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The cartographic, sedimentologic and stratigraphic studies carried out on the Mesozoic deposits in the border zone between the Middle and the High Moroccan Atlas (regions of Naour and Aghbala) led us to specify the lithology of formations, the significant differences of thickness and the angular unconformities as well as stratigraphic hiatuses. All of this indicates a tectonic regime of transcurrent faults from the Bajocian–Bathonian period along the major fault zone “Aghbala–Afourer” in a N70° direction. A sinistral strike-slip movement along this major fault zone induced the development of folded and fractured zones in a N120° direction, which limited a small trough filled by the red continental formations. The whole system is covered thereafter by lower Cretaceous deposits.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the Middle Liassic series in the south western part of the Middle Atlas system leads to the definition of three new formations called Fellat 1, 2 and 3. They mainly involve gravity-flow deposits related to the breakup of the regional carbonate platform in a subsiding area, the Selloum Basin. The creation of this basin provides evidence for a rifting stage during the Carixian–Domerian interval, inducing the separation of the Selloum unit with respect to the Middle Atlasic trough and its possible connection with the High Atlasic sedimentary domain.  相似文献   

Geosites inventory of the northwestern Tabular Middle Atlas of Morocco   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Across the northwestern Tabular Middle Atlas of Morocco there are many examples of landscapes, rocks and fossils that provide key evidence of a particular moment or period in Earth history. Such Earth heritage sites are important for educating the general public in environmental matters. They also serve as tools for demonstrating sustainable development and for illustrating methods of site conservation as well as remembering that rocks, minerals, fossils, soils, landforms form an integral part of the natural world. The significance of certain sites for aesthetic or tourism reasons is obvious. There are numerous geosites, which could contribute to effective exploitation of geotourism, often in conjunction with ecotourism. The strategy employed to such sites involves close consultation with all communities in the vicinity of the respective geosite and is not only aimed at tourism and education, but also at sustainable improvement of the infrastructure of the people of this area. Geological heritage sites, properly managed, can generate employment and new economic activities, especially in regions in need of new or additional sources of income.  相似文献   

Seismic wide angle and receiver function results together with geological data have been used as constraints to build a gravity-based crustal model of the central High Atlas of Morocco. Integration of a newly acquired set of gravity values with public data allowed us to undertake 2–2.5D gravity modelling along two profiles that cross the entire mountain chain. Modelling suggests moderate crustal thickening, and a general state of Airy isostatic undercompensation. Localized thickening appears restricted to the vicinity of a north-dipping crustal-scale thrust fault, that offsets the Moho discontinuity and defines a small crustal root which accounts for the minimum Bouguer gravity anomaly values. Gravity modelling indicates that this root has a northeasterly strike, slightly oblique to the ENE general orientation of the High Atlas belt. A consequence of the obliquity between the High Atlas borders and its internal and deep structure is the lack of correlation between Bouguer gravity anomaly values and topography. Active buckling affecting the crust, a highly elevated asthenosphere, or a combination of both are addressed as side mechanisms that help to maintain the high elevations of the Atlas mountains.  相似文献   

The Tafilalt is one of a number of generally unexplored sub‐basins in the eastern Anti‐Atlas of Morocco, all of which probably underwent a similar tectono‐stratigraphic evolution during the Palaeozoic Era. Analysis of over 1000 km of 2‐D seismic reflection profiles, with the interpretation of ten regional seismic sections and five isopach and isobath maps, suggests a multi‐phase deformation history for the Palaeozoic‐aged Tafilalt sub‐basins. Extensional phases were probably initiated in the Cambrian, followed by uniform thermal subsidence up to at least the end of the Silurian. Major extension and subsidence did not begin prior to Middle/Upper Devonian times. Extensional movements on the major faults bounding the basin to the north and to the south took place in synchronisation with Upper Devonian sedimentation, which provides the thickest part of the sedimentary sequence in the basin. The onset of the compressional phase in Carboniferous times is indicated by reflectors in the Carboniferous sequence progressively onlapping onto the Upper Devonian sequence. This period of compression developed folds and faults in the Upper Palaeozoic‐aged strata, producing a structural style characteristic of thin‐skinned fold and thrust belts. The Late Palaeozoic units are detached over a regional décollement with a northward tectonic vergence. The folds have been formed by the process of fault‐propagation folding related to the thrust imbricates that ramp up‐section from the décollement. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


