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Quantitative models of Earth–ice-sheet–ocean interactions predict that periods of rapid eustatic sea-level rise, indicating enhanced meltwater discharge to the oceans, should be manifest in the relative sea-level histories from sites within the limits of Late Devensian ice sheets. Analysis of a record of relative sea-level change for the last 16000 calendar years from Northwest Scotland constrains the magnitude and timing of two major pulses of meltwater, ca. 14000 and ca. 11300 cal. yr BP, inferred from coral records. The ca. 14000 cal. yr BP event saw a temporary doubling of the flux of meltwater, but existence of the second major event at ca. 11300 cal. yr BP is not supported by the data from northwest Scotland. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Cenomanian–Turonian carbonate-dominated lithofacies of Israel reflect a complex interplay between tectonics, sea-level change, and palaeoecology. Improved correlation based on revision of the bio- and chronostratigraphic framework has enabled the establishment of a sequence-stratigraphic model comprising five sequences delineated by four sequence boundaries, in the Late Cenomanian–Early Coniacian interval. The Late Cenomanian–Turonian succession begins with prograding, highstand, carbonate-platform deposits of the first sequence. Interruption of progradation and drowning of this platform took place within the Late Cenomanian guerangeri Zone (=the vibrayeanus Zone in Israel), resulting in a drowning unconformity which is regarded as a Type 3 sequence boundary (labelled CeUp). The drowning is attributed in part to extinctions in the rudist-dominated biofacies (e.g., Caprinidae), which led to reduced carbonate production and enhanced the impact of the sea-level rise. Similar drowning of Tethyan platforms around the C/T boundary has been linked to the establishment of coastal upwelling and consequent eutrophication. Outer ramp hemipelagic facies (Derorim and the Lower Ora formations) replaced the platform carbonates, thickening substantially southwards in the Eshet-Zenifim Basin of southern Israel. Along the ancient continental slope (Mediterranean coastal plain) evidence of this drowning is obscured by submarine erosion, while in central and northern Israel the drowned section is represented by condensation or a hiatus, reflecting an elevated, sediment-starved sea-floor. A carbonate platform dominated by rudistid shoals (‘Meleke’ Member; Shivta Formation) was re-established in the Judean hills and northern Negev during the middle part of the Turonian coloradoense Zone (local zone T4). Later, during kallesi Zone times (T7), the platform facies prograded southwards towards the Eshet-Zenifim intra-shelf basin. The drowning succession and overlying resurrected carbonate platform are topped in central and southern Israel by a pronounced Type 1 sequence boundary (Tu1) between the kallesi (T7) and ornatissimum (T8) zones (Middle Turonian). In central Israel and northern Negev the sequence boundary is overlain by lowstand deposits of the ‘Clastic Unit’ and by the transgressive and highstand inner to mid-ramp deposits of the Nezer and Upper Bina formations. In the southern Negev the sequence boundary is overlain by lowstand and transgressive systems tracts of mixed carbonates, siliciclastics, and localized evaporites (Upper Ora Formation), and then by mid to inner ramp carbonates of the Gerofit Formation. The latter represents a very high rate of accumulation, indicating rapid, continued subsidence balanced by platform growth. The Tu2 sequence boundary of the Late Turonian is expressed in the southern Negev by a shift from inner ramp carbonates of the Gerofit Formation to outer ramp chalky limestones of the Zihor Formation, indicating localized drowning. The succeeding Co1 sequence boundary again indicates localized drowning of the prograding highstand deposits of the Zihor Formation (‘Transition Zone’) overlain by Lower Coniacian transgressive deposits of the upper part of the Zihor Formation. All of these third-order sequences are expressed in southern Israel, where the rate of subsidence was in balance with sea-level fluctuations. In contrast, the Judean Hills and eastern Galilee areas have a more incomplete succession, characterized by hiatuses and condensation, because of reduced subsidence. More distal areas of continuous deep-water deposition in western Galilee and the coastal plain failed to record the Middle Turonian lowstand, while a longer term, second-order sequence spanning the entire Late Cenomanian–Early Coniacian interval, is present in the Carmel and Yirka Basin areas.  相似文献   

