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V. I. Poletaeva M. V. Pastukhov N. A. Zagorulko G. A. Belogolova 《Water Resources》2018,45(3):369-378
For the first time, the results of studying the hydrochemical characteristics of bays in the Bratsk Reservoir, subject to the effect of forest harvesting operations are given. The obtained data include the concentrations of NO3?, NO2?, NH4+, PO4-3, SiO2, phenols, oil products, and organic matter and the oxygen regime of water in the bays. The concentration and distribution in water of biogenic elements and O2-typical of wood decay processes-demonstrate the high self-purification capacity of ecosystems in the majority of bays. At the same time, water of some bays shows signs of eutrophication and high concentrations of phenols and oil products. 相似文献
利用2005年1月1日~2008年1月1日紫坪铺台网及YZP台连续波形资料,通过噪声互相关技术研究了紫坪铺水库区域在蓄水、泄水过程中库区介质的变化特征,同时对可能的渗透过程进行了讨论。使用移动窗口互谱方法计算库区台站对之间的相对波速变化。结果表明,在紫坪铺水库的3次大规模蓄水及2次泄水过程中,地下介质相对波速变化与水位变化之间存在较为明显的相关性,并在时间上有一定延迟,可能与水的渗透有关。分析认为蓄水对浅层介质产生的作用最快,影响最大,波速的变化是蓄水产生的压力及渗透共同作用的结果。在第1次蓄水时,压力起主要作用,后2次蓄水时,渗透起主要作用,且渗透作用已影响至8km左右的断层。 相似文献
Water Resources - Macrozoobenthos analyses were used to evaluate the ecological water quality in the Shuya River, a large tributary of Onega Lake, which determines water chemistry in the water... 相似文献
基于全国地下流体前兆台网数据库的统计,本文了整理中国大陆井水位观测网中对甘肃岷县漳县6.6级地震水位同震响应的台站特征.分析结果是:(1)岷县漳县6.6级地震烈度Ⅵ度区的1.5倍的范围内主要由静态应变引起的水位同震变化仅有一个台站,水位同震阶升幅度仅1.5 cm,静态应变触发地震的可能性不大;(2)震中距大于1 000 km的远震响应均为水位阶升,但是其同震变化幅度小于0.3 cm,为含水层被压缩引起;(3)该地震引起的水位同震变化的观测井较少,分布范围大,整体上以水位同震阶升占据主体,其分布主要在静态应力变化引起的范围之外,并且与构造带的对应关系无规律可循,此次地震静态应变范围内的应力应该已经得到释放. 相似文献
太湖流域水资源供需矛盾主要体现为"水质型缺水"问题,如何对"水质型缺水"进行定量描述,在太湖流域是一个难题.本文提出了"分质水资源量"的概念,以流域水资源四级分区为单元,以分区水质监测资料结合水资源量进行分析,分别统计分区分质水资源量.分析表明:太湖流域142×108 m3的地表水资源量中,Ⅲ类以上的适合于饮用水源和一般工业用水的优质水为35.8×108 m3,占25.2%;适合于电力冷却用水、农业灌溉的Ⅳ-Ⅴ类水为46.4×108 m3,占32.6%;不可利用的劣Ⅴ类水有59.9×108 m3,占42.2%.流域内优于Ⅴ类(含Ⅴ类)的地表水资源量为82.2×108 m3,占地表水总资源量的57.8%.而浅层地下水己基本被污染.需要指出,Ⅰ-Ⅲ类优质水虽仍有35.8×108 m3,但目前流域内对Ⅰ-Ⅲ类水的需求量己达60.6×108 m3,如将此两数对比,则优质水缺额为24.8×108 m3,但实际上,优质水的需求主要集中在流域中下游,而可供优质水水源则主要集中在流域上游地区山区水库和中游太湖湖心区、东部湖区和太浦河,供需两者的空间分布有较大出入,因此优质水资源缺额将更大,由此可见太湖流域水质型缺水形势十分严峻. 相似文献
中国大陆井水温度潮汐动态的统计与调和分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
用收集到的全国356个井水温度测点的数据, 分析了水温对地球固体潮汐的响应, 统计出 35个存在水温潮汐现象的测点。 利用Baytap-G调和分析方法, 计算了水温潮汐分波的振幅、 振幅比和相位差。 结果表明: 水温潮汐现象是一类较普遍的地球物理现象, 其机制与水位潮汐相关, 可用水动力学模式解释; 水温潮汐变化特征还受太阳辐射热、 含水层和地温的影响, 自流井水温记录潮汐现象的能力高于非自流井、 东部地区水温测点记录潮汐现象的能力高于西部, 与太阳辐射热的影响有关, 在含水层附近的水温测点, 其潮汐动态比其他井段显著, 在受地温影响较大的井段, 水温的潮汐变化幅度与水温梯度成正比; 水温的应力-应变灵敏度量级为0.01~10℃/10-6m·s-2。 相似文献
太湖流域水质型缺水问题和对策 总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11
在对太湖流域水质状况进行分析的基础上,指出因水污染造成的水质型缺水问题在太湖流域十分严重,正常年份流域优质水资源缺水量在(20-35)×108m3之间. 如今后水质型缺水问题长期得不到解决,有可能影响流域经济社会可持续发展. 针对流域水质型缺水的特点,提出在加强流域水污染治理同时,太湖流域宜选择以长江、太湖和山区水库为主要水源地的长期供水格局,当前要抓紧建设“引江清水通道”,调引长江优质水资源入太湖. 同时鉴于太湖流域水环境承载能力有限的情况,建议流域沿江、沿海、沿杭州湾城镇的生活污水在二级处理的前提下,应实施流域尾水截流外排管道工程. 相似文献
为快速评估地震与滑坡灾害对输电杆塔的损毁作用,辅助风险防控措施制定与应急指挥人员决策,研究输电杆塔在地震与滑坡灾害中的损失概率模型。使用蒙特卡洛方法模拟地震震级与震源点坐标,结合峰值地面加速度与脆弱性曲线构建输电杆塔震损概率模型。基于Newmark理论与材料力学原理,构建地震诱发滑坡概率模型及杆塔滑坡冲击损毁概率模型。对我国西南部某区域输电杆塔进行地震与滑坡灾损分析,得到研究区域内各输电杆塔震损概率及滑坡冲击损毁概率。研究结果表明,输电杆塔损毁概率随震级的增大而增大,震级相同时输电杆塔损毁概率主要取决于震中距。滑坡体高度及杆塔与坡脚距离是影响杆塔损毁概率的主要因素,较高处的滑坡体下落时将重力势能转化为动能,进而冲击作用于杆塔,而较小的杆塔与坡脚距离将导致摩擦损耗较小。对于损毁概率较高的杆塔,应采取避让、迁移等措施,降低滑坡灾害的影响。 相似文献
Jim C. Loftis Jane Harris Robert H. Montgomery 《Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation》1987,7(1):72-76
The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (PL 94–580) and related federal and state legislation have mandated routine monitoring of ground water quality at regulated facilities. The objective of the required monitoring activities is detection of adverse changes in ground water quality caused by the facilities.
