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广州市社区出行低碳指数格局及其影响因素的空间异质性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
杨文越  李涛  曹小曙 《地理研究》2015,34(8):1471-1480
通过构建社区出行低碳指数(CTLCI)模型,对广州市社区出行低碳指数的空间格局及其差异特征进行了分析,并利用全局回归(OLS)模型和地理加权回归(GWR)模型对社区出行低碳指数的影响因素以及其间关系的空间异质性进行了研究。结果表明,广州市社区出行低碳指数由中心城区向外逐渐递增,呈明显的圈层结构。内圈层的社区出行低碳指数内部差异最小,中间过渡圈层的最大。社区人口密度对社区出行低碳指数的影响以正向作用为主,公共交通供给水平和路网密集程度对社区出行低碳指数的影响以负向作用为主,且它们的影响作用具有空间异质性。具体指出了在不同地域空间内社区人口密度、公共交通供给水平和路网密集程度对社区出行低碳指数在影响程度和作用方向上的差异,为减少广州城市交通碳排放、针对不同空间制定有效的低碳政策和构建低碳城市空间结构提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

李涛  薛领  李国平 《地理研究》2022,41(4):1092-1106
产业集聚有利于发挥集聚经济外部性,是加快城市经济高质量发展的重要途径。本文基于2005—2018年中国278个城市面板数据,采用SBM-DEA模型对各城市经济高质量发展水平进行测度,并通过运用GIS空间分析和空间杜宾模型,深入分析产业集聚空间格局演变及其与城市经济高质量发展之间的关系。研究发现:① 在考虑不同空间权重矩阵情况下,产业集聚对经济高质量发展提升具有显著正向直接效应和空间溢出效应,且高铁开通引致的时空压缩使得两种效应的促进作用更大。② 制造业和生产性服务业集聚对经济高质量发展的作用路径不同,前者对经济高质量发展的影响更多地体现在直接效应;而后者更多地表现为空间溢出效应。生产性服务业经营范围更大,不仅有利于本地区制造业转型升级,也可通过产业关联和空间溢出带动临近城市经济质量提升。③ 东部城市更多依赖于生产性服务业集聚;而中西部城市更依赖制造业,且受产业发展层次影响,其空间溢出效应较低。④ 大城市生产性服务业集聚带来的空间溢出效应明显高于直接效应;中等城市生产性服务业集聚在调节制造业集聚的促进作用时起到的作用有限;小城市产业集聚对经济高质量发展的影响整体较弱,而对政府财政科技支出依赖性更大。  相似文献   

基于区域变量理论,在GPS和GIS技术支持下,通过地统计学的半变异函数和Kriging空间插值,以岳普湖绿洲为例,定量分析塔里木河源流区绿洲不同层次土壤盐分的空间异质性。结果表明:0~30cm、30~60cm和60~100cm土壤盐分半方差函数的理论分布模型属于指数模型,100~200cm属于球状模型。不同土层之间的空间自相关范围具有明显的差异,由表层至深层,土壤盐分的自相关范围逐渐增大。土壤盐分的空间格局分析表明,在水平方向上,研究区各层土壤盐分的高值区主要集中分布在人类活动强烈、靠近河渠水源和地势较为低洼区域;在垂直方向上,土壤表层盐分含量最高,向深层逐渐减少。  相似文献   

长江源地区通天河段水系格局演化与构造活动的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于洋  王先彦  李一泉  戴岩  鹿化煜 《地理学报》2018,73(7):1338-1352
青海玉树地区长江源区通天河段构造运动活跃,地震频发,如2010年曾发生7.1级地震;该地区分布有黄河、雅砻江、澜沧江等水系上游河网,水系呈直角状、倒勾状分布,是研究水系演化与新构造活动关系的理想区域。通过地形分析、河流水系分析和地貌指数计算,探讨了该地区水系格局演化对走滑断层相关构造活动样式的响应过程。该地区主要发育北西—南东和南西—北东两组流向的水系,其中北西—南东向河谷多为低河流比降、宽阔的不适称谷地,而南西—北东向河谷多为高河流比降、陡峭的峡谷。河流陡峭度指数(ks)在通天河东南段为高值,在通天河流域西南段多采曲—宁恰曲流域、登艾龙曲流域、叶曲流域、巴塘河流域为低值;河流坡降指数(SL)在流域内整体差异不大,但在水系倒勾状或直角交汇区域的值高;流域高程积分值(HI)在通天河两侧大于0.45,在多采曲—宁恰曲流域、登艾龙曲流域、叶曲流域、巴塘河流域为0.15~0.45。地形、水系和地貌指数的分布特征表明该地区水系可能原为南东流向的平行水系,后期由于走滑断裂剪切作用导致河流改向、袭夺而演化为倒勾状水系。其中当江、立新乡、隆宝镇、上拉秀乡北部等地区断陷形成局部积水中心,而通天河南西—北东向细小支流如宁恰曲等由于断层东北向的逆冲抬升而溯源侵蚀加强,袭夺了原南东流向的河流。  相似文献   

