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Applications of the entrainment process to layers at the boundary, which meet the self similarity requirements of the logarithmic profile, have been studied. By accepting that turbulence has dominating scales related in scale length to the height above the surface, a layer structure is postulated wherein exchange is rapid enough to keep the layers internally uniform. The diffusion rate is then controlled by entrainment between layers. It has been shown that theoretical relationships derived on the basis of using a single layer of this type give quantitatively correct factors relating the turbulence, wind and shear stress for very rough surface conditions. For less rough surfaces, the surface boundary layer can be divided into several layers interacting by entrainment across each interface. This analysis leads to the following quantitatively correct formula compared to published measurements. 1 $$\begin{gathered} \frac{{\sigma _w }}{{u^* }} = \left( {\frac{2}{{9Aa}}} \right)^{{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 4}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 4}} \left( {1 - 3^{{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 2}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 2}} \frac{a}{k}\frac{{d_n }}{z}\frac{{\sigma _w }}{{u^* }}\frac{z}{L}} \right)^{{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 4}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 4}} \hfill \\ = 1.28(1 - 0.945({{\sigma _w } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\sigma _w } {u^* }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {u^* }})({z \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {z L}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} L})^{{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 4}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 4}} \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ where \(u^* = \left( {{\tau \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {\tau \rho }} \right. \kern-0em} \rho }} \right)^{{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 2}} \right. \kern-0em} 2}} \) , σ w is the standard deviation of the vertical velocity,z is the height andL is the Obukhov scale lenght. The constantsa, A, k andd n are the entrainment constant, the turbulence decay constant, Von Karman's constant, and the layer depth derived from the theory. Of these,a andA, are universal constants and not empirically determined for the boundary layer. Thus the turbulence needed for the plume model of convection, which resides above these layers and reaches to the inversion, is determined by the shear stress and the heat flux in the surface layers. This model applies to convection in cool air over a warm sea. The whole field is now determined except for the temperature of the air relative to the water, and the wind, which need a further parameter describing sea surface roughness. As a first stop to describing a surface where roughness elements of widely varying sizes are combined this paper shows how the surface roughness parameter,z 0, can be calculated for an ideal case of a random distribution of vertical cylinders of the same height. To treat a water surface, with various sized waves, such an approach modified to treat the surface by the superposition of various sized roughness elements, is likely to be helpful. Such a theory is particularly desirable when such a surface is changing, as the ocean does when the wind varies. The formula, 2 $$\frac{{0.118}}{{a_s C_D }}< z_0< \frac{{0.463}}{{a_s C_D (u^* )}}$$ is the result derived here. It applies to cylinders of radius,r, and number,m, per unit boundary area, wherea s =2rm, is the area of the roughness elements, per unit area perpendicular to the wind, per unit distance downwind. The drag coefficient of the cylinders isC D . The smaller value ofz o is for large Reynolds numbers where the larger scale turbulence at the surface dominates, and the drag coefficient is about constant. Here the flow between the cylinders is intermittent. When the Reynolds number is small enough then the intermittent nature of the turbulence is reduced and this results in the average velocity at each level determining the drag. In this second case the larger limit forz 0 is more appropriate.  相似文献   

A new approach to the theory of electromagnetic induction is developed that is applicable to moving as well as stationary sources. The source field is considered to be a standing wave generated by two waves travelling in opposite directions along the surface of the earth. For a stationary source the incident waves have velocities of the same magnitude, however for a moving source the velocities of the two incident waves are respectively increased and decreased by the velocity of the source. Electromagnetic induction in the earth is then considered as refraction of these waves and gives, for both stationary and moving sources, the magnetotelluric relation: $$\frac{{ - E_y }}{{H_x }} = \left( {\frac{{i\omega \mu }}{\sigma }} \right)^{{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 2}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 2}} \left( {1 - i\frac{{v^2 }}{{\omega \mu \sigma }}} \right)^{ - {1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 2}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 2}} $$ where ν is the wavenumber of the source, μ is the permeability (4π·10?7) and σ is the conductivity of the earth. ω is the angular frequency of the variation observed on the earth. For a stationary source the observed frequency is the same as the source frequency, however the effect of moving a time-varying source is to make the observed frequency different from the frequency of the source. Failure to recognise this in previous studies led to some erroneous conclusions. This study shows that a moving source isnot “electromagnetically broader” than a stationary source as had been suggested.  相似文献   