We compared the disintegration processes and mineralogic and chemical evolution pathways of two Quaternary basalts at Bakrit and Ifrane, weathered in the same physiographic and hydrologic conditions, but differing in texture according to the quantity of glass present. At Bakrit, quite abundant glass favoured the formation of a microfissure network throughout the rock and its disintegration without any distinct weathering front. As a result, basaltic sand with polymineral grains and a clayey-silty matrix were produced. At Ifrane, weathering of a glass-poor basalt produced only a clayey-silty saprolite. In glass-rich basalts, secondary minerals formed in microfissures and were 2/1 clay-mineral rich. In glass-poor basalts, secondary minerals formed mainly within primary minerals and were 1/1 clay-mineral rich. Because glass could be easily dissolved, it protected the minerals of close chemical composition, especially the plagioclases. The order of basalt-mineral weathering (olivine, labrador, augite, Fe-Ti oxides) was modified when glass was abundant (glass, olivine, augite, labrador, Fe-Ti oxides). © Elsevier, Paris  相似文献   

A Middle Jurassic site at Tafaytour area (Argana Basin, Morocco) with trackways of six large sauropod dinosaurs is regarded as having high scientific and touristic value. The new dinosaur track site is extremely vulnerable, and suffers from continuous degradation caused by weathering and human activity. Documentation and protection of this tracksite is still a necessity for its integration into local geotourism activities, where it may have a socio-economic impact on the local population. Taking into consideration many similar tracksites, and strata of great paleontological interest in Morocco, including the Tafaytour tracksite, the implementation of legislation for the protection of Morocco's geological heritage, especially the paleoichnological heritage, to protect against destruction, is strongly recommended. This is necessary to cement geoheritage impact, both for scientific reasons and to value add to the socio-economic activities of the local people.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(4):151-165
Two magnetostratigraphic profiles (450 samples) have been carried out to constrain the age of synorogenic formations in the southern foreland of the High Atlas of Morocco. The Amekchoud profile covers the Aït Ouglif and Aït Kandoula alluvial formations that form the bulk of the Ouarzazate basin fill, indicating an age between the upper Langhian and the Messinian (Miocene). Data obtained in the previously unexplored Hadida formation profile covers the oldest terms of the foreland basin succession, but the low quality of the magnetic record only allows proposing a tentative age between the middle Lutetian and an undetermined middle to late Eocene. The correlation of the Amekchoud profile is based on the recognition of the long C5n chron (Tortonian) in the middle part of the section studied and a new vertebrate locality of upper Tortonian age found in the upper part. These results indicate a discontinuous record of foreland basin development in the southern Atlas domain from mid Eocene to late Miocene times, punctuated by an intermediate large hiatus of 20-25 ma (late Eocene to mid Miocene). Thrusting in the Sub-Atlas frontal thrust belt began before the Aït Ouglif and Kandoula formations, probably during the Oligocene, and extends up to recent times. The alternation of periods of deposition with others of no sedimentary record, which does not coincide with specific tectonic events, results probably from the interference of orogenic deformation and the mantle-related thermal uplift events that have been described for the Moroccan Atlas.  相似文献   