The response of erosion and sediment export to past land-use change has been studied in four agricultural areas of Europe. Three of these areas were subject to land abandonment or de-intensification and one to intensification of land-use practices. Erosion and sediment yield were modeled using the WaTEM/SEDEM model, which combines the RUSLE equation with a sediment routing algorithm. Spatial relationships between the RUSLE C-factor (i.e. land-use) and other erosion and sediment export-determining factors (slope, soil erodibility and distance to rivers) were investigated, as these account for non-linearity in the response of erosion and sediment export to land-use change.Erosion and sediment export have decreased enormously in the de-intensified areas, but slightly increased in the intensively cultivated area. The spatial pattern of land-use change in relation to other erosion and sediment export-determining factors appears to have a large impact on the response of soil erosion and sediment export to land-use change. That the drivers of abandonment of arable land and erosion coincide indicates that de-intensification leads to a more favourable landscape pattern with respect to reduction of erosion and sediment export. This mechanism applies not only within the study areas, but also among the European study areas where the process of intensification of some areas and de-intensification of others might result in an overall decrease of erosion and sediment yield through time.  相似文献   

干旱绿洲农业区生态环境脆弱,开展土地利用转型生态环境效应研究能为该区国土空间优化和农业农村可持续发展提供参考依据。论文以张掖市甘州区为例,采用转移矩阵、生态环境质量指数、移动窗口法、生态贡献率及地理探测器模型,对干旱绿洲农业区土地利用转型生态环境效应及分异机制进行研究。结果表明:(1)1990—2020年生产和生活空间持续扩张、生态空间总体减少,结构从“单一农业空间增加”向“转换类型多元化”转变,功能由“生态转生产为主”向“生产与生活、生态与生产多功能相互转换”演变。(2) 1990—2020年土地利用转型生态环境效应总体为正,耕地面积占比较大的村镇质量指数相对较高;其他生态空间向林草水生态、农业生产空间转型的生态正效应最大,林草水生态空间向其他生态、农业生产空间转型的生态负效应最大,2010—2020年农业生产空间过度扩张挤压林草水生态空间引起的生态环境负效应正在显现。(3)人口密度、地均GDP和植被覆盖度是生态环境质量分异的关键因子,降水量、土地开发强度、耕地面积占比和地均水资源量是核心因子;因子交互作用使农业生产空间增加和林草水生态空间压缩权衡博弈产生自适应稳态机制,从而形成了总...  相似文献   

刘玉潇  王茂军 《地理科学进展》2020,39(11):1845-1859
日本外商直接投资(Foreign Direct Investment, FDI)企业在中国北京、上海和广深等典型城市高度集聚,现有研究一方面将FDI均质化处理,缺乏精细的产业划分,另一方面缺少国家内部的同源集聚分析,同时对典型城市集聚的异同性关注不够。为弥补研究不足,论文在集聚的研究基础上,重点关注日企集中分布的典型城市,对比其同业集聚效应和同源集聚效应。选取1984—2017年日本在北京、上海和广深的FDI企业级数据,利用多项Logistic回归分析方法,以广深为参照系,建立分别包括7个方程在内的同业集聚效应模型和同源集聚效应模型,同步考虑企业所属行业和价值链环节、进入模式与时间等企业异质性控制变量,分析京、沪、广深两效应的异同。研究结果表明:日企在中国典型城市的同业效应和同源效应异同性明显。具体表现在:第一,上海同业效应和异业效应最为显著,且结果稳健,广深同业效应略强于北京,但结果稳健性较差;第二,上海同源和异源效应结果稳健且显著,企业的追随效应较强,北京和广深差异较小;第三,企业属性变量的引入,有效提升了模型的解释力度。上海的日企进入时间较早,各地企业规模整体差别不大。上海日企进入模式以独资为主,北京和广深以合资为主,但独资化趋势明显;北京行业结构中服务业占比较高,广深制造业独大;广深和上海产业链环节中侧重生产制造和进出口贸易环节,北京商务服务和研发设计布局较多。  相似文献   

