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We analyze models for quasi-stationary, ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) with luminosities 1038–1040 erg/s exceeding the Eddington limit for a ~1.4M neutron star. With the exception of relatively rare stationary ULXs that are associated with supernova remnants or background quasars, most ULXs are close binary systems containing a massive stellar black hole (BH) that accretes matter donated by a stellar companion. To explain the observed luminosities of ~1040 erg/s, the mass of the BH must be ~40M if the accreted matter is helium and ~60M if the accreted matter has the solar chemical composition. We consider donors in the form of main-sequence stars, red giants, red supergiants, degenerate helium dwarfs, heavy disks that are the remnants of disrupted degenerate dwarfs, helium nondegenerate stars, and Wolf-Rayet stars. The most common ULXs in galaxies with active star formation are BHs with Roche-lobe-filling main-sequence companions with masses ~7M or close Wolf-Rayet companions, which support the required mass-exchange rate via their strong stellar winds. The most probable candidate ULXs in old galaxies are BHs surrounded by massive disks and close binaries containing a BH and degenerate helium-dwarf, red-giant, or red-supergiant donor.  相似文献   

We analyze possible origins of the observed high rotational and spatial velocities of radio pulsars. In particular, these can be understood if all radio pulsars originate in close binary systems with orbital periods of 0.1–100 days, with the neutron star being formed by a type Ib,c supernova. The high spatial velocities of pulsars (v p up to 1000 km/s) reflect the high Keplerian velocities of the components of these binaries, while their short periods of rotation (P p < 4 s) are due to the rapid rotation of the presupernova helium-star components with masses of 2.5–10 M, which is synchronous with their orbital rotation. Single massive stars or components in wide binaries are likely to produce only slowly rotating (P p > 4 s) neutron stars or black holes, which cannot be radio pulsars. As a result, the rate of formation of radio pulsars should be a factor of a few lower than the rate of type II and type Ib,c supernovae estimated from observations. This scenario for the formation of radio pulsars is supported by (i) the bimodal spatial velocity distribution of radio pulsars; (ii) the coincidence of the observed spatial velocities of radio pulsars with the orbital velocities of the components of close binaries with nondegenerate helium presupernovae; (iii) the correlation between the orbital and rotational periods for 22 observed radio pulsars in binaries with elliptical orbits; and (iv) the similarity of the observed rate of formation of radio pulsars and the rate of type Ib,c supernovae.  相似文献   

We show that semi-detached close binary systems with massive (4–25M) black holes are formed in the evolution of massive stellar binaries in which the initial mass of the primary exceeds ~25M. The mass exchange in such systems is maintained by the nuclear evolution of the donor and by its magnetic and induced stellar winds. The donor in such systems can be a main-sequence star, subgiant, non-degenerate helium star, or white dwarf. The evolution of corresponding systems with black-hole masses of 10M is investigated.  相似文献   

We analyze the late stages of evolution of massive (M 0 ? 8 M ) close binaries, from the point of view of possible mechanisms for the generation of gamma-ray bursts. It is assumed that a gamma-ray burst requires the formation of a massive (~1 M ), compact (R ? 10 km) accretion disk around a Kerr black hole or neutron star. Such Kerr black holes are produced by core collapses of Wolf-Rayet stars in very close binaries, as well as by mergers of neutron stars and black holes or two neutron stars in binaries. The required accretion disks can also form around neutron stars that were formed via the collapse of ONeMg white dwarfs. We estimate the Galactic rate of events resulting in the formation of rapidly rotating relativistic objects. The computations were carried out using the “Scenario Machine.”  相似文献   

We model the Galactic ensemble of helium stars using population synthesis techniques, assuming that all helium stars are formed in binaries. In this picture, single helium stars are produced by mergers of helium remnants of the components of close binaries (mainly, the merging of helium white dwarfs) or in the disruption of binaries with helium components during supernova explosions. The estimated total birthrate of helium stars in the Galaxy is 0.043 yr?1; the total number is 4 × 106; and the binarity rate is 76%. We construct a subsample of low-mass (MHe ? 2M) helium stars defined by observational selection effects: the limiting magnitude (VHe ≤ 16), ratio of the magnitudes of the components in binaries (VHeVcomp), and lower limit for the semiamplitude of the radial velocity required for detecting binarity (Kmin = 30 km s?1). The parameters of this subsample are in satisfactory agreement with observations of helium subdwarfs. In particular, the binarity rate in the selection-limited sample is 58%. We analyze the relations between the orbital periods and masses of helium subdwarfs and their companions in systems with various combinations of components. We predict that the overwhelming majority (~97%) of unobserved companions to helium stars will be white dwarfs, predominantly, carbon-oxygen white dwarfs.  相似文献   

