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Palaeoenvironmental studies combining 14C dating, palaeobotanical and archaeological data provide information about the human reaction to Holocene environmental changes registered in the surroundings of Biržulis Lake in northwest Lithuania.Responding to water regression, early Mesolithic communities were established on the lower lake terraces, which were overgrown by predominantly birch and pine forest. The formation of a mixed forest with Ulmus (immigrated at 8100–7500 cal yr BC), Corylus (7600–7200 cal yr BC) and Alnus (7300–6900 cal yr BC) provided plenty of natural resources, which led to the increase in population during the late Mesolithic. The expansion of Tilia (6400–5900 cal yr BC) and Quercus (5900–5700 cal yr BC), as well as the subsequent flourishing of broad-leaved forest, provided inhabitants with suitable living conditions.The reduction of broad-leaved woodland and the expansion of Picea (4400–3700 cal yr BC), which suggest changing temperature and moisture conditions as well as increasing erosion activity, could have negatively influenced the early-middle Neolithic population, as evidenced by the partial abandoning of the land. The lowering of the water level and thinning of the forest structure possibly related to some dry episode, positively influenced late Neolithic groups, as intensive exploitation of the area, including the earliest attempts at agriculture, has been registered. Since 1770–1490 cal yr BC, when intensive bogging began, evidence of periodic inhabitation around the lake has been registered.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean climate and its variability depend on global-scale climate patterns. Close correlations appear when comparing Holocene palaeoenvironmental data (lake levels, fluvial activity, Mediterranean surface temperature and salinity, marine sedimentation) with the main stages of the history of the circum-Mediterranean vegetation. They indicate an evolution of the Mediterranean biome controlled by the climate and emphasize the teleconnections between the climate of the Mediterranean area and the global climatic system. In the circum-Mediterranean area, the Holocene can be divided into three periods: a lower humid Holocene (11 500–7000 cal BP) interrupted by dry episodes; a transition phase (7000–5500 cal BP) during which occurred a decrease in insolation as well as the installation of the present atmosphere circulation in the northern hemisphere; and an upper Holocene (5500 cal BP—present) characterized by an aridification process. Throughout the Holocene, humans used and modified more or less strongly the environment but the climatic changes were the determining factors of the evolution of the Mediterranean biome. Societies had to adapt to natural environmental variations, their impact on the environment increasing the ecological consequences of the global changes.  相似文献   

The wild horse Equus ferus was one of the most frequent species of the Late Pleistocene large ungulate fauna in Eurasia and played an important role in the subsistence of human groups, especially at the end the Late Glacial. It is frequently assumed that E. ferus became extinct in Europe at the beginning of the Holocene because of the development of woodlands and loss of open habitats. Because of its preference for open habitats and in spite of its adaptability, the appearance or disappearance of the wild horse could therefore be a suitable palaeoecological indicator for the opening of the Holocene primeval woodlands. We revised the dating and reliability of the subfossil record and dated several bones by atomic mass spectrometry 14C dating. From the beginning of the Holocene (9600 cal a BC) to the end of the Atlantic Period (3750 cal a BC) there are 207 archaeological sites with wild horse records available in Europe. E. ferus survived the Pleistocene Holocene transition in Europe, but the spatiotemporal dynamics of populations fluctuated remarkably in the early and middle Holocene. Small and sparse populations increasingly became extinct during the early Holocene, until between 7100 and 5500 cal a BC the wild horse was almost absent in central parts of the European Lowlands. Particular conditions in natural open patches in the canopy forests, chalklands and floodplains may have maintained the local survival of the horse in some regions of the Lowlands, however. In the Late Atlantic, between 5500 and 3750 cal a BC the range of the wild horse was again extended. It re‐immigrated into central and western Europe, probably as a consequence of increasing landscape opening by Neolithic peoples. The data presented here may be a valuable part of the debate on the degree of openness of the early and middle Holocene landscape. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Core SA03-1 from the southern Adriatic Sea (EC-Eurostrataform project) provides new information about climate changes and palaeocirculation in the Adriatic region during the last deglaciation. The results of an integrated study based on pollen and foraminifera records of the part of the core spanning the late Pleistocene–early Holocene transition (including the late Younger Dryas, the Preboreal and the beginning of the Boreal) are presented. The major vegetation changes and the short-term oscillations occurred during the early Holocene warming in the southern Adriatic basin on the basis of a high-resolution pollen record are documented. Vegetation changes are correlated to short-term oscillations detected in the foraminifera record during the same interval. The two independent terrestrial and marine proxies indicate at least three short-term cold and dry oscillations occurring at 11.2–11, 10.8–10.4 and 10 cal ka BP, according to the age–depth model adopted in this study. Finally, adopting an event-stratigraphy approach, the comparison of these results with two western Mediterranean records of Preboreal short-term oscillations suggest the occurrence of synchronous bio-events in the Mediterranean basin.  相似文献   

