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The 1995–1999 eruption of the Soufriere Hills volcano,Montserrat, has produced a crystal-rich andesite containingquench-textured mafic inclusions, which show evidence of havingbeen molten when incorporated into the host magma. Individualcrystals in the andesite record diverse histories. Amphibolephenocrysts vary from pristine and unaltered to strongly oxidizedand pseudomorphed by anhydrous reaction products. Plagioclasephenocrysts are commonly reverse zoned, often with dusty sievetextures. Reverse zoned rims are also common on orthopyroxenephenocrysts. Pyroxene geothermometry gives an average temperatureof 858 ± 20°C for orthopyroxene phenocryst cores,whereas reverse zoned rims record temperatures from about 880to 1050°C. The heterogeneity in mineral rim compositions,zoning patterns and textures is interpreted as reflecting non-uniformreheating and remobilization of the resident magma body by intrusionof hotter mafic magma. Convective remobilization results inmixing together of phenocrysts that have experienced differentthermal histories, depending on proximity to the intruding maficmagma. The low temperature and high crystallinity are interpretedas reflecting the presence of a cool, highly crystalline magmabody beneath the Soufriere Hills volcano. The petrological observations,in combination with data on seismicity, extrusion rate and SO2fluxes, indicate that the current eruption was triggered byrecent influx of hot mafic magma. KEY WORDS: Montserrat; eruption; magma mixing; mafic inclusion; sieve texture  相似文献   

WIEBE  R. A. 《Journal of Petrology》1988,29(2):383-411
The Newark Island Layered Intrusion occurs in the ProterozoicNain anorthosite complex of Labrador. It contains an exceptionalsuite of cumulates ranging from troctolites and gabbros to quartzmonzonites and intermediate hybrid rocks. These layered rocksformed in a chamber that was periodically fed by a wide rangeof basic and acid magmas, the compositions of which are preservedin numerous feeder dikes. Where basic magmas commingled withcooler granitic magma, they commonly formed chilled pillows.Because of periodic injections of both acid and basic magmasthe magma chamber was compositionally stratified for much ofits existence. At times, granitic cumulates formed along thechamber walls while mafic to intermediate hybrid cumulates formedon the floor. Stratigraphic and structural relations indicatethat the magma chamber grew upward during deposition, and thatit evolved from a west-dipping sheet to a north-plunging synform.Three major episodes of expansion can be linked to injectionsof large (e.g., 20km3) volumes of acid magma. The entry of thisacid magma into the chamber disrupted previously formed cumulates,creating enlarged feeders down which resident basic magma collapsed.The resultant structures (troughs) contain strongly chilledpillows of resident basic magma that existed near the bottomof the chamber at the time of acid replenishment.  相似文献   

The processes operating in the development of chemical zonationin silicic magma chambers have been addressed with a Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf–Thisotope study of the chemically zoned trachyte pumice depositof the Fogo A eruption, Fogo volcano, Azores. Sr isotopic variationis observed in whole rocks, glass separates and sanidine phenocrysts(whole-rock 87Sr/86Sr: 0·7049–0·7061; glass87Sr/86Sr: 0·7048–0·7052; sanidine 87Sr/86Sr:0·7048–0·7062). Thorium isotopic variationis observed in glass separates, with (230Th/232Th)o rangingfrom 0·8737 to 0·8841, and exhibiting a negativecorrelation with Sr isotopes. The Nd, Pb and Hf isotopic compositionsof the whole-rock trachytic pumices are invariant and indistinguishablefrom basalts flanking the volcano. The Sr isotope variationsin the whole rocks are proposed to be the result of three distinctprocesses: contamination of the Fogo A magma by assimilationof radiogenic seawater-altered syenite wall rock, to explainthe Sr and Th isotopic compositions of the glass separates;incorporation of xenocrysts into the trachytic magma, requiredto explain the range in feldspar Sr isotopic compositions; andpost-eruptive surface alteration. This study emphasizes theimportance of determining the isotopic composition of glassand mineral separates rather than whole rocks when pre-eruptivemagmatic processes are being investigated. KEY WORDS: Azores; open-system processes; Sr isotopes; trachytic pumices; zoned magma chambers  相似文献   

