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The Calabrian–Peloritan Hercynian Range includes three weakly metamorphosed Palaeozoic sequences cropping out in north-eastern Sila (Bocchigliero sequence), southern Sila, Serre and Aspromonte (Stilo sequence), and in the Peloritan Mountains (Peloritan sequence). The work reported here considers the Bocchigliero sequence and comprises part of a geological, petrological and geochemical research programme on the Palaeozoic evolution of the Calabrian–Peloritan Arc. The Bocchigliero sequence constitutes the lower tectonic unit of the Hercynian Caiabrian–Peloritan Range and is overthrusted by the metamorphic Mandatoriccio Unit. The Bocchigliero sequence is a terrigenous–carbonate–volcanic association, is affected byclow grade metamorphism, contains Cambro-Ordovician fossils and extends in age from the Cambrian to the Devonian. The terrigenous material is represented by meta-arenites and metapelites (Cambrian–Devonian); the volcanics include metatuffites (Cambrian and Ordovician), metabasalts (Cambro-Ordovician), metaandesites and metarhyolites (Ordovician and Siluro-Devonian); limestone beds are present in the Devonian. It is believed that the Palaeozoic Bocchigliero basin formed in the Cambrian on a continental crust in which the rocks constituting today's Mandatoriccio Unit were located at 3–8 km depth. The crustal thinning in the Cambro-Ordovician led to fracturing and upwelling of alkaline within-plate basaltic magmas, whereas in the Ordovician the thinning took place under conditions of higher plasticity. In this latter period an increase in temperature resulting from mantle upwelling produced crustal partial melts of andesite and rhyolite composition. In addition, this thermal uprise was responsible for regional metamorphism characterized by low pressures and by the absence of penetrative deformation. The effects of this metamorphism are well developed in the rocks of the Mandatoriccio Unit. In the Silurian and Devonian, progressive closing of the basin took place. The Palaeozoic sequence was then subjected to Variscan low pressure–low temperature metamorphism and Alpine deformation.  相似文献   

Structural and petrological analyses on the Alì Unit, in the Peloritani Thrust Belt, document the first evidence for Alpine exhumation associated with syn-orogenic extension in this part of the Calabria-Peloritani Arc. The Alì Unit displays ductile structures occurred during three Alpine deformation phases (Da1, Da2, Da3). Da1 and Da3 developed in a contractional context, whereas Da2 was generated in an extensional regime. The present-day tectonic contact between the Alì Unit and the overlying Mandanici Unit is interpreted as a low-angle extensional detachment responsible for the metamorphic break between the two units. Structural overprinting relationships indicate that the development of Da2 structures and related tectonic exhumation occurred during syn-convergence extension, and were followed by further nappe stacking in the Peloritani Belt. To cite this article: R. Somma et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

The Navalpino Anticline is a major Variscan structure in the Central Iberian Zone of Spain. Three lithological groups are defined in the pre-Ordovician rocks of this anticline. The Rifean or Lower Vendian Extremeño Dome Group is unconformably overlain by the Upper Vendian Ibor-Navalpino Group. This latter group presents two different facies separated by a NW-SE trending synsedimentary fault. The Lower Cambrian Valdelacasa Group unconformably overlies both the Extremeno Dome and the Ibor-Navalpino Groups.Three pre-Variscan episodes of deformation have been defined in the area of the Navalpino Anticline. A major asymmetrical fold with a subvertical east-west-striking limb is the result of the first deformation event of pre-Late Vendian age. The second deformation event is of Cadomian (Late Precambrian) age and is composed of two stages; (i) an early extensional stage including NW - SE trending extensional fault and basin development in the north-eastern block; and (ii) a second compressive stage giving rise to north-south trending upright folds. This second compressive stage possibly inverted the basin. A final pre-Variscan deformation event took place between the Early Cambrian and the Early Ordovician resulting in a 5–10° tilting to the north-east.There are two main phases of Variscan deformation in the area. The first deformation event (Dv1) gave rise to a upright WNW - ESE trending folds on all scales, whereas the second (Dv2) gave rise to a brittle—ductile sinistral strike-slip shear zone tending subparallel to the axial trace of the Dv1 folds.  相似文献   

