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Split Butte is a volcanic crater of Quaternary age consisting of a tephra ring which at one time retained a lava lake. The tephra is thinly bedded and is composed of partially palagonitized sideromelane clasts and subordinate lithic fragments. The beds typically dip radially away from the center of the crater, but locally dip toward the crater center. The tephra ring resulted from phreatomagmatic eruptions as a result of interaction of groundwater with rising basaltic magma, evidenced by glassy and granulated pyroclastic debris, the presence of abundant palagonite and other secondary minerals, numerous armored lapilli, and plastically deformed ash layers below ejecta blocks. Statistical analysis of the grain size distribution of the ash also indicates a phreatomagmatic origin of Split Butte tephra. In addition, the analysis reveals that the stratigraphically lowest tephra was deposited primarily by pyroclastic flow mechanisms while the upper tephra layers, comprising the bulk of the deposits, were deposited dominantly by airfall and pyroclastic surge. The lava lake and four en echelon basalt dikes were emplaced when phreatomagmatic activity at the vent ceased. Subsequent collapse caused a broad, shallow pit crater to form in the laval lake, and minor spattering occurred at one point along the pit crater scarp. Partial erosion of the tephra, deposition of aeolian sediments and encroachment of the Butte by later lava flows completed the development of Split Butte.  相似文献   

Peak eruption column heights for the B1, B2, B3 and B4 units of the May 18, 1980 fall deposit from Mount St. Helens have been determined from pumice and lithic clast sizes and models of tephra dispersal. Column heights determined from the fall deposit agree well with those determined by radar measurements. B1 and B2 units were derived from plinian activity between 0900 and about 1215 hrs. B3 was formed by fallout of tephra from plumes that rose off pyroclastic flows from about 1215 to 1630 hrs. A brief return to plinian activity between 1630 and 1715 hrs was marked by a maximum in column height (19 km) during deposition of B4.Variations in magma discharge during the eruption have been reconstructed from modelling of column height during plinian discharge and mass-balance calculations based on the volume of pyroclastic flows and coignimbrite ash. Peak magma discharge occurred during the period 1215–1630 hrs, when pyroclastic flows were generated by collapse of low fountains through the crater breach. Pyroclastic flow deposits and the widely dispersed co-ignimbrite ash account for 77% of the total erupted mass, with only 23% derived from plinian discharge.A shift in eruptive style at noon on May 18 may have been associated with increase in magma discharge and the eruption of silicic andesite mingled with the dominant mafic dacite. Increasing abundance of the silicic andesite during the period of highest magma discharge is consistent with the draw-up and tapping of deeper levels in the magma reservoir, as predicted by theoretical models of magma withdrawal. Return to plinian activity late in the afternoon, when magma discharge decreased, is consistent with theoretical predictions of eruption column behavior. The dominant generation of pyroclastic flows during the May 18 eruption can be attributed to the low bulk volatile content of the magma and the increasing magma discharge that resulted in the transition from a stable, convective eruption column to a collapsing one.  相似文献   

Mayon Volcano, southeastern Luzon, began a series of explosive eruptions at 0900 April 21, 1968, and by May 15 more than 100 explosions had occurred, at least 6 people had been killed, and roughly 100 square km had been covered by more than 5 cm of airfall ash, blocky ash flows, and a lava flow. All material crupted was porphyritic augite-hypersthene andesite. Explosions from the summit crater (elevation 2460 m) ejected large quantities of ash and incandescent blocks to a height exceeding 600 m and produced ash-laden clouds which rose to heights of 3 to 10 km. Backfall of the coarser material fed nuées ardentes which repeatedly swept down ravines on all sides of the volcanic cone. The velocity of one nuée ardente ranged from 9 to 63 m per sec. The largest nuées descended to the southwest and reached as far as 7 km from the summit. An aa lava flow also descended 3 1/2 km down this flank. The nuées ardentes deposited pyroclastic flows that contained large breadcrust-surfaced blocks averaging about 30 cm across, but occasionally reaching 25 m in greatest dimension. These blocks were still very hot in their interiors several days later. Surrounding the pyroclastic flows is a seared zone as much as 2 km wide, but averaging a few hundred meters, in which vegetation is charred and splintered, but over which only a thin layer of airfall ash was deposited.  相似文献   