Vegetation and lake-level data from the archaeological site of Tresserve, on the eastern shore of Lake Le Bourget (Savoie, France), are used to provide quantitative estimates of climatic variables over the period 4000–2300 cal BP in the northern French Pre-Alps, and to examine the possible impact of climatic changes on societies of the Bronze and early Iron Ages. The results obtained indicate that phases of higher lake level at 3500–3100 and 2750–2350 cal BP coincided with major climate reversals in the North Atlantic area. In west-central Europe, they were marked by cooler and wetter conditions. These two successive events may have affected ancient agricultural communities in west-central Europe by provoking harvest failures, more particularly due to increasing precipitation during the growing season. However, archaeological data in the region of Franche-Comté (Jura Mountains, eastern France) show a general expansion of population density from the middle Bronze Age to the early Iron Age. This suggests a relative emancipation of proto-historic societies from climatic conditions, probably in relation to the spread of new modes of social and economic organisation.  相似文献   

The multi-proxy analysis of sediment cores recovered in karstic Lake Estanya (42°02′ N, 0°32′ E; 670 m a. s. l., NE Spain), located in the transitional area between the humid Pyrenees and the semi-arid Central Ebro Basin, provides the first high-resolution, continuous sedimentary record in the region, extending back the last 21 000 years. The integration of sedimentary facies, elemental and isotopical geochemistry and biogenic silica, together with a robust age model based on 17 AMS radiocarbon dates, enables precise reconstruction of the main hydrological and environmental changes in the region during the last deglaciation.Arid conditions, represented by shallow lake levels, predominantly saline waters and reduced organic productivity occurred throughout the last glacial maximum (21–18 cal kyrs BP) and the lateglacial, reaching their maximum intensity during the period 18–14.5 cal kyrs BP (including Heinrich event 1) and the Younger Dryas (12.9–11.6 cal kyrs BP). Less saline conditions characterized the 14.5–12.6 cal kyrs BP period, suggesting higher effective moisture during the Bölling/Allerød. The onset of more humid conditions started at 9.4 cal kyrs, indicating a delayed hydrological response to the onset of the Holocene which is also documented in several sites of the Mediterranean Basin. Higher, although fluctuating, Holocene lake levels were punctuated by a mid Holocene arid period between 4.8 and 4.0 cal kyrs BP. A major lake-level rise occurred at 1.2 cal kyrs BP, conducive to the establishment of conditions similar to the present and interrupted by a last major water level drop, occurring around 800 cal yrs BP, which coincides with the Medieval Climate Anomaly.The main hydrological stages in Lake Estanya are in phase with most Western Mediterranean and North Atlantic continental and marine records, but our results also show similarities with other Iberian and northern African reconstructions, emphasizing peculiarities of palaeohydrological evolution of the Iberian Peninsula during the last deglaciation.  相似文献   

