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藏南裂谷作为青藏高原最显著的伸展构造样式之一,是研究高原生长过程的重要窗口,但目前其深部成因机制仍存在较大争议。本文利用沿错那—沃卡裂谷中部的大地电磁数据,分析裂谷区域的大地电磁测深曲线特征和相位张量,并通过三维大地电磁反演获得邛多江地堑和沃卡地堑深部电性结构。三维大地电磁反演结果显示,沃卡地堑和邛多江地堑深部存在一条连续的显著高导异常,并呈现“俯冲”形态,且上覆高阻结构体,而在邛多江地堑两侧浅部则分布低阻异常。结合早期的研究结果,本文支持错那—沃卡裂谷深部的高导异常为地壳部分熔融,可能与南向地壳流相关,并研究认为在南北向持续挤压作用下,裂谷下方的弱地壳层,通过解耦上地壳和下部地壳,促进了藏南裂谷系的发育。  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘地壳上地幔结构及其动力学意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
张忠杰  陈赘  田小波 《地质科学》2009,44(4):1136-1150
本文综述了我们在青藏高原东缘实施的垂直切过龙门山断裂带宽频带地震探测的研究成果,揭示了研究区复杂的地壳上地幔结构,结果表明松潘-甘孜地块与四川盆地西缘莫霍面深度为58 km与40 km±,在龙门山断裂带下方存在约15 km的莫霍面错断; 松潘-甘孜与龙门山断裂带域地壳纵横波速度比Vp/Vs比值远大于173,预示着粘性下地壳流或基性/超基性物质的存在。探讨了研究区强烈的盆山之间以及深部不同层圈之间的相互作用,推断四川盆地对青藏高原东缘软流圈驱动的物质东向逃逸阻挡作用可能深达整个上地幔。  相似文献   

在区域地质调查的基础,通过构造分析、岩浆岩的分布以及构造岩的详细研究,厘定出冀东青龙一带太古代基底与中元古界盖层之间接触为构造滑脱关系。并认为构造滑脱经历了明显的两期活动,早期为挤压体制下的逆冲—褶皱作用,中元古代地层表现为同倒转褶皱,滑脱带内发育断层泥和断层角砾岩;晚期为伸展体制下伸展滑脱作用,表现为断层泥劈理化发育,指示明显的伸展滑脱特征。研究区太古代基底与中元古界盖层滑脱构造的厘定,对于再造该区构造格局和沉积古地理格局具有重要意义  相似文献   

李海龙  张长厚  邹云  邓洪菱  马君 《地质通报》2008,27(10):1698-1708
燕山中部冀东遵化、迁西、青龙一带以太古宇深变质结晶岩系为核部的东西向构造形迹长期以来被认为是一个复式背斜构造,近年来又有学者提出它是一个中生代变质核杂岩。这2种不同认识涉及到华北克拉通北部中生代区域大地构造演化和稳定克拉通内部大型基底结晶岩系的剥露机制问题。对马兰峪背斜南翼和西部倾伏端盖层岩系开展的详细构造研究表明,变形总体表现为连续的褶皱变形及伴生的逆冲构造;构造样式表现为基底卷入式的厚皮构造与盖层内部软弱岩系控制的薄皮构造共存的特征;变形机制表现为顺层挤压导致的纵弯弯曲和相关的断裂构造;近南北向的缩短率介于16%~27%之间。盖层岩系中未发现变质核杂岩构造模型所预期的系列高角度正断层。基底与盖层不整合面接触带尽管在后期构造变形过程中曾经发生过局部的差异性滑动,但并不是造成大规模构造剥蚀和地壳柱切失的剥离断层。因此,冀东马兰峪背斜不是中生代的变质核杂岩,而是水平挤压背景下基底结晶岩系与盖层共同卷入纵弯褶皱变形的厚皮式褶皱构造。  相似文献   

在区域地质调查的基础上,通过对构造、岩浆岩和构造岩的详细研究.厘定出冀东青龙一带太古宙基底与中元古界盖层之间的接触关系为构造滑脱关系.构造滑脱经历了明显的2期活动.早期为挤压体制下的逆冲一褶皱作用,中元古界表现为同倒转褶皱,滑脱带内发育断层泥和断层角砾岩;晚期为伸展体制下的伸展滑脱作用,表现为断层泥劈理化发育,指示明显的伸展滑脱特征.研究区太古宙基底与中元古界盖层滑脱构造的厘定,对再造该区的构造格局和沉积古地理格局具有重要意义.  相似文献   