Cotopaxi, the highest active volcano on earth and one of the most dangerous of Ecuador is constituted by a composite cone made up of lava and tephra erupted from the summit crater. The activity of the present volcano begun with large-volume plinian eruptions followed by a succession of small-volume lava emissions and pyroclastic episodes which led to the edification of a symmetrical cone. The growth of the cone was broken by an episode of slope failure, the scar of which is now obliterated by recent and historical products. Volcanic history, eruptive frequency and characteristics of the activity were investigated by studying the stratigraphy of tephra and carrying out fifteen new 14C dating on paleosols and charcoals. The investigated period is comprised between the slope failure and the present. The deposit of the volcanic landside (dry debris avalanche of Rio Pita), previously believed to be between 13,000 and 25,000 yr B.P., is now considered to have an age slightly older than 5000 yr B.P. The stratigraphy of tephra of the last 2000 years reveals the existence of 22 fallout layers. Seven of them were dated with 14C whereas three were ascribed to the eruptions of 1534, 1768 and 1877 on the basis of comparison with historical information.Maximum clast size distribution (isopleths) of 9 tephra layers points out that the sustained explosive eruptions of Cotopaxi during the last 2000 years are characterized by very high dispersive power (plinian plumes with column heights between 28 and 39 km) and high intensity (peak mass discharges from 1.1 to 4.1 × 108kg/s). The magnitude (mass) of tephra fallout deposits calculated from distribution of thickness (isopaches) are, however, moderate (from 0.8 to 7.2 × 1011 kg). The limited volume of magma erupted during each explosive episode is consistent with the lack of caldera collapses. Small-volume pyroclastic flows and surges virtually accompanied all identified tephra fallouts. During such an activity large scale snow/ice melting of the summit glacier produced devastating mudflows comparable in scale to those of 1877 eruption. By assuming a 1:1 correspondence between fallout episodes and generation of large-scale lahar, we have estimated an average recurrence of one explosive, lahartriggering event every 117 years over the last two millennia. This value compares well with that calculated by considering the period since Spanish Conquest. The probability of having an eruption like this in 100 or 200 years is respectively of 0.57 and 0.82. Such an high probability underscores the need for quick actions aimed at the mitigation of Cotopaxi lahar hazard along all the main valleys which originate from the volcano.  相似文献   

The late Pleistocene San Venanzo maar and nearby Pian di Celle tuff ring in the San Venanzo area of Umbria, central Italy, appear to represent different aspects of an eruptive cycle accompanied by diatreme formation. Approximately 6x106 m3 of mostly lapillisized, juvenile ejecta with lesser amounts of lithics and 1x106 m3 of lava were erupted. The stratigraphy indicates intense explosive activity followed by lava flows and subvolcanic intrusions. The pyroclastic material includes lithic breccia derived from vent and diatreme wall erosion, roughly stratified lapilli tuff deposited by concentrated pyroclastic surge, chaotic scoriaceous pyroclastic flow and inverse graded grain-flow deposits. The key feature of the pyroclastics is the presence of concentric-shelled lapilli generated by accretion around the lithics during magma ascent in the diatreme conduits. The rock types range from kalsilite leucite olivine melilitite lavas and subvolcanic intrusions to carbonatite, phonolite and calcitic melilitite pyroclasts. Juvenile ejecta contain essential calcite whose composition and texture indicate a magmatic origin. Pyroclastic carbonatite activity is also indicated by the presence of carbonatite ash beds. The San Venanzo maar-forming event is believed to have been trigered by fluid-rich carbonatite-phonolite magma. The eruptive centre the moved to the Pian di Celle tuff ring, where the eruption of degassed olivine melilititic magma and late intrusions ended magmatic activity in the area. In both volcanoes the absence of phreatomagmatic features together with the presence of large amounts of primary calcite suggests carbonatite segregation and violent exsolution of CO2 which, flowing through the diatremes, produced the peculiar intrusive pyroclastic facies and triggered explosions.  相似文献   

