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An analytic solution has been found in the Roche approximation for the axially symmetric structure of a hydrostatically equilibrium atmosphere of a neutron star produced by collapse. A hydrodynamic (quasione-dimensional) model for the collapse of a rotating iron core in a massive star gives rise to a heterogeneous rotating protoneutron star with an extended atmosphere composed of matter from the outer part of the iron core with differential rotation (Imshennik and Nadyozhin, 1992). The equation of state of a completely degenerate iron gas with an arbitrary degree of relativity is taken for the atmospheric matter. We construct a family of toroidal model atmospheres with total masses M≈ 0.1?2M and total angular momenta J≈(1?5.5)×49 erg s, which are acceptable for the outer part of the collapsed iron core, in accordance with the hydrodynamic model, as a function of constant parameters ω0 and r 0 of the specified differential rotation law Ω=ω0exp[?(rsinθ)2/r 0 2 ] in spherical coordinates. The assumed rotation law is also qualitatively consistent with the hydrodynamic model for the collapse of an iron core.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design of a star sensor based upon a high dynamic range CCD in order to reach an arcsec-level attitude determination in balloon-borne missions. A custom star identification software was developed and laboratory-tested on a prototype assembled using commercial components. A set of numerical simulations have been carried out to study the dependence on the pointing precision of the centroid position accuracy, the number of detected stars and the effect of the image focusing. Moreover, the role of the electronic noise and the discrete pixel structure on the light signals is identified by the analysis of numerical simulations. Laboratory tests confirm that the arcsec pointing accuracy with a 1 Hz update rate can be achieved with our combination of custom-developed software and selected hardware components.  相似文献   

The stochastic self propagating star formation (SSPSF) model is modified by assuming that a star is formed if a neighbouring star explodes. This is a more reasonable assumption than the original model. The basic features of SSPSF are shown to be preserved hence one still can explain the galactic spiral arms and luminosity.  相似文献   

The star LSS 3027, embedded in a parabolic-shaped dark nebula, and several stars in its vicinity, were observed photometrically and spectroscopically to investigate whether they are candidates of very young Herbig Ae/Be stars. Only the star LSS 3027B is without doubt a very good candidate. Its H-emission is very strong, indicating an extended atmosphere around the star, and its near- and far-infrared spectral energy distributions exhibit a strong excess radiation, which most probably is caused by a thick dust shell in the close environment of the star. The ratio of total to selective extinction is found to be equal toR-5.1. It can be shown that it is embedded in the dark cloud mentioned above. From its properties we believe that the remarkable object LSS 3027B is a typical Hergig Be pre-Main-Sequence object.Based on data obtained at the ESO, La Silla, Chile and with the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS).  相似文献   

On the basis of the calculation of gravitational radiation emission by a linear chain we given a preliminary estimation of the thermal gravitational radiation of lattice structures. Suggesting this as a possible cooling mechanism for neutron stars, we find that the interior of young neutron stars with lattice structure would be cooled down within extremely short times.  相似文献   

Binary population synthesis shows that mass transfer from a giant star to a main-sequence (MS) companion may account for some observed long-orbital-period blue stragglers. However, little attention is paid to this blue straggler formation scenario as dynamical instability often happens when the mass donor is a giant star. In this paper, we have studied the critical mass ratio, q c, for dynamically stable mass transfer from a giant star to a MS companion using detailed evolution calculations. The results show that a more evolved star is generally less stable for Roche lobe overflow. Meanwhile,   q c  almost linearly increases with the amount of the mass and angular momentum lost during mass transfer, but has little dependance on stellar wind. To conveniently use the result, we give a fit of q c as a function of the stellar radius at the onset of Roche lobe overflow and of the mass-transfer efficiency during the Roche lobe overflow.
To examine the formation of blue stragglers from mass transfer between giants and MS stars, we have performed Monte Carlo simulations with various q c. The simulations show that some binaries with the mass donor on the first giant branch may contribute to blue stragglers with q c obtained in this paper but will not from previous q c. Meanwhile, from our q c, blue stragglers from the mass transfer between an asymptotic giant branch star and a MS companion may be more numerous and have a wider range of orbital periods than those from the other q c.  相似文献   

