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The point velocity probe (PVP) is a device that can measure groundwater velocity at the centimeter scale, and unlike devices that measure velocity within well screens, the PVP operates while in direct contact with the porous medium. Because of this feature, it was postulated that the PVP could be effective in measuring velocity within the capillary fringe. This hypothesis was tested using a laboratory flow-through cell filled with a medium-fine sand from Canadian Forces Base Borden. The cell was constructed to simulate conditions such that the PVP was positioned from 2.5 cm below the water table to 79 cm above the water table. As the water table was lowered, the PVP gave highly consistent values of velocity over the range equivalent to 2.5 cm below the water table to 44 cm above the water table, the approximate extent of the capillary fringe. The average measured velocity was 11.3 cm/d ± 11.6%, somewhat higher than that calculated based on the measured discharge through the cell (7.5 cm/d ± 5.5%). With a further decline in the water table there was a progressive decrease in the measured velocity values, consistent with the declining hydraulic conductivity as the sand material drained. Readings could not be made beyond about 57 cm, where the water content was approximately 75% of saturation. These experiments showed that the PVP is capable of measuring groundwater velocity within the saturated zone above the water table and possibly into the unsaturated zone. Currently, this is the only instrument available with this capability.  相似文献   

Appropriate seismic assessment of reinforced concrete bridges is an important challenge in structural engineering in consideration of the number and relevance of bridges built without applying advanced codes of practice and of the strategic role of transportation networks in modern economy. This paper focuses on some relevant aspects of the damage development and collapse modes of hollow piers, as commonly designed in the past. The following aspects have been considered: absence of confinement, inadequate shear strength, shifting of the critical section, insufficient length of lap splices. A series of experimental tests has been designed and performed; the capacity of predicting appropriate results of formulations recommended in codes of practice or proposed in recent research documents has been checked comparing experimental and analytical results.  相似文献   

Ambient seismic noise or microtremor observations used in spatial auto-correlation (SPAC) array methods consist of a wide frequency range of surface waves from the frequency of about 0.1 Hz to several tens of Hz. The wavelengths (and hence depth sensitivity of such surface waves) allow determination of the site S-wave velocity model from a depth of 1 or 2 m down to a maximum of several kilometres; it is a passive seismic method using only ambient noise as the energy source. Application usually uses a 2D seismic array with a small number of seismometers (generally between 2 and 15) to estimate the phase velocity dispersion curve and hence the S-wave velocity depth profile for the site. A large number of methods have been proposed and used to estimate the dispersion curve; SPAC is the one of the oldest and the most commonly used methods due to its versatility and minimal instrumentation requirements. We show that direct fitting of observed and model SPAC spectra generally gives a superior bandwidth of useable data than does the more common approach of inversion after the intermediate step of constructing an observed dispersion curve. Current case histories demonstrate the method with a range of array types including two-station arrays, L-shaped multi-station arrays, triangular and circular arrays. Array sizes from a few metres to several-km in diameter have been successfully deployed in sites ranging from downtown urban settings to rural and remote desert sites. A fundamental requirement of the method is the ability to average wave propagation over a range of azimuths; this can be achieved with either or both of the wave sources being widely distributed in azimuth, and the use of a 2D array sampling the wave field over a range of azimuths. Several variants of the method extend its applicability to under-sampled data from sparse arrays, the complexity of multiple-mode propagation of energy, and the problem of precise estimation where array geometry departs from an ideal regular array. We find that sparse nested triangular arrays are generally sufficient, and the use of high-density circular arrays is unlikely to be cost-effective in routine applications. We recommend that passive seismic arrays should be the method of first choice when characterizing average S-wave velocity to a depth of 30 m (Vs30) and deeper, with active seismic methods such as multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) being a complementary method for use if and when conditions so require. The use of computer inversion methodology allows estimation of not only the S-wave velocity profile but also parameter uncertainties in terms of layer thickness and velocity. The coupling of SPAC methods with horizontal/vertical particle motion spectral ratio analysis generally allows use of lower frequency data, with consequent resolution of deeper layers than is possible with SPAC alone. Considering its non-invasive methodology, logistical flexibility, simplicity, applicability, and stability, the SPAC method and its various modified extensions will play an increasingly important role in site effect evaluation. The paper summarizes the fundamental theory of the SPAC method, reviews recent developments, and offers recommendations for future blind studies.  相似文献   

