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Zatsepa  S. N.  Ivchenko  A. A.  Korotenko  K. A.  Solbakov  V. V.  Stanovoy  V. V. 《Oceanology》2018,58(6):769-777
Oceanology - The paper proposes a new parameterization of natural dispersion of a marine oil spill due to wind-wave breakup of the oil slick and penetration of oil droplets into the water. The...  相似文献   

激光诱导荧光(LIF)是一种主动光学探测技术,该技术已在海面未乳化溢油油种鉴别及油膜厚度评估方面取得了一定的研究成果,但乳化溢油的监测理论基础和探测方法尚未成熟。溢油乳化物的量化会直接影响溢油污染的应急处理和灾害评估,但目前对溢油乳化液溢油量的计算尚未有研究报道。本文以水包油乳化液为研究对象,基于等效思想,根据油量相等建立了水包油乳化液与油膜的荧光检测等效模型,并依据光的辐射传输机理推导出等效油膜厚度的估算公式,最后采用仿真实例对估算方法的适用性和有效性进行了验证。实验结果表明,当水包油乳化液含油率小于12×10-6,厚度小于5.98 cm时,利用所提出的等效方法能有效计算出水包油实际溢油厚度。该方法可为海面乳化溢油量的估算提供一种创新性的方法,具有良好的借鉴意义和实际应用价值。  相似文献   

Sixteen numerical experiments are conducted using the General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment (GNOME) to numerically study the oil spill trajectory in the Bohai Sea, China, for the purpose of providing information for the oil cleanup and disaster mitigation. High resolution coastline and topography data investigated by China's 908 Program are used to accurately describe the regional geographic feature of the Bohai Sea. Currents and waves required by GNOME are generated by the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model and Simulating Wave Nearshore, respectively. Experimental results show that oil spilled in different seasons and at different locations will result in completely different spilling trajectories, traveling distances, and polluting areas. Knowing that information comprehensively is vital to pollution control. Another important goal of this work is to provide users with simulated oil spill trajectory information through China Digital Ocean Prototype System (CDOPS), a grand marine information platform for managing, displaying, and public sharing of the data investigated by the China 908 Program. Users can obtain the trajectory, spreading, and potential impact area of the spilled oil through the oil spill module in CDOPS.  相似文献   

Wang  Kun  Du  Jing  Liu  Ming  Wu  Jin-hao  Jiang  Heng-zhi  Jin  Sheng  Song  Lun 《中国海洋工程》2019,33(2):185-197
The Bohai Sea is a seasonal icy sea area that has the lowest latitude of any sea experiencing icing in the northern hemisphere, and simulation studies on oil spills during its sea ice period are the key to analyzing winter oil spill accidents. This study applied the three-dimensional free surface to establish a high-resolution hydrodynamic model and simulate tidal distributions in the Bohai Sea. Then, the oil spill model of the open sea area and thermodynamic model were combined to establish a numerical model for the Bohai oil spill during the winter sea ice period. The hydrodynamic model and sea ice growth and melting model were verified, and the parameters were adjusted based on the measured values, which indicate that the numerical model established in this paper is of high accuracy,stability and ubiquity. Finally, after checking the calculations repeatedly, the diffusion coefficient for the Bohai Sea was determined to be 1.0×10~(–7 )m~2/s. It is better that the comprehensive weathering attenuation coefficient is lower than that of a non-winter oil spill, with 1.3×10~(–7 )m~2/s being the most appropriate coefficient. This study can provide the reliable technical support for the operational safety and reduction in losses caused by winter oil spill accidents for the petroleum industry.  相似文献   

<正>英国 ( 全称大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 ) 由大不列颠、爱尔兰岛东北部 ( 即北爱尔兰 ) 及附近约 5000 个小岛组成,位处欧洲西部,全国总面积约为  相似文献   

胶州湾海面溢油轨迹的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对胶州湾湾口两侧——团岛和薛家岛 1个月的潮位观测资料进行调和分析 ,得出湾口两侧 M2 ,S2 ,O1,K1分潮的调和常数 ,进而建立了胶州湾内的预报潮流场。考虑风场对海面溢油的影响 ,给出了预测胶州湾溢油飘移轨迹的数值模型 ,对 1 983年 1 1月 2 5日“东方大使”号油轮在中砂礁触礁后的溢油的油膜漂移轨迹进行了数值模拟 ,结果与事故后观测到的结果相符 ,说明了数值模拟的正确性  相似文献   

