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Observations of the molecular cloud G1.6-0.025 in the 2K-1K and J0-J?1E series and 5?1-40E line of CH3OH, the (2-1) and (3-2) lines of SiO, and the 7?7-6?6 line of HNCO are described. Maps of the previously observed extended cloud with Vlsr~50 km/s and high-velocity clump with Vlsr~160 km/s, as well as a newly detected clump with Vlsr~0 km/s, have been obtained. The extended cloud and high-velocity clump have a nonuniform structure. The linewidths associated with all the objects are between 20 and 35 km/s, as is typical of clouds of the Galactic center. In some directions, emission at velocities from 40 to 160 km/s and from ?10 to +75 km/s is observed at the clump boundaries, testifying to a connection between the extended cloud and the high-velocity clump and clump at Vlsr~0 km/s. Compact maser sources are probaby contributing appreciably to the emission of the extended cloud in the 5?1-40E CH3OH line. Non-LTE modeling of the methanol emission shows that the extended cloud and high-velocity clump have a relatively low hydrogen density (<104 cm?3). The specific column density of methanol in the extended cloud exceeds 6×108 cm?3s, and is 4×108?6×109 cm?3s in the high-velocity clump. The kinetic temperatures of the extended cloud and high-velocity clump are estimated to be <80 K and 150–200 K, respectively. Possible mechanisms that can explain the link between the extended cloud with Vlsr~50 km/s and the clumps with Vlsr~0 km/s and ~160 km/s are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Eight interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) exhibiting a wide range of H and N isotopic anomalies have been studied by transmission electron microscopy, x-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. These anomalies are believed to have originated during chemical reactions in a cold molecular cloud that was the precursor to the Solar System. The chemical and mineralogical studies reported here thus constitute direct studies of preserved molecular cloud materials. The H and N isotopic anomalies are hosted by different hydrocarbons that reside in the abundant carbonaceous matrix of the IDPs. Infrared measurements constrain the major deuterium (D) host in the D-enriched IDPs to thermally labile aliphatic hydrocarbon groups attached to macromolecular material. Much of the large variation observed in D/H in this suite of IDPs reflects the variable loss of this labile component during atmospheric entry heating. IDPs with elevated 15N/14N ratios contain N in the form of amine (-NH2) functional groups that are likely attached to other molecules such as aromatic hydrocarbons. The host of the N isotopic anomalies is not as readily lost during entry heating as the D-rich material. Infrared analysis shows that while the organic matter in primitive anhydrous IDPs is similar to that observed in acid residues of primitive chondritic meteorites, the measured aromatic:aliphatic ratio is markedly lower in the IDPs.  相似文献   

The results of SEST millimeter observations of the molecular cloud G345.01+1.79 are presented. Spectra of CH3OH, SO2, SiO, HCO+, C18O, C33S, C34S, HCN, and DCN lines have been obtained. Mapping of the cloud in CH3OH, SiO, and C34S lines indicates that the maximum integrated intensity in the SiO and C34S lines and in low-excitation CH3OH transitions coincide with the northern group of methanol masers, while the corresponding maximum for high-excitation CH3OH transitions coincides with the southern methanol-maser group. The physical parameters are estimated from the quasi-thermal CH3OH lines under the large-velocity-gradient approximation, and their distribution on the sky derived. The density and temperature are higher toward the southern group of methanol masers than in the northern group. This may indicate that star formation is in an earlier stage of evolution in the northern than toward the southern group. A maser component can be distinguished in 14 (of 71) CH3OH lines. We have detected for the first time weak, probably maser, emission in the CH3OH lines at 148.11, 231.28, 165.05, 165.06, and 165.07 GHz. A blue wing is clearly visible in the CH3OH, SiO, C18O, and SO2 lines. The emission in this wing is probably associated with a compact source whose velocity is characteristic of the CH3OH maser emission in the southern group of masers.  相似文献   

Radial density profiles for the sample of dense cores associated with high-mass star-forming regions from southern hemisphere have been derived using the data of observations in continuum at 250 GHz. Radial density profiles for the inner regions of 16 cores (at distances ≲0.2−0.8 pc from the center) are close on average to the ρr −α dependence, where α = 1.6 ± 0.3. In the outer regions density drops steeper. An analysis with various hydrostatic models showed that the modified Bonnor-Ebertmodel, which describes turbulent sphere confined by external pressure, is preferable compared with the logotrope and polytrope models practically in all cases. With a help of the Bonnor-Ebert model, estimates of central density in a core, non-thermal velocity dispersion and core size are obtained. The comparison of central densities with the densities derived earlier from the CS modeling reveals differences in several cases. The reasons of such differences are probably connected with the presence of density inhomogenities on the scales smaller than the telescope beam. In most cases non-thermal velocity dispersions are in agreement with the values obtained from molecular line observations.  相似文献   