We consider the evolution of close binaries resulting in the most intensive explosive phenomena in the stellar Universe—Type Ia supernovae and gamma-ray bursts. For Type Ia supernovae, which represent thermonuclear explosions of carbon-oxygen dwarfs whose masses reach the Chandrasekhar limit during the accretion of matter from the donor star, we derive the conditions for the accumulation of the limiting mass by the degenerate dwarf in the close binary. Accretion onto the degenerate dwarf can be accompanied by supersoft X-ray radiation with luminosity 1–104 L . Gamma-ray bursts are believe to accompany the formation and rapid evolution of compact accretion-decretion disks during the formation of relativistic objects—black holes and neutron stars. The rapid (~1 M /s) accretion of matter from these disks onto the central compact relativistic star results in an energy release of ~0.1 M c 2 ~ 1053 erg in the form of gamma-rays and neutrinos over a time of 0.1–1000 s. Such disks can form via the collapse of the rapidly rotating cores of Type Ib, Ic supernovae, which are components in extremely close binaries, or alternately due to the collapse of accreting oxygen-neon degenerate dwarfs with the Chandrasekhar mass into neutron stars, or the merging of neutron stars with neutron stars or black holes in close binaries. We present numerical models of the evolution of some close binaries that result in Type Ia supernovae, and also estimate the rates of these supernovae (~0.003/year) and of gamma-ray bursts (~10?4/year) in our Galaxy for various evolutionary scenarios. The collimation of the gamma-ray burst radiation within an opening angle of several degrees “matches” the latter estimate with the observed rate of these events, ~10?7–10?8/year calculated for a galaxy with the mass of our Galaxy.  相似文献   

We consider the evolutionary status of observed close binary systems containing black holes and Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars. When the component masses and the orbital period of a system are known, the reason for the formation of a WR star in an initial massive system of two main-sequence stars can be established. Such WR stars can form due to the action of the stellar wind from a massive OB star (MOB≥50M), conservative mass transfer between components with close initial masses, or the loss of the common envelope in a system with a large (up to ~25) initial component mass ratio. The strong impact of observational selection effects on the creation of samples of close binaries with black holes and WR stars is demonstrated. We estimate theoretical mass-loss rates for WR stars, which are essential for our understanding the observed ratio of the numbers of carbon and nitrogen WR stars in the Galaxy \(\dot M_{WR} (M_ \odot yr^{ - 1} ) = 5 \times 10^{ - 7} (M_{WR} /M_ \odot )^{1.3} \). We also estimate the minimum initial masses of the components in close binaries producing black holes and WR stars to be ~25M. The spatial velocities of systems with black holes indicate that, during the formation of a black hole from a WR star, the mass loss reaches at least several solar masses. The rate of formation of rapidly rotating Kerr black holes in close binaries in the Galaxy is ~3×10?6 yr?1. Their formation may be accompanied by a burst of gamma radiation, possibly providing clues to the nature of gamma-ray bursts. The initial distribution of the component mass ratios for close binaries is dNdq=dM2/M1 in the interval 0.04?q0≤1, suggesting a single mechanism for their formation.  相似文献   

We study the growth of the masses of neutron stars in binary systems due to the accumulation of mass from the optical donors accreted onto the neutron-star surface. Possible scenarios for this accretion are considered. The masses and magnetic-field strengths of radio pulsars derived using population-synthesis methods are compared to the observational data. The population-synthesis analysis indicates that a neutron star can increase its mass from the standard value of m x ? 1.35M to the Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit, m x ? 2.5M, via accretion from a companion.  相似文献   