渤海海上油气的开发增大了沿岸岸滩环境的溢油污染风险,针对溢油污染岸滩采取高效的油污清理技术对岸滩环境保护具有重要意义。文章对岸滩类型及其常用清理技术进行介绍,在对渤海溢油污染高风险岸滩进行判别的基础上,针对性地提出各区段岸滩的溢油清理技术手段,如利用油污真空回收车、低压水冲洗和铺设天然吸附物、高低压冷热水冲洗、高压热水冲洗和喷洒消油剂或表面清洗剂等,为渤海沿岸岸滩可能发生的溢油污染的处置工作提供辅助决策。  相似文献   

荧光光谱具有灵敏度高、选择性好、分析速度快等特点被广泛应用于溢油鉴别。通过结合同步荧光光谱法、导数荧光光谱法和三维荧光光谱法对某码头一次溢油事故的溢油样进行分析鉴别,快速准确地鉴别出溢油源,进一步说明了荧光光谱法是溢油鉴别中一种有效的技术方法。研究结果表明:(1)同步荧光光谱对油源较为相近的油样区分能力较差,但可初步判断其相似性;(2)三维荧光光谱图油样荧光强度会受风化等因素的影响,但谱图的整体轮廓受干扰因素影响较小,芳烃的测定结果能比较准确地反映出溢油源的特征信息;(3)一阶导数荧光光谱中峰的比值能增强光谱特征,提高溢油鉴别的分辨能力。  相似文献   

当溢油事件发生在有冰覆盖海域时,海面油膜的各项特性的变化规律将发生显著变化。针对这一问题,采用室内试验的方法对渤海可能发生的冰期溢油事件进行了模拟,重点针对溢油在有冰覆盖海面上的特性变化进行了详细观测,并依据观测数据对相关变化规律进行了探讨。试验中分别对轻质原油和重质原油试样进行了测试,并针对渤海常年遇冰条件进行了模拟。试验内容包括:油膜厚度、油膜蒸发率以及乳化黏度在不同冰块覆盖率下随时间的变化情况。试验测试结果表明,溢油的各项风化进程均将受到海冰的影响。  相似文献   

海上溢油粒子追踪预测模型中的两种数值方法比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在海上溢油粒子追踪预测模型中,关键的是对拉格朗日微分方程的求解。本文首先通过数值实验比较了欧拉法和龙格-库塔法求解拉格朗日溢油轨迹微分方程的优劣,然后将其应用到2005年4月3日发生在大连附近的“ARTEAGA”油轮溢油事故的油膜粒子追踪模型中。数值实验和应用结果表明,在近岸不均匀流场下,用龙格-库塔方法解拉格朗日油粒子微分方程比用欧拉法求解精度高,用龙格-库塔方法模拟“ARTEAGA”油轮轨迹及其扩散范围与实际观测更为接近,而用欧拉法模拟溢油扩散的面积偏大。  相似文献   

针对南海油气田勘探开发溢油污染防治需求,开发了国内首套深水区水下溢油三维可视化模拟系统,由三维海流预报模型、深水溢油模型、三维可视化仿真系统和数据库组成。海流预报模型基于ROMS模式,通过考虑波致混合影响,并利用最优插值技术同化卫星测高资料和嵌套技术,保障了预报结果的准确性。深水溢油模型由羽流模型和对流扩散模型组成,考虑了卷吸、油气分离、溶解、水合物生成、漂移、扩散等复杂过程。系统能够预测深水区水下油气泄漏后行为和归宿过程,提供油、气、天然气水合物粒子的大小、分布、移动速度和漂移轨迹、扩散面积、水体溢油残存量、水面溢油量等三维可视化动态模拟结果。目前系统已经在油气田勘探开发中得到应用,为南海深水溢油应急提供了重要支撑。  相似文献   

本文应用水动力模型及溢油模块对代表性风况下钦州湾金鼓江的溢油事故进行情景模拟,且水动力模型结果与实测潮位和实测潮流吻合较好。低潮时发生溢油,不同风况下油粒子在5.5-8.5h后漂到金鼓江上游养殖区。高潮时发生溢油,油粒子在不同风况下漂移轨迹差别较大,例如无风时油粒子在钦州湾颈和三墩外海附近往复运动,而南风3.3m/s工况下油粒子将最终影响大榄坪港区的东南端。另外,高风速下不利风向会缩减油膜抵达敏感区的时间,同时风速越大,蒸发越快。因此风场对溢油模型有重要意义,今后将在精细化WRF模型基础上优化溢油模型并构建溢油决策系统,为地方经济发展和海洋环境保护提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