A major environmental and societal event struck the Mediterranean basin during the 9th millennium cal BP. A sudden and major climatic crisis occurred in the Northern Hemisphere around 8200 cal BP leading to hyper arid conditions along a tropical zone between 15° and 40° North (Near and Middle East), cooler and wetter conditions in western and central Europe, and marked climatic irregularity in the northern Mediterranean basin. At the same time, frequent cultural gaps are observed in cave infillings from Greece to the Spanish peninsula between 8500 and 8000 cal BP, making the vision of the European Mesolithic–Neolithic transition more complex. Furthermore, a stratigraphic and socio-economic rupture associated with a spatial redistribution of sites characterizes the PPNB-NC/Yarmoukian transition in the Near East. The impact of these climatic and environmental changes in the first centuries of the neolithisation of Mediterranean Europe is discussed, using the socio-cultural, economic, stratigraphic and chronological evidence for the first farmers and last hunter-gatherers. This evidence is compared to recent paleoclimatic and geo-archaeological data obtained from prehistoric contexts, in order to measure the hydro-morphological impact on activities in valleys and karstic rockshelters.  相似文献   

Three independent varve (annually laminated) chronologies, verified by paleomagnetic dating, were used in the present biostratigraphical study to investigate the history of the Baltic basin in central Finland. Diatom analyses of the studied sediment sequences show the transition from the Ancylus Lake taxa to small-lake diatoms at the isolation boundary. These three varved profiles provide the following data and information on early Holocene events in central Finland: (i) a shoreline displacement curve between the deglaciation at ca. 9000 BC and ca. 7000 BC, (ii) relative emergence of the land area between 116 and 96 m above the present day sea level, which proceeded at a rate of ca. 2.6 cm year−1, (iii) the calendar year age for the Lake Ancylus at ca. 8250–8200 BC, and (iv) the calendar year age for the Betula/Pinus pollen zone boundary (ca. 8100 BC) and Alnus arrival (ca. 7100 BC).  相似文献   

Beetle remains from a small bog in southern Sweden contribute information concerning the forest history of the study area. The study shows that beetles are valuable indicators of woodland structures such as openness, field vegetation, presence of dead wood and disturbance factors such as climate change, fire regimes, grazing and land use. The early Holocene, ca. 8600–6450 cal. BC, was characterised by open, pine‐dominated woodlands maintained by fire and grazing disturbances. The changes in the wetland fauna, between 8600 and 7500 cal. BC, correlate well with low lake levels in southern Sweden. During the mid Holocene, ca. 6450–2400 cal. BC, the woodlands were relatively dense, with few openings in the canopy. Around 4200 cal. BC, there was a shift to a dominance of deciduous trees. Fire and grazing pressures were particularly low. Numbers of aquatic and hygrophilic beetles indicate dry conditions between ca. 5000 and 3000 cal. BC. During the late Holocene, ca. 2400 cal. BC to present, the woodlands opened up mainly through increased land use. The main disturbance factors were fire and grazing. The beetles indicate the formation of heather‐dominated heathland around 800 cal. BC. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. This article was published online on 23 December 2008. An error was subsequently identified. This notice is included in the online and print versions to indicate that both have been corrected (5 August 2009).  相似文献   

Atle Nesje   《Quaternary Science Reviews》2009,28(21-22):2119-2136
During the early Holocene abrupt, decadal to centennial-scale climate variations caused significant glacier variations in Norway. Increased freshwater inflow to the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans has been suggested as one of the most likely mechanisms to explain the abrupt and significant Lateglacial and early Holocene climatic events in NW Europe. The largest early Holocene glacier readvances occurred 11,200, 10,500, 10,100, 9700, 9200 and 8400–8000 cal. yr BP. The studied Norwegian glaciers apparently melted away at least once during the early/mid-Holocene. The period with the most contracted glaciers in Scandinavia was between 6600 and 6000 cal. yr BP. Subsequent to 6000 cal. yr BP the glaciers started to advance and the most extensive glaciers existed at about 5600, 4400, 3300, 2300, 1600 cal. yr BP, and during the ‘Little Ice Age’. Times with overall less glacier activity were apparently around 5000, 4000, 3000, 2000, and 1200 cal. yr BP. It has been proposed that several glacier advances occurred in Scandinavia (including northern Sweden) at 8500–7900, 7400–7200, 6300–6100, 5900–5800, 5600–5300, 5100–4800, 4600–4200, 3400–3200, 3000–2800, 2700–2000, 1900–1600, 1200–1000, and 700–200 cal. yr BP. Glaciers in northern Sweden probably reached their greatest ‘Little Ice Age’ extent between the 17th and the beginning of the 18th centuries. Evidence for early Holocene glacier advances in northern Scandinavia, however, has been questioned by more recent, multi-disciplinary studies. The early to mid-Holocene glacier episodes in northern Sweden may therefore be questioned.Most Norwegian glaciers attained their maximum ‘Little Ice Age’ extent during the mid-18th century. Cumulative glacier length variations in southern Norway, based on marginal moraines dated by lichenometry and historic evidence, show an overall retreat from the mid-18th century until the 1930s–40s. Subsequently, most Norwegian glaciers retreated significantly. Maritime outlet glaciers with short frontal time lags (<10–15 years) started to advance in the mid-1950s, whereas long outlet glaciers with longer frontal time lags (>15–20 years) continued their retreat to the 1970s and 1980s. However, maritime glaciers started to advance as a response to higher winter accumulation during the first part of the 1990s. After 2000 several of the observed glaciers have retreated remarkably fast (annual frontal retreat > 100 m) mainly due to high summer temperatures. The general glacier retreat during the early Holocene and the Neoglacial advances after 6000 cal. yr BP are in line with orbital forcing, due to the decrease of Northern Hemisphere summer solar insolation and the increase in winter insolation. In addition, regional weather modes, such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the Arctic Oscillation (AO), play a significant role with respect to decadal and multi-decadal climate variability.  相似文献   