Lower Palaeozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks east of Queanbeyan, N.S.W., have undergone multiple deformation resulting in four systems of folds. The first of these consists of large isoclinal, recumbent folds (F1). The second generation folds (F2) are the most pronounced; they consist of flattened flexural‐slip folds with well developed axial‐plane slaty cleavage. Minor variants of this system are associated with meridionally‐trending faults. Third and fourth generation folds are minor kink systems.

The existence of first generation folds was established on the basis of F2 fold‐facing determinations, and their likely form was deduced from the geometrical variations of F2 folds. It is thought that all fold phases developed during the Late Silurian Bowning Orogeny.  相似文献   

The Asturian Arc was produced in the Early Permian by a large E–W dextral strike–slip fault (North Iberian Megashear) which affected the Cantabrian and Palentian zones of the northeastern Iberian Massif. These two zones had previously been juxtaposed by an earlier Kasimovian NW–SE sinistral strike–slip fault (Covadonga Fault). The occurrence of multiple successive vertical fault sets in this area favoured its rotation around a vertical axis (mille-feuille effect). Along with other parallel faults, the Covadonga Fault became the western margin of a proto-Tethys marine basin, which was filled with turbidities and shallow coal-basin successions of Kasimovian and Gzhelian ages. The Covadonga Fault also displaced the West Asturian Leonese Zone to the northwest, dragging along part of the Cantabrian Zone (the Picos de Europa Unit) and emplacing a largely pelitic succession (Palentian Zone) in what would become the Asturian Arc core. The Picos de Europa Unit was later thrust over the Palentian Zone during clockwise rotation. In late Gzhelian time, two large E–W dextral strike–slip faults developed along the North Iberian Margin (North Iberian Megashear) and south of the Pyrenean Axial Zone (South Pyrenean Fault). The block south of the North Iberian Megashear and the South Pyrenean Fault was bent into a concave, E-facing shape prior to the Late Permian until both arms of the formerly NW–SE-trending Palaeozoic orogen became oriented E–W (in present-day coordinates). Arc rotation caused detachment in the upper crust of the Cantabrian Zone, and the basement Covadonga Fault was later resurrected along the original fault line as a clonic fault (the Ventaniella Fault) after the Arc was completed. Various oblique extensional NW–SE lineaments opened along the North Iberian Megashear due to dextral fault activity, during which numerous granitic bodies intruded and were later bent during arc formation. Palaeomagnetic data indicate that remagnetization episodes might be associated with thermal fluid circulation during faulting. Finally, it is concluded that the two types of late Palaeozoic–Early Permian orogenic evolution existed in the northeastern tip of the Iberian Massif: the first was a shear-and-thrust-dominated tectonic episode from the Late Devonian to the late Moscovian (Variscan Orogeny); it was followed by a fault-dominated, rotational tectonic episode from the early Kasimovian to the Middle Permian (Alleghenian Orogeny). The Alleghenian deformation was active throughout a broad E–W-directed shear zone between the North Iberian Megashear and the South Pyrenean Fault, which created the basement of the Pyrenean and Alpine belts. The southern European area may then be considered as having been built by dispersal of blocks previously separated by NW–SE sinistral megashears and faults of early Stephanian (Kasimovian) age, later cut by E–W Early Permian megashears, faults, and associated pull-apart basins.  相似文献   


U-Pb. systematics of detrital zircons carry a mineral-specific information summarizing important geologic events during the preelastic slate of the minerals. Comparisons with U/Pb isotope rati of zircons from potential provenances reveal relationships between source areas of the zircons and their final location of deposition in a sedimentary basin. The Palaeozoic zircon detritus accumulated in sedimentary basins on the Rhenohercynian crustal segment is taken as an example to elucidate the plate-tectonical induced changes of the source areas by significant changes of the 206Pb/238 vs. 207Pb/235ratios in the zircons.

