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Turbulence and heat fluxes in the marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL) for the roll vortex regime, observed during the Genesis of Atlantic Lows Experiment (GALE) over the western Gulf Stream, have been studied. The spectral analysis suggests that cloud streets (roll vortices) are vertically organized convection in the MABL having the same roll scale for both the cloud layer and subcloud layer, and that the roll spacing is about three times the MABL depth. The roll circulations contribute significantly to the sensible (temperature) and latent heat (moisture) fluxes with importance increasing upward. Near the MABL top, these fluxes are primarily due to roll vortices which transfer both sensible heat and moisture upward in the lower half of the convective MABL. Near the MABL top, the roll circulations transfer sensible heat downward and moisture upward in the clear thermal-street region, but roll vortices influenced by evaporative cooling can transfer sensible heat upward and moisture downward in the cloud-street region. Near the cloud-top, the upward buoyancy flux due to evaporative cooling is highly related to the roll circulations near the inversion.For the lower half of the MABL, the normalized temperature flux decreases upward more rapidly than the humidity flux, which is mainly because potential temperature () increases slightly upward while humidity (q) decreases slightly upward above the unstable surface layer. The gradient production (associated with the gradient) is a source for the temperature flux in the unstable surface layer but changes to a sink in the mixed layer, while the gradient production (associated with the q gradient) acts as a source for the humidity flux in both the unstable surface and mixed layers. The results suggest that the entrainment at the MABL top might affect the budgets of temperature and humidity fluxes in the lower MABL, but not in the unstable surface layer.Caelum Research Corporation, Silver Spring, MD, 20901, U.S.A.  相似文献   

The model for the cloud-topped marine boundary layer during a cold air outbreak developed by Stage and Businger (1981a) is used in conjunction with a test profile based on a fall outbreak episode over Lake Ontario to study factors influencing marine boundary-layer evolution. Sensitivity tests are done which show changes in layer evolution resulting from variation of wind speed, radiative sky temperature, water surface temperature, humidity of the shoreline sounding and divergence. The behavior of the layer in the presence of a region of cold-water upwelling near the shore is also investigated. It is found that the main effect of the upwelling region is to delay modification of the boundary-layer air.  相似文献   

Aircraft (NCAR Electra), ship (R/V Cape Hatteras), buoy (NCSU Buoy 2) and satellite (NOAA-7 and 9) measurements have been used to observe the structure of the Marine Boundary Layer (MBL) offshore of Wilmington, North Carolina, during the intense cold-air outbreak of 28 January, 1986, as part of the Genesis of Atlantic Lows Experiment (GALE). Air mass modification processes, driven primarily by the surface turbulent latent and sensible heat fluxes, caused the overlying air mass to warm and moisten as it advected over the warmer waters of the eastern United States continental shelf. Maximum observed total (latent + sensible) heat flux was 1045W/m2 (at a height of 49 m) over the core of the Gulf Stream. Heat flux values decreased both east and west of this region, primarily in response to changes in the air-sea temperature difference.MBL height increased steadily in the offshore direction in response to increasing convection. The turbulent structure showed a buoyancy-dominated MBL between 0.1 z/h and 0.8 z/h; whereas shear was important above and below this level, vertical transport of kinetic energy (KE) was dominant as a source term only above 0.8 z/h. The normalized turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budgets observed at different offshore locations showed general agreement at different flight levels. Thus the findings support the validity of the similarity relations under intense convective conditions.  相似文献   

The boundary-layer development and convection-pattern transition typically occurring in cold-air outbreaks is studied using three-dimensional simulations. The simulations include the secondary-flow transition starting with the relatively small-scale boundary-layer rolls developing during the initial phase and ending with mesoscale cellular convection patterns. The application of a computational grid, whose horizontal mesh size enables the resolution of the small-scale initial patterns and whose domain size is large enough to capture mesoscale convection patterns, overcharges even state-of-the-art supercomputers. In order to bypass the computer storage problem, the horizontal size of the model domain and the horizontal resolution of the computational grid are adjusted to the scale of the dominant convective structures. This enables the simulation of convection cells whose horizontal scales increase up to values exceeding the size of the initial model domain. The model is applied to conditions of a cold-air outbreak observed during the ARKTIS 1991 experiment. The most important characteristics of the observed situation are revealed by the model. Sensitivity studies are performed in order to investigate the relation between cell broadening and various physical processes. The artificial cutoff of liquid-water formation prevents the enlargement of convective scales. Latent heating due to condensation and especially radiative cloud-top cooling are identified as processes leading to cell broadening. We propose a conceptual model that elucidates the mechanism by which cloud-top cooling may generate larger aspect ratios.  相似文献   