The results of spectral observations of the region of massive star formation L379IRS1 (IRAS18265–1517) are presented. The observations were carried out with the 30-m Pico Veleta radio telescope (Spain) at seven frequencies in the 1-mm, 2-mm, and 3-mm wavelength bands. Lines of 24 molecules were detected, from simple diatomic or triatomic species to complex eight- or nine-atom compounds such as CH3OCHO or CH3OCH3. Rotation diagrams constructed from methanol andmethyl cyanide lines were used to determine the temperature of the quiescent gas in this region, which is about 40–50 K. In addition to this warm gas, there is a hot component that is revealed through high-energy lines of methanol and methyl cyanide, molecular lines arising in hot regions, and the presence of H2O masers and Class II methanol masers at 6.7 GHz, which are also related to hot gas. One of the hot regions is probably a compact hot core, which is located near the southern submillimeter peak and is related to a group of methanol masers at 6.7 GHz. High-excitation lines at other positions may be associated with other hot cores or hot post-shock gas in the lobes of bipolar outflows. The rotation diagrams can be use to determine the column densities and abundances of methanol (10?9) and methyl cyanide (about 10?11) in the quiescent gas. The column densities of A- and E-methanol in L379IRS1 are essentually the same. The column densities of other observedmolecules were calculated assuming that the ratios of the molecular level abundances correspond to a temperature of 40 K. The molecular composition of the quiescent gas is close to that in another region of massive star formation, DR21(OH). The only appreciable difference is that the column density of SO2 in L379IRS1 is at least a factor of 20 lower than the value in DR21(OH). The SO2/CS and SO2/OCS abundance ratios, which can be used as chemical clocks, are lower in L379IRS1 than in DR21(OH), suggesting that L379IRS1 is probably younger than DR21(OH).  相似文献   

A molecular cloud and high-velocity outflow associated with the star-forming region L379 IRS3 have been mapped in the 6?1-50E methanol and CS (3-2) lines using the 12-meter Kitt Peak telescope. The estimated CS column density and abundance in the molecular cloud are 8×1014 cm?2 and 4×10?9, respectively. LVG modeling of the methanol emission constrains the gas density in the cloud to (1–4)×105 cm?3 and the gas kinetic temperature to 20–45 K. The upper limit on the density of the high-velocity gas is 105 cm?3.  相似文献   

Astronomy Reports - The paper is devoted to the analysis of the observation results with the single-mirror radio telescope RT-22 (PRAO, LPI) in the water vapor maser line at 22 GHz in the direction...  相似文献   

Bolometric light curves for the afterglow resulting from the passage of a gamma-ray burst through a molecular cloud are computed. The profile and duration of the afterglow light curve depend strongly on the distribution of matter in the cloud, the degree of collimation of the gamma-ray radiation, and the observing conditions. The peak can be reached as soon as seven days (the gamma-ray burst is located at some distance from the center of a molecular cloud with small-scale density enhancements), or as long as one to three years (the gamma-ray burst is located at the center of a uniform molecular cloud) after the burst. The bolometric luminosity of the re-radiated signal can reach 6.5 × 1042 erg/s.  相似文献   

The interaction of a powerful cosmological gamma-ray burst (GRB) with a dense molecular cloud is modeled. Two-dimensional gas-dynamical flows were computed for various configurations of the cloud. In the spherically symmetrical case, the gas velocity does not exceed $ \sim 2 \times 10^3 \sqrt {E/1.6 \times 10^{53} } km/s$ km/s. If the GRB precursor has an anisotropic wind, a conical cavity can form in the nearby region of the molecular cloud. The propagation of the gamma-ray pulse in this cavity leads to the formation of a rapidly moving hot clump of matter, with the gas velocity reaching 1.8 × 104 km/s for gamma-ray energy of E = 1.6 × 1053 erg. In all the computations, the velocity of the moving material is much lower than the velocity of light, the volume of gas affected by the motion is small, and the influence of the gas motions on the light curve of the optical afterglow is insignificant.  相似文献   

