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湘中地区下寒武统烃源岩沉积环境及其特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过对湘中地区早寒武世岩相古地理的研究,认为早寒武世期间,湘中地区为发育在陆架之上的缺氧滞留盆地沉积环境,沉积了一套以黑色炭质板状页岩及含硅质炭质泥岩等为主的黑色沉积。该套黑色沉积沿着湘中地区以及扬子东南缘呈带状稳定分布,反映出当时湘中地区是一"富烃沉积区",具有生烃潜力;该套寒武纪海相地层是油气勘探的重要层位。  相似文献   

In the Sandıklı-Afyon area, the very low-grade metamorphic Sandıklı Basement Complex with clastic sediments and Late Neoproterozoic felsic igneous rocks are unconformably overlain by a cover succession with red continental clastic rocks, tholeiitic basalts and siliciclastic rocks with Early Cambrian trace fossils. Illite crystallinity studies reveal that both the basement and cover units were metamorphosed at high anchizonal to epizonal conditions ( 300 °C). Textural data together with the detailed evaluation of the PTb0 grid, however, indicate that this thermal event has multiple phases. The first tectonothermal event was realized at pressures of  4.2 kb on the basis of b0-data and resulted in development of blastomylonites. This is supported by the presence of dynamo-metamorphosed pebbles within the basal conglomerates of the Lower Paleozoic cover series. The second event is post-Ordovician–pre-Jurassic in age, occurred at lower pressures  3.2 kb and produced a weakly developed cleavage in the siliciclastic rocks of the cover. The mineralogical/textural data across the basement-cover boundary therefore indicate the removal of an entire metamorphic zone and thus a metamorphic hiatus.

These data suggest that the Taurides were affected by a Late Neoproterozoic event as part of the peri-Gondwana during the Cadomian orogeny.  相似文献   

梅冥相  张海  孟晓庆  陈永红 《中国地质》2006,33(6):1292-1304
上扬子区特别是贵州及邻区的下寒武统发育完整,是一套从黑色页岩系到碳酸盐岩的地层序列。寒武系与震旦系之交的台地淹没事件之后。在研究区域普遍形成一套以牛蹄塘组为代表的缺氧盆地相黑色岩系,随着沉积环境的逐渐变浅,在下寒武统顶部发育一套以清虚洞组为代表的碳酸盐岩地层。因此。下寒武统组成一个二级层序.其中可以进一步划分为5个三级层序,形成一个有序的海侵-海退旋回序列。在二级层序之中,三级层序形成一个有序的垂直叠加形式。自下而上三级层序由“凝缩段(CS)+高水位体系域(HST)”序列演变为“海侵体系域(TST)+凝缩段(CS)+高水位体系域(HST)”,层序界面类型由淹没不整合型层序界面演变为明显的暴露间断面,意味着二级层序的相序组构与三级层序存在相似性。上述时间变化在不同的空间古地理背景之中形成了一些差异,从北西向南东,古地理背景由浅变深,下寒武统厚度变薄,向东南变为一个难以进行三级层序划分的凝缩序列。以不同古地理背景的典型剖面的层序划分为基础。根据三级层序的两大属性——空间上相序的有序性和时间上环境变化的同步性.可以建立研究区域能反映出地层记录中“两种相变面和两种穿时性”的层序地层格架。层序地层格架的建立表明.研究区域的下寒武统是一个复杂而有序的地层序列,代表以凝缩序列为基底的碳酸盐台地生长与形成过程;伴随着寒武纪早期的快速海侵作用事件所造成的生态空间的拓展.为寒武纪生物大爆发奠定了古地理基础,同时意味着沉积环境变化与生物多样性事件之间的较为密切的关系以及若干有待进一步研究的问题.  相似文献   