A lake sediment core spanning 9900 years, collected from a small lake on western Victoria Island, NWT, Canada, provides a high-resolution record of diatom community dynamics over the Holocene. Ten radiocarbon dates and 210Pb dating provided the core chronology. Loss-on-ignition (LOI), magnetic susceptibility, biogenic silica content, and diatom concentrations provided information on changes in the sedimentary environment. LOI gradually increased over the Holocene whereas magnetic susceptibility showed an inverse trend. Biogenic silica content showed three distinct peaks spaced approximately 3000 years apart. Major shifts in diatom assemblages occurred at 8100–8000, 5800–5700, and 3800–3500 cal yr BP. There is evidence of diatom community response to centennial-scale variations such as the ‘Medieval Warm Period’ (1000–700 cal yr BP), ‘Little Ice Age’ (800–150 cal yr BP) and recent warming. Although recent changes in diatom community composition, productivity, and species richness are apparent they were surpassed at other periods throughout the Holocene. Variations of the taxa within the genera Staurosira, Pseudostaurosira, Fragilaria, and Staurosirella, usually combined into one genus in Arctic lake sediment studies, suggest these taxa provide useful insight into paleonvironmental questions.  相似文献   

This review summarizes forefield and lacustrine records of glacier fluctuations in Alaska during the Holocene. Following retreat from latest Pleistocene advances, valley glaciers with land-based termini were in retracted positions during the early to middle Holocene. Neoglaciation began in some areas by 4.0 ka and major advances were underway by 3.0 ka, with perhaps two distinct early Neoglacial expansions centered respectively on 3.3–2.9 and 2.2–2.0 ka. Tree-ring cross-dates of glacially killed trees at two termini in southern Alaska show a major advance in the AD 550s–720s. The subsequent Little Ice Age (LIA) expansion was underway in the AD 1180s–1320s and culminated with two advance phases respectively in the 1540s–1710s and in the 1810s–1880s. The LIA advance was the largest Holocene expansion in southern Alaska, although older late Holocene moraines are preserved on many forefields in northern and interior Alaska.Tidewater glaciers around the rim of the Gulf of Alaska have made major advances throughout the Holocene. Expansions were often asynchronous with neighboring termini and spanned both warm and cool intervals, suggesting that non-climatic factors were important in forcing these advances. However, climatic warming appears to have initiated most rapid iceberg-calving retreats. Large glaciers terminating on the forelands around the Gulf of Alaska may have had tidewater termini early in the Holocene, but have progressively become isolated from the adjacent ocean by the accumulation and subaerial exposure of their own sediments.  相似文献   