Following 198 years of dormancy, a small phreatic eruption started at the summit of Unzen Volcano (Mt. Fugen) in November 1990. A swarm of volcano-tectonic (VT) earthquakes had begun below the western flank of the volcano a year before this eruption, and isolated tremor occurred below the summit shortly before it. The focus of VT events had migrated eastward to the summit and became shallower. Following a period of phreatic activity, phreatomagmatic eruptions began in February 1991, became larger with time, and developed into a dacite dome eruption in May 1991 that lasted approximately 4 years. The emergence of the dome followed inflation, demagnetization and a swarm of high-frequency (HF) earthquakes in the crater area. After the dome appeared, activity of the VT earthquakes and the summit HF events was replaced largely by low-frequency (LF) earthquakes. Magma was discharged nearly continuously through the period of dome growth, and the rate decreased roughly with time. The lava dome grew in an unstable form on the shoulder of Mt. Fugen, with repeating partial collapses. The growth was exogenous when the lava effusion rate was high, and endogenous when low. A total of 13 lobes grew as a result of exogenous growth. Vigorous swarms of LF earthquakes occurred just prior to each lobe extrusion. Endogenous growth was accompanied by strong deformation of the crater floor and HF and LF earthquakes. By repeated exogenous and endogenous growth, a large dome was formed over the crater. Pyroclastic flows frequently descended to the northeast, east, and southeast, and their deposits extensively covered the eastern slope and flank of Mt. Fugen. Major pyroclastic flows took place when the lava effusion rate was high. Small vulcanian explosions were limited in the initial stage of dome growth. One of them occurred following collapse of the dome. The total volume of magma erupted was 2.1×108 m3 (dense-rock-equivalent); about a half of this volume remained as a lava dome at the summit (1.2 km long, 0.8 km wide and 230–540 m high). The eruption finished with extrusion of a spine at the endogenous dome top. Several monitoring results convinced us that the eruption had come to an end: the minimal levels of both seismicity and rockfalls, no discharge of magma, the minimal SO2 flux, and cessation of subsidence of the western flank of the volcano. The dome started slow deformation and cooling after the halt of magma effusion in February 1995.  相似文献   

The pyroclastic flow that issued from the Arenal summit crater on 28 August 1993 came from the collapse of the crater wall of the cone and the drainage of a lava pool. The 3-km-long pyroclastic flow, 2.2ǂ.8᎒6 m3 in volume, was confined to narrow valleys (30-100 m wide). The thickness of the pyroclastic deposit ranged from 1 to 10 m, and its temperature was about 400 °C, although single bombs were up to 1,000 °C. The deposit is clast-supported, has a bimodal grain size distribution, and consists of an intimate mixture of finely pulverized rock ash, lapilli, small blocks, and cauliflower bread-crusted bombs, in which are set meter-size lava fragments and juvenile and non-juvenile angular blocks, and bombs up to 7 m in diameter. Large faceted blocks make up 50% of the total volume of the deposit. The cauliflower bombs have deep and intricate bread-crust texture and post-depositional vesiculation. It is proposed that the juvenile material was produced entirely from a lava pool, whereas faceted non-juvenile blocks come from the crater-wall collapse. The concentration and maximum diameter of cauliflower bread-crusted bombs increases significantly from the base (rockslide + pyroclastic flow) to the top (the pyroclastic flow) of the deposit. An ash cloud deposited accretionary lapilli in the proximal region (outside of the pyroclastic flow deposit), and very fine ash fell in the distal region (between 5 and 30 km). The accretionary lapilli deposit is derived from the fine, elutriated products of the flow as it moved. A turbulent overriding surge blew down the surrounding shrubbery in the flow direction. The pyroclastic flow from August 1993, similar to the flows of June 1975, May 1998, August 2000, and March 2001, slid and rolled rather than being buoyed up by gas. They grooved, scratched, and polished the surfaces over which they swept, similar to a Merapi-type pyroclastic flow. However, the mechanism of the outpouring of a lava pool and the resulting flows composed of high- to moderate-vesiculated, cauliflower bread-crusted bombs and juvenile blocks have not been described before. High-frequency earthquake swarms, followed by an increase in low-frequency volcanic events, preceded the 1975, 1993, and 2000 eruptions 2-4 months before. These pyroclastic flow events, therefore, may be triggered by internal expansion of the unstable cone in the upper part because of a slight change in the pressure of the magma column (gas content and/or effusive rate). This phenomenon has important short-term, volcanic hazard implications for touristic development of some parts on the flanks of the volcano.  相似文献   

