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Natural Hazards - The recognition of landslides and making their inventory map are considered to be urgent tasks not only for damage estimation but also for planning rescue and restoration...  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of the Stable Point Network technique, a Persistent Scatterer Interferometry SAR technique, for the analysis of the Portalet landslide area (Central Pyrenees, Spain). For this purpose, different SAR datasets acquired by ERS-1, ERS-2, ENVISAT and TerraSAR-X satellites have been analysed. The use of different SAR images acquired by satellite radar sensors operating at different microwave lengths has allowed for a comparative assessment and illustration of the advantages and disadvantages of these satellites for landslide detection and monitoring. In the introduction, differential interferometry and the study area are briefly described. Then the specifics of the SPN processing and the results of the different datasets are described and compared. In Analysis of the results: the Portalet landslide area, the Portalet landslide area is introduced and the radar displacement measurements are analysed with available geo-information data. Additionally, X-band measurements are compared with those gathered by a ground-based SAR for a previous project. Finally, the most relevant conclusions of this work are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates the capabilities of L-band satellite SAR interferometry for the investigation of landslide displacements. SAR data acquired by the L-band JERS satellite over the Italian and Swiss Alps have been analyzed together with C-band ERS-1/2 SAR data and in situ information. The use of L-band SAR data with a wavelength larger than the usual C-band, generally considered for ground motion measurements, reduces some of the limitations of differential SAR interferometry, in particular, signal decorrelation induced by vegetation cover and rapid displacements. The sites of the Alta Val Badia region in South Tyrol (Italy), Ruinon in Lombardia (Italy), Saas Grund in Valais (Switzerland) and Campo Vallemaggia in Ticino (Switzerland), representing a comprehensive set of different mass wasting phenomena in various environments, are considered. The landslides in the Alta Val Badia region are good examples for presenting the improved performance of L-band in comparison to C-band for vegetated areas, in particular concerning open forest. The landslides of Ruinon, Saas Grund, and Campo Vallemaggia demonstrate the strength of L-band in observing moderately fast displacements in comparison to C-band. This work, performed with historical SAR data from a satellite which operated until 1998, demonstrates the capabilities of future planned L-band SAR missions, like ALOS and TerraSAR-L, for landslide studies.  相似文献   

Wang  Yian  Liu  Donglie  Dong  Jie  Zhang  Lu  Guo  Jincheng  Liao  Mingsheng  Gong  Jianya 《Landslides》2021,18(7):2609-2619
Landslides - SAR Interferometry (InSAR) has been proven to be effective for measuring landslides deformation. However, the InSAR application of landslide mapping is limited by the blind observation...  相似文献   

滑坡多点数据融合中的多传感器目标跟踪技术应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
郭科  彭继兵  许强  袁勇 《岩土力学》2006,27(3):479-481
目前的滑坡预报模型只能利用一个关键监测点的监测数据,而不能同时利用多个监测点的监测信息。为了克服选取关键监测点的人为性以及充分利用滑坡多个监测点的信息,针对滑坡具有机动的特性,提出了利用多传感器目标跟踪融合技术来处理滑坡多个点的监测数据的方法,分析了其可行性,并用实例说明了提出的方法在实际应用中是有效的。  相似文献   

基于三维激光扫描的滑坡变形监测与数据处理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
地面三维激光扫描技术可以高精度、高密度、高速度地测量物体表面三维空间坐标,从而详细描述表面细部状况。它已经在静态形状测量中获得了成功的应用。目前,滑坡地表变形分析主要是采用GPS或全站仪测量的少量特征点来进行,缺乏整体变形资料。但滑坡变形体的诸多细节变化对正确的变形分析有着重要的作用,将该技术引入到滑坡变形监测与分析中,可充分利用滑坡体上的大量点自然地物作为监测点,来完整监测和分析其变形。作为一项新的研究内容,文章对此进行了相应的理论分析与实际测量,获得了初步满意的结果。  相似文献   