Global changes in postglacial sea level: A numerical calculation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The sea-level rise due to ice-sheet melting since the last glacial maximum was not uniform everywhere because of the deformation of the Earth's surface and its geoid by changing ice and water loads. A numerical model is employed to calculate global changes in relative sea level on a spherical viscoelastic Earth as northern hemisphere ice sheets melt and fill the ocean basins with meltwater. Predictions for the past 16,000 years explain a large proportion of the global variance in the sea-level record, particularly during the Holocene. Results indicate that the oceans can be divided into six zones, each of which is characterized by a specific form of the relative sea-level curve. In four of these zones emerged beaches are predicted, and these may form even at considerable distance from the ice sheets themselves. In the remaining zones submergence is dominant, and no emerged beaches are expected. The close agreement of these predictions with the data suggests that, contrary to the beliefs of many, no net change in ocean volume has occurred during the past 5000 years. Predictions for localities close to the ice sheets are the most in error, suggesting that slight modifications of the assumed melting history and/or the rheological model of the Earth's interior are necessary.  相似文献   

It has long been recognised that sea levels along the shores of Atlantic Canada have been rising rapidly during the Holocene in response to isostatic crustal movements. New sea-level data for the Bay of Fundy coast of southern New Brunswick (Little Dipper Harbour) and the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia (Chezzetcook Inlet) show that late Holocene average rates of sea-level rise in these areas have been 1.0 and 2.5 m per 1000 yr, respectively. Numerical model calculations suggest that the high rates of sea-level rise are due to crustal subsidence produced by the combined effects of Laurentide ice loading (forebulge collapse) and ocean loading of the Scotian shelf. Although ice loading is the dominant contributor to the regional sea-level pattern, ocean loading is also important, contributing up to 40% of the total crustal subsidence in some areas. Tide gauges record rates of sea-level rise during the 20th century that are 0.7–1.9 mm/yr higher than late Holocene trends, with the highest residuals occurring in the Bay of Fundy.  相似文献   

New relative sea-level (RSL) data constrain the timing and magnitude of RSL changes in the southern Isle of Skye following the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). We identify a marine limit at ~23 m OD, indicating RSL ~20 m above present c. 15.1 ka. Isolation basin data, supported by terrestrial and marine limiting dates, record an RSL fall to 11.59 m above present by c. 14.2 ka. This RSL fall occurs across the time of global Meltwater Pulse 1A, supporting recent research on the sources of ice melting. Our new data also help to resolve some of the chronological issues within the existing Isle of Skye RSL record and provide details of the sub-Arctic marine environment associated with the transition into Devensian Lateglacial climate at c. 14.5 k cal a bp , and the timing of changes in response to the Loch Lomond Stadial climate. Glacio-isostatic adjustment (GIA) model predictions of RSL deviate from the RSL constraints and reflect uncertainties in local and global ice models used within the GIA models. An empirical RSL curve provides a target for future research.  相似文献   

The Late Westphalian to Artinskian glaciomarine deposits of the Karoo and Kalahari basins of southern Africa consist of massive and stratified diamictite, mudrock with ice-rafted material, sandstone, silty rhythmite, shale and subordinate conglomerate forming a cyclic succession recognizable across both basins. A complete cycle comprises a resistant basal unit of apparently massive diamictite overlain by softer, bedded stratified diamictite, sandstone and mudrock with a total thickness of as much as 350 m. Four major cycles are observed each separated by bounding surfaces. Lateral facies changes are present in some cycles. The massive diamictites formed as aprons and fans in front of the ice-grounding line, whereas the stratified diamictites represent more distal debris-flow fans. The sandstones originated in different environments as turbidite sands, small subaqueous outwash channel sands and delta front sands. The rhythmites and mudrock represent blanket deposits derived from turbid meltwater plumes. Cycles represent deglaciation sequences which formed during ice retreat phases caused by eustatic changes in the Karoo and Kalahari basins. Evidence for shorter-term fluctuation of the ice margin is present within the major advance-retreat cycles. Hardly any sediment was deposited during lowstand ice sheet expansion, whereas a deglaciation sequence was laid down during a sea-level rise and ice margin retreat with the volume of meltwater and sediment input depending on temporary stillstands of the ice margin during the retreat phase. The duration of the cycles is between 9 and 11 Ma suggesting major global tectono-eustatic events. Smaller cycles probably linked to orbital forcing were superimposed on the longer-term events. A sequence stratigraphic approach using the stacking of deglaciation sequences with the ice margin advance phases forming bounding surfaces, can be a tool in the framework analysis of ancient glaciomarine basin fills.  相似文献   

