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刘鑫 《吉林地质》2003,22(1):75-78
本文以经济全球化为背景,指明世界性产业结构调整对发展中国家资源环境的影响。在此基础上,通过中国与某些发达国家工业化进程的对比分析,阐明中国入世后,本国产业结构与资源环境协调关系将会面对的挑战。最后结合中国国情,揭示未来产业结构调整需要注意的几个问题,并运用产业政策提出一些解决意见。  相似文献   

针对榆林地区水资源相对贫乏,煤炭资源不合理的开采对地下水资源造成巨大破坏,严重威胁着该地区的可持续发展的问题,应用系统工程方法,将水资源放在社会、经济、资源、生态、环境所组成的复合系统中进行整体研究,构建地下地下水资源-生态环境-社会经济系统模型,可以为水资源的优化配置、开发利用规划、管理决策、落实最严格的水资源管理制度提供技术支撑。分析结果表明榆林地区在水资源、环境和经济目前处于不协调阶段,经济发展较快,但水资源相对贫乏,经济的发展对环境造成很大有破环并且对于环境的治理和保护投入的资金较少,采矿区水资源污染较为严重。  相似文献   

陈晨  朱晨曦  陈火根 《江苏地质》2019,43(4):665-671
将地质资源环境调查与空间规划相结合,是规范土地开发行为、规避地质环境风险、有效利用地质资源的重要手段之一。统筹考虑地质调查成果内容和空间管制分区评价需求,应用Meta分析法计算指标权重,提出了一套以空间规划管制分区为切入点的矿地融合空间规划管制方案,并选取苏州中心城区进行了实证分析。结果表明,苏州市区建设用地适宜性较好,较适宜建设区域面积较大,主要分区在工业园区、相城区和吴江区,基本能满足近期规划的需求,从城镇扩展、生态用地保护、中心城区开发边界3个方面提出空间规划管制发展方向,证明未来城市建设应向南北两个方向发展。  相似文献   

世界资源格局与展望   总被引:22,自引:15,他引:7  
王安建 《地球学报》2010,31(5):621-627
本文阐释了人均能源消费、人均矿产资源消费与人均GDP“S”形规律的内涵, 指出发达国家(OECD)能源与重要矿产资源消费已经或正在进入零增长期, 资源需求将趋稳或呈缓慢下降趋势, 发展中国家已经成为资源消费主体, 全球能源与矿产资源需求重心正在向亚洲转移; 以石油为例, 阐述了国际资源市场体系的演变及其脆弱性, 强调发展中国家经济发展的资源成本将呈不断上升态势, 低碳经济将推动全球新能源及相关产业快速发展, 提出了发展中国家应对国际资源格局变化的相关对策和建议。  相似文献   

湖南省矿山地质环境保护及恢复治理对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矿产资源开发如同一把双刃剑,长年的矿产资源开发一方面为我省经济建设做出了杰出的贡献,另一方面带来了大量的矿山地质环境问题,新老问题叠加,严重阻碍了部分地区经济社会的和谐发展。为贯彻"科学发展观",走"资源节约型"、"环境友好型"的两型社会以及绿色矿山的道路,矿山地质环境保护及恢复治理成为现今的重要议题。现以全省矿山地质环境调查资料为背景,从管理、制度、技术和资金等方面进行探讨,寻求解决我省矿业开发中出现的各类矿山地质环境问题的途径,促进矿业经济和谐发展。  相似文献   

北京市地质灾害状况及制定地质环境管理办法论证   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
论文从北京市自然地质背景和资源现状出发,根据目前资源开采中存在的地质环境问题、地质灾害程度以及地质环境发展趋势,论述了北京应尽快制定、颁布与实施地质环境管理办法的必要性、迫切性、可行性和相关依据。北京市主要有崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、地面沉降等地质灾害以及矿山环境污染,而针对这些问题开展的监测预报工作还很少。纵观北京市社会、经济及资源的利用与发展,已逐步显现出地质灾害、矿山环境等地质环境问题对社会经济发展带来的诸多困扰。目前地质灾害及地质环境管理的现状都显示出本市地质环境监测与预报工作还很薄弱,相应的法律、法规建设也不健全。因此,制定地质环境管理办法已迫在眉睫,应使地质环境管理有法可依,改善目前地质环境,保证北京市社会经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