Four bulk schemes (LKB, FG, D and DB), with the flux-profile relationships of Liuet al. (1979), Francey and Garratt (1981), Dyer (1974), and Dyer and Bradley (1982), are derived from the viscous interfacial-sublayer model of Liuet al. These schemes, with stability-dependent transfer coefficients, are then tested against the eddy-correlation fluxes measured at the 50 m flight level above the western Atlantic Ocean during cold-air outbreaks. The bulk fluxes of momentum (), sensible heat (H), and latent heat (E) are found to increase with various von Kármán constants (k M for k H forH, andk E forE). Except that the LKB scheme overestimates by 28% (46Wm–2), on the average, the fluxes estimated by the four bulk schemes appear to be in fairly good agreement with those of the eddy correlation method (magnitudes of biases within 10% for , 17% forH, and 13% forE). The results suggest that the overall fluxes and surface-layer scaling parameters are best estimated by FG and thatk H <k E . On the average, the FG scheme underestimates by 10% (0.032N m–2) andE by 4% (12Wm–2), and overestimatesH by 0.3% (0.5W m–2). The equivalent neutral transfer coefficients at 10 m height of the FG scheme compare well with some schemes of those tested by Blanc (1985).The relative importance of various von Kármán constants, dimensionless gradients and roughness lengths to the oceanic transfer coefficients is assessed. The dependence of transfer coefficients on wind speeds and roughness lengths is discussed. The transfer coefficients for andE agree excellently between LKB and FG. However, the ratio of the coefficient forH of LKB to that of FG, increasing with decreasing stability, is very sensitive to stability at low winds, but approaches the neutral value of 1.25 at high winds.  相似文献   

For many locations around the globe some of the most severe weather is associated with outbreaks of cold air over relatively warm oceans, referred to here as marine cold-air outbreaks (MCAOs). Drawing on empirical evidence, an MCAO indicator is defined here as the difference between the skin potential temperature, which over open ocean is the sea surface potential temperature, and the potential temperature at 700 hPa. Rare MCAOs are defined as the 95th percentile of this indicator. Climate model data that have been provided as part of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment Report Four (AR4) were used to assess the models’ projections for the twenty-first century and their ability to represent the observed climatology of MCAOs. The ensemble average of the models broadly captures the observed spatial distribution of the strength of MCAOs. However, there are some significant differences between the models and observations, which are mainly associated with simulated biases of the underlying sea ice, such as excessive sea-ice extent over the Barents Sea in most of the models. The future changes of the strength of MCAOs vary significantly across the Northern Hemisphere. The largest projected weakening of MCAOs is over the Labrador Sea. Over the Nordic seas the main region of strong MCAOs will move north and weaken slightly as it moves away from the warm tongue of the Gulf Stream in the Norwegian Sea. Over the Sea of Japan there is projected to be only a small weakening of MCAOs. The implications of the results for mesoscale weather systems that are associated with MCAOs, namely polar lows and arctic fronts, are discussed.  相似文献   

Numerical models demonstrate that a broad class of geophysical vortices freely evolve toward vertically aligned, axisymmetric states. In principle, this intrinsic drive toward symmetry opposes destructive shearing by the environmental flow.This article examines the case in which a discrete vortex-Rossby-wave dominates a perturbation from symmetry, and symmetrization occurs by decay of the wave. The wave is damped by a resonance with the fluid rotation frequency at a critical radius, r*. The damping rate is proportional to the radial derivative of potential vorticity at r*. Until now, the theory of resonantly damped vortex-Rossby-waves (technically quasi-modes) was formally restricted to slowly rotating vortices, which obey quasigeostrophic (QG) dynamics. This article extends the theory to rapidly rotating vortices.The analysis makes use of the asymmetric balance (AB) approximation. Even at a modest Rossby number (unity), AB theory can predict damping rates that exceed extrapolated QG results by orders of magnitude. This finding is verified upon comparison of AB theory to numerical experiments, based on the primitive equations. The experiments focus on the decay of low azimuthal wave-number asymmetries.A discrete vortex-Rossby-wave can also resonate with an outward propagating inertia-buoyancy wave (Lighthill radiation), inducing both to grow. At large Rossby numbers, this growth mechanism can be dynamically relevant. All balance models, including AB theory, neglect inertia-buoyancy waves, and therefore ignore the possibility of a Rossby-inertia-buoyancy (RIB) instability. This article shows that a large potential vorticity gradient (of the proper sign) at the critical radius r* can suppress the RIB instability, and thereby preserve balanced flow, even at large Rossby numbers.  相似文献   