地幔平衡部分熔融过程中,微量元素在原始岩浆中(熔体)和初始固相母体物质中(地幔)遵循以下关系:C^iL/C^oL=1/[D F(1-D)];分离结晶成因的岩浆岩系,微量元素在残余岩浆中(C^iL)和母岩浆中(C^oL)遵循如下关系式:C^iL=C^iL*F^D-1。微量元素在部分熔融和分离结晶成岩方式中有独立的分布规律,因此利用微量元素对或比值的图解就可判别岩体(或脉岩)的成岩方式。选取微量元素Th-Yb、La-La/Yb、Th-Cr和Th-Ni图解对闽西基性脉岩成岩方式进行判别,发现闽西三个地区的基性脉岩均为地幔部分熔融作用所致,从而印证了闽西基性脉岩不是酸性岩浆演化的产物。  相似文献   

The Influence of Viscosity on Fountains in Magma Chambers   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
Geological observations suggest that basaltic magmas mix readilybut that rhyolites and basalts can erupt through the same volcanicvent without mixing. The implication is that viscosity may havean important influence on the mixing of magmas. This paper examines the influence of viscosity on magma mixingwhen a magma of low viscosity is injected as a turbulent fountaininto a chamber containing a magma of higher viscosity. Threeseries of experiments were carried out. In the first, the lowviscosity fluid was injected into the tank at a Reynolds number(Re1) of about 1000 to ensure that flow within the fountainwas fully turbulent. Both fluids were maintained at the sametemperature and the viscosity of the host fluid was varied systematically.If the viscosities of the two fluids are similar, turbulencein the fountain leads to extensive mixing and to formation ofa density-stratified layer which collects at the bottom of thetank. However, if the viscosity ratio of the fluids used isgreater than 400, no detectable mixing occurs. Motion withinthe fountain is again fully turbulent but the high momentumof the input fluid is not transmitted to the more viscous hostfluid. Experiments carried out at intermediate viscosity ratiosresulted in intermediate amounts of mixing. Theoretical considerations suggest that the criterion for mixingin turbulent fountains, when a fluid of low viscosity v1 isinjected into a fluid of much higher viscosity v2 is wd>kv2 where w is the flow velocity through an input pipe of diameterd and k is a constant. This relationship is believed to be ageneral one, applying equally to jets and plumes, although thevalues of k may vary with the nature of the flow. The secondseries of experiments was designed to test this relationshipand determine values of k for fountains. The results show that,if wd/v2 > 70, the inflowing fluid mixes with the host fluidas there was no viscosity difference between them. However,if wd/v2 < 7, little or no mixing occurs even if motion withinthe fountain is fully turbulent. In the third series of experiments the temperature of the inputfluid was 70?C above that of the host fluid. This led to heatingofa thin boundary layer of the host fluid, lowering the viscosityof the host fluid adjacent to the fountain and thus allowingadditional mixing between the fluids. This effect was most obviousin the experiment with the highest viscosity ratio (1229) wherea small amount of mixing was detected, compared with no mixingin the equivalent experiment in the first series. The criterion for mixing, wd> kv2 can be applied to naturalmagmas. The results show that if a primitive basaltic magmais injected, as a turbulent fountain or plume, into a chambercontaining fractionated basaltic magma, the two magmas willmix readily. However, if basaltic magma is injected into a chambercontaining granitic melt, little or no mixing occurs.  相似文献   

Analyses of Fe–Ti oxides help constrain models of magmastorage region processes for the Soufrière Hills Volcano,Montserrat (W.I.), and provide clear evidence of the natureof transient heating events in the magma storage region. Toconstrain timescales of magma heating and remobilization, theTiO2 zoning patterns in a time series of natural titanomagnetiteswere compared with those produced in controlled phase equilibriumexperiments on the andesite. Most samples of andesite eruptedfrom 1995 to 2002 contain titanomagnetite crystals with uniformcore compositions (TiO2  相似文献   

