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We investigate a model for the excitation of high-order oscillations in roAp stars. In this model we assume that the strong concentration of magnetic field about the magnetic poles is enough to suppress convection. Thus the model considered is composed of two polar regions, in which convection is presumed to be suppressed totally, and an equatorial region, where the convection is unaffected. This model is generated by building pairs of locally spherically symmetrical equilibria to represent the polar and equatorial regions of the star, which are patched together below the base of the convection zone. Gravitational settling of heavy elements is taken into account by choosing appropriate chemical composition profiles for both the polar and equatorial regions. Our results indicate that the composite model is unstable against axisymmetric non-radial high-order modes of pulsation that are aligned with the magnetic poles. The oscillations are excited by the κ mechanism acting principally in the hydrogen ionization zones of the polar regions. The effect of the lateral inhomogeneity on the second frequency differences is also investigated; we find that the perturbation to them by the inhomogeneity is of the same order as the second differences themselves, thereby hindering potential attempts to use such differences to identify the degrees of the modes in a straightforward way.  相似文献   

Based on a high resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio(S/N) spectral analysis of 90 solar-type stars,we have established several new metallicity calibrations in the Teff range [5600,6500]K based on red spectra with the wavelength range of 560-880nm.The new metallicity calibrations are applied to determine the metallicity of solar analogs selected from Sloan Digital Sky Survey(SDSS) spectra.There is a good consistent result with the adopted value presented in SDSS-DR7 and a small scatter of 0.26dex for st...  相似文献   

A two-dimensional velocity distribution in the UV plane has been obtained for stars in the solar neighbourhood, using Hipparcos astrometry for over 4000 'survey' stars with parallaxes greater than 10 mas and radial velocities found in the Hipparcos Input Catalogue. In addition to the already known grouping characteristics (field stars plus young moving groups), the velocity distribution seems to exhibit a more complex structure characterized by several longer branches running almost parallel to each other across the UV plane. By using the wavelet transform technique to analyse the distribution, the branches are visible at relatively high significance levels of 90 per cent or higher. They are roughly equidistant with a separation of about 15 km s−1 for early-type stars and about 20 km s−1 for late-type stars, creating an overall quasi-periodic structure which can also be detected by means of a two-dimensional Fourier transform. This branch-like velocity distribution might be caused by the Galactic spiral structure.  相似文献   

Four very young (0.25 GYr) dwarf stars were observed at 4.9, 8.4, and 15.0 GHz for a total of 29 hours spread over 10 days during June, July, and August 1993. The Very Large Array in Socorro, New Mexico, was used in C configuration with the maximum antenna separation of 3.4 km. Analysis of observational data so far reveal a flux of 0.226 mJy at 4.9 GHz and 0.093 mJy at 8.4 GHz from HD39587, and 0.041 mJy at 4.9 GHz from HD72905. Upper limits for flux were established for HD72905 (0.017 mJy @ 8.4 GHz) , HD115383 (0.053 mJy @ 4.9 GHz, and 0.055 mJy @ 8.4 GHz), and HD206860 (0.042 mJy @ 4.9 GHz, and 0.045 mJy @ 8.4 GHz). Preliminary results from 15.0 GHz observations are also included.  相似文献   

Adrián Brunini 《Icarus》2005,177(1):264-268
The sample of known exoplanets is strongly biased to masses larger than the ones of the giant gaseous planets of the Solar System. Recently, the discovery of two extrasolar planets of considerably lower masses around the nearby Stars GJ 436 and ρ Cancri was reported. They are like our outermost icy giants, Uranus and Neptune, but in contrast, these new planets are orbiting at only some hundredth of the Earth-Sun distance from their host stars, raising several new questions about their origin and constitution. Here we report numerical simulations of planetary accretion that show, for the first time through N-body integrations that the formation of compact systems of Neptune-like planets close to the hosts stars could be a common by-product of planetary formation. We found a regime of planetary accretion, in which orbital migration accumulates protoplanets in a narrow region around the inner edge of the nebula, where they collide each other giving rise to Neptune-like planets. Our results suggest that, if a protoplanetary solar environment is common in the Galaxy, the discovery of a vast population of this sort of ‘hot cores’ should be expected in the near future.  相似文献   

A volume-limited sample of F-dwarfs is chosen from Knude (1989) with low radial velocity as well as distance from the sun and compared with the expected model metallicity [Fe/H] distributions, taking the possible chemical inhomogeneity into account. There is found to be an agreement between the two within the error limits of small sampling. A summer school student from the Department of Physics, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore 721 101, India.  相似文献   

The measurements of pulsar frequency second derivatives have shown that they are 102−106 times larger than expected for standard pulsar spin-down law, and are even negative for about half of pulsars. We explain these paradoxical results on the basis of the statistical analysis of the rotational parameters ν, and of the subset of 295 pulsars taken mostly from the ATNF database. We have found a strong correlation between and for both and , as well as between ν and . We interpret these dependencies as evolutionary ones due to being nearly proportional to the pulsars’ age. The derived statistical relations as well as “anomalous” values of are well described by assuming the long-time variations of the spin-down rate. The pulsar frequency evolution, therefore, consists of secular change of ν ev(t), and according to the power law with n≈5, the irregularities, observed within a timespan as a timing noise, and the variations on the timescale larger than that—several decades. This work has been supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant No 04-02-17555), Russian Academy of Sciences (program “Evolution of Stars and Galaxies”), and by the Russian Science Support Foundation. The authors would also like to thank the anonymous referee for valuable comments.  相似文献   