Summary A newly developed non-hydrostatic model (MOLOCH), operating at a resolution of about 2 km, is run for a case of heavy precipitation over southeastern France. The event (8–9 September 2002) was characterized by intense convective activity leading to a severe flash flood in the region of the Gard river, south of the Massif Central. An almost stationary mesoscale convective system (MCS), developing well in advance of an approaching cold front, discharged a huge amount of rainfall over the same area, more than 600 mm in 24 hours. Several simulations are performed in order to test the model set-up, evaluate the sensitivity on different initial conditions, and analyse the case-study. The quantitative precipitation forecasts (QPF) appear to vary widely among the experiments, depending on the initialization time chosen (00, 06, and 12 UTC, September 8). Only the run starting at 06 UTC predicts, with a satisfactory degree of accuracy, the location where the MCS developed and its almost stationary behavior during the first stage (∼12 hours) of the event. In all the simulations, the convective system then propagated northward over the Massif Central. In addition to experiments starting from standard ECMWF analyses, an assimilation procedure, based on Optimal Interpolation, is applied to the initial conditions. Surface observations of temperature, wind and relative humidity have been assimilated. The assimilation produces an improvement in the forecasts of surface fields and leads to a better location of the initial triggering phase. Further experiments, performed by changing the orography in the model, allow the investigation of the role of the Massif Central in triggering the mesoscale convective system and in controlling its evolution.  相似文献   

利用2016年3月3—5日的气象观测数据分析了一次沙尘暴过程中地面感热通量的变化特征。结果表明:在此次沙尘暴过程中,地面感热通量的日变化曲线呈现一波型。在通常情况下,白天地面感热通量是正值,夜间地面感热通量是负值。在出现沙尘暴的时段内,地面感热通量会发生很大变化。发生在夜间的沙尘暴阻碍地面辐射,减弱地面热量的损失,致使地面感热通量大于零;发生在白天的沙尘暴阻碍太阳辐射,显著消弱地面感热通量。  相似文献   

A method to evaluate the latent heat flux during favourable conditions to frost formation has been tested with measurements made on two consecutive nights. The method is based on a surface thermal budget. Results show sign changes in the computed latent heat flux according to the observed cycle of frost formation and thaw. Flux estimates of 0.045 cal cm-2 min-1, with a mean relative error of 30%, have been obtained during the period of maximum frost accretion.  相似文献   

Cold air outbreaks can be identified by the formation of cloud streets downwind from a land-sea boundary, as can be seen in numerous satellite pictures. These cloud streets are caused by horizontal roll vortices which in turn are due to dynamic and convective instability of the planetary boundary layer over sea. The development of these roll vortices is simulated with a numerical model and compared to observations obtained over the Bering Sea. Vertical heat transport is found to be due to turbulent diffusion in the initial stage of a cold air outbreak before organized roll vortices contribute to the heat flux in the higher levels of the boundary layer. The influence of a capping inversion on the dynamic and convective instability is also elucidated.  相似文献   

Processing and quality control of flux data during LITFASS-2003   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Different aspects of the quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) of micrometeorological measurements were combined to create a comprehensive algorithm which was then applied to experimental data from LITFASS-2003 (Lindenberg Inhomogeneous Terrain—Fluxes between Atmosphere and Surface: a long term Study). Eddy-covariance measurements of the latent heat flux were the main focus of the QA/QC efforts. The results of a turbulence sensor intercomparison experiment showed deviations between the different eddy-covariance systems on the order of 15%, or less than 30 W m−2, for the latent heat flux and 5%, or less than 10 W m−2, for the sensible heat flux. In order to avoid uncertainties due to the post-processing of turbulence data, a comprehensive software package was used for the analysis of experimental data from LITFASS-2003, including all necessary procedures for corrections and quality control. An overview of the quality test results shows that for most of the days more than 80% of the available latent heat flux data are of high quality so long as there are no instrumental problems. The representativeness of a flux value for the target land-use type was analysed using a stochastic footprint model. Different methods to calculate soil heat fluxes at the surface are discussed and a sensitivity analysis is conducted to select the most robust method for LITFASS-2003. The lack of energy balance closure, which was found for LITFASS-2003, can probably be attributed to the presence of low-frequency flux contributions that cannot be resolved with an averaging time of 30 min. Though the QA/QC system has been developed for the requirements of LITFASS-2003, it can also be applied to other experiments dealing with similar objectives.  相似文献   