A Late Hauterivian interval (127.5 Ma), called the ‘Faraoni Event’, which is characterised by the deposition of deep-marine black shales in the Mediterranean Tethys, is demonstrably of sufficient geological brevity to be qualified as an anoxic event. This event lies within the Pseudothurmannia catulloi ammonite subzone, coincides with the extinction of the calcareous nannofossil species Lithraphidites bollii, and records an increase in a globular planktonic foraminifer. High quantities of marine organic matter were preserved in pelagic successions from northern and central Italy, Switzerland, southeastern France, southern Spain and probably elsewhere in the Mediterranean Tethys and Atlantic Ocean. Carbon-isotope stratigraphy from Tethyan and Atlantic sections shows a minor positive excursion in the uppermost part of the Hauterivian and Lowermost Barremian, suggesting accelerated extraction of organic carbon from the ocean reservoir just after the ‘Faraoni Event’. The duration of this short event is less than 100 ka according to cyclostratigraphy and coincides with a third-order sea-level rise. It is likely that similar forcing mechanisms responsible for global OAEs operated during this short time interval. To cite this article: F. Baudin, C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

Progradational shoreface tongues preserve a near-complete depositional record of relative sea-level highstands, falls and lowstands. Two distinct styles of progradational shoreface tongue are examined in an extensive outcrop and subsurface dataset from Late Cretaceous strata of the Book Cliffs area, Utah, representing (i) highstand through attached lowstand progradation and (ii) highstand through detached lowstand progradation. Using this dataset, key geometrical attributes of the shoreface tongues and their internal facies architecture are identified and quantified that enable the reconstruction of relative sea-level fall history. For example, attached, wave-dominated lowstand shoreface deposits record a slow (0.2– 0.3 mm yr–1), low-magnitude (> 14 m) relative sea-level fall punctuated by minor rises. Detached, weakly wave-influenced lowstand shoreface deposits record a more rapid (0.4–0.5 mm yr–1), high-magnitude (> 45 m) relative sea-level fall synchronous with a marked change in sediment delivery and depositional process regime at the shoreline.  相似文献   

Nick Eyles   《Sedimentary Geology》2006,190(1-4):257-268
Water plays a dominant role in many glacial processes and the erosional, depositional and climatic significance of meltwaters and associated fluvioglacial processes cannot be overemphasized. At its maximum extent c. 20,000 years ago, the volume of the Laurentide ice sheet was 33 × 106 km3 (about the same as the volume of all ice present today on planet Earth). The bulk of this was released as water in little more than 10,000 years. Pulses of meltwater flowing to the Atlantic Ocean from large ice dammed lakes altered thermohaline circulation of the world's oceans and global climate. One such discharge event via Hudson Bay at 8200 years BP released 160,000 km3 of water in 12 months. Global sea levels recovered from glacial maximum low stands reached at about 20,000 years ago at an average rate of 15 m per thousand years but estimates of shorter term rates suggest as much as 20 m sea level rise in 1000 years and for short periods, rates as high as 4 m per hundred years. Meltwaters played a key role in lubricating ice sheet motion (and thus areal abrasion) across the inner portions of the ice sheet where it slid over rigid crystalline bedrock of the Canadian Shield. The recharge of meltwater into the ice sheets bed was instrumental in generating poorly sorted diamict sediments (till) by sliding-induced shearing and deformation of overpressured sediment and soft rock. The transformation of overpressured till into hyperconcentrated slurries in subglacial channels may have generated a highly effective erosional tool for selective overdeepening and sculpting of bedrock substrates. Some workers credit catastrophic subglacial ‘megafloods’ with the formation of drumlins and flutes on till surfaces. Subglacial melt river systems were instrumental in reworking large volumes of glaciclastic sediment to marine basins; it has been estimated that less than 6% of the total volume of glaciclastic sediment produced during the Pleistocene remains on land. Fluvioglacial and glaciolacustrine sediments and landforms dominate large tracts of the ‘glacial’ landscape in North America. The recharge of subglacial meltwater into underlying bedrock and sediment aquifers created transient reversals in the long-term equilibrium flow directions of basinal fluids. With regard to pre-Pleistocene glacial record, meltwaters moved enormous volumes of terrestrial ‘glaciclastic’ sediment to marine basins and thus played a key role in preserving a record of glaciation, a record otherwise almost entirely lost on land.  相似文献   

