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Geological, geophysical and geotechnical investigations, for the characterization of the strong-motion recording sites managed by the Italian Civil Protection, have been carried out in the framework of the project “Italian strong-motion database in the period 1972–2004”. The project aimed at creating an updated database of strong-motion data acquired in Italy by different institutions in the time span 1972–2004, and at improving the quality of disseminated data. This article illustrates the state of the recording site characterization before the beginning of the project, explains the criteria adopted to select the sites where geophysical/geotechnical investigation have been performed and describes the results of the promoted field surveys.  相似文献   

姜秀璇  郭晓  范兵  邹锐 《地震工程学报》2021,43(6):1343-1351
场地响应是精确测定震源参数和稳健估计出高精度地壳介质衰减变化的关键影响因素之一,采用H/V尾波谱比法,对祁连山主动源观测台网中40个短周期观测台站的场地响应进行了分析.结果表明,祁连山主动源观测台网中40个短周期观测台站均存在不同程度的放大(衰减)作用,根据40个台站观测波形的尾波场地响应曲线特征,可将其分为平坦类、放...  相似文献   

介绍了国家测震台站卫星传输链路和数据传输状态检测方法,使用VS2015开发环境的C#语言编写了自动检测程序并将其应用于台站,台站值班人员可以及时得到卫星传输不正常的报警信息,以便及时进行修复。  相似文献   

High-frequency filtering of strong-motion records   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
The influence of noise in strong-motion records is most problematic at low and high frequencies where the signal to noise ratio is commonly low compared to that in the mid-spectrum. The impact of low-frequency noise (<1 Hz) on strong-motion intensity parameters such as ground velocities, displacements and response spectral ordinates can be dramatic and consequentially it has become standard practice to low-cut (high-pass) filter strong-motion data with corner frequencies often chosen based on the shape of Fourier amplitude spectra and the signal-to-noise ratio. It has been shown that response spectral ordinates should not be used beyond some fraction of the corner period (reciprocal of the corner frequency) of the low-cut filter. This article examines the effect of high-frequency noise (>5 Hz) on computed pseudo-absolute response spectral accelerations (PSAs). In contrast to the case of low-frequency noise our analysis shows that filtering to remove high-frequency noise is only necessary in certain situations and that PSAs can often be used up to 100 Hz even if much lower high-cut corner frequencies are required to remove the noise. This apparent contradiction can be explained by the fact that PSAs are often controlled by ground accelerations associated with much lower frequencies than the natural frequency of the oscillator because path and site attenuation (often modelled by Q and κ, respectively) have removed the highest frequencies. We demonstrate that if high-cut filters are to be used, then their corner frequencies should be selected on an individual basis, as has been done in a few recent studies.  相似文献   

一种高精度三通道强震动记录器的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了适应中国数字强震动台网建设发展的需要,设计出了高精度三通道数字强震记录器,本文对该记录器作了简要介绍。高精度三通道数字强震记录器采用了高精度的Δ-∑类型的24位AD转换器,其有效转换位数达到17.5位。记录器支持本地串口通信、Modem远程拨号通信、TCP/IP网络通信等多种通信方式,仪器面板上有液晶屏、小键盘,直接支持自启动、参数设置等,并且实现了便携式低功耗设计方式,完全满足数字强震动监测网络建设发展的需求。  相似文献   

上海市数字强震观测网是我国第1个具有一定规模的数字强震观测网,是上海市“九五”期间建设完成的,它由3部分组成;地面观测网,结构观测网和深井强震观测系统,每一部分都有不同的功能和目的,本文详细介绍该强震网的整个概况。功能及取得的部分观测成果。  相似文献   

基于土层结构的场地分类方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文在详细研究了不同土层结构在不同地震动输入下的地表反应谱的平台值和特征周期的基础上,提出了基于土层结构的场地分类的初步方案。本方案给出了在现行建筑抗震设计规范四类场地划分的基础上,进一步考虑软弱夹层在底部、中部和上部3种情况的场地分类方法。本文的结果对进一步推动场地分类的研究具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