震源激发是影响地震勘探效果的一个重要因素,在油气勘探中需要选择合适的震源参数以获取较好的地震记录。本文以数值模拟方法为基础,通过使用ANSYS/LS-DYNA软件,对单井条件下不同岩土介质中柱状炸药震源激发进行了对比研究,计算得到相应的地震子波。通过对比分析各组参数对应的地震子波振幅和频谱,选择合适的激发参数。研究结果表明,在纵波速度较低的介质中,中低爆速、细长药柱炸药激发产生的地震子波频率高、能量大,而在纵波速度较高的介质中,高爆速、短粗药柱炸药激发产生的地震子波频率高、能量大。该研究结果与实际勘探结果比较符合,可为实际勘探中激发参数的选择提供参考。  相似文献   

Pyrkin  Yu. G.  Petrov  V. P.  Ivanova  I. N.  Silayev  M. A. 《Water Resources》2001,28(2):120-122
Results of laboratory experimental studies of the effect of turbulence on the vertical velocity of solid particles in water suspension are presented. The rate of particles settling has been found to decelerate significantly. These particles consume a part of turbulent energy, its amount largely depending on the size of particles themselves and the intensity of turbulence.  相似文献   

非线性弹性模量对波速影响的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在循环应力作用下,对砂岩和石英砂两种结构较松散的样品进行了实验研究。对非线性模量与应变的关系作了非线性拟合,用非线性模量代替弹性模量,对弹性介质中的波速公式作了修正。将波速与应力的多值函 数关系转化成波速作为应变(或密度)的单值函数。同时考虑了水饱和对非线性模量和波速的影响,得出了速度与应变的拟合关系曲线。实验数据和理论曲线有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

Water Resources - This paper reports a series of experimental studies done to simulate the flow behavior over crump and ogee type of weirs. The transition of subcritical to supercritical flow, as...  相似文献   

低速带具有“自由表面、低速度、高吸收”的特征,能引起反射波能量减弱,产生很强的频散,造成近地表波场畸变,严重影响地震勘探的精度。而地震采集过程又不可避免遇到以下低速带问题:①低速带存在与否会对地震波传播造成什么影响;②近地表变化大,怎么才能得到精确的低速带参数;③存在低速带时,激发井深、最佳的药量(与子波频率有关)、最佳的耦合(与低速带速度相关)等采集参数会对采集资料的品质产生什么影响。本文通过数值模拟,集中对低速带与地震波激发的井深、速度、子波主频等核心采集参数的关系进行分析研究,同时在低速带背景下对数值模拟的网格、边界等问题也进行了讨论。模拟得到的波场特征及低速带参数影响的机理分析,对做好野外地震波激发,获取高品质的地震资料,具有理论意义和指导作用。  相似文献   

Dynamic tracing of space-time evolution pattern of wave velocity ratio before the Lijiang earthquake with M=7.0 occurred on February 3, 1996 in northwestern Yunnan. We compared the Ninglang earthquakes with M=6.7 and M=6.4 which occurred on November 7 and December 13. 1976, 90 km away from the Lijiang earthquake. We found that the space-time evolution patterns of velocity that various authors' studied at different times are very similar.Anomaly areas of wave velocity ratio with high values appeared in the seismogenic areas 5 -7 years before the strong earthquake. Anomalies with low values in large areas appeared 3-4 years before the earthquake. Once again the anomaly areas of wave velocity ratio with high values appear in a lower range 1 ~2 years before. The strong earthquake occurred in the overlapping area of two high value anomaly areas, surrounded by the anomaly areas with low values. The monthly mean values of wave velocity ratio before the two strong earthquakes had maintained low value anomalies  相似文献   

This study presents a framework for numerical simulations based upon micromechanical parameters in modeling progressive failures of heterogeneous rock specimens under compression. In our numerical simulations, a Weibull distribution of the strength and elastic properties of the finite elements is assumed, and the associated Weibull parameters are estimated in terms of microstructural properties, such as crack size distribution and grain size, through microscopic observations of microcracks. The main uncertainty in this procedure lies on the fact that various ways can be used to formulate a ``microcrack size distribution' in relating to the Weibull parameters. As one possible choice, the present study uses the number of counted cracks per unit scanned volume per grain size to formulate the crack distributions. Finally, as a tool, the Rock Failure Process Analysis code (RFPA2D) is adopted for simulating the progressive failure and microseismicity of heterogeneous rocks by using an elastic-damage finite-element approach. To verify our framework, compression tests on marble specimens are conducted, and the measured acoustic emissions (AE) are compared with those predicted by the numerical simulations. The mode of failure, compressive strength and AE pattern of our simulations basically agree with experimental observations.  相似文献   