南大巴山前陆冲断带自北向南发育了根带、中带和锋带三条构造带。通过对处于中带的木瓜口-明月乡、城口-龙田乡两段剖面地质考察,结果表明该剖面叠瓦断层带经历了七期运动:三期NE-SW向的前展式逆冲运动,一期SE-NW右旋剪切运动,一期EW逆冲右旋运动,一期NE-SW向的左旋走滑运动及NE-SW向的正断运动,同时受到NW-SE的右旋剪切作用。结合前人年代学研究结果,初步探讨了剖面的变形机制,研究结果对南大巴山前陆褶断带的构造格架、矿产形成及油气分布远景研究均有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2018,350(6):310-318
The sabkha of Gueran in the Southwest Moroccan Sahara has yielded a rich and diverse fauna of late middle Eocene vertebrates that include the world's richest Bartonian age archaeocete assemblage. Archeocete remains were described previously and here we report on the rest of the vertebrate fauna. The Gueran fauna includes abundant chondrichthyan species belonging to Lamniformes, Carcharhiniformes and Rhinopristiformes, and actinopterygian assemblage consisting of Cylindracanthus, of a siluriform, and of Perciformes. Turtles are represented by at least two marine taxa referred to as Cheloniidae and Dermochelyidae. Crocodylian remains belong to at least two longirostrine species, including gavialoid remains. Snakes are represented by Pterosphenus cf. schweinfurthi (Palaeophiidae). Seabirds are represented by a pseudo-toothed bird (Pelagornithidae). The avian fossil belonged to a gigantic soaring bird and constitutes the earliest occurrence of the genus Pelagornis. The presence of proboscideans is attested by dental fragments. This fossil assemblage from Gueran shows affinities with those of the Eocene beds of Egypt and Libya. The numerous shared taxa support a close biogeographical connection between faunas from southeastern and southwestern coasts of the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

This work presents the results of a combined study on the beach morphology and the evolution at short- and medium-term of the littoral between Ceuta and Cabo Negro (Morocco). It is an interesting sector showing a great increase of human occupation and coastal structures. The monitoring program allowed for the reconstruction of the beach morphological behavior and the seasonal changes. The studied beaches presented reflective profiles recording little seasonality, with the most notable morphological changes being strictly related to storms. Surf Similarity and Surf Scaling parameters highlighted the existence of intermediate and reflective beach states, characterized by plunging breakers. Aerial photographs and a satellite image have been geo-referenced and elaborated with GIS tools to reconstruct the short- and medium-term evolution of the littoral and the sediment transport pathways. The littoral showed important erosion at short- and medium-term related to a negative sedimentary budget because of offshore transport. Sand accumulation was recorded close to the main ports, i.e., Marina Smir and Marina Kabila. These port structures constituted impermeable, fixed limits, which divided the studied area into littoral cells. Other free, transit limits were also observed.  相似文献   

At its eastern termination, the High Atlas Fault in the Western High Atlas in Morocco, consists of a splay of three faults. In the interjacent fault blocks, Neo- and Paleoproterozoic basement, forming the northernmost extremity of the NW-African Craton, is cropping out. The Precambrian basement witnesses a long history of brittle deformation starting at the end of the Pan-African Orogeny. A subsequent episode of normal faulting can be related to the development of a Hercynian basin along the northern passive margin of the cratonic promontory. With regard to the main tectonic activity in the Western High Atlas, basically two models exist: one emphasising block tectonics reflecting Mesozoic rifting followed by Alpine uplift and inversion, the other emphasising Late Paleozoic dextral wrench tectonics. The analysis of the fault activity along the splay faults reveals a predominantly Alpine history, consisting of the Triassic development of the Atlas Rift along the axial zone of the orogen, followed by uplift and inversion. The Late Jurassic to Cenozoic fault activity took place in a sinistral transpressive regime and was partitioned over the three splay faults. Dextral strike-slip fault activity could not be demonstrated in the fault blocks nor along the splay faults. Therefore the faults were probably not involved in Late Paleozoic dextral wrench tectonics.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to investigate the tectonics of the southern Rif Cordillera. Hydrogeological and oil well data, together with interpretation of seismic reflection lines help to characterize the architecture of the Rharb–Mamora Basin located in the frontal region of the Gibraltar Arc. The facies map constructed from the drilling data exhibits four main types of Pliocene facies: (i) conglomerates; (ii) limestones; (iii) sandstones and sands more or less rich with shelly remains; (iv) clays. The lateral variation of deposits is accompanied by thickening, which can reach a few tens of metres. Thickening of layers and lithofacies variation indicate synsedimentary faulting processes. Two major fault zones have been identified: Kenitra–Sidi Slimane Fault Zone (K2SFZ) and Rabat–Kenitra Fault Zone (RKFZ). In the western coastal area, the geometrical configuration suggests a partition into horsts and grabens in the southern part, and a system of three geological units in the northern part. The analysis and interpretation of the gravity data reveal an important gravity anomaly, referred to as the Kenitra Gravity Anomaly. It corresponds to the Hercynian faults deduced by the seismic reflection line interpretation: K2SFZ and RKFZ. From Larache to El Jadida cities, the Kenitra area represents the hinge between the positive and negative gravity values, with a major negative anomaly in the eastern part of Kenitra. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic and structural correlations between the Palaeozoic massifs of eastern Morocco and northern Algeria allow three tectonic domains to be distinguished: (1) The cratonic zone, i.e. the West African platform which remained outside the Variscan chain and its peripherical margin (Moroccan Anti-Atlas and Algerian Ougarta); (2) a WSW-ENE trending zone, over 1500 km from Marrakech to Kabylia and Calabria (in their assumed Palaeozoic location). — This zone was characterized during the Late Palaeozoic by a continuous instability indicated by the development of successive turbiditic basins and a major orogeny at the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary; and (3) central and western Morocco, which corresponds to the external zones of the European Hercynides.The Marrakech-Kabylia zone separates the Variscan domain from the stable and undeformed West African craton. During Early Palaeozoic times it began as an extensive or transtensive zone. It has been deformed by the Late Devonian orogeny and by Carboniferous and Permian reactivation. The zone represents the southern limit of the Hercynian chain and is distinguished by its transcurrent regime throughout the Late Palaeozoic. Correspondence to: A. Piqué  相似文献   