<正>中海油天津分公司南海一号钻井平台溢油事故发生后,北海分局高度重视,立即启动溢油三级应急响应。在北海分局的精心组织、周密部署、科学决策、正确指挥下,分局各有关单位(部门)协调一致、密切配合,积极应对此次溢油应急事件,圆满完成了本次应急响应工作。5月13日07:30时,北海分局接到中海油天津分公司报告,该公司在渤中34-1北区块  相似文献   

On the Spectrum Width of Wind Waves   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Based on the universal expression of wind wave spectra, four commonly used definitions of the spectrum width are re-examined. The results show that the non-dimensional spectrum width can measure the width of non-dimensional spectra hut it does not reflect the developing state of the spectra. The dimensional spectrum width expresses the degree of concentration of wave energy of the spectrum in (he process of wind wave growth. Tests show that the spectrum width presented by Wen et al. can objectively measure the degree of concentration of wave energy of the spectrum, reflect the state of wind wave growth, and provides a better result for practical application. The rules for definition of the spectrum width are discussed.  相似文献   

On the Spectral Moments of Wind Waves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
LI  Luping 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(1):135-140
In order to obtain high order spectral moments, the residual moment , as proposed by De-nis, is presented for approximate estimation of spectral moment Glazman's partial averaging idea isdiscussed. It is pointed out that Glazman's method and definition of non-dimensional spectral moment can not be used to es-timate spectral moments for engineering purposes and that method is not supported by theory and computation. The non-dimensional spectral moment of PM spectrum, which should be expressed as is related to wind speed. The0 - 8th moments of PM spectrum are estimated for wind speeds of 10, 20 and 30 m/s and some discussions are given.  相似文献   

在溢油运动模型分析的基础上,确立遥感数据服务于应急所需的时间分辨率,并进一步分析遥感数据处理时间构成,讨论应急反应下的溢油轨迹预测、遥感监测技术的协同,提出优化建议.研究成果在2010-07-16发生的大连新港溢油事件发挥了关键作用,结果表明溢油应急遥感应用时效具有实践可行性及重要性.  相似文献   

文章基于危化品风险源、涉海敏感目标和船舶交通密度3种影响因素综合评价溢油环境风险状况。首先从空间分布和数量特征的视角,提取宁波市海域环境风险影响因子,建立海域环境风险评价方法和指标体系,然后依托GIS空间信息平台实现对宁波近岸海域环境风险空间布局的综合评价。结果表明,宁波慈溪市西北部和镇海区潜在的溢油环境风险极高,对石油泄漏的敏感程度也相对较高,进而表明该区域应列为重点风险管控对象;北仑区和奉化区东南部沿海区域和象山港东部海域,其溢油环境风险为一般水平,说明该区域应列为一般风险管控对象,其潜在的溢油环境风险属于中等敏感程度;而象山县东部及东南部、宁海县南部区域,该海域的潜在环境风险极低,其对溢油敏感程度较低。评价结果可为宁波市海洋环境风险防控及应急响应措施、海域空间资源利用配置等提供科学依据和有效借鉴。  相似文献   

针对遥感溢油识别的电子海图显示应用系统的开发,进行功能需求分析并提出系统设计方案。在分析了几种常见的电子海图显示平台开发模式的基础上,基于MapObjects组件开发实现了电子海图显示应用平台,具备海图显示、数据叠加、海图分析、添加标注、地图输出等功能。  相似文献   

Radar data from three experiments are analysed. Scatter characteristics of 50 cm wind-generated waves have been investigated with a C-band radar in a large wind-wave tank. Evidence of wave groups in sea clutter from the west coast of Scotland in the Sound of Sleat is also presented. The spectrum of the waves in the sound is narrow-banded and the waves are young, like the wind-wave spectrum in the laboratory. Clutter measurements, collected on the English south coast at Portland, of more ocean-like waves with broad band spectra also suggest the presence of wave groups. Evidence of the presence of wave groups is demonstrated in range-time images, as well as in the Fourier domain. Some ad hoc processing schemes, the normalised variance and binary threshold techniques, were successfully applied to enhance the appearance of the wave groups. The wind waves change frequency with fetch in the wave tank and the downshifting process is investigated using range-frequency maps of the radar data. The waves appear to change frequency in discrete steps that are associated with wave breaking events. The difference in wave period before and after breaking could be measured, and a wave crest was shown to be lost to compensate for the change in period, as expected. Some downshifting could also be measured in the Sound of Sleat. The ratio of wave group frequency and wave frequency is inaccordance with Benjamin-Fier sideband instability theory, as it is for the data measured at Portland. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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