The Iberian Massif poses a problem of relationships between its northwestern and southern parts. Suture terranes (ophiolites and high-pressure rocks) crop out in NW Iberia but only as allochthonous units, unconnected from their root zone. Sutures cropping out in SW Iberia are discussed in order to relate them to the unknown root of the NW Iberia allochthons. On the other hand, the Moroccan Variscides are very briefly presented with a view to propose their correlation with the Iberian zones. Particularly important is the transition from the Variscides to the Paleoproterozoic basement in Morocco, which is a key argument for palaeogeographic reconstructions.  相似文献   

胶东半岛早白垩世地壳隆升剥蚀及其动力学意义   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
地壳大规模的隆升剥蚀通常是重大地质事件的响应,是地球动力学研究的重要内容之一。本文总结了胶东半岛中生代燕山期不同阶段的花岗岩侵位和金矿形成深度并以此估算了胶东半岛地壳隆升-剥蚀的厚度。结果表明胶东半岛在中生代旱白垩世140—110Ma期间,地壳隆升-剥蚀厚约7km,而从早白垩末期至今的110Ma以来,地壳隆升一剥蚀厚度不足4km。这表明胶东半岛早白垩世140—110Ma期间曾发生了一次重大地质事件,从而导致了胶东半岛整体快速隆升和剥蚀。该事件与中国东部岩石圈减薄的峰期时限耦合,应是岩石圈减薄的深部动力学过程的浅部响应。隆升-剥蚀的深部过程可能与该区造山加厚地壳的拆沉有关,同时还伴有因古太平洋斜向加速俯冲所引起的地幔上涌共同作用有关。  相似文献   

冈底斯岩浆弧东端林芝地区出露的中-高级变质岩来自岩浆弧的中、下地壳,是研究岩浆弧深部组成与形成演化的窗口。本文对林芝布久地区西部产出的泥质片岩进行了岩石学和锆石U-Pb年代学研究。研究表明,含夕线石石榴石云母片岩的峰期矿物组合为石榴石+黑云母+斜长石+白云母+夕线石+石英+金红石,经历了角闪岩相变质作用和部分熔融,峰期变质温度和压力条件为~7.4kbar和~715℃。片岩的进变质和部分熔融作用很可能开始于~70Ma,退变质和熔体结晶作用发生在61~48Ma。本文和现有研究成果表明,冈底斯岩浆弧东端变质岩的变质条件存在明显的空间变化,角闪岩相和麻粒岩相变质带变质岩分别代表岩浆弧的中地壳和下地壳组成。同时,岩浆弧的下地壳主要由变质的基性和长英质岩浆岩组成,含少量变质沉积岩,而中地壳主要由变质的花岗质岩浆岩和变质沉积岩组成。我们认为在晚中生代-早新生代,印度大陆与亚洲大陆的碰撞和俯冲的新特提斯洋岩石圈的断离,引起了岩浆弧地壳构造缩短加厚和幔源岩浆增生,进而导致上地壳的沉积岩被埋藏到中、下地壳,并经历长期持续的高温变质和部分熔融作用。本研究不仅揭示出冈底斯岩浆弧经历了晚中生代-早新生代的变质作用,也为岩浆弧的地壳组成与空间变化提供了重要信息。  相似文献   


The Shyok suture zone separates the Ladakh terrane to the SW from the Karakoram terrane to the NE. Six tectonic units have been distinguished. From south to north these are; 1. Saltoro formation; 2. Shyok volcanites; 3. Saltoro molasse; 4. Ophiolitic melange; 5. Tirit granitoids; 6. Karakoram terrane including the Karakoram batholith. Albian—Aptian Orbitolina-bearing lime-stones and turbidites of the Saltoro formation tectonically overlie high-Mg-tholeiites similar to the tectonically overlying Shyok volcanites. The high-Mg tholeiitic basalts and calcalkaline andesites of the Shyok volcanites show an active margin signature. The Saltoro molasse is an apron-like, moderately folded association of redgreen shales and sandstones that are interbedded with ~ 50 m porphyritic andesite. Desiccation cracks and rain-drop imprints indicate deposition in a subaerial fluvial environment. Rudist fragments from a polygenic conglomerate of the Saltoro molasse document a post-Middle Cretaceous age. The calcalkaline andesites of the Shyok volcanites are intruded by the Tirit granitoids, which are located immediately south of the Ophiolitic melange and belong to a weakly deformed trondhjemite-tonalite-granodiorite-granite suite. These granitoids are subalkaline, I-type and were emplaced in a volcanic arc setting. The subalkaline to calcalkaline granitoids of the Karakoram batholith are I-and S-type granitoid. The I-type granitoids represent a typical calcalkaline magmatism of a subduction zone environment whereas the S-type granitoids are crustderived, anatectic peraluminous granites. New data suggest that the volcano-plutonic and sedimentary successions of the Shyok suture zone exposed in northern Ladakh are equivalent to the successions exposed along the Northern suture in Kohistan. It is likely that the o istan and Ladakh blocks evolved as one single tectonic domain uring the Cretaceous-Palaeogene. Subsequently, collision, suturing and accretion of the Indian plate along the Indus suture (50–60 Ma) together with tectonic activity along the Nanga Parbataramosh divided Kohistan and Ladakh into two arealy distinct magmatic arc terranes. The activity and a dextral offset along the Karakoram fault (Holocene-Recent) disrupted the original tectonic relationships. © 1999 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

