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正Ophiolites represent fragments of ancient oceanic lithosphere,tectonically incorporated into continental margins during plate subduction or remained in the subduction–collisional orogenic belt.They provide  相似文献   

The Guomangco ophiolitic melange is situated in the middle part of the Shiquanhe- Yongzhu-Jiali ophiolitic melange belt (SYJMB) and possesses all the subunits of a typical Penrose- type ophiolite pseudostratigraphy. The study of the Guomangco ophiolitic melange is very important for investigating the tectonic evolution of the SYJMB. The mafic rocks of this ophiolitic melange mainly include diabases, sillite dikes, and basalts. Geochemical analysis shows that these dikes mostly have E-MORB major and trace element signatures; this is the first time that this has been observed in the SYJMB. The basalts have N-MORB and IAB affinities, and the mineral chemistry of harzburgites shows a composition similar to that of SSZ peridotites, indicating that the Guomangco ophiolitic melange probably originated in a back-arc basin. The Guomangco back-arc basin opened in the Middle Jurassic, which was caused by southward subduction of the Neo-Tethys Ocean in central Tibet. The main spreading of this back-arc basin occurred during the Late Jurassic, and the basalts were formed during this time. With the development of the back-arc basin, the subducted slab gradually retreated, and new mantle convection occurred in the mantle wedge. The recycling may have caused the metasomatized mantle to undergo a high degree of partial melting and to generate E- MORBs in the Early Cretaceous. E-MORB-type dikes probably crystallized from melts produced by about 20%-30% partial melting of a spinel mantle source, which was metasomatized by melts from low-degree partial melting of the subducted slab.  相似文献   

<正>Sutures mark places where oceans have closed and two once widely separated terranes have collided.Sutures are defined on the basis of geological relationships,and differences in the geologic,structural,magmatic,sedimentary,and metamorphic histories of the terranes on either side of the suture.Sutures are characterized by  相似文献   

The Tekkeda? volcanic complex, which extends as a ridge in the direction of NW–SE, is one of the poorly known volcanic centers and is exposed to the southwest of Kayseri located within the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province (CAVP) of Turkey. The mineralogical composition of Tekkeda? volcanics reveals an assemblage of plagioclase (labradorite, bytownite)+pyroxene (augite, diopside and enstatite)+Fe–Ti oxide (magnetite, rutile)±olivine (forsterite) mineral composition having hypocrystaline porphryric, hypohyaline porphryric, gleomeroporphryric and seriate textures under the microscope. Confocal Raman Spectroscopy (CRS) has been used to define the mineral types. Tekkeda? volcanics have medium K2O contents and are calc-alkaline in character. Geochemically, Tekkeda? volcanics show a narrow range of major element compositions and are classified as augite andesite/basaltic andesite. On the variation diagrams based on MgO versus major and trace elements, they show good positive and negative correlations, indicating fractional crystallization of plagioclase, clinopyroxene and Fe–Ti oxide. Tekkeda? volcanics display enrichment in large-ion lithophile elements (LILEs) relative to high field-strength elements (HFSEs) in chondrite, MORB, E-MORB and lower crust normalized multi-element diagrams. In all normalized multi-element diagrams, the trace element patterns of all samples are similar in shape and exhibit depletions in Ba, Nb, P and Ti as characteristics of subduction-related magmas. Rare earth element (REE) patterns for Tekkeda? volcanics show REE enrichment with respect to chondrite values. They exhibit marked enrichment in light rare earth elements (LREEs) ((La/Sm)N=4.13–4.62) relative to heavy rare earth elements (HREEs) ((Sm/Lu)N=1.34–1.92). Furthermore, all samples have negative Eu anomalies ((Eu/Eu*)N=0.77–0.90), indicating the significant role of plagioclase in the fractional crystallization. Elemental ratios such as K/P (15.46–21.69), La/Nb (2.01–4.26), Rb/Nb (8.74–10.59), Ba/Nb (38.54–75.77), Nb/Ta (1.16–2.14), Ce/P (2.13–4.32) and Th/U (1.77–3.97) propose that the magma was subjected to conceivable crustal contamination during the evolution of these Tekkeda? volcanics. This statement is supported by the AFC modeling based on the trace elements. As a result, despite the lack of isotopic data, the petrographic and geochemical results suggest a significant role of plagioclase, clinopyroxene and Fe–Ti oxide fractionation during the evolution of the Volcanic Arc Basalts (VAB) nature of the Tekkeda? volcanics. Furthermore, these results reveal that the volcanics of Tekkeda? were produced from a parental magma derived from an enriched source of mixed subduction and/or crustal products.  相似文献   