The E-W trending Atlas System of Maghreb consists of weakly shortened, intra-continental fold belts associated with plateau areas (“Mesetas”), extending between the south-westernmost branch of the Mediterranean Alpine Belt (Rif-Tell) and the Sahara Platform. Although the Atlas system has been erected contemporaneously from Morocco to Algeria and Tunisia during the Middle Eocene to Recent, it displays a conspicuous longitudinal asymmetry, with i) Paleozoic outcrops restricted to its western part; ii) highest elevation occurring in the west, both in the Atlas System and its foreland (Anti-Atlas); iii) low elevation corridors (e.g. Hodna) and depressed foreland (Tunisian Chotts and Sahel area) in the east. We analyse the origin of these striking contrasts in relation with i) the Variscan heritage; ii) crustal vertical movements during the Mesozoic; iii) crustal shortening during the Cenozoic and finally, iv) the occurrence of a Miocene-Quaternary hot mantle anomaly in the west. The Maghreb lithosphere was affected by the Variscan orogeny, and thus thickened only in its western part. During the Late Permian-Triassic, a paleo-high formed in the west between the Central Atlantic and Alpine Tethys rift systems, giving birth to the emergent/poorly subsident West Moroccan Arch. During the late Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, Morocco and western Algeria were dominantly emergent whereas rifting lasted on in eastern Algeria and Tunisia. We ascribe the uplift of the western regions to thermal doming, consistent with the Late Jurassic and Barremian gabbroic magmatism observed there. After the widespread transgression of the high stand Cenomanian-Turonian seas, the inversion of the Atlas System began during the Senonian as a consequence of the Africa-Eurasia convergence. Erosion affected three ENE-trending uplifted areas of NW Africa, which we consider as lithospheric anticlines related to the incipient Africa-Europe convergence. In contrast, in eastern Algeria and Tunisia a NW-trending rift system developed contemporaneously (Sirt rifting), normal to the general trend of the Atlas System. The general inversion and orogenesis of the Atlas System occurred during two distinct episodes, Middle-Late Eocene-Oligocene and Late Miocene-Pliocene, respectively, whereas during the intervening period, the Africa-Europe convergence was mainly accommodated in the Rif-Tell system. Inversion tectonics and crustal thickening may account for the moderate uplift of the eastern Atlas System, not for the high elevation of the western mountain ranges (Middle Atlas, High Atlas, Anti-Atlas). In line with previous authors, we ascribe part of the recent uplift of the latter regions to the occurrence of a NE-trending, high-temperature mantle anomaly, here labelled the Moroccan Hot Line (MHL), which is also marked by a strip of late Miocene-Quaternary alkaline magmatism and significant seismicity.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the Mesozoic the structural development of the Middle Atlas and the central High Atlas was controlled by a pre-existent fault pattern, which was reactivated repeatedly in various manners.The fault pattern is characterized by two main directions. The first runs 35–45° and dominates in the Middle Atlas, the second runs 70° and is common in the southern part of the central High Atlas; between these regions both directions overlap. In the Atlas of Demnat, Beni Mellal and El Ksiba at the northern border of the central High Atlas a further direction, the one of 120°, locally gains in significance. Into the gores of the pattern commonly magmatites intruded during the Mesozoic, in the course of the following compressive deformation often a cleavage was formed there.The compressive deformation started in the Oligocene; the directon of the main compressional stress 1 lay at 160°. Dependant on their orientation to 1 the pre-existent faults reacted differently on this stress: The 70° faults were reactivated as upthrusts, the 35° ones as sinistral oblique slip reverse faults and those of 120° as dextral oblique slip reverse faults. At the northwestern border of the hinge area between the Middle and the High Atlas this scheme of movements was complicated by an interference with movements along the Transalboran fault system.Because of changes in the style of deformation the so-called B-B fault zone, running ENE from El Ksiba to Aghbala, can be defined as the structural border between the High and the Middle Atlas.
Zusammenfassung Die strukturelle Entwicklung des Mittleren Atlas und des zentralen Hohen Atlas seit dem Beginn des Mesozoikums wurde durch ein Bruchmuster präexistenter Störungen gesteuert, die sich im Verlauf dieser Zeit wiederholt in verschiedener Weise durchgepaust haben.Das erwähnte Bruchmuster wird durch zwei Hauptrichtungen charakterisiert, deren eine von 35–45° im Mittleren Atlas vorherrscht, während die andere von 70° für den südlichen Teil des zentralen Hohen Atlas bestimmend ist, in einem Zwischenbereich überlappen sich beide Richtungen. Im Atlas von Demnat, Beni Mellal und El Ksiba am Nordrand des Hohen Atlas tritt lokal begrenzt eine weitere Richtung von 120° hinzu. In die Zwikkel des Bruchmusters drangen im Verlauf des Mesozoikums verbreitet Intrusiva ein, während der anschließenden kompressiven Deformation wurde dort häufig eine Schieferung angelegt.Die kompressive Deformation setzte im Oligozän ein, wobei die Richtung der kompressiven Hauptnormalspannung 1 ca. 160° betrug. Die präexistenten Störungen reagierten auf dieses Stressfeld je nach ihrer Lage zu 1 unterschiedlich: Die 70°-Störungen wurden als Aufschiebungen reaktiviert, die 35°-Störungen als sinistrale Schrägaufschiebungen und die 120°-Störungen als dextrale Schrägaufschiebungen. Kompliziert wurde dieses Bewegungsschema am Nordwestrand des Scharnierbereiches zwischen Hohem und Mittlerem Atlas durch eine Überlagerung mit Bewegungen entlang des Transalboran-Störungssystems.Als strukturelle Grenze zwischen Hohem und Mittlerem Atlas kann aufgrund von Änderungen im Baustil die sog. B-B-Störungszone, die von El Ksiba Richtung nach ESE bis Aghbala verläuft, angesehen werden.