The evolution of Population I stars with initial masses 60 M M ZAMS ≤ 120 M is computed up to the Wolf-Rayet stage, when the central helium abundance decreases to Y c ≈ 0.05. Several models from evolutionary sequences in the core helium-burning stage were used as initial conditions when solving the equations of radiative hydrodynamics for self-exciting stellar radial pulsations. The low-density envelope surrounding the compact core during the core helium burning is unstable against radial oscillations in a wide range of effective temperatures extending to T eff ~ 105 K. The e-folding time of the amplitude growth is comparable to the dynamical time scale of the star, and, when the instability ceases growing, the radial displacement of the outer layers is comparable to the stellar radius. Evolutionary changes of the stellar radius and luminosity are accompanied by a decrease in the amplitude of radial pulsations, but, at the effective temperature T eff ≈ 105 K, the stellar oscillations are still nonlinear, with a maximum expansion velocity of the outer layers of about one-third the local escape velocity. The period of the radial oscillations decreases from 9 hr to 4 min as stellar mass decreases from M = 28 M to M = 6 M in the course of evolution. The nonlinear oscillations lead to a substantial increase of the radii of the Lagrangian mass zones compared to their equilibrium radii throughout the instability region. The instability of Wolf-Rayet stars against radial oscillations is due to the action of the κ mechanism in the iron-group ionization zone, which has a temperature of T ~ 2 × 105 K.  相似文献   

The results of hydrodynamical calculations of radially pulsating helium stars with masses 0.5MM≤0.9M, bolometric luminosities 600L≤5×103L, and effective temperatures 1.5×104 K≤Teff≤3.5×104 K are presented. The pulsation instability of these stars is due to the effects of ionization of iron-group elements in layers with temperatures T~2×105 K. The calculations were carried out using opacities for the relative mass abundances of hydrogen and heavy elements X=0 and Z=0.01, 0.015, and 0.02. Approximate formulas for the pulsation constant Q over the entire range of pulsation instability of the hot helium stars in terms of the mass M, radius R, effective temperature Teff, and heavy-element abundance Z are derived. The instability of BX Cir to radial pulsations with the observed period Π=0.1066 d occurs only for a mass M≥0.55M, effective temperature Teff≥23000 K, and heavy-element abundance Z≥0.015. The allowed mass of BX Cir is in the range 0.55MM≤0.8M, which corresponds to luminosities 800LM≤1400L and mean radii 1.7R?R?2.1R.  相似文献   

Variations of the orbital periods of the eclipsing binaries TU Cnc, VZ Leo, and OS Ori are analyzed. Secular period decreases were earlier believed to occur in these systems. It is demonstrated that the period variations of TU Cnc can be represented using the light-time effect corresponding to the orbital motion of the eclipsing binary with a period of 78.6 years around the center ofmass of the triple system, with the mass of the third body being M 3 > 0.82M . With the same accuracy, the period variations of VZ Leo and OS Ori can be represented either solely using the light-time effect, or a superposition of a secular period decrease and the light-time effect. For VZ Leo, the period of the long-term orbit is 63.8 years in the former case and 67.9 years in the latter case. Similar masses for the third body are indicated in both cases: M 3 > 0.55M and M 3 > 0.61M . For OS Ori, the period of the long-term orbit is 46 years and M 3 > 0.5M in the former case, and the period is 36 years and M 3 > 0.6M in the latter case.  相似文献   

Orbital-period variations of the eclipsing binaries FK Aql and FZ Del are analyzed. For each of the systems, a superposition of two cyclic variations of their orbital periods is found. FK Aql may be a quadruple system that contains two more bodies, besides the eclipsing binary, with masses M 3 ? 1.75M and M 4 ? 1.47M , and the corresponding periods 15 and 82 yrs. This could also be a triple system with a third body of mass M 3 ? 1.75M and a period of the long-period orbit P 3 = 15 yrs, or with a third body of mass M 3 ? 1.30M and a period of the long-period orbit P 3 = 82 yrs. FZ Del may be a quadruple system with the additional componentmasses M 3 ? 0.2M and M 4 ? 0.3M , with the periods 10.2 and 53.7 yrs. This could also be a triple system with a third-body mass M 3 ? 0.2M and a period of the long-period orbit P 3 = 10.2 yrs. In both systems, the residual period variations could be due to magnetic cycles of the secondary. The period variations of the eclipsing binary FZ Del could also be due to apsidal motion, together with the influence of a third body or the effects of magnetic activity.  相似文献   