丽江、宁蒗强震的波速比时空演化图象和数值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对1996年2月3日滇西北丽江70级地震前波速比时空演化图象的动态追踪,同时对比了相距90km的1976年11月7日、12月13日宁蒗67、64级地震。发现,不同作者在不同时间研究的滇西北地区这两次重复发生的强震在孕育过程中波速比的时空演化图象十分相似:强震前5~7年,强震孕震区出现波速比高值异常区;强震前3~4年,孕震区的波速比大面积低值异常;强震前1~2年左右,孕震区再次出现范围略小的波速比高值异常区;强震发生在波速比低值异常区包围的两次高值异常区重叠部位。两次强震前滇西北波速比月均值均持续低值异常数年后,在震前1年左右出现明显的偏离平均值,当高、低值异常均趋于正常时,强震的孕育进入短临阶段。进一步研究波速比高、低值异常区的数值分布,显示出:第一次高值异常区中波速比最大的地震发生在异常区的边缘;低值异常区和第二次高值异常区中波速比最小和最大的地震发生在异常区内。这些波速比最大、最小的地震距主震的距离不超过60km。  相似文献   

To understand when oxygen-depleted waters occur, how they develop and when they dissipate in inner Tokyo Bay, realistic simulations were attempted with fine spatial and temporal resolution by applying realistic time dependent external forcing. A 3D hydrodynamic model was driven by time-dependent external forcing factors/parameters such as solar radiation, air temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity, and fluvial discharge, under the open boundary conditions of 1995. A simulated time series of salinity and temperature agreed fairly well with observed data, except in summer. The model failed to reproduce the development of the surface mixed layer in summer. Several sensitivity analyses on the external forcing parameters such as wind velocity and vertical diffusivity were conducted to reproduce the mixed layer. However, changing these parameter values did not improve the model results.  相似文献   

Shear and compressional wave velocities, coupled with other petrophysical data, are very important for hydrocarbon reservoir characterization. In situ shear wave velocity (Vs) is measured by some sonic logging tools. Shear velocity coupled with compressional velocity is vitally important in determining geomechanical parameters, identifying the lithology, mud weight design, hydraulic fracturing, geophysical studies such as VSP, etc. In this paper, a correlation between compressional and shear wave velocity is obtained for Gachsaran formation in Maroon oil field. Real data were used to examine the accuracy of the prediction equation. Moreover, the genetic algorithm was used to obtain the optimal value for constants of the suggested equation. Furthermore, artificial neural network was used to inspect the reliability of this method. These investigations verify the notion that the suggested equation could be considered as an efficient, fast, and cost-effective method for predicting Vs from Vp.  相似文献   

公路隧道集中排烟系统流速分布规律数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用火灾动态模拟软件FDS,对独立排烟道集中排烟模式在火灾条件下的排烟情况进行模拟计算,分别研究了集中排烟中双向排烟方式和单向排烟方式下不同排烟阀设置方案工况的排烟道流速和排烟阀流速分布规律。结果表明,双向排烟方式下,排烟阀流速与排烟道流速呈对称分布;单向排烟方式下,排烟阀流速与排烟道流速呈非对称分布;当排烟道横截面面积一定时,改变排烟阀设置方案对排烟道端部流速的影响不大;随着排烟阀开口面积的增加,离风机较近的排烟阀流速逐渐降低,而该排烟阀的排烟量却逐渐增大;排烟道和排烟阀流速的大小与排烟量、排烟阀设置方案、排烟道横截面面积等参数有关。本文研究可为集中排烟系统流速的合理设计提供依据。  相似文献   

堆石料颗粒形状较为复杂,且存在明显的颗粒破碎特征。为剔除颗粒形状对堆石料动力特性的影响,在不考虑颗粒破碎的情况下,采用玻璃球模拟堆石料进行动三轴试验,分析了试验围压对玻璃球动弹性模量的影响。基于动三轴试验成果,开展了细观数值模拟研究。研究表明:玻璃球的动弹性模量变化规律与堆石料的基本一致;三维颗粒流方程能较好地模拟该材料的动弹性模量特性;随着粗细颗粒直径跨度增大,试样级配关系增强,最大动弹性模量随之增大;细颗粒直径变小和粗颗粒直径变大都将引起最大动弹性模量的增大。试样的动弹性模量随着细观剪切模量的增大而增大,近似为幂函数关系,动应变降低。  相似文献   

