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The present study investigates the factors associated with the occurrence of landslides along with the National Highway (NH 39) connecting Assam-Manipur (India) to Myanmar. Kinematics and slope stability analyses were used to gain an understanding of the causes of slope failure despite the terrain comprising material with a high safety factor. The study area falls within a high seismic zone along the regional Churachandpur-Mao Thrust (CMT) situated west of the Indo-Myanmar subduction zone. Based on these studies of seismicity, slip rates, creeping, among others, it was inferred that CMT is a creeping regional fault running parallel to the subduction zone boundary creeping segment of CMT and that the CMT requires further monitoring to assess the landslide hazard in the region.  相似文献   

In the present work a ready reckon (a handbook used for computation/reference) model for the evaluation of slope instability of road sections, particularly in mountainous terrain, is presented. The integrated approach incorporates different aspects of physical and geotechnical parameters, structural kinematics and the role of different clay minerals constituting the slope-forming materials, aimed at deciphering and understanding the mechanisms that controlled the slope instability. The role of the major sets of discontinuities, derived from stereo plots of structural data, with regard to the total number of unstable slopes present in each segment was considered, and the critical section was determined. The intense monsoon season rainfall in the area not only contributed to weathering of the rock mass, but also increased the water content in the clays that were present, leading to a reduction in the stability of natural slopes. The study revealed that where the slopes displayed relative presence of montmorillonite clays, with significant swelling capacity, failures were more frequent.  相似文献   

China is a disaster-prone country, and these disasters have diverse characteristics, a wide scope of distribution, high frequency, and large losses. China has advanced community-based disaster management (CBDM) capacity. Community is the bottom unit of the society, and CBDM is the foundation of the entire society’s disaster management system. A series of domestic major emergency incidents and disasters and international disaster reduction activities have promoted the formation of the CBDM concept, the implementation of capacity building activities, and the improvement of policy and laws. Thus far, the CBDM system has been preliminarily formed in China, and relevant rules and regulations have been promulgated and implemented. Furthermore, disaster reduction activities, such as the construction of the national comprehensive disaster reduction community and national safe community, have been promoted nationwide. As a result, China’s disaster-resistance capacity has largely improved. However, it is only in the initial phase of CBDM implementation, which remains plagued by several challenges and problems, such as the deficiency of community resident participation, management organizations, disaster risk assessment methods, NGO development, and safety culture cultivation.  相似文献   

中尼交通廊道作为中国近年来建设的重点区域,地质灾害频发,尤其是滑坡灾害层出不穷。文章基于对G216国道沿线地质灾害的实地调查以及遥感解译结果,以最大熵模型为方法,利用169个灾害点数据和8个评价因子图层预测了研究区滑坡灾害的易发性分布。根据占比划分五级风险区。结果表明,滑坡易发概率以G216为中心向外辐射逐渐降低。同时采用刀切法检验评价因子对预测结果的贡献度,确定了滑坡主导因素及其阈值。最后通过ROC曲线验证了模型的可靠性。为中尼边境公路区域建设提供一种地质灾害预测分析模型,也为青藏地区公路边坡防灾减灾提供有效支撑。  相似文献   

The present paper demonstrates the assessment of slope stability analysis between Rampur to Jhakri road section along National Highway (NH-22), Himachal Pradesh, India. The different types of slope failures have affected most part of slopes which causes considerable loss of life and property, inconveniences such as disruption of traffic along highways. The poorly designed rock slopes for road widening or construction purposes may weaken the stability of the slopes. A detail field investigation has been carried out to collect the representative rock samples for determination of physico-mechanical properties of rock and joint data for kinematic analysis. The rocks exposed in the area are highly jointed quartzite and quartz-mica schist of Rampur-Larji Group of Palaeoproterozoic age. The continuous slope mass rating (CSMR) technique has been applied for the assessment of slope stability analysis at five vulnerable locations and the results shows slopes are partially stable to unstable. Kinematic analysis mainly shows wedge type of failure along with few toppling and planar failures. The existing slope required immediate treatment to prevent the failure for its long term stability.  相似文献   