This paper extends the theory of the entity and entrainment model of turbulence to obtain a numerical value of von Karman's constant,k=0.37. The formula is, $$k = (2a^3 /A)^{{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 4}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 4}} \ln \beta $$ where,a=1/12 is the entrainment constant,A=1 is the turbulent decay constant, and β is the ratio in height of the successive self-similar layers of the theory, where β is evaluated as β=e 2. These new values fork and β improve the surface roughness length estimates derived from this theory.  相似文献   

A new estimate of the fracture parameters of earthquakes is provided in this paper. By theMuskhelishvili method (1953) a number of basic relations among fracture-mechanics parameters are derived. A scheme is proposed to evaluate the slip weakening parameters in terms of fault dimension, average slip, and rise time, and the new results are applied to 49 events compiled in the earthquake catalogue ofPurcaru andBerckhemer (1982). The following empirical relations are found in the paper: $$\begin{gathered} \frac{{\tau _B - \tau _f }}{{\tau _\infty - \tau _f }} = 2.339 \hfill \\ {{\omega _c } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\omega _c } {W = 0.113}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {W = 0.113}} \hfill \\ \log G_c \left( {{{dyne} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{dyne} {cm}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {cm}}} \right) = 2 \log L (km) + 6.167 \hfill \\ \log \delta _c (cm) = 2 \log L (km) - 1.652 \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ whereG c is the specific fracture energy,ω c the size of the slip weakening zone,δ c the slip weakening displacement,τ B ?τ f the drop in strength in the slip weakening zone,τ ?τ f the stress drop,L the fault length, andW the fault width. The investigation of 49 shocks shows that the range of strength dropτ B ?τ f is from several doze to several hundred bars at depthh<400 km, but it can be more than 103 bars ath>500 km; besides, the range of the sizeω c of the strength degradation zone is from a few tenths of a kilometer to several dozen kilometers, and the range of the slip weakening displacementδ c is from several to several hundred centimeters. The specific fracture energyG c is of the order of 108 to 1011 erg cm?2 when the momentM 0 is of the order of 1023 to 1029 dyne cm.  相似文献   

Recent acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP)-measurements in the Scheldt estuary near Antwerp, Belgium, revealed anomalous, i.e. anti-clockwise circulations in a left bend during the major part of the flood period; these circulations were established shortly after the turn of the tide. During ebb, anti-clockwise circulations persisted, as predicted by classical theory. These data were analysed with a 3D and a 1DV-model. The 3D simulations reveal that the anomalous circulations are found when salinity is included in the computations—without salinity “normal” circulations were found. From analytical and 1DV simulations, it is concluded that a longitudinal salinity gradient ${\partial S} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\partial S} {\partial x}}} \right. \kern-0em} {\partial x}$ may induce a near-bed maximum in flow velocity reversing the direction of the secondary currents. The 1DV-model was then used to assess the contribution of various processes one by one. It was found that because of a reduction in vertical mixing, the vertical velocity profile is not at equilibrium during the first phase of accelerating tide, further enhancing the effects of ${\partial S} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\partial S} {\partial x}}} \right. \kern-0em} {\partial x}$ . A small vertical salinity gradient ${\partial S} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\partial S} {\partial z}}} \right. \kern-0em} {\partial z}$ appeared to have a very large effect as the crosscurrents of the secondary circulations induced by ${\partial S} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\partial S} {\partial x}}} \right. \kern-0em} {\partial x}$ became an order of larger magnitude. However, at the site under consideration, the effects of transverse salinity gradients, generated by differential advection in the river bend, were dominant: adverse directions of the secondary circulations were found even when the vertical velocity profile became more regular with a more or less logarithmic shape, i.e. when the effects of ${\partial S} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\partial S} {\partial x}}} \right. \kern-0em} {\partial x}$ and ${\partial S} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\partial S} {\partial z}}} \right. \kern-0em} {\partial z}$ did not play a dominant role anymore. It is argued that data on the secondary velocity structure, which can be measured easily owing to today’s developments in ADCP equipment, may serve as an indicator for the accuracy at which the salinity field is computed with 3D numerical models. Moreover, the large effect of the salinity structure on the velocity field must have a large impact on the morphological development of estuaries, which should therefore be accounted for in morphological modelling studies.  相似文献   