The U-Pb systematic of detrital zircon- from the Cambrian sediments deposited in the Brabant Massif and in the Ardennes indicale two source areas. Part of the detritus derived from an area. where strong Cadomian-Panafrican events influenced the U-Pb systems of the zircons. The oilier part reflects a source, in which the U-Pb systems were able to preserve their Arehaean to Early Proterozoic age information. Zircons of the latter source record the most ancient ages so far observed in detrital zircons of the later Rhenohercynian crustal seg ment. The similarities with the U/Pb isotope ratios of zircons from the Armorican Massif, the Bohemian Massif. and certain regions of the Mps indicate a geotectonic position of the sedimentar) basin during Cambrian times in the periphery of the Condwana mega-continent.

The detrital zircons accumulated in the Variscan Rhenish basin during the Lower Devonian show a completely different summarizing age information. The majority of the zircons reflect a Laurussian-type origin. which suggests a palaeogeographic position of the Variscan Rhenohercynian basin close to Laurussia. Euhedral zircons crystallized during Caledonian times document the erosion of Caledonian granitoids from structural highs in the Mid European Caledonides.

Zircons of the Lower Carboniferous flysch sediments of todays Eastern Rhenish Massif originate from two source areas characterised by very different geologic histories. Euhedral zircons represent a rather young component of about 410 Ma in the detritus, whereas. in contrast. the well rounded crystals show a summarizing age-information identical to that of the zircons found in the Cambrian sandstones. The low ages resemble intrusion ages as recorded from the Mid-German-Crystalline-Rise, the high age reflect a Gondwana-type input into the Rhenohercynian sedimentary basin during Lower Carboniferous times. The detritus thus documents the Variscan collision and a renewed coherence of the Rhenohercynian crustal segment to Cnndwana.

The zircon population from Upper Carboniferous molasse deposits is comprised of Condwana-tуpc material and of mate rial with similar U/Pb ratios as recorded in the Lower Devonian zircons. In parts the Variscan molasse must have been derived from sediments once deposited in a southern part of the Rhenohercynian basin and in the Saxothurìngian basin. U/Pb ratios of euhedral and round diamond-like lustrous zircons indicate a major geologic event at the Namurian/Westphalian boundary (310-315 Ma). These zircons thus reflect an influx of detritus into the molasse from other source rocks, probably synsedimentary volcanics.  相似文献   

A comparison has been made between the average compositions of the granites in the Variscan, Caledonian, and Alpine orogenic belts of western Europe. Their respective compositions lie near the isobaric minima in the system Q-Or-Ab-H2O for successively higher water pressures, whereas metamorphic facies series indicate that the three orogenic belts developed under successively lower geothermal gradients. These relationships are consistent with an origin of the granitic magmas by partial melting in the crust.  相似文献   

The break-up of Pangaea after the Variscan Orogeny included rifting extending southwards from the Barents Sea via the Norwegian–Greenland Rift and into the North Sea, and northwards from the Central Atlantic. These two major rift systems interacted to form an approximately 1200-km-wide transfer zone across the British Isles, where a complex network of basins developed during the Mesozoic. Fault patterns were commonly controlled by reactivation of Precambrian, Caledonian and Variscan structures. The two main rift systems were unable to breach this regional transfer zone, where the crust had been thickened by the Caledonian and Variscan orogenies, until the Eocene. Breaching did not occur down the North Sea and through the English Channel because of Alpine contraction in NW Europe. Instead, breaching occurred around the west of Ireland and NW Scotland, so the British Isles remained connected to Europe rather than to the North American Plate.  相似文献   