We have determined the atmospheric abundances of Y, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, and Eu for a sample of 171 giants selected as clump giants with metallicities [Fe/H] between ?0.7 and 0.3 dex, based on photometric criteria. In our analysis, we assumed local thermodynamic equilibrium and fit the parameters of model atmospheres to high-resolution (R = 42 000) echelle spectra with high signal-to-noise ratios. The Ba and Eu abundances were derived using synthetic spectra, including hyperfine structure. We find no significant difference in the abundances of s-or r-process neutron-capture elements between clump giants and ascending-branch giants selected by us earlier. We also analyze the relation between the abundances of neutron-capture elements and [Fe/H].  相似文献   

We present a qualitative analysis of possible changes in the structure of accretion disks that occur in the transition from hot to cool disks. We suggest that an additional spiral-density wave can exist in the inner parts of the disk, where gas-dynamical perturbations are negligible. We consider the formation of this wave and its parameters. The results of a three-dimensional gas-dynamical simulation of a cool accretion disk are presented; these results confirm the possibility of the formation of a new, “precessional,” spiral wave in the inner regions of a cool accretion disk. Possible observational manifestations of such a wave are discussed.  相似文献   

The elemental abundances in the atmosphere of the red dwarf HD 32147, which belongs to the HR 1614 moving groups, are analyzed. The atmospheric parameters determined from spectroscopic data (the condition of equal abundances for neutral and ionized atoms of a given element) differ considerably from those derived from photometry and parallax data. The abundances of several elements are also anomalous, with the anomaly increasing with decreasing ionization potential. It is concluded that this star is a red dwarf displaying solar-like activity; i.e., having dark (cool) spots on its surface, which may sometimes be considerable in size. Modeling synthetic spectra of stars with cool spots on their surfaces, with the spectral lines consisting of two components formed in media with different temperatures, indicate that the spectroscopic atmospheric parameters derived in such cases are incorrect; this can also explain the observed dependence of the elemental abundances on the corresponding ionization potentials. This leads to the conclusion thatHD32147 is indeed a star with solar-like activity. Several other such stars considered as examples display the same anomalies as those of HD 32147. These modeling results are also valid for Ap and Am stars, and are able to explain short-wavelength observations of the Sun and some stars (the FIP effect).  相似文献   

The activity of V410 Tau, a T Tauri star with periodic brightness variations, is studied. The evolution of spots on the star??s surface over 46 years is investigated by reconstructing inhomogeneities in the stellar surface temperature based on photometric measurements. Analysis of the distribution of filling factors f as functions of time and longitude on the star??s surface can be used to trace changes in the location of the dominant active area. In some cases, a second active area (longitude) separated by about 180° is detected. No reliable manifestations of switching of the positions of the active areas were detected. The position of the active area was stationary and the position of minimum brightness remained unchanged during a time interval of 4800 days (about 13 years), which ended by the end of 2002. Though the position of the brightness minimum remained virtually constant, the light-curve shape (asymmetry) and the spot ??outline?? in the reconstructed temperature maps exhibited variations. The star possesses considerable cool spots on its surface, whose fractional area is typically 32% and varies between 27% and 40%. Variations of the star??s brightness and spottedness on time scales of 4.8?C5.5 years are most prominent.  相似文献   

We analyze heating and cooling processes in accretion disks in binaries. For realistic parameters of the accretion disks in close binaries (\(\dot M \simeq 10^{ - 12} - 10^7 M_ \odot /yr\) and α?10?1–10?2), the gas temperature in the outer parts of the disk is from ~104 to ~106 K. Our previous gas-dynamical studies of mass transfer in close binaries indicate that, for hot disks (with temperatures for the outer parts of the disk of several hundred thousand K), the interaction between the stream from the inner Lagrange point and the disk is shockless. To study the morphology of the interaction between the stream and a cool accretion disk, we carried out three-dimensional modeling of the flow structure in a binary for the case when the gas temperature in the outer parts of the forming disk does not exceed 13 600 K. The flow pattern indicates that the interaction is again shockless. The computations provide evidence that, as is the case for hot disks, the zone of enhanced energy release (the “hot line”) is located beyond the disk and originates due to the interaction between the circumdisk halo and the stream.  相似文献   