In this paper the application of an edge detection technique to gravity data is described. The technique is based on the tilt angle map (TAM) obtained from the first vertical gradient of a gravity anomaly. The zero contours of the tilt angle correspond to the boundaries of geologic discontinuities and are used to detect the linear features in gravity data. I also present that the distance between zero and ±p\mathord
/ \vphantom p4 4 \pm {\pi \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {\pi 4}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 4} pairs obtained from the TAM corresponds to the depth to the top of the vertical contact model. Alternatively, the half distance between - p\mathord/ \vphantom p4 4 - {\pi \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {\pi 4}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 4} and + p\mathord/ \vphantom p4 4 + {\pi \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {\pi 4}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 4} radians is equal to the depth to the same model. I illustrate the applicability of the present method by gravity data due to buried vertical prisms, imaging the positions of the edges of the prisms. The results obtained from the theoretical data, with and without random noise, have been discussed. The analysis of the TAM has been demonstrated on a field example from the Kozaklı-Central Anatolian region, Turkey, and the location and depth of the edges of the structural uplifts of the Kozaklı graben are imaged. The results indicated that depth values from these sources have ranged between 0.2 and 0.6 km. I have also compared the Euler deconvolution technique with the TAM images obtained from the first vertical gradient of residual gravity anomaly. Both techniques have agreed closely in detecting the horizontal location and depth of the uplift edges in the subsurface with good precision.  相似文献   

The experimental flow data for rocks and minerals are reviewed and found to fit a law of the form $$\dot \varepsilon = A'\left[ {sinh (\alpha \sigma )} \right]^n \exp \left[ {{{ - (E * + PV * )} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{ - (E * + PV * )} {RT}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {RT}}} \right]$$ where \(\dot \varepsilon \) This law reduces to the familiar power-law stress dependency at low stress and to an exponential stress dependency at high stress. Using the material flow law parameters for olivine, stress profiles with depth and strain rate are computed for a representative range of temperature distributions in the lithosphere. The results show that the upper 15 to 25 km of the oceanic lithosphere must behave elastically or fail by fracture and that the remainder deforms by exponential law flow at intermediate depths and by power-law flow in the rest. A model computation of the gravitational sliding of a lithospheric plate using olivine rheology exhibits a very sharp decoupling zone which is a consequence of the combined effects of increasing stress and temperature on the flow law, which is a very sensitive function of both.  相似文献   

The following Poisson’s equation with the Stokes’ boundary condition is dealt with $$\left\{ \begin{gathered} \nabla ^2 T = - 4\pi Gp outside S, \hfill \\ \left. {\frac{{\partial T}}{{\partial h}} = \frac{1}{\gamma }\frac{{\partial y}}{{\partial h}}T} \right|_s = - \Delta g, \hfill \\ T = O\left( {r^{ - 3} } \right) at infinity, \hfill \\ \end{gathered} \right.$$ whereS is reference ellipsord. Under spherical approximation transformation, the ellipsoidal correction terms about the boundary condition, the equation and the density in the above BVP are respectively given. Therefore, the disturbing potentialT can he obtained if the magnitudes aboveO4) are neglected.  相似文献   

Calculations on the basis of the self-consistent approximation are used to study the effects of randomly distributed elliptical cracks and of non-randomly distributed circular cracks, either dry or saturated by a highly conductive material phase, on the electric conductivities of a cracked body. Analytic and numeric results are given for two special non-random distributions. In the first, the cracks are assumed randomly distributed in planes parallel to a given plane. In the second, the crack normals are randomly distributed in parallel planes. The results of the theoretical calculations indicate that the magnitudes of the crack induced variations of the dry cracked rock depend upon a crack density parameter ? rather than upon the crack porosity. Here, ? is defined as $$\varepsilon = \frac{{2N}}{\pi }< \frac{{A^2 }}{P} > $$ whereN is the average number of cracks per unit volume, andA andP are the crack area and perimeter respectively. (For circular cracks of radiusa, ?=N〈a3〉.) Although a straightforward relationship does connect ? with the porosity, it may be more meaningful for laboratory experiments to concentrate upon measuring crack-induced variations as functions of crack density rather than of porosity. For saturated cracked rocks, the results of the calculations indicate that, in addition to ?, variations in conductivity depend also upon a saturation parameter Ω, which relates crack aspect ratio α to matrix and fluid conductivities σ and σF $$\Omega = \frac{{{\sigma \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {\sigma {\sigma _F }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {\sigma _F }}}}{\alpha }.$$   相似文献   