We have obtained the first estimates of the masses of the components of the Her X-1/HZ Her X-ray binary system taking into account non-LTE effects in the formation of the H γ absorption line: m x = 1.8 M and m v = 2.5 M . These mass estimates were made in a Roche model based on the observed radial-velocity curve of the optical star, HZ Her. The masses for the X-ray pulsar and optical star obtained for an LTE model lie are m x = 0.85 ± 0.15 M and m v = 1.87 ± 0.13 M . These mass estimates for the components of Her X-1/HZ Her derived from the radial-velocity curve should be considered tentative. Further mass estimates from high-precision observations of the orbital variability of the absorption profiles in a non-LTE model for the atmosphere of the optical component should be made.  相似文献   

The results of a systematic analysis of master radial-velocity curves for the X-ray binary 4U 1700-37 are presented. The dependence of the mass of the X-ray component on the mass of the optical component is derived in a Roche model based on a fit of the master radial-velocity curve. The parameters of the optical star are used to estimate the mass of the compact object in three ways. The masses derived based on information about the surface gravity of the optical companion and various observational data are 2.25 ?0.24 +0.23 M and 2.14 ?0.56 +0.50 M. The masses based on the radius of the optical star, 21.9R, are 1.76 ?0.21 +0.20 M and 1.65 ?0.56 +0.78 M. The mass of the optical component derived from the mass-luminosity relation for X-ray binaries, 27.4M, yields masses for the compact object of 1.41 ?0.08 + M and 1.35 ?0.18 +0.18 M.  相似文献   

The sequence of events determining the initial stages of star formation is analyzed in framework of the self-enrichment scenario. The computations are based on a single-zone chemo-dynamical model. It is shown that the first episode of star formation was characterized by an initial mass function shifted toward massive stars (M ≥ 8M). We argue that the transition to a star formation with a normal (Salpeter) initial mass function was due to more efficient radiative cooling of the proto-globular cluster gas after its enrichment to a metallicity of Z ~ 0.02 Z in agreement with those observed in globular clusters.  相似文献   

Theoretical absorption-line profiles and radial-velocity curves for tidally deformed optical stars in X-ray binary systems are calculated assuming LTE. The variations in the profile shapes and radial-velocity curve of the optical star are analyzed as a function of the orbital inclination of the X-ray binary system. The dependence of the shape of the radial-velocity curve on the orbital inclination i increases with decreasing component-mass ratio q = m x /m v . The integrated line profiles and radial-velocity curves of the optical star are calculated for the Cyg X-1 binary, which are then used to estimate the orbital inclination and mass of the relativistic object: i < 43° andm x = 8.2–12.8 M. These estimates are in good agreement with earlier results of fitting the radial-velocity curve of Cyg X-1 using a simpler model (i < 45°, m x = 9.0–13.2 M).  相似文献   

A detailed study of variations of the orbital periods of the Algol-type eclipsing binary systems RZ Cas and Z Dra is presented. The fairly complex variations of the periods of both systems can be represented as a superposition of a secular increase of the period, slow periodic fluctuations, and quasiperiodic oscillations with a small amplitude occurring on timescales of decades. The secular increase of the period can be explained by the steady mass transfer from the less massive to the more massive component with conservation of the total angular momentum. The mass-transfer rate is 5.7 × 10?9M/yr for RZ Cas and 3.0×10?8M/yr for Z Dra. To explain the long-period cyclic variations of the orbital periods of RZCas and Z Dra, it must be assumed that the eclipsing binaries move in long-period orbits. RZ Cas moves with a period of 133 yr around a third body withmass M3 > 0.55M, while Z Dra moves with a period of 60 yr around a third body with mass M3 > 0.7M. The residual fluctuations of the periods may be due to a superposition of variations due to magnetic cycles and non-stationary ejections of matter.  相似文献   