当今人类社会 ,经济高速发展和生活方式快速变更 ,正在加剧环境质量的急剧退化 ,已严重地威胁着人类的健康生存和社会持续发展。环境质量是评判人类生存与发展环境好坏的尺度和表征。经济持续快速增长地区环境质量演变及持续发展研究已成为跨世纪的前沿课题。近年来 ,我国科学界从人类活动与地球表层系统相互作用与可持续发展的视角出发 ,对长江、珠江三角洲等社会经济快速发展地区的资源、环境与可持续发展进行的研究表明 ,对该地区有关人类活动、经济过程与环境质量演变 ,以及与经济社会持续发展的耦合关系尚有待深入认识和阐明。因此 ,以…  相似文献   

重庆市可持续发展过程中资源与环境问题刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先论述了资源、环境与社会可持续发展的辩证关系。然后介绍了重庆市资源、环境现状-资源供需形势严峻、生态环境脆弱、灾害频繁发生。最后提出了解决资源与环境矛盾的建议与对策-既不能走象改革开放初期的“先开发后治理”的以牺牲环境为代价的原始资本积累的老路,也不能走“严格环境限制下的资源开发”的发达国家后工业化模式;并有针对性地提出了6条具体措施和对策。  相似文献   

资源和环境问题是可持续发展的核心问题。为了实现资源枯竭型城市的可持续性发展,提高资源枯竭型城市及其周围地区的环境质量,使生态环境恶化的趋势有所减缓,逐步达到资源、环境与经济、社会相互协调发展的目的,以辽宁省阜新市为例,剖析了资源枯竭型城市由于长期资源开采造成的生态环境问题,介绍了生态环境灾害的调查方法与监测手段,提出了相应的生态环境治理修复方法与策略。通过建立具有系统综合性、动态可调性和实际可操作性的生态环境综合治理恢复模式,可以实现资源开发与生态环境建设的协调发展以及固体废弃物的再利用。文章还就资源枯竭型城市的生态环境研究方向及目标提出了合理化建议。  相似文献   

杨燮 《广西地质》1997,10(4):53-58
随着矿业由发达国家向发展中国家的渗透、发展,矿业界所面临的当地公众关系、社会政治压力和环境保护等。社会问题也日趋扩大和严重,矿业公司从勘探阶段就建立良好的公司一公众关系,已成为国际勘探项目是否成功的关键因素之一。  相似文献   

The link between natural resources and economic development is more and more regarded as a fact today even though the whole process of development is only partially understood. The awareness has now spread to the developing countries of the world where resources have yet to be developed to bring about an improvement in standards of living especially for rural populations, as well as a general improvement in the quality of life for the people. Unfortunately many of the resources of these countries are still to be surveyed and development planning is often based on flimsy, inadequate or even unreliable natural resource data. The improvement of data base for resource planning would go a long way to ensure more knowledge about natural resources in developing countries and better use and management of the available resources. There are economic, technological and environmental difficulties to be overcome before more efficient natural resource utilization in these countries could be achieved. The role of population growth in resource realization is still clouded with an inconclusive debate. But even more important is the need for technological assistance and the application of modern technology to food and agriculture and to other resources to ensure a better life for the populations of developing countries. Developments in agriculture will need the greatest attention since it is a primary resource which provides employment for large proportions of the population, food for the rural and urban populations and exportable surpluses required for the purchase of industrial goods for use in the other sectors of the economy. The activities of transnational corporations distort developments in agriculture and mining in many developing countries and many of these countries are today making greater moves to realize full sovereignty over their natural resources as a first step towards more efficient and meaningful planning for economic growth and development. Energy resources, and in particular the development of new and renewable sources of energy, present one of the greatest challenges to developing countries. Examples of the development of rural energy systems in China and India are promising to open the way to alternative forms of energy for the rural masses of other similarly placed developing countries. Finally, new developments in the natural resources debate concerned with the sharing of the resources of the oceans as seen in the Law of the Sea Conference are a pointer to a more equitable approach to the use of global resources for the continued development of the developed as well as the developing countries of the world.The view expressed in this paper are those of the author alone and do not necessarily represent those of the United Nations University.  相似文献   