The paper presents novel information on the Caledonian orogeny in Ireland. A series of Dalradian (Upper Precambrian-Lower Cambrian) metasedimentary rocks occur as an envelope to a granitic igneous complex at Slieve Gamph, Western Ireland. These metasedimentary rocks have been deformed at several distinct times and evidence is shown for the following sequence of events:
  1. formation of major nappe structures and a tectonic slide. The axial-plane traces of the folds probably trended N. E.-S. W.
  2. formation of upright, gently plunging folds with axial-plane traces of the folds trending N. E.-S. W. Emplacement of the components of the Slieve Gamph igneous complex.
  3. formation of a conjugate set of folds:
    1. Open folds with N. N. E.-S. S. W. trending axial-planes which dip to the east,
    2. Open folds with E.W. trending axial-planes which dip to the north.
  4. formation of kink-bands, open and conjugate folds with an axialplane trace trending N. W.-S. E.
Late phase of faulting. No isotopic dates are available for these structural events.  相似文献   

中国东南六省元古代—侏罗纪构造演化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
万天丰 《地球科学》1989,14(1):45-50

A comparison of the petro-tectonic features recorded in the Variscan Massifs scattered throughout the Alps, the Corsica-Sardinia-Maures-Tanneron Massif, the Calabria-Peloritani Arc, and the Northern Apennines, has allowed us to propose that they belonged to the same geodynamic realm until Late Carboniferous time. In the interval 330–300 Ma, the development of a regional dextral strike–slip shear zone, the East Variscan Shear Zone (EVSZ), affected all the massifs, leading to their spatial separation. The EVSZ developed, together with numerous regional shear zones, under a transpressional tectonic regime deriving from the Late Carboniferous collision between Gondwana, peri-Gondwana microcontinents (Armorica and Avalonia), and Laurussia plates. The EVSZ evidently played a key role in the evolution of the subsequent Alpine and Apenninic cycles, acting as a pre-existing tectonic barrier. Our proposed geodynamic reconstruction does not reflect the acquisition of new data, but is based on the analysis and review of the recent geological literature.  相似文献   


Several Late Palaeozoic granites which intrude strata of the Silurian‐Devonian Hodgkinson Province, north Queensland, display pronounced west‐northwest‐east‐southeast orientations, as do a suite of brittle structures that have affected both the plutons and country rocks. These features define a 20 km‐wide, west‐northwest‐trending zone, here named the Desailly Structure, which traverses the Hodgkinson Province and extends west across the Palmerville Fault into the Proterozoic Yambo Inlier. Deformation within the Desailly Structure was heterogeneously partitioned into zones of west‐northwest‐east‐southeast faulting separated by tracts of competent country rock. The latter contain a pervasive north‐south‐trending structural grain which locally controlled pluton emplacement and resulted in a meridional orientation of many granitoid bodies. Initiation of the Desailly Structure is attributed to have occurred syn‐ to post‐D2 of the regional deformation history. It was reactivated in the Hunter‐Bowen Orogeny (D4), with the zone expressing an overall sinistral sense of displacement.  相似文献   

The Palaeozoic of the western Pyrenees shows two superposed tectonics easily defined by their different geometry and the major unconformity of the Permian sediments and volcanics on the Devono-Carboniferous series: an Hercynian tectonic found only in the pre-Permian series, characterised by kilometric westward recumbent folds with a weak cleavage; a Pyrenean tectonic, characterised by tight east–west folds, upright to overturned to the south with slaty cleavage, which is the only deformation found in the Permian and Mesozoic series and the second deformation in the pre-Permian Palaeozoic. The Hercynian folding, roughly perpendicular to the trend of the Pyrenees characterises the northern branch of the Ibero-Armorican virgation. To cite this article: P. Matte, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 773–779.  相似文献   