Summary Processes which played an important role in the sudden development of an intense narrow cold frontal rainband (NCFR) along the leading edge of a wintertime anafront are investigated. Quantitative analysis of the Regional Analysis and Forecast System (RAFS) initialization and Nested Grid Model (NGM) forecast fields, satellite-derived water vapor and ozone measurements, and conventional meteorological data are employed in this study.The NCFR developed upon merger of an arctic front with a nearly stationary cold front over the Appalachian mountains. Rapid intensification of an ageostrophic momentum surge associated with the formation of a sub-synoptic played a dominant role in forcing explosive frontogenesis during frontal merger. A deep tropopause fold and related mid-tropospheric subsidence feature within the entrance region of an upper-level jet crossed the mountains at the time of NCFR formation. Synthesis of the surface, NGM, and satellite data suggests that this subsidence resulted in the development of the sub-synoptic high pressure system, whose leading edge was marked by a 5mb pressure jump. Consequential amplifieation and scale contraction of the cross-front pressure gradient indicates that the scale of the merged frontal system contracted just prior to NCFR development.As precipitation developed, the pressure jump took on a microscale character and increased to 8mb amplitude. The subsequent intensity of this frontal rainband is explained by the interaction between vertical shear associated with a strong, pre-frontal, low-level jet and the gravity current-like structure at the leading edge of the merged cold front.With 22 Figures  相似文献   

During the Antarctic summer 1994/95 the values of downward and upward flux densities of both solar and terrestrial radiation were recorded at 1200 m for a period of 1 month on the Reeves Nevè Glacier (lat 74°39′S, long 161°35′E), near the Italian base of Terra Nova Bay. The relations proposed by Swinbank [Swinbank, W.C., 1963. Long-wave radiation from clear skies. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 89, 339–348], Idso and Jackson [Idso, S.B., Jackson, R.D., 1969. Thermal radiation from the atmosphere. J. Geophys. Res. 74, 5397–5403] and Deacon [Deacon, E.L., 1970. The derivation of Swinbank's long-wave radiation formula. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 96, 313–319] associating the long-wave atmospheric radiation flux only to the air temperature at screen level were tested in extreme Antarctic climatological condition. A relation between the long-wave radiation flux and both screen air temperature and cloud cover fraction in accordance to the height of the cloud base was defined using the Kasten and Czeplak relationship that relates the solar radiation flux and the cloud cover index. The study of the incoming short-wave radiation flux from the clear sky and that reflected by the surrounding snow cover allowed for highlighting the role of surface geometry on the albedo measurements.  相似文献   

Summary The dominant surface energy budget parameters, namely the net radiation fluxes, must be precisely known for an understanding of southwest monsoon behaviour and the early stages of formation of a meteorological system, i.e. trough, low pressure, depression, cyclone etc., and break monsoon conditions over the Bay of Bengal region. The data measured during the MONEX-79 period from July 16–31 are used in order to study the fluctuations of energy fluxes and the net radiation in the month of July over the region. During this period the total energy flux is increasing from South to North with a maximum over the head of the Bay. However, the fluctuation of net radiation is not significant. There is an outstanding increase in the energy flux with anomalies of values 240 W/m2.
Zusammenfassung Für das Verständnis des Südwestmonsuns und für die Entwicklung eines meteorologischen Systems, wie Trog-Tiefdruck-Depression-Zyklone etc., sowie für die Bedingungen des Monsunendes über der Bengalischen Bucht, ist das genaue Wissen um die wichtigen Parameter der Energiebilanz an der Oberfläche, insbesondere der Strahlungsbilanz und der anderen Energieflüsse, unverzichtbar. Die Beobachtungsdaten vom 16.–31. Juli während MONEX-79 werden zum Studium der Energieflußfluktuationen und der Strahlungsbilanz für Juli in diesem Gebiet herangezogen. In dieser Periode nahm die Energieflußsumme nach Norden zu, mit einem Maximum über dem nördlichsten Teil der Bucht, während die Fluktuation der Strahlungsbilanz unbedeutend blieb. Trotzdem zeigt sich eine bedeutende Erhöhung des Energieflusses von bis zu 240 W/m2.