Summary A method was developed for classifying the intensity of seismic events observed in the Karviná part of the Ostrava—Karviná mining district. The method is based on determining the magnitude of events, using the homogenized maximum amplitudes of the S-wave group. The amplitude observations were homogenized by means of station corrections estimated by successive approximation simultaneously with the derivation of the optimum calibrating function. The magnitude classification developed enables an objective and relatively simple estimation of the intensity of seismic events in mines with an accuracy corresponding to the quality of observations. The correlation between the so-called accepted energy, currently used for classifying rock bursts in the Ostrava—Karviná mining district, and the corresponding magnitudes was established.
Резюме Оnuсaн меmо?rt; меmо?rt; каaссuфuкaцuu сеŭсмuческuх явлеuŭ нaблю?rt;aемых в кaрвuнскоŭ чaсmu Осmрaвско-Кaрвuнскоŭ у?rt;ольноŭ облaсmu. Меmо?rt; основaн нa оnре?rt;еленuu мa?rt;нumу?rt;ы явленuŭ. Для эmоŭ зa?rt;aчu uсnользовaны мaксuмaльные aмnлumу?rt;ы в ?rt;руnnе S-волн. О?rt;норо?rt;носmь нaблю?rt;енuŭ ?rt;осmu?rt;нуma сmaнцuоннымu nоnрaвкaмu, коmорые оnре?rt;елялuсь о?rt;новременно с оnmuмaльноŭ кaлuбровочноŭ функцuеŭ. Пре?rt;ложеннaя клaссuфuкaцuя ?rt;aёm нa?rt;ёжную u оmносumельно nросmую оценку uнmенсuвносmu сеŭсмuческuх явленuеŭ в у?rt;ольном бaссеŭне с mочносmью оmвечaюшеŭ кaчесmву нaблю?rt;енuŭ. Усmaновленa корреляцuя меж?rt;у, maк нaзывaемоŭ, nрuняmоŭ энер?rt;uеŭ явленuя, оnре?rt;елённоŭ nо меmо?rt;uке uсnользуемоŭ нa nрaкmuке Осmрaвско-Кaрвuнскuх щaхm, u сооmвеmсmвуюшеŭ мa?rt;нumу?rt;оŭ.

The International Workshop on Strong-motion Earthquake Instrument Arrays was held during 2-5 May 1978 in Honolulu, Hawaii. The goal of the workshop was to develop a workable plan for the possible future deployment of dense strong-motion arrays with primary emphasis on ground motion studies. Topics considered by the workshop included: favourable array locations, the design of arrays for source mechanism and wave propagation studies, the design of arrays for local effects studies, array construction and operation, and implementation. This paper gives a summary of the recommendations and conclusions of the workshop.  相似文献   

Rotation motion and its effects on strong-motion data, in most cases, are much smaller than that of translational motion and have been ignored in most analyses of strong-motion data. However, recent observations from near-fault and/or extreme large ground motions suggest that these effects might be underestimated and quantitative analyses seem to be necessary for improving our understating of these effects. Rotation motion-related effects include centrifugal acceleration, the effects of gravity and effects of the rotation frame. Detailed analyses of these effects based on the observed data are unavailable in the literature. In this study, we develop a numerical algorithm for estimating the effects of rotational motion on the strong-motion data using a set of six-component ground motions and apply it to a set of rotation rate-strong motion velocity data. The data were recorded during a magnitude 6.9 earthquake. The peak value of the derived acceleration and rotation rate of this dataset are about 186 cm/s/s and 0.0026 rad/s. Numerical analyses of data gives time histories of these rotational motion-related effects. Our results show that all the rotation angles are less than 0.01°. The maximum centrifugal acceleration, effect from gravity and effect of the rotation frame are about 0.03 and 0.14 cm/s/s, respectively. Both these two effects are much smaller than the peak acceleration 186 cm/s/s. This result might have been expected because our data are not near-field and wave motions are expected to be nearly plane waves. However, it is worth noticing that the centrifugal acceleration is underestimated and a small rotational effect can cause large waveform difference in acceleration data. The waveform difference before and after the correction for rotational motion can reach 16 cm/s/s (about 10 %).  相似文献   