Structural trends in the Celtic Sea area indicate that Variscan deformation patterns were inherited from Caledonian basement structures, and that the regional fold alignment is arcuate with a regional WSW-ENE direction rather than WNW-ESE (Armorican). There is no lateral structural continuity between Southern Ireland and South Wales-Southwest England. Three major structural provinces arranged en échelon across the Variscan foldbelt are recognised: (a) Southwest England, where there was complex deformation of a major basin; (b) the South Wales-Mendips foreland area, with strong basement/cover interaction and (c) the Southern Ireland graben and flanking platform province. Late Palaeozoic depositional patterns indicate that Southern Ireland and Southwest England were separated by a WSW-ENE trending platform bounded on the north by the inherited Wexford Boundary Lineament and to the south by a previously unidentified major Palaeozoic fault zone, here termed the Bristol Channel Lineament. The South Wales-Mendips Variscan successions accumulated on this intervening Wales-Celtic Sea platform, and were partly influenced by rejuvenated Caledonian fault lines. It is suggested that the northern margin of the Rheno-Hercynian foldbelt (the Variscan Front) be taken along the Bristol Channel Lineament, which can be traced for some 400 km southwestwards towards the Goban Spur on the continental margin. This permits a rationalisation of both tectonic and major facies boundaries in locating the front. It is also suggested that the structurally localised nature of the Southern Ireland basin be recognised by designating it as the Southern Ireland Zone of the Variscan foldbelt.The sites of Mesozoic rifting in the Celtic Sea and adjacent areas, although complex in detail, appear to have been located along the Wexford Boundary and Bristol Channel Lineaments.  相似文献   

In the northern Apennines, the Palaeozoic basement involved in the Late Oligocene–Middle Miocene nappe stack contains metamorphic units for which hypothetical ages have been assigned on the basis of lithological correlations with the Palaeozoic formations of the Variscan chain in Sardinia. This uncertainty concerning the age poses limitations to reconstructing the Palaeozoic stratigraphy, defining the Alpine and pre‐Alpine histories and correlations with other domains of the Variscan chain. We present the U Pb age of detrital zircon and the 40Ar 39Ar age of metamorphic muscovite for the Calamita Schist and Ortano Porphyroid, two metamorphic units of undetermined Palaeozoic age cropping out in the eastern Elba Island. The radioisotopic data allows us to: (i) define the Early Carboniferous and Middle Ordovician ages for the Calamita Schist and Ortano Porphyroid, respectively, as well as their derivation (flysch deposit and magmatic rocks); (ii) pose some constraints concerning their alpine tectonic and metamorphic histories. These new data generate a more precise reconstruction of the Palaeozoic sequence in the northern Apennines, and they document that the Palaeozoic basement involved in the alpine deformation underwent internal stacking with an inversion of the original sequence. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study reviews the origin of two approximately east‐west‐trending synclines in the Lake Julius area at the eastern edge of the Leichhardt Rift. The genesis of one of these structures can be found in a north‐south shortening event (D1) that occurred at the beginning of the compressional Isan Orogeny (at ca 1600 Ma). Metasediments in a cross‐rift were rammed against a competent buttress defined by the pre‐existing rift architecture, producing the approximately east‐west‐trending Somaia Syncline and its associated axial‐plane slaty cleavage. In contrast, the Lake Julius Syncline was produced by reorientation of an originally approximately north‐south‐trending (D2) fold, in a transpressional zone adjacent to a strike‐slip fault, at the end of the Isan orogeny. The effects of late fault movement can be partially reconstructed, based on correlations assuming that regionally developed trains of upright folds formed during the peak of the Isan Orogeny (D2). These folds have been offset, as well as having been tightened and disrupted at the same time as fault movements took place. The overall pattern of movement in the Lake Julius region can be explained as the result of an ‘indentor’ ramming into the ancient edge of the Leichhardt Rift, which acted as a buttress.  相似文献   