The viscosity of a series of six synthetic dacitic liquids, containing up to 5.04 wt% dissolved water, was measured above the glass transition range by parallel-plate viscometry. The temperature of the 1011 Pa s isokom decreases from 1065 K for the anhydrous liquid, to 864 K and 680 K for water contents of 0.97 and 5.04 wt% H2O. Including additional measurements at high temperatures by concentric-cylinder and falling-sphere viscometry, the viscosity (η) can be expressed as a function of temperature and water content w according to: where η is in Pa s, T is temperature in K, and w is in weight percent. Within the conditions of measurement, this parameterization reproduces the 76 viscosity data with a root-mean square deviation (RMSD) of 0.16 log units in viscosity, or 7.8 K in temperature. The measurements show that water decreases the viscosity of the dacitic liquids more than for andesitic liquids, but less than for rhyolites. At low temperatures and high water contents, andesitic liquids are more viscous than the dacitic liquids, which are in turn more viscous than rhyolitic liquids, reversing the trend seen for high temperatures and low water contents. This suggests that the relative viscosity of different melts depends on temperature and water content as much as on bulk melt composition and structure. At magmatic temperatures, rhyolites are orders of magnitude more viscous than dacites, which are slightly more viscous than andesites. During degassing, all three liquids undergo a rapid viscosity increase at low water contents, and both dacitic and andesitic liquids will degas more efficiently than rhyolitic liquids. During cooling and differentiation, changing melt chemistry, decreasing temperature and increasing crystal content all lead to increases in the viscosity of magma (melt plus crystals). Under closed system conditions, where melt water content can increase during crystallization, viscosity increases may be small. Conversely, viscosity increases are very abrupt during ascent and degassing-induced crystallization.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Aus Drehwaagenmessungen des Bundesamtes für Eich- und Vermessungegswesen wird in einem Spezialfall die Geoidhebung eines fast isolierten Gebirgsstockes durch zweimalige Integration von bestimmt. Direkte Berechnung des Potentials führt zum gleichen Resultat.
Résumé Au moyen de mesures faites avec la balance de torsion d'Eötvös effectuées par le Service Fédéral Autrichien de Géodésie, de Cartographie, du Cadastre et des Poids et Mesures, un cas particulier d'élévation du géoide produite par un massif de montagne presque isolé est déterminé par intégration réitérée de . Le calcul direct du potentiel a conduit au même résultat.

The TKE dissipation rate in the northern South China Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The microstructure measurements taken during the summer seasons of 2009 and 2010 in the northern South China Sea (between 18°N and 22.5°N, and from the Luzon Strait to the eastern shelf of China) were used to estimate the averaged dissipation rate in the upper pycnocline 〈ε p〉 of the deep basin and on the shelf. Linear correlation between 〈ε p〉 and the estimates of available potential energy of internal waves, which was found for this data set, indicates an impact of energetic internal waves on spatial structure and temporal variability of 〈ε p〉. On the shelf stations, the bottom boundary layer depth-integrated dissipation $ {\widehat{\varepsilon}}_{\mathrm{BBL}} $ reaches 17–19 mW/m2, dominating the dissipation in the water column below the surface layer. In the pycnocline, the integrated dissipation $ {\widehat{\varepsilon}}_{\mathrm{p}} $ was mostly ~10–30 % of $ {\widehat{\varepsilon}}_{\mathrm{BBL}} $ . A weak dependence of bin-averaged dissipation $ \overline{\varepsilon} $ on the Richardson number was noted, according to $ \overline{\varepsilon}={\varepsilon}_0+\frac{\varepsilon_{\mathrm{m}}}{{\left(1+ Ri/R{i}_{\mathrm{cr}}\right)}^{1/2}} $ , where ε 0 + ε m is the background value of $ \overline{\varepsilon} $ for weak stratification and Ri cr?=?0.25, pointing to the combined effects of shear instability of small-scale motions and the influence of larger-scale low frequency internal waves. The latter broadly agrees with the MacKinnon–Gregg scaling for internal-wave-induced turbulence dissipation.  相似文献   

A generalized turbulent diffusion model has been developed which evaluates the time rate of growth of a simulated cloud of particles released into a turbulent (i.e. diffusive) atmosphere. The general model, in the form of second-order differential equations, computes the three-dimensional size of the cloud as a function of time. Parameters which influence the cloud growth, and which are accounted for in the model equations, are: (1) length scales and velocity magnitudes of the diffusive field, (2) rate of viscous dissipation , (3) vertical stability as characterized by the relative adiabatic lapse rate (1/T)(g/C p +T/z), and (4) vertical shear in the mean horizontal winds , and , for a given height and of spatial extent equal to that of the diffusing cloud. Sample results for near ground level and for upper stratospheric heights are given. For the atmospheric boundary layer case, the diffusive field is microscale turbulence. In the upper stratospheric case it is considered to be a field of highly interactive and dispersive gravity waves.  相似文献   