Mesozoic magmatism is widespread in the eastern South China Block and has a close genetic relationship with intensive polymetallic mineralization. However, proper tectonic driver remains elusive to reconcile the broad intracontinental magmatic province. This study presents integrated zircon U-Pb dating, Hf isotopes and whole-rock geochemistry of the Xiwan dioritic porphyry in the NE Jiangxi ophiolitic mélange. Zircon U-Pb dating by SIMS and LA-ICP-MS methods yielded an emplacement age of ~160 Ma for the Xiwan diorite, confirming its inclusion into the Mesozoic magmatic province in SE China, instead of a component of the Neoproterozoic ophiolitic mélange genetically. The dioritic rocks have low Si02(58.08 wt%-59.15 wt%), and high Na_2 O(5.00 wt%-5.21 wt%) and MgO(4.60 wt%-5.24 wt%) contents with low TFeO/MgO ratios(1.02-1.09). They show an adakitic geochemical affinity but exhibit relatively low Sr/Y ratios(24.8-31.1) and high Y contents(14.6-18.3 ppm) compared to the Dexing adakitic porphyries. In addition, the Xiwan diorites have moderately evolved zircon Hf isotopic compositions(ε_(Hf)(t)=-6.1--0.1; T_(DM2)=1597-1219 Ma). These elemental and isotopic signatures suggest that the Xiwan diorite formed through partial melting of a remnant arc lower crust(i.e., early Neoproterozoic mafic arc-related rocks) in response to the underplating of coeval mafic magmas. In conjunction with the temporal-spatial distribution and complex geochemical characteristics of the Mesozoic magmatism, our case study attests to the feasibility of a flat-slab subduction model in developing the broad intracontinental magmatic province in SE China. The flat-slab delamination tends to trigger an asthenospheric upwelling and thus results in extensive partial melting of the overlying lithospheric mantle and lower crustal materials in an extensional setting during the Mesozoic.  相似文献   

西准噶尔地区巴尔雷克蛇绿混杂岩中的玄武岩与蛇纹岩、放射虫硅质岩和晚泥盆世铁列克提组的泥质粉砂岩与沉凝灰岩形成混杂堆积.对玄武岩进行详细的岩石地球化学研究表明,SiQ含量为42.15%~44.71%,高TiO2 (3.17%~3.77%)、Na2O(1.73%~2.28%),低Al2O3 (13.54%~14.31%)、K2O(1%~1.82%),MgO含量相对稳定(6.75%~8.14%),Mg#为43~46,属于碱性玄武岩系列.稀土总量∑REE=186×10-6~219.06×10-6,轻、重稀土分馏较为明显((La/Yb)N=11.37~12.62),无明显Eu异常(Eu/Eu* =0.96~1),稀土配分模式类似于OIB.相对富集LILE(如Rb、Ba、Th),亏损HFSE(如Zr、Hf),没有明显的Nb和Ta异常,具有高的Ti/Yb(7395~8724)和Zr/Yb(120~136)比值,为典型的OIB地球化学特征.综合研究认为玄武岩形成于弧后盆地的海山环境,其岩浆源区可能为EMI型富集地幔,即软流圈的上涌导致尖晶石相二辉橄榄岩地幔源区大比例部分熔融形成的玄武岩.在区域上,蛇绿混杂岩中的玄武岩所代表的泥盆纪古洋盆是西准噶尔古洋盆向北收缩的残余洋盆.  相似文献   

<正>We report here new geochemical and geochronological data from mafic-ultramafic rock suites in the Ankara Mélange in north-central Turkey,and present a new tectonic model for its origin.Considered as one of most important relics of the Neotethyan realm in the region,the Ankara Mélange occurs between the Sakarya Continent  相似文献   