New studies have been carried out on the Tertiary of the Stilo Unit, the uppermost of the Calabria–Peloritani Arc southern sector, and the Stilo–Capo d'Orlando Formation, sealing the whole nappe stack. The Tertiary terrains linked to the Mesozoic cover of the Stilo Unit consist of the lowermost Oligocene Palizzi Formation and the Late Rupelian–Aquitanian Pignolo Formation. The possibility that they deposited before the emplacement of this unit as the highest tectonic sheet of the sector is suggested. The base of the Stilo–Capo d'Orlando Formation resulted of Burdigalian age in both type areas. This interpretation, together with the existing and new data, allows proposing an age close to the Aquitanian–Burdigalian boundary for the stacking of the whole Calabria–Peloritani Arc southern sector. To cite this article: G. Bonardi et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 423–430.  相似文献   

The Avalon Platform, which is often assumed to be the southeastern margin of the Appalachian—Caledonian orogenic belt, is represented in New Brunswick by the Late Precambrian volcanic rocks of the Coldbrook Group underlain by the metacarbonates and gneisses of the Greenhead Group. The overlying Palaeozoic sequence has been affected by the Acadian (Siluro-Devonian) and Variscan orogenic movements. Granites and a dyke/sill swarm of possible Precambrian age intrude the metasedimentary and volcanic rocks. A pre-Acadian structural event in the Greenhead Group is associated with the local formation of migmatite gneisses. The New Brunswick succession is compared with Cape Breton, Newfoundland and the British Isles. An ensialic volcanic-arc model is proposed for the unified ‘Avalon Platform’ that, during the Late Precambrian, stretched from present-day southern Massachusetts to southern Britain as a microcontinent. The Acadian, Caledonian and Variscan orogenies and the later Mesozoic distentional movements resulted in the fragmentation of the platform.  相似文献   

In Cap Corse, progressive deformation during Late Cretaceous obduction of the ophiolitic Schistes Lustrés (sensu lato) as a pile of imbricate, lens-shaped units during blueschist facies metamorphism was non-coaxial. Two zones are recognized: a lower series emplaced towards the west is overlain by a series emplaced towards the south-southwest in Cap Corse. Equivalent structures (differing only in orientation) occur in both zones. The change in thrust direction was responsible for local refolding and reorientation of previously formed structures, parallel to the new stretching direction immediately below the thrust contact between the two zones, and within localized shear zones in the underlying series.Both zones are refolded about E-overturned F2 folds trending between 350 and 025°. Local minor E-directed thrusts occur associated with the F2 folds. This second deformation of Middle Eocene age is considered to be related to the backthrusting of an overlying klippe containing gneisses of South Alpine origin, and is followed by a third Late Eocene phase of upright 060°-trending F3 folds accompanied by greenschist facies metamorphism.  相似文献   

One of the main tectonic boundaries of the Variscan Belt in the Iberian Peninsula is the Ossa-Morena/Central Iberian contact. This contact is marked by a highly deformed unit (Central Unit) which recorded an initial high-pressure/high-temperature metamorphic evolution. Rb-Sr whole-rock isotopic data from three gneissic bodies cropping out in the Central Unit yield two Late Proterozoic ages (690 ± 134 and 632 ± 103 Ma) and an early Palaeozoic age (495 ± 13 Ma), which we interpret as protolith ages. The two Late Proterozoic orthogneisses show initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios typical of mantle-derived materials or those with significant mantle participation (87Sr/86Sr > 0.709). These new radiometric data, together with ages previously published and the structural evolution of the Central Unit, lead to the conclusions that: (1) there are magmatic protoliths of Late Proterozoic and Early Palaeozoic ages; (2) the metamorphic evolution of this area, including the high-pressure event, belongs to the Variscan orogenic cycle; (3) the deformations observed affect the rocks of the entire Central Unit, accordingly they are post-Ordovician, i.e. Variscan; and (4) consequently, the Ossa-Morena/Central Iberian contact is interpreted here as a Variscan suture.  相似文献   

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