The seismic behaviour of a building on a liquefiable deposit is a complex interaction which involves quantifying both shaking induced damage and permanent ground deformation-related damage. In this paper the key parameters that influence both surface shaking and foundation settlements have been identified as the depth, thickness and liquefaction resistance of an equivalent liquefiable layer. These parameters can be used to develop an ‘equivalent soil profile’ that is analogous to the equivalent single degree-of-freedom that reduces the complexity of the dynamic response of a building into comparable and easily understood quantities. The equivalent soil profile is quantified independent of the seismic hazard, making it compatible with performance based design and assessment frameworks such that the building and soil profile can be directly assessed at different levels of seismic hazard. Several numerical studies are presented that demonstrate the influence of these key parameters on the ground surface shaking and foundation settlement. A set of criteria are proposed for classifying soil profiles into 22 different soil classes for regional loss assessment. An algorithm was developed for automatically fitting the equivalent soil profile to a cone penetration test trace and issues with the fitting are discussed. Field reconnaissance was undertaken to collect additional data to support existing datasets on the performance of buildings in Adapazari, during the 1999 Kocaeli, Turkey, earthquake (Mw = 7.4). The field case history data was used to investigate the correlation between the depth, thickness and liquefaction resistance of an equivalent liquefiable layer, on the extent of foundation permanent deformation. The case history data showed that in general a shallow, thick and weak liquefiable layer near the surface results in significant settlement but a lack of data for buildings on non-liquefiable deposits and the additional complexities involved with real buildings and soil deposits, meant that the trends observed in the idealised numerical models could not identified in the field case history data set.


Ninety-two strong-motion earthquake records from the California region, U.S.A., have been statistically studied using principal component analysis in terms of twelve important standardized strong-motion characteristics. The first two principal components account for about 57 per cent of the total variance. Based on these two components the earthquake records are classified into nine groups in a two-dimensional principal component plane. Also a unidimensional engineering rating scale is proposed. The procedure can be used as an objective approach for classifying and rating future earthquakes.  相似文献   

中国大陆强震观测   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
主要介绍了我国大陆强震观测的历史和现状,并在此基础上对我国大陆今后的强震观测提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

During the great Wenchuan earthquake, about 460 permanent free-field stations in National Strong Motion Observation Network System (NSMONS) of China captured the main shock acceleration records. These records can be applied to site effect analyses, and then the site classification of those permanent stations can be carried out firstly, which will served as the fundamental information for further research. In this paper, the site of near-fault stations is classified by horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (...  相似文献   

近场数字强震仪记录误差分析与零线校正方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文对数字强震仪记录进行了误差分析,并对国家强震动台网入网的5种型号数字强震仪系统作了振动台对比试验,分析了该系统加速度记录积分后速度和位移时程零线漂移的原因.本文提出了加速度记录的零线漂移校正方法和校正准则.为了印证零线校正方法的可靠性,对振动台试验中强震仪记录到的加速度两次积分得出位移时程与试验时记录到的绝对位移进行比较,计算位移和振动台绝对位移完全一致;对2008年5.12汶川8.0级大地震和1999年台湾9.21集集7.6级地震现场加速度记录两次积分后得出永久位移与两次大地震的GPS同震位移进行比较.结果表明,该方法对大地震近场仪器墩会发生倾斜或产生永久位移时加速度记录的零线校正有明显效果,可以给出加速度积分后的速度和位移并符合校正准则.本文方法解决了对大地震近场地面运动的研究停留在对峰值加速度和反应谱的研究阶段的困惑,满足了结构抗震对地面永久位移的需求.  相似文献   

