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The basic geochemical model of the structure of the Moon proposed by Anderson, in which the Moon is formed by differentiation of the calcium, aluminium, titanium-rich inclusions in the Allende meteorite, is accepted, and the conditions for formation of this Moon within the solar nebula models of Cameron and Pine are discussed. The basic material condenses while iron remains in the gaseous phase, which places the formation of the Moon slightly inside the orbit of Mercury. Some condensed metallic iron is likely to enter the Moon in this position, and since the Moon is assembled at a very high temperature, it is likely to have been fully molten, so that the iron can remove the iridium from the silicate material and carry it down to form a small core. Interactions between the Moon and Mercury lead to the present rather eccentric Mercury orbit and to a much more eccentric orbit for the Moon, reaching past the orbit of the Earth, establishing conditions which are necessary for capture of the Moon by the Earth. In this orbit the Moon, no longer fully molten, will sweep up additional material containing iron oxide. This history accounts in principle for the two major ways in which the bulk composition of the Moon differs from that of the Allende inclusions.Paper dedicated to Professor Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April 1973.  相似文献   

Supersonic non-central collision and coalescence of interstellar matter clouds is suggested as a physical process that could lead to the formation of a solar nebula with an appropriate distribution of the spinangular momentum.  相似文献   

The hypothesis of a generation or triggering of solar activity by the combined planetary tides on the solar surface is examined by a search for correlations between the sunspot numbers and the tidal amplitudes, using averaged values of several time scales (between one day and eleven years), and taking non-linear amplitude effects into account. The result is negative: There exist no detectable correlations.  相似文献   

The concept of Roche limit is applied to the Laplacian theory of the origin of the solar system to study the contraction of a spherical gas cloud (solar nebula). In the process of contraction of the solar nebula, it is assumed that the phenomenon of supersonic turbulent convection described by Prentice (1978) is operative and brings about the halt at various stages of contraction. It is found that the radius of the contracting solar nebula follows Titius-Bode law R p = Rap, where R is the radius of the present Sun and a = 1.442. We call a the Roche's constant. The consequences of the relation are also discussed. The aim, here, is an attempt to explain, on the basis of the concept of Roche limit, the distribution of planets in the solar system and try to understand the physics underlying it.  相似文献   

Naoki Ishitsu  Minoru Sekiya 《Icarus》2003,165(1):181-194
The linear analysis of the instability due to vertical shear in the dust layer of the solar nebula is performed. The following assumptions are adopted throughout this paper: (1) The self-gravity of the dust layer is neglected. (2) One fluid model is adopted, where the dust aggregates have the same velocity with the gas due to strong coupling by the drag force. (3) The gas is incompressible. The calculations with both the Coriolis and the tidal forces show that the tidal force has a stabilizing effect. The tidal force causes the radial shear in the disk. This radial shear changes the wave number of the mode which is at first unstable, and the mode is eventually stabilized. Thus the behavior of the mode is divided into two stages: (1) the first growth of the unstable mode which is similar to the results without the tidal force, and (2) the subsequent stabilization due to an increase of the wave number by the radial shear. If the midplane dust/gas density ratio is smaller than 2, the stabilization occurs before the unstable mode grows largely. On the other hand, the mode grows faster by one hundred orders of magnitude, if this ratio is larger than 20. Because the critical density of the gravitational instability is a few hundreds times as large as the gas density, the hydrodynamic instability investigated in this paper grows largely before the onset of the gravitational instability. It is expected that the hydrodynamic instability develops turbulence in the dust layer and the dust aggregates are stirred up to prevent from settling further. The formation of planetesimals through the gravitational instabilities is difficult to occur as long as the dust/gas surface density ratio is equal to that for the solar abundance. On the other hand, the shear instability is suppressed and the planetesimal formation through the gravitational instability may occur, if dust/gas surface density ratio is hundreds times as large as that for the solar abundance.  相似文献   