We present a relative sea-level (RSL) history, constrained by AMS radiocarbon-dated marine-freshwater transitions in isolation basins from a site adjacent to the Lambert Glacier, East Antarctica. The RSL data suggest an initial ice retreat between c. 15,370 and 12,660 cal yr B.P.. Within this period, meltwater pulse IA (mwp IA, between c. 14,600-14,200 and 14,100-13,700 cal yr B.P.) occurred; an exceptionally large ice melting event, inferred from far-field sea-level records. The RSL curve shows a pronounced highstand of approximately 8 m between c. 7570-7270 and 7250-6950 cal yr B.P. that is consistent with the timing of the RSL highstand in the nearby Vestfold Hills. This is followed by a fall in RSL to the present. In contrast to previous findings, the isolation of the lakes in the Larsemann Hills postdates the isolation of lakes with similar sill heights in the Vestfold Hills. An increase in RSL fall during the late Holocene may record a decline in the rate of isostatic uplift in the Larsemann Hills between c. 7250-6950 and 2847-2509 cal yr B.P., that occurred in response to a documented mid-Holocene glacier readvance followed by a late-Holocene retreat.  相似文献   

盆地演化与地球动力学旋回   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
盆地演化受地球演化节律所制约,节律由多层次构成。地球动力学旋回主要有3个级序:(1)超级大陆旋回,主要由羽柱构造的地幔对流动力学所控制,产生超级大陆的裂解和拼合,形成全球性同步隆升与沉降的克拉通盆地;(2)地槽旋回或造山旋回,主要由板块构造的岩石圈运动学所控制,按威尔逊旋回进展,发育各类盆地和造山带,形成“区域性”穿时开合与“非对称”互补;(3)褶皱幕或裂陷幕,主要由地体构造与拆层作用几何学所控制,产生盆地内各种构造样式和沉积样式,形成地方性的穿时递进变形,发育幕式变形和幕式沉积作用等。  相似文献   

After a prolonged period of convergent margin tectonics in the Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic, resulting in terrane accretion, uplift and erosion of the New Zealand segment of Gondwana, the region saw a rapid change to extensional tectonics in mid-Cretaceous times. The change in regime is commonly marked by a major angular unconformity that separates the older, often strongly-deformed subduction-related ‘basement’ rocks from the younger, less-deformed ‘cover’ strata. The youngest ‘basement’ strata locally contain Albian fossils, and the youngest associated zircons have been radiometrically dated at ca. 100 Ma. In general the oldest strata overlying the unconformity contain fossils of similar Albian age, and the oldest radiometric dates also give similar dates of ca. 100 Ma, indicating a very rapid transition between the two tectonic regimes.The onset of extension resulted in the widespread development of grabens and half grabens, associated in the northwest of the South Island with a metamorphic core complex. In the west and south, on the thicker and more buoyant crust of most of the South Island, the new basins were infilled with mainly non-marine deposits. Non-marine graben infill consists of locally-derived breccia deposited as talus or debris flows on alluvial fans, passing directly as fan deltas or via fluvial deposits into lacustrine deposits. Active faulting continued in some areas until the initiation of sea floor spreading in Santonian times. Post-subduction strata on the thinner continental crust of the northeastern South Island and eastern North Island (East Coast Basin) were mainly marine. Initial sedimentary deposits in the west of the basin, reflecting extensional tectonism, consist of coarse-grained debris-flow deposits or olistostromes, generally fining upwards as tectonic activity waned: those in the east, including allochthonous sediments derived from the northeast, are dominated by turbidites. Early Cenomanian (ca. 96–98 Ma) injection of intraplate alkaline igneous rocks in central New Zealand caused updoming, resulting in shallowing and local uplift of the basin floor above sea level. A long (ca. 10 Ma) period of slow subsidence and transgressive marine sedimentation interrupted by episodic relative sea level changes followed.This pattern changed in the Late Coniacian (ca. 87–86 Ma), with a sudden influx of coarse, transgressive sands in eastern New Zealand. This was immediately preceded in parts of the region by uplift and erosion, probably driven by convective upwelling of the mantle just prior to sea-floor spreading, resulting in a ‘break-up’ unconformity. In the Late Santonian (ca. 85–84 Ma), development of a new, diachronous, widespread low-relief erosion surface, overlain by fine-grained deposits accompanying a rapid rise in relative sea level, coincided with the beginning of sea-floor spreading, rapid passive margin subsidence, and final separation of New Zealand from Gondwana.  相似文献   