Landslide mapping is essential for effective watershed management. In Taiwan, a typhoon or earthquake event can trigger hundreds, even thousands, of shallow landslides in mountainous watersheds. Thus, improving the efficiency of landslide mapping by means of remote sensing techniques is an important issue. This study proposes a new method that uses concurrent aerial laser scanning (ALS) data and color ortho-imagery as input data: the topographic indices of slope, surface roughness, and object height model can be derived from the ALS data and the Green–Red Vegetation Index from the ortho-images. The method first uses these topographic and spectral indices in a global, semi-automatic algorithm to separate landslide from non-landslide pixels. It then offers a region growing tool and a 3D Eraser/Painter to edit detected landslides locally. These global and local operations are designed with a user interface, which is intuitive and user-friendly. Results from four test sites in a mountainous watershed prove that the method is easy, accurate, and suitable for landslide mapping in Taiwan.  相似文献   

On February 14, 2010, a large landslide affected the urban centre of San Fratello town (Sicily Island, Southern Italy), causing severe damage to buildings, roadways, and infrastructure, as well as about 2000 evacuees. This large complex landslide, covering more than 1 km2 in extension, represents one of the major phenomena that ever occurred in Sicily. In order to manage the landslide risk, the civil protection system was activated as part of the initial response to the emergency (the “emergency phase”). This involved the Civil Protection Departments both at national (DPC) and regional (DRPC) levels, as well as scientific institutions (namely “Competence centres”, CdCs), local administration personnel, and technicians. On March 8, 2010, during the post-event recovery phase, a ground-based synthetic aperture radar (GB-InSAR) system was installed in order to monitor the ground surface deformation, assess the landslide residual risk, and analyse its displacement trend. Accurate field surveys and building inspections were also performed for a validation of the GB-InSAR data, in order to map the ground deformation, plan building evacuation-demolishment, as well as check the efficiency of the landslide mitigation works. This paper describes the outcomes of the 57 month monitoring campaign (March 2010–December 2014), reporting the use of GB-InSAR data for near real-time monitoring, mapping, and post-emergency/recovery management activities. The final aim was to provide the civil protection personnel with a reliable, rapid, and easy communication system of the monitoring results, designed to an enhance understanding of the landslide phenomena, and to support the decision-making process.  相似文献   

黄河上游某滑坡坝渗透稳定性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了对黄河上游某滑坡坝的渗透稳定性进行较深入研究,作者首先通过试验资料确定了坝体与湖底纹泥渗透稳定的可能破坏形式、临界水力坡降和允许水力坡降,在此基础上应用数值模拟方法(Modflow程序)对滑坡坝在正常湖水位与极限湖水位两种工况进行了渗透稳定性评价。具体评价方法为,在每种工况下先评价计算范围内最大水力坡降方向每一格点(计算剖分网格)的渗透稳定性,进而评价整个坝体的渗透稳定性。研究结果表明,在正常湖水位与极限湖水位两种工况下,坝体均不会出现渗透稳定性问题,在极限湖水位下,坝体的渗漏量变化不大(由2775m^3/d增加为3138m^3/d)。说明在漫长的历史过程中,堰塞湖已形成了很好的防渗铺盖,当水位高于溢洪道时,湖水主要通过溢洪道向外排泄。研究结果为下游某大型水电站的设计、施工与安全运营提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

地形起伏度和坡度分析在区域滑坡灾害评价中的应用   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
基于ArcGIS平台,利用SRTM3-DEM数据资料,选择鄂尔多斯及其周缘为研究区,计算并定量分析了地形起伏度和坡度,并利用区域滑坡灾害调查资料,初步建立了地形起伏度、坡度与滑坡灾害之间的相关性,讨论了地形起伏度的区域地貌意义。结果表明,研究区滑坡集中发育地区的地形起伏度为200 ̄300m,在此范围内滑坡占研究区所有滑坡总数的48.5%,此区间的面积占研究区总面积的20.3%;坡度为10 ̄18°,此范围内滑坡占研究区所有滑坡总数的46.7%,而此区间的面积占研究区总面积的30.5%。在地貌类型上,滑坡集中发育地区对应残丘、黄土塬及黄土墚等。通过研究区横向、纵向剖面的地形特征分析,表明地形起伏度和坡度分析是相互补充的,它们均与区域滑坡发生和分布存在良好的相关性。这种相关性为区域滑坡灾害评价提供了新的思路,对区域防灾规划和灾害区预测具有重要的应用意义。  相似文献   

