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The objective of our study is to exploit ultrasonic Doppler velocimetry (UDV) to analyze the velocity field within a steady flow on a porous sedimentary bottom. Velocities are measured for several sedimentary beds, as well within the fluid vein as within the sediment. Our results highlight an exponential distribution of the velocities inside the sediment and a discontinuity of the velocity at the interface water–sediment, between the velocity in the free flow and the velocity within the sediment. These results highlight the need to base the analysis of sedimentary transport on the reality of the physical processes at the interface water–sediment.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the development of semianalytical solutions for the deformation induced by gravitational compaction in sedimentary basins. Formulated within the framework of coupled plasticity–viscoplasticity at large strains, the modeling dedicates special emphasis to the effects of material densification associated with large irreversible porosity changes on the stiffness and hardening of the sediment material. At material level, the purely mechanical compaction taking place in the upper layers of the basin is handled in the context of finite elastoplasticity, whereas the viscoplastic component of behavior is intended to address creep-like deformation resulting from chemo-mechanical that prevails at deeper layers. Semianalytical solutions describing the evolution of mechanical state of the sedimentary basin along both the accretion and postaccretion periods are presented in the simplified oedometric setting. These solutions can be viewed as reference solutions for verification and benchmarks of basin simulators. The proposed approach may reveal suitable for parametric analyses because it requires only standard mathematics-based software for PDE system resolution. The numerical illustrations provide a quantitative comparison between the derived solutions and finite element predictions from an appropriate basin simulator, thus showing the ability of the approach to accurately capture essential features of basin deformation.  相似文献   

《Computers and Geotechnics》2006,33(6-7):316-329
The aim of the paper is to provide new elements concerning the constitutive behavior of sedimentary rocks and the numerical aspects for basin simulators. A comprehensive model for mechanical compaction of sedimentary basins is developed within finite poroplasticity setting. Particular concern is paid to the effects of large porosity changes on the poromechanical properties of the sediment material. A simplified micromechanics-based approach is used to account for the stiffness increase and hardening induced by large plastic strains.A key challenge for numerical assessment of sedimentary basin evolution is to integrate multiple coupled processes in the context of open material systems. To this end, a numerical approach inspired from the ‘deactivation/reactivation’ method used for the simulation of excavation process and lining placement in tunnel engineering, has been developed. Periods of sediments accretion are simulated by progressive activation of the gravity forces within a fictitious closed system. Fundamental components of the constitutive model developed before (hydromechanical coupling, dependence of poroelastic properties on large plasticity, impact of irreversible porosity changes on the hardening rule, evolution of permeability with porosity) are included into our finite element code.Illustrative examples of basin simulation are performed in the one-dimensional case. Various aspects of the constitutive model are investigated. Their influence on the corresponding basin response is analyzed in terms of compaction law, porosity and fluid pressure profiles.  相似文献   

Analysis of the authigenic laumontite distribution in sedimentary complexes of the Russian Federation is presented. The mineral occurs in sections characterized by various types of lithology, genesis, tectonic setting, and burial depth. Distribution area of this mineral spacially coincide with domains of the alkaline (mainly sodic) groundwater. It is inferred that the formation of authigenic laumontite in sedimentary sequences represents the hydrogenous catagenetic mineralization related to the circulation of heterogeneous alkaline groundwaters in them. This phenomenon resembles hydrothermal processes in areas of intense volcanism and likely represents a process typical of sedimentary sequences.  相似文献   

