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A tectonic model of Alpine Corsica is proposed based on geological studies. Its evolution starts after the Jurassic with intraoceanic subduction, followed by mid-Cretaceous subduction of the European continental margin under the oceanic segment of the Adriatic plate. After subduction of the continental crust to a depth of ≈ 150 km, slices of crustal material are buoyantly uplifted together with high-pressure oceanic rocks (ophiolites and 'schistes lustrés'). High pressure–low temperature continental gneiss units overthrust the outer segments of the European crust, while producing a normal sense motion along the upper surface of the rising crustal body. During the Eocene, the closure of the remnant Ligurian oceanic basin separating the proto Corsican belt and Adria, resulted in a second orogenic phase with the emplacement of unmetamorphosed ophiolitic nappes which overthrust the previously exhumed and eroded HP belt. This Corsican model suggests an original evolutionary path for orogenic belts when continental collision is preceded by intraoceanic subduction.  相似文献   

The geological data on the Mediterranean chains and basins are used to point out the constraints that they put on the location through time of oceanic versus continental lithosphere and on the successive relations between them. Emphasis is put on the rules and conventions which enable us to interpret the geological data in terms of plate tectonics and on the major disputed points for which a solution must be chosen.In the first part, the location of oceanic versus continental lithosphere is dealt with, using the data on the present-day basins, the ophiolites and the subduction processes. A Neogene age is retained for the Western Mediterranean and the surrounding continental blocks are considered to have been previously a part of Iberia. A Cretaceous age is retained for the Eastern Mediterranean; Apulia is considered as a part of the African plate except for this period. The Black Sea is considered as a back-arc basin formed mostly during the Upper Cretaceous. The ophiolites are used to locate the Mesozoic oceans; for the double ophiolitic belts of the Dinaro-Hellenides and the Taurides, the tectonic interpretations which minimise the number of oceanic basins have been retained. For the Kirsehir block of Turkey, the chosen solution locates a Jurassic ocean to the north and makes it disappear when a Cretaceous ocean opens to the south. Data on the subduction processes added to the information on these basins and led us to consider as oceanic the unknown basements of the Carpathian flysch and the Maghrebian flysch basins.The second part deals with the organisation of basins and platforms, emphasising the chronology of their formation and subsequent crushing. It furnished step by step constraints on the tectonic history of the system which is related to plate displacement.The general pattern derived from these data shows a wedge-shaped Tethyan ocean which disappeared mostly through repeated subduction below the eastern part of its northern margin. The Jurassic stage shows westward extension of the ocean between the Eurasian and African plates and ends with the Dinaro-Hellenic obduction; the Cretaceous stage shows a complete reorganisation including individual displacement of the Iberian, Apulian and Kirsehir sub-plates; the Tertiary stage shows the general collision between the renewed Eurasian and African plates and Neogene subduction of the basins which avoided collision.  相似文献   

This paper presents several types of new information including U–Pb radiometric dating of ophiolitic rocks and an intrusive granite, micropalaeontological dating of siliceous and calcareous sedimentary rocks, together with sedimentological, petrographic and structural data. The new information is synthesised with existing results from the study area and adjacent regions (Central Pontides and Lesser Caucasus) to produce a new tectonic model for the Mesozoic–Cenozoic tectonic development of this key Tethyan suture zone.

The Tethyan suture zone in NE Turkey (Ankara–Erzincan–Kars suture zone) exemplifies stages in the subduction, suturing and post-collisional deformation of a Mesozoic ocean basin that existed between the Eurasian (Pontide) and Gondwanan (Tauride) continents. Ophiolitic rocks, both as intact and as dismembered sequences, together with an intrusive granite (tonalite), formed during the Early Jurassic in a supra-subduction zone (SSZ) setting within the ?zmir–Ankara–Erzincan ocean. Basalts also occur as blocks and dismembered thrust sheets within Cretaceous accretionary melange. During the Early Jurassic, these basalts erupted in both a SSZ-type setting and in an intra-plate (seamount-type) setting. The volcanic-sedimentary melange accreted in an open-ocean setting in response to Cretaceous northward subduction beneath a backstop made up of Early Jurassic forearc ophiolitic crust. The Early Jurassic SSZ basalts in the melange were later detached from the overriding Early Jurassic ophiolitic crust.