We present CCD photometry in the Johnson U , B and V and Kron–Cousins I passbands for the open cluster NGC 2587. The sample consists of 4406 stars reaching down to   V ∼ 21.0  . We developed a new method to clean statistically the colour–magnitude diagrams. NGC 2587 appears to be a sparse, relatively bright open cluster, with a few tens of members projected on to a populous star field. The comparatively bright F7/8 II type star HD 70927, located close to the cluster centre, seems not to be a member. Our analysis suggests that NGC 2587 is slightly younger than the Hyades and probably of solar metallicity. A cluster radius of roughly 8 arcmin was estimated from the radial stellar density profile. From 18 probable cluster members with measured proper motions, we derive the following mean values for NGC 2587:  μα=−4.3 ± 3.6 mas yr−1  and  μδ=−2.5 ± 3.4 mas yr−1  . Adopting the theoretical metal content   Z = 0.02  , which provides the best global fit, we derive a cluster age of  500+60−50  . Simultaneously, colour excesses   E ( B − V ) = 0.10  and   E ( V − I ) = 0.15  and an apparent distance modulus of   V − MV = 12.50  are obtained. The interstellar extinction in the cluster direction is found to follow the normal law. NGC 2587 is located at a distance of (2.70 ± 0.70) kpc from the Sun and ∼9.8 kpc from the Galactic centre.  相似文献   

We have examined the evolution of merged low-mass double white dwarfs which become low-luminosity (or high-gravity) extreme helium stars. We have approximated the merging process by the rapid accretion of matter, consisting mostly of helium, on to a helium white dwarf. After a certain mass is accumulated, a helium shell flash occurs, the radius and luminosity increase and the star becomes a yellow giant. Mass accretion is stopped artificially when the total mass reaches a pre-determined value. As the helium-burning shell moves inwards with repeating shell flashes, the effective temperature gradually increases as the star evolves towards the helium main sequence. When the mass interior to the helium‐burning shell is approximately 0.25 M, the star enters a regime where it is pulsationally unstable. We have obtained radial pulsation periods for these models.
These models have properties very similar to those of the pulsating helium star V652 Her. We have compared the rate of period change of the theoretical models with that observed in V652 Her, as well as with its position on the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram. We conclude that the merger between two helium white dwarfs can produce a star with properties remarkably similar to those observed in at least one extreme helium star, and is a viable model for their evolutionary origin. Such helium stars will evolve to become hot subdwarfs close to the helium main sequence. We also discuss the number of low-luminosity helium stars in the Galaxy expected for our evolution scenario.  相似文献   

An evolutionary model of a Population I star of 20M and of compsitionX=0.70;Y=0.28, beyond the main sequence and up to core helium exhaustion is reported. Calculations were carried out to determine the effect of semi-convection using a method of mixing considered physically more appropriate than previous methods. Both the density as wel as the temperature stability criteria were employed in parallel calculations and reasons are advanced to prefer the temperature criterion. The results of the model calculations reported here underline the importance of the proper choice of the stability criterion and an appropriate mixing-scheme. In addition it is demonstrated that the loop phenomenon seen in the helium burning evolution of less massive stars is either absent or very unpronounced at 20M .  相似文献   

It is shown that, in the non-interacting limit, a one-dimensional metallic system has a transition to an insulating phase, in presence of external magnetic fieldH, if B H>E B where B is the Bohr magneton andE Bis the energy band width of the electronic states. Possible realization of this effect in the atmosphere of neutron stars is pointed out.  相似文献   

The Lyapunov characteristic numbers (LCNs) which are defined as the mean value of the distribution of the local variations of the tangent vectors to the flow (=ln k i ) (see Froeschlé, 1984) have been found to be sensitive indicators of stochasticity. So we computed the distribution of these local variations and determined the moments of higher order for the integrable and stochastic regions in a binary star system with =0.5.  相似文献   

