we discuss two new (as compared with a static transition region model) possibilities, namely that either the flow remains supersonic or slows down abruptly by shock formation, which then yields substantial coronal heating up to the canonical 106 K for the proton temperature.  相似文献   

Lawrence  J.K.  Cadavid  A.C.  Ruzmaikin  A. 《Solar physics》2001,202(1):27-39
Below the scale of supergranules we find that cellular flows are present in the solar photosphere at two distinct size scales, approximately 2 Mm and 4 Mm, with distinct characteristic times. Simultaneously present in the flow is a non-cellular component, with turbulent scaling properties and containing 30% of the flow energy. These results are obtained by means of wavelet spectral analysis and modeling of vertical photospheric motions in a 2-hour sequence of 120 SOHO/MDI, high-resolution, Doppler images near disk center. The wavelets permit detection of specific local flow patterns corresponding to convection cells.  相似文献   

A phenomenon of thebrightness and blue shift of chromospheric foot-points of coronal loops in per-flare phaseobserved by the Fine Structure Telescope of Yunnan Observatory,is reported in the presentarticle.The 4 foot-points of two coronal loops were confirmed by Yohkoh/HXT/SXTobservations.In the pre-flare phase,the separated point-shaped bright chromosphericplages,which are counterparts of the foot-points of the coronal loops on thechromosphre,show the blue-shift feature on off-band photons.The blue-shift feature of theplages indicates that there exists the pre-heat of material and upward flow of thematerial from the foot-points along the loops.The observations also reveal activation ofthe filament,which is located under the coronal loops.These observed results indicate thatmaterial “evaporation” occurs in the pre-flare phase,and violent variation of thechromospheric magnetic field probably is one of the reasons of causing chromosphereevaporation  相似文献   

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