Based on geological and geophysical data, characteristics of neotectonic activity of the eastern border of the Pannonian Depression are presented.As a result of differential tectonic movements during the Neogene-Quaternary, separate morphostructural units are subjected to subsidence and uplifting, along active faults.The local seismic activity is related, mainly, to the movements along the borders of grabens, as well as at the contact between different crustal blocks.  相似文献   

The map distribution of ancient civilizations shows a remarkable correspondence with tectonic boundaries related to the southern margin of the Eurasian plate. Quantification of this observation shows that the association is indeed significant, and both historical records and archaeoseismological work show that these civilizations commonly suffered earthquake damage. Close association of ancient civilizations with tectonic activity seems to be a pattern of some kind. In the hope that dividing the civilizations into subsets might clarify the meaning of this relation, primary and derivative civilizations were compared. Derivative civilizations prove to be far more closely related to the tectonic boundaries. Similarly, the civilizations that endured the longest (and that have been described as most static) are systematically the farthest from plate boundaries. It is still unclear how the relation actually worked in ancient cultures, i.e., what aspects of tectonism promoted complexity. Linkages to water and other resources, trade (broadly construed), and societal response seem likely. Volcanism appears not to be involved. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

中国东部地幔岩中的钨含量及其意义   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
分析了56件中国东部地幔岩包体及其寄主岩石中的钨含量。结果表明,地幔岩包体和寄主玄武岩中的钨含量分别在0.1~1.0μg/g和0.1~2.5μg/g之间。后者一般高于前者且明显不均一,反映钨是不相容元素,在部分熔融过程中倾向于富集在熔体中,而主要源于软流圈地幔低程度熔融的熔体在上升过程中发生了不同程度的岩石圈.软流圈或地壳.地幔相互作用。地幔岩包体钨平均含量接近或仅略高于上地幔钨的丰度,而寄主玄武岩钨平均含量与世界基性岩钨的丰度非常一致,说明我国地幔中钨的丰度与世界其他地区相比并无明显不同,反映钨矿集中区的形成和分布与地幔中钨的原始分布关系不大,我国钨矿集中区的形成可能主要与地壳演化有关。  相似文献   

Petrography and mineralogy of four calc-alkaline granitoid plutons Agarpur, Sindurpur, Raghunathpur and Sarpahari located from west to east of northern Purulia of Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex, eastern India, are investigated. The plutons, as a whole, are composed of varying proportions of Qtz–Pl–Kfs–Bt–Hbl±Px–Ttn–Mag–Ap–Zrn±Ep. The composition of biotite is consistent with those of calc-alkaline granitoids. Hornblende–plagioclase thermometry, aluminium-in-hornblende barometry and the assemblage sphene–magnetite–quartz were used to determine the P, T and \(f_{\mathrm{O}_2}\) during the crystallisation of the parent magmas in different plutons. The plutons are crystallised under varying pressures (6.2–2.4 kbar) and a wide range of temperatures (896–\(718{^{\circ }}\hbox {C}\)) from highly oxidised magmas (log \(f_{\mathrm{O}_2}\) \(-11.2\) to \(-15.4\) bar). The water content of the magma of different plutons varied from 5.0 to 6.5 wt%, consistent with the calc-alkaline nature of the magma. Calc-alkaline nature, high oxygen fugacity and high \(\hbox {H}_{2}\hbox {O}_{{\mathrm{melt}}}\) suggest that these plutons were emplaced in subduction zone environment. The depths of emplacement of these plutons seem to increase from west to east. Petrologic compositions of these granitoids continuously change from enderbite (opx-tonalite: Sarpahari) in the east to monzogranite (Raghunathpur) to syenogranite (Sindurpur) to alkali feldspar granite (Agarpur) in the west. The water contents of the parental magmas of different plutons also increase systematically from east to west. No substantial increase in the depth of emplacement is found in these plutons lying south and north of the major shear zone passing through the study area suggesting the strike-slip nature of the east–west shear zone.  相似文献   

