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We obtain an approximate solution $\tilde{E}=\tilde{E}(e,M)$ of Kepler’s equation $E-e\sin (E)=M$ for any $e\in [0,1)$ and $M\in [0,\pi ]$ . Our solution is guaranteed, via Smale’s $\alpha $ -theory, to converge to the actual solution $E$ through Newton’s method at quadratic speed, i.e. the $n$ -th iteration produces a value $E_n$ such that $|E_n-E|\le (\frac{1}{2})^{2^n-1}|\tilde{E}-E|$ . The formula provided for $\tilde{E}$ is a piecewise rational function with conditions defined by polynomial inequalities, except for a small region near $e=1$ and $M=0$ , where a single cubic root is used. We also show that the root operation is unavoidable, by proving that no approximate solution can be computed in the entire region $[0,1)\times [0,\pi ]$ if only rational functions are allowed in each branch.  相似文献   

A recent article by Alexopoulos and Leontsinis presented empirical evidence that the first digits of the distances from the Earth to galaxies are a reasonably good fit to the probabilities predicted by Benford’s law, the well known logarithmic statistical distribution of significant digits. The purpose of the present article is to give a theoretical explanation, based on Hubble’s law and mathematical properties of Benford’s law, why galaxy distances might be expected to follow Benford’s law. The new galaxy-distance law derived here, which is robust with respect to change of scale and base, to additive and multiplicative computational or observational errors, and to variability of the Hubble constant in both time and space, predicts that conformity to Benford’s law will improve as more data on distances to galaxies becomes available. Conversely, with the logical derivation of this law presented here, the recent empirical observations may be viewed as independent evidence of the validity of Hubble’s law.  相似文献   

In Noyelles et al. (Astron. Astrophys. 478, 959–970 (2008)), a resonance involving the wobble of Titan is hinted at. This paper studies this scenario and its consequences. The first step is to build an accurate analytical model that would help to find the likely resonances in the rotation of every synchronous body. In this model, I take the orbital eccentricity of the body into account, as well as its variable inclination with respect to Saturn’s equator. Then an analytical study using the second fundamental model of the resonance is performed to study the resonance of interest. Finally, I study the dissipative consequences of this resonance. I find that this resonance may have increased the wobble of Titan by several degrees. For instance, if Titan’s polar momentum C is equal to 0.355MR T 2 (M and R T being, respectively, Titan’s mass and radius), the wobble might be forced to 41 degrees. Thanks to an original formula, I find that the dissipation associated with the forced wobble might not be negligible compared to the contribution of the eccentricity. I also suspect that, due to the forced wobble, Titan’s period of rotation may be somewhat underestimated by observers. Finally, I use the analytical model presented in this paper to compute the periods of the free librations of the four Galilean satellites as well as the Saturnian satellite Rhea. For Io and Europa, the results are consistent with previous studies. For the other satellites, the periods of the free librations are, respectively, 186.37 d, 23.38 y and 30.08 y for Ganymede, 2.44 y, 209.32 y and 356.54 y for Callisto, and 51.84 d, 2.60 y and 3.59 y for Rhea.  相似文献   

The giant planetary magnetospheres surrounding Jupiter and Saturn respond in quite different ways, compared to Earth, to changes in upstream solar wind conditions. Spacecraft have visited Jupiter and Saturn during both solar cycle minima and maxima. In this paper we explore the large-scale structure of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) upstream of Saturn and Jupiter as a function of solar cycle, deduced from solar wind observations by spacecraft and from models. We show the distributions of solar wind dynamic pressure and IMF azimuthal and meridional angles over the changing solar cycle conditions, detailing how they compare to Parker predictions and to our general understanding of expected heliospheric structure at 5 and 9 AU. We explore how Jupiter’s and Saturn’s magnetospheric dynamics respond to varying solar wind driving over a solar cycle under varying Mach number regimes, and consider how changing dayside coupling can have a direct effect on the nightside magnetospheric response. We also address how solar UV flux variability over a solar cycle influences the plasma and neutral tori in the inner magnetospheres of Jupiter and Saturn, and estimate the solar cycle effects on internally driven magnetospheric dynamics. We conclude by commenting on the effects of the solar cycle in the release of heavy ion plasma into the heliosphere, ultimately derived from the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.  相似文献   