Sedimentary melange (debris-flow deposits) locally includes ophiolitic extrusive rocks of boninitic composition that were metamorphosed under high-pressure low-temperature conditions. Slices of mainly Cretaceous clastic sedimentary rocks within the suture zone are interpreted as a deformed forearc basin that bordered the Eurasian active margin. The basin received a copious supply of sediments derived from Late Cretaceous arc volcanism together with input of ophiolitic detritus from accreted oceanic crust.

Accretionary melange was emplaced southwards onto the leading edge of the Tauride continent (Munzur Massif) during latest Cretaceous time. Accretionary melange was also emplaced northwards over the collapsed southern edge of the Eurasian continental margin (continental backstop) during the latest Cretaceous. Sedimentation persisted into the Early Eocene in more northerly areas of the Eurasian margin.

Collision of the Tauride and Eurasian continents took place progressively during latest Late Palaeocene–Early Eocene. The Jurassic SSZ ophiolites and the Cretaceous accretionary melange finally docked with the Eurasian margin. Coarse clastic sediments were shed from the uplifted Eurasian margin and infilled a narrow peripheral basin. Gravity flows accumulated in thrust-top piggyback basins above accretionary melange and dismembered ophiolites and also in a post-collisional peripheral basin above Eurasian crust. Thickening of the accretionary wedge triggered large-scale out-of-sequence thrusting and re-thrusting of continental margin and ophiolitic units. Collision culminated in detachment and northward thrusting on a regional scale.

Collisional deformation of the suture zone ended prior to the Mid-Eocene (~45?Ma) when the Eurasian margin was transgressed by non-marine and/or shallow-marine sediments. The foreland became volcanically active and subsided strongly during Mid-Eocene, possibly related to post-collisional slab rollback and/or delamination. The present structure and morphology of the suture zone was strongly influenced by several phases of mostly S-directed suture zone tightening (Late Eocene; pre-Pliocene), possible slab break-off and right-lateral strike-slip along the North Anatolian Transform Fault.

In the wider regional context, a double subduction zone model is preferred, in which northward subduction was active during the Jurassic and Cretaceous, both within the Tethyan ocean and bordering the Eurasian continental margin.  相似文献   

In Alpine Corsica, the Jurassic ophiolites represent remnants of oceanic lithosphere belonging to the Ligure‐Piemontese Basin located between the Europe/Corsica and Adria continental margins. In the Balagne area, a Jurassic ophiolitic sequence topped by a Late Jurassic–Late Cretaceous sedimentary cover crops out at the top of the nappe pile. The whole ophiolitic succession is affected by polyphase deformation developed under very low‐grade orogenic metamorphic conditions. The original palaeogeographic location and the emplacement mechanisms for the Balagne ophiolites are still a matter of debate and different interpretations for its history have been proposed. The deformation features of the Balagne ophiolites are outlined in order to provide constraints on their history in the framework of the geodynamic evolution of Alpine Corsica. The deformation history reconstructed for the Balagne Nappe includes five different deformation phases, from D1 to D5. The D1 phase was connected with the latest Cretaceous/Palaeocene accretion into the accretionary wedge related to an east‐dipping subduction zone followed by a Late Eocene D2 phase related to emplacement onto the Europe/Corsica continental margin. The subsequent D3 phase was characterized by sinistral strike‐slip faults and related deformations of Late Eocene–Early Oligocene age. The D4 and D5 phases were developed during the Early Oligocene–Late Miocene extensional processes connected with the collapse of the Alpine belt. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Apennine-Maghrebian fold-and-thrust belt devel-oped from the latest Cretaceous to Early Pleistocene at the subduction-collisional boundary between the Euro-pean and the westward-subducted Ionian and Adria plates. Large parts of the Mesozoic oceanic lithosphere were subducted during an Alpine phase from the Late Cretaceous to Middle Eocene. The chain developed through the deformation of major paleogeographic internal domains (tectono-sedimentary sequences of the Ligurian-Piedmont Ocean) and external domains (sedi-mentary sequences derived from the deformation of the continental Adria-African passive mareinL The continu-ity of the Apennine chain is abruptly interrupted in the Calabrian Arc by the extensive klippe of Kabylo-Calabrian crystalline exotic terranes, derived from deformation of the European passive margin.Major complexities (sharp deflections in the arcuate configuration of the thrust belt, out-of-sequence propagation of the thrusts) are referred to contrasting rheology and differential buoyancy of the subducted lithosphere (transitional from conti-nental to oceanic) and consequent differential roll-back of the Adria plate margin, and to competence contrasts in the Mesozoic stratigraphic sequences,where multiple décollement horizons at different stratigraphic levels may have favored significant differential shortening.From the Late Miocene, the geometry of the thrust belt was strongly modified by extensional fault-ing, volcanic activity, crustal thinning and formation of oceanic crust correlated with the development of the Tyrrhenian Basin.  相似文献   