川东褶皱带构造发育深度层次与变形样式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
地壳上层的结构特征和变形样式在垂直方向上的变化远远大于其在水平维度上的分异。川东褶皱带自晚古生代以来地史演化统一、地层展布稳定,之后新生代盆、山演化分异幅度较大,使得不同深度的地层和基底得以出露,不同地壳深度层次的构造样式得以展示,这为研究应力的垂向分异,提供了很好的条件。本文基于地壳垂直方向上变形几何的不守恒、构造脱耦以及构造层次的概念,通过野外构造现象的详细解析、野外脆性破裂产状统计、断裂之间交切关系以及活动性质观察等综合分析,结合遥感图像研究,对川东褶皱区隔挡式褶皱和隔槽式褶皱形成提出了新的解释模型。以华蓥山与齐岳山为界,川东褶皱带被分为3个呈叠置关系的区域。研究表明华蓥山以西(Ⅰ区)没有发生强烈的构造变形,变形深度最小(<2 km); 华蓥山与齐岳山之间(Ⅱ区)构造样式为在北北东向剪切作用下形成的陡立构造面理,变形深度为2~5 km; 而齐岳山以东(Ⅲ区)的构造样式是发育轴向北东的宽缓褶曲,变形深度为4~6.6 km。研究分析后得出,川东褶皱带在晚古生代以来,没有经历过大幅度的地壳垂向运动和明显的旋转运动,而白垩纪以后,发育了早期北北东向和晚期北东向的两期构造变形。Ⅱ、Ⅲ两区的构造样式发育于同一应力场(北西-南东主应力场),而晚期北东向断裂活动是形成上述3个区域呈现出断块并置的原因。另外,由于后期不同断块抬升和剥露的差异,使3个区域迥异的构造样式呈现在地表。这一认识对研究油气相关的构造圈闭、固体多金属矿产相关的矿床深度问题以及大地构造学等问题都有创新意义。  相似文献   

Carbonate strata containing abundant euhedral feldspar, usually considered as authigenic, are characteristic of some lower Cambrian exposures in the Atlas Mountains, Morocco. Impure limestones are abundant in the Issendalenian Amouslek Formation of the western Anti-Atlas, and in the Banian Lemdad Formation of the southern High Atlas. Some of their limestone beds contain up to 40% acid insoluble residue, of which feldspar comprises as much as 65% in some samples, the remainder consisting of detrital and authigenic quartz, apatite, pyrite, and clay minerals. The host limestones are bioclastic tempestites, ooidal–oncoidal–bioclastic shoal complexes, archaeocyathan-microbial peri-reef settings (mainly flanks but not reef cores), and microbial reefs. A volcanic origin is adopted for the feldspars based on: (i) fluctuations in feldspar concentration paralleling bedding, but unrelated to host-facies (except for the aforementioned archaeocyathan-microbial reef cores that were controlled by turbidity); (ii) the local association with glassy fragments (with feldspars embedded in glass shards); and (iii) the scattered occurrence of gradational lithofacies from silty tuff to tuffitic limestone.The mineral and chemical composition of the host-rock and diagenetic fluids was the determining factor for the kind of feldspar preservation. Although the primary type of K–feldspar replacement is albitization, secondary albite subsequently suffered from illitization, chloritization, and/or replacement by calcite. A direct implication of this work is the possible geochronological dating of both volcanic eruptions and archaeocyath- and trilobite-bearing host-rocks based on radiometric analyses within unaltered K–feldspar pyroclasts extracted after etching.  相似文献   

Focal mechanisms of the Atlas earthquakes,and tectonic implications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The determination of the focal mechanisms of the strongest shocks in the Atlas chain and the Canary Islands area reveals that the present-day tectonics along this range is a compression reflected either by reverse or dextral strike-slip faulting along the ENE-WSW trends. All the solutions are consistent with: 1. the other focal mechanism solutions determined further north in the Azores-Gibraltar, Alboran, Rif and Tell areas; 2. the NNW to NW trending compression inferred from other methods such as neotectonics,in situ stress field measurements and plate motions.
Zusammenfassung Die Bestimmung des Erdbebenherdmechanismus der stärksten Beben im Atlasgebirge und des Gebietes der Kanarischen Inseln gibt zu erkennen, daß die aktuellen tektonischen Bewegungen entlang dieses Bereiches kompressiv wirksam sind. Dies zeigt sich entweder anhand von Überschiebungen oder an dextralen Blattverschiebungen. Alle Ergebnisse sind übereinstimmend mit: 1. den anderen Erdbebenherdmechanismen weiter im Norden liegender Regionen (Azoren - Gibraltar, Alboran, Rif und Tell); 2. die nach NNW bis NW wirkende Kompression, welche von anderen Methoden abgeleitet wurde (Neotektonik,in-situ Spannungsmessungen und Plattenkinematik).