陆玉麒  董平 《地理研究》2004,23(4):521-529
本文通过双核结构模式与点~轴系统理论的有机融合 ,有效地解决了我国主要产业轴线的空间定位问题 ,据此测算并较为深入地分析了 1990 - 2 0 0 0年主要产业轴线的发展状况。并在从理论层面上廓清了双核结构模式与点 -轴系统理论的内在逻辑联系的基础上 ,对我国主要产业轴线的未来演化作了进一步的分析。研究表明 ,双核结构模式可以深化现有的T型开发模式 ,是我国沿海和沿江开发走向深化、空间范围拓展的有效的理论工具。从未来演化趋势看 ,沿海和沿江将一直是我国未来较长时期内的一级轴线 ;在长江三角洲、珠江三角洲、环渤海地区 3个沿海区域增长极继续得到快速发展的同时 ,以武汉为核心的汉三角区域增长极将从我国中部崛起 ,成为我国第 4个区域增长极。  相似文献   

刘阳  赵振斌 《地理研究》2021,40(7):2086-2101
乡村旅游社区的快速发展使得社区内多群体冲突日益凸显,对社区冲突空间特征的认识,有助于实施有效的社区旅游空间规划与管理。研究选取西江千户苗寨为案例地,采用参与式制图与半结构访谈相结合的方法对当地居民进行调研,按照“负面情感-原因追溯-冲突构成-空间分布”这一逻辑链条,对案例地社区冲突进行探测。通过质性分析与空间分析的混合方法,识别社区冲突类型及对应的冲突对象关系,并分析空间分布特征及其形成机制。结果显示:① 旅游开发背景下社区冲突的类型构成具有多元化特点,但存在包括日常生活干扰、经济利益矛盾、公共权力失语、环境破坏、生产建设受阻的主导结构类型。② 居民主体视角下有居民-管理者、居民-外来经营者、居民-居民和居民-游客四种冲突对象关系,不同冲突对象关系占比及其冲突类型构成有所差异。③ 冲突对象关系的总体分布在空间上存在核心-边缘效应,旅游开发核心区四种不同冲突对象关系均有大量分布,边缘区以居民-管理者和居民-居民为主;不同冲突对象关系高值区的空间分布具有差异,居民-管理者表现为核心分散分布,居民-居民则为边缘分散分布,居民-外来经营者和居民-游客均为核心区集聚呈轴向分布。④ 冲突空间分布受到社区微观区位、统筹规划、市场化需求及不同主体实践方式等因素的影响,多群体在空间形成竞争关系,共同塑造社区空间。  相似文献   

选择典型干旱区渭干河—库车河三角洲绿洲为研究区,基于遥感、地理信息系统技术和相关应用软件,在详实的野外实测数据、土地利用数据和遥感数据支持下,应用空间插值、叠置分析、逐步回归、神经网络、层次分析等方法,建立评价模型,进行自然、生态、土地利用和综合适宜性评价,相应确定后备耕地资源开发的适宜性等级、适宜度及其分布;提取三期遥感影像信息并进行分类,根据后备耕地资源利用/覆被类型的特征,构建后备耕地资源开发的安全性指数计算模型,加入水源保证条件限制,构建综合安全性评价模型,进行后备耕地资源开发综合安全性的时空分析;基于适宜性与安全性评价,进行叠置分析、综合性分级。研究表明:后备耕地资源开发综合性等级的区域分布呈现环状特征,适合后备耕地资源开发的区域面积与禁止开发的区域面积数量相差十倍。最后提出后备耕地资源开发的举措建议。  相似文献   

The segregation of cities can be traced to a time when the compartmentalization of space and people was based on factors other than race. In segregation research, one of the limiting factors has always been the geographic scale of the data, and the limited knowledge that exists of segregation patterns when the household is the unit of analysis. Historical census data provides the opportunity to analyze the disaggregated information, and this paper does so with San Antonio during 1910. A spatial analysis of residential segregation based on race, ethnicity, and occupations is carried out with the colocation quotient to map and measure the attraction of residents. Results reveal the presence of residential segregation patterns on different sectors of the city based on households’ ethno-racial and occupational attributes; therefore, providing evidence of the existence of residential segregation prior to the commonly cited determinants of segregation of the 20th century.  相似文献   

谷志莲  柴彦威 《地理科学进展》2015,34(12):1617-1627
就地养老日益受到中国城市老年人的欢迎,其中个体移动性对老年人日常生活尤具重要意义。本文从微观个体的视角出发,运用质性研究方法,选取一对空巢的高龄老年夫妇作为典型案例,对其退休以来的移动性变化与日常生活历程进行叙事分析;以期揭示移动性对老年个体生活的重要意义、移动性的变化特征与日常生活的密切关联,从而为中国城市老年服务与宜老环境建设提供科学支持。结果表明,老年个体移动性具有日常活动空间向外拓展、逐渐向社区及周边收缩、局限于家及住所附近3个阶段;随年龄增长而不断下降的身体机能与健康状况,和家庭因素共同促使老年人移动性与日常生活发生阶段性演变;个人、家庭、所在社区的资源分别构成了各阶段的核心影响因素。个体的移动性空间应成为中国城市宜老社区与环境建设以及老年规划与服务的关键命题。  相似文献   