A comprehensive observational database of Holocene relative sea-level (RSL) index points from northwest Europe (Belgium, the Netherlands, northwest Germany, southern North Sea) has been compiled in order to compare and reassess the data collected from the different countries/regions and by different workers on a common time–depth scale. RSL rise varies in magnitude and form between these regions, revealing a complex pattern of differential crustal movement which cannot be solely attributed to tectonic activity. It clearly contains a non-linear, glacio- and/or hydro-isostatic subsidence component, which is only small on the Belgian coastal plain but increases significantly to a value of ca 7.5 m relative to Belgium since 8 cal. ka BP along the northwest German coast. The subsidence is at least in part related to the Post-Glacial collapse of the so-called peripheral forebulge which developed around the Fennoscandian centre of ice loading during the Last Glacial Maximum. The RSL data have been compared to geodynamic Earth models in order to infer the radial viscosity structure of the Earth's mantle underneath NW Europe (lithosphere thickness, upper- and lower-mantle viscosity), and conversely to predict RSL in regions where we have only few observational data (e.g. in the southern North Sea). A very broad range of Earth parameters fit the Belgian RSL data, suggesting that glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) only had a minor effect on Belgian crustal dynamics during and after the Last Ice Age. In contrast, a narrow range of Earth parameters define the southern North Sea region, reflecting the greater influence of GIA on these deeper/older samples. Modelled RSL data suggest that the zone of maximum forebulge subsidence runs in a relatively narrow, WNW–ESE trending band connecting the German federal state of Lower Saxony with the Dogger Bank area in the southern North Sea. Identification of the effects of local-scale factors such as past changes in tidal range or tectonic activity on the spatial and temporal variations of sea-level index points based on model-data comparisons is possible but is still complicated by the relatively large range of Earth model parameters fitting each RSL curve, emphasising the need for more high-quality observational data.  相似文献   

The volume of Antarctic ice at the Last Glacial Maximum is a key factor for calculating the past contribution of melting ice sheets to Late Pleistocene global sea level change. At present, there are large uncertainties in our knowledge of the extent and thickness of the formerly expanded Antarctic ice sheets, and in the timing of their release as meltwater into the world’s oceans. This paper reviews the four main approaches to determining former Antarctic ice volume, namely glacial geology, glacio-isostatic studies, glaciological modelling, and ice core analysis and attempts to reconcile these to give a ‘best estimate’ for ice volume. In the Ross Sea there was a major expansion of grounded ice at the Last Glacial Maximum, accounting for 2.3–3.2 m of global sea level. At some time in the Weddell Sea a large grounded ice sheet corresponding to c. 2.7 m of global sea level extended to the shelf break. However, this ice expansion has not yet been confidently dated and may not relate to the Last Glacial Maximum. Around East Antarctica there was thickening and advance offshore of ice in coastal regions. Ice core evidence suggests that the interior of East Antarctica was either close to its present elevation or thinner during the last glacial so the effect of East Antarctica on sea level depends on the net balance between marginal thickening and interior thinning. Suggested East Antarctic contributions vary from a 3–5.5 m lowering to a 0.64 m rise in global sea level. The Antarctic Peninsula ice sheet thickened and extended offshore at the Last Glacial Maximum, with a sea level equivalent contribution of c. 1.7 m. Thus, the Antarctic ice sheets accounted for between 6.1 and 13.1 m of global sea level fall at the Last Glacial Maximum. This is substantially less than has been suggested by most previous studies but the maximum figure matches well with one modelling estimate. The timing of Antarctic deglaciation is not well known. In the Ross Sea, terrestrial evidence suggests deglaciation may have begun at c. 13,000 yr BP1 but that grounded ice persisted until c. 6,500 yr BP. Marine evidence suggests the western Ross Sea was deglaciated by c. 11,500 yr BP. Deglaciation of the Weddell Sea is poorly constrained. Grounded ice in the northern Antarctic Peninsula had retreated by c. 13,000 yr BP, and further south deglaciation occurred sometime prior to c. 6,000 yr BP. Many parts of coastal East Antarctica apparently escaped glaciation at the LGM, but in those areas that were ice-covered deglaciation was underway by 10,000 yr BP. With existing data, the timing of deglaciation shows no firm relation to northern hemisphere-driven sea level rise. This is probably due partly to lack of Antarctic dating evidence but also to the combined influence of several forcing mechanisms acting during deglaciation.  相似文献   