下扬子地区在寒武纪处于相对稳定的克拉通盆地背景,盆地沉积格局基本上为两坳夹一隆的特点,中部以碳酸盐岩台地沉积为特征,南北为深水碎屑沉积与碳酸盐沉积为特征。作者以下扬子发育的野外露头为主要研究对象,通过精细测量与观测南京、巢湖、杭州等12个露头点露头资料,建立了下扬子地区寒武纪的层序地层格架。寒武纪可划分为2个二级层序及14个三级层序,作者首次以二级层序体系域为单元对寒武纪进行了岩相古地理编图,并对寒武纪层序—古地理演化3个关键的控制因素进行了分析。下扬子区寒武纪古地理格局相对稳定,继承性地发育了开阔台地、局限台地、台地边缘斜坡、盆地等沉积相类型。  相似文献   

湘中—湘南地区位于扬子陆块与华夏陆块之间的过渡区域。根据研究区寒武系沉积特征,识别出4种沉积相类型:碳酸盐陆棚亚相、深水盆地相、碎屑陆棚亚相及混积陆棚亚相。纽芬兰世—第二世早期(梅树村期—沧浪铺期),深水盆地分布范围广,占据了湘中及湘南大部分地区,湘东南发育碎屑陆棚沉积。第二世中晚期(龙王庙期),相对海平面下降,深水盆地范围略有减小,研究区西北部碳酸盐沉积逐渐占主导,碎屑陆棚面积变化不大。第三世(毛庄期—崮山期),海平面持续下降,碳酸盐陆棚及碎屑陆棚由两侧向中间推进,深水盆地面积急剧减小;湘西北一带发育混积陆棚亚相,沉积物以碳酸盐沉积为主混有陆源碎屑。芙蓉世(长山期—凤山期),碳酸盐陆棚范围迅速增大,深水盆地面积继续锐减,碎屑陆棚与碳酸盐陆棚毗邻发育,湘南区发育混积陆棚亚相。总之,寒武纪扬子陆块与华夏陆块间沉积相带连续完整,存在碳酸盐岩与碎屑岩混积的过渡沉积物,推测两者处于同一浅海海域,为由北西、南东向中部变深的沉积格局。  相似文献   

黔东下寒武统黑色岩系钒矿床   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
扬子地台周边的下寒武统黑色岩系蕴藏着丰富的金属矿产资源。文章探讨了黔东地区下寒武统黑色岩系中的钒矿床地质特征及成矿问题。钒矿床受地层的控制,钒等金属元素致矿是多种条件产物,其成矿高峰期为热水沉积与正常沉积交替期,矿石的成矿年龄为(521±54)~(542±11)Ma;矿床类型为沉积型矿床。  相似文献   

寒武纪早期大气-海洋氧含量与生命大爆发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
寒武纪早期(541~510Ma)地球环境与这一时期生命大爆发之间的关系一直是地球生物学研究的热点问题之一。本文系统总结了目前寒武纪早期大气-海洋氧含量与这一时期生命辐射之间关系的3种假说:大气-海洋的氧含量增加导致了寒武纪生命大爆发;寒武纪生命大爆发导致了大气-海洋氧化以及二者之间没有因果关系。3种假说均有相应的支持证据,但也存在与寒武纪早期海洋化学记录、与现代海洋观察不符和上述假说均未考虑寒武纪早期生命演化所展示的时空差异性等问题。在上述3种假说的基础之上,本文通过对寒武纪构造活动、陆源输入、海洋化学和生命演化等最新资料的综合讨论和分析表明:寒武纪早期地球环境与生命辐射之间很可能是相互作用与协同演化关系,而非简单的单向关系。  相似文献   