The repetitive soil slope failure along the National Highway (NH)-5 in Jhakri region of Himachal Pradesh, India draws frequent concern due to heavy damage and traffic disruption almost every year. Being only linking route from border district to the nearby land area, stability of the road-cut slopes along this highway is of major concern in regard to safe transportation. Absence of any previous stability investigation of this recurring slope failure calls for an integrated geotechnical and numerical approach in order to understand the instability factors. The geotechnical analysis has been performed to determine the inherent properties of soil materials which affect the stability of existing slope. An event-specific antecedent rainfall threshold has been suggested to quantify the relationship between rainfall and slope failure. A two-dimensional limit equilibrium method has also been executed to visualize the scenario of pre- and post-failure stability of the slope. On the basis of limit equilibrium analysis, it has been inferred that slope geometry is a major affecting parameter that influences the failure pattern. Moreover, preventive measures through benching and soil nailing have also been proposed and validated through limit equilibrium analysis for long-term stability and safe transportation.  相似文献   

This research work deals with the landslide susceptibility assessment using Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and information value (IV) methods along a highway road section in Constantine region, NE Algeria. The landslide inventory map which has a total of 29 single landslide locations was created based on historical information, aerial photo interpretation, remote sensing images, and extensive field surveys. The different landslide influencing geoenvironmental factors considered for this study are lithology, slope gradient, slope aspect, distance from faults, land use, distance from streams, and geotechnical parameters. A thematic layer map is generated for every geoenvironmental factor using Geographic Information System (GIS); the lithological units and the distance from faults maps were extracted from the geological database of the region. The slope gradient, slope aspect, and distance from streams were calculated from the Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Contemporary land use map was derived from satellite images and field study. Concerning the geotechnical parameters maps, they were determined making use of the geotechnical data from laboratory tests. The analysis of the relationships between the landslide-related factors and the landslide events was then carried out in GIS environment. The AUC plot showed that the susceptibility maps had a success rate of 77 and 66% for IV and AHP models, respectively. For that purpose, the IV model is better in predicting the occurrence of landslides than AHP one. Therefore, the information value method could be used as a landslide susceptibility mapping zonation method along other sections of the A1 highway.  相似文献   

The complex geological environment due to active tectonics and varied lithology with multiple phases of deformation and metamorphism led to a rugged topography and large destabilization of slopes in the Himalayan region. However, the ever-rising activities due to various ongoing developmental and urbanization processes in the region are contributing to instability of slopes. The significant number of causalities and massive economic loss is deliberately endangering Himalayan ecosystem due to landslide-related phenomena. Transportation corridors within Himalayan terrain experience frequent landslides, particularly the sections manifested by debris slopes. From several decades, the national highway-58, in Uttarakhand, Himalayas, has been endangered due to diverse and incessant slope failures. The present investigation demonstrates the stability appraisal along the strategic transportation corridor. These studies incorporate the various issues and causes pertaining to debris slides from Rishikesh to Devprayag, Uttarakhand. The numerical simulation assessment was undertaken by deterministic and sensitivity analyses by conventional limit equilibrium methods which is being augmented by much advanced and robust finite element tool. Factor of safety for each slope was determined, and correspondingly, best efficient slope stabilization remedies were proposed to enhance the stability of slopes. It is recommended that such strategic slope stability assessment should be performed within different vulnerable sections of the Himalayas and likewise regions for fruitful and sustainable step toward disaster mitigation.  相似文献   

The loess landslide along the contact between loess and Neogene red mudstone (NRM) is one of those that have occurred extensively and frequently in loess areas of China. To better understand the mechanism of this type of landslides, a distressed loess slope being subjected to deformation along the loess-NRM contact was comprehensively investigated through approaches of field monitoring and laboratory physical modeling. Field observation and physical modeling shows that the slope deformation will experience two distinct processes: 1) laterally retrogressive and vertically progressive propagation, which was initiated by falling of the slope head; and 2) retrogressively separate mass sliding along the weak basal zone of the loess-NRM contact with minor sliding along the paleosols within the loess. Shear failure of the loess-NRM contact may initiate in the middle section, followed by a progressive propagation towards the slope toe and inner slope. Analysis reveals that the deformation characteristics of the distressed slope are largely constrained by slope topography, the unique structure, physical and mechanical properties of loess and paleosols, and occurrence and nature of the loess-NRM contact. Rainfall has significantly influence on the deformation characteristics of the slope through its interaction with the loess and soil of the loess-NRM contact. Additionally, improper style and intensity of cutting on the slope greatly enhance and accelerate the deformation course of the slope.  相似文献   