Molecular R -matrix calculations are performed to give rotational excitation rates for electron collisions with linear molecular ions. Results are presented for CO+, HCO+, NO+ and H2+ up to electron temperatures of 10 000 K. De-excitation rates and critical electron densities are also given. It is shown that the widely used Coulomb–Born approximation is valid for Δ j =1 transitions when the molecular ion has a dipole greater than about 2D, but otherwise is not reliable for studying electron-impact rotational excitation. In particular, transitions with Δ j >1 are found to have appreciable rates and are found to be entirely dominated by short-range effects.  相似文献   

A preliminary method is proposed to handle the intrinsic chemical inhomogeneity in models of chemical evolution of the solar neighbourhood. If we assume a Gaussian spread in metallicity (z[Fe/H]) about a mean metallicity in the birth function of stars, the metallicity distribution of stars as a function of time is investigated, assuming that the mean metallicityz evolves linearly with time. Metallicity ([Fe/H]) histograms are plotted for A-, F-, G-, and K-dwarfs of the local disk population based on our compilation of data from several sources, and compared with the existing ones. We have applied the above method on these distributions to check whether distribution of the local A-, F-, and K-dwarfs could be fitted reasonably well with a single set of parameters derived from a fit to the metallicity distribution of the G-dwarfs.  相似文献   

We report on observation and determination of rotational periods of ten weak‐line T Tauri stars in the Cepheus‐Cassiopeia star‐forming region. Observations were carried out with the Cassegrain‐Teleskop‐Kamera (CTK) at University Observatory Jena between 2007 June and 2008 May. The periods obtained range between 0.49 d and 5.7 d, typical for weak‐line and post T Tauri stars (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We investigate the possibility that gravity modes can be stochastically excited by turbulent convection in massive main-sequence (MS) stars. We build stellar models of MS stars with masses M=10?M ,15?M , and 20?M . For each model, we then compute the power supplied to the modes by turbulent eddies in the convective core (CC) and the outer convective zones (OCZ). We found that, for asymptotic gravity modes, the major part of the driving occurs within the outer iron convective zone, while the excitation of low n order modes mainly occurs within the CC. We compute the mode lifetimes and deduce the expected mode amplitudes. We finally discuss the possibility of detecting such stochastically-excited gravity modes with the CoRoT space-based mission.  相似文献   

The variations of kinematic parameters with age are considered for a sample of 15 402 thin-disk O-F stars with accurate ??, ??, ??, and ?? > 3 mas from the Hipparcos catalogue and radial velocities from the PCRV catalogue. The ages have been calculated from the positions of the stars on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram relative to the isochrones from the Padova database by taking into account the extinction from the previously constructed 3D analytical model and extinction coefficient R V from the 3D map of its variations. Smooth, mutually reconciled variations of the velocity dispersions ??(U), ??(V), ??(W), solar motion components U ??, V ??, W ??, Ogorodnikov-Milne model parameters, Oort constants, and vertex deviation l xy consistent with all of the extraneous results for which the stellar ages were determined have been found. The velocity dispersion variations are well fitted by power laws the deviations from which are explained by the influence of predominantly radial stellar streams: Sirius, Hyades, ?? Cet/Wolf 630, and Hercules. The accuracy of determining the solar motion relative to the local standard of rest is shown to be fundamentally limited due to these variations of stellar kinematics. The deviations of our results from those of Dehnen and Binney (1998), the Geneva-Copenhagen survey of dwarfs, and the Besan con model of the Galaxy are explained by the use of PCRV radial velocities with corrected systematic errors.  相似文献   

We report the results of speckle-interferometric observations of 109 high proper-motion metalpoor stars made with the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. We resolve eight objects—G102-20, G191-55, BD+19° 1185A, G89-14, G87-45, G87-47, G111-38, and G114-25—into individual components and we are the first to astrometrically resolve seven of these stars. New resolved systems included two triple (G111-38, G87-47) and one quadruple (G89-14) star. The ratio of single-to-binary-to-triple-to-quadruple systems among the stars of our sample is equal to 71:28:6:1.  相似文献   

Infrared spectra of submicrometre-sized particles of several protosilicates have been used to derive mass absorption coefficients. These data have been applied in order to describe the infrared radiation from the source OH 26.5+0.6 in terms of a simple model. A good fit of the 10 m absorption feature could be achieved, but some discrepancies remain in the 20 m region. The reasons for the weakness of the 20 m band in infrared sources are discussed.The laboratory spectra revealed that the samples contained a small admixture of carbonates. Thus, some statements about the infrared spectrum of submicrometre-sized carbonate particles could also be made.  相似文献   

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