中国环境地质研究主要进展与展望   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
张永双  孙璐  殷秀兰  孟晖 《中国地质》2017,44(5):901-912
环境地质研究是以人-地相互关系为核心、促进人类与地质环境协调共处的重大课题,受到国内外地质学界普遍关注。本文在简要回顾环境地质学科发展历程的基础上,较系统地总结了国内外环境地质研究的主要进展及存在的问题。结合我国当前生态文明建设和未来发展需求,提出环境地质研究是新时期地质工作的重要使命,未来发展方向和重点领域应涵盖城市地质研究、水资源可持续利用和管理、地质灾害监测与综合防治、生态环境系统保护、地球关键带相关问题研究等,强调学科交叉及新技术新方法的系统性研究,在合理开发利用资源和保护地质环境中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

国家资源环境安全的要素综合评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
资源环境安全问题始终是世界各国持续发展的核心任务和基本诉求。考虑到单要素和整体两大分析方法的不足,提出一种针对性很强的要素综合分析方法。根据世界上10个人口超过 1亿以上国家的抽样分析表明,土地、水资源、矿产及生态环境的整体状态是决定国家资源环境安全的基本所在。与此同时,为了改善国家,特别是发展中国家的 资源环境脆弱状态和提高其稳定程度,第一是要严格控制人口增长;第二是努力推进本国资源环境开发的国际化进程;第三是增大智力投入以提高资源深度化加工;第四是加大本国生态环境保护力度。  相似文献   

天然气水合物的环境效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
天然气水合物是近些年来发现的一种新型超级洁:争能源,因其在能源勘探、海底灾害环境和全球气候变化研究中的重要性而日益引起世界各国的高度重视。本文综述了天然气水合物在形成、分解过程中的加剧全球气候变暖、海底灾害和影响海洋生物等环境效应;指出将地质历吏时期的重大事件与天然气水合物产生的这些环境效应结合将成为今后的主要研究方向。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2018,1(4):556-565
Evaluations of resources and environmental carrying capacities (GRECC) are the premise of land space planning and use control. Resource allocations and environmental capacity are the basic conditions that restrict development in a region. In this paper, based on a systematic review of China’s geological environment, groundwater resources, mineral resources, other geological resources and the environmental carrying capacity research status, the relationship between the natural resource environmental system and the socio-economic system is studied. Then a “coordination theory of resources and environmental carrying” is proposed. Next, on the basis of an evaluation experiment performed at different scales and for different types of regions, the technical methods for an evaluation of the geological resources and environmental carrying capacity at the regional (inter-provincial) and provincial scales in China are established for the first time. This paper presents a standardized method based on technical ideas, evaluation methods, and index systems for geological resource and environmental carrying capacity evaluation. Finally, an evaluation of the groundwater resource carrying capacity in China is used as an example for the demonstration of the groundwater resource background and use of state evaluation methods.  相似文献   