In the Upper-Yangtze region,especially in Guizhou Province and its adjacent areas,the Lower Cambrian is well developed and is marked by a succession from black shales of the basin facies to carbonate rocks of the platform facies.The drowning event of the platform occurring at the turn from Sinian to Cambrian resulted in a set of black shales,i.e.the Niutitang Formation,which makes up the bottom part of the Lower Cambrian.With the shoaling of the sedimentary environment,a set of carbonate rocks,i.e.the Qingxudong Formation,was formed in the top part of the Lower Cambrian.Thus,the Lower Cambrian in the study area makes up one second-order sequence that can be further subdivided into five third-order sequences,and forms a regularly cyclic succession of transgression-regression.There is a regularly vertical stacking pattern for the third-order sequences in the second-order sequence.From bottom to top,the succession of the"CS(condensed section) HST(high-stand system tract)"of the third-order sequences is changed into the succession of the"TST(transgressive system tract) CS HST".Correspondingly,the drowning-type sequence boundary is changed into the exposure-type one.Therefore,both the second-order and the third-order sequences have similar sedimentary-facies architectures.A concomitant with these temporal changes, the Lower Cambrian with a thickness of 1000m that contains five third-order sequences is changed into a condensed succession that cannot identify third-order sequences toward the southeast with the deepening of the sedimentary environment.According to the elementary features of the third-order sequences,i.e.the regularity o sedimentary-facies successions in space and the synchronism of sedimentary-environment changes in time,the detailed division of the third-order sequences at main logged sections in different paleogeographical background becomes the basis to establish the sequence-stratigraphic framework that can demonstrate two types of facies-changing surface and two types of diachronism in the stratigraphic records.This sequence-stratigraphic framework shows a growing process of the carbonate platform from the base of the condensed succession formed by black shales of basin facies.Resulting from the rapid transgression at the turn from Sinian to Cambrian the ecological space became open,which formed the antecedent condition of paleogeographical setting for"the Cambrian Biological Explosion".Ultimately,the genetic relationship between the depositional events and the biological-diversity events is very complex and there remain lots of problems that need further research in the future.  相似文献   

Following final closure of the Neotethyan Ocean during the late Miocene, deformation in central Turkey has led to crustal thickening and uplift to produce the Anatolian Plateau followed by westward extrusion of terranes by strike–slip. Widespread volcanism has accompanied this latter (neotectonic) phase, and palaeomagnetic study of the volcanism shows a coherent record of differential block rotations, indicating that the Anatolian region is not a plate (or ‘platelet’) sensu stricto but is undergoing distributed internal deformation. To evaluate the scale of neotectonic rotations in the transition zone near the western limit of tectonic escape and the border of the extensional domain in central-west Turkey, we have studied the palaeomagnetism at 82 sites in volcanic suites distributed along a 140-km lineament with north–south trend and ranging in age from 18 to 8 Ma. Comparable deflection of magnetic remanence from the present field direction is identified along the full length of the lineament. A mean clockwise rotation of 12.3±4.2° is determined for this western sector of the Anatolian strike–slip province. Since similar rotations are observed in the youngest and oldest units, this cumulative rotation occurred after the late Miocene. When interpreted together with results elsewhere in Anatolia, it is inferred that the rotation is later than crustal thickening and uplift of the Anatolian Plateau and entirely a facet of the tectonic escape. Inclinations are mostly 10° shallower than the predicted Miocene field and are considered to reflect the presence of a persistent inclination anomaly in the Mediterranean region. Larger rotations departing from the regional trend are also observed within the study region, but are confined to the vicinity of major faults, notably those bounding the Afyon-Ak ehir Graben.The pattern of neotectonic declinations across Anatolia identifies strong anticlockwise rotation in the east near the Arabian pincer with progressive reduction in the amount of rotation towards the west; it becomes zero or slightly clockwise at the western extremity of the accreted terrane collage. Rotations also appear to become generally younger towards the south. Crustal deformation has therefore been distributed, and the net effect of terrane extrusion to the west and south has been to expand the curvature of the Tauride Arc. The westward radial expansion of the extruded terranes is inferred to combine with backroll on the Hellenic Arc to produce the contemporary extensional province in western Turkey.  相似文献   

湖南下寒武统层序地层特征与古环境演化变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
湖南下寒武统发育完整,湘西北和湘中地区主要发育一套从黑色岩系到碳酸盐岩的地层序列,湘南地区相变为一套以杂砂岩和炭质板岩不等厚韵律层为主的地层序列,整体构成一个完整的二级层序,可进一步划分为6个三级层序,对应6个有序的海进-海退沉积旋回,其中三级层序的沉积体系域受沉积古环境的影响由凝缩段(CS)+高位体系域(HST)和海进体系域(TST)+凝缩段(CS)+高位体系域(HST)两种垂向叠加形式组成,下寒武统的层序界面类型主要为Ⅱ型层序界面和淹没不整合型层序界面。在空间上,湘西北和湘中地区为由NW向SE的缓坡环境,随着沉积环境逐渐加深,下寒武统沉积厚度逐渐变薄,至湘南地区沉积厚度增厚,沉积深海相厚层杂砂岩夹板岩,其相序变化系统记录了湖南省早寒武世复杂的被动陆缘古地理环境演化和变迁,其演化和变迁也反映了古环境演化对成矿作用的制约。  相似文献   