Optical/near-infrared (optical/NIR, OIR) light from low-mass neutron star X-ray binaries (NSXBs) in outburst is traditionally thought to be thermal emission from the accretion disc. Here we present a comprehensive collection of quasi-simultaneous OIR and X-ray data from 19 low magnetic field NSXBs, including new observations of three sources: 4U 0614+09, LMC X−2 and GX 349+2. The average radio–OIR spectrum for NSXBs is  α≈+ 0.2  (where   L ν∝να  ) at least at high luminosities when the radio jet is detected. This is comparable to, but slightly more inverted than the  α≈ 0.0  found for black hole X-ray binaries. The OIR spectra and relations between OIR and X-ray fluxes are compared to those expected if the OIR emission is dominated by thermal emission from an X-ray or viscously heated disc, or synchrotron emission from the inner regions of the jets. We find that thermal emission due to X-ray reprocessing can explain all the data except at high luminosities for some NSXBs, namely, the atolls and millisecond X-ray pulsars. Optically thin synchrotron emission from the jets (with an observed OIR spectral index of  αthin < 0  ) dominate the NIR light above     and the optical above     in these systems. For NSXB Z-sources, the OIR observations can be explained by X-ray reprocessing alone, although synchrotron emission may make a low-level contribution to the NIR, and could dominate the OIR in one or two cases.  相似文献   

Direct N -body calculations are presented of the formation of Galactic clusters using GasEx , which is a variant of the code Nbody6 . The calculations focus on the possible evolution of the Orion nebula cluster (ONC) by assuming that the embedded OB stars explosively drove out 2/3 of its mass in the form of gas about 0.4 Myr ago. A bound cluster forms readily and survives for 150 Myr despite additional mass loss from the large number of massive stars, and the Galactic tidal field. This is the very first time that cluster formation is obtained under such realistic conditions. The cluster contains about 1/3 of the initial 104 stars, and resembles the Pleiades cluster to a remarkable degree, implying that an ONC-like cluster may have been a precursor of the Pleiades. This scenario predicts the present expansion velocity of the ONC, which will be measurable by upcoming astrometric space missions. These missions should also detect the original Pleiades members as an associated expanding young Galactic-field subpopulation. The results arrived at here suggest that Galactic clusters form as the nuclei of expanding OB associations.
The results have wide implications, also for the formation of globular clusters and the Galactic-field and halo stellar populations. In view of this, the distribution of binary orbital periods and the mass function within and outside the model ONC and Pleiades is quantified, finding consistency with observational constraints. Advanced mass segregation is evident in one of the ONC models. The calculations show that the primordial binary population of both clusters could have been much the same as is observed in the Taurus–Auriga star-forming region. The computations also demonstrate that the binary proportion of brown dwarfs is depleted significantly for all periods, whereas massive stars attain a high binary fraction.  相似文献   

In order to compare star cluster systems in galaxies, and consequently to obtain information on their different modalities of birth and evolution, a homogeneous and complete sample of galactic open clusters is obtained from Lynga's (1983)Catalogue of Open Clusters. This sample consists of 94 open clusters whose projected (onto the galactic plane) distance from the Sun and whose absoluteV-magnitude are smaller than 2 kpc and –4.5 mag, respectively. The completeness of the sample is based only on the usual hypothesis of a uniform projected distribution of the clusters in the solar neighbourhood. Some results concerning the distribution of relevant photometric and structural parameters are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Gliese 29 is a 7 to 8 Gyr old, southern Population I turnoff star with a large proper motion of 1″/yr. Using recent direct imaging observations with the 0.8 m Infrared Imaging System (IRIS) of the Universitätssternwarte Bochum near Cerro Armazones in Chile, we demonstrate that the faint source 2MASS J00402651–5927168 at a projected angular separation ρ = 6.″35 is a common‐proper‐motion companion to Gl 29. Provided this source is not part of a further subsystem, the IRIS J ‐ and Ks‐band photometry either implies a spectral type of about L2, based on its absolute magnitude, or an approximate mass MB ≃ 0.077 M, suggesting that it may even be a brown dwarf. Assuming a face‐on circular orbit this faint companion orbits Gl 29 in 1880 years. (© 2016 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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