We present a map that correlates tectonic units between Alps and western Turkey accompanied by a text providing access to literature data, explaining the concepts used for defining the mapped tectonic units, and first-order paleogeographic inferences. Along-strike similarities and differences of the Alpine-Eastern Mediterranean orogenic system are discussed. The map allows (1) for superimposing additional information, such as e.g., post-tectonic sedimentary basins, manifestations of magmatic activity, onto a coherent tectonic framework and (2) for outlining the major features of the Alpine-Eastern Mediterranean orogen. Dinarides-Hellenides, Anatolides and Taurides are orogens of opposite subduction polarity and direction of major transport with respect to Alps and Carpathians, and polarity switches across the Mid-Hungarian fault zone. The Dinarides-Hellenides-Taurides (and Apennines) consist of nappes detached from the Greater Adriatic continental margin during Cretaceous and Cenozoic orogeny. Internal units form composite nappes that passively carry ophiolites obducted in the latest Jurassic–earliest Cretaceous or during the Late Cretaceous on top of the Greater Adriatic margin successions. The ophiolites on top of composite nappes do not represent oceanic sutures zones, but root in the suture zones of Neotethys that formed after obduction. Suturing between Greater Adria and the northern and eastern Neotethys margin occupied by the Tisza and Dacia mega-units and the Pontides occurred in the latest Cretaceous along the Sava-İzmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture zones. The Rhodopian orogen is interpreted as a deep-crustal nappe stack formed in tandem with the Carpatho-Balkanides fold-thrust belt, now exposed in a giant core complex exhumed in late Eocene to Miocene times from below the Carpatho-Balkan orogen and the Circum-Rhodope unit. Its tectonic position is similar to that of the Sakarya unit of the Pontides. We infer that the Rhodope nappe stack formed due to north-directed thrusting. Both Rhodopes and Pontides are suspected to preserve the westernmost relics of the suture zone of Paleotethys.  相似文献   