松辽盆地姚家组-嫩江组地层层序及沉积演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
松辽盆地姚家组-嫩江组是晚白垩世形成的一套完整的水进-水退沉积旋回,分为2个二级层序,6个三级层序,持续时间约4Ma。嫩江组二段最大湖泛期在底部形成了盆地范围内稳定分布的油页岩,其不仅是层序及地层对比的标准界面,而且是重要的烃源岩层和盖层。姚家组与嫩江组一段是水进期大型退积型三角洲沉积,嫩江组三段是水退期大型湖泊与快速进积大型三角洲沉积。嫩江组在水进期长轴物源方向发育大型重力流水道及末端浊积扇,水道延伸距离64km,最大宽度600m;在水退初期短轴方向发育滑塌浊积扇,扇体有复合式和单体式,滑塌最小古坡度为5%~12‰,表面均发育弧状滑塌波纹,波纹密度4~10条/km,最小滑移距离2~10km。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2002,17(6):807-817
The percolation flux for borehole USW UZ-14 was calculated from 14C residence times of pore water and water content of cores measured in the laboratory. Transport velocity is calculated from the depth interval between two points divided by the difference in 14C residence times. Two methods were used to calculate the flux and velocity. The first method uses the 14C data and cumulative water content data directly in the incremental intervals in the Paintbrush nonwelded unit and the Topopah Spring welded unit. The second method uses the regression relation for 14C data and cumulative water content data for the entire Paintbrush nonwelded unit and the Topopah Spring Tuff/Topopah Spring welded unit. Using the first method, for the Paintbrush nonwelded unit in borehole USW UZ-14 percolation flux ranges from 2.3 to 41.0 mm/a. Transport velocity ranges from 1.2 to 40.6 cm/a. For the Topopah Spring welded unit percolation flux ranges from 0.9 to 5.8 mm/a in the 8 incremental intervals calculated. Transport velocity ranges from 1.4 to 7.3 cm/a in the 8 incremental intervals. Using the second method, average percolation flux in the Paintbrush nonwelded unit for 6 boreholes ranges from 0.9 to 4.0 mm/a at the 95% confidence level. Average transport velocity ranges from 0.6 to 2.6 cm/a. For the Topopah Spring welded unit and Topopah Spring Tuff, average percolation flux in 5 boreholes ranges from 1.3 to 3.2 mm/a. Average transport velocity ranges from 1.6 to 4.0 cm/a. Both the average percolation flux and average transport velocity in the PTn are smaller than in the TS/TSw. However, the average minimum and average maximum values for the percolation flux in the TS/TSw are within the PTn average range. Therefore, differences in the percolation flux in the two units are not significant. On the other hand, average, average minimum, and average maximum transport velocities in the TS/TSw unit are all larger than the PTn values, implying a larger transport velocity for the TS/TSw although there is a small overlap.  相似文献   

Modeling subsurface flow in sedimentary basins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Groundwater flows that arise in sedimentary basins from the effects of topographic relief, buoyant convection, sediment compaction, erosional unloading, and combinations of these driving forces can be described using quantitative modeling techniques. Models can be constructed to consider the effects of heat and solute transport, petroleum migration, and the chemical interaction of water and rocks. The accuracy of model predictions, however, is limited by the difficulty of predicting hydrologic properties of sediments on regional dimensions, estimating past conditions such as topographic relief, and knowledge of how physical and chemical processes interact over gelogic time scales. Progress in basin modeling will accelerate as hydrologic research efforts are better integrated with those of other specialities such as sedimentology, rock mechanics, and geochemistry.
Zusammenfassung Grundwasserbewegungen in sedimentären Becken, die von dem topographischen Relief, konvektionsbedingtem Auftrieb, Sedimentkompaktion, isostatischen Ausgleichsbewegungen in Folge von Erosion und von Kombinationen dieser Kräfte gesteuert werden, können mit Hilfe quantitativ modellierender Techniken beschrieben werden. In diesen Modellen kann man die Auswirkungen des Transports von Wärme und gelösten Stoffen, Petroleum-Migration und die chemische Interaktion zwischen Wasser und dem grundwasserleitenden Gestein berücksichtigen.Die Genauigkeit der Modell-Voraussagen ist allerdings begrenzt wegen der Schwierigkeit, hydrologische Eigenschaften von Sedimenten in einem regionalen Rahmen vorauszusagen, dem Schätzen vergangener Bedingungen und dem Problem der Abschätzung von Wechselwirkungen physikalischer und chemischer Prozesse in geologischen Zeiträumen. Fortschritte für das Modellieren von Becken werden mit der Integration hydrologischer Forschungsanstrengungen in benachbarte Fachebiete wie Sedimentologie, Gesteinsmechanik und Geochemie zunehmen.