A petrological study was carried out on Mg-skarn-bearing dunitecumulates that are part of the Neo-Proterozoic Ioko-Dovyrenintrusion (North Baikal region, Russia). Skarn xenoliths containbrucite pseudomorphs after periclase, forsterite and Cr-poorspinel. Fine-grained forsterite–spinel skarns occur withthe brucite skarns or as isolated schlieren. Field relationshipsreveal that the Mg-skarns formed from silica-poor dolomiticxenoliths by interaction with the mafic magma of the Ioko-Dovyrenintrusion. Rapid heating of dolomitic xenoliths by the maficmagma caused the decomposition of dolomite into calcite + periclase,releasing much CO2. Further heating quantitatively melted thecalcite. A periclase-rich restite was left behind after extractionof the low-density, low-viscosity calcite melt. The extractedcalcite melt mixed with the surrounding mafic melt. This resultedin crystallization of olivine with CaO contents up to 1·67wt %. A local decrease in the silica concentration stabilizedCaAl2SiO6-rich clinopyroxene. Brucite/periclase-free forsterite–spinelskarns probably originated by crystallization from the maficmelt close to the xenoliths at elevated fO2. The high fO2 wascaused by CO2-rich fluids released during the decompositionof the xenoliths. The above case study provides the first evidencefor partial melting of dolomite xenoliths during incorporationby a mafic magma. KEY WORDS: dunite; dolomite assimilation; partial melting  相似文献   

Kiglapait Mineralogy I: Apatite, Biotite, and Volatiles   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Electron microprobe analyses show that Upper Zone apatites inthe Kiglapait intrusion are fluorine rich and contain minorchlorine and hydroxyl (calculated). Apatite from the Outer BorderZone has a higher Cl content. The refractive indices of UZ apatites have the following ranges: = 1.6345–1.6379, = 1.6326–1.6352, and B = 0.0020–0.0028.The birefringence is low for apatites with these refractiveindices. Some Outer and Upper Border Zone apatites have higherindices of refraction and normal birefringence. Fractional crystallization of the basaltic Kiglapait magma producedcumulus apatite beginning at the 94 per cent solidified levelwhen P2O5 reached saturation in the liquid. The amounts of P2O5and modal apatite decreased gradually from the 94 per cent tothe 99.99 per cent solidified level as the liquid was depletedin P2O5. F and Cl appear to be equally partitioned between theliquid and apatite because no fractionation trends are notedbetween the two halogens. There is a slight decrease in thecalculated ratio OH/F in apatite which suggests possible depletionof OH in the liquid with fractionation. Kiglapait apatites appear to be stoichiometric, based on microprobechemistry, refractive index, and unit cell dimensions. However,infrared absorption analyses show no detectable water, whichleaves approximately 11 per cent of the monovalent anion siteunaccounted for. Anion deficiencies in apatites from low-H2Oenvironments may be explained either by substitution of O forF, or domains of tetracalcium phosphate. Non-cumulus biotite occurs in minor quantities in the intrusion.Electron microprobe analyses of Upper Zone biotites show thatthey contain an average (by weight) pf 0.4 per cent F, 0.07per cent Cl, and 4.0 per cent H2O (calculated). The volatile chemistry of the Kiglapait intrusion is calculatedfrom apatite and biotite chemistry. The intrusion contains anestimated 900 ppm P2O5, 166 ppm F, and 12 ppm Cl. There is amaximum of 68 ppm H2O using calculated H2O from microprobe data,or a minimum of 8 ppm using H2O from infrared analysis. It isproposed that the anhydrous basaltic Kiglapait magma was a secondpartial melt of amphibole-bearing mantle rock.  相似文献   