This work deals with the Cretaceous-Tertiary Helminthoid flysch successions of the Emilian Apennines and related basal complexes (Mt. Caio, Val Baganza, Solignano, Mt. Venere-Monghidoro and Mt. Cassio Units): it is based on an integrated approach which included stratigraphic, petrographic and structural observations. Detailed stratigraphic sections measured in the various successions evidenced the specific features of the different flysch formations. The main framework composition analysis of the arenites pointed out a partly ‘oceanic’ alimentation for the Mt. Caio Flysch Fm; the Mt. Venere-Monghidoro, and Mt. Cassio Flysch Fms have been alimented exclusively by a terrigenous detritus mainly derived from continental basement source areas. The heavy mineral assemblage of the Mt. Caio Flysch Fm is characterized by picotite, that of the Mt. Venere-Monghidoro, Solignano and Mt. Cassio Flysch Fms commonly contains straurolite, garnet and chloritoid, generally considered to be typical products of the Adriatic continental margin. The calcareous nannofossils biostratigraphy indicated that the flysch sedimentation started during the Late Campanian and ended between the Paleocene (Mt. Cassio Flysch Fm and Mt. Venere-Monghidoro Fms) and the Middle Eocene (Mt. Caio Flysch Fm). We propose a schematic paleogeographic restoration for the External Ligurian Domain which implies a more internal position for the Mt. Caio succession and a more external one for the Mt. Venere-Monghidoro and Mt. Cassio successions. The Helminthoid flyschs sedimented after and during deformation and subduction phases in perched and fore-arc basins partly overlying the marginal part of the Adriatic plate. The External Ligurian nappes’ stacking consists, in the study area, from the bottom, of the following units: Caio Unit, Val Baganza Ophiolitic Unit, Monghidoro Unit, Cassio Unit. This pile of thrust-nappes, sealed by the Epiligurian succession, has been already realized before Late Eocene. In our opinion it was generated by a frontal west-verging frontal accretion process (offscraping), which let the flysch successions remain, in this phase, quite undeformed. This westverging thrusting phase, starting from the Middle-Late Eocene, has been followed by an important folding event which generated striking hectometric and kilometric ‘Apenninic’ reverse folds, sometimes associated with NE-verging thrust surfaces. The Oligocene and post-Oligocene evolution is characterized by a block-translation of the Ligurian staking over the Subligurian, Tuscan and Umbrian Domains, associated with a new generation of minor thrusts and thrust related Apenninic folds. © 2000 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2005,173(1-4):15-51
The Ulukışla Basin, the southerly and best exposed of the Lower Tertiary Central Anatolian Basins, sheds light on one of the outstanding problems of the tectonic assembly of suture zones: how large deep-water basins can form within a zone of regional plate convergence. The oldest Ulukışla Basin sediments, of Maastrichtian age, transgressively overlie mélange and ophiolitic rocks that were emplaced southwards onto the Tauride microcontinent during the latest Cretaceous time. The Niğde-Kirşehir Massif forming the northern basin margin probably represents another rifted continental fragment that was surrounded by oceanic crust during Mesozoic time. The stratigraphic succession of the Ulukışla Basin begins with the deposition of shallow-marine carbonates of Maastrichtian–Early Palaeocene age, then passes upwards into slope-facies carbonates, with localised sedimentary breccias and channelised units, followed by deep-water clastic turbidites of Middle Palaeocene–Early Eocene age. This was followed by the extrusion of c. 2000 m of basic volcanic rocks during Early to Mid Eocene time. After volcanism ended, coral-bearing neritic carbonates and nummulitic shelf sediments accumulated along the northern and southern margins of the basin, respectively. Deposition of the Ulukışla Basin ended with gypsum deposits including turbidites, debris flows, and sabkhas, followed by a regional Oligocene unconformity.The Ulukışla Basin is interpreted as the result of extension (or transtension) coupled with subsidence and basic volcanism. After post-volcanic subsidence, the basin was terminated by regional convergence, culminating in thrusting and folding in Late Eocene time. Comparisons of the Ulukışla Basin with the adjacent central Anatolian basins (e.g. Tuzgölü, Sivas and Şarkişla) support the view that these basins formed parts of a regional transtensional (to extensional) basin system. In our preferred hypothesis, the Ulukışla Basin developed during an intermediate stage of continental collision, after steady-state subduction of oceanic crust had more or less ended (“soft collision”), but before the opposing Tauride and Eurasian continental units forcefully collided (“hard collision”). Late Eocene forceful collision terminated the basinal evolution and initiated uplift of the Taurus Mountains.  相似文献   

Slow–ultraslow spreading oceans are mostly floored by mantle peridotites and are typified by rifted continental margins, where subcontinental lithospheric mantle is preserved. Structural and petrologic investigations of the high-pressure (HP) Alpine Voltri Massif ophiolites, which were derived from the Late Jurassic Ligurian Tethys fossil slow–ultraslow spreading ocean, reveal the fate of the oceanic peridotites/serpentinites during subduction to depths involving eclogite-facies conditions, followed by exhumation.