Résumé Il est possible, par l'utilisation de techniques quantitatives de modélisation, de décrire les mouvements des eaux souterraines qui se manifestem dans les bassins sédimentaires, et qui résultent du relief topographique, de la convection, de la compaction des sédiments, de la décharge due à l'érosion et de la combinaison de ces divers facteurs. Dans ces modèles, on peut prendre en considération les effets des transferts de chaleur et de matières dissoutes lors de la migration du pétrole et ceux de l'interaction chimique de l'eau avec les roches. Toutefois la précision des prévisions que l'on peut en déduire est limitée par la difficulté d'estimer à l'echelle régionale les propriétés hydrologiques des sédiments, de reconstituer les conditions anciennes, et de connaître de quelle manière les processus physiques et chimiques interfèrent à l'échelle des temps géologiques. La modélisation des bassins progressera dans la mesure où la recherche hydrogéologique ser mieux intégrée à celles d'autres disciplines telles que la sédimentologie, la mécanique des roches et la géochimie.

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东秦岭二郎坪群热水沉积硅质岩的地球化学特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
东秦岭二郎坪群中广泛发育一套与铜铅锌成矿作用关系密切的硅质岩。区内硅质岩总体属于低硅质硅质岩,SiO2与Al2O3呈负相关,Fe2O3/FeO比值一般小于1,与热水沉积硅质岩的特征一致;南阳盆地以西的硅质岩MnO/TiO2比值小于0.5、Al/(Al Fe)比值接近北太平洋比值,而盆地以东的硅质岩MnO/TiO2比值大于0.5、Al/(Al Fe)比值与日本中部大陆边缘的三叠纪层纹状硅质岩比值类似;硅质岩稀土元素总量较低,重稀土元素有富集的趋势,Ce亏损较明显,Eu显示正异常,表明本区硅质岩主要是热水沉积作用的产物;硅质岩的V、Ni、Cu等微量元素含量具有洋中脊(或远洋盆地)和大陆边缘硅质岩的双重特征。  相似文献   

胜利油区孤南洼陷古、新近系充填层序与沉积环境   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
孤南洼陷是济阳坳陷沾化凹陷的一个新生代次级洼陷。边界断层的活动差异性造成洼陷形态为典型的南超北断的箕状洼陷;多次的构造运动形成了湖盆的多次抬升剥蚀和沉降。充填序列可以划分为4个构造层序;沉积体系可划分出河流、扇三角洲、三角洲及湖泊体系等4种;洼陷的沉积受同沉积构造活动及物源补给状况的控制。  相似文献   

Certain chemical conditions must have been fulfilled and certain hydrological framework must have prevailed when large bodies of sedimentary dolomites were formed. This paper discusses the chemistry of dolomite formation, analyses quantitatively the movement of subsurface waters and the relation of flow rate to dolomitization. The geologic environment favorable for dolomitization could be interpreted in terms of chemistry and/or hydrology. No new hypothesis of dolomitization is presented, only the minimum conditions necessary for dolomite formations are defined.
Zusammenfassung Bestimmte chemische und hydrologische Voraussetzungen müssen bei der Bildung von großen Volumen sedimentären Dolomites vorgeherrscht haben. Die vorliegende Arbeit legt die chemischen Bildungsbedingungen dar und untersucht quantitativ die Bewegung von Grundwasser sowie die Beziehung der Durchflußmengen pro Zeiteinheit zur Dolomitisierung. Damit können die häufigsten geologischen Bedingungen, die eine Dolomitbildung begünstigen,chemisch und hydrologisch gedeutet werden. Neue Hypothesen für die Dolomitisierung werden nicht vorgelegt, sondern nur die minimalen Bedingungen definiert.

Presented orally at the Mineralogical-Petrographical Institute of the University of Heidelberg, July 15th, 1965.  相似文献   

开阳磷矿北西部磷矿是开阳磷矿资源接替基地之一。在区域成矿地质背景的基础上,从构造、含矿层岩性组合及厚度分析了矿床地质特征。通过分析磷块岩的岩矿学特征及其与沉积环境的关系,对典型剖面进行了层序划分,将洋水组含磷岩系划分为4个向上变浅的沉积旋回,沉积环境由潮下低能带向潮间带、潮上带逐渐过渡。在海平面不断升降的背景下,上升洋流携带大量富磷海水进入洋水矿区浅水环境中沉淀形成磷块岩。  相似文献   

