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北部湾南部重力柱状样的MSCL地声学性质测量及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐诚  郑向阳  李艳芳  刘欣  夏真 《海洋科学》2019,43(10):88-95
利用钻孔多参数连续记录仪(multi-sensorcorelogger,MSCL),对在南海北部湾南部海区所取得的6个孔重力柱状样进行了测量,获得了连续P波波速、湿密度和孔隙度数据。在室内实验室对柱状样分样之后的沉积物样品进行了孔隙度与湿密度的测定。利用不同的统计回归方法对所获得的6个柱状样的孔隙度与P波波速进行相关分析,并对比室内测量的P波波速、湿密度、孔隙度,建立了基于孔隙度数据对沉积物P波波速进行预测的方法,对MSCL测量方法的优缺点进行了讨论。结果表明,MSCL测量结果与实验室柱状样测定结果较为吻合。样品所在深度对声速的变化影响不大。孔隙度与声速的多项式回归,样条插值回归和GAM模型回归都获得了较高的相关系数,GAM模型可以提供一个较为接近测量值的声速预测方法。MSCL用来测量海底沉积物,可以获得大量的高密度、高精度的沉积物地声学及其他参数数据,但是,如果空气混入沉积物样品中则会导致MSCL测量结果失真。该研究为使用MSCL在区域海底地声学性质、恢复区域海洋沉积历史、海底地声学模型建立等研究提供了参考。  相似文献   


An acoustic inversion method using a wide-band signal and two near field receivers is proposed and applied to multiple layered seabed models including a manganese sediment. The inversion problem can be formulated into a probabilistic model comprised of signals, a forward model, and additive noise. The forward model simulates wide-band signals, such as chirp signals, and is chosen to be the source-wavelet-convolution plane wave modeling method. The wavelet matching technique, using weighted least-squares fitting, estimates the sediment sound-speed and thickness on which determination of the possible numerical ranges for a priori uniform distribution is based. The genetic algorithm is applied to a global optimization problem to find a maximum a posteriori solution for determined a priori search space. Here the object function is defined by an L2 norm of the difference between measured and modeled signals. Not only the marginal pdf but also its statistics are calculated by numerical evaluation of integrals using the samples selected during importance sampling process of the genetic algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper applies nonlinear Bayesian inversion to seabed reflection data to estimate viscoelastic parameters of the upper sediments. The inversion provides maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) parameter estimates with uncertainties quantified in terms of marginal probability distributions, variances, and credibility intervals; interparameter relationships are quantified by correlations and joint marginal distributions. The inversion is applied to high-resolution reflectivity data from two sites in the Strait of Sicily. One site is characterized by low-speed sediments, resulting in data with a well-defined angle of intromission; the second is characterized by high-speed sediments, resulting in a critical angle. Data uncertainties are quantified using several approaches, including maximum-likelihood (ML) estimation, treating uncertainties as nuisance parameters in the inversion, and analysis of experimental errors. Statistical tests are applied to the data residuals to validate the assumed uncertainty distributions. Excellent results (i.e., small uncertainties) are obtained for sediment compressional-wave speed, compressional attenuation, and density; shear parameters are less well determined although low shear-wave speeds are indicated. The Bayesian analysis provides a quantitative comparison of inversion results for the two sites in terms of the resolution of specific geoacoustic parameters, and indicates that the geoacoustic information content is significantly higher for intromission data  相似文献   

为准确建立海底地声模型,本文探讨地声模型的基本组成和基本结构。通过样品实验室测量,分析南海海底表层沉积物的密度、孔隙度与声速随着埋深变化的关系,得出海底实际存在的低声速表面–声速缓慢变化类型、低声速表面–声速增大类型、高声速表面–声速缓慢变化类型和高声速表面–声速增大类型4种典型地声结构;对比钻探测量,分析黄海海底沉积物的密度、孔隙度与声速随埋深变化关系,得出海底地声模型分层特征与地声结构组合特征。研究表明,地声模型可以归结为4种基本地声结构的组合,通过与底层海水声速、同层内声速剖面以及与上层海底沉积物下表面声速的比较,可以建立各种海底地声模型;基于实验室测量法建立的地声模型可以作为参考地声模型,但需要考虑实际海底温度和压力梯度以及海底沉积物的频散特性等,借助于声速比校正法和频散性理论模型进行计算及修正。  相似文献   

Sonar performance predictions in shallow water are strongly dependent on good knowledge of the geoacoustic and scattering properties of the seabed. One technique to extract information about the bottom is to use a towed source and a towed horizontal array. This towed system has been shown to be applicable for characterizing the bottom properties locally by inversion of the acoustic signals received directly on the towed array at short ranges. The same towed system has also been applied to extract bottom properties from long-range reverberation data providing effective bottom properties over a large area. However, independent geoacoustic inversion of the short-range propagation and long-range reverberation data can introduce low sensitivity and uncertainty in the extracted bottom properties. An attempt to resolve this low sensitivity and ambiguity is made by a simultaneous geoacoustic inversion of short-range propagation and long-range reverberation data with the intention of constraining the possible solutions of the bottom properties.   相似文献   