The larger benthic foraminifer Torremiroella hispanica Brun and Canérot, 1979, so far only known from its type-locality in southern Spain, is described from the Late Barremian–Early Aptian of Central Iran (Ardakan and Yazd areas). It is reported from foraminiferan pack- to grainstones associated with Balkhania balkhanica Mamontova, 1966, dated as early Aptian (Bedoulian). A review of the literature data suggests that both are typical northern Tethyan faunal components as indicated also by the assemblages of orbitolinid foraminifers and dasycladalean algae.  相似文献   

There is a general consensus that most ophiolites formed above subduction zones(Pearce,2003),particularly during forearc extension at subduction initiation(Shervais,2001;Stern,2004;Whattam and Stern,2011)."Supra-Subduction zone"(SSZ)ophiolites such as the well-studied Tethyan ophiolites,generally display a characteristic sequential evolution from mid-oceanic ridge basalts(MORBs)to island arc tholeiities(IATs)or bonites(BONs)(Pearce,2003;Dilek and Furnes,2009,2011),which were generated in sequence from the decompression melting of asthenospheric mantle and partial melting of subduction-metasomatized depleted mantle(Stern and Bloomer,1992;Dilek and Furnes,2009;Whattam and Stern,2011).However,ophiolites with MORB and/or oceanic-island basalt(OIB)affinities are rare,and their origin and tectonic nature are poorly understood(Boedo et al.,2013;Saccani et al.,2013).It is interesting that the composition of these ophiolites from the central Tibetan Plateau(CTP)is dominated by MORBs and minor OIBs and a distinct lack of IATs and BONs,which is inconsistent with most ophiolites worldwide(Robinson and Zhou,2008;Zhang et al.,2008).But the generation and tectonic nature of these ophiolites are still controversial.*In this study,we present new geochronological,mineralogical and Sr-Nd isotopic data for the Chayong and Xiewu mafic complexes in the western Garzê-Litang suture zone(GLS),a typical Paleo-Tethyan suture crossing the CTP(Fig.1).The Triassic ophiolite in the western GLS has been described by Li et al.(2009),who foundthat it mainly consists of gabbros,diabases,pillow basalts and a few metamorphic peridotites.The ophiolite has been tectonically dismembered and crops out in Triassic clastic rocks and limestones as tectonic blocks.The Chayong and Xiewu mafic complexes are generally regarded as important fragments of the Triassic ophiolites(e.g.,Jin,2006;Li et al.,2009).Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages of234±3 Ma and 236±2 Ma can be interpreted as formation times of the Chayong and Xiewu mafic complexes,respectively.The basalts and gabbros of the Chayong complexexhibitenrichedMORB(E-MORB)compositional affinities except for a weak depletion of Nb,Ta and Ti relative to the primitive mantle,whereas the basalts and gabbros of the Xiewu complex display distinct E-MORB and OIB affinities.The geochemical features suggest a probable fractionation of olivine±clinopyroxene±plagioclase as well as insignificant crustal contamination.The geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic data reveal that the Chayong mafic rocks may have been derived from depleted MORB-type mantle metasomatized by crustal components and Xiewu mafic rocks from enriched lithosphericmantlemetasomatizedbyOIB-like components.The ratios of Zn/Fet,La/Yb and Sm/Yb indicate that these mafic melts were produced by the partial melting of garnet+minor spinel-bearing peridotite or spinel±minor garnet-bearing peridotite.We propose thatback-arcbasinspreadingassociated with OIB/seamount recycling had occurred in the western GLS at least since the Middle Triassic times,and the decompression melting of the depleted MORB-type asthenospheremantleandpartialmeltingof sub-continental lithosphere were metasomatized by plume-related melts,such as OIBs,which led to the generation of the Chayong and Xiewu mafic melts.  相似文献   