In this site response study we examined local earthquakes recorded at surface stations of a local seismic network and at a temporary underground seismic array installed in a tunnel underneath the Gran Sasso Massif in Abruzzo (central Italy). This allowed us to compare the seismic site response beneath the mountain and on the surface in similar geological environment (soft rock sites). We applied spectral ratios method on different segments of the seismograms and used different reference spectra in the 1–20 Hz frequency band. We found little or no amplification effects at most of the surface stations whereas site transfer functions evaluated with respect to underground sites show an amplification factor up to 6 in the 1–8 Hz frequency range. Coda spectral ratios estimated at soft rock sites are confirmed as good estimates of shear wave transfer function.  相似文献   

张红才  徐嘉隽  陈智勇 《地震学报》2015,37(6):1045-1058
应用噪声谱比法, 收集了福建台网观测台站记录的地脉动噪声数据, 计算分析了85个观测台站的场地响应. 根据场地响应曲线形态将福建台网观测台站分为4类, 并简要分析了影响台站场地响应结果的因素. 计算结果表明, 福建台网观测台站台基情况普遍较好, 在台站观测频带内场地响应曲线平坦, 大部分台站均没有明显的频率放大点. 本文采用H/V谱比法与Moya方法所获得的37个台站的场地响应结果基本一致, 仅有少数台站存在较大差异. 应用场地响应分析结果, 结合计算震级时所量取的周期, 对福建台网观测台站的单台震级校正值进行了估计, 并与统计方法获得的单台震级校正值进行了比对. 结果表明, 两种方法获得的台站震级校正值存在一定的相关性, 但由于考虑的影响因素不同, 具体的台站震级校正值尚存在差别.   相似文献   

One of the main objectives of the ITACA (ITalian ACcelerometric Archive) strong motion database, promoted by the Italian Department of Civil Protection, was to improve the characterization of the recording sites from a geological and geophysical point of view and to provide their seismic classification according to the seismic norms pertinent to Italy, namely the Eurocode 8 and the National Technical Norms for Constructions. A standard format to summarize the available information for the recording stations was first produced, in terms of a technical report dynamically linked to the database, i.e., some of the relevant information is automatically updated when the corresponding fields of the database are modified. Then, an important activity of collection, qualification and synthesis of available data was carried out, especially for stations that recorded the strongest earthquakes in Italy in the last 40 years, and for which a relevant number of studies have been published. In spite of this activity, among the more than 700 strong motion stations present in the ITACA database, only a limited number of them could be characterized by quantitative information on subsurface soil properties. For this reason, a dual seismic site classification criterion was implemented, either based on the standard V s,30 scheme, or, in the absence of such information, based on an expert opinion supported by shallow geology maps, mostly at 1:100,000 scale, and when available on the H/V ratios calculated on recordings. Owing to the relevance in the Italian geographic and morphological context, a special care was also given to the topographic classification of stations, based on suitable criteria developed within a GIS environment.  相似文献   

Since 1990, digital strong-motion accelerographs and global positioning system (GPS) instruments have been widely deployed in the Taiwan region (Shin et al. 2003; Yu et al. 2001). The 1999 Chi-Chi, Mw 7.6 earthquake and the 2003 Chengkung, Mw 6.8 earthquake were well recorded by both digital accelerographs and GPS instruments. These data offer a good opportunity to determine coseismic displacements from strong-motion records and to compare the results with those derived from GPS measurements. As noted by Boore (2001), a double integration of the acceleration data often leads to unreasonable results, and baseline corrections are therefore required in most cases before the integration. Based on the works of Iwan et al. (1985) and Boore (2001), we developed an improved method for baseline correction and validated it using an extensive set of data from shake-table tests of a known “step” displacement on 249 accelerographs. Our baseline correction method recovered about 97% of the actual displacement from the shake-table data. We then applied this baseline correction method to compute coseismic displacements from the strong-motion data of the Chi-Chi and Chengkung earthquakes. Our results agree favorably with the coseismic displacements determined by the GPS measurements at nearby sites. The ratio of seismic to geodetic displacement varies from 0.78 to 1.41, with an average of about 1.05.  相似文献   

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