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采用SLIMCAT化学传输模式以及再分析资料,对比分析了1997和2011年北极地区平流层臭氧异常偏低事件及其成因。结果表明,1997和2011年3月北极地区大气臭氧柱总量(TCO)异常值都达到了约-80 DU,并且在30-200 hPa(中下平流层)区域的大气臭氧柱总量异常约占整层大气臭氧柱总量异常的80%。分析表明发生在这两年的极端臭氧偏低事件均可能是由于上一年冬季的拉尼娜事件导致上传的行星波减少,使得北极极涡加强,平流层温度异常偏低,生成了更多极地云,引起更强的臭氧化学损耗导致的。对比这两年的大气臭氧柱总量变化发现,2011年的柱总量减少得更快。2011年北极地区上对流层下平流层(UTLS)区域臭氧下降要明显强于1997年,其主要原因应该是2010-2011冬季的拉尼娜活动更强,北太平洋海温更高,进一步减弱阿留申低压和平流层波活动。这导致2011年极涡温度异常偏低更强烈,形成了更多的极地平流层云甚至出现了第二类极地平流层云,最终加速该年春季的臭氧化学损耗引起的。  相似文献   

石柳  郑明华  付遵涛 《高原气象》2011,30(6):1566-1572
利用1948—2007年NCEP/NCAR月平均2m地面气温再分析资料、3月北极涛动(AO)指数和春季臭氧含量资料,采用合成分析方法分析了北极臭氧损耗对初春东亚中高纬地区地面气温的影响。结果表明,臭氧低(高)值年,3月东亚中高纬地区地面气温存在正(负)异常。4月的与3月类似,但气温异常的幅度减小,中心位置也有所变化。对...  相似文献   

近30a北极平流层臭氧的季节和年际变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合利用1978-2011年TOMS(Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer)和OMI(Ozone Monitoring Instrument)臭氧总量资料,MLS(Microwave Limb Sounder)臭氧廓线资料以及NCEP/NCAR再分析气象场资料,对比研究了近30a南北极臭氧总量的年际变化和季节变化差异,重点分析了2010/2011年冬末春初北极臭氧出现的异常损耗现象,探讨北极春季臭氧低值产生的原因。结果表明:与南极地区一年四季都保持一个臭氧低值中心明显不同,北极臭氧总量的减少则是伴随着整个春夏季(4-8月),在秋季(10月)达到最低值,冬季(11月-次年2月)北极臭氧快速恢复,这主要是由于南北半球极地地区环流差异和温度差异造成的。南北两极年均O3总量呈下降趋势,两极地区O3总量年际变化最大的季节是春季。近30a,北极在1997和2011年春季(3-4月)分别达到极低值355DU和361DU,但近年来两极臭氧年际变化趋势不明显。2011年春季,北极地区出现的较严重臭氧低值现象从3月中旬至4月中旬持续了近1个月,2010/2011年冬春季平流层低温和臭氧低值对应关系很好。  相似文献   

利用南极大陆沿岸中山站2008-2013年的地面臭氧连续观测数据和相关资料,对地面臭氧损耗事件(ODE)进行研究。结果显示,春季南极中山站常发生臭氧损耗事件。在该事件发生期间,气象要素有明显的突变过程,包括气温明显下降,风向由偏东风转变为偏北风,风速随之下降。来自海冰区的偏北风增多,风速很小,使臭氧浓度维持在较低水平。地面臭氧损耗事件主要与南极沿岸海冰区的活性溴(BrO)浓度有关。春季南极大陆沿岸海冰冻融过程中形成的冰间水道和冰间湖,在低温的作用下会再次冻结,形成薄冰和霜花。卫星资料能够观测到薄冰区释放的活化海盐溴高浓度区,活性溴与臭氧发生化学反应形成地面臭氧损耗事件。臭氧损耗现象是在未受到人为影响的自然状态下发生的,与中高纬度地区光化学反应导致臭氧消耗有所不同。   相似文献   