Seamount accretion is one of the most significant accretionary orogenic processes in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, but there are few paleo-seamounts reported from and debate on the tectonic evolution of the Junggar Ocean still exists. In this study, we present geochronological, mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic data for basalts from the Chagantaolegai ophiolitic mélanges in Junggar. Zircon U-Pb dating on one basalt yielded a weighted mean 206 Pb/238 U age of 469 ± 7 Ma, which suggests that it formed in the Middle Ordovician. All rock samples belong to alkaline basalt and show similar geochemical characteristics, displaying high TiO2(~3 wt%),(La/Yb)N(17.6–19.0), ΣREE(232–289 ppm) and enrichment in Nb and Ta, which implies an ocean island basalt(OIB) affinity. Based upon positive εN d(t)(+4.16 to +4.23), ΔNb(0.20–0.22) and low initial 87 Sr/86 Sr(0.70425 to 0.70452) and Zr/Nb(3.35–3.57), we suggest that the Chagantaolegai OIB samples were likely derived from a fertile mantle source related to plume. The OIB rock assemblage, chert and marble in the southern part of the Chagantaolegai ophiolitic mélange indicates that a Middle Ordovician seamount was accreted to the Boshchekul-Chingiz arc due to the northward subduction of the Junggar-Balkhash Ocean.  相似文献   

A palaeomagnetic study is reported from the lavas of Eocene, Miocene and Pliocene age cropping out immediately to the north of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) in the Re?adiye–Mesudiye region of central-eastern Anatolia. Rock magnetic investigations identify a high percentage of multi-domained magnetite as the dominant ferromagnet in these rocks and this probably accounts for a relatively poor response to alternating field and thermal demagnetisation. Thirty of 37 units yielded acceptable groupings of characteristic magnetisation directions. An earlier study indicated small anticlockwise crustal block rotation in this region since Upper Cretaceous times (D/I?=?347/50°), and our study indicates that this was overtaken by clockwise rotation in Eocene times (D/I?=?40/47°), although sample size control from the Palaeogene is poor. Results from later Miocene (D/I?=?2/62°) and Pliocene (D/I?=?0/53°) volcanic rocks indicate that no significant tectonic rotation has occurred in the north of the NAFZ in Neogene times. This contrasts with rotations in the weaker crust comprising the Anatolian collage south of the NAFZ, where differential and sometimes large anticlockwise rotations occurred during the latter part of the Neogene.  相似文献   

The Peramora Mélange is part of an accretionary complex between the South Portuguese Zone (a fragment of Laurussia) and the Ossa Morena Zone (para-autochthonous Gondwana) and is an expression of the Pangean suture zone in southwestern Iberia. The suture zone is characterized by fault-bounded units of metasedimentary rocks, mélanges, and mafic complexes. Detailed geologic mapping of the Peramora Mélange reveals a complex pattern of imbricated schists and mafic block-in-matrix mélanges. Geochemical signatures of the Pulo do Lobo schist (PDL) are consistent with derivation from both mafic and continental sources. The mafic block-in-matrix mélange displays normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (NMORB) geochemical signature, juvenile Sm–Nd isotopic compositions, and a range of zircon ages similar to those observed in the PDL, suggesting a sedimentary component. Taken together, these data suggest a complex tectonic history characterized by erosion of a NMORB source, mélange formation, and imbrication during underplating occurring during the final stages of continent–continent collision.  相似文献   


To the east of the Sea of Marmara, the North Anatolian fault (NAF) branches into two strands, namely the northern and the southern strands. The Adapazan pull-apart basin is located in the overlapping zone of the Dokurcun and the ?zmit-Adapazan segments of the northern strand. The combined temporal ranges of the arvicolids from the Karapürçek formation (the first unit of the basin fill), deposited in the primary morphology of the Adapazan pull-apart basin, cover the latest Villanyian (latest Pliocene) and the Biharian (Early Pleistocene) time interval. The De?irmendere fauna collected from the lowermost sediments of this formation suggests that the Adapazan pull-apart basin started to form in the latest Pliocene. This, in turn, suggests that the dextral movement along the northern strand of the NAF commenced during the latest Pliocene. A new species, Tibericola sakaryaensis is also described. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

Granitoids of the Ekecikda? Igneous Association (Central Anatolia/Turkey) are products of collisional–post-collisional magmatism in the Ekecikda? area. These granitoids are granodiorite, microgranite and leucogranite. Field relations of granodiorites with microgranites is obscured, but leucogranites intrude both rock types. Mean zircon laser ablation (LA)-ICP-MS 206Pb-238U ages of granodiorites and microgranites are 84.52 ± 0.93 Ma and 80.7 ± 1.6 Ma, respectively, and age of leucogranites is suggested as 80 Ma, based on field relations combined with 206Pb/238U and Rb-Sr ages. Crystallisation temperatures of granodiorites, microgranites and leucogranites are 728°C-848°C, 797°C-880°C, 704°C-809°C, respectively.

