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由于总体精度或Kappa系数的遥感影像分割/分类评价指标,对影像分割图斑的几何形状等真实结构未能有效刻画,不能有效体现面向对象处理中边缘像元的真实分割/分类效果。本文基于分割对象的几何结构,提出了5个面向对象的高分辨率遥感影像分割/分类精度评价指标:过分割、欠分割、边缘匹配、分割块数,以及形状误差,并在IDL平台实现了一个面向对象影像分析与评价的原型系统。通过对福州市QuickBird影像的Meanshift分割评价,证实了其指标能够刻画出分割对象的深层结构,并符合地物对象分割/分类的真实分布。实验还表明,该评价指标在确定分割算法的参数方面具有重要的应用价值。 相似文献
基于GRAPES_ Mesov3.1模式建立的GRAPES_ Meso中尺度模式系统在西南区域气象中心运行稳定,该系统于2011年5月投入试验运行.应用GRAPES模式分析产品,NCEP的1°×1°再分析资料,实况资料以及2011年西南低涡探空加密观测资料等,对2011年汛期GRAPES_ Meso系统的预报进行统计检验与天气过程分析.结果表明,模式对2011年8月川渝持续高温、9月16~18日四川东北部大暴雨等高影响天气过程有较强的预报能力,这对实际天气预报有着积极的指导意义.预报与实况偏差主要表现在模式通常超报云南地区降水,而对西南其他地区易漏报.模式通常低报青藏高原到四川西部气温,高报四川东部及重庆地区气温.预报高度场持续偏低,西南低空急流预报偏强,对流层中低层比湿偏低,这些可能是造成降水强度偏弱、降水落区偏北、强降水落区偏小的主要原因.对流层中低层高度场持续偏低,低空急流偏强与模式温度预报偏高和加热不均匀有关.同时模式对平原地区较高原山地预报要好,误差通常随等压面高度降低而增大,在一定程度上表明复杂地形对模式预报影响较大. 相似文献
基于GRAPES-Mesov3.1模式建立的GRAPES-Meso中尺度模式系统在西南区域气象中心运行稳定,该系统于2011年5月投入试验运行。应用GRAPES模式分析产品,NCEP的1°×1°再分析资料,实况资料以及2011年西南低涡探空加密观测资料等,对2011年汛期GRAPES-Meso系统的预报进行统计检验与天气过程分析。结果表明,模式对2011年8月川渝持续高温、9月16~18日四川东北部大暴雨等高影响天气过程有较强的预报能力,这对实际天气预报有着积极的指导意义。预报与实况偏差主要表现在模式通常超报云南地区降水,而对西南其他地区易漏报。模式通常低报青藏高原到四川西部气温,高报四川东部及重庆地区气温。预报高度场持续偏低,西南低空急流预报偏强,对流层中低层比湿偏低,这些可能是造成降水强度偏弱、降水落区偏北、强降水落区偏小的主要原因。对流层中低层高度场持续偏低,低空急流偏强与模式温度预报偏高和加热不均匀有关。同时模式对平原地区较高原山地预报要好,误差通常随等压面高度降低而增大,在一定程度上表明复杂地形对模式预报影响较大。 相似文献
Volcanic edifices play an important role in controlling the spatial distribution of volcanic reservoirs . Taking the volcanic rocks of the Yingcheng Formation as an example , the types of volcanic formations , seismic attributes and reservoir characteristics are studied in detail using drill cores and logging and seismic data .A volcanic edifice model is established .On the basis of lithology and internal flow unit , the volcanic edifices can be divided into 4 types , including acidic lava volcanic edifices ( single flow units and composite flow units ) , rhyolitic lava debris volcanic edifices , and basaltic lava volcanic edifices .Among these types , the acidic lava volcanic edifices ( single flow unit ) consist of a single lava flow unit , and the seismic profile is characterized by a hill-like blank reflection .Additionally, this type of edifice shows a contiguous petal-like pattern in the wave-form classification chart .The acidic lava volcanic edifices ( composite unit ) consist of several acidic lava domes and plate-like lava flows , and the seismic section is a combination of parallel and hill-like reflections .This type shows noise and short-line clutter in the waveform classification diagram .The rhyolitic lava debris volcanic edi-fices have multiple layers of stacked volcanic debris .The seismic section features a draping continuous parallel reflection over a large area , and this type of edifice is characterized by a ripple pattern in the waveform classifi-cation diagram .The basaltic lava volcanic structural seismic section shows a large area of parallel reflectors . The waveform classification phase diagram shows a single and continuous distribution .The volcanic edifices with better physical properties have the following characteristics : the primary porosity belt is well developed , the units in the volcanic edifices are superimposed , and the volcanic structure is not integrated .Acidic compos-ite flow unit volcanic reservoirs have the best physical properties , and the acidic single flow unit volcanic reser-voirs are the worst .This study provided some reference for volcanic exploration and reservoir study in areas with few or no wells . 相似文献