Slope instability studies appear to recognize a number of potential superficial slide-producing agents, which may be directly detected and monitored with Earth Observation (EO) data. The main objective of this work is to use conventional EO data and automatic techniques for providing land-use change maps useful in landslide prevention. The idea is to use the detection of changes in areas already involved in landslide events as a precursory sign of variations in the equilibrium status of the slope, independently from other natural triggering events, such as rain and seismic events. Attention is focused on man-induced surface changes, such as deforestation, urban expansion and construction of artificial structures. A historical set of 20 multi-temporal Landsat TM images, covering the period 1987–2000, was analyzed using a supervised change detection technique on a test site affected by slope instability phenomena located in the Abruzzo region in Southern Italy. A change image is obtained by comparing year-specific thematic map pairs. It contains useful information not only on the place where a transition occurred, but also on the specific classes involved in the transitions between two different years. The full set of change images is used to extract class-conditional transition probabilities, to evaluate variations in specific class distribution and the total number of changed pixels in time. Four classes and their transitions were considered in the analysis: (1) arboreous land, (2) agricultural land, (3) barren land, and (4) artificial structures. The quantitative analysis of the class-joint transition probability values of some specific class-transitions that may worsen slope stability showed that in an area prone to landslides the probability of landslide re-activation or first activation is higher where changes have occurred. Although based on a limited number of known events, such a result encourages extensive experimentation of the proposed technique on better documented landslide test sites.  相似文献   

对四川丹巴县甲居滑坡开展的GPS监测表明,甲居滑坡可以分为南北两个区域,其中北部区域滑动较为明显;滑坡体北部水平位移速度53mm/a~200mm/a,垂直位移速度-3 mm/a~-21mm/a;滑坡体南部水平位移速度12mm/a~36mm/a,垂直位移速度-1mm/a~-5mm/a。GPS提供的水平位移量趋势性较好,而垂向位移量结果异常较多,反映出GPS的水平监测优势。GPS监测精度达到毫米级,完全满足滑坡监测的精度要求。  相似文献   

易连兴 《中国岩溶》2020,39(4):559-566
本文以贵州省纳雍县鬃岭崩塌滑坡带两个滑坡区为例,通过水文地质调查、水动力场分析、水化学和流量动态对比分析,得出结论(1)天然条件下,崩塌滑坡带存在3个相对独立的地下水系统,采煤活动改变了局部地下水径流排泄方向,使上部基岩裂隙水、中部岩溶水补给到下部基岩裂隙水中,最后从坑道或泉排泄出地表。(2)流量动态和钙离子含量变化表明,雨季中部岩溶水灌入式补给到了采空区坑道中,同时也表明老鬃岭镇滑坡区山体浅部垂直裂缝发育,左家寨滑坡区山体浅部至深部垂直裂缝均有发育。(3)鬃岭崩塌滑坡体内部地下水以非饱和水下渗运动为主,不存在饱和地下水流场,故而不存在水动力驱动滑坡影响作用。(4)在鬃岭崩塌滑坡孕灾或灾害触发过程中,地下水对垂直裂缝、滑动结构面的发展和岩体破坏、失稳主要起到加速和促进作用。本文对岩溶石山地区类似滑坡机理研究有一定意义。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a specific event-based landslide inventory compiled after the May 2014 heavy rainfall episode in Serbia as a part of the post-disaster recovery actions. The inventory was completed for a total of 23 affected municipalities, and the municipality of Krupanj was selected as the location for a more detailed study. Three sources of data collection and analysis were used: a visual analysis of the post-event very high and high (VHR-HR) resolution images (Pléiades, WorldView-2 and SPOT 6), semi-automatic landslide recognition in pre- and post-event coarse resolution images (Landsat 8) and a landslide mapping field campaign. The results suggest that the visual and semi-automated analyses significantly contributed to the quality of the final inventory, including the associated planning strategies for conducting future field campaigns (as a final stage of the inventorying process), all the more so because the field-based and image-based inventories were focused on different types of landslides. In the most affected municipalities that had very high resolution satellite image coverage (19.52% of the whole study area), the density of the recognized landslides was approximately three times higher than that in those municipalities without satellite image coverage (where only field data were available). The total number of field-mapped landslides for the 23 municipalities was 1785, while image-based inventories, which were available only for the municipalities with satellite image coverage (77.43% of the study area), showed 1298 landslide records. The semi-automated landslide inventory in the test area (Krupanj municipality), which was based on coarse resolution multitemporal images (Landsat 8), counted 490 landslide instances and was in agreement with the visual analysis of the higher resolution images, with an overlap of approximately 40%. These results justify the use of preliminary inventorying via satellite image analysis and suggest a considerable potential use for preliminary visual and semi-automated landslide inventorying as an important supplement to field mapping.  相似文献   