Paleoclimatic records from the climatically sensitive Canadian prairies are relatively rare due to the scarcity of study sites with continuous Holocene stratigraphic sequences. Oro Lake, a meromictic lake in the dry grasslands of Saskatchewan (Canada), contains a continuous Holocene diatom record spanning the last 10,000 years. Here we present analyses at three different time scales and resolution: (1) 1–3 yr resolution of the past 80 years, (2) century-scale analysis of the Holocene, and (3) decadal-scale analysis of the past 7000 years. Recent changes in the diatom assemblages and their respective salinity inferences were significantly related to measured effective moisture (precipitation minus evaporation, P−ET). The droughts of the 1930s, and a wet period during the 1950s are clearly evident in the diatom record, suggesting the Oro Lake record contains a sensitive archive of past climatic conditions. Century-scale analysis of the diatom record during the Holocene is consistent with a cool and moist climate in the early Holocene (prior to ca 9700 cal yr BP, 8600 14C yr BP). An abrupt increase in diatom-inferred salinity at 9600 cal yr BP (8500 14C yr BP) indicates the onset of an arid climate, with continuing arid conditions throughout the mid-Holocene. Decadal-scale analysis of the past 7000 years suggests that the mid-Holocene was more complex, with extended periods of increased variability in precipitation, particularly between ca 5800–3600 cal yr BP (5000–3200 14C yr BP) which is characterized by intervals of increased effective moisture. The past 2000 years is characterized by reduced salinities and generally wetter conditions in comparison to the mid-Holocene. The combination of the different scales of analyses in this study provides a detailed account of the dynamic nature of climate from sub-decadal to millennial scale in the Oro Lake region within the Palliser Triangle. Climate model predictions suggest that the Canadian prairie region may see a higher frequency of extreme droughts under projected global warming, potentially similar to the most arid periods seen during the mid-Holocene when many lake basins completely dried out.  相似文献   

Sedimentological and benthic foraminifera analyses carried out on a core (length 4.15 m, collected at 22°56′31″S and 41°58′48″W, at a water depth of 43 m) sampled from the inner shelf of Cabo Frio, southeastern Brazilian continental margin, allowed identification of different hydrodynamic and productivity regimes related to sea-level fluctuations and/or climatic changes, during the last 9.4 ka cal BP. Prior to 7.0 ka cal BP, a less intense hydrodynamic and lower productivity regime occurred at lower sea levels and under drier climatic conditions. Between 7.0 and 5.0 ka cal BP, relatively stronger local oceanic circulation and relatively high productivity were observed, in a scenario of rising sea levels and more humid conditions. From 5.0 to 3.0 ka cal BP, bottom currents weakened and input of nutrients increased, with productivity levels similar to the previous phase at lower sea level and in a drier climate. From 3.0 ka cal BP up to the present, stronger hydrodynamic conditions and a higher productivity regime are linked to the establishment of the upwelling process in Cabo Frio. From 2.5 ka cal BP to the present, upwelling enhancement has been recognized, resulting from the combined action of NE winds and the intensification of the meandering pattern of the Brazil Current (BC).  相似文献   