ZHANG Yanyan REN Sulian WANG Dexiu SONG Weibo 《中国海洋大学学报(英文版)》2006,5(2):132-136
Light and electron microscopic studies were carried out in order to characterize haemocytes in the bivalve mollusc Meretrix meretrix. According to nucleus and cytoplasm characters, four types of haemocytes were recognized: agranular haemocytes, lymphoid haemocyte, large granular and small granular haemocytes. Agranular hamocyte is the main cell type, accounting for 75%. It is agranular with rich organelles in cytoplasm, including mitochondria, golgi body and endoplasmic reticulum. Glycogen deposits were usually found in this cell type. The number of lymphoid haemocyte accounts for 1% - 2%. This cell type is agranular and shows a high ratio of nucleus to cytoplasm. A few organelles were found. High electrondense granules with diameters of 0.2 - 0.5μm and rich organelles were found in small granular haemocyte. The proportion of this cell type is about 15%. Rich granules of high electron-dense with diameters of 0.8- 2.4μm were found in large granular haemocyte. The proportion of this cell type is about 10%, and the quantity of organelles is the least. 相似文献
河南省西部的熊耳山地区是重要的金成矿集中区,区内环形-线性构造与成矿存在耦合关系。本研究中对最新高分SPOT-5图像和Aster的遥感地质解译发现,熊耳山北部上观周围区域存在多个环形构造,主要发育于太华群古老变质岩和熊耳群火山岩中,南部附近为中生代花山岩体。环形构造集中分布,大环套小环、线性和环形构造交切。影像蚀变信息提取研究发现,环形构造周围及其内部发育较好的铁染异常和羟基异常,具有良好的找矿前景。附近和周围已知的金矿床和金矿点零星分布,但其遥感图像与熊耳山其他类似环形构造发育地区相比,影像特征更为典型,且成矿条件似更为优越,有可能成为熊耳山地区又一个金银成矿集中区。 相似文献
Ruiqing QIE Linfu XUE Shixiang LIU Yunliang YU 《东北亚地学研究》2007,10(1):88-94
The authors took the ETM + multi-spectra data as the data information and correlation coefficient for each band and carried out their information volume statistics. According to certain criteria, the authors also determined the optimum band-combined image. The image clarity is improved by various enhancements and fusions method. Based on remote sensing geological interpretation in detail, the relationship between remote sens- ing geological characters and gold mine were analyzed systemically. Using all kinds of remote sensing structure information, combining other research data, the authors determined mainly ore-controlling ore structure. Several prospective areas of gold ores were determined and furthermore significant finding mine target areas was confirmed. 相似文献
The authors took the ETM multi-spectra data as the data information and correlation coefficient for each band and carried out their information volume statistics. According to certain criteria, the authors also determined the optimum band-combined image. The image clarity is improved by various enhancements and fusions method. Based on remote sensing geological interpretation in detail, the relationship between remote sensing geological characters and gold mine were analyzed systemically. Using all kinds of remote sensing structure information, combining other research data, the authors determined mainly ore-controlling ore structure. Several prospective areas of gold ores were determined and furthermore significant finding mine target areas was confirmed. 相似文献