Fine ash content of explosive eruptions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In explosive eruptions, the mass proportion of ash that is aerodynamically fine enough to cause problems with jet aircraft or human lungs (< 30 to 60 μm in diameter) is in the range of a few percent to more than 50%. The proportions are higher for silicic explosive eruptions, probably because vesicle size in the pre-eruptive magma is smaller than those in mafic magmas. There is good evidence that pyroclastic flows produce high proportions of fine ash by communition and it is likely that this process also occurs inside volcanic conduits and would be most efficient when the magma fragmentation surface is well below the summit crater. Reconstructed total grain size distributions for several recent explosive eruptions indicate that basaltic eruptions have small proportions of very fine ash (~ 1 to 4%) while tephra generated during silicic eruptions contains large proportions (30 to > 50%).  相似文献   

El Chichonal Volcano, within the Sierra of Chiapas (Mexico), became active on March 28, 1982. The summit dome was blasted away, leaving a 1000 m wide and 290 m deep crater in its place. Plinian eruption of March 28–29 produced air fall deposits. More vigorous activity on April 3–4 produced air falls, surges and pyroclastic flows. Villages within 6 km radius were entirely destroyed. The explosive eruptions of Chichonal produced large amounts of K-rich andesitic ash and pumice. The juvenile magma shows little compositional variability. Much of eruptive products is highly porphyritic pumice containing andesine, hornblende, clinopyroxene, biotite and anhydrite phenocrysts.  相似文献   

The Igwisi Hills volcanoes (IHV), Tanzania, are unique and important in preserving extra-crater lavas and pyroclastic edifices. They provide critical insights into the eruptive behaviour of kimberlite magmas that are not available at other known kimberlite volcanoes. Cosmogenic 3He dating of olivine crystals from IHV lavas and palaeomagnetic analyses indicates that they are Upper Pleistocene to Holocene in age. This makes them the youngest known kimberlite bodies on Earth by >30?Ma and may indicate a new phase of kimberlite volcanism on the Tanzania craton. Geological mapping, Global Positioning System surveying and field investigations reveal that each volcano comprises partially eroded pyroclastic edifices, craters and lavas. The volcanoes stand <40?m above the surrounding ground and are comparable in size to small monogenetic basaltic volcanoes. Pyroclastic cones consist of diffusely layered pyroclastic fall deposits comprising scoriaceous, pelletal and dense juvenile pyroclasts. Pyroclasts are similar to those documented in many ancient kimberlite pipes, indicating overlap in magma fragmentation dynamics between the Igwisi eruptions and other kimberlite eruptions. Characteristics of the pyroclastic cone deposits, including an absence of ballistic clasts and dominantly poorly vesicular scoria lapillistones and lapilli tuffs, indicate relatively weak explosive activity. Lava flow features indicate unexpectedly high viscosities (estimated at >102 to 106?Pa?s) for kimberlite, attributed to degassing and in-vent cooling. Each volcano is inferred to be the result of a small-volume, short-lived (days to weeks) monogenetic eruption. The eruptive processes of each Igwisi volcano were broadly similar and developed through three phases: (1) fallout of lithic-bearing pyroclastic rocks during explosive excavation of craters and conduits; (2) fallout of juvenile lapilli from unsteady eruption columns and the construction of pyroclastic edifices around the vent; and (3) effusion of degassed viscous magma as lava flows. These processes are similar to those observed for other small-volume monogenetic eruptions (e.g. of basaltic magma).  相似文献   

A study of pyroclastic deposits from the 1815 Tambora eruption reveals two distinct phases of activity, i.e., four initial tephra falls followed by generation of pyroclastic flows and the production of major co-ignimbrite ash fall. The first explosive event produced minor ash fall from phreatomagmatic explosions (F-1 layer). The second event was a Plinian eruption (F-2) correlated to the large explosion of 5 April 1815, which produced a column height of 33 km with an eruption rate of 1.1 × 108 kg/s. The third event occurred during the lull in major activity from 5 to 10 April and produced minor ash fall (F-3). The fourth event produced a 43-km-high Plinian eruption column with an eruption rate of 2.8 × 108 kg/s during the climax of activity on 10 April. Although very energetic, the Plinian events were of short duration (2.8 h each) and total erupted volume of the early (F-1 to F-4) fall deposits is only 1.8 km3 (DRE, dense rock equivalent). An abrupt change in style of activity occurred at end of the second Plinian event with onset of pyroclastic flow and surge generation. At least seven pyroclastic flows were generated, which spread over most of the volcano and Sanggar peninsula and entered the ocean. The volume of pyroclastic flow deposits on land is 2.6 km3 DRE. Coastal exposures show that pyroclastic flows entering the sea became highly fines depleted, resulting in mass loss of about 32%, in addition to 8% glass elutriation, as indicated by component fractionation. The subaqueous pyroclastic flows have thus lost about 40% of mass compared to the original erupted mixture. Pyroclastic flows and surges from this phase of the eruption are stratigraphically equivalent to a major ash fall deposit (F-5) present beyond the flow and surge zone at 40 km from the source and in distal areas. The F-5 fall deposit forms a larger proportion of the total tephra fall with increasing distance from source and represents about 80% of the total at a distance of 90 km and 92% of the total tephra fall from the 1815 eruption. The field relations indicate that the 20-km3 (DRE) F-5 deposit is a co-ignimbrite ash fall, generated largely during entrance of pyroclastic flows into the ocean. Based on the observed 40% fines depletion and component fractionation from the flows, the large volume of the F-5 co-ignimbrite ash requires eruption of 50 km3 (DRE, 1.4 × 1014 kg) pyroclastic flows.  相似文献   