Seismic coda wave attenuation ( $ Q_{\text{c}}^{ - 1} $ ) characteristics in the Garhwal region, northwestern Himalaya is studied using 113 short-period, vertical component seismic observations from local events with hypocentral distance less than 250?km and magnitude range between 1.0 to 4.0. They are located mainly in the vicinity of the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and the Main Central Thrust (MCT), which are well-defined tectonic discontinuities in the Himalayas. Coda wave attenuation ( $ Q_{\text{c}}^{ - 1} $ ) is estimated using the single isotropic scattering method at central frequencies 1.5, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 16, 20, 24 and 28?Hz using several starting lapse times and coda window lengths for the analysis. Results show that the ( $ Q_{\text{c}}^{ - 1} $ ) values are frequency dependent in the considered frequency range, and they fit the frequency power law ( $ Q_{\text{c}}^{ - 1} \left( f \right) = Q_{0}^{ - 1} f^{ - n} $ ). The Q 0 (Q c at 1?Hz) estimates vary from about 50 for a 10?s lapse time and 10?s window length, to about 350 for a 60?s lapse time and 60?s window length combination. The exponent of the frequency dependence law, n ranges from 1.2 to 0.7; however, it is greater than 0.8, in general, which correlates well with the values obtained in other seismically and tectonically active and highly heterogeneous regions. The attenuation in the Garhwal region is found to be lower than the Q c ?1 values obtained for other seismically active regions of the world; however, it is comparable to other regions of India. The spatial variation of coda attenuation indicates that the level of heterogeneity decreases with increasing depth. The variation of coda attenuation has been estimated for different lapse time and window length combinations to observe the effect with depth and it indicates that the upper lithosphere is more active seismically as compared to the lower lithosphere and the heterogeneity decreases with increasing depth.  相似文献   

The complete travel-time equation of state (CT-EOS) is presented by utilizing thermodynamics relations, such as; $$K_T = K_S (1 + \alpha \gamma T)^{ - 1} , \gamma = \frac{{\alpha K_S }}{{\rho C_P }}, \left. {\frac{{\partial C_P }}{{\partial P}}} \right)_T = - \frac{T}{\rho }\left[ {\alpha ^2 + \left. {\frac{{\partial \alpha }}{{\partial T}}} \right)_P } \right], etc.$$ The CT-EOS enables us to analyze ultrasonic experimental data under simultaneous high pressure and high temperature without introducing any assumption, as long as the density, or thermal expansivity, and heat capacity are also available as functions of temperature at zero pressure. The performance of the CT-EOS was examined by using synthesized travel-time data with random noise of 10?5 and 10?4 amplitude up to 4 GPa and 1500 K. Those test conditions are to be met with the newly developed GHz interferometry in a gas medium piston cylinder apparatus. The results suggest that the combination of the CT-EOS and accurate experimental data (10?4 in travel time) can determine thermodynamic and elastic parameters, as well as their derivatives with unprecedented accuracy, yielding second-order pressure derivatives (?2 M/?P 2) of the elastic moduli as well as the temperature derivatives of their first-order pressure derivatives ?2 M/?P?T). The completeness of the CT-EOS provides an unambiguous criterion to evaluate the compatibility of empirical EOS with experimental data. Furthermore because of this completeness, it offers the possibility of a new and absolute pressure calibration when X-ray (i.e., volume) measurements are made simultaneously with the travel-time measurements.  相似文献   