Résumé Depuis le début du Mésozoïque, l'histoire structurale du Moyen-Atlas et du Haut Atlas central aété déterminée par un réseau de failles préexistantes qui ont été réactivées à diverses reprises et de diverses manières.Ce réseau de failles est caractérisé par deux directions principales: l'une (35° à 45°) domine dans le Moyen Atlas, l'autre (70°) dans la partie sud du Haut Atlas central. Entre ces deux régions, les deux directions coexistent. Dans l'Atlas de Demnat, de Beni Mellal et d'El Ksiba, à la bordure nord du Haut Atlas central, une troisième direction (120°) présente une importance locale. Pendant le Mésozoïque, des magmas se sont intrudés dans les ouvertures du réseau, tandis qu'une schistosité apparaissait souvent dans les régions en compression.La déformation compressive a débuté à l'Oligocène, avec une contrainte principale 1 orientée à 160°. Les failles préexistantes ont réagi de manières différentes, selon leur orientation par rapport à 1: les failles de direction 70° ont été réactivées en chevauchement, les failles à 35° ont donné des failles inverses à jeu oblique sénestre, et les failles à 120° des failles inverses à jeu oblique dextre. Le long de la bordure nord-ouest de la zone charnière entre le Moyen et le Haut Atlas, ce schéma s'est compliqué par interférence avec des mouvements le long de l'accident transalborien.Eu égard aux changements dans le style de la déformation, la zone failleuse dite B-B, qui s'étend en direction ENE de El Ksiba à Aghbala, peut se définir comme la frontière structurale entre le Haut et le Moyen Atlas.