Abstract– Alloys of the refractory metals Re, Os, W, Ir, Ru, Mo, Pt, and Rh with small amounts of Fe and Ni are predicted to be one of the very first high‐temperature condensates in a cooling gas of solar composition. Recently, such alloy grains were found in acid‐resistant residues of the Murchison CM2 chondrite. We used focused ion beam (FIB) preparation to obtain electron‐transparent sections of 15 submicrometer‐sized refractory metal nuggets (RMNs) from the original Murchison residue. We studied their crystallography, microstructures, and internal compositional variations using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Our results show that all RMNs studied have hexagonal close‐packed (hcp) crystal structures despite considerable variations of their bulk compositions. Crystallographic superstructures or signs of spinodal decomposition are absent and defect microstructures are scarce. Internally, RMNs are compositionally homogeneous, with no evidence for zoning patterns or heterogeneities due to exsolution. Many RMNs show well‐defined euhedral crystal shapes and all are nearly perfect single crystal. Our findings are consistent with a direct (near‐) equilibrium condensation of refractory metals into a single alloy at high temperature in the solar nebula as predicted by current condensation models. We suggest that this alloy is generally hcp structured due to an extended ε‐phase field in the relevant multicomponent alloy system. The high degree of structural perfection and compositional homogeneity is attributed to high defect energies, high formation temperatures, slow cooling rates, small grain sizes, and rapid internal diffusion.  相似文献   

Abstract— The kinetics and mechanisms of kamacite sulfurization were studied experimentally at temperatures and H2S/H2 ratios relevant to the solar nebula. Pieces of the Canyon Diablo meteorite were heated at 558 K, 613 K, and 643 K in 50 parts per million by volume (ppmv) H2S-H2 gas mixtures for up to one month. Optical microscopy and x-ray diffraction analyses show that the morphology and crystal orientation of the resulting sulfide layers vary with both time and temperature. Electron microprobe analyses reveal three distinct phases in the reaction products: monosulfide solid solution (mss), (Fe, Ni, Co)1-xS, pentlandite (Fe, Ni, Co)9-xS8, and a P-rich phase. The bulk composition of the remnant metal was not significantly changed by sulfurization. Kamacite sulfurization at 558 K followed parabolic kinetics for the entire duration of the experiments. Sulfide layers that formed at 613 K grew linearly with time, while those that formed at 643 K initially grew linearly with time then switched to parabolic kinetics upon reaching a critical thickness. The experimental results suggest that a variety of thermodynamic, kinetic, and physical processes control the final composition and morphology of the sulfide layers. We combine morphological, x-ray diffraction, electron microprobe, and kinetic data to produce a comprehensive model of sulfide formation in the solar nebula. Then, we present a set of criteria to assist in the identification of solar nebula condensate sulfides in primitive meteorites.  相似文献   

Isotopic analyses of meteorites suggest the possibility that some interaction between supernova ejecta and grains occurred in the solar nebula. In particular, the dynamics of grain motions in the solar nebula can explain the observed mixing of nucleosynthetic components. The effect of a shock wave on the motions of grains are examined. A steady-state, plane shock propagating into a uniform region of gas and dust grains is followed by a zone of gas/grain slip, in which the grains are accelerated by drag forces from the pre-shock to the post-shock gas velocity, i.e. reducing the relative velocity between the gas and grains to zero. On the basis of these calculations, it is estimated that if grains carried the isotopic anomalies investigated by Lee, Papanastassoiu, and Wasserburg (1978), then those grains could be no bigger than 2×10–4 cm in size. A scenario is suggested in which the sluggishness of grains provides a natural way to concentrate and mix the nucleosynthetic components carried by grains in the ejecta and in the solar nebula.Paper presented at the Conference on Protostars and Planets, held at the Planetary Science Institute, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, between January 3 and 7, 1978.  相似文献   