Geochemical characteristics including Sr-Nd isotopic evidences infer a non-cogenetic character, as there is a high crustal contribution in I-type granodiorite sources, a crustal source with insignificant and significant mantle inputs in S-type microgranites and leucogranites, respectively. LA-ICP-MS Lu-Hf isotope data from zircons reveal their crustal nature (εHf(t): ?1.3 ± 0.5 to ?8.8 ± 0.5). Crustal melting linked to the Alpine thickening during the Late Cretaceous led to formation of heterogeneous sourced granitoids with crustal dominated sources in the Ekecikda? area. Understanding of the nature and evolution of collisional Ekecikda? granitoids is not only important to put contribution in the geodynamic evolution of Central Anatolia and surrounding Alpine area, but also to better understand systematics of collisional magmatic systems.  相似文献   

The geochemistry of pillow basalts from the Chonos Metamorphic Complex (CMC) and the Eastern Andes Metamorphic Complex of Aysén (EAMC) indicates contrasting tectonic environments for these basic lavas. They have E-MORB and continental alkaline affinities, respectively. The MORB-like basalts are metamorphosed in the pumpellyite–actinolite metamorphic facies, with mineral associations indicative of relatively high P/T metamorphism. The continental alkali basalts exhibit pumpellyite–chlorite assemblages developed in a low to intermediate P/T regime. These contrasting eruptive and metamorphic settings agree with recently established age differences between the complexes, and invalidate direct correlation between them.  相似文献   

Hasandağ and Erciyes stratovolcanoes, which produced both calc-alkaline and alkaline eruptive products, are the two important volcanic complexes in Central Anatolia. There are three geochemical evolution stages in the history of the Hasandağ strato volcanic complex: (1) Keçikalesi tholeiitic, (2) Hasandağ calc-alkaline and (3) Hasandağ alkaline. Volcanologic and petrologic characteristics of the Hasandağ and Erciyes calc-alkaline series show that water played an important role on the genesis of these rocks. These rocks are phenocryst-rich with vesicular texture, and contain hydrous mineral phases. The approximate pressure and temperature estimates obtained from the mineral chemistry studies of the Hasandağ strato volcanic complex indicate crystallization temperature of 1100 °C with 2.5–3.4 kbar pressure interval for the first stage of Keçikalesi tholeiitic volcanism, and about 850 °C temperatures with 4.3–9.6 kbar pressure intervals for the second stage of Hasandağ calc-alkaline volcanism.The geochemical evolution of Erciyes volcanic complex also exhibits three distinct evolutionary stages: (1) Koçdağ alkaline, (2) Koçdağ calc-alkaline and (3) Erciyes calc-alkaline. The temperature of Koçdağ alkaline volcanism is 1097–1181 °C and in a range of 5.1–6.7 kbar pressure, for Koçdağ calc-alkaline volcanism 850–1050 °C temperature to 2.0–6.6 kbar pressure interval, and for Erciyes calc-alkaline volcanism about 950 °C temperature, to 3.2–7.9 kbar pressure intervals were calculated. Polybaric origin of magma chambers for calc-alkaline and alkaline rocks and disequilibrium parameters observed in phenocrysts indicate that the rocks were affected by magma mixing processes in crustal magma chambers. The disequilibrium features of amphibole and plagioclase phenocrysts in these rocks point the latent heat in magma chambers and periodic recharging with mafic magma chambers and also show that magmas reequilibrate before the eruption.  相似文献   

<正>There is a general consensus that most ophiolites on the earth formed above a subduction zone and they often display a characteristic,sequential evolution of MORB to island arc tholeiities(IAT)to bonnites(Dilek et al.,2010,2009;Pearce et al.,2003).However,ophiolites occurred in  相似文献   

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