白平  肖加飞  何熙琦  石磊  李艳桃 《贵州地质》2014,31(4):291-296272
黔北西部遵义-大方一带早寒武世沉积地层发育完整,中下部以陆源碎屑岩为主,上部则主要为碳酸盐岩。金沙岩孔剖面露头良好,标志清楚,具有多个相对深-浅变化旋回,共划分为5个沉积层序,第一、第二、第四层序及第三层序的高水位体系域为陆源碎屑沉积,第三层序的海侵体系域和第五层序由碳酸盐沉积构成。层序地层格架显示沉积厚度具有西厚东薄的变化特点,各层序的体系域厚度总体上表现为海侵体系域小于高水位体系域。早寒武世沉积环境具有由深变浅的演化特点,总的沉积环境变迁为深水滞流陆棚→广海陆棚→碳酸盐岩缓坡→广海陆棚→浅水滨岸→碳酸盐岩台地。  相似文献   

上扬子区下寒武统的层序地层格架及其形成的古地理背景   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
上扬子区特别是贵州及邻区的下寒武统发育完整,是一套从黑色页岩系到碳酸盐岩的地层序列,该序列构成一个复杂而有序的层序地层格架。在时间变化方面,下寒武统组成一个二级层序,其中可以进一步划分为5个三级层序,形成一个有序的海侵-海退旋回序列;在二级层序之中,三级层序形成一个有序的垂直叠加形式,自下而上三级层序由“凝缩段(CS)+高水位体系域(HST)”序列演变为“海侵体系域(TST)+凝缩段(CS)+高水位体系域(HST)”,层序界面类型由淹没不整合型层序界面演变为明显的暴露间断面,意味着二级层序的相序组构与三级层序存在相似性。在空间变化方面,从北西向南东随着古地理背景由浅变深,下寒武统厚度变薄,向东南变为一个难以进行三级层序划分的凝缩序列。该层序地层格架不但表明了三级层序的两大属性--“空间上相序的有序性和时间上环境变化的同步性”,而且反映出地层记录中“两种相变面和两种穿时性”。同时,所建立的层序地层格架表明了其复杂的古地理背景;具有不同特点的三级层序代表了不同的古地理背景,意味着早寒武世复杂的古地理变迁。因此,系列层序地层格架栅状图反映出每一个三级层序的相序组构的时空变化,而系列古地理图又代表了各个三级层序形成时期的独具特色的古地理背景。  相似文献   

以岩石地层分区多、名称复杂多变的上扬子下寒武统为例,并以高分辨率层序地层学理论为指导,通过露头、岩心、钻(测)井及岩矿测试等资料综合研究,识别出6个层序划分依据、5种沉积旋回叠加组合样式,认为页岩层系中层序界面厘定困难,不同级次沉积旋回的识别是层序划分的关键。以此为依据,结合研究区构造、岩相、有机碳含量等研究,建立了等时层序地层格架及其富有机质页岩的沉积发育模式,并以层序为单元,开展了富有机质页岩分布的精细编图。富有机质页岩主要发育于不同级次的海侵-海退作用早期,不同地区时空分布特征差异明显:四川盆地内部富有机质页岩主要分布在资阳长宁一线近南北向带状展布的区域,其受基底断裂早寒武世多幕堑垒式活动控制,纵向上发育4套富有机质页岩段;四川盆地之外鄂西—渝东、黔北、黔东南及宜昌等地区主要受早寒武世早期上升洋流作用控制,以下部层序发育大套富有机质页岩段为特征。今后应考虑不同地区富有机质页岩的时空分布特点,进行页岩气勘探与开发部署。  相似文献   