The Ligurian Tethys was formed by continental extension within the Europe–Adria lithosphere and consisted of sea-floor exposed mantle peridotites with an uppermost layer of oceanic serpentinites and of subcontinental lithospheric mantle at the rifted continental margins. Plate convergence caused eastward subduction of the oceanic lithosphere of the Europe plate and the uppermost serpentinite layer of the subducting slab formed an antigorite serpentinite-subduction channel. Sectors of the rather unaltered mantle lithosphere of the Adria extended margin underwent ablative subduction and were detached, embedded, and buried to eclogite-facies conditions within the serpentinite-subduction channel. At such P–T conditions, antigorite serpentinites from the oceanic slab underwent partial HP dehydration (antigorite dewatering and growth of new olivine). Water fluxing from partial dehydration of host serpentinites caused partial HP hydration (growth of Ti-clinohumite and antigorite) of the subducted Adria margin peridotites. The serpentinite-subduction channel (future Beigua serpentinites), acting as a low-viscosity carrier for high-density subducted rocks, allowed rapid exhumation of the almost unaltered Adria peridotites (future Erro–Tobbio peridotites) and their emplacement into the Voltri Massif orogenic edifice. Over in the past 35 years, this unique geologic architecture has allowed us to investigate the pristine structural and compositional mantle features of the subcontinental Erro–Tobbio peridotites and to clarify the main steps of the pre-oceanic extensional, tectonic–magmatic history of the Europe–Adria asthenosphere–lithosphere system, which led to the formation of the Ligurian Tethys.

Our present knowledge of the Voltri Massif provides fundamental information for enhanced understanding, from a mantle perspective, of formation, subduction, and exhumation of oceanic and marginal lithosphere of slow–ultraslow spreading oceans.  相似文献   

New data on geology, geochemistry, and isotope systematics of lavas in the East Sikhote-Alin area, along with earlier published evidence for the Sea of Japan, provide insights into the dynamics of back-arc basins and their role in the tectonic and magmatic history of continental margins. Right-lateral strike-slip faulting, the key event in the Cenozoic history of East Sikhote-Alin, apparently had no relation with the subduction in post-Eocene time. At that time, the Late Cretaceous subduction ended and oceanic asthenosphere with Pacific-type MORB isotope signatures injected into the subcontinental mantle through slab windows. The Sea of Japan opening began in the Eocene with formation of small rift basins in the Tatar Strait, which accumulated coastal facies. During the main Miocene phase of activity, the zone affected by oceanic asthenosphere moved eastward, i.e., to the modern deepwater Sea of Japan. The effect of oceanic asthenosphere on the continental margin ended in the Late Miocene after the Sea of Japan had opened and new subduction initiated east of the Japan Islands.  相似文献   

赵志刚  王鹏  祁鹏  郭瑞 《地球科学》2016,41(3):546-554
东海盆地处于西太平洋俯冲带前缘,是发育在华南克拉通基底之上的,以晚白垩世-新生代沉积为主的新生代盆地.东海盆地性质是在活动大陆边缘减薄陆壳之上的,由于洋-陆俯冲消减所引起的张裂、拉伸作用而形成的弧后裂谷型盆地,是西太平洋众多“沟-弧-盆”体系的一部分.东海盆地陆架外缘隆起控制着东海盆地的演化过程,该地质单元形成于晚白垩世,是陆缘隆起和增生楔的复合体,中新世后由于菲律宾海板块的活动而解体为现今的钓鱼岛隆褶带和琉球隆起.结合对陆架外缘隆起的研究后认为,东海盆地晚白垩世以来的演化历程具有3大构造阶段,即:第一阶段,古新世-中始新世西部坳陷形成发展期;第二阶段,中始新世-渐新世东部坳陷形成发展期,其中,中晚始新世太平洋板块的转向是东、西部坳陷构造迁移的分界点;第三阶段,中新世-全新世,东海盆地进入到菲律宾板块影响时期,原先的构造格局开始分解.   相似文献   

The Cretaceous orogen of the Western Carpathians comprises fragments of the destructed northern Centrocarpathian domain, which is defined as Infratatric unit and formed a continental margin facing the Penninic Ocean in Jurassic and Cretaceous times. The breakup event and opening of the Penninic Ocean occurred in the Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian), which is recorded by an abrupt deepening event from shallow-water sediments to deep-water nodular limestone in the Infratatric sediment succession. The transformation of the passive into an active continental margin by the onset of subduction of the Penninic oceanic crust occurred in Santonian times and is reflected by the beginning of flysch deposition in the Infratatric Belice domain, which took the position of a forearc basin in the convergent margin setting. The forearc basin was supplied by clastic material from the more internal part of the Infratatric unit, which experienced nappe stacking, metamorphism, and subsequent exhumation in Late Cretaceous times. In the frontal part of the forearc basin an accretionary wedge was built up, which formed an outer-arc ridge and delivered detrital material into the forearc basin in Maastrichtian time. Final collision between the European and the Adriatic plate occurred in the Eocene period and is responsible for weak metamorphism in the Infratatric unit.  相似文献   


— Stratigraphic and petrographic analysis of the Cretaceous to Eocene Tibetan sedimentary succession has allowed us to reinterpret in detail the sequence of events which led to closure of Neotethys and continental collision in the NW Himalaya.

During the Early Cretaceous, the Indian passive margin recorded basaltic magmaüc activity. Albian volcanic arenites, probably related to a major extensional tectonic event, are unconformably overlain by an Upper Cretaceous to Paleocene carbonate sequence, with a major quartzarenite episode triggered by the global eustatic sea-level fall at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. At the same time, Neotethyan oceanic crust was being subducted beneath Asia, as testified by calc-alkalic volcanism and forearc basin sedimentation in the Transhimalayan belt.

Onset of collision and obduction of the Asian accretionary wedge onto the Indian continental rise was recorded by shoaling of the outer shelf at the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, related to flexural uplift of the passive margin. A few My later, foreland basin volcanic arenites derived from the uplifted Asian subduction complex onlapped onto the Indian continental terrace. All along the Himalaya, marine facies were rapidly replaced by continental redbeds in collisional basins on both sides of the ophiolitic suture. Next, foreland basin sedimentation was interrupted by fold-thrust deformation and final ophiolite emplacement.

The observed sequence of events compares favourably with theoretical models of rifted margin to overthrust belt transition and shows that initial phases of continental collision and obduction were completed within 10 to 15 My, with formation of a proto-Himalayan chain by the end of the middle Eocene.  相似文献   

Remnants of the Liguria-Piemont Ocean with its Jurassic ophiolitic basement are preserved in the South Pennine thrust nappes of eastern Switzerland. Analysis of South Pennine stratigraphy and comparison with sequences from the adjacent continental margin units suggest that South Pennine nappes are relics of a transform fault system. This interpretation is based on three arguments: (1) In the highly dismembered ophiolite suite preserved, Middle to Late Jurassic pelagic sediments are found in stratigraphic contact not only with pillow basalts but also with serpentinites indicating the occurrence of serpentinite protrusions along fracture zones. (2) Ophiolite breccias (»ophicalcites«) occurring along distinct zones within peridotite-serpentinite host rocks are comparable with breccias from present-day oceanic fracture zones. They originated from a combination of tectonic and sedimentary processes: i.e. the fragmentation of oceanic basement on the seafloor and the filling of a network of neptunian dikes by pelagic sediment with locally superimposed hydrothermal activity and gravitational collapse. (3) The overlying Middle to Late Jurassic radiolarian chert contains repeated intercalations of massflow conglomerates mainly comprising components of oceanic basement but clasts of acidic basement rocks and oolitic limestone also exist. This indicates a close proximity between continental and oceanic basement. The rugged morphology manifested in the mass-flow deposits intercalated with the radiolarites is draped by pelagic sediments of Early Cretaceous age.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2001,14(5):307-320
In the Northern Apennines, the External Liguride (EL) units are interpreted as derived from the domain that joined the Ligure–Piemontese oceanic basin to the Adriatic plate continental margin. The EL units can be divided into two different groups according to the lithostratigraphic features of the basal complexes underlying the Upper Cretaceous–Lower Tertiary carbonate flysch (e.g. Helminthoid flysch). The first group includes the western successions characterized by Santonian–Campanian sedimentary melanges where slide blocks of lherzolitic mantle, gabbros, basalts, granulites, continental granitoids are represented. The second group is represented by the eastern successions where the Cenomanian–Campanian basal complexes mainly consist of sandstones and conglomerates where the mafic and ultramafic rocks are scarce or completely lacking. Their original substrate is represented by the Middle Triassic to Lower Cretaceous, mainly platform carbonate deposits, found as slices at the base of the eastern successions.The stratigraphic features shown by the basal complexes allow the reconstruction of their source area that is assumed to be also representative for the pre-Upper Cretaceous setting. The proposed reconstruction suggests the occurrence in the EL domain of two distinct domains. The eastern domain was characterized by a thinned and faulted continental crust belonging to the Adriatic continental margin. The western domain was instead floored by subcontinental mantle associated with lower and upper continental crust, representing the ocean–continent transition. This setting is interpreted as the result of the opening of the Ligure–Piemontese oceanic basin by passive rifting, mainly developed by simple shear, asymmetric extension of the continental crust.  相似文献   

Chronological succession in the formation of spreading basins is considered in the context of reconstruction of breakdown of Wegener’s Pangea and the development of the geodynamic system of the Arctic Ocean. This study made it possible to indentify three temporally and spatially isolated generations of spreading basins: Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, Late Cretaceous-Early Cenozoic, and Cenozoic. The first generation is determined by the formation, evolution, and extinction of the spreading center in the Canada Basin as a tectonic element of the Amerasia Basin. The second generation is connected to the development of the Labrador-Baffin-Makarov spreading branch that ceased to function in the Eocene. The third generation pertains to the formation of the spreading system of interrelated ultraslow Mohna, Knipovich, and Gakkel mid-ocean ridges that has functioned until now in the Norwegian-Greenland and Eurasia basins. The interpretation of the available geological and geophysical data shows that after the formation of the Canada Basin, the Arctic region escaped the geodynamic influence of the Paleopacific, characterized by spreading, subduction, formation of backarc basins, collision-related processes, etc. The origination of the Makarov Basin marks the onset of the oceanic regime characteristic of the North Atlantic (intercontinental rifting, slow and ultraslow spreading, separation of continental blocks (microcontinents), extinction of spreading centers of primary basins, spreading jumps, formation of young spreading ridges and centers, etc., are typical) along with retention of northward propagation of spreading systems both from the Pacific and Atlantic sides. The aforesaid indicates that the Arctic Ocean is in fact a hybrid basin or, in other words, a composite heterogeneous ocean in respect to its architectonics. The Arctic Ocean was formed as a result of spatial juxtaposition of two geodynamic systems different in age and geodynamic style: the Paleopacific system of the Canada Basin that finished its evolution in the Late Cretaceous and the North Atlantic system of the Makarov and Eurasia basins that came to take the place of the Paleopacific system. In contrast to traditional views, it has been suggested that asymmetry of the northern Norwegian-Greenland Basin is explained by two-stage development of this Atlantic segment with formation of primary and secondary spreading centers. The secondary spreading center of the Knipovich Ridge started to evolve approximately at the Oligocene-Miocene transition. This process resulted in the breaking off of the Hovgard continental block from the Barents Sea margin. Thus, the breakdown of Wegener’s Pangea and its Laurasian fragments with the formation of young spreading basins was a staged process that developed nearly from opposite sides. Before the Late Cretaceous (the first stage), the Pangea broke down from the side of Paleopacific to form the Canada Basin, an element of the Amerasia Basin (first phase of ocean formation). Since the Late Cretaceous, destructive pulses came from the side of the North Atlantic and resulted in the separation of Greenland from North America and the development of the Labrador-Baffin-Makarov spreading system (second phase of ocean formation). The Cenozoic was marked by the development of the second spreading branch and the formation of the Norwegian-Greenland and Eurasia oceanic basins (third phase of ocean formation). Spreading centers of this branch are functioning currently but at an extremely low rate.  相似文献   

All the geological constraints for an exhaustive reconstruction of the Triassic to Tertiary tectonic history of the southern Dinaric-Hellenic belt can be found in Albania and Greece. This article aims to schematically reconstruct this long tectonic evolution primarily based on a detailed analysis of the tectonic setting, the stratigraphy, the geochemistry, and the age of the ophiolites. In contrast to what was previously reported in the literature, we propose a new subdivision on a regional scale of the ophiolite complexes cropping out in Albania and Greece. This new subdivision includes six types of ophiolite occurrences, each corresponding to different tectonic units derived from a single obducted sheet. These units are represented by: (1) sub-ophiolite mélange, (2) Triassic ocean-floor ophiolites, (3) metamorphic soles, (4) Jurassic fore-arc ophiolites, (5) Jurassic intra-oceanic-arc ophiolites, and (6) Jurassic back-arc basin ophiolites. The overall features of these ophiolites are coherent with the existence of a single, though composite, oceanic basin located east of the Adria/Pelagonian continental margin. This oceanic basin was originated during the Middle Triassic and was subsequently (Early Jurassic) affected by an east-dipping intra-oceanic subduction. This subduction was responsible for the birth of intra-oceanic-arc and back-arc oceanic basins separated by a continental volcanic arc during the Early to Middle Jurassic. From the uppermost Middle Jurassic to the Early Cretaceous, an obduction developed, during which the ophiolites were thrust westwards firstly onto the neighboring oceanic lithosphere and then onto the Adria margin.  相似文献   

新疆北部古生代大陆增生构造   总被引:35,自引:2,他引:35  
古生代亚洲中部是一幅两陆夹一洋、洋中多地体的构造图案,大地构造框架与现代西南太平洋格局十分相似。中亚造山带是晚古生代复杂地体的拼贴带。新疆北部古生代存在4类成因的8个地体构造。它们以裂解陆块地层块体、海山和火山弧的形式散布在中蒙大洋中,诸地体间是一系列的小洋盆。晚古生代,这些地体开始彼此拼贴并导致强烈推覆作用。石炭纪末-二叠纪初,中蒙大洋闭合,散布其中的诸地体分别增生到塔里木大陆北缘和西伯利亚大陆南缘。北天山-准噶尔地区6条蛇绿岩带记录了诸地体间碰撞事件。  相似文献   

南海北部陆缘盆地形成的构造动力学背景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
摘要:南海北部陆缘盆地处于印度板块与太平洋及菲律宾海板块之间,但三大板块对南海北部陆缘盆地的影响是不同的。通过对三大板块及古南海演化的研究,可知南海北部陆缘地区应力环境于晚白垩世发生改变。早白垩世处于挤压环境,晚白垩世以来转变为伸展环境并且不同时期的成因不同。晚白垩世-始新世,华南陆缘早期造山带的应力松弛、古南海向南俯冲及太平洋俯冲板块的滚动后退导致其处于张应力环境。始新世时南海北部陆缘裂陷盆地开始产生,伸展环境没有变,但因其是由太平洋板块向西俯冲速率的持续降低及古南海向南俯冲引起的,南海北部陆缘盆地继续裂陷。渐新世-早中新世,地幔物质向南运动及古南海向南俯冲导致南海北部陆缘地区处于持续的张应力环境;渐新世早期南海海底扩张;中中新世开始,三大板块开始共同影响着南海北部陆缘盆地的发展演化。  相似文献   

In this paper, a scenario for the early evolution of the Jurassic oceanic Liguria-Piemonte basin is sketched. For this purpose, four selected examples of ophiolite sequences from the Northern Apennines and Corsica are described and analyzed. In the External Ligurian units (Northern Apennines), the ocean–continent transition of the Adria plate was characterized by a basement made up of subcontinental mantle and lower continental crust, covered by extensional allochthons of upper crust. Both, the basement rocks and the extensional allochthons are cut by basaltic dikes and covered by basalts and pelagic deposits. The conjugate ocean–continent transition of the Corsica margin, represented by the Balagne nappe (Corsica), was composed of mantle peridotites and gabbros covered by basaltic flows and minor breccias, that in addition include continent-derived clasts. By contrast, the innermost (i.e., closest to the ocean) preserved area observed in the Internal Ligurian (Northern Apennines) and Inzecca (Corsica) units consists of former morphological highs of mantle peridotites and gabbros, bordered by small basins where the basement is covered by a volcano-sedimentary complex, characterized by ophiolitic breccias and cherts interlayered with basaltic flows. The overall picture resulting from our reconstructions suggests an asymmetric architecture for the Liguria-Piemonte basin with a central area bounded by two different transition zones toward the continental margins. This architecture can be interpreted as the result of a rifting process whose development includes a final stage characterized by passive, asymmetric extension of the lithosphere along an east-dipping detachment fault system.  相似文献   

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