Effect of lithology and structure on seismic response of steep slope in a shaking table test 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
Studies on landslides by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake showed that topography was of great importance in amplifying the seismic shaking, and among other factors, lithology and slope structure controlled the spatial occurrence of slope failures. The present study carried out experiments on four rock slopes with steep angle of 60° by means of a shaking table. The recorded Wenchuan earthquake waves were scaled to excite the model slopes. Measurements from accelerometers installed on free surface of the model slope were analyzed, with much effort on timedomain acceleration responses to horizontal components of seismic shaking. It was found that the amplification factor of peak horizontal acceleration, RPHA, was increasing with elevation of each model slope, though the upper and lower halves of the slope exhibited different increasing patterns. As excitation intensity was increased, the drastic deterioration of the inner structure of each slope caused the sudden increase of RPHA in the upper slope part. In addition, the model simulating the soft rock slope produced the larger RPHA than the model simulating the hard rock slope by a maximum factor of 2.6. The layered model slope also produced the larger RPHA than the homogeneous model slope by a maximum factor of 2.7. The upper half of a slope was influenced more seriously by the effect of lithology, while the lower half was influenced more seriously by the effect of slope structure. 相似文献
【目的】针对跑道池光生物反应器光照比表面积小、产率低、耗水量大等问题,设计一种新型薄层自流式光生物反应器。【方法】使用Solidworks软件进行三维建模设计,建立该新型反应器的微藻培养系统,并与跑道池光生物反应器进行微藻培养中试对比评价试验;建造一套薄层自流式反应器的微藻大规模培养系统,并以同株栅藻(Scenedesmus sp.)为培养藻种,进行4批次的培养试验,评价该反应器的微藻培养效果。【结果】所设计薄层自流式反应器光径减小,光照比表面积,藻液混合程度提高;中试试验结果表明,薄层自流式反应器中栅藻的生长速率明显高于同期跑道池光生物反应器,生物质浓度显著高于跑道池反应器,单位面积产率(每天单位占地面积的产量)升高13%,薄层式反应器的耗水量约低于跑道池反应器6倍。大规模培养试验表明,薄层自流式反应器的微藻生物质产率明显高于跑道池反应器,微藻生物质产率单日高达0.86 g·L-1·d-1,占地面积产率达43.5 g·m-2·d-1,最终生物质浓度达2.31 g·L-1,远高于跑道池光生物反应器最高生物质质量浓度(约0.01~0.6 g·L-1)。【结论】薄层自流式光生物反应器一定程度上克服了跑道池光生物反应器的缺点,收获微藻的生物质产率和浓度高。 相似文献
为明确歧口凹陷深层的岩石物理及AVO响应特征,分析歧口地区全波测井资料,优选该区敏感岩石物理参数;根据分岩性拟合求取纵横波转换经验公式,并采用流体置换原理进行叠前地震道集正演后提取AVO属性.结果表明:泊松比、纵横波速度比为该区有利储层预测的敏感参数,含气砂岩与含水砂岩的数值范围差异明显;歧口深层AVO响应特征可划分为3类:第一类是与气层相对应的反射振幅随着偏移距的增大而负向急剧增大;第二类是与油气同层相对应的反射振幅随着偏移距的增大而负向缓慢增大;第三类是与油水层及干层相对应的反射振幅随着偏移距的增大而负向减小.该结果可为歧口凹陷深层开展流体预测可行性提供依据. 相似文献
Studies on the community structures of meiofauna and marine nematode at six stations in the Southern Yellow Sea,China 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
HUANG Yong ) ZHANG Zhinan) and LIU Xiaoshou) ) College of Marine Life Sciences Ocean University of China Qngdao P.R.China ) Agricultural College Liaocheng University Liaocheng Shandong P.R.China 《中国海洋大学学报(英文版)》2005,4(1):34-42