This study examines interspecific differences in the architecture and field characteristics of the burrow systems of Brants' whistling rat, Parotomys brantsii, and Littledale's whistling rat, Parotomys littledalei. The two rodents are endemic to the arid west region of southern Africa. Both build complex burrow systems with numerous nest chambers and associated interconnecting tunnels, as well as a number of entrances. Burrow systems of P. littledalei are restricted to areas of good plant cover, whilst many P. brantsii burrows are situated in open locations with only limited plant cover. Further, the burrows of P. brantsii cover a much larger area than those of P. littledalei, with many more entrances. As P. brantsii feed predominantly within the boundaries of their burrows and not in the open veld, their burrow systems effectively serve as a predator refuge, into which this diurnal rodent can quickly run in the event of danger. Thus, by building large multi-holed burrow systems, P. brantsii have become independent of the protection offered by bush cover and can exist within relatively open areas within their distributional range. On the other hand, the reduced number of entrances to P. littledalei burrow systems may largely restrict this species to areas with adequate cover, including coastal and riverine bush, with which it is often associated.  相似文献   

In the southern region of the southern Chihuahuan Desert three common species of arborescent cacti are distributed over a north-west to south-east climatic gradient; Opuntia leucotricha, O. streptacantha, and Myrtillocactus geometrizans. In general, O. leucotricha is more abundant in the colder north-west section; M. geometrizans in the warmer south-east zone, not occurring in the north-west; and O. streptacantha reaches its greatest abundance in the centre of the region. We studied the potential replacement process between the three species due to canopy interference as well as the effect of a disturbance, freezing temperature, on their survivorship. Canopy interference between adjacent individuals of M. geometrizans/O. streptacantha and O. streptacantha/O. leucotricha indicated a potential replacement sequence of O. leucotricha replaced by O. streptacantha which, in turn, is replaced by M. geometrizans. In contrast, the damage caused by an extreme low-temperature event hardly affected O. leucotricha. It did however cause severe damage to individuals of O. streptacantha in the north-west of its distribution with little or no damage to individuals in the more south-eastern populations studied. M. geometrizans had a similar pattern of damage to O. streptacantha over its range in the region but at each site where the two species occurred together, that damage was more severe. Our observations suggest that disturbance in the form of extreme freezing temperatures is the mechanism that limits the distribution of these three arborescent cacti in the southern Chihuahuan Desert and allows their co-existence regionally.  相似文献   

Several sand flats located on the northern shores of the Late Pleistocene palaeolake of the Konya plain (inner Anatolia, Turkey), are related to changes in lake levels. In this paper, the two main dune systems are mapped according to their geomorphological, sedimentological and dynamic characteristics, and their significance is discussed with regard to the environmental changes since the Late Pleistocene, both at time of the former lake and during the drier periods of the Holocene. Cross-sections show the relationship of the dunes to the topography of the basement. Analyses of the sand fraction show distinct characteristics in size distribution, quartz and shell contents, wind erosion effects on the quartz grains and petrographic composition. Interpretation of the results, coupled with information provided by the geomorphology of the dune systems studied in the field and from aerial photographs and satellite images, highlights the importance and variations in time of local factors such as prevailing winds, sand sources, changes in lake levels and vegetation. A chronology of the main sand fields is proposed, based on the evidence of three main droughts during the Upper Pleistocene. The older one, much eroded (maximum height=3 m), covers a limestone surface at +50 m above the bottom of the dried lake. An Optical Scanning Luminescence (OSL) date shows a last period of accumulation at 14,328±3220 years. The younger one (maximum height=12 m) has moved over the emerged Late Pleistocene lacustrine marls. An OSL date gives an age of 5674±988 years for the last accumulation period. Evidence of very recent activation of this younger dune system is apparent as a result of overgrazing and excessive land reclamation. A third period of dominant wind action and dune construction is responsible for the installation of a younger and thin dune field over the Mid-Holocene lacustrine deposits of the Karapinar lake. The success of the stabilization programme of the dunes over the last 30 years shows that the last period of dune movement is not related to climate change but to overpressure on the land due to the needs and activities of an increasing population.  相似文献   

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