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We discuss the status of ultraviolet knowledge of Solar System objects. We begin with a short historical survey, followed by a review of knowledge gathered so far and of existing observational assets. The survey indicates that UV observations, along with data collected in other spectral bands, are necessary and in some cases essential to understand the nature of our neighbors in the Solar System. By extension, similar observations are needed to explore the nature of extrasolar planets, to support or reject astro-biology arguments, and to compose and test scenarios for the formation and evolution of planetary systems.We propose a set of observations, describing first the necessary instrumental capabilitites to collect these and outlining what would be the expected scientific return. We identify two immediate programmatic requirements: the establishment of a mineralogic database in the ultraviolet for the characterization of planetary, ring, satellite, and minor planet surfaces, and the development and deployment of small orbital solar radiation monitors. The first would extend the methods of characterizing surfaces of atmosphere-less bodies by adding the UV segment. The latter are needed to establish a baseline against which contemporaneous UV observations of Solar System objects must be compared.We identify two types of UV missions, one appropriate for a two-meter-class telescope using almost off-the-shelf technology that could be launched in the next few years, and another for a much larger (5–20 meter class) instrument that would provide the logical follow-up after a decade of utilizing the smaller facility.Michel Festou, our co-author and a very important contributor to this paper, passed away while this paper was being completed. We dedicate it to his memory.Deceased 11 May 2005  相似文献   

The short exposure method proved to be very productive in ground-based observations of Mercury. Telescopic observations with short exposures, together with computer codes for the processing of data arrays of many thousands of original electronic photos, make it possible to improve the resolution of images from ground-based instruments to almost the diffraction limit. The resulting composite images are comparable with images from spacecrafts approaching from a distance of about 1 million km. This paper presents images of the hemisphere of Mercury in longitude sectors 90°–180°W, 215°–350°W, and 50°–90°W, including, among others, areas not covered by spacecraft cameras. For the first time a giant S basin was discovered in the sector of longitudes 250°–290°W, which is the largest formation of this type on terrestrial planets. Mercury has a strong phase effects. As a result, the view of the surface changes completely with the change in the planetary phase. But the choice of the phase in the study using spacecrafts is limited by orbital characteristics of the mission. Thus, ground-based observations of the planet provide a valuable support.  相似文献   

The refraction of ordinary superluminous waves in a pulsar plasma is considered. The effect is found essentially to influence the apparent spatial structure of a pulsar emission region. This is of particular importance for the interpretation of the observations of pulsar interstellar scintillations, which provide an opportunity of resolving the magnetospheres of nearby pulsars. When calculated with account for magnetospheric refraction, the dependence of transverse ray separation on pulse longitude appears to be similar to that inferred by means of interstellar interferometry. It is shown that the differences in the character of the dependences observed at various frequencies may be attributed to the frequency-dependent efficiency of refraction. Taking into account magnetospheric refraction makes it necessary to reconsider the estimate of the emission altitude derived from the apparent size of the emission region. The renewed estimate appears to be almost an order of magnitude less, so that it is consistent with the emission altitudes obtained by other methods.  相似文献   

Massive television observations of meteors aimed at verifying the existing and finding new meteor streams create the task of the reliable preliminary determination of the detected meteor membership in a particular known stream. The mostly widely used method of meteor identification is connected with the estimation of the distance between the great circle of the meteor and the point of the examined radiant. Often observers perform this estimation without checking the possibility that the same meteor belongs to another stream. When several streams occur simultaneously, many meteors can be members of two or more streams. When the determination of the meteor membership is done in a subjective way, it may lead to an overestimation of strong streams’ and an underestimation of weak streams’ activity. In this work, we describe a method and algorithm for the determination of the meteor membership in known streams which were tested using real television observations and were successfully used at INASAN. This algorithm is almost completely automatic and allows for the obtainment of additional information regarding meteor streams. We also show some results of the processing of 2254 meteors observations obtained with the FAVOR camera from July 31, 2006 to October 21, 2006 using the proposed method. The work is part of the program for the creation of the Verified Catalogue of Meteor Streams.  相似文献   