Characteristic time scales relevant to the accumulation of planetesimals in a gaseous nebula are examined and the accumulation toward the planets is simulated by numerically solving a growth equation for a mass distribution function. The eccentricity and inclination of planetesimals are assumed to be determined by a balance between excitation due to mutual gravitational scattering and dissipation due to gas drag. Two kinds of mass motion in the radial direction, i.e., diffusion due to mutual scattering and inward flow due to gas drag, are both taken into account. The diffusion is shown to be effective in later stages with a result of accelerating the accumulation. As to the coalescent collision cross section, the usual formula for a binary encounter in a free space is used but the effect of tidal disruption which increases substantially the cross section is taken into account. Numerical results show that the gravitational enhancement factor (i.e., the so-called “Safronov number”), contained in the cross section formula, always takes a value of the order of unity but the accumulation proceeds relatively rapidly owing to the effects of radial diffusion and tidal disruption. That is, a proto-Earth, a proto-Jupiter, and a proto-Saturn with masses of 1×1027 g are formed in 5×106, 1×107, and 1.6×108 years, respectively. Also, a tentative numerical computation for the Neptune formation shows that a proto-Neptune with the same mass requires a long accumulation time, 4.6×109 years. Finally, the other effects which are expected to reduce the above growth times further are discussed.  相似文献   

A total of 56 non-porphyritic pyroxene and pyroxene/olivine micro-objects from different unequilibrated ordinary chondrites were selected for detailed studies to test the existing formation models. Our studies imply that the non-porphyritic objects represent quickly quenched liquids with each object reflecting a very complex and unique evolutionary history. Bulk major element analyses, obtained with EMPA and ASEM, as well as bulk lithophile trace element analyses, determined by LA-ICP-MS, resulted in unfractionated (solar-like) ratios of CaO/Al2O3, Yb/Ce as well as Sc/Yb in many of the studied objects and mostly unfractionated refractory lithophile trace element (RLTE) abundance patterns. These features support an origin by direct condensation from a gas of solar nebula composition. Full equilibrium condensation calculations show that it is theoretically possible that pyroxene-dominated non-porphyritic chondrules with flat REE patterns could have been formed as droplet liquid condensates directly from a nebular gas strongly depleted in olivine. Thus, it is possible to have enstatite as the stable liquidus phase in a 800 × Cl dust-enriched nebular gas at a ptot of 10−3 atm, if about 72% of the original Mg is removed (as forsterite?) from the system. Condensation of liquids from vapor (primary liquid condensation) could be considered as a possible formation process of the pyroxene-dominated non-porphyritic objects. This process can produce a large spectrum of chemical compositions, which always have unfractionated RLTE abundances. Late stage and subsolidus metasomatic events appear to have furthered the compositional diversity of chondrules and related objects by addition of moderately volatile and volatile elements to these objects by exchange reactions with the chondritic reservoir (e.g., V, Cr, Mn, FeO as well as K and Na). The strong fractionation displayed by the volatile lithophile elements could be indicative of a variable efficiency of metasomatic processes occurring during and/or after chondrule formation. Histories of individual objects differ in detail from each other and clearly indicate individual formation and subsequent processing.  相似文献   

A.G.W. Cameron  M.R. Pine 《Icarus》1973,18(3):377-406
Numerical models have been constructed to represent probable conditions in the primitive solar nebula. A two solar mass fragment of a collapsing interstellar gas cloud has been represented by a uniformly rotating sphere. Two cases have been considered: one in which the internal density of the sphere is uniform and the other in which the density falls linearly from a central value to zero at the surface (the uniform and linear models). These assumptions served to define the distribution of angular momentum per unit mass with mass fraction. The spheres were flattened into disks, and models of the disks were found in which there was a force balance in the radial and vertical directions, subject to certain approximations, and with everywhere the assigned values of angular momentum per unit mass. The radial pressure gradient of the gas was included in the force balance. The energy transport in the vertical direction involved convection and radiative equilibrium; the principal contributors to opacity at lower temperatures were metallic iron grains and ice. The models contained two convection zones, an inner one due to the dissociation of hydrogen molecules, and an outer one in which there was a high opacity due to metallic iron grains. The characteristic semithickness of the disks ranged from about 0.1 astronomical units near the center to about one astronomical unit near the exterior. Characteristic angular momentum transport times and radiation lifetimes for these models of the initial solar nebula were estimated. Both types of characteristic lifetime were as short as a few years near the inner part of the models, and became about 104 years or longer at distances greater than ten astronomical units.  相似文献   