With 2 Figures  相似文献   

A two-dimensional version of a hydrostatic mesoscale model with a partial cloudiness scheme is used to study a cold air outbreak event during MASEX (Mesoscale Air-Sea Exchange experiment). The model produces a weak mesoscale circulation which is slightly advected offshore and simulates well an observed cloudiness transition zone of 80 km where the cloud cover ranges between 0 and 100%. It is shown that the cloud top entrainment instability criterion can explain the observed cloudiness phenomenon i.e., the transition from a cumulus field to a solid stratocumulus cloud layer.The usefulness of the partial cloudiness scheme is demonstrated by comparing the results to those obtained with a simple all or nothing condensation scheme. A model sensitivity study shows that the sea surface temperature and the horizontal advection speed control the surface heat and moisture fluxes and so explain the structure and horizontal extent of the cloudiness transition zone.  相似文献   

An optical method is discussed for the determination of the line average of the vertical temperature gradient, which is subsequently used for the calculation of the scaling temperature and of the sensible heat flux. The method requires conventional surveying instrumentation only, and the measurements are carried out easily. The attainable accuracy is estimated as 10% or better. Observations are also possible during night or light-wind conditions. In a field experiment, results from this optical method were compared with measurements taken with a conventional covariance eddy-flux instrument. Excellent agreement between both methods was found.  相似文献   

 The effect of employing flux adjustments on the climatic response of an idealized coupled model to an imposed radiative forcing is investigated with two coupled models, one of which employs flux adjustments. A linear reduction (to the planetary longwave flux) of 4 W/m2 is applied over a 70 y period and held constant thereafter. Similar model responses are found (during the initial 70 y period) for global-scale diagnostics of hemispheric air temperature due to the nearly linear surface-air temperature response to the radiative forcing. Significant regional scale differences do exist, however. As the perturbation away from the present climate grows, basin-scale diagnostics (such as meridional overturning rates) begin to diverge between flux adjusted and non-flux adjusted models. Once the imposed radiative forcing is held constant, differences in global mean air temperature of up to 0.5 °C are found, with large regional-scale differences in air temperature and overturning rates within the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean. Two additional experiments with the flux adjusted model (beginning from points further along the control integration) suggest that the elimination of much of the coupling shock before the radiative forcing is applied leads to results slightly closer to the non-flux adjusted case, although large differences still persist. In particular a dipole structure indicating an enhanced warming within the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean, and cooling within the Atlantic sector is not reproduced by the flux adjusted models. This disparity is intimately linked to the Southern Ocean overturning cell along with the flux adjustments employed as well as the drift arising from coupling shock. If a similar form of sensitivity exists in more realistic coupled models, our results suggest: (1) perturbation experiments should not be undertaken until after the coupled model control experiment is carried out for several hundred years (thereby minimizing the coupling shock); (2) care should be exercised in the interpretation of regional-scale results (over the ocean) in coupled models which employ flux adjustments; (3) care should also be taken in interpreting even global-scale diagnostics in flux adjusted models for large perturbations about the present climate. Received: 15 November 1996 / Accepted: 4 June 1997  相似文献   

During cold air outbreaks, cold and stably stratified air masses are advected from land or ice surfaces over a warmer sea surface. Due to the heating from below, a convective boundary layer develops. For small fetches, convection is organized in the form of horizontal roll vortices, which at greater distances join in a zone with open or closed cells. The formation of the convective boundary layer, and the associated roll vortices, is simulated with a numerical model and results are compared with observations obtained during the MASEX experiment off the east coast of the United States. To validate the model, a comparison with a one-dimensional mixed-layer model is also made, with special attention given to the exact representation of the observed initial and boundary conditions. Comparisons between model results and observations show good qualitative and quantitative correspondence in mean temperature and heat flux profiles respectively at different distances from the coast. Maximum values of vertical velocity are well reproduced. Turbulent kinetic energy is found to be concentrated in the small updraft regions of the rolls, which is in accordance with observations from the MASEX-experiment.  相似文献   

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