The Sierra Nevada of southern Spain is a landscape with a rich biological and cultural heritage. The range was extensively glaciated during the late Pleistocene. However, the postglacial paleoecologic history of the highest range in southern Europe is nearly completely unknown. Here we use sediments from a small lake above present treeline – Laguna de Río Seco at 3020 m elevation – in a paleoecological study documenting over 11,500 calendar years of vegetation, fire and climate change, addressing ecological and paleoclimatic issues unique to this area through comparison with regional paleoecological sequences. The early record is dominated by Pinus pollen, with Betula, deciduous Quercus, and grasses, with an understory of shrubs. It is unlikely that pine trees grew around the lake, and fire was relatively unimportant at this site during this period. Aquatic microfossils indicate that the wettest conditions and highest lake levels at Laguna de Río Seco occurred before 7800 cal yr BP. This is in contrast to lower elevation sites, where wettest conditions occurred after ca 7800. Greater differences in early Holocene seasonal insolation may have translated to greater snowpack and subsequently higher lake levels at higher elevations, but not necessarily at lower elevations, where higher evaporation rates prevailed. With declining seasonality after ca 8000 cal yr BP, but continuing summer precipitation, lake levels at the highest elevation site remained high, but lake levels at lower elevation sites increased as evaporation rates declined. Drier conditions commenced regionally after ca 5700 cal yr BP, shown at Laguna de Río Seco by declines in wetland pollen, and increases in high elevation steppe shrubs common today (Juniperus, Artemisia, and others). The disappearance or decline of mesophytes, such as Betula from ca 4000 cal yr BP is part of a regional depletion in Mediterranean Spain and elsewhere in Europe from the mid to late Holocene. On the other hand, Castanea sativa increased in Laguna de Río Seco record after ca 4000 cal yr BP, and especially in post-Roman times, probably due to arboriculture. Though not as important at high than at low elevations, fire occurrence was elevated, particularly after ca 3700 years ago, in response to regional human population expansion. The local and regional impact of humans increased substantially after ca 2700 years ago, with the loss of Pinus forest within the mountain range, increases in evidence of pasturing herbivores around the lake, and Olea cultivation at lower elevations. Though human impact was not as extensive at high elevation as at lower elevation sites in southern Iberia, this record confirms that even remote sites were not free of direct human influence during the Holocene.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2019,351(7):487-497
In this study, we explored the evidence of late Holocene climate changes in southern Tunisia, examining extreme events of flood and sandstorm sedimentary succession records, in Sebkha Mhabeul. A sediment-derived climatic proxy was inferred from a 93.5-cm-deep core (Mh1), whose dating by tephrochronology has already been achieved in previous works. Multiple geochemical, sedimentological, magnetic susceptibility, and quartz grain microtexture proxies were used to determine the shifts in regional climatic conditions. The Sebkha core captured sensitive changes in the precipitation/evaporation (P/E) balance by adjustments in salinity, and is especially valuable for reconstructing variability over centennial timescales. The Sebkha Mhabeul area showed higher salinity during the Roman Warm Period (RWP: 2100–1400 cal yr BP), the Medieval Warm Period (MWP: 1000–600 cal yr BP) and the present era, and generally lower salinity during the Dark Ages (DA: 1400-1000 cal yr BP) and the Little Ice Age (LIA: 600-200 cal yr BP).In southeastern Tunisia, the hydrological behavior was sometimes consistent with the flood activities in the eastern Mediterranean, and sometimes contemporaneous with the flood pulsations of the western Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Holocene climatic and paleoceanographic development of the SE Greenland Shelf is studied from cores MD99-2317 and MD99-2322, at sites north and south of the Denmark Strait, respectively. Lithofacies, IRD counts, calcium carbonate percentages, benthic and planktic foraminiferal assemblages and oxygen isotope analyses, and summer SSTs reveal significant climate variations in the Holocene driven by declining solar insolation and its interaction with waning continental ice sheets, and changing atmospheric pressure patterns. Large changes in the East Greenland and Irminger Currents and the Greenland Ice Sheet are manifested as a 4-part division of the Holocene. An early Holocene cold interval dominated by melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet and Polar Front retreat extends from 11.8 to 9.5 cal kyr BP. A cold interval from 9.5 to 8.1 cal kyr BP involved episodic cooling of the Irminger Current resulting from the last phases of Laurentide Ice Sheet deglaciation and delayed the Holocene optimum off East Greenland by 3 kyr relative to peak summer solar insolation, which likely helped to limit the early Holocene melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet. The period 8.1–3.5 cal kyr BP represents a climatic optimum interval of maximum Greenland Ice Sheet retreat and strong Irminger Current inflow to the Denmark Strait. Between 6.8 and 3.5 cal kyr BP, the Irminger Current penetrated further North into the Nordic Seas than has been observed in recent decades. This signal is consistent with diminished northerly winds, a weaker Greenland High and contracted subpolar gyre. By 5 cal kyr BP, periods of increased Polar Water and decreasing salinity in the Irminger Current suggest a transition toward expansion of the subpolar gyre and increased Polar Water in the EGC. The Neoglacial interval from 3.5 to 0.2 cal kyr BP was cold and variable with increased freshwater forcing from the Arctic Ocean, advance of the Greenland Ice Sheet and southward advance of the Polar Front. Enhanced northerly winds and a strengthened Greenland High are consistent with thicker and more extensive Polar Water and greatly diminished northward advection of Irminger Current in the Denmark Strait.  相似文献   

