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Maping, formerly named Liuchow, is one of the well known cities in Central Kwangsi. The geology of the Maping district and its neighbouring areas were preliminarily surveyed by S. S. Yoh in 1929. In our journey across the Nanling Range we passed through that city, and had a chance to make a reconnaisance (Feb. 18-22, 1933) in the environs. Here we were  相似文献   

In the consideration of the Permo-Carboniferous history of Eastern Asia,the Yuehmenkou series stands out as an unit of wide extent both stratigraphicallyand palaeontologically. The name Yuehmenkou series was first given by Dr.Norin in 1922 as a whole coal-bearing formation of Central Shausi, which wasdivided into two parts--a lower, the Taiyuan series, and an upper, the Shansiseries. The type-locality of this formation is the Yuehmenkou, in the WesternHills of Taiyuan. The Taiyuan series is composed mainly of shale, variegatedclay, sandstone, important coal seams and a few interstratified marine lime-stones. The same may be said to be the case in the Shansi series, but thereseems to be only one layer of marine limestone, the Tungtayao Limestone, lo-cally developed at the lower part of this series. The preliminary study of thepalaeozoological remains contained in the marine beds of this formation, leadsProf. Grabau and Dr. Norin to consider its lower part, i. e., the Taiyuan seriesas representing the transition from Viseen to Moscovian, without being as yettrue Moscovian, and its upper, i. e., the Shansi series to be of Permo-Car-boniferous age.  相似文献   

The chief Cenozoic formations of Kwangsi and Kwangtung have alreadybeen recognised and largely described,first by Richthofen,and later by severalgeologists who,in the course of the few past years,have made an extensivesurvey of this part of China~1.  相似文献   

对广东省河源市中心城区的表层土壤进行了取样调查工作,测定了金属元素的含量,并对其污染状况进行评价,数据表明:城区表层土壤存在多种重金属元素异常,其中Pb和As表现出富集特征,来源指向汽车尾气及其它工业活动的排放。重金属含量要明显低于其它大城市,该市环境风险指数(IER)为0.43,属于2级指数范畴,总体评价为低环境风险,但作为一个主要以轻工业、农业和旅游业为主的城市,也存在进一步恶化的趋势。  相似文献   

The corals described by Mr. Yü in the preceding paper came mainly from southern Kueichou, in the districts of Tushan (獨山) and Tat'ang (大塘). The first fossiliferous section met with in the field (Pl. Ⅰ, Section ra) is that between the village of Kolaoho ((?)狫河). Ⅱ kilometers south of the city  相似文献   

张席褆 《地质学报》1936,15(1):53-60
One leading fact that distinguishes the Mesozoic from the Pal(?)ozoic Erain China is the great contrast in wide extent of lands and the withdrawal of theepicontinental seas from the Chinese basins.Such a change might be theoreti-  相似文献   

王竹泉 《地质学报》1925,4(1):57-67
The region which we called here North Shensi, is situated approximately between long. E. 108°-110° 20' and lat. N. 35°-39°30'. Its topography shows the features of a typical plateau at the average heights of 3500 to 4000 ft. above sea level with surviving relief of about 500 ft. The  相似文献   

朱庭祜 《地质学报》1932,11(1):81-86
In my paper on the Geology of Northern Kwangtung which is published in the Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Kwangtung and Kwangsi Vol, Ⅱ, Part 2, I have mentioned that the stratigraphy of that region has still many uncertainties. Because of the complications of structure, the lack  相似文献   

中原邙山黄土地层   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9  
位于黄土高原与华北平原过渡带上的中原黄土地层,以邙山赵下峪剖面为其典型代表。据光释光和热释光测年及磁性地层研究结果,该剖面从邙山塬面至黄河河床出露S0-S10黄土-古土壤序列,总厚度172.1m,B/M界线记录于S8古土壤层顶部,以厚层晚更新世S1古土壤(15.7m)和巨厚L1黄土(77.3m)为其特色。赵下峪剖面上末次间冰期以来的平均沉积速率明显增大,其中以末次冰期晚冰阶L1LL1黄土的沉积速率最大,高达34.5mm/a。在邙山黄土堆积过程中,倒数第二冰期末(相当于L2顶部),约150ka B P,发生了风尘沉积速率的突变,其原因是此时黄河贯通三门峡东流,给风尘源区带来丰富的物质。同时赵下峪剖面的磁化率曲线所示,黄土-古土壤的磁化率强弱,并不简单地反映夏季风强度,也要受到沉积速率变化的影响。   相似文献   