本文对河口细颗粒泥沙絮凝作用的研究工作进行了综合评述.对盐度、有机物、水流切应力及悬浮颗粒的表面电荷等因素对河口细颗粒泥沙絮凝作用的影响规律及絮凝机理进行了总结和探讨.  相似文献   

邹大鹏  阎贫  卢博 《海洋学报》2012,34(3):80-86
在由垂直声速梯度建立的地声模型基础上,通过引入沉积物与海水声速比和沉积物压缩波与切变波声速比两个表征沉积物声学特征参数得到更全面和有实际指导意义的地声模型。在沉积物声波传播FCMCM模型基础上,基于热作用和重力作用下沉积物两相介质的应力应变分析,建立TFCMCM和DFCFCM模型,运用模型校正表层沉积物声速特征来计算和解释地声模型。根据海底表层沉积物存在低声速和高声速两种类型,结合沉积物沿纵深孔隙度不变和变化两种类型,得到南海海底沉积物的两类四种典型地声模型:低声速孔隙度不变型、低声速孔隙度减小型、高声速不变型和高声速孔隙度减小型。运用这四种典型地声模型的组合解释了卢博提出的南海三种典型声速结构。认知声速结构将为南海声学探测海底、划分海底区域提供模型支持。  相似文献   

过去的二十几年里。对中国主要河口沉积有机地球化学做了较为系统的研究。获得了诸多成果。尤其对河口沉积物的生物标志物、有机污染物的研究取得较大进展。这些研究成果为探讨物质输入、成岩作用和河口环境污染状况等提供了重要的信息。  相似文献   


Considerable metal enrichments have been found in hydrothermal fluids and metalliferous sediments off the central Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc. The elements variably enriched in the fluids as a result of the hydrothermal activity are Fe, Mn, As, Si, B, Li and in the sediments, Fe, P, Mo, As, Sb, Hg, Cu and Pb. Variations in the concentrations of these elements in both fluids and sediments along the arc result from a number of factors, the most important of which is the stage that each island's volcano has reached in its eruptive cycle. Although hydrothermal mineralization on the sea floor off the islands is only low grade, phase separation in the hydrothermal fluids at depth could be leading to higher grade stockwork mineralization below the vent fields or the discharge of metal rich brines on the lower flanks of the volcanic islands.  相似文献   

巢湖沉积物粒度特征与沉积环境   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用巢湖湖底柱样沉积物的粒度资料分析了巢湖湖底沉积物粒径的组成、大小等粒度特征;初步探讨了柱样采样点位置的沉积环境及其沉积过程,以期能为巢湖流域恢复过去环境变化提供参考。通过对沉积物粒度实验分析发现,巢湖靠近河口地区的沉积物粒度在深度上变化幅度大,颗粒物相对较粗,而在湖心位置,沉积物随深度变幅小、连续性好,沉积物的颗粒细。两者的差别分别反映了它们之间不同的沉积环境。  相似文献   

河口细颗粒泥沙有机絮凝的研究综述及机理评述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
河口海岸水域细颗粒泥沙的絮凝研究一直是人们广泛关注的课题,由于河口区水体成分较为复杂,加上水动力条件的影响,因此对絮凝的研究也是众说纷纭,本文针对河口区丰富的有机质,着重分析和综述了有机质对细颗粒泥沙粒径、表面电性质和稳定性的影响以及有机絮凝的热力学理论解释等研究成果,同时对泥沙颗粒有机絮凝的机理和有机―无机复合絮凝的模式进行了详细评述。在此基础上,结合国内有机絮凝研究现状,提出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

由海底沉积物的纵波速、横波速及湿密度,根据岩土力学原理,整理出一组计算海底沉积物弹性参数的公式;以该公式计算了南海南部海域浅层沉积物的弹性参数,计算结果与已有文献资料数据做了比较,分析了两者误差的原因.  相似文献   

东海陆架北部表层细粒级沉积物的级配及意义   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
本文依据东海陆架北部 2 3个表层沉积物样品的粒度分析资料 ,就东海陆架北部表层细粒级沉积物的级配及意义进行了研究。结果表明 ,研究区表层沉积物中细粒级部分以 <0 .0 16 mm为优势粒级 ,可占到总细粒级沉积物的 75 %以上。济州岛西南泥质区以细于 0 .0 0 8mm粒级的沉积物占据优势 ,长江口泥质区则以 <0 .0 16 mm粒级的沉积物为主 ,两泥质区细粒级沉积物的级配很不相同  相似文献   