Lihological-geochemical investigations of Vendian-Cambrian carbonate rocks from sedimentary cover of the Tuva-Mongol microcontinent revealed that the Bokson Group (Oka structural-formational zone), as well as the Gorlyk and Ara-Oshei formations (Ilchir structural-formational zone), characterize a common carbonate platform. Together with the Bokson Group, the combined Gorlyk and Ara-Oshei formations, which correlate with the complete Bokson Group, make up the Vendian-Cambrian sedimentary cover of the Tuva-Mongol microcontinent. Carbonate sequences accumulated in a shallow-water basin with differentiated bottom topography. Vendian-Cambrian carbonate rocks are characterized by constant geochemical composition due to the stability of provenance (basic and subordinate ultrabasic rocks) and the lack of admixture of pyroclastic material and influence of submarine hydrothermal solutions. Lithological and geochemical features of carbonate sequences imply a gradual deepening of basin in the course of sedimentary cover formation.Translated from Litologiya i Poleznye Iskopaemye, No. 2, 2005, pp. 192–204.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Letnikova, Geletii.  相似文献   

Six diverse intrusive igneous types are exposed as discrete outcrops within an area of 900 km2 in the southern Snake Range, White Pine County, Nevada. The previously recognized variety among these igneous types is reflected in the wide range of 18O values (–1.1 to 13.4 permil) found in these rocks. This range of 18O values probably results from differences in source material and post-crystallization history of the different intrusive types.The Jurassic intrusive of the Snake Creek-Williams Canyon area represents the chemical equivalent of a large part of a differentiation sequence, with the entire range of composition (63–76 percent SiO2) exposed over a horizontal distance of about five km. The rather regular increase of 18O values from the most mafic to the most felsic parts of this pluton, together with 18O values determined for constituent minerals recovered from five of the samples, supports a fractional crystallization model. The high 18O values found (10.2–12.2 permil) indicate that the magma likely was derived from or assimilated sedimentary materials.Nine samples of the Cretaceous two-mica granite of the Pole Canyon-Can Young Canyon area have 18O values in the range 10.6–12.1 permil. These high 18O values, an initial87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7165, and the presence of muscovite along with an accessory mineral suite limited to monazite, apatite, zircon, and an allanite-like mineral, characterize this intrusive mass as an S-type granite. It probably formed through anatexis of late Precambrian pelitic rocks.The granitoid rock exposed in the Young Canyon-Kious Basin area is Tertiary (32 m.y.). Most of this intrusive has been cataclastically deformed as a result of late (18 m.y.) movement on the overlying Snake Range decollement. The undeformed portion of this intrusive has 18O values of 8.7–10.0 permil. However, the deformed portion of this intrusive has 18O values as low as –1.1 permil, apparently resulting from isotopic exchange between this rock and ground water at the time of cataclasis.Although the igneous types exposed in the southern Snake Range differ petrologically and range in age from Jurassic to Tertiary, most have relatively high 18O values compared with other granitoid rocks of the Basin-Range Province.  相似文献   

A benthic annular flume for both laboratory and in situ deployment on intertidal mudflats is described. The flume provides a means of quantifying material flux (i.e., biodeposition of suspended particulates, sediment resuspension, nutrients, oxygen, and contaminants) across the sediment-water interface in relation to changes in current velocity and benthic community structure and/or population density of key macrofauna species. Flume experiments have investigated the impact of the infaunal bivalveMacoma balthica and the epifaunal bivalveMytilus edulis on seston and sediment flux at the sediment-water interface. The bioturbatorMacoma was found to increase the sediment resuspension and/or erodability by 4-fold, at densities similar to those recorded at the Skeffling mudflat (Humber estuary) (i.e., >1000 individuals m?2). There was a significant correlation between sediment resuspension andMacoma density (r=0.99; p<0.001), which supported previous in situ field observations indicating bioturbation byMacoma enhanced sediment erodability. Biodeposition rates (g m?2 h1) ofMytilus edulis andCerastoderma edule were quantified and related to changes in population density in a mussel bed (Cleethorpes, Humber estuary). Biodeposition rates were up to 40-times the natural sedimentation rates. At the highest mussel bed densities (i.e., 50–100% cover or >1400 mussels m?2) the physical presence of this epifaunal bivalve on the sediment surface reduced erosion by 10-fold. The shift from net biodeposition to net erosion occurred at current velocities of 20–25 cm s?1. These results demonstrate that infaunal and epifaunal bivalves can have a significant impact on seston flux or sediment deposition and on sediment resuspension or erodability in estuaries where there are extensive mudflats.  相似文献   