Total content is used mostly for balances. In order to calculate the areas of different depths, the contours are cut out of a topographical map and weighed. The formula is derived from the substance concentration (taken as a linear function of the depth), times the volume of a truncated cone. Content of one layer: $$\frac{{\Delta z}}{{l2}}\left[ {\left( {f_l + f_u } \right)^2 \cdot \left( {c_l + c_u } \right) + 2c_l f_l^2 + 2c_u f_u^2 } \right]$$ fu Square root of upper area f1 Square root of lower area cu Concentration at upper depth c1 Concentration at lower depth Δz Difference of depths (i.e. thickness of layer) Sum of contents of all layers gives total content of the lake.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Kinematik der magnetischen Feldlinien im Plasma kann mit denselben mathematischen Hilfsmitteln studiert werden, welche sich in der Kinematik der Wirbel bewährt haben. Ausgehend vom Faradayschen Induktionsgesetz für bewegte Medien können gefolgert werden: eine notwenige und hinreichende bedingung dafür, dass die magnetischen Feldlinien mit materiellen Kurven zusammenfallen; ein Analogon zuC. Truesdells «basic vorticity formula», welches die Mitführung und Diffusion der magnetischen Feldlinien im Plasma beschreibt; Sätze zur Kinematik der Feldlinien, welche eine frei wählbare tensorielle Feldfunktion beliebiger Stufe enthalten und den vonH. Ertel formulierten «allgemeinen Wirbelsätzen» entsprechen, insbesondere Analoga zuErtels «Vertauschungsrelationen». In einem isentropen idealen Plasma ist das mit dem spezifischen Volumen multiplizierte Skalar-produkt aus der magnetischen Induktion und dem Gradienten der Entropiedichte zeitlich individuell konstant.
Summary The kinematics of magnetic field lines in a plasma can be studies by means of the mathematical methods used in the kinematics of vorticity. Starting withFaraday's law of induction for moving circuits the following results can be derived: a necessary and sufficient condition that the magnetic field lines remain material lines; a formula describing the convection and diffusion of the magnetic field lines in a plasma, which is analogous to the «basic vorticity formula» ofC. Truesdell; general theorems containing an arbitrary tensor field of any order, which are analogous to general vorticity theorems ofH. Ertel, especially a «commutation formula» corresponding to the «Euler-Ertel commutation formula» for circulation preserving motions. Given an isentropic ideal plasma it follows that ( denoting the density, the magnetic induction,s the specific entropy, andd/dt the material time derivative).

Herrn ProfessorDr. Hans Ertel zum 60. Geburtstag in Dankbarkeit gewidmet.  相似文献   

Attenuation of P,S, and coda waves in Koyna region,India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The attenuation properties of the crust in the Koyna region of the Indian shield have been investigated using 164 seismograms from 37 local earthquakes that occurred in the region. The extended coda normalization method has been used to estimate the quality factors for P waves and S waves , and the single back-scattering model has been used to determine the quality factor for coda waves (Q c). The earthquakes used in the present study have the focal depth in the range of 1–9 km, and the epicentral distance vary from 11 to 55 km. The values of and Q c show a dependence on frequency in the Koyna region. The average frequency dependent relationships (Q = Q 0 f n) estimated for the region are , and . The ratio is found to be greater than one for the frequency range considered here (1.5–18 Hz). This ratio, along with the frequency dependence of quality factors, indicates that scattering is an important factor contributing to the attenuation of body waves in the region. A comparison of Q c and in the present study shows that for frequencies below 4 Hz and for the frequencies greater than 4 Hz. This may be due to the multiple scattering effect of the medium. The outcome of this study is expected to be useful for the estimation of source parameters and near-source simulation of earthquake ground motion, which in turn are required in the seismic hazard assessment of a region.  相似文献   

The Q-factor estimates of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle as the functions of frequency (Q(f)) are obtained for the seismic S-waves at frequencies up to ~35 Hz. The estimates are based on the data for ~40 earthquakes recorded by the Kislovodsk seismic station since 2000. The magnitudes of these events are MW > 3.8, the sources are located in the depth interval from 1 to 165 km, and the epicentral distances range from ~100 to 300 km. The Q-factor estimates are obtained by the methods developed by Aki and Rautian et al., which employ the suppression of the effects of the source radiation spectrum and local site responses in the S-wave spectra by the coda waves measured at a fixed lapse time (time from the first arrival). The radiation pattern effects are cancelled by averaging over many events whose sources are distributed in a wide azimuthal sector centered at the receiving site. The geometrical spreading was specified in the form of a piecewise-continuous function of distance which behaves as 1/R at the distances from 1 to 50 km from the source, has a plateau at 1/50 in the interval from 50–70 km to 130–150 km, and decays as \({\raise0.7ex\hbox{$1$} \!\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 {\sqrt R }}}\right.\kern-\nulldelimiterspace} \!\lower0.7ex\hbox{${\sqrt R }$}}\) beyond 130–150 km. For this geometrical spreading model and some of its modifications, the following Q-factor estimates are obtained: Q(f) ~ 85f0.9 at the frequencies ranging from ~1 to 20 Hz and Q(f) ~ 75f1.0 at the frequencies ranging from ~1 to 35 Hz.  相似文献   

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