Résumé La détermination des mécanismes au foyer des séismes les plus importants de la chaîne atlasique et des îles Canaries révèle que la situation tectonique actuelle le long de cette chaîne est une compression reflétée par le jeu de failles soit inverses, soit décrochantes dextres le long des accidents ENE-WSW. Toutes les solutions sont compatibles avec: (1) les autres mécanismes déterminés plus au nord, dans les régions d'Açores-Gibraltar, Alboran, Rif et Tell; (2) la compression orientée NNW-SSE à NW-SE déterminée à l'aide d'autres méthodes comme la néotectonique, les mesures de contraintesin situ et la cinématique des plaques.

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At its eastern termination, the High Atlas Fault in the Western High Atlas in Morocco, consists of a splay of three faults. In the interjacent fault blocks, Neo- and Paleoproterozoic basement, forming the northernmost extremity of the NW-African Craton, is cropping out. The Precambrian basement witnesses a long history of brittle deformation starting at the end of the Pan-African Orogeny. A subsequent episode of normal faulting can be related to the development of a Hercynian basin along the northern passive margin of the cratonic promontory. With regard to the main tectonic activity in the Western High Atlas, basically two models exist: one emphasising block tectonics reflecting Mesozoic rifting followed by Alpine uplift and inversion, the other emphasising Late Paleozoic dextral wrench tectonics. The analysis of the fault activity along the splay faults reveals a predominantly Alpine history, consisting of the Triassic development of the Atlas Rift along the axial zone of the orogen, followed by uplift and inversion. The Late Jurassic to Cenozoic fault activity took place in a sinistral transpressive regime and was partitioned over the three splay faults. Dextral strike-slip fault activity could not be demonstrated in the fault blocks nor along the splay faults. Therefore the faults were probably not involved in Late Paleozoic dextral wrench tectonics.  相似文献   

冀东马兰庄条带状硅铁建造的变质时代及地质意义   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
前寒武纪条带状硅铁建造(BIF)是世界,也是中国最重要的铁矿资源类型,无论是储量,还是开采量,均居首位.前寒武纪条带状硅铁建造是地球早期特有的化学沉积建造类型,广泛分布于太古代—早元古代(3.2~1.8 Ga),记录了地球早期大气和海洋的化学成分、氧化还原状态及演化,是广大地质工作者长期关注的焦点之一.在国外,与BIF...  相似文献   

北山造山带是研究中亚造山带增生造山的关键地区之一,浊积岩是增生造山带的重要组成部分。北山古生代浊积岩主要出露于营毛沱、柳园和黑山口地区。营毛沱浊积岩发育于下奥陶统,古水流方向由南向北,内部砂岩具中高等风化程度的长英质源区,构造背景为被动陆缘。早二叠世柳园浊积岩内部砂岩具低到中等风化程度的中基性源区,构造背景为大洋岛弧。早二叠世黑山口浊积岩中的砂岩源区具中等风化程度,环境相对柳园砂岩较为稳定,和长英质源区的沉积岩具相似性,构造环境可能为活动陆缘弧。对北山古生代浊积岩的解剖揭示北山古生代经历了复杂的俯冲增生过程。早古生代花牛山-火石山一带发育向北的俯冲,火石山南部被动陆缘形成营毛沱浊积岩,之后的俯冲带局部后撤形成泥盆纪墩墩山岛弧。柳园地区晚古生代洋壳向花牛山和石板山岛弧带俯冲分别形成了柳园和黑山口浊积岩。本研究支持北山增生时间持续到早二叠世的观点,对认识天山、索伦缝合带的衔接对比研究具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

R.S. Thorpe 《Tectonophysics》1977,40(3-4):T19-T26
The Mexican Volcanic Belt of active, mainly andesite volcanoes extends from the Pacific coast, through central Mexico, to the Caribbean coast. The setting of the Belt is linked with subduction of the oceanic Cocos plate below continental Mexico. The eastern-most volcano in the Belt is part of the Tuxtla volcanic area on the Caribbean coast. Volcanics from this area belong to a picrite basalt—basanitoid-alkali basalt—hawaiite association, in contrast to the calc-alkaline association of the remainder of the Volcanic Belt, and are linked with lithospheric fracturing in the tectonic setting of a destructive-type continental plate margin.  相似文献   

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