北极臭氧垂直分布和天气尺度变化的观测研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
北极地区臭氧对北极气候和环境系统起着重要作用。研究其分布和变化有助于了解北极的气候和环境及其对全球气候系统的影响,有助于气候和环境变化的数值预报。中国北极科学探测1999在北冰洋楚可奇海域成功的进行了大气臭氧观测。通过在中国“雪龙”号破冰船甲板上(于1999年8月18-24日在75°N,160°W附近处)释放大气臭氧探空仪获得了高分辨率的大气垂直结构和臭氧分布资料,可以进行大气尺度的大气臭氧变化研究。分析大气监测资料、TOMS臭氧总量资料和NCEP大气环流资料表明,大气臭氧总量随着对流层顶的低一高一低变化呈高一低一高的变化过程。研究还表明,大气柱的臭氧总量与13公里以下的大气臭氧含量关系密切,而在约20公里处的大气臭氧浓度最大值的变化与整个气柱臭氧的关系不大。500 hPa天气形势图上一个弱一强一弱的西南天气型造成的弱臭氧平流可能是这次臭氧变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

郑明华  付遵涛  陈哲 《高原气象》2010,29(2):412-419
利用奇异值分解、合成分析和变点检测等统计方法,集中分析了北极臭氧损耗对东亚中高纬度地区初春地面气温的影响。结果表明:(1)受北极臭氧损耗影响而气温变化显著的区域为东亚中高纬度地区,与臭氧损耗关系最密切的地面气温空间模态是以贝加尔湖西北为中心的暖异常。(2)北极臭氧损耗对地面气温的影响不仅仅体现在空间上,还体现在时间上。除了贝加尔湖西北—东西伯利亚大片区域外,我国华北和西北也存在显著的负异常提前进入暖季。(3)臭氧损耗对关键区域的气温突变点影响的幅度很大,约在3~5天,这对复杂的3月气温短期预测起到重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

北极海冰面积与我国春季平均气温的联系特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
周珉  蒋全荣 《气象科学》2004,24(1):81-87
本文诊断分析了北极海冰面积、赤道中东太平洋海温与我国春季气温的联系。结果表明,北极海冰面积的年际和年代际变化对我国春季气温有较明显的影响,而赤道中东太平洋海温变化的影响则相对较弱。利用前期的海冰距平场可对2000年春季气温做出成功的趋势预测。  相似文献   

北极楚克奇海上空臭氧垂直变化的探测与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1999年夏季,中国首次组织北极地区科学考察.分析此次考察中楚克奇海海域上空获得的大气结构和臭氧探空资料,结合臭氧总量观测光谱仪(TOMS)臭氧总量和NCEP大气环流资料,指出:考察期间楚克奇海海域上空臭氧总量与13 km以下臭氧含量关系密切,而在20 km附近最大臭氧浓度处的臭氧变化与大气臭氧总量关系较差,表明整层臭氧总量的变化主要受低层大气臭氧变化的影响.大气臭氧总量呈高-低-高变化,对流层顶高度呈低-高-低变化,分析500hPa高度场表明:考察期间的天气系统可能是造成局地臭氧变化的主要原因.  相似文献   

2015年12月29日北极地面爆发性增温的成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2015年NCEP/NCAR再分析一日四时次资料和日资料,应用区域平均、热流量方程估算等方法对2015年12月29日北极爆发性增温的原因进行研究。结果表明,2015年12月29日北极出现爆发性增温,日增温幅度最高达到25℃以上。增温期间,受到强盛温带气旋系统和反气旋系统的共同作用,增温区域出现强盛的南风,风速最大值达到20 m s-1以上,位置不断北进达到北极点。强盛的南风为北极地区带来强盛的暖平流,同时暖湿空气进入北极后,增温区上空云量明显增加。12月28日至12月29日温度平流由冷平流转变为暖平流,暖平流的中心区域与温度爆发性增长的区域有很好的对应关系,暖平流是北极爆发性增温的重要原因。对于一直处于极夜的北极地区,由于云量的增加,大气顶向上长波辐射减少,加剧了温度的上升。温度平流增温贡献率为20.4%,垂直项的贡献率为-9.9%,非绝热作用贡献率为89.5%,温度平流和非绝热作用共同导致了本次北极地区的爆发性增温,非绝热作用是本次爆发性增温最重要的增温因素。  相似文献   