On August 1, 1952, a new volcano named Bárcena was born on Isla San Benedicto, which is located about 300 nautical miles off the west coast of Mexico. A pyroclastic cone nearly 1100 feet above sea level was formed by August 2. By mid-September cone formation had ceased and a small lava plug capped the magma conduit in the crater. After a period of quiescence from mid-September until early November activity resumed and blocky, soda trachyte lava formed two domes in Bárcena crater during November and early December. On December 8 lava flowed through the base of the volcano and formed a delta nearly one-half mile out to sea by the end of February, 1953. All activity, except solfataric steaming, stopped by this date. Volcanic density flows («nuées ardentes ») descended the cone during the period of cone formation. As the expulsion of ash and steam decreased in early September, 1952, the exterior of the cone is believed to have been furrowed by these avalanches. Volcán Bárcena has an index of explosiveness of about 90 per cent, the highest of any known oceanic volcano in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Calculations indicate that about 10,500 million cubic feet (300 million cubic meters) of tephra and lava were erupted during the life of Bárcena.  相似文献   

The February 1963 to January 1964 eruption of Gunung Agung, Indonesia’s largest and most devastating eruption of the twentieth century, was a multi-phase explosive and effusive event that produced both basaltic andesite tephra and andesite lava. A rather unusual eruption sequence with an early lava flow followed by two explosive phases, and the presence of two related but distinctly different magma types, is best explained by successive magma injections and mixing in the conduit or high level magma chamber. The 7.5-km-long blocky-surfaced andesite lava flow of ~0.1?km3 volume was emplaced in the first 26?days of activity beginning on 19 February. On 17 March 1963, a major moderate intensity (~4?×?107?kg?s?1) explosive phase occurred with an ~3.5-h-long climax. This phase produced an eruption column estimated to have reached heights of 19 to 26?km above sea level and deposited a scoria lapilli to fine ash fall unit up to ~0.2?km3 (dense rock equivalent—DRE) in volume, with Plinian dispersal characteristics, and small but devastating scoria-and-ash flow deposits. On 16 May, a second intense 4-h-long explosive phase (2.3?×?107?kg?s?1) occurred that produced an ~20-km-high eruption column and deposited up to ~0.1?km3 (DRE) volume of similar ash fall and pyroclastic flow deposits, the latter of which were more widespread than in the March phase. The two magma types, porphyritic basaltic andesite and andesite, are found as distinct juvenile scoria populations. This indicates magma mixing prior to the onset of the 1963 eruption, and successive injections of the more mafic magma may have modulated the pulsatory style of the eruption sequence. Even though a total of only ~0.4?km3 (DRE volume) of lava, scoria and ash fall, and scoria-and-ash pyroclastic flow deposits were produced by the 1963 eruption, there was considerable local damage caused mainly by a combination of pyroclastic flows and lahars that formed from the flow deposits in the saturated drainages around Agung. Minor explosive activity and lahar generation by rainfall persisted into early 1964. The climactic events of 17 March and 16 May 1963 managed to inject ash and sulfur-rich gases into the tropical stratosphere.  相似文献   