《Engineering Geology》2007,89(1-2):67-87
Light detection and ranging (LIDAR) data were used to visually map landslides, headscarps, and denuded slopes in Seattle, Washington. Four times more landslides were mapped than by previous efforts that used aerial photographs. The mapped landforms (landslides, headscarps, and denuded slopes) were created by many individual landslides. The spatial distribution of mapped landforms and 1308 historical landslides show that historical landslide activity has been concentrated on the mapped landforms, and that most of the landslide activity that created the landforms was prehistoric. Thus, the spatial densities of historical landslides on the landforms provide approximations of the landforms' relative susceptibilities to future landsliding. Historical landslide characteristics appear to be closely related to landform type so relative susceptibilities were determined for landslides with various characteristics. No strong relations were identified between stratigraphy and landslide occurrence; however, landslide characteristics and slope morphology appear to be related to stratigraphic conditions.Human activity is responsible for causing about 80% of historical Seattle landslides. The distribution of mapped landforms and human-caused landslides suggests the probable characteristics of future human-caused landslides on each of the landforms. The distribution of mapped landforms and historical landslides suggests that erosion of slope-toes by surface water has been a necessary condition for causing Seattle landslides. Human activity has largely arrested this erosion, which implies that landslide activity will decrease with time as hillsides naturally stabilize. However, evaluation of glacial-age analogs of areas of recent slope-toe erosion suggests that landslide activity in Seattle will continue for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

This study assesses the landslide susceptibility of the South Pars Special Zone (SPSZ) region that is located in southwest Iran. For this purpose, a combinatorial method containing multi-criteria decision-making, likelihood ratio and fuzzy logic was applied in two levels (regional and local) at three critical zones (northwest, middle and southeast of the project area). The analysis parameters were categorised in seven main triggering factors such as climatology, geomorphology, geology, geo-structure, seismic activity, landslide prone areas and man-made activities which have different classes with multi-agent partnership correlations. Landslide susceptibility maps were prepared for these levels and zones after purified and enriched fuzzy trending runs were performed. According to the results of the risk-ability assessment of the landslide occurrences for SPSZ, the north part of the study area which includes the south edge of the Assalouyeh anticline and the southern part of the Kangan anticline were estimated as high-risk potential areas that were used in landslide hazard mitigation assessment and in land-use planning.  相似文献   

文章致力于深入探索滑坡易发性建模中集成学习模型的不确定性和可解释性。以浙江省东部沿海山区为研究对象,利用谷歌历史影像与Sentinel-2A影像,记录了2016年超级台风“鲇鱼”触发的552起浅层滑坡事件。研究首先对连续型因子进行了不分级、等间距法和自然断点法的工况设计,进一步划分为4,6,8,12,16,20级。随后,引入了类别增强提升树模型(CatBoost)以评估不同工况下的滑坡易发性值,再结合受试者曲线与沙普利加性解释法分析,对建模过程中的不确定性和可解释性进行了深入研究,目的在于确定最优建模策略。结果表明:(1) 在CatBoost模型计算中,河流距离成为最关键的影响因子,其次是与地质条件、人类活动相关的因子;(2) 不分级工况下,模型能够获得最高的AUC值,达到0.866;(3)相较于等间距法,自然断点法的划分策略展现出更佳的泛化能力,且模型预测性能随着分级数量的增加而增加;(4)沙普利加性解释法模型揭示了主要影响因子道路距离、河流距离、DEM和坡向对台风诱发滑坡的控制机制。研究成果能够加深对滑坡易发性的理解,提高滑坡预测的准确性和可靠性,为相关地区的防灾减灾工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Desalegn  Hunegnaw  Mulu  Arega  Damtew  Banchiamlak 《Natural Hazards》2022,113(2):1391-1417