, . : 35–45° , 70° ; . Demnat, Beni Mellal El Ksiba 120°. , . , , , I1 160°. , I1: 70° , 30° , 120° - . - Transalboran. .. -, E-S Aghbala.

阿尔金断裂中段(阿克塞—芒崖段)的早期断层作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对于阿尔金断裂带中段阿克塞-芒崖地区开展的宏观构造分析、显微构造解析,并结合温压测定与测年分析,证明阿尔金断裂带的早期变形演化是一种韧性走滑剪切变形作用过程,沿断裂带形成了糜棱岩与糜棱状岩石。由变形构造、岩石组构和应变型式判别出与走滑断层作用相伴的中部地壳层次花状构造的存在。构成中部层次花状构造的岩石中同构造变形成因多硅白云母的出现说明韧性变形期间特殊的高围压条件(达0.43GPa),而白色云母(白云母和绢云母)与绿泥石组合指示了较低的温压条件(t:270-350℃;p:0.05-0.43GPa)。断裂带中的异常p/t变化主要归咎于高剪切应力引起的剪切加热与超压效应。依据同变形期矿物(白色云母)^40Ar-^39Ar记年初步证实早期韧性剪切变形发生于早白垩世(91-89Ma)。  相似文献   

Neogene volcanism in the Eastern Rif (Morocco) comprises a series of calc-alkaline, potassic calc-alkaline, shoshonitic and alkaline volcanic rocks. According to new stratigraphical, along with new and previous chronological and geochemical data, the orogenic volcanism was successively (1) calc-alkaline (basaltic andesites and andesites: 13.1 to 12.5 Ma, rhyolites: 9.8 Ma), (2) K-calc-alkaline (basaltic andesitic to rhyolitic lavas and granodiorites: 9.0 to 6.6 Ma), and (3) shoshonitic (absarokites, shoshonites, latites, trachytes: 7.0 to 5.4 Ma). The later Pliocene volcanism was basaltic and alkaline (5.6 to 1.5 Ma). The calc-alkaline and K-calc-alkaline series exhibit lower K2O (0.7–5.3 wt.%), Nb (8–19 ppm) contents and higher 87Sr/86Sr (0.70773–0.71016) than the shoshonitic series (K2O: 2.4–7.2 wt.%, Nb: 21–38 ppm, 87Sr/86Sr: 0.70404–0.70778). Pliocene alkaline basalts have a sodic tendency (Na2O/K2O: 1.7–3.5), high Nb content (up to 52 ppm), and low 87Sr/86Sr ratio (0.70360–0.70413). The variations through time of K2O, Nb and Sr isotopic ratio reflect different mantle sources: (i) calc-alkaline, potassic calc-alkaline and shoshonitic series are derived from a mantle source modified by older subduction, (ii) alkaline basalts are derived mainly from an enriched mantle source. Through time, incompatible elements such as Nb increased while 87Sr/86Sr decreased, suggesting a decreasing influence of metasomatized mantle (inherited subduction). Such evolution is related to the post-collision regimes operating in this area, and could be linked to the succession of extensional, compressional and strike-slip fault tectonics.  相似文献   

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