The initial phase of the eruption forming Ukinrek Maars during March and April 1977 were explosions from the site of West Maar. These were mainly phreatomagmatic and initially transitional to strombolian. Activity at West Maar ceased after three days upon the initiation of the East Maar. The crater quickly grew by strong phreatomagmatic explosions. During the first phases of phreatomagmatic activity at East Maar, large exotic blocks derived from a subsurface till were ejected. Ballistic studies indicate muzzle velocities for these blocks of 80–90 m s−1.Phreatomagmatic explosions ejected both juvenile and non-juvenile material which formed a low rim of ejecta (< 26 mhigh) around the crater and a localized, coarse, wellsorted (σφ = 1−1.5) juvenile and lithic fall deposit. Other fine ash beds, interstratified with the coarse beds, are more poorly sorted (σφ = 2−3) and are interpreted as fallout of wet, cohesive ash from probably milder phases of activity in the crater. Minor base surge activity damaged trees and deposited fine ash, including layers plastered on vertical surfaces. Viscous basalt lava appeared in the center of the East Maar crater almost immediately and a lava dome gradually grew in the crater despite phreatomagmatic eruptions adjacent to it.The development of these maars appears to be mainly controlled by gradual collapse of crater and conduit walls, and blasting-out of the slumped debris by phreatomagmatic explosions when rising magma contacted groundwater beneath the regional water table and a local perched aquifer.Ballistic analysis on the ejected blocks indicates a maximum muzzle velocity of 100–150 m s-1, values similar to those obtained from other ballistic studies on maar ejecta.  相似文献   

Despite the recent recognition of Mount Etna as a periodically violently explosive volcano, the hazards from various types of pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) have until now received virtually no attention at this volcano. Large-scale pyroclastic flows last occurred during the caldera-forming Ellittico eruptions, 15–16 ka ago, and the risk of them occurring in the near future is negligible. However, minor PDCs can affect much of the summit area and portions of the upper flanks of the volcano. During the past ~ 20 years, small pyroclastic flows or base-surge-like vapor and ash clouds have occurred in at least 8 cases during summit eruptions of Etna. Four different mechanisms of PDC generation have been identified during these events: (1) collapse of pyroclastic fountains (as in 2000 and possibly in 1986); (2) phreatomagmatic explosions resulting from mixing of lava with wet rock (2006); (3) phreatomagmatic explosions resulting from mixing of lava with thick snow (2007); (4) disintegration of the unstable flanks of a lava dome-like structure growing over the rim of one of the summit craters (1999). All of these recent PDCs were of a rather minor extent (maximum runout lengths were about 1.5 km in November 2006 and March 2007) and thus they represented no threat for populated areas and human property around the volcano. Yet, events of this type pose a significant threat to the lives of people visiting the summit area of Etna, and areas in a radius of 2 km from the summit craters should be off-limits anytime an event capable of producing similar PDCs occurs. The most likely source of further PDCs in the near future is the Southeast Crater, the youngest, most active and most unstable of the four summit craters of Etna, where 6 of the 8 documented recent PDCs originated. It is likely that similar hazards exist in a number of volcanic settings elsewhere, especially at snow- or glacier-covered volcanoes and on volcano slopes strongly affected by hydrothermal alteration.  相似文献   

An explosive eruption occurred at the summit of Bezymianny volcano (Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia) on 11 January 2005 which was initially detected from seismic observations by the Kamchatka Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT). This prompted the acquisition of 17 Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) satellite images of the volcano over the following 10 months. Visible and infrared data from ASTER revealed significant changes to the morphology of the summit lava dome, later seen with field based thermal infrared (TIR) camera surveys in August 2005. The morphology of the summit lava dome was observed to have changed from previous year’s observations and historical accounts. In August 2005 the dome contained a new crater and two small lava lobes. Stepped scarps within the new summit crater suggest a partial collapse mechanism of formation, rather than a purely explosive origin. Hot pyroclastic deposits were also observed to have pooled in the moat between the current lava dome and the 1956 crater wall. The visual and thermal data revealed a complex eruption sequence of explosion(s), viscous lava extrusion, and finally the formation of the collapse crater. Based on this sequence, the conduit could have become blocked/pressurized, which could signify the start of a new behavioural phase for the volcano and lead to the potential of larger eruptions in the future.  相似文献   