We have determined the main parameters of the old precataclysmic variable stars MS Peg and LM Com. The radial velocities of the components, reflection effects in the spectra, and light curves of the systems are studied based on model stellar atmospheres subject to external irradiation. Forty-seven moderate-resolution spectra for MS Peg and 57 for LM Com obtained with the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory are used to derive the refined orbital periods of 0.1736660 days and 0.2586873 days, respectively; the orbital eccentricities do not exceed e=0.04. The mass (M w =0.49e) and radius (e w =0.015R) of the MS Peg primary calculated using the gravitational redshift correspond to those for a cooling carbon white dwarf with a thin hydrogen envelope. The parameters of the red dwarf (M r =0.19M, Teff=3560 K, R r =0.18R) are close to those derived from evolutionary tracks for main-sequence M stars with solar chemical composition. The radius (R r =0.22R) and temperature (Teff=3650 K) of the LM Com secondary exceed theoretical estimates for main-sequence stars with masses of M r =0.17M. The luminosity excess of the red dwarf in LM Com can be explained by a prolonged (T>5×106 yrs) relaxation of the M star to its normal state after the binary leaves the common-envelope stage. For both systems, theoretical U, B, V, and R light curves and spectra calculated using the adopted sets of parameters are generally consistent with the observations. This confirms the radiative origin of the hot spots, the unimportance of horizontal radiative transport, and the absence of large-scale velocity fields with high values (Vtrans>50 km/s) at the surfaces of the secondaries. Most of the emission lines in the spectra of these objects are formed under conditions close to thermalization, enabling modeling of their pro files in an LTE approximation. A strong λ3905 Å emission line has been identified as the 3s23p4s 1P0-3s23p2 1S SiI λ3905.52 Å line formed in the atmosphere of the hot spot. The observed intensity can be explained by non-LTE “superionization” of SiI atoms by soft UV radiation from the white dwarf. We suggest a technique for identifying binaries whose cool components are subject to UV irradiation based on observations of λ3905 Å emission in their spectra.  相似文献   

A brief review of the observed parameters of binary systems with black holes is presented. We discuss in detail the evolutionary status of the X-ray binary GRS 1915+105, which contains a massive black hole. Numerical simulations of the evolution of GRS 1915+105 at the X-ray stage indicate that the most probable initial mass of the optical component (donor star) is (1.5–)M. Two possible scenarios are suggested for the evolution of the system prior to the formation of the black hole. If the initial mass of the optical component was (2.5–)M, the system underwent a common-envelope phase; in this case, the initial mass of the black hole progenitor did not exceed ~50M. If the initial mass of the donor was (1.5–2.5)M, a scenario without a common envelope is possible, with the initial mass of the black hole progenitor being smaller than ~50M. The lack of information about the initial mass-ratio distribution for binary components for small q and the uncertainty of the system parameters make it impossible to give preference to a particular scenario for the system's prior evolution.  相似文献   

We consider the formation of massive stars under the assumption that a young star accretes material from the protostellar cloud through its accretion disk while losing gas in the polar directions via its stellar wind. The mass of the star reaches its maximum when the intensity of the gradually strengthening stellar wind of the young star becomes equal to the accretion rate. We show that the maximum mass of the forming stars increases with the temperature of gas in the protostellar cloud T 0, since the rate at which the protostellar matter is accreted increases with T 0. Numerical modeling indicates that the maximum mass of the forming stars increases to ~900 M for T 0 ~ 300 K. Such high temperatures of the protostellar gas can be reached either in dense star-formation regions or in the vicinity of bright active galactic nuclei. It is also shown that, the lower the abundance of heavy elements in the initial stellar material Z, the larger the maximum mass of the star, since the mass-loss rate due to the stellar wind decreases with decreasing Z. This suggests that supermassive stars with masses up to 106 M could be formed at early stages in the evolution of the Universe, in young galaxies that are almost devoid of heavy elements. Under the current conditions, for T 0 = (30–100) K, the maximum mass of a star can reach ~100M , as is confirmed by observations. Another opportunity for the most massive stars to increase their masses emerges in connection with the formation and early stages of evolution of the most massive close binary systems: the most massive stars can be produced either by coalescence of the binary components or via mass transfer in such systems.  相似文献   

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