In the framework of future space missions to Ganymede, a pre-study of this satellite is a necessary step to constrain instrument performances according to the mission objectives. This work aims at characterizing the impact of the solar UV flux on Ganymede’s atmosphere and especially at deriving some key physical parameters that are measurable by an orbiter. Another objective is to test several models for reconstructing the solar flux in the Extreme-UV (EUV) in order to give recommendations for future space missions.Using a Beer–Lambert approach, we compute the primary production of excited and ionized states due to photoabsorption, neglecting the secondary production that is due to photoelectron impacts as well as to precipitated suprathermal electrons. Ions sputtered from the surface are also neglected. Computations are performed at the equator and close to the pole, in the same conditions as during the Galileo flyby. From the excitations, we compute the radiative relaxation leading to the atmospheric emissions. We also propose a simple chemical model to retrieve the stationary electron density. There are two main results: (i) the modelled electron density and the one measured by Galileo are in good agreement. The main atmospheric visible emission is the atomic oxygen red line at 630 nm, both in equatorial and in polar conditions, in spite of the different atmospheric compositions. This emission is measurable from space, especially for limb viewing conditions. The OH emission (continuum between 260 and 410 nm) is also probably measurable from space. (ii) The input EUV solar flux may be directly measured or reconstructed from only two passbands solar observing diodes with no degradation of the modelled response of the Ganymede’s atmosphere. With respect to these results, there are two main conclusions: (i) future missions to Ganymede should include the measurement of the red line as well as the measurement of OH emissions in order to constrain the atmospheric model. (ii) None of the common solar proxies satisfactorily describes the level of variability of the solar EUV irradiance. For future atmospheric planetary space missions, it would be more appropriate to derive the EUV flux from a small radiometer rather than from a full-fledged spectrometer.  相似文献   

The mysterious ‘dark energy’ needed to explain the current observations, poses a serious confrontation between fundamental physics and cosmology. The present crisis may be an outcome of the (so far untested) prediction of the general theory of relativity that the pressure of the matter source also gravitates. In this view, a theoretical analysis reveals some surprising inconsistencies and paradoxes faced by the energy-stress tensor (in the presence of pressure) which is used to model the matter content of the universe, including dark energy.   相似文献   

Seven sequential starter values for solving Kepler’s equation are proposed for fast orbit propagation. The proposed methods have constant complexity (not iterative), do not require pre-computed data, and can be implemented in just a few lines of code. The resulting sequential orbit propagation techniques can be done at different levels of accuracy and speed, depending essentially on the value of orbit eccentricity. Accuracy and algorithmic complexity are evaluated for all the proposed approaches and compared with several existing single-point techniques to solve Kepler’s equation. The new methods obtain improved accuracy at lower computational cost as compared to the best existing methods.  相似文献   

A suite of vast stellar surveys mapping the Milky Way, culminating in the Gaia mission, is revolutionizing the empirical information about the distribution and properties of stars in the Galactic stellar disk. We review and lay out what analysis and modeling machinery needs to be in place to test mechanism of disk galaxy evolution and to stringently constrain the Galactic gravitational potential, using such Galactic star-by-star measurements. We stress the crucial role of stellar survey selection functions in any such modeling; and we advocate the utility of viewing the Galactic stellar disk as made up of ‘mono-abundance populations’ (MAPs), both for dynamical modeling and for constraining the Milky Way’s evolutionary processes. We review recent work on the spatial and kinematical distribution of MAPs, and point out how further study of MAPs in the Gaia era should lead to a decisively clearer picture of the Milky Way’s dark-matter distribution and formation history.  相似文献   

In many real life situations, it is observed that the first digits (i.e., 1,2,…,9) of a numerical data-set, which is expressed using decimal system, do not follow a uniform distribution. In fact, the probability of occurrence of these digits decreases in an almost exponential fashion starting from 30.1 % for 1 to 4.6 % for 9. Specifically, smaller numbers are favoured by nature in accordance with a logarithmic distribution law, which is referred to as Benford’s law. The existence and applicability of this empirical law have been extensively studied by physicists, accountants, computer scientists, mathematicians, statisticians, etc., and it has been observed that a large number of data-sets related to diverse problems follow this distribution. However, except two recent works related to astronomy, applicability of Benford’s law has not been tested for extrasolar objects. Motivated by this fact, this paper investigates the existence of Benford’s distribution in the extrasolar world using Kepler data for exoplanets. The quantitative investigations have revealed the presence of Benford’s distribution in various physical properties of these exoplanets. Further, some specific comments have been made on the possible generalizations of the obtained results, its potential applications in analysing the data-set of candidate exoplanets.  相似文献   

Rogue wave in a collisionless, unmagnetized electronegative plasma is investigated. For this purpose, the basic set of fluid equations is reduced to the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation. However, when the frequency of the carrier wave is much smaller than the ion plasma frequency then the KdV equation is also used to study the nonlinear evolution of modulationally unstable modified ion-acoustic wavepackets through the derivation of the nonlinear Schr?dinger (NLS) equation. In order to show that the characteristics of the rogue wave is influenced by the plasma parameters, the relevant numerical analysis of the NLS equation is presented. The relevance of our investigation to the Titan’s atmosphere is discussed.  相似文献   