The eruption of Unzen Volcano commenced on 17 November 1990. Phreatic and phreatomagmatic eruptions occurred by early May 1991. No large-scale explosive eruptions preceded the extrusion of lava domes. Lava domes appeared in a summit crater on 20 May 1991, and they grew on the steep slope of Mt. Fugen at Unzen Volcano. Rockfalls from the margins of the domes frequently generated pyroclastic flows. Major pyroclastic flows occurred on 3 June, 8 June, and 15 September 1991. The 3 June pyroclastic flow killed forty-three persons. Many of the pyroclastic flows seem to have resulted from the simple rockfalls, except one flow on 8 June, which was accompanied by an explosion from the crater. Many of the rockfalls that generated pyroclastic flows were witnessed. As of November 1991. Unzen Volcano was still active with a nearly constant magma-supply rate of about 0.3 × 106 m3/d. The total magma output exceeded 45 × 106 m3 by the beginning of November 1991. The volume of the lava domes is more than 23 × 106 m3.  相似文献   

Eruptive activity has occurred in the summit region of Mount Erebus over the last 95 ky, and has included numerous lava flows and small explosive eruptions, at least one plinian eruption, and at least one and probably two caldera-forming events. Furnace and laser step-heating 40Ar/39Ar ages have been determined for 16 summit lava flows and three englacial tephra layers erupted from Mount Erebus. The summit region is composed of at least one or possibly two superimposed calderas that have been filled by post-caldera lava flows ranging in age from 17 ± 8 to 1 ± 5 ka. Dated pre-caldera summit flows display two age populations at 95 ± 9 to 76 ± 4 ka and 27 ± 3 to 21 ± 4 ka of samples with tephriphonolite and phonolite compositions, respectively. A caldera-collapse event occurred between 25 and 11 ka. An older caldera-collapse event is likely to have occurred between 80 and 24 ka. Two englacial tephra layers from the flanks of Mount Erebus have been dated at 71 ± 5 and 15 ± 4 ka. These layers stratigraphically bracket 14 undated tephra layers, and predate 19 undated tephra layers, indicating that small-scale explosive activity has occurred throughout the late Pleistocene and Holocene eruptive history of Mount Erebus. A distal, englacial plinian-fall tephra sample has an age of 39 ± 6 ka and may have been associated with the older of the two caldera-collapse events. A shift in magma composition from tephriphonolite to phonolite occurred at around 36 ka.Editorial responsibility: Julie Donnelly-Nolan  相似文献   

White Island is an active andesitic-dacitic composite volcano surrounded by sea, yet isolated from sea water by chemically sealed zones that confine a long-lived acidic hydrothermal system, within a thick sequence of fine-grained volcaniclastic sediment and ash. The rise of at least 106 m3 of basic andesite magma to shallow levels and its interaction with the hydrothermal system resulted in the longest historical eruption sequence at White Island in 1976–1982. About 107 m3 of mixed lithic and juvenile ejecta was erupted, accompanied by collapse to form two coalescing maar-like craters. Vent position within the craters changed 5 times during the eruption, but the vents were repeatedly re-established along a line linking pre-1976 vents. The eruption sequence consisted of seven alternating phases of phreatomagmatic and Strombolian volcanism. Strombolian eruptions were preceded and followed by mildly explosive degassing and production of incandescent, blocky juvenile ash from the margins of the magma body. Phreatomagmatic phases contained two styles of activity: (a) near-continuous emission of gas and ash and (b) discrete explosions followed by prolonged quiescence. The near-continuous activity reculted from streaming of magmatic volatiles and phreatic steam through open conduits, frittering juvennile shards from the margins of the magma and eroding loose lithic particles from the unconsolidated wall rock. The larger discrete explosions produced ballistic block aprons, downwind lobes of fall tephra, and cohesive wet surge deposits confined to the main crater. The key features of the larger explosions were their shallow focus, random occurrence and lack of precursors, and the thermal heterogeneity of the ejecta. This White Island eruption was unusual because of the low discharge rate of magma over an extended time period and because of the influence of a unique physical and hydrological setting. The low rate of magma rise led to very effective separation of magmatic volatiles and high fluxes of magmatic gas even during phreatic phases of the eruption. While true Strombolian phases did occur, more frequently the decoupled magmatic gas rose to interact with the conduit walls and hydrothermal system, producing phreatomagmatic eruptions. The form of these wet explosions was governed by a delicate balance between erosion and collapse of the weak conduit walls. If the walls were relatively stable, fine ash was slowly eroded and erupted in weak, near-continous phreatomagmatic events. When the walls were unstable, wall collapse triggered larger discrete phreatomagmatic explosions.  相似文献   

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