Mapping of glacial meltwater channels along the length of the 25-km Mid-Cheshire Ridge reveals evidence for four distinctive channel morphologies, which are used to establish the pattern of meltwater flow during the Late Devensian glaciation. A key characteristic of all channels is an abrupt change in morphology between inception on the Mid-Cheshire Ridge and the downstream continuation on the surrounding Cheshire Plain, with large reductions in channel cross-sectional area at this point. The interpretation of this evidence is that meltwater flowing off the bedrock ridge was absorbed into a layer of permeable sediment beneath the Late Devensian ice sheet. This permeable sediment is significant because it would have acted as a deforming layer beneath the former ice sheet in this area. Reconstruction of the Late Devensian ice sheet based on information from the meltwater channels and using values of shear stresses typical of ice sheets resting on deformable beds (ca. 20 kPa) suggests an ice surface elevation over the Irish Sea of ca. 700 m. This value is considerably less than previous estimates of the vertical extent of the ice sheet of ca. 1000–1200 m and has important implications for the rapidity and mode of deglaciation during the Late Devensian. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Paul Harrison 《Geoforum》2002,33(4):487-503
This paper aims to bring the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein into contact with the growing interest and concerns over the status of practice, performance and non-representational ‘theory’ within human geography. Drawing predominantly on Wittgenstein’s later work, the aim is to use Wittgenstein’s comments to illuminate how certain presuppositions and idealisations over the nature of understanding and meaning are or have been built into our (social scientific) modes and methods of explanation. Thus Wittgenstein’s work is used as a diagnosis––a diagnosis of how the modus operandi of giving an explanation can, and often does, prevent us from acknowledging the practical and the performative, from witnessing the taking-place of meaning and understanding. The paper carries out this task by focusing first on Wittgenstein’s critique of the role of ‘rules’ and ‘rule-following’ in the construction of social scientific accounts and secondly, through a consideration of the implications of Wittgenstein’s ‘scenic’ style of writing through which he attempts to deconstruct the epistemo-methodological idealisations and representationalist desires of social analysis. The claim here is not that Wittgenstein’s work provides the solution to the problematics which confront us in considering the status (or otherwise) of practice, but rather that his work may provide us with other ways of going-on, ones more sensitive to the eventful, creative, excessive and distinctly uncertain realms of action.  相似文献   

The distribution of foraminifers, ostracods, diatoms and pollen is studied in cores from submarine boreholes. This reveals that the history of the Flandrian transgression is largely the record of the infilling of meltwater channels cut during the early Late Glacial with transgressive estuarine and finally marine deposits. It also supports the idea of the ‘climatic earliness’ of the Welsh seaboard at all stages. Estuarine deposits in excess of —51 m O.D. suggest that Late Glacial sea levels were initially as low as —60 m O.D. and support the idea that the Welsh ice withdrew before 14,000 years B.P. The sea-level rise plots as a smooth curve but was probably episodic in its early phases.  相似文献   

Many of the estuaries of the Pacific Northwest of the U.S.A. and Canada contain stratigraphic sequences typified by alternating peat-mud couplets. Recent studies in this region interpret such couplets as the product of repeated large (magnitude S or 9) earthquakes on the Cascadia subduction zone. The resultant pattern of land-level movements is described by a model, the ‘earthquake deformation cycle’, of coseismic land subsidence followed by land uplift during interseismic strain accumulation. However, peat-mud couplets similar to those recorded in the Pacific Northwest are found on other less tectonically active temperate-latitude coasts, such as northwest Europe and the Atlantic coast of the U.S.A., where they have been interpreted as the product of non-seismic coastal processes. In this paper we apply the methods and scientific framework common to sea-level investigations in northwest Europe to a sequence of peat-mud couplets recorded in the lower Johns River, an estuary in southern Washington, to provide a test of the ‘earthquake deformation cycle’.Stratigraphic investigations of the intertidal sediments along the lower Johns River, using lithological, pollen, diatom and foraminiferal data, show evidence for eight coastal submergence events during the last 5000 years. To evaluate the ‘earthquake deformation cycle’ we assess the lateral extent of peat-mud couplets, the synchroneity of submergence, the presence of tsunami deposits accompanying submergence, and the suddenness and amount of submergence. Each submergence is shown to be accompanied by changes in coastal sedimentation broadly commensurate with those predicted by the ‘earthquake deformation cycle’, demonstrating the continued intermittent seismic activity of the Cascadia subduction zone throughout the mid and late-Holocene.Quantitative analyses of contemporary and fossil biostratigraphic data, using TWINSPAN and Detrended Correspondence Analysis, enable us to estimate the magnitude of submergence accompanying each peat-mud couplet. One event was accompanied by submergence of about 1.5 m or more, four events by intermediate submergence of about 1±0.5 m, and a further three events by submergence of <0.5 m. There is evidence for non-seismic relative sea-level rise prior to two of the eight submergence events, but for at least the last 3500 years the magnitude of relative sea-level rise has been less than the combined influence of sediment accretion following submergence and interseismic land uplift.  相似文献   