Landslide susceptibility consists of an essential component in the day-to-day activity of human beings. Landslide incidents are typically happening at a low rate of recurrence when compared and in contrast to other events. This might be generated into main natural catastrophes relating to widespread and undesirable sound effects. Landslide hotspot area identification and mapping are used for the regional community to secure from this disaster. Therefore, this research aims to identify the hotspot areas of landslide and to generate maps using GIS, AHP, and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA). MCDA techniques are applied under such circumstances to categorize and class decisions for successive comprehensive estimation or else to state possible from impossible potentiality with various landslides. Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) constructively applies for conveying influence to different criteria within multi-criteria decision analysis. The causative landslide identifying factors utilized in this research were elevation, slope, aspect, soil type, lithology, distance to stream, land use/land cover, rainfall, and drainage density achieved from various sources. Subsequently, to explain the significance of each constraint into landslide susceptibility, all factors were found using the AHP technique. Generally, landslide susceptibility map factors were multiplied by their weights to acquire with the AHP technique. The result showed that the AHP methods are comparatively good quality estimators of landslide susceptibility identification in the Chemoga watershed. As the result, the Chemoga watershed landslide susceptibility map classes were classified as 46.52%, 13.83%.18.71%, 15.39%, and 5.55% of the occurred landslide fall to very low, low, moderate, high, and very high susceptibility zones, respectively. Performance and accuracy of modeled maps have been established using GPS field data and Google earth data landslide map and area under curve (AUC) of the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC). As the result, validation depends on the ROC specifies the accuracy of the map formed with the AHP merged through weighted overly method illustrated very good accuracy of AUC value 81.45%. In general, the research outcomes inveterate the very good test consistency of the generated maps.


A tropical cyclone was formed over central northern Africa near Egypt, Libya and Crete, and it moved and deepened toward the north–northeast; meanwhile, the storm destroyed many regions in the west, southwest and central of Turkey. The cyclone carried huge dust from the north of Africa to Turkey and reduced the visibility to less than 1 km and raised the wind speed. As a result of severe storm, some meteorological stations have new extreme values that the strongest wind speed measured was 81 knots in the central region of Turkey. Medicane with wind speed 81 knots especially over Turkey is a rare event. This devastating cyclone carried exceptionally very strong winds (>80 kts) with favorable conditions to follow windstorm conceptual model. The cyclone caused adverse conditions such as excessive injuries, fatal incidents and forest fires. Mesoscale vortex formed and affected particularly the middle and western regions of Turkey. The vertical thermodynamic structure of storm is compared with April values of 40 years of datasets over Istanbul. Moreover, four different winds {measurement masts} of Istanbul Atatürk Airport are used for the microscale analysis of different meteorological parameters during deepened pressure level. In addition, divergence and vorticity of stormy weather are discussed in details during the effective time period of storm by solving equations and validated using ERA-40 reanalysis. We obtained many monitoring data sources such as ground base, radar, radiosonde and satellite display the values of the intensity of wind speed caused by cyclones of tropics have revealed similarities.  相似文献   

This study presents a detailed geological and geotechnical analysis of Dewal landslide along Murree-Muzaffarabad road, Pakistan. The study area is situated in a tectonically active region of the earth where mass movements like rock fall, rockslides and slumps cause adverse economic loss through disruption of travelling on roads. The study has the main focus on factors responsible for its instability together with stability analysis using limit equilibrium method by use of computer program Slide (version 5.0). The input parameters of rock mass was evaluated by field investigations and laboratory testing. To analyze the net deposit and net slide mass of the landslide area, multi-date point’s data of 2008 and 2012 of the slide area was obtained and their digital elevation models were generated by using Inverse distance weighting (IDW) technique in ArcGIS 9.3. The study has concluded that the present slope instability is the function of a specific deformation pattern in the rock units (leading towards the possibility of a shear plane under the slid mass), surface and subsurface drainage and the engineering behavior of the overburden and underlying rock units. This study recommends several protection parameters for landslide and suggests that detailed investigation of Dewal landslide is required for long term stability.  相似文献   

Bahrami  Yousef  Hassani  Hossein  Maghsoudi  Abbas 《GeoJournal》2021,86(4):1797-1816
GeoJournal - Landslides are natural destructive phenomena that can cause great damage to property and life loss. One of the fundamental proceedings to reduce the possible damage is identifying...  相似文献   

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