Kiglapait Geochemistry I: Systematics, Sampling, and Density   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
MORSE  S. A. 《Journal of Petrology》1979,20(3):555-590
The Kiglapait intrusion affords many opportunities for evaluatingplutonic fractionation processes. Estimates of boundary conditionsinclude emplacement of anhydrous high alumina basaltic magmaat 4 kbar and about 1250 °C, initial crystallization nearthe WM buffer, and fractionation to Mg-free ferrosyenite whichcrystallized at 960°C, somewhat above the WM buffer. Thelast ferrosyenites represent fractionation to 0.01 per centof the initial volume. Plagioclase varies from An67 to An10, olivine from Fo69 to Fo0,and augite from En73 to En0. The specific gravity of the intrusionis 2.93, varying between 2.87 and 3.18 on smoothed models. Crystals accumulated chiefly at the floor. As they did so, themagma depth decreased as the square root of the volume fractionof liquid. The volume fraction solidified was roughly proportionalto time. Cooling was slower than the t relation because of hotsurroundings on one side. The crystallization time was about106 yr, and the average accumulation rate was about 1 cm/yr.Average crystal concentrations of 3–300 ppm are impliedfor the nucleation zone. The cooling rate corresponds to crystallizationof 2 x 107 kg/yr per km2 roof area, about 550 times slower thana lava lake. Calculated liquid densities range from 2.67 to 2.88 g/cm3 athigh temperatures. Feldspar almost surely did not sink in themagma, but nevertheless it accumulated mainly on the floor.Cooperative sinking with mafics as proposed by Coats, combinedwith oscillatory nucleation as proposed by Wager, may accountfor this paradox. Oscillatory nucleation leading to feldspar-supersaturatedliquids is supported by laboratory evidence on the feldspar-likestructure of liquids and the concave-úp plagioclase liquidusin systems involving olivine. Both lines of evidence imply highpolymerization of feldspar-rich liquids, particularly in slowprocesses. Such polymerization can help to explain the genesisof primary Eu anomalies and anorthositic magmas in additionto the floor accumulation of feldspar and rhythmic layering.  相似文献   

The South Kawishiwi intrusion, located along the western marginof the Duluth Complex, Minnesota, is one of several compositeintrusions that are found in the Complex. The Duluth Complexis the principal exposed plutonic portion of the 1.1 Ga MidcontineniRift system. In the Spruce Road area the South Kawishiwi intrusionis divided into seven distinct units that are part of the broaderSouth Kawishiwi Troctolite Series defined by Severson (Tech.Rep. NRRI/TR-91/13a, Natural Resources Research Institute, Universityof Minnesota, Duluth, 1994). Units may be characterized as follows:Unit I—basal accumulation of heterogeneous gabbro, troctolite,and norite; Unit II—norite with abundant inverted pigeonite;Unit III—troctolite and olivine gabbro with local oxide-richlayers; Unit IV—mlatroctolite, troctolite, olivine gabbro;Unit VI—increased plagioclase abundance in troctolitesand leucocratic troctolites; Unit VI—strongly alteredtroctolite; Unit VII—similar to Unit V, troctolite andleucocratic troctolite. Country rocks in the Spruce Road areaare granodiorite to quartz monzonite of the Archean Giants RangeBatholith. Sutfide mineralization, consisting of 1–5 vol.% of disseminated pyrrhotitt, cubanite, chalcopyrite and pentlandite,occurs in Units I, II, III, and VI. Oxygen isotopic analysesindicate that Unit II has experienced extensive crustal contamination.18O values of Unit II range from 6.9 to 7.1% and are 18O enrichedcompared with values of 5.1–6.8% found in other units.Silica contamination is indicated based not only on 18O values,but also by the predominance of orthopyroxene in the unit. Possiblehigh-18O contaminant rocks include the Giants Range Batholithand pelitic rocks of the Lower Proterozoic Virginia Formationor Biwabik Iron Formation. Mass balance computations suggestthat units in the Spruce Road area may be related through varyingdegrees of fractionation of a high-Al, olivine tholeiite magma.Modeling of trace element concentrations and variations in mineralchemistry suggest that discontinuities within the major unitsdeveloped by in situ boundary-layer equilibrium crystallizationof solidification zones 20–50 m in thickness, followedby recharge of fresh magma. Upward enrichment of incompatibleelements, olivine Fa content, and plagioclase Ab content maybe effectively explained by this process. 18O values of uncontaminatedrock types are strongly correlative with modal mineralogy, andcan also be modeled by boundary-layer fractionation, A parentalmagma 18 O value of 6.3% is calculated for Unit VII based onolivine and plagioclase values, and is similar to that of severalother large, layered mafic intrusives. KEY WORDS: Duluth Complex; South Kawishiwi Intrusion; high-Al olivine tholeiite; open system crystallization; oxygen isotopes * Present address: Korea Basic Science Center, Isotope Research Group, Yeocun Dong 224–1, Yusung Ku, Yusung P.O. Box 41, Taejean 305–333, Korea  相似文献   