This study illustrates a procedure conducive to a preliminary risk analysis of overpressure development in sedimentary basins characterized by alternating depositional events of sandstone and shale layers. The approach rests on two key elements: (1) forward modeling of fluid flow and compaction, and (2) application of a model-complexity reduction technique based on a generalized polynomial chaos expansion (gPCE). The forward model considers a one-dimensional vertical compaction processes. The gPCE model is then used in an inverse modeling context to obtain efficient model parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification. The methodology is applied to two field settings considered in previous literature works, i.e. the Venture Field (Scotian Shelf, Canada) and the Navarin Basin (Bering Sea, Alaska, USA), relying on available porosity and pressure information for model calibration. It is found that the best result is obtained when porosity and pressure data are considered jointly in the model calibration procedure. Uncertainty propagation from unknown input parameters to model outputs, such as pore pressure vertical distribution, is investigated and quantified. This modeling strategy enables one to quantify the relative importance of key phenomena governing the feedback between sediment compaction and fluid flow processes and driving the buildup of fluid overpressure in stratified sedimentary basins characterized by the presence of low-permeability layers. The results here illustrated (1) allow for diagnosis of the critical role played by the parameters of quantitative formulations linking porosity and permeability in compacted shales and (2) provide an explicit and detailed quantification of the effects of their uncertainty in field settings.  相似文献   

楚雄盆地性质与沉积层序演化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
前陆盆地三角洲复合沉积体发生在海平面的主体下降阶段,与被动大陆边缘层序迥然有别,对比标志也各异。复合沉积体系的特征由于海退下超面掩盖了海侵面,因而凝缩层不发育,其时空展布则呈进积型迁移,沉积体系域多为楔形体和朵状体。层序对比的标志:一是据3个关键界面的特征,包括暴露不整合面、海泛上超面和洪泛下超面;二是水下舌形体和洪泛体的性质和类型,依此划分了3个准二级层序。  相似文献   




Compaction in the Holyoke flood-basalt flow is modeled using a quantitative phase equilibrium routine based on the MELTS algorithm that is coupled with compaction-driven heat and mass transport equations. For a crystal-liquid mush that is cooling from both the top and the bottom, the compaction is qualitatively different in the upper and lower parts of the flow. The solid fraction in the lower part increases as a result of concurrent compaction and solidification. In contrast, cooling from the upper boundary results in an increase in viscosity and a decrease in permeability toward the top. This causes the velocity of the solid matrix to increase downward and the upper part to undergo dilation of the solid matrix. The result is an "S"-shaped profile for compatible elements, and an inverse profile for incompatible elements. The region of modeled maximum dilation matches the location of segregation sheets in the Holyoke flow. Discrepancy between observed deformation, as calculated from textural deformation of plagioclase chain networks versus compositional profiles, suggest some crystal accumulation and/or compaction prior to the formation of the plagioclase chains.  相似文献   

玉龙雪山冰川沉积序列OSL定年   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
位于青藏高原东南缘的玉龙雪山分布有欧亚大陆纬度最低的海洋型冰川,其主峰及周边地区保存了大量清晰完整的第四纪冰川遗迹。研究该区第四纪冰川作用遗迹及其冰川作用史,具有重要的理论与实际价值。应用光释光(OSL)测年技术对玉龙雪山冰川沉积物进行了定年,结合前人研究资料,重建玉龙雪山冰川作用史。研究结果表明:玉龙雪山东麓的末次冰期冰碛物主要形成于晚更新世末次冰期最盛时期,其平均年代约在25ka,西麓末次冰期冰碛物形成年代约为50ka,对应于深海氧同位素3阶段中期(MIS3b)。而倒数第二次冰期的年代在240ka左右,处于中更新世晚期,对应于MIS8阶段,当时玉龙雪山存在多条复式山谷冰川。该研究可为玉龙雪山第四纪冰川作用历史的重新认识以及光释光测年技术在该区的应用提供基础资料。  相似文献   

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