The Moon’s physical libration in latitude generated by gravitational forces caused by the Earth’s oblateness has been examined by a vector analytical method. Libration oscillations are described by a close set of five linear inhomogeneous differential equations, the dispersion equation has five roots, one of which is zero. A complete solution is obtained. It is revealed that the Earth’s oblateness: a) has little effect on the instantaneous axis of Moon’s rotation, but causes an oscillatory rotation of the body of the Moon with an amplitude of 0.072″ and pulsation period of 16.88 Julian years; b) causes small nutations of poles of the orbit and of the ecliptic along tight spirals, which occupy a disk with a cut in a center and with radius of 0.072″. Perturbations caused by the spherical Earth generate: a) physical librations in latitude with an amplitude of 34.275″; b) nutational motion for centers of small spiral nutations of orbit (ecliptic) pole over ellipses with semi-major axes of 113.850″ (85.158″) and the first pole rotates round the second one along a circle with radius of 28.691″; c) nutation of the Moon’s celestial pole over an ellipse with a semi-major axis of 45.04″ and with an axes ratio of about 0.004 with a period of T = 27.212 days. The principal ellipse’s axis is directed tangentially with respect to the precession circumference, along which the celestial pole moves nonuniformly nearly in one dimension. In contrast to the accepted concept, the latitude does not change while the Moon’s poles of rotation move. The dynamical reason for the inclination of the Moon’s mean equator with respect to the ecliptic is oblateness of the body of the Moon.  相似文献   

We study the equilibrium points and the zero-velocity curves of Chermnykh’s problem when the angular velocity ω varies continuously and the value of the mass parameter is fixed. The planar symmetric simple-periodic orbits are determined numerically and they are presented for three values of the parameter ω. The stability of the periodic orbits of all the families is computed. Particularly, we explore the network of the families when the angular velocity has the critical value ω = 2√2 at which the triangular equilibria disappear by coalescing with the collinear equilibrium point L1. The analytic determination of the initial conditions of the family which emanate from the Lagrangian libration point L1 in this case, is given. Non-periodic orbits, as points on a surface of section, providing an outlook of the stability regions, chaotic and escape motions as well as multiple-periodic orbits, are also computed. Non-linear stability zones of the triangular Lagrangian points are computed numerically for the Earth–Moon and Sun–Jupiter mass distribution when the angular velocity varies.  相似文献   

The BeppoSAX Catalog has been very recently published. In this paper we analyze—using the Maximum Likelihood (ML) method—the duration distribution of the 1003 GRBs listed in the catalog with duration. The ML method can identify the long and the intermediate duration groups. The short population of the bursts is identified only at a 96% significance level. MC simulation has been also applied and gives a similar significance level; 95%. However, the existence of the short bursts is not a scientific question after the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory’s observation. Our minor result is this well-known fact that in the BeppoSAX data the short bursts are under-represented, mainly caused by the different triggering system. Our major result is the identification of the intermediate group in the BeppoSAX data. Therefore, four different satellites (CGRO, Swift, RHESSI and BeppoSAX) observed the intermediate type Gamma-Ray Burst.  相似文献   

Solar System Research - The paper considers the most significant relativistic effects in the rotational dynamics of Neptune’s satellites (Triton (N1), Naiad (N3), Thalassa (N4), Despina (N5),...  相似文献   

In early 1984, the astronomical community’s plans to launch a series of powerful telescopes able to study celestial sources at almost any wavelength were in trouble. The President of the United States had just declared his priority for a Space Station that was bound to be expensive, and Congress could not understand why yet another set of space observatories was needed when others were already being funded. To realize their aims, astronomers would have to advocate their needs much more effectively than in the past.  相似文献   

Being China’s first comprehensive space solar observatory, ASO-S (Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory) has been launched into orbit at 7:43 Beijing Time on October 9, 2022. A very brief introduction on ASO-S is presented here, including the background, scientific goals, payload deployments, mission assembly, and organizations. A short prospect is made for the operation of the mission and the future scientific output.  相似文献   

Differential equations ruling the Earth’s polar motion are slightly asymmetric with respect to the pole coordinates. This is not only associated with the lack of axial symmetry around the Earth figure axis (triaxiality) but also with the longitude dependency of the pole tide (the main contribution). We propose a consistent handling of both asymmetric contributions, formulating a unique equation in the complex equatorial plane, of which we derive a general solution. Difference with respect to the usual symmetric solution is discussed and found significant in light of the present accuracy of the observed pole coordinates. For the same geophysical excitation, the prograde Chandler wobble is accompanied by a retrograde component up to 2 milliarcseconds (mas), transforming it in a slight elliptic motion. The asymmetric contribution is relatively larger in the geodetic excitation function, for Chandler wobble excitation mixes prograde and retrograde components of comparable level (1 mas).  相似文献   

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