The influence of various chemical elements on radiative cooling of the gas flowing from a viscous jump is investigated in a model with a stationary shock in the atmosphere of a cool star. A closed system of equations is written for the thermal energy per heavy particle, the electron temperature, and the relative concentrations of elements in all ionization states. In addition to hydrogen and helium, atomic, singly ionized, and doubly ionized carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, sulfur, potassium, calcium, and iron are included, assuming they have their normal cosmic abundances. The high optical depth in Lyman-series lines leads to a return of the thermal energy to electrons via secondary collisions. As a result, the contribution of hydrogen to the cooling rate falls to the level of the contribution of metals, mainly carbon, magnesium, and iron. Thus, such shock models are able to explain the presence of bright metal lines in the spectra of cool and solar-type stars.  相似文献   

陈亚军  陈宪 《新疆地质》2005,23(1):103-104
凹陷露天煤矿,由于形成的台阶多,在一定的地质和水文条件下或在外力作用下,当边坡岩体结构面顺层或有弱结构层时,往往形成边坡岩体的滑落,造成重大安全事故.乌鲁木齐矿务局铁长沟露天煤矿井田就属于此类型.该煤矿位于铁长沟河和芦草沟河之间,东西长6km,南北宽1.2km,初步设计基岩边坡角35°,第四系边坡角25°,开采深度+650水平.该矿现开采深度已达到80m,通过对边坡稳定性的分析,指出了边坡滑落的可能以及影响边坡滑落的各种因素,这对于预防边坡的滑落有一定的帮助作用.1影响边坡稳定的地质作用岩石组成岩石中如果含有粘土矿物蒙脱石遇水会膨…  相似文献   

The emission of hydrogen radio recombination lines from a cloud of cool interstellar matter toward the radio source Cassiopeia A has been detected. The formation of the radio recombination lines is initiated by cosmic rays. The rate of ionization of the interstellar hydrogen by cosmic-ray protons measured from the radio recombination lines using the most direct method is ζH = (1 ± 0.25)×10−16 s−1. This value of ζH is compared with measurements obtained using other methods.  相似文献   

We investigate the physical characteristics of single, rapidly rotating white dwarfs, which could form as a result of a merger of two white dwarfs with different masses and filled Roche lobes, due to the radiation of gravitational waves. When the merging of the binary components occurs without loss of mass and angular momentum, the merger products are subject to secular instability, and the density in their cores does not exceed ~108 g/cm3. Models are constructed for rapidly rotating neutron stars, which could form after the collapse of rotating iron cores of evolved massive stars. Dynamically unstable neutron-star models are characterized by a shift of the maximum density from the rotational axis. The total momentum of such neutron stars is about half the maximum possible momentum for the evolved cores of massive stars.  相似文献   

内蒙古大兴安岭生态功能区冷暖季节气候变化趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
利用内蒙古大兴安岭生态功能区8个站点近30a的日气温数据分析了该地区年冻融指数变化趋势。结果表明:该生态功能区融化指数呈显著上升趋势,冻结指数波动变化但不显著;年>0℃天数呈增加趋势,<0℃天数则减少,都未达到显著水平;暖季日平均融化指数显著上升,冷季日平均冻结指数也呈增加趋势,其中2站点达显著水平,表明该地区暖季越暖,冷季亦变冷,气候呈两极化趋势;>0℃生长季初日全部提前,其中62.5%的站点达到显著水平,多数站点生长季推后,但只有1个站点达到显著水平,表明生长季延长初日提前贡献较大。  相似文献   

The effective temperatures T eff and carbon and nitrogen abundances in the atmospheres of the cool R CrB stars ES Aql, SV Sge, Z UMi, and NSV 11154 have been determined by modeling their spectral energy distributions in the optical and near-infrared. The hydrogen-deficient model atmospheres were computed using the SAM12 code in the classical approximation, taking into account sources of opacity characteristic of the atmospheres of R CrB stars. The influence of the hydrogen deficiency on theoretical stellar spectra is analyzed. The resulting effective-temperature estimates for ES Aql, SV Sge, Z UMi, and NSV 11154 are in the range T eff = 4600–5200 K. The carbon abundances log n(C) in the atmospheres of ES Aql, SV Sge, and Z UMi are 8.9–10.1, corresponding to [C/Fe] values typical of the atmospheres of R CrB stars. The nitrogen abundances are lower than those determined in other studies, and differ considerably from star to star. The mean [N/Fe] value for these three stars is ≈1.5 dex lowthan the mean [N/Fe] for known warm R CrB stars. Abnormally high estimates were obtained for the atmosphere of NSV 11154: log n(C) = 10.8 and log n(N) = 10.0. The approximate log g estimates agree with the conclusion from photometric observations that cool R CrB stars have lower luminosities than hotter R CrB stars.  相似文献   

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