We present a large set of radio observations of the luminous blue variable P Cygni. These include two 6-cm images obtained with MERLIN which spatially resolve the 6-cm photosphere, monitoring observations obtained at Jodrell Bank every few days over a period of two months, and VLA observations obtained every month for seven years. This combination of data shows that the circumstellar environment of P Cyg is highly inhomogeneous, that there is a radio nebula extending to almost an arcminute from the star at 2 and 6 cm, and that the radio emission is variable on a time-scale no longer than one month, and probably as short as a few days. This short-time-scale variability is difficult to explain. We present a model for the radio emission with which we demonstrate that the star has probably been losing mass at a significant rate for at least a few thousand years, and that it has undergone at least two major outbursts of increased mass loss during the past two millenia.  相似文献   

We present new UB V observations of the symbiotic nova V 1329 Cyg. Based on all our UB V observations of a uniform system, we redetermined the orbital period of the binary and estimated the magnitudes and luminosities of its components. We show that the pre-outburst visual luminosities of the red giant and the hot star were almost equal and that the rapid irregular photographic variability of the star was caused by the nonstationary behavior of the hot component. The outburst amplitude of the hot component (subdwarf) in 1964 was found to be ~2m in the V band, which is typical of ordinary symbiotic stars. We estimated the continuum luminosity of the gaseous component that appeared after the outburst. In the V band, it was almost 1m fainter than the flared hot star. Structurally, the gaseous component is an ionized gaseous disk comparable in size to an M giant.  相似文献   

The ROSAT X-ray source 1RXS J114003.0 124112 was identified as a starburst galaxy at redshift 0.177 by He et al. The authors also noted that the source is almost two orders of magnitude brighter in X-ray than the X-ray-brightest starburst galaxy and it seems to be in a merging system, making this source an enigmatic system demanding further observations. Here we report a re-identification of 1RXS J114003.0 124112 using observations on the 2.6m telescope at Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, Armenia and the SDSS data. The results indicate that the starburst activity is associated with the brighter object of the system, while the fainter object is a typical Seyfert 1 galaxy at a different redshift (0.282). Therefore, the two objects are not in a merging system, and the Seyfert 1 galaxy naturally accounts for the high X-ray flux. Three more objects reside in the vicinity, but they are all too faint to be responsible for the high X-ray flux.  相似文献   

White  S.M. 《Solar physics》1999,190(1-2):309-330
This paper reviews the contrasting properties of radio and EUV/X-ray observations for the study of the solar atmosphere. The emphasis is placed on explaining the nature of radio observations to an EUV/X-ray audience. Radio emission is produced by mechanisms which are well-understood within classical physics. Bremsstrahlung tends to be dominant at low frequencies, while gyro-resonance emission from strong magnetic fields produces bright sources at higher frequencies. At most radio frequencies the images of the Sun are dominated almost everywhere by bremsstrahlung opacity, which may be optically thick or thin depending on circumstances. Where gyro-resonance sources are present they may be used as sensitive probes of the regions above active regions where magnetic field strengths exceed several hundred gauss, and this unique capability is one of the strengths of radio observations. Typically a gyro-resonance radio source shows the temperature on an optically thick surface of constant magnetic field within the corona. Since each radio frequency corresponds to a different magnetic field strength, the coronal structure can be `peeled away' by using different frequencies. The peculiarities of radio observing techniques are discussed and contrasted with EUV/X-ray techniques. Radio observations are strong at determining temperatures and coronal magnetic field strengths while EUV/X-ray observations better sense densities and reveal coronal magnetic field lines: in this way the two wavelength domains are nicely complementary.  相似文献   

X-ray observations of the solar corona show that it is comprised of three-dimensional magnetic structures which appear to be primarily in the form of fluxtubes or loops. Imaging the X-ray corona has led to a greater understanding of the dynamical behaviour of and the energy distribution in these magnetic structures. However, imaging observations, by their very nature, integrate along the line of sight resulting in a two-dimensional representation of the actual three-dimensional distribution. The optically thin nature of the solar corona to X-ray radiation makes the integrated images particularly difficult to interpret. The analysis of the two-dimensional observations must, therefore, inlcude the effect of the orientation of the coronal structure to the line-of-sight direction; a fact which is almost always ignored. In this paper we discuss the effect of loop orientation on the two-dimensional representation and argue that these effects may lead to a misinterpretation of the physics occurring in the structures observed. In particular, we discuss observations taken by the Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) on board the Yohkoh satellite, taking account of the instrumental thermal response, spatial resolution, and point-spread-function.We test the effect of geometry on the determination of the loop pressure by considering equatorial loops at various longitudes and discuss the implications of this for studies of coronal soft X-ray loops.  相似文献   