The Last Termination (19 000–11 000 a BP) with its rapid and distinct climate shifts provides a perfect laboratory to study the nature and regional impact of climate variability. The sedimentary succession from the ancient lake at Hässeldala Port in southern Sweden with its distinct Lateglacial/early Holocene stratigraphy (>14.1–9.5 cal. ka BP) is one of the few chronologically well‐constrained, multi‐proxy sites in Europe that capture a variety of local and regional climatic and environmental signals. Here we present Hässeldala's multi‐proxy records (lithology, geochemistry, pollen, diatoms, chironomids, biomarkers, hydrogen isotopes) in a refined age model and place the observed changes in lake status, catchment vegetation, summer temperatures and hydroclimate in a wider regional context. Reconstructed mean July temperatures increased between c. 14.1 and c. 13.1 cal. ka BP and subsequently declined. This latter cooling coincided with drier hydroclimatic conditions that were probably associated with a freshening of the Nordic Seas and started a few hundred years before the onset of Greenland Stadial 1 (c. 12.9 cal. ka BP). Our proxies suggest a further shift towards colder and drier conditions as late as c. 12.7 cal. ka BP, which was followed by the establishment of a stadial climate regime (c. 12.5–11.8 cal. ka BP). The onset of warmer and wetter conditions preceded the Holocene warming over Greenland by c. 200 years. Hässeldala's proxies thus highlight the complexity of environmental and hydrological responses across abrupt climate transitions in northern Europe.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to reconstruct the variation in the vegetation during the Holocene on the Northern Meseta through pollen analysis in order to determine the roles played by Pinus and Quercus in the vegetation dynamics. A new pollen sequence, Camporredondo, in the centre of the Duero River basin, Northern Meseta, Spain, is presented. It covers the period from ca 11,250 to 1630 cal yr BP. The Camporredondo sequence suggests that a forested landscape existed from the start of the Holocene with values of approximately 90% of arboreal pollen mainly derived from pine forests in the surroundings. Shortly after 8600 cal yr BP pine forests continued to dominate but the landscape became more open while stands of deciduous and evergreen Quercus developed. Around 4500 years ago, coinciding with the start of a period of less rainfall, the lacustrine areas in these territories began to silt up, favouring hydrophytic taxa such as Salix or Cyperaceae. A comparison with other Holocene pollen sequences from the central-eastern part of the Northern Meseta confirms the presence of pine forests in the whole region since the early Holocene. We discuss the variations of the general vegetation pattern in terms of the local or regional conditions at each site. Throughout the Holocene, Pinus forests dominated at least in the eastern half of the Duero River basin. The typical Holocene substitution of conifers by broadleaf species as recorded in other parts of the Iberian Peninsula and Europe, never takes place in the study area. The results of the present study suggest that the current view of the potential vegetation in the Spanish Northern Meseta should be reviewed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the possible links between regional climate, fire and vegetation at the small spatial scale during the early and mid Holocene in southern Sweden using pollen, plant macrofossil and charcoal records from a small bog. The fire history was compared with climate reconstructions inferred from various proxy records in the study region. High fire activity is related to dry and warm climate around 8550, 7600, 5500–5100 and 4500 cal. a BC. Low fire activity ca. 6500–6000 and 4750 BC may correspond to the widespread ‘8.2 k event’ (ca. 6200 BC) recorded across the North Atlantic region, and a later, brief period of increased precipitation, respectively. The decrease in broadleaved trees culminating ca. 6500–6000 BC correlates with the ‘8.2 k event’. A long mid Holocene period with low fire activity (ca. 4350–1000 BC) agrees with the pattern emerging for Europe from the global charcoal database, and may correspond to generally wetter and cooler conditions. High fire activity ca. 8550 BC probably triggered the local establishment of Corylus. Warmer and drier conditions (and high fire activity) ca. 7600 BC might have favoured the establishment of Alnus, Quercus and Tilia. The fire‐adapted Pinus maintained important populations throughout the early and mid Holocene. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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