A quantitative re-formulation of Hoyle's theory on the formation of the solar system is attempted, according to a three-dimensional scheme based on the assumption that the original magnetic field of the star is a dipole field. This allows us to obtain analytic expressions for the main paraeters describing the different phases of the process. The protostar is assumed to evolve in gravitational contraction along the Hayashi track, along which, for a given value of the radiusR 0 depending on the total angular momentum, matter begins to be shed at the equator as a consequence of centrifugal instability. However, owing to the geometry of the dipole field and to Hoyle's assumption that, for a star with a convective envelope, the sign of the inward magnetic pressure determines whether the magnetic lines do wind up or not, it turns out that the magnetic coupling between the star and the disk formed at the equator starts only when the radius of the contracting star has reached the value ofR s=4/5R 0; and that the shedding of matter stops for a radius valueR d, depending on the strength of the magnetic field. One is thus able to calculate the total quantity of matter emitted at the solar equator and the distance reached by the rings thus formed as functions of the radius of the star, of the initial values of the magnetic field, of the total angular momentum and of the structural factors of the star. The quantitative results are discussed in order to see whether it is possible to deduce the main characteristics of the disk, from which the solar system should have originated, for reasonable values of these main parameters.  相似文献   

Models of the collapse of a protostellar cloud and the formation of the solar nebula reveal that the size of the nebula produced will be the larger of RCF ≡ J2/k2GM3and RV ≡ (GMv/2cc3)12 (where J, M, and cs are the total angular momentum, total mass, and sound speed of the protosetellar material; G is the gravitational constant; k is a number of order unity; and v is the effective viscosity in the nebula). From this result it can be deduced that low-mass nebulas are produced if P ≡ (RV/RCF)2 ? 1; “massive” nebulas result if P ? 1. Gravitational instabilities are expected to be important for the evolution of P ? 1 nebulas. The value of J distinguishes most current models of the solar nebula, since PJ?4. Analytic expressions for the surface density, nebular mass flux, and photospheric temperature distributions during the formation stage are presented for some simple models that illustrate the general properties of growing protostellar disks. It does not yet seem possible to rule out either P ? 1 or P < 1 for the solar nebula, but observed or possible heterogeneities in composition and angular-momentum orientation favor P < 1 models.  相似文献   

A.G.W. Cameron 《Icarus》1973,18(3):407-450
Particle accumulation processes are discussed for a variety of physical environments, ranging from the collapse phase of an interstellar cloud to the different parts of the models of the primitive solar nebula constructed by Cameron and Pine. Because of turbulence in the collapsing interstellar gas, it is concluded that interstellar grains accumulate into bodies with radii of a few tens of centimeters before the outer parts of the solar nebula are formed. These bodies can descend quite rapidly through the gas toward midplane of the nebula, and accumulation to planetary size can occur in a few thousand years. Substantial modifications of these processes take place in the outer convection zone of the solar nebula, but again it is concluded that bodies in that zone can grow to planetary size in a few thousand years.From the discussion of the interstellar collapse phase it is concluded that the angular momentum of the primitive solar nebula was predominantly of random turbulent origin, and that it is plausible that the primitive solar nebula should have possessed satellite nebulae in highly elliptical orbits. It is proposed that the comets were formed in these satellite nebulae.A number of other detailed conclusions are drawn from the analysis. It is shown to be plausible that an iron-rich planet should be formed in the inner part of the outer nebular convection zone. Discussions are given of the processes of planetary gas accretion, the formation of satellites, the T Tauri solar wind, and the dissipation of excess condensed material after the nebular gases have been removed by the T Tauri solar wind. It is shown that the present radial distances of the planets (but not Bode's Law) should be predicted reasonably well by a solar nebula model intermediate between the uniform and linear cases of Cameron and Pine.  相似文献   

We present here a very simple model that could explain the relatively high eccentricities and inclinations observed in the minor planet belt. This model is based upon the sweeping of the secular resonances 6 and 16 through the belt due to the gravitational effect of the dissipation of a primitive solar nebula. The sweeping of the 16 secular resonance (responsible for the high inclinations) is very sensitive to the density profile of the nebula. For the model to work we need a density profile proportional to –k with between 1.0 and 1.5.  相似文献   