We present 10-μm ISO -SWS and Australia Telescope Compact Array observations of the region in the cluster Wd1 in Ara centred on the B[e] star Ara C. An ISO -SWS spectrum reveals emission from highly ionized species in the vicinity of the star, suggesting a secondary source of excitation in the region. We find strong radio emission at both 3.5 and 6.3 cm, with a total spatial extent of over 20 arcsec. The emission is found to be concentrated in two discrete structures, separated by ∼ 14 arcsec. The westerly source is resolved, with a spectral index indicative of thermal emission. The easterly source is clearly extended and non-thermal (synchrotron) in nature. Positionally, the B[e] star is found to coincide with the more compact radio source, while the southerly lobe of the extended source is coincident with Ara A, an M2 I star. Observation of the region at 10 μm reveals strong emission with an almost identical spatial distribution to the radio emission. Ara C is found to have an extreme radio luminosity in comparison with prior radio observations of hot stars such as O and B supergiants and Wolf–Rayet stars, given the estimated distance to the cluster. An origin in a detatched shell of material around the central star is therefore suggested; however given the spatial extent of the emission, such a shell must be relatively young (τ ∼ 103 yr). The extended non-thermal emission associated with the M star Ara A is unexpected; to the best of our knowledge this is a unique phenomenon. SAX (2–10 keV) observations show no evidence of X-ray emission, which might be expected if a compact companion were present.  相似文献   

A new set of photoelectric B and V observations of W Ursae Majoris obtained during a period of one week in 1968 is presented.From the measurements it can be concluded that in general the light curve in both colors is free from complications. In particular, no systematic brightness differences between consecutive periods can be found.The observations made during total eclipse in two different periods yield flat minima fitting almost perfectly together, the mean error of the single measurement beeing of the order of 0.m003. The duration of the phase of totality is estimated to 0.036P=17.3 m thus confirming the value given by Cester and Gridelli.From a plot of the square deviations of the single observations (I/I)2 from the mean intensity curve vs phase it can be shown that the scattering decreases strongly during primary eclipse thus indicating that the source producing these fluctuations is essentially confined to the space between the two components. A comparison with earlier photoelectric observations also supports the assumption that the variational behavior of the light curve is caused by a gaseous cloud between the two components rather than by an envelope surrounding the whole system.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Tremendous progress has been made in the field of interstellar dust in recent years through the use of telescopic observations, theoretical studies, laboratory studies of analogs, and the study of actual interstellar samples found in meteorites. It is increasingly clear that the interstellar medium (ISM) contains an enormous diversity of materials created by a wide range of chemical and physical processes. This understanding is a far cry from the picture of interstellar materials held as recently as two decades ago, a picture which incorporated only a few generic types of grains and few molecules. In this paper, I attempt to review some of our current knowledge of the more abundant materials thought to exist in the ISM. The review concentrates on matter in interstellar dense molecular clouds since it is the materials in these environments from which new stars and planetary systems are formed. However, some discussion is reserved for materials in circumstellar environments and in the diffuse ISM. The paper also focuses largely on solid materials as opposed to gases since solids contain a major fraction of the heavier elements in clouds and because solids are most likely to survive incorporation into new planetary systems in identifiable form. The paper concludes with a discussion of some of the implications resulting from the recent growth of our knowledge about interstellar materials and also considers a number of areas in which future work might be expected to yield important results.  相似文献   

Das  T.K.  Sarkar  H.  Sen  A.K. 《Solar physics》2000,194(1):155-163
The ratios of radio to optical diameter of the solar disc at 10.7 and 3 cm wavelengths are examined. The radio observations are daily east–west scans of the solar disc, made over the period 1975–1992, which includes almost two complete solar cycles. We find that the apparent disc diameter is slightly greater at solar minimum than it is at solar maximum, suggesting that the radio diameter varies over the cycle. Moreover, the ratio is smaller at 3 cm wavelength than it is at 10.7 cm, at both solar maximum and minimum.  相似文献   