长白山天池火山双岩浆房岩浆作用与互动式喷发   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
广义的长白山火山在我国境内包括天池火山、望天鹅火山、图们江火山和龙岗火山,是我国最大的第四纪火山岩分布区。长白山各个火山区的火山活动具有此起彼伏的穿时性特征,天池火山之下地壳和地幔两个岩浆房具有上下呼应、互动式喷发之特点。一方面来自地幔的钾质粗面玄武岩浆直接喷出地表,在天池火山锥体内外形成诸多小火山渣锥;另一方面钾质粗面玄武岩浆持续补给地壳岩浆房,发生岩浆分离结晶作用和混合作用,形成双峰式火山岩特征并触发千年大喷发。西太平洋板块俯冲-东北亚大陆弧后引张是长白山天池火山喷发的动力学机制。  相似文献   

The Braccia gabbro complex (Eastern Central Alps, Northern Italy)intruded the boundary between the Adriatic lowermost continentalcrust and the subcontinental upper mantle in Permian times.The gabbro complex consists mainly of gabbro–norites withminor dykes of quartz diorite and Fe–Ti–P-rich diorite.The gabbro–norites contain abundant cumulus clino- andorthopyroxene and only small amounts of olivine, indicatingcrystallization at high pressure (  相似文献   

The Jinchuan Ultramafic Intrusion: Cumulate of a High-Mg Basaltic Magma   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:30  
The Jinchuan intrusion, situated in Gansu province, China, isan ultramafic dyke-like body emplaced in the Longshoushan upliftedterrain on the southwest margin of the Sino-Korea platform.The intrusion is 6 km long, 350 m wide and hosts a major Ni-Cusulfide deposit. It comprises three subchambers: the west, west-central,and east. The two western subchambers are narrow and deep, andboth are laterally zoned from dunite in the core through Iherzoliteto olivine pyroxenite toward the margins. The eastern subchamberis shallow and wide, and it shows vertical stratification gradingfrom dunite at the base upward into Iherzolite and plagioclaseIherzolite, then back to Iherzolite at the top. Sixty rock samples from the Jinchuan intrusion have been analyzedfor major and trace elements, and 54 samples were also analyzedfor the REE. All samples contain > 24 wt.% MgO, with themajority having > 35% when recalculated to 100% anhydrous.Negative linear correlations are observed between MgO and mostother constituents (except for a few such as Na2O, K2O, Sr,and Rb, which may have been affected by alteration), and itappears that the rocks were essentially formed as mixtures ofcumulus olivine and primary magma. Electron microprobe analyses show olivine compositions fromFo79 to Fo86, with most between Fo83 and Fo85. The MgO/(MgO+ FeO) value of the primary magma is calculated to have been 0.64, and its MgO content is estimated to have been 12 wt.%.Thus, the Jinchuan igneous body is probably the ultramafic cumulateportion of an intrusion of a high-magnesium basaltic magma relatedto continental rifting. We suggest that the two western subchambers of the Jinchuanintrusion represent the main conduit to the original magma chamberand that their zoning was formed by flow differentiation. Theeastern subchamber probably represents a higher level of themagma chamber, where crystallization was marked by convectionand periodic replenishment. After consolidation, the Jinchuanintrusion was tilted to the east so the deeper parts of thewestern subchambers are now exposed to the same erosion levelas the shallower part of the eastern subchamber.  相似文献   

南岭东段燕山期镁铁质岩浆活动可划分为4个阶段(中侏罗世、晚侏罗世、早白垩世和晚白垩世),分别对应4次重要的伸展拉张作用时期.镁铁质岩石具有基本类似的Nd-Sr同位素特征,ISr较高(一般介于0.705~0.710之间) ,εNd值变化范围较大(介于-7.90~5.16之间),表明其岩浆源为壳-幔混合源性质.镁铁质岩石具有板内拉斑玄武岩特征,系形成于板内拉张环境,表明该区在燕山早期的中侏罗世即已进入后造山演化阶段.岩石的成因模式为地幔镁铁质岩浆在上升至地壳底部过程中,受到地壳组分的混染,在岩石圈伸展的深部背景和浅部拉张状态下形成.  相似文献   