利用海南岛18个国家气象观测站逐日最高气温、NCEP/NCAR逐日及逐月再分析资料和NOAA海温资料,分析2019年春季海南岛异常高温特征及成因。结果表明:(1)2019年春季海南岛全岛平均极端高温日数多、最高气温高、高温覆盖范围广。(2)西太平洋副热带高压(简称"西太副高")是春季高温的主导系统,2019年春季西太副高面积偏大、强度偏强、位置偏西,海南岛受西太副高主体异常偏强的下沉运动控制。(3)2019年春季东亚中高纬西风急流偏强,南海—菲律宾地区热带对流活动受到抑制,有利于西太副高加强西伸,局地下沉绝热增温加强;配合低层暖平流输送,有助于局地增温,进而促使高温发生发展。(4)2018年秋季至2019年春季,热带中东太平洋形成一次El Niño事件且秋冬季信号最显著,热带印度洋持续偏暖且春季最显著,这种海温分布有利于春季西太副高持续加强西伸,并控制整个海南岛,形成极端高温。  相似文献   

2019-2020冬季北极平流层极涡异常并且持续的偏强,偏冷.利用NCEP再数据和OMI臭氧数据,本文分析了此次强极涡事件中平流层极涡的动力场演变及其对地面暖冬天气和臭氧低值的影响.此次强极涡的形成是由于上传行星波不活跃.持续的强极涡使得2020年春季的最后增温出现时间偏晚.平流层正NAM指数向下传播到地面,与地面AO...  相似文献   

Several years of measurements of ozone, hydrocarbons, sulphate and meteorological parameters from Spitsbergen in the Norwegian Arctic are presented. Most of the measurements were taken on the Zeppelin Mountain at an altitude of 474 m a.s.l. The focus is the episodes of ozone depletion in the lower troposphere in spring, which are studied in a climatological way. Episodes of very low ozone concentrations are a common feature on the Zeppelin Mountain in spring. The low ozone episodes were observed from late March to the beginning of June. When the effect of transport direction was subtracted, the frequenty of the low ozone episodes was found to peak in the beginning of May, possibly reflecting the seasonal cycle in the actual depletion process. Analyses based on trajectory calculations show that most of the episodes occurred when the air masses were transported from W-N. Ozone soundings show that the ozone depletion may extend from the surface and up to 3–4 km altitude. The episodes were associated with a cold boundary layer beneath a thermally stable layer, suppressing mixing with the free troposphere. The concentration of several individual hydrocarbons was much lower during episodes of low ozone than for the average conditions. The change in concentration ratio between the hydrocarbons was in qualitative agreement with oxidation of hydrocarbons by Br and Cl atoms rather than by OH radicals.  相似文献   

On 1 February 1989, -83.5°C was recorded in 27.8 hPa over Hohenpeißenberg, the lowest temperature in the 22-year series. This was measured together with a very low total ozone amount of 266 DU. This may be compared with nearly twice this amount on 27 February 1989. The situation was very unusual: following an extremely cold winter in the Arctic stratosphere, the stratospheric cold pole was located over southern Scandinavia on 1 February in a very southerly position. The analyzed temperatures of -92 °C in 30 hPa were also unusual. Even though the low ozone amounts over Hohenpeißenberg were probably dynamically caused, an additional very small ozone decrease due to heterogeneous reactions in altitudes from 23–28 km, where the temperatures lie below -80 °C, cannot be ruled out. Extinction measurements by the orbitting SAGE II instrument indeed show polar stratospheric clouds over Europe near 50° N during the period 31 January–2 February. Also, polar stratospheric clouds were previously observed over Kiruna at similarly low temperatures and signs of a corresponding small ozone decrease were noted there.  相似文献   

During the Tropospheric Ozone Production about the Spring Equinox (TOPSE) program, aircraft flights during April 7–11, 2000 revealed a large area air mass capped below ∼500 m altitude over Hudson Bay, Canada in which ozone was reduced from normal levels of 30–40 ppbv to as low as 0.5 ppbv. From some of the in-situ aircraft measurements, back-trajectory calculations, the tropospheric column of BrO derived from GOME satellite measurements, and results from a regional model, we conclude that the event did not originate from triggering of reactive halogen release in the sub-Arctic region of Hudson Bay but resulted from such an event occurring at higher latitudes over the islands of the northern Canada Archipelago and nearby Arctic Ocean with subsequent transport over a distance of 1,000–1,500 km to Hudson Bay. BrO x remained active during this transport despite considerable changes in the conditions of the underlying surface suggesting that chemical recycling during transport dominated any local halogen input from the surface. If all of the tropospheric column density of BrO is distributed uniformly within the surface layer, then the mixing ratio of BrO derived from the satellite measurements is at least a factor of 2–3 larger than derived indirectly from in situ aircraft measurements of the NO/NO2 ratio.  相似文献   