Our knowledge about the lunar environment is based on a large volume of ground-based, remote, and in situ observations. These observations have been conducted at different times and sampled different pieces of such a complex system as the surface-bound exosphere of the Moon. Numerical modeling is the tool that can link results of these separate observations into a single picture. Being validated against previous measurements, models can be used for predictions and interpretation of future observations results.  相似文献   

From December 2006 to January 2008, we performed 1699 BV I c observations for 46 low-amplitude Cepheids discovered in the course of the ASAS project using the 76-cm telescope of the South-African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO). We provide the tables of observations and V light and B-V and V-I c color curves. These new observations, along with data from the ASAS-3 catalog, have been used to improve the elements of the light variations. Our data allow the number of known Galactic low-amplitude Cepheids to be almost doubled. This makes it possible to increase the number of distance indicators suitable for studying the structure of the inner Galactic arms by almost 15%.  相似文献   

CO was observed on March 11, 1997 in comet Hale–Bopp with theIRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer. The maps show evidence for asymmetrical patterns, due to the Existence of CO jets. Analysis of the spectra and their velocity shifts shows that there is a spiral CO jet rotating in a plane almost perpendicular to the sky plane.This is the first time that rotating jets are observed for parent molecules.We have developed a 3-D model simulating rotating spiral jets of CO gas.We present here the comparison between the observations and our model.  相似文献   

We suggest a new approach and develop an original method for deriving astrometric data from the photometry of mutual occultations and eclipses of planetary satellites. We decide to model not the relative apparent motion of one satellite with respect to another satellite but the deflection of the observed relative motion with respect to the theoretical motion implied by appropriate ephemerides.We have attempted to reduce the results of photometric observations of the Gallilean satellites during their mutual occultations and eclipses in 2002-2003. The data of observation for 319 light curves of 106 mutual events were received from the observers. The reliable 245 light curves were processed with our method. Eighty six apparent relative positions have been obtained.Systematic errors arise inevitably while deriving astrometric data. Most of them are due to factors that are unrelated to the methods for deriving astrometric data. The systematic errors are more likely due to incorrect excluding the effect of background on photometric counts. In the case of mutual occultations, the flux drop is determined to a considerable degree by the ratio of the mean albedos of the two satellites. Some mutual event observations revealed wrong adopted values of the mean albedos.  相似文献   

Measurements from a network of riometers during the passage of an auroral westward travelling surge are presented. These show that the energetic electron precipitation producing the radio absorption expands in an almost identical fashion to the softer precipitation associated with the visible surge, but. it is delayed by about two minutes with respect to the surge. The delay is interpreted as a hardening of the precipitating electron spectrum as the surge goes by. Simultaneous observations of electrons at synchronous orbit are shown to support this conclusion.  相似文献   

The interior of the Sun is not directly observable to us. Nevertheless, it is possible to infer the physical conditions prevailing in the solar interior with the help of theoretical models coupled with observational input provided by measured frequencies of solar oscillations. The frequencies of these solar oscillations depend on the internal structure and dynamics of the Sun and from the knowledge of these frequencies it is possible to infer the internal structure as well as the large scale flows inside the Sun, in the same way as the observations of seismic waves on the surface of Earth help us in the study of its interior. With the accumulation of seismic data over the last six years it has also become possible to study temporal variations in the solar interior. Some of these seismic inferences would be described.  相似文献   

We evaluate the expected level of foreground contamination to the cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarised radiation, focusing on the diffuse emission from our own Galaxy. In particular, we perform a first attempt to simulate an all sky template of polarised emission from thermal dust. This study indicates that the foreground contamination to CMB B-modes is likely to be relevant on all frequencies, and even at high Galactic latitudes. We review the recent developments in the design of data analysis techniques dedicated to the separation of CMB and foreground emissions in multi-frequency observations, exploiting their statistical independence. We argue that the high quality and detail of the present CMB observations represent an almost ideal statistical dataset where these algorithms can operate with excellent performance. We explicitly show that the recovery of CMB B-modes is possible even if they are well below the foreground level, working at the arcminute resolution at an almost null computational cost. This capability well represents the great potentiality of these new data analysis techniques, which should be seriously taken into account for implementation in present and future CMB observations.  相似文献   

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