The Lilloise is an 8 km4 km layered mafic intrusion which cutsthe plateau basalts of the East Greenland Tertiary province.Lilloise was intruded at 50 Ma, 4–5 Ma after cessationof the voluminous tholeiitic magmatism which accompanied riftingof the East Greenland continental margin. Lilloise is unusualamong layered intrusions in the province because it had a hydrousalkali picrite parent magma and generated a late-stage effluxof magmatic water from the intrusion into the aureole rocks.The three major subdivisions of the layered rocks are: olivine-clinopyroxene,olivine-clinopyroxene-plagioclase and plagioclase-amphibolecumulates. Massive subsidence of the intrusion before completesolidification resulted in deformation of the internal layeringand downturn of the bedding in the surrounding basalts. A strikingfeature of the intrusion is the injection of the layered rocksby a plexus of magmatic sheets which formed at the time of subsidence.The composition of these sheets is representative of the fractionationtrend of the intrusion and ranges from hawaiite to mildly saturatedquartz trachyte. The fractionation trend is successfully explainedby extraction of cumulus minerals of the layered rocks froma parent magma represented by alkali picrite dykes of a contemporaneousregional dyke swarm. Saturated to mildly over-saturated syenitesare a major component of the East Greenland province and theLilloise intrusion is illustrative of an important magmatictrend towards such compositions at this stage in the openingof the North Atlantic. KEY WORDS: Lilloise intrusion; East Greenland; alkali picrite magma; layered intrusion; magmatic differentiation *Corraponding author  相似文献   

Isotopic ratios of Nd and Sr have been measured in a suite of samples spanning most of the exposed stratigraphy of the Skaergaard intrusion in order to detect and quantify input (such as assimilated wallrock and fresh magma) into the magma chamber during crystallization. Unlike 18O and D, Nd and Sr isotope ratios do not appear to have been significantly affected by circulation of meteoric waters in the upper part of the intrusion. Variations in initial 87Sr/86Sr and Nd suggest that the Skaergaard magma chamber was affected during its crystallization by a small amount (2%–4%) of assimilation of Precambrian gneiss wallrock (high 87Sr/86Sr, low Nd) and possibly recharge of uncontaminated magma. Decreases in Nd and increases in 87Sr/86Sr during the early stages (0%–30%) of crystallization give way to approximately unchanging isotopic ratios through crystallization of the latest-deposited cumulates. Modelling of assimilation-fractional crystallization-recharge processes using these data as constraints shows that the assimilation rate must have been decreasing throughout crystallization. In addition, the isotope data allow replenishment by an amount of uncontaminated magma equal to 20%–30% of the total intrusion mass, occurring either continuously or in pulses over the first 75% of crystallization. Comparison of the recharge models with published Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) data from Skaergaard cumulates shows that the modelled replenishment rates are not inconsistent with available major element data, although significant recharge during the final 25% of crystallization can be ruled out. The isotope data show that the Skaergaard magma could have incorporated only a small amount of the gneiss that it displaced from the floor of the chamber; assimilation appears to have taken place primarily across a partially molten zone that formed at the roof from the wallrock that was dislodged during emplacement. In the latest stages of crystallization (>75% crystallized), the Skaergaard magma may have become stratified into two separately-convecting layers, effectively insulating Layered Series cumulates from further contamination.  相似文献   

刘亮  邱检生  李真 《地质论评》2011,57(3):327-336
浙江沐尘石英二长岩体中普遍发育形态各异的暗色镁铁质微粒包体.本文运用LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年技术,对该石英二长岩和其中的暗色镁铁质微粒包体进行了精确的年龄测定,获得的年龄分别为112.1土1.0Ma和112.4士1.2Ma,二者在误差范围内一致,说明它们同时形成,这为指示包体属岩浆混合作用成因提供了关键证据....  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of strontium in the different partsof the differentiated Skaergaard intrusion has been determined.The average Sr87/Sr86 ratio for the basic rocks was found tobe 0?7065?0?002. Higher values, between 0?7101 and 0?7303, wererestricted to the late-stage acid granophyres. The Sr87/Sr86ratios for the basic Skaergaard rocks are similar to those foundby previous workers. The enrichment in Sr87 expressed in theSr87/Sr86 ratio is taken to indicate contamination of the acidgranophyres by a source enriched in Sr87. From considerationsbased upon circumstantial evidence the average country rock,composed of old Precambrian acid to intermediate gneiss, isnot sufficiently enriched in.Sr87 to account for the Sr87 enrichmentobserved in the acid granophyres by a simple assimilation process.At the present stage of the investigation the enrichment ofthe acid granophyres in Sr87 is unexplained.  相似文献   

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