Cenni  Nicola  Fiaschi  Simone  Fabris  Massimo 《Landslides》2021,18(6):2247-2263
Landslides - The morphological changes of unstable areas can be identified using different methodologies that allow repeated surveys over time. The integration between the data obtained from...  相似文献   

岩溶山区地质环境复杂且脆弱,重特大崩滑地质灾害时有发生。如果对岩溶山区的地质环境认知不准,将直接导致对灾害识别能力不足。文章围绕岩溶山区裸露型岩溶陡崖、复合岩组型斜坡以及非裸露型岩溶斜坡3类基本易滑地质结构差异,探讨多源数据条件下更具适用性的识别探测方法。对于空间影响面积小的厚层岩溶陡崖结构,星-地组合识别方法更加适用,基于GNSS的识别探测方式可在获得动态变形趋势基础上,对可能发生的失稳模式进行初步预判,同时可对InSAR解译的地表位移进行矢量化校正,有利于提高对具有相同或相近SAR数据条件地区的灾害识别程度。对于具有较大空间影响面积的斜坡区域,可优先选用基于InSAR的遥感技术来获取地表变形结果,对于有致灾风险的大变形区还可结合易滑地质结构及外部影响因素对其可能失稳模式进行预判或反演分析。任何灾害识别方式都有其局限性,在实践中可根据不同地质结构特征与灾害类型特点,通过多源、多维度监测来构建综合识别体系,探索更具适用性的识别探测与数据分析新思路。  相似文献   

黄河上游某电站Ⅰ#滑坡稳定性分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
黄河上游某电站Ⅰ^#滑坡位于坝前约2km的左岸岸坡,滑坡地质条件较复杂且影响滑坡稳定的因素较多,其稳定性直接影响大坝的安全运行。文章根据滑坡工程地质特征及周围地质条件,分析了滑坡的形成机制及今后可能的破坏方式,并根据滑床的特点按不同条件分段给出了滑带的力学参数,对滑坡天然状态、不同蓄水水位以及暴雨、地震、后缘加载、前缘塌岸等各种情况及它们组合情况下的稳定性进行了评价,结果表明Ⅰ号滑坡在各种情况下均处于稳定状态,不会对大坝的安全造成威胁。  相似文献   

北京戒台寺滑坡为一产生在地质构造发育、地层岩性差和地质环境恶劣条件下的大型破碎岩石滑坡群。滑坡规模巨大,成因复杂,总方量达920多万立方米。滑坡治理采用支挡、锚固、治水、注浆等综合治理技术。整治工程中,对滑坡进行了动态监测,通过深孔、裂缝、地表观测网等监测手段,确定滑坡的变形范围、滑动面位置、主滑方向、各滑块的滑动方向以及之间的滑动关系,同时揭示了春融以及治理工程中各工序对滑坡的影响,为动态设计、信息化施工及评价工程效果提供依据,在整治工程中发挥了关键性作用。同时,也为今后类似大型滑坡的监测提供参考。  相似文献   

Landslides during earthquakes have led to severe casualties and have resulted in damaged structures and facilities. The goal of the present study is to analyze the landslide problems in a remote area—Shei-Pa National Park in Taiwan. Spatial information techniques (Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System) with an innovative data mining technique, Discrete Rough Set (DRS) method, are incorporated to our study for analyzing landslides, their distribution, and classification. The present study provides how to find (1) the most representative data of landslide samples from the existing database, (2) the core attributes of the target categories: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Vegetation Index (VI), and (3) the thresholds (segment points) of each attribute on the target categories. A conventional approach, C4.5 Decision Tree Analysis, is used as a comparison. The methodology discussed in this study is of help to the analysis of landslide problems and thus facilitates the informed decision-making process.  相似文献   

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