Both failure to detect pollution and an incorrect determination of pollution can be very expensive. It is crucial, therefore, that monitoring programs be designed and operated to provide statistically sound information. It is equally important that users of ground water quality data understand the nature and limitations of information from monitoring.
To address the preceding issues, the authors present a general approach to analyzing ground water quality data in light of the stated monitoring objective. The suggested approach accounts for "natural" variation in background water quality through pairing of observations. The limitations of quarterly sampling for detecting small changes in quality over a short time frame are discussed. 相似文献
Both failure to detect pollution and an incorrect determination of pollution can be very expensive. It is crucial, therefore, that monitoring programs be designed and operated to provide statistically sound information. It is equally important that users of ground water quality data understand the nature and limitations of information from monitoring.
To address the preceding issues, the authors present a general approach to analyzing ground water quality data in light of the stated monitoring objective. The suggested approach accounts for "natural" variation in background water quality through pairing of observations. The limitations of quarterly sampling for detecting small changes in quality over a short time frame are discussed. 相似文献
The State of Benthic Communities and Water Quality Evaluation in the Cheboksary Reservoir 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
Present-day quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the Cheboksary Reservoir have been investigated, and data on the biological diversity of benthic organisms have been compared to those of hydrobiological studies carried out in the region prior to the reservoir construction. The reservoir bottom communities include 75 species and forms of benthos. The reservoir water quality has been evaluated using different methods, including the determination of the degree of morphological structure abnormalities in chironomid larvae, regarded as sublethal indicators of bottom sediment pollution with toxic substances. 相似文献
This work intends to monitor and assess the current water quality conditions at King Talal Dam (KTD), Jordan, based on vertical profiles and longitudinal surveys. While the surface distribution of water quality parameters in KTD varied spatially, their variations showed no distinct trends. Lateral and horizontal variations in water quality in KTD are probably linked with photosynthesis, sampling period, closeness to Zarqa River and Wadi Rmemeen, and water depths, among other factors. The vast majority of water quality parameters in KTD dammed reservoir showed vertical profiles that either decrease slightly with increasing depth from the surface (temperature and dissolved oxygen) or remain relatively unchanged (major ions, trace elements). These results suggest that water has probably been vertically mixed. Data also demonstrated rock weathering as a dominant process governing the water chemistry of KTD reservoir water. Based on chlorophyll- a classification of Forsberg and Ryding [19], KTD reservoir is in a mesotrophic-eutrophic condition. Evaluation of water quality for irrigation use revealed that KTD reservoir water is suitable for irrigation purposes, except for Na% and total hardness. 相似文献
气压变化可引起井水位同步变化,这是水位观测的一种微动态,称为水位的气压效应,其量值用气压效率表示,即单位气压变化量引起井水位的变化量。2016年5月12日河北省多地普遍降温,降温幅度达5~11℃,降温的同时,气压大幅度上升,引起河北省地震地下流体观测井网多数井水位同步下降。利用这次气压快速上升及其相应的水位下降,计算了井网内12口观测井的气压效率。计算结果显示,多数井的气压效率与已有的研究结果基本相符,个别井孔的计算结果不符合井孔本身实际的气压效率。结果表明,应用气压扰动进行水位气压效率计算也是方法之一,但仅利用一次气压扰动,会造成计算结果的偶然性。 相似文献