1Introduction As part of a comprehensive investigation of ecosys-tem dynamics in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea,astudy has been made of meiofauna,defined here asmetazoans passing a0.5mm sieve but retained by a0.031mm sieve.Meiofauna is an important energeticgroup in benthic small food web due to their smallsize,high abundance and fast turnover rates.Theproduction of meiofauna is equal to or higher than thatof macrofauna in estuaries,shallow waters and deepseas(Gerlach,1971;Platt and Warw… 相似文献
GIS在中国旅游资源研究与应用中的现状及趋势 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着现代信息技术的不断发展,GIS在旅游研究与应用愈来愈深入。目前,GIS已经广泛的应用到旅游资源研究中,尤其在旅游资源空间分类、评价、旅游规划、旅游资源管理、旅游开发利用等方面取得了较大的进展。首先,本文综述了近些年来GIS在旅游资源研究中的文献资料,研究发现GIS空间分析理论与方法在旅游资源研究与开发中的应用较为广泛,但在旅游资源认知、分类及评价等方面仍存在一些尚未解决的问题。其次,在总结前人和课题组研究成果的基础上,对旅游资源认知、分类与标准化理论进行了相关论述。通过梳理GIS建模技术与空间分析方法在旅游资源信息提取与分析、旅游资源评价、旅游资源开发规划等相关研究成果中发现,旅游资源研究方法已从定性描述走向定量模型,应用成果不断增多,涉及综合评价、空间结构优化、空间布局与选址、空间发展趋势预测、空间利用规划等方面。最后,提出了未来在旅游资源知识模型、旅游资源图谱、旅游资源多维仿真以及旅游资源大数据等方面的相关展望。 相似文献
地下开采导致的地表残余倾斜对采空区公路路基的稳定性有重要影响。针对采空区公路路基的稳定性评价,笔者提出了基于概率积分法和Knothe时间函数的地表残余倾斜的计算方法,分析了路基稳定性的条分法计算原理及残余倾斜对路基稳定性的影响机理,推导了基于解析法的路基最不利滑动面计算公式,使用C#语言编制了路基稳定性系数计算软件,并通过工程实例,对提出的方法和软件进行了验证,分析了地表残余倾斜、路基边坡坡率对路基稳定性的影响。 相似文献
The present study reflects upon the results of substantial program of two-dimensional Finite Element Method (FEM) numerical analyses of the open pit that links to slope angle optimization associated with the safety factor of the pit slope of a coal mine in Bangladesh. In the present analyses, two types of models have been presented. The first model estimates safety factor without seismic effect on the overall pit slope of the model; the second model incorporates safety factor with seismic stability of the model. The calculated optimum slope angle of the first model is 31% with a rational safety factor of 1.51, prior to the seismic effect. However, the value is reduced to 0.93, 0.82, and 0.72, after we applies the seismic effect in the second model with M6, M6.5, and M7, respectively. Finally, our modeling results emphasize that for the case of the proposed Phulbari coalmine, there is extremely high prospect for causing massive slope failure along the optimum pit slope angle with 31% if the mine area felt seismic shaking, like the Sikkim (in northern India) earthquake with M6.9 on September 18, 2011. 相似文献
山区交通工程弃渣力学参数的准确测定,一直是弃渣场边坡稳定性评价面临的基础科学问题。在山区交通工程弃渣场运行特点和弃渣固体废弃物特征认知的基础上,探讨弃渣取样和试验代表性问题的物理根源,依托实际工程累计数据尝试提出简单实用的弃渣工程特性评价和分类方法。结果表明:①常规交通工程弃渣的密度、颗粒分析和强度试验,由于弃渣的粒径范围差异大、颗粒空间分布不均、弃渣来源复杂等固体废弃物特征造成取样和试验代表性难题;用多阶段坡角测量和颗粒分析试验代替传统的弃渣边坡试验,解决了试验和取样代表性难题。②利用弃渣粗细比可将弃渣分为细粒弃渣、混合型弃渣和粗粒弃渣。③根据弃渣粗细比、天然休止角和整形坡率,将西南山区交通工程弃渣分为细粒弃渣、混合型弃渣和粗粒弃渣等3类。细粒弃渣,弃渣粗细比小于0.3,天然休止角小于31.5°,整形坡率为1.00∶2.00;混合型弃渣,弃渣粗细比为0.3~1.0,天然休止角为31.5°~39.5°,整形坡率为1.00∶2.00~1.00∶1.50;粗粒弃渣,弃渣粗细比大于1.0,天然休止角大于39.5°,整形坡率为1.00∶1.50。④用多阶段坡角测量、颗粒分析试验和无黏性土边坡稳定性系数计算公式代替传统的弃渣边坡试验和稳定性系数计算方法,方法简单,结果保守,可以作为弃渣边坡稳定性评价和安全控制技术的有益补充。 相似文献
山东黄河下游地区局部生态地球化学评价是在多目标区域地球化学调查和区域生态地球化学评价基础上,选特色农产品产地,绿色无公害蔬菜生产基地,地方病分布区及小清河沿岸、东营油气开采污染区等局部生态地球化学环境区。按一定的方法和采样密度采集土壤、浅层地下水、土壤溶液、植物根系土、籽实、土壤生物、微生物和种子库样品,分析As,Cd等重金属元素、N,B等有益营养元素、六六六、DDT等有机物和土壤微生物类群、功能、结构多样性,研究有益营养元素、重金属元素、有毒有机污染物的分布规律、赋存状态、来源及它们在土壤、水体及生物体中的迁移、转化、累积规律与生态效应,探讨对重金属元素污染的生物修复。提出特色农产品基地布局规划建议和地方病防治、重金属污染的治理措施。 相似文献
基于Web采用"三层架构"分离和"B/S"(浏览器/月艮务器)模式,使用windows服务技术,选用SQL Server2000数据库平台,实现西南区域对气象探测设备智能化实时监控、实时语音报警、短信息报警功能,切实有效地减轻了各个台站值班人员的工作压力,促进西南区域内气象信息资源共享,为大气探测设备更新发展提供信息交流平台. 相似文献