W. K. Yip 《Solar physics》1973,30(2):513-526
The radio emissions caused by electron streams in a non-isothermal plasma are studied quantitatively. It is proposed that conversion of the stream-excited plasma waves into electromagnetic waves by scattering on the thermal fluctuations at nonisothermal sonic oscillation frequency is the origin of the emission of the split-pair burst near the plasma frequency. The occurrence of the split-pair bursts near the second harmonic of the plasma frequency can be due to combination scattering of the stream-excited plasma waves by electron density fluctuations which are produced by the scattered plasma waves. With a streamer model in which the electron densities are two times those in Newkirk's model, both the observed frequency splitting and the rate of drift of the split pair can be explained as the result of plasma radiation caused by a stream of 10 keV electrons. A tentative model for the split-pair emission is suggested.  相似文献   

Abstract— The outer layers of the Sun are thought to preserve the average isotopic and chemical composition of the solar system. The solar O-isotopic composition is essentially unmeasured, though models based on variations in meteoritic materials yield several predictions. These predictions are reviewed and possible variations on these predictions are explored. In particular, the two-component mixing model of Clayton and Mayeda (1984) (slightly revised here) predicts solar compositions to lie along an extension of the calcium-aluminum-rich inclusion (CAI) 16O line between (δ18O, δ17O) = (16.4, 11.4)%0 and (12.3, 7.5)%0. Consideration of data from ordinary chondrites suggests that the range of predicted solar composition should extend to slightly lower δ18O values. The predicted solar composition is critically sensitive to the solid/gas ratio in the meteorite-forming region, which is often considered to be significantly enriched over solar composition. A factor of two solid/gas enrichment raises the predicted solar (δ18O, δ17O) values along an extension of the CAI 16O line to (33, 28)%0. The model is also sensitive to the nebular O gas phase. If conversion of most of the gaseous O from CO to H2O occurred at relatively low temperatures and was incomplete at the time of CM aqueous alteration, the predicted nebular gas composition (and hence the solar composition) would be isotopically heavier along a slope 1/2 line. The likelihood of having a single solid nebular O component is discussed. A distribution of initial solid compositions along the CAI 16O line (rather than simply as an end-member) would not significantly change the predictions above in at least one scenario. Even considering these variations within the mixing model, the predicted range of solar compositions is distinct from that expected if the meteoritic variations are due to non-mass-dependent fractionation. Thus, a measurement of the solar O composition to a precision of several permil would clearly distinguish between these theories and should clarify a number of other important issues regarding solar system formation.  相似文献   

Yuan  Chi  Chou  Chih-Kang  Lee  Ta-Jen 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1986,118(1-2):515-521
We study the distribution and transport of angular momentum in a self-gravitating accretion disk formed during the collapse of a rotating gas cloud. Using the surface density for the low-viscosity models and minimum-mass models presented by Cassen and Summers, Poisson's equation is solved explicitly to determine the effects of self-gravitation of the protostellar disk. Analytic expressions for the angular momentum of the central star and other relevant quantities of interest during the formation stage are presented.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.On leave from the City College of the City University of New York, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Prentice (1978a) in his modern Laplacian theory of the origin of the solar system has established the scenario of the formation of the solar system on the basis of the usual laws of conservation of mass and angular momentum and the concept of supersonic turbulent convection that he has developed. In this, he finds the ratio of the orbital radii of successively disposed gaseous rings to be a constant - 1.69. This serves to provide a physical understanding of the Titius-Bode law of planetary distances. In an attempt to understand the law in an alternative way, Rawal (1984) starts with the concept of Roche limit. He assumes that during the collapse of the solar nebula, the halts at various radii are brought about by the supersonic turbulent convection developed by Prentice and arrives at the relation: R p= Rap, where R pare the radii of the solar nebula at various halts during the collapse, R the radius of the present Sun and a = 1.442. a is referred here as the Roche constant. In this context, it is shown here that Kepler's third law of planetary system assumes the form: T p = T 0(a3/2)p, where T p are the orbital periods at the radii R p, T 0 - 0.1216d - 3 h, and a the Roche constant. We are inclined to interpret T 0' to be the rotation period of the Sun at the time of its formation when it attained the present radius. It is also shown that the oribital periods T pcorresponding to the radii R psubmit themselves to the Laplace's resonance relation.  相似文献   

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