本文系统地研究人工海水(ASW)中,3种不同类型表面活性剂(十六烷基三甲基溴化铵,CTAB,阳离子表面活性剂;十二烷基苯磺酸钠,SDBS,阴离子表面活性剂;吐温20,Tween20,非离子表面活性剂)存在时辛基酚(OP)在海洋沉积物上的吸附行为.结果表明海洋沉积物中的有机质含量与海洋沉积物吸附OP的能力有着显著的正相关性.在表面活性剂浓度为0~10 mg· L-1时,3种表面活性剂对OP在海洋沉积物上的吸附都有促进作用,其促进作用由强到弱顺序依次为:CTAB>T ween20> SDBS.在表面活性剂浓度从0增加到120 mg·L-1,相同浓度的OP(4mg·L -1)在海洋沉积物上的吸附行为变化中,CTAB使OP的吸附量增加较快,当CTAB浓度大于40 mg·L-1时溶液中未吸附的OP浓度低于检测限;SDBS使OP在海洋沉积物上的吸附量先快速增加、后趋于平稳;Tween20使OP在海洋沉积物上的吸附量先增加后减小,吸附量达到最大值时Tween20的浓度与其临界角束浓度浓度(CMC)相接近.  相似文献   

渤海湾潮间带(大沽口)柱状沉积物中的重金属来源判别   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用因子分析法对2003年11月采自渤海湾潮间带(大沽口)柱状沉积物中的重金属含量数据进行了分析,提取出的三个主要因子占据重金属含量样本信息量的83.69%,以此定量判别出重金属的来源方式和富集原因。并有效采用Li和Sc作为污染重金属的参照元素,以这两种元素含量比值的自然对数和目标元素与Sc的比值的自然对数做比率散点图的方法验证了因子分析所得的结论。结果表明,Cd,Zn和As以人类活动输入为主,Pb,Cr,Hg受到一定人为输入影响,但仍以环境背景贡献为主,Cu,Al,Fe,Ni以自然来源为主。  相似文献   

本文以郑州市主要河道沉积物为研究对象,利用密度浮选法分离提取沉积物中的微塑料,采用显微镜及傅里叶变换显微红外光谱仪(μ-FTIR)分析微塑料的丰度、组成、形状、尺寸分布特征.结果表明:郑州市7条主要河道沉积物中微塑料丰度为(以干重计):(2412±188)~(7638±1312)个·kg-1,平均丰度为(以干重计):(...  相似文献   

Abstract. Seventy six samples of coastal sediments collected in the Straits of Messina were studied in order to evaluate the effects of an oil spill and the consequent "clean-up" operations on heterotrophic acrobic bacteria.
In addition, in vitro tests were carried out to estimate the effects of five dispersants on the growth and oil degrading capacity of marine strains isolated from the same sediments.  相似文献   

海底底质特性描述及分类是当今浅海声学的研究热点,海底沉积物的物理结构特性与其声学响应特征密切相关。在分析海底沉积物声传播特性的基础上,应用现代计算机信号分析技术手段,对海底沉积物声学响应波形提取了4个特征参数:声速、波幅指数、波形关联维分形指数和声波频谱的频率矩。以这4个特征参数作为输入向量,海底沉积物的结构类型作为输出向量,建立径向基概率神经网络模型。研究表明建立的神经网络模型具有较强的海底沉积物分类预报能力。  相似文献   

江锦花 《海洋通报》2007,26(4):85-90
研究了台州湾海域海水和表层沉积物中15种多环芳烃(PAHs) 的浓度水平,评价了表层沉积物对多环芳烃的富集规律,探讨其可能来源.结果表明,表层沉积物中 PAHs 的浓度范围为85.4~167.6 ng / g,平均值为138.62 ng/g,总多环芳烃的最大值是椒江码头.表层沉积物中二环、三环、四环、五环和六环多环芳烃占总多环芳烃的百分含量平均值分别为7.8 %,42.1 %,33.3 %,9.6 % 和 7.2 %,三环多环芳烃的含量最高;表层沉积物对多环芳烃的富集系数为 532.7~1 068.9,平均值为 807.5,单组分菲的富集系数最高为 122.7,最小的是苯并(a) 芘为 2.7;台州湾表层沉积物中的多环芳烃主要来源于燃煤污染,部分来源于石油烃类物质的直接污染.  相似文献   

Sediments are the particulate matter that are transported by the flow of water and eventually get deposited at the bottom of water bodies, such as oceans, rivers, lagoons, and so forth. The deposition of these materials due to continued intervention of natural as well as anthropogenic activities is a serious concern as the storage capacity (or health) of the system is reduced or otherwise affected. Keeping in view the emerging challenges associated with proper disposal and subsequent utilization of sediments, as a manmade resource, their extraction from such locations becomes necessary. Hence, it is essential to characterize the sediments in order to devise strategies to exploit them as a manmade resource in the best possible manner. With this in view, this article highlights the importance of different attributes and aspects of the sediments (viz., physical, chemical, morphological, geotechnical, toxicological, and microbial characteristics) deposited in the water bodies that will help in assessing their potential as a substitute material to natural resources.  相似文献   

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