地质名山馒头山及其附近早寒武世古地震沉积事件研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜚声中外的地质名山馒头山处在济南南部山区。通过野外调查和室内研究,从馒头山及其附近的青杨村东山、红叶谷、滚球山等地的下寒武统中,鉴别出了许多地震引起的同沉积变形构造(震积岩),主要有卷曲变形(震褶岩)、粒序微断层、滑移构造、滑塌褶曲、负载构造、枕状体、混插沉积、软硅质脉、软硅质层底辟构造、硅藻叠层石变形、沉陷构造、触变楔、布丁、震裂缝、震裂角砾岩及震碎角砾岩等。本文较详细地阐述了它们的特征和形成机理。触变楔属国内首次发现。触变楔和沉陷构造发育在夹软硅质层的白云岩中,其原始沉积物是含软硅质层的白云质灰泥。受强震触动,因软硅质沉积物(SiO2·nH2O)的粘度变小,软硅质层的粘度变小而变得更软,灰泥同时发生液化;在竖向震动力作用下,软硅质层被断开、继而沉陷形成了沉陷构造;沉陷构造向下延伸,结果使断开的硅质层汇聚,形成了触变楔。根据早寒武世古构造板块与地震带的分布,认为这些地震沉积遗迹是早寒武世板内地震记录,推测由古郯庐带的构造活动的响应。这些古地震事件记录的发现,丰富了济南南部山区、尤其是馒头山的地质科学内涵。   相似文献   

Grandite garnet-rich calcsilicate rocks from the Lower Calcsilicate Unit of the regionally metamorphosed Reynolds Range Group (central Australia) crop out along a strike-parallel section in which a transition zone from M22 amphibolite to granulite facies rocks is exposed. Across this transition the grandite-rich layers do not show systematic changes in mineral assemblages, compositions and modes, or stable isotope compositions. These layers are deformed by F22 folds that are associated with the peak of regional low-pressure/high-temperature metamorphism. Therefore, the grandite-rich layers appear to pre-date regional metamorphism and to have acted as closed chemical systems during prograde M22 metamorphism. Mineral assemblages in the grandite-rich layers are consistent with their formation through the infiltration of oxidized, water-rich fluids (Xco2 < 0.1–0.3; log fo2 -16 to -14). The stable isotope values of calcite (Δ13C=-4.2 to -0.8%0 PDB; Δ18O = 10.5–14.0%0 V-SMOW) and bulk-silicate fractions (Δ18O = 6.1 to 10.8%) of the grandite-rich layers are most consistent with the infiltrating fluid being from a magmatic source. It is most likely that fluid infiltration occurred during the pre-M22 contact metamorphism (M21) that affected much of the Reynolds Range Group. The preservation of these assemblages is probably due to their high variance and little pervasive fluid-rock interaction having occurred during M22. The clinopyroxene- and feldspar-rich calcsilicate rocks that host the grandite-rich layers contain poikiloblastic grandite garnet that formed during prograde M22 metamorphism. Thin marbles that locally occur with the grandite-rich layers contain a third garnet generation that is post- or late M22. This grossular-rich garnet occurs in coronas around calcite, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, wollastonite and scapolite. These coronas are consistent with cooling and/or compression. However, because the marble assemblages are themselves overprinted by M21 grandite-rich layers the development of coronal garnet does not reflect a continuous P-T-t path. Rather, it more probably reflects the partial re-equilibration of M21 contact metamorphic assemblages to post-M22 conditions.  相似文献   

早寒武世初期沂沭断裂带地震效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早寒武世初期,随着从古沂沭海峡向西海侵的发展,鲁西地区沉积了厚度不等的主要由砂岩、泥岩和碳酸盐岩组成的滨海、潟湖及浅海相沉积,其层位属下寒武统底部的李官组和朱砂洞组.在它们沉积过程中,沂沭断裂带正发生着伴有频繁海底地震的构造裂陷活动,使海底沉积物在自沂沭断裂带向西200 km范围内产生了不同的地震效应,形成了各种地震成...  相似文献   