Using a detailed, fully coupled chemistry climate model (CCM), the effect of increasing stratospheric H2O on ozone and temperature is investigated. Different CCM time-slice runs have been performed to investigate the chemical and radiative impacts of an assumed 2 ppmv increase in H2O. The chemical effects of this H2O increase lead to an overall decrease of the total column ozone (TCO) by ~1% in the tropics and by a maximum of 12% at southern high latitudes. At northern high latitudes, the TCO is increased by only up to 5% due to stronger transport in the Arctic. A 2-ppmv H2O increase in the model's radiation scheme causes a cooling of the tropical stratosphere of no more than 2 K, but a cooling of more than 4 K at high latitudes. Consequently, the TCO is increased by about 2%--6%. Increasing stratospheric H2O, therefore, cools the stratosphere both directly and indirectly, except in the polar regions where the temperature responds differently due to feedbacks between ozone and H2O changes. The combined chemical and radiative effects of increasing H2O may give rise to more cooling in the tropics and middle latitudes but less cooling in the polar stratosphere. The combined effects of H2O increases on ozone tend to offset each other, except in the Arctic stratosphere where both the radiative and chemical impacts give rise to increased ozone. The chemical and radiative effects of increasing H2O cause dynamical responses in the stratosphere with an evident hemispheric asymmetry. In terms of ozone recovery, increasing the stratospheric H2O is likely to accelerate the recovery in the northern high latitudes and delay it in the southern high latitudes. The modeled ozone recovery is more significant between 2000--2050 than between 2050--2100, driven mainly by the larger relative change in chlorine in the earlier period.  相似文献   

张人禾  周顺武 《气象学报》2008,66(6):916-925
利用台站探空观测资料和卫星观测资料,分析了1979—2002年青藏高原上空温度的变化趋势。结果表明:高原地区上空平流层低层和对流层上层的温度与对流层中低层具有反相变化趋势。平流层低层和对流层上层降温,温度出现降低趋势,降温幅度无论是年平均还是季节平均都比全球平均降温幅度更大。高原上空对流层中低层增温,温度显示出增加的趋势,并且比同纬度中国东部非高原地区有更强的增温趋势。对1979—2002年卫星臭氧资料的分析表明,青藏高原上空臭氧总量在每个季节都呈现出明显的下降趋势,并且比同纬度带其他地区下降得更快。由于青藏高原上空臭氧有更大幅度的减少,造成高原平流层对太阳紫外辐射吸收比其他地区更少,使进入对流层的辐射更多,从而导致高原上空平流层低层和对流层上层降温比其他地区更强,而对流层中低层增温更大。因此,高原上空比其他地区更大幅度的臭氧总量减少可能是造成青藏高原上空与同纬度其他地区温度变化趋势差异的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

Gaseous nitric acid (HNO3) and hydrogene fluoride (HF) have been measured in the winter Arctic stratosphere using balloon- and aircraft-based Ion Molecule Reaction Mass Spectrometry (IMRMS) instruments. Strong HNO3 perturbations were found in 1993 and 1995 which may indicate nitrification around 11-13 km and denitrification around 20 km altitude. Most likely these perturbations were caused by sedimentation of HNO3 containing aerosols followed by aerosol evaporation at lower altitudes.  相似文献   

In our previous study,a statistical linkage between the spring Arctic sea ice concentration(SIC)and the succeeding Chinese summer rainfall during the period 1968–2005 was identified.This linkage is demonstrated by the leading singular value decomposition(SVD)that accounts for 19%of the co-variance.Both spring SIC and Chinese summer rainfall exhibit a coherent interannual variability and two apparent interdecadal variations that occurred in the late 1970s and the early 1990s.The combined impacts of both spri...  相似文献   

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