厚型钢结构防火涂层因其耐火性好、性能稳定而成为最常用的防火保护形式之一,但厚型防火涂层易在地震和冲击等作用下发生破损和脱落,这将影响钢结构的抗火性能。为了认识厚型钢结构防火涂层的破损模式,本文对涂有厚型防火涂料的钢板件进行了纯弯荷载试验,运用有限元分析软件AN SY S对试验全过程进行了模拟分析,并与试验结果相对比。结果表明:受弯构件压区涂层的破损模式主要为涂层-钢板界面破损,拉区涂层的破损模式与涂层厚度有关,当涂层厚度较薄时,主要为涂层内部拉裂,涂层厚度较厚时,主要为涂层-钢板界面破损;涂层厚度越厚,界面破损出现得越早;若在涂层上贴置应变片,会使涂层的界面裂缝和横向裂缝提早出现。  相似文献   

Channel expansions are common in both natural and artificial open channels. With increasing cross-sectional dimensions in an expansion, the flow decelerates. Due to separation of flow and subsequent eddy formation, a significant head loss is occurred along the transition. This study presents the results of experimental investigations on subcritical flow along the expansive transition of rectangular to trapezoidal channels. Also, a numerical simulation was developed using the finite volume method with Reynolds Stress turbulent model. Water surface profiles and velocity distributions of flow through the transition were measured experimentally and compared with the numerical results. Also, hydraulic efficiency of the transition and coefficient of energy head loss were calculated. The results show that with increasing the upstream Froude number, hydraulic efficiency of the transition and coefficient of energy head loss are decreased and increased, respectively. The results also showed the ability of numerical simulation for simulating the flow separation zones and bed shear stress along the transition for different inlet discharges and inflow Froude numbers.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the response features of AR (apparent ratio of seismic wave velocities to the changes of TR (true ratio of wave velocities) in the horizontal layered model by mathematical modeling. The results show that: (1) the response features of AR are associated with the parameters of the structure and its dynamic changes, and the relative position between the hypocenters and the monitoring networks, showing complicated patterns strongly related to the concrete paths of propagation of seismic waves from the source to the receiver in the observatories of the network; (2) the depth of the seismic source would have important influence on the response features of AR, especially the capacity to carry the anomalous information in the condition of the earth media, being in the anomalous state would be greater for those earthquakes which occur inside the anomalous layers than those underneath the anomalous layers; (3) the response features of AR are clearly related to the changes of TR (true ratio of wave velocities) instead of changes of wave velocities themselves, i.e. the response could be small as the changes in TR is small even in the case of large changes in the wave velocities. It is suggested that more attention must be paid to all these features in combination with detailed investigation of the velocity structure of the earth media in the study region and best fitting of precise hypocenter locations when one wants to obtain the reliable precursors from the changes in AR.  相似文献   

In this paper, the numerical stability and efficiency of methods of harmonic downward continuation from flying altitudes are treated for sampled gravity field data. The problem is first formulated in its continuous form, i.e. as the inverse solution of the spherical Dirichlet problem, and is then approximated by Gaussian quadrature to yield a finite system of linear equations. The numerical stability of this system is investigated for both error-free gravity data and for the noisy and band-limited gravity measurements usually obtained from airborne gravity surveys. It can be shown that the system becomes ill-conditioned, once the ratio between flying altitude and data sampling rate exceeds a certain limit. It can also be shown that noisy measurements tend to generate a solution that is practically useless, long before the system becomes ill-conditioned. Therefore, instead of treating the general solution of the discrete downward continuation problem, the more modest question is studied, for which range of flying altitudes and sampling rates, the numerical solution of the discrete linear system can be considered as practically useful. Practically useful will be defined heuristically as of sufficient accuracy and stability to satisfy the requirements of the user. The question will be investigated for the specific application of geoid computation from gravity data sampled at flying altitudes. In this case, a stable solution with a standard deviation of a few centimeters is required. Typical flight parameters are heights of 2–6 km, a minimum half-wavelength resolution of 2 km, and data noise between 0.5 and 1.5 mGal. Different methods of geoid determination, different solution techniques for the resulting systems of linear equations, and different minimization principles will be compared. As a result operational parameters will be defined which, for a given noise level, will result in a geoid accuracy of a few centimeters for the estimated band-limited gravity field spectrum.  相似文献   

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