The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region is an important engine for China’s socioeconomic development. Timely and effectively assessing constraint factors of resources and environment is of great significance for the sustainability assessment and the sustainable development of this region. However, comprehensive assessment research considering key resource and environmental constraints are still lacking. In this study, therefore, the limiting factors of resources and the environment in the BTH region were assessed based on the framework of landscape sustainability science. First, we chose five limiting factors, including topographic condition, geological environment, water resource, land resource, and atmospheric environment, to assess the constraints of resources and the environment using the single-factor evaluation method and the multi-factor comprehensive evaluation method. Based on the results, we divided the whole region into five subregions, i.e., the ecological conservation subregion, the geological disaster subregion, the water resource scarcity subregion, the atmospheric pollution subregion, and the cropland protection subregion. The results revealed that the northern BTH region was highly constrained by topographic conditions, the central BTH region was strongly constrained by geological environment and water resources, whereas the southern BTH region was constrained mainly by land resources and atmospheric environment. In addition, water resource was the main limiting factor for regional population growth and economic development. In 2010, the water resource scarcity subregion had a total population of 39.59 million, an urban population of 76.90%, and a gross domestic product of 2 455.57 billion yuan. We argue that the sustainable development of the BTH region should explicitly consider the resource and environmental limiting factors, implement land use optimization according to local conditions, maintain multiple land use types and diverse management strategies, based on the perspective of “strong sustainability”, so as to promote the regional sustainable development.  相似文献   

A preliminary systematic framework for considering the scientific bottlenecks to the development of natural resources is presented, as a basis for discussion and refinement. In giving particular attention to problems of resource use in developing countries, two main types of scientific bottlenecks are recognized. One concerns the quality and quantity of information on natural resources, and the use that is made of that information. The second relates to the quality and quantity of local manpower in the ecological and related sciences that is available to developing countries, and to the conditions that affect the promotion and stability of scientific endeavor in these countries.Action strategies for combatting these bottlenecks are proposed. These strategies emphasize the need to improve the scientific basis for the predictable use of natural resources, to facilitate multi-directional links of scientific cooperation between countries, and to help develop national self-reliance in research and management activities. They stress such principles of action as the promotion of a problem-oriented, interdisciplinary approach within specific geographic units, and the combination of research, training and demonstration within particular field activities. These features of suggested research run counter neither to scientific method nor to the freedom of scientific endeavor. They do, however, entail a change in the way that much research is conceived and organized. More particularly, they entail the incorporation of additional dimensions in the overall research effort, including that of a perception approach to problems.The views expressed in this article are the authors', and not necessarily those of Unesco.  相似文献   

杜轶伦 《地质通报》2017,36(1):80-89
近年来,国家对矿产资源的政策有很大转变。在能源结构上,正在减少使用煤炭等污染较大的能源矿产,居民供暖方面未来以天然气为主。同时限制一些高能耗高排放的金属制品。矿产生产方面,在中国,一些储量下降过快或产能过剩污染高的矿产,不再鼓励大量生产和对外出口,同时强调利用国外资源,满足国家需求。对矿产综合利用的重视也提高到了新的高度。丝绸之路经济带国家矿产资源丰富,希望通过吸引国外投资和先进技术,发展本国矿产经济,提高当地居民的生活水平。中国和中亚各国的需求对接,为中国政府、企业、地勘单位进入中亚进行矿产开发奠定了良好的基础。梳理了中国及中亚五国的矿产资源开发利用现状和相关政策,从外部环境、资源互补、环境保护、基础设施等方面分析了中国政府、企业、地勘单位在中亚进行矿产开发存在的机遇和挑战,并针对上述问题,提出了需求对接、资源整合、环境评估、基地建设等相关对策建议。  相似文献   

水资源(环境)承载力的研究进展   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46       下载免费PDF全文
概述了水资源(环境)承载力的概念、特征、量化评价方法及其总体研究的进展。强调了系统研究水资源(环境)承载力的重要现实意义。指出了当前研究中的不足,以及有待进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

资源环境承载能力评价是进行国土空间规划和用途管控的基础性工作,越来越受到国家重视。在资源环境承载能力研究实践中,以自然资源环境系统及其与社会经济系统的关系为主要研究对象,创新性提出了"资源环境承载协调理论",并基于此理论初步建立了不同空间尺度的地质资源环境承载能力评价技术方法,构建了地质环境、地下水资源、矿产资源等不同资源环境要素的承载能力评价指标体系,包括承载本底评价指标和承载状态评价指标。规范了不同尺度的资源与环境承载能力评价流程,为有序推动全国、区域及市县尺度的自然单元和行政单元的地质资源环境承载能力评价工作提供了强有力的。  相似文献   

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