The Roer Valley Rift System (RVRS) is located between the West European rift and the North Sea rift system. During the Cenozoic, the RVRS was characterized by several periods of subsidence and inversion, which are linked to the evolution of the adjacent rift systems. Combination of subsidence analysis and results from the analysis of thickness distributions and fault systems allows the determination of the Cenozoic evolution and quantification of the subsidence. During the Early Paleocene, the RVRS was inverted (Laramide phase). The backstripping method shows that the RVRS was subsequently mainly affected by two periods of subsidence, during the Late Paleocene and the Oligocene–Quaternary time intervals, separated by an inversion phase during the Late Eocene. During the Oligocene and Miocene periods, the thickness of the sediments and the distribution of the active faults reveal a radical rotation of the direction of extension by about 70–80° (counter clockwise). Integration of these results at a European scale indicates that the Late Paleocene subsidence was related to the evolution of the North Sea basins, whereas the Oligocene–Quaternary subsidence is connected to the West European rift evolution. The distribution of the inverted provinces also shows that the Early Paleocene inversion (Laramide phase) has affected the whole European crust, whereas the Late Eocene inversion was restricted to the southern North Sea basins and the Channel area. Finally, comparison of these deformations in the European crust with the evolution of the Alpine chain suggests that the formation of the Alps has controlled the evolution of the European crust since the beginning of the Cenozoic.  相似文献   

The paleogeographic evolution of Late Paleozoic basins located in southern South America is addressed. Three major types of basins are recognized: infracratonic or intraplate, arc-related, and retroarc. Intraplate basins (i.e., Paraná, Chaco-Paraná, Sauce Grande-Colorado, and La Golondrina) are floored by continental or quasi-continental crust, with low or moderate subsidence rates and limited magmatic and tectonic activity. Arc-related basins (northern and central Chile, Navidad–Arizaro, Río Blanco, and Calingasta–Uspallata basins and depocenters along Chilean Patagonia) show a very complex tectonic history, widespread magmatic activity, high subsidence rates, and in some cases metamorphism of Late Paleozoic sediments. An intermediate situation corresponds to the retroarc basins (eastern Madre de Dios, Tarija, Paganzo, and Tepuel-Genoa), which lack extensive magmatism and metamorphism but in which coeval tectonism and sedimentation rates were likely more important than those in the intraplate region. According to the stratigraphic distribution of Late Paleozoic sediments, regional-scale discontinuities, and sedimentation pattern changes, five major paleogeographic stages are proposed. The lowermost is restricted to the proto-Pacific and retroarc basins, corresponds to the Mississippian (stage 1), and is characterized by shallow marine and transitional siliciclastic sediments. During stage 2 (Early Pennsylvanian), glacial–postglacial sequences dominated the infracratonic (or intraplate) and retroarc basins, and terrigenous shallow marine sediments prevailed in arc-related basins. Stage 3 (Late Pennsylvanian–Early Cisuralian) shows the maximum extension of glacial–postglacial sediments in the Paraná and Sauce Grande-Colorado basins (intraplate region), whereas fluvial deposits interfingering with thin intervals of shallow marine sediments prevailed in the retroarc basins. To the west, arc-related basins were dominated by coastal to deep marine conditions (including turbiditic successions). In the Late Cisuralian (stage 4), important differences in sedimentation patterns are registered for the western arc-related basins and eastern intraplate basins. The former were locally dominated by volcaniclastic sediments or marine deposits, and the intraplate basins are characterized by shallow marine conditions punctuated by several episodes of deltaic progradation. Finally, in the Late Permian (stage 5), volcanism and volcaniclastic sedimentation dominated in basins located along the western South American margin. The intraplate basins in turn were characterized by T–R cycles composed of shallow marine, deltaic, and fluvial siliciclastic deposits.  相似文献   

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