从近年来我国地层学的可喜进展谈地层学方法论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梅冥相 《地层学杂志》2002,26(2):139-145,150
“乐平统”作为国际二叠系年代地层系统的最上一个统的全球对比标准 ,是我国学者金玉研究员为首的研究集体多年艰辛研究的结果 ;几乎同时 ,以陈旭研究员为首的科研集体以详尽的资料和全面系统的工作 ,在我国浙江黄泥塘剖面建立了中奥陶统达瑞威尔阶的全球层型剖面点——中国第一个“金钉子”剖面。这两项成就 ,是我国学者在上一世纪对地层学的显著贡献之一 ,从他们精雕细刻的剖面资料和详尽系统的研究成果中 ,可以研读出对“地层时代对比”这一博大精深的理论课题的工作方法 ,由此而诱发出对地层学方法论的探讨 ,从而对某些下结论还为时过早的问题进行必要的评述。  相似文献   

青白口群地层学研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
乔秀夫 《地质科学》1976,11(3):246-265
青白口群地层学的研究,涉及我国震旦系的范围和界线。无产阶级文化大革命以来,由于全国区域地质调查工作的丰硕成果和对震旦系的深入研究,目前有更好的条件重新讨论青白口群的层序、界面、内部分组、区域分布、对比及其在地层柱中的位置。 一、青白口群岩石地层单位的讨论 表1概括地表示青白口群及其地层单位划分和时代界线的研究史略。  相似文献   

CHU WEN-SSU 《地质学报》1930,9(3):221-226
In connection with a study recently made of the famous tufa from Niangtzckuan, Dr. Barbour asked me to determine by analysis the relative amounts of soluble and insoluble matter so as to find out what proportion of the deposit is due to direct precipitation of mineral matter in solution and what amount is clastic material incorporated in the growing deposit.  相似文献   

刘家祥  丁锐 《安徽地质》2003,13(4):301-302,315
利用GPS静态测量技术建立合肥市行政中心区域的工程控制网,并在此基础上采用实时动态测量(RTK)技术,结合全站仪进行行政中心大楼轴线桩及挖孔桩放样。  相似文献   

碳氧同位素演化与碳酸盐岩层序地层学关系研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
李儒峰  刘本培 《地球科学》1996,21(3):261-266
结合碳酸盐岩层序地层分析,首次系统测定了马平组碳、氧同位素值,并对其演化规律与层序地层的关系进行了探讨.研究结果表明:马平组内δ13C、δ18O值变化范围分别是-2.56‰~+3.89‰和-8.16‰~-6.02‰(PDB).准层序中δ13C值向上逐渐减小,海进体系域(TST)和高水位体系域(HST)内δ13C值则分别呈增加和减小的趋势,层序界面处δ13C、δ18O值均表现为负异常.控制层序地层内δ13C值规律性分布和演化的主要机制是冰川型全球海平面周期性变化  相似文献   

李捷  张文佑 《地质学报》1936,15(3):271-277
The name Maokou Limestone was established in 1927 by Mr.S.S.Yoh to represent a limestone found in the Maokouho (茅口河) Gorge,Kueichow.It carries a rich foraminifera fauna which consists of the fol-lowing species:  相似文献   

综合地层学的发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综合地层体的多种信息,探讨地质演变过程和生命历史的潮流,使地层学重新成为地质学各分支依托的基石。本文扼要评述了近年来在优化全球年代地层格架、重建历史生态系统、研究大规模突发性生物的环境变化、建立三维地质图和促进地层研究定量化等方面的发展趋势。  相似文献   

中伊朗盆地卡尚地区库姆组层序地层研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用野外露头、钻井和地震资料.通过岩相、沉积旋回以及地震层序和地震相分析建立中伊朗盆地库姆组的层序地层系统、框架模式及沉积体系,岩性地层单元与沉积层序的对应关系。研究发现库姆组沉积于一个受全球海平面升降变化及区域构造活动影响而与波斯湾间歇性相通的弧后大陆边缘海盆地,是一顶底面以不整合界面为界的构造层序(超层序组),其内部发育3个3级层序。依据库姆组沉积时的盆地形态和沉积环境分析将盆地分为岛弧、台地、斜坡、盆地4个次级构造一沉积单元。盆地南缘为障壁岛,由于陆源碎屑少,南带及中带沉积碳酸盐岩为主;而北东缘为陆地,陆源(火山)碎屑供应充分,发育扇、河控三角洲沉积体系;东南岛弧带则沉积碳酸盐岩夹火山碎屑岩为主。  相似文献   

高分辨率层序地层学在陆相地层研究中若干问题的讨论   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:24  
高分辨率层序地层学在实际应用中尚存在若干值得注意的问题。理论上要深刻理解基准面概念的涵义,认识到基准面的相对性属性;注意区分地层记录中存在着自旋回和异旋回两种不同成因机制的沉积旋回。在基准面旋回的划分和识别上,原有的短期、中期和长期旋回三级划分方案在定义上过于含糊,易产生歧义,建议以多数学者比较认同的旋回时限进行五级划分为宜。在应用上,以相组合和相序特征为依据划分基准面旋回,避免以粒序特征为凭识别基准面旋回,结合实践提出陆相沉积环境中从冲积平原→深湖相的五级基准面旋回识别模式和实例。  相似文献   

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