四川盆地资阳地区龙王庙组局限台地台内滩沉积厚度薄,且在工区西北部剥蚀尖灭,有效识别资阳地区龙王庙组优质储层分布是油气取得突破的关键。基于ZY1井及三维地震资料,在储层精细标定及层位解释基础上,首先利用地震相及振幅属性刻画有利的沉积相带,再结合分频属性及波阻抗反演确定有利储层的边界及厚度,最终利用古地貌及裂缝预测确定优质白云岩储层的空间分布规律。综合预测结果表明,资阳地区龙王庙组储层纵向上主要分布在中上部,横向上主要发育两个呈北东向条带状展布的滩体。工区西北部位于二叠系沉积前的古地貌高部位,且暴露剥蚀区更易形成有利的溶蚀孔隙型白云岩储层,是有利的油气聚集区带。  相似文献   

Carbon isotope chemostratigraphy has been used for worldwide correlation of Precambrian/Cambrian (Pc/C) boundary sections, and has elucidated significant change of the carbon cycle during the rapid diversification of skeletal metazoa (i.e. the Cambrian Explosion). Nevertheless, the standard δ13C curve of the Early Cambrian has been poorly established mainly due to the lack of a continuous stratigraphic record. Here we report high-resolution δ13C chemostratigraphy of a drill core sample across the Pc/C boundary in the Three Gorge area, South China. This section extends from an uppermost Ediacaran dolostone (Dengying Fm.), through a lowermost Early Cambrian muddy limestone (Yanjiahe Fm.) to a middle Early Cambrian calcareous black shale (Shuijingtuo Fm.). As a result, we have identified two positive and two negative isotope excursions within this interval. Near the Pc/C boundary, the δ13Ccarb increases moderately from 0 to + 2‰ (positive excursion 1: P1), and then drops dramatically down to − 7‰ (negative excursion 1: N1). Subsequently, the δ13Ccarb increases continuously up to about + 5‰ at the upper part of the Nemakit–Daldynian stage. After this positive excursion, δ13Ccarb sharply decreases down to about − 9‰ (N2) just below the basal Tommotian unconformity. These continuous patterns of the δ13C shift are irrespective of lithotype, suggesting a primary origin of the record. Moreover, the obtained δ13C profile, except for the sharp excursion N2, is comparable to records of other sections within and outside of the Yangtze Platform. Hence, we conclude that the general feature of our δ13C profile best represents the global change in seawater chemistry. The minimum δ13C of the N1 (− 7‰) is slightly lower than carbon input from the mantle, thus implying an enhanced flux of 13C-depleted carbon just across the Pc/C boundary. Hence, the ocean at that time probably became anoxic, which may have affected the survival of sessile or benthic Ediacaran biota. The subsequent δ13C rise up to + 5‰ (P2) indicates an increase of primary productivity or an enhanced rate of organic carbon burial, which should have resulted in lowering pCO2 and following global cooling. This scenario accounts for the cause of the global-scale sea-level fall at the base of the Tommotian stage. The subsequent, very short-term, and exceptionally low δ13C (− 9‰) in N2 could have been associated with the release of methane from gas hydrates due to the sea-level fall. The inferred dramatic environmental changes (i.e., ocean anoxia, increasing productivity, global cooling and subsequent sea-level fall with methane release) appear to coincide with or occur just before the Cambrian Explosion. This may indicate synchronism between the environmental changes and rapid diversification of skeletal metazoa.  相似文献   

龙幼康 《地质通报》2011,30(203):344-348
页岩气有别于已经大量开采的常规天然气,在成藏机理和赋存特征方面都有其独特的特点,识别与评价页岩气的方法也有别于以往对常规天然气气藏的评价模式。泥页岩厚度、埋深、总有机碳含量、成熟度是其重要的判别指标。对比美国东部典型页岩气产出地区页岩气藏地质条件,湘鄂西的恩施—建始、桑植—石门地区